By Scarlet and Yenoc

WARNING: This story contains sexual

situations and violence (nc, MF). It

is to be read by adults only. If this

sort of material is not to your liking,

then read no further.



Chapter 20. Recap of Parts I, II, and III



Having been brutally assaulted mere hours

before by The Hairdresser's vulgar rape

machine, Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet

Witch of the mighty Avengers, laid on

the cold stone floor of the small cell

She was a helpless prisoner of the evil



Scarlet had suffered greatly since being

transported to this alien world in some

not so parallel dimension by an insidious

trap cleverly set by her arch enemy. She

had endured constant attack, two sordid

rapes, and much humiliation since arriving

in 'Nowhere Land'. Now, she was simply a

zoo display..caged like an animal.


Having been impregnated by imseminoid

plants early the previous day, the heroine

now had the spawn of alien seed gestating

rapidly in her womb. The comely young

Avenger was sick with worry; her unwanted

pregnancy was proceeding at an extremely

alarming rate



Chapter 21. The Truth Comes Out



The Scarlet Witch had shivered quietly

in her nakedness as she slept inside the

cold cell for several hours following

the brutal machine rape. Then she had

awoken with a start, and had suddenly

screamed stridently out in utter horror

as the overwhelming realization slowly

sank into her tired brain.


It had to be true! Scarlet had felt

something move, kick actually, within

her abdomen. Even she could tell her

belly was swollen slightly. There was

only one logical answer. She WAS at

least one third of the way through the

second trimester of a pregnancy!


The Scarlet Witch silently shook her

head in obvious disbelief. It had only

been a few hours since the cruel rape

by the prehensile penisoid plant, the

only possible 'father' of the creature

stirring silently within her womb.


Scarlet could practically feel the

'child' within her increasing in size.

Something had to be wrong with the

flow of time on this treacherous world.


The buxom Avenger screamed loudly

again and began kicking hard at the cell

door,  in spite of the bareness of her feet.


The Scarlet Witch suddenly heard movement

in the hallway outside the small, barren

cell, followed by a low, muffled voice,

and a key rattling within the cell door's

lock. She backed slowly away from the

door, deeper into her small cell.


Abruptly, the door swung open and her

captor and rapist, the evil Hairdresser

stepped into the room, a strange look on

his hard face.


"You have to let me go! Let me go now! I

need to use the computer to see if I can

make Doom's prototype transport machine

take us back to earth. I have a very

urgent...medical...problem that I need

to get taken care of! Please step aside!"

the Scarlet Witch pleaded desperately

attempting to sway her sadistic captor.


The Hairdresser contentedly watched the

erratic young heroine and couldn't help

but smile. It pleased him to no limit to

see Scarlet Witch so hurried and in such

distress, an added bonus to his master

plan for the sultry Avenger.


So far everything in his devious plan had

fallen into place; he knew that she was

heavy with child. He thought gleefully

back to the previous night when he'd

sexually assaulted the Scarlet Witch with

the rape machine, and chuckled cheerfully

to himself as he recalled how she had been

forced to climax over and over again.


It had been easy to force the beautiful

Avenger to repeatedly orgasm during the

sordid machine rape, thanks to the drug

in the bound heroines's system; the drug

induced powerful sexual had

been created from hormone stimulating

chemicals produced by the inseminoids.

Everything in his plan was like a circle. 


'Yes, watching the Scarlet Witch get

cruelly raped and respond erotically to

it against her will had been a pleasure

to behold', he thought. He smiled broadly

and pronounced sardonically, "You're not

going any where slut. You are mine now

and share my fate!" The malice in his

voiced was obvious.



Chapter 22. Revelations



"You see, I got what I wanted from you

last night, Scarlet..your precious bodily

fluids..the fluids produced from your

forced arousal. I always knew you were

a slut at heart," The Hairdresser spat



The strangely dressed villain from the

1970s paused pregnantly and then continued

with an incredible revelation, a satisfied

smile on his face, "And this is only the

beginning. I see how pale and ill you look

dear, and I would ask what is wrong, but

I know."


"You see, I set you up from the start! I

had the house land in that specific field

so the inseminoid plants would trap and

rape you. I needed your juices to cure me;

fluids that can only come from a sexually

aroused female after impregnation by the

inseminoids. I know you are with child,

Avenger; I planned it that way all along!"


The Scarlet Witch's blue eyes widened in

horror and anger. "YOU planned for me

to have to walk through those disgusting

prehensile plants. YOU PLANNED for me

to be trapped and raped by the inseminoids.




ranted, shaking.


The Hairdresser slapped Scarlet hard in the

face with his left hand, "SHUT UP, SLUT!!

Yes! I ADMIT IT! This was all planned out

by me to get revenge against you!!" he

yelled angrily, waving his fist in warning.


"I have rotted on this world for FIVE

BLOODY YEARS because of YOU!! I needed

your body fluids and I GOT THEM!! But I

was also very intent on the idea of seeing you

knocked up by a plant!! The mighty heroine,

down and out with an alien child..priceless!"

the sadist chided derisively and gloated.


"I got what I needed from you slut, and

in the process you get to be the mother

of fern!! Tell me Scarlet are you hoping

for a cactus or a Caesar salad?" the evil

Hairdresser quipped, laughing gleefully.


The Scarlet Witch screamed loudly in rage,

her face beet red and twisted in fury.

" really are a very stupid

man. All the things you done to me in the

past..the things that you force me to deal

with now. Yet you stand before me, taunting

me," she railed loudly, her voice quivering.


"Don't you understand how angry I am? Don't

you realize that your mind numbing arousal

drugs have worn off..that there's no longer

some artificial phallus raping into my guts?

I can focus my concentration now. I have my

powers back at my command!" Scarlet yelled,

her voice becoming louder and more shrill

as the fire of her ire found yet more fuel.


The Scarlet Witch quickly cast a create

costume spell and suddenly stood fully

clothed before the evil villain, the disk

and broach in their proper places, the

scepter on the floor before her feet.


With an abrupt jerk, Scarlet threw her

hands high above her head, palms forward,

forefingers and little fingers pointed

upward, the rest of the fingers bent to

form a loose fist. With rage filling her

suddenly souring soul, the buxom Avenger

quickly cast a hex at The Hairdresser.


The Scarlet Witch was suddenly surrounded,

by a translucent, pulsating, green glow.

Then the glow abruptly rushed from her

trembling figure and surrounded the villain,

the source of her horrible debasement, the

cause of the vile thing growing rapidly

within her womb. As the spell faded it

transformed into an energy disrupter field.


Scarlet gasped loudly in disappointment and

thought, 'That hex spell is no better than

a dud when used on humans. GREAT! The laws

of probability conspire against me again'.


Suddenly, to the Avenger's great surprise,

she saw sparks, electrical arcs, and blue

smoke coming from her tormentor's body.


The Hairdresser quickly stumbled out of

the cell, and slowly staggered down the

suddenly too long hallway, making strange

whirring noises. He tried to focus his

eyes so that his vision cleared. Scarlet

quickly picked up her scepter and quietly

followed him.


The evil stylist felt very weak, and it

seemed his body had been somehow

damaged by the witch's wild hex spell.


He could feel his systems frying; his mind

screamed in pain and torment inside the

metal shell of the android's head.


A flap of beige 'skin' had separated from

his forehead and hung down over his 'eyes'.

He reached up and ripped the piece of

'skin' off to reveal a shiny metal surface



The Hairdresser lurched to the end of the

hall and kicked open a wooden door; the

door shattered under the force of the kick,

and he floundered clumsily into a small

room filled with computers and hair stylist



The room was very plain and unadorned. In

one corner was a set of shelves filled with

1970s memorabilia, such as eight-track

tapes, players, and cassettes. To the left,

as one entered the room, the entire length

of the wall was filled with computers busy

performing many calculations, operating the

functions of the fortress.


The Hairdresser staggered over to an old

hair dryer chair, and quickly plopped down

into the velour seat, his energy spent. He

reached jerkily behind him and pulled the

clear, plastic-bubble drying unit slowly

forward and down over him; as it came to

rest on his head, it started to whir and

became illuminated with red lights.


The android tightly gripped the padded

armrests of the chair and looked intently

over to a giant view screen; a large

computer-generated mouth and pair of eyes

were displayed on the screen.


"HAL, It's time to prepare and initiate

mind transferal procedure 2," the android

version of The Hairdresser said stoically.


The cold metallic voice of 'HAL' replied:

*Working, Procedure 2 in start up mode.*


The Scarlet Witch walked quickly into the

strange room filled with high-tech computer

equipment. She was astonished to see the

smoking figure of The Hairdresser sitting

in a strangely familiar machine beside

the aged, decrepit figure of what must be

a human male. She pointed at the villain

as electricity crackled through his body.


"You are going to tell me the voice command

authorization password for this facility's

computer, or I shall begin destroying all

of this delicate equipment, and then tear

you apart one limb at a time. Don't even

think about stalling...I have no patience

left. TELL ME THE PASSWORD...NOW!!" Scarlet

commanded threateningly, her rage obvious.


The android Hairdresser looked up at the

Scarlet Witch, his head jerked up, and then

down to the left, as he developed another

malfunction. He leaned forward slightly,

and there was suddenly a loud crash as

android parts fell to the floor.


Then there was another loud noise as the

android's lower stomach collapsed; his

mechanical insides dropped out onto the

floor. Soon, there were coils, wiring,

circuit boards, and pieces of metal in a

small pile at his feet.


"AAAaGH! The pain! Never thought this body

could be hurt. Touch my human body and you

have no chance of escaping. But you want

to be a fool then be my guest bitch! The

voice command authorization password for

this facility is...ROSEBUD!" the android

wheezed quietly as its body smoked.


"Thank you! You may proceed with whatever

you are doing to prevent the premature

termination of your life-force," the

Scarlet Witch said softly. She walked

quickly over to the banks of computers.


The Hairdresser glared at Scarlet for a

long moment and then turned quickly back to

the face on the computer terminal screen.

"HAL, initiate the damn mind transferal!!"

he commanded in an irritated tone.


HAL: *Ready in 5,4,3,2,1!*


There was a sudden flash of light and the

Hairdresser was surrounded by coils of blue

energy. His android body started to shake

violently in the seat; he continued to

grip the armrests tightly with his hands.


The hair dryer whined and moaned under the

stress of the operation, but after a minute,

a white fog like aura emerged from the top

of the machine that was more than it seemed

and spiraled up into the air.


The aura twirled around in the air for a

few seconds and then darted over to the

body of the old man who was seated unmoving

in a mechanized wheelchair with a blanket

over his lap. After a few minutes, the

ancient, shriveled man stirred. "Wh..what

are you doing?" the Hairdresser asked

wheezily and then coughed.


The Scarlet Witch addressed a computer

terminal earnestly, "HAL..voice command

activation password 'ROSEBUD'..are you

the main computer?


HAL: *Negative..main computer VICTOR is

on level minus one, room three..main



"Hairdresser, I am now taking control of

this facility. I am a I will

not prevent you from saving yourself. You

may proceed," Scarlet said softly as she

turned and looked intently at the frail

form of her arch enemy.


The stylist slowly brought up his gnarled,

trembling hand to weakly grip the control

knob for his wheelchair. He clumsily

touched a button on the arm of the chair

and it lurched forward, heading straight

for the Scarlet Witch. The bald man,

unrecognizable with his wrinkled face, spat

angrily, "You did this to me you bitch!!"


The Hairdresser's rasping voice ranted as

the wheelchair zeroed in, "The time shift

on this world is different from earth's;

the cloning process that gave me this body

following our first encounter broke down,

and I aged into this thing I now am!! I

had to construct the android and put my

mind into it because this body is dying!"


"I am sorry! You know that I cannot

control my brought this on

yourself. You raped me, and mutilated

me by piercing my nipples..I was angry;

the hex happened! Save yourself or

die..I care not. You did say my climatic

liquids were what you needed..or the

android did..use them!" Scarlet told him.


The stylist's frail old body shook with

intense rage as he glared angrily at the

Scarlet Witch. "You'll never be rid of

the plant spawn growing in your womb.

The pregnancy will proceed very rapidly.

I can already see a small swell to your

stomach!" the aged man mockingly stated.



Chapter 23. Everything Old Is New Again



The Hairdresser abruptly turned the chair

away from the Scarlet Witch and wheeled

quickly into a small alcove off the room.

He went purposefully over to a small table

and picked up a syringe that contained the

buxom Avenger's distilled body fluids that

he so needed and returned to the main room.


The villain shakily injected the needle

into his right arm, plunged the clear

liquid into his vein, and waited. For a

few minutes nothing happened, then

suddenly a horrible pain swept over his

old body, the anguish obvious on his

wrinkled face.


The evil stylist put a death grip on the

wheelchair, and screamed out loudly,


body thrashed wildly in the wheelchair;

the chair tipped suddenly backward due

to his tremors.


The Hairdresser fell out of the chair,

onto the floor where his body went into

convulsions, spasming on the cold stone

surface. Veins popped out all over his

skin, and his eyes rolled up into his

head, "AAaaaaaaAAAArrHH!" he shrilled.


The Scarlet Witch gasped loudly as she

looked in amazement at the strange figure

on the floor. She suddenly realized the

aged villain had become a boy..or a young, perhaps something in between.

"" the heroine

stammered excitedly.


The Hairdresser stopped thrashing about on

the floor and suddenly laid still. When he

opened his eyes, he felt strong, young, and

vital. The Hairdresser got slowly to his

feet, and then jumped up and down in joy.


"Yes it worked!! I'm young!!" the villain

proclaimed triumphantly. Then he abruptly

stopped as he heard his high-pitched

voice. He ran quickly over to a mirror on

the wall.


The Hairdresser looked earnestly into the

mirror; a sixteen-year-old teenager stared

back at him, astonishment evident on his

young, boyish face. His hands flashed up

to his face and held his reddening cheeks.

"YYYYAAAAAAA!! The vaccine de-aged

me too far back!! NOOO!!" he screamed

loudly in bitter disappointment.


His facial hair was gone; he was now a

younger version of himself. He angrily

turned to glare at the Scarlet Witch.

"What the hell have your mutant fluids

done to me!!" he queried petulantly.


Scarlet abruptly picked the young man up

by the scruff of his too big clothes, and

declared impatiently, "I have done naught.

You brought me here I have

rather urgent business to attend to. You

can come with me boy..and stay out of the

way, or you can stay here..I care not.

Your fate does not rest on my shoulders!"


The Hairdresser smiled at the heroine; he

realized that being this young again may

have it's advantages. He felt his cock

grow instantly hard as she threatened him.


Like a typical teenager, he drowned out

her words. Perhaps the vaccine had reduced

his mental faculties to that of an adolescent,

or maybe he just didn't care.


The Hairdresser grinned broadly at Scarlet

and leaned over to kiss her on the nose.

He cared not about responsibilities, or

about being trapped. All he knew was that

there was a hot chick in front of him in

a tight, crimson, low-cut leotard.


"Anyone ever tell you that you're pretty

when you're mad?" the boy quipped

whimsically as he ogled the comely

heroine. His hand snakily reached quickly

up, and roughly groped her left breast.


The Scarlet Witch squealed loudly and

quickly slapped the boy's offending hand

away. "Stop that darn it!" she ordered

skittishly, her face becoming red with




Chapter 24. Glitches And Gropes



The Scarlet Witch quickly found her way

to room three of level minus one, visibly

flinching as she walked past the rape

machine table. The room was located on the

opposite side of the fortress' basement

from the cold cells. She walked into what

was obviously a combination of main

computer room and multipurpose laboratory.


'Doom is indeed a clever man', Scarlet

thought. She quickly spoke into the

computer system's voice command input

terminal, "VICTOR...voice command

activation password ROSEBUD."


VICTOR: *Password Acknowledged*


The Hairdresser followed closely behind

the Scarlet Witch, skipping along and

humming. He followed the gorgeous heroine

closely, ogling at the way her firm hips

sexily swayed from side to side as she

walked. He felt his cock twitch inside

his oversized trousers; he could think of

a few positions he'd like to see her in.


As Scarlet stopped at the computer's voice

command input terminal, the boy crept up

behind her and suddenly wrapped his arms

tightly round her narrow waist, pressing

himself against her tight buttocks.


"Will you adopt me Witchypoo? I'm hungry,

can I have some milk? Whatcha doing? Wanna

bathe me?" the young Hairdresser spurted

out rapid fire questions as he glommed

onto the crimson-clad Avenger's sexy body.


The Scarlet Witch squealed loudly again

and slapped the boy's arms away hard.

"Heck no, I don't want to bathe you boy!

Behave yourself or I will paddle your

behind!" she threatened shrilly.


Scarlet looked in frustration at the

teenager with an obvious tent in his

oversized pants for a few seconds, and

then returned her concentration to the

business at hand.


"First thing's first. Computer perform

a complete scan of my, this life-form's,

physical being," the Scarlet Witch

instructed impatiently.


VICTOR: *Complying,* a lifeless and

emotionless voice responded to the young

heroine's command, seemingly coming from

nowhere and everywhere at the same time.


Scarlet looked astonished as several

instruments moved over her buxom body,

and there were strange lights and sounds.

"Computer, what is my body's, this life-

form's, current physical condition?" she

asked with obvious concern.


VICTOR: *Homo sapiens superior, mutant

variation of human; female; 1.7 meters

tall; 48.5 kilograms in weight; early

twenties in age; overall physical condition

is excellent, but life-form is presently

in a state of extreme agitation and mild



The Hairdresser, with a wide grin, thought

of the Scarlet Witch's threat to spank him.

As the computer voice finished, he spoke up

with, "Oh goody! A spanking! Do you promise?

I've been a very bad boy and need to be

punished. Wanna go steady? I already pinned

you before. Are those breasts real?"


The now-young stylist stepped abruptly up

beside Scarlet and bent over shaking his

ass at her, quipping laughingly, "Go on,

paddle my ass and call me a naughty boy!"

He wiggled his butt at the beautiful

heroine, but soon realized that she was

busy very intently studying the computer,

ignoring him.


The teen was not sure what was going on;

he got bored and wandered around the room

for a few seconds. Then he moved silently

back over to the Scarlet Witch and leered

at her body. He suddenly walked up to her

and grabbed her butt as he took out a

plastic comb and dropped it on the floor

between her legs.


The Hairdresser snickered, "Oops I dropped

my comb." He bent at the waist and reached

down to pick up the comb. His gaze lingered

on Scarlet's legs, and as he straightened

up, his right hand slipped between her

thighs and cupped her groin through her

costume. He squeezed her crotch and grinned,

chortling, "Will you be my girlfriend?"


The Scarlet Witch screamed loudly in angry

frustration, and with a quick, hard kick in

the behind, the teen ended up sprawled on

the floor! She went back to ignoring the

young Hairdresser, concentrating on the

computer and her problem.


Scarlet stammered loudly and nearly hopped

up in down, unable to control her emotions

as she struggled to communicate with the

computer. "No..that is not what I want to

know! Computer, am I there

another life-form within me?" she asked,

hoping that her instincts were wrong.


VICTOR: *You are a host for an inseminoid

seed. The seed will germinate in 11 hours

and 26 minutes.*


"You called it a seed, singular, but more

than one seed appeared to enter my body

during the insemination..are you sure there

is only one? Also, the seed within me seems

to move, how is that so? Finally, is the

inseminoid seed sentient?" the Avenger

inquired fearfully, her face long with

sadness, her suspicions now confirmed.


VICTOR: *The inseminoid's genetics are such

that the number of viable seeds depends on

the nature of the host; in this host's case

that is one. The inseminoid seedling is

covered with prehensile vinelets that

move instinctively. The inseminoid will not

become sentient until germination.*


Scarlet did not like what she heard one

bit, and blurted out quickly, "Computer,

what will happen to me when the seed

germinates? Why can there can be only one

viable seed per this particular host?"


VICTOR: *The sentient inseminoid will not

induce labor; instead it will consume the

biological host slowly from the interior,

and use the water, protein, and minerals

in the host's body as energy and materials

for growth. The body of the examined host

has insufficient energy and materials to

support the development of multiple seeds.*


The Scarlet Witch gasped loudly and began

to tremble in abject terror, her eyes like

saucers. Her breathing sped to far beyond

its normal rhythm. She pressed on with,

"The android Hairdresser mentioned that

this facility's functions were at least

partially based on nanite technology.

Computer, what is a nanite?"


VICTOR: *A nanite is a complex, molecule-

sized machine designed to perform a wide

range of functions.*


"The android Hairdresser mentioned that

he changed this complex's character to

reflect his strange interests using the

nanites. Computer, can nanites disassemble

complex molecular structures?" Scarlet

asked hopefully.


VICTOR: *Such a function is within the

nanites' design parameters*



Chapter 25. Solutions And Shows



The Scarlet Witch blushed deeply and

crossed her fingers as she quickly

climbed onto and laid down on her back

on a table in the center of the room.


Scarlet took a deep breath and then asked

softly, her voice quivering, "Computer,

can the nanites disassemble the inseminoid

seed within me and reassemble it on the

lab counter on the side of the room

farthest from my present position without

causing harm to to this life-

form's function?"


VICTOR: *Such a function is within the

nanites' design parameters*


The Scarlet Witch gasped loudly in relief,

quickly dispelled costume, and spread her

naked legs wide. She couldn't help but

note that her belly was much more enlarged

than she expected.


The Hairdresser pouted and folded his arms

together, saying testily, "You're no fun!"

He stood up and leaned against the computer

terminal; he eyed the Scarlet Witch and

smiled broadly as he watched her breasts

slowly rise and fall as she breathed. He

saw her get fidgety and enjoyed watching

her move around.


Then the boyish stylist saw her costume

vanish and his eyes bugged out of his head

as he thought, 'Holy shit!' He stood up

straight and couldn't believe what he was

seeing; the Scarlet Witch was naked in

front of him and spreading her legs!!


The young villain noticed the roundness of

Scarlet's tummy, but his attention was

locked on her rotund breasts and furry

pubic mound. He observed hornily that her

nipples seemed to be hard, and he silently

whistled at the curly, neatly trimmed,

auburn nest between her long, athletic,

wide-spread legs.


The Hairdresser saw that the nude Avenger

was preoccupied, so he slipped his hand

down his pants and rubbed and stroked

his cock as it twitched and throbbed. He

moved quietly over to Scarlet to get a

better look at her naked body.


'Yep! Those are 38Ds for certain', he

thought tipsily as he ogled her breasts;

he joyfully stared at the silver-dollar-

sized pinkish-brown areolae centered with

firm protruding nipples.


Over come by hormones and emotion, the boy

got bold and walked right up to the Scarlet

Witch and kissed her quickly on the cheek.


"Take it off!" he quipped gleefully. He

abruptly moved up behind her head and

reached over her shoulders to gently cup

her breasts; he pinched her firm nipples

with his fingers and giggled, "Nookie!"


The Scarlet Witch blushed and angrily

hissed, "Heyyy!! perverted little those hands." She backhanded

the teen hard, sending him sprawling yet

again onto the floor. Then she simply

went back to ignoring him.


"Computer, I want you to have the nanites

disassemble the inseminoid seed within me,

within this life-form, and reassemble it

on the lab counter on the side of the room

farthest from my present position," she

spoke swiftly, hope springing from her



VICTOR: *Complying to command.*


The Scarlet Witch watched in interested

amazement as her belly swiftly returned to

its normal size as a red-colored, spherical

seed quickly took shape on the far counter.

Soon, the tickling sensation ended, and she

could see the living tentacles writhing

rapidly in the air around the seed, which

was slightly larger than a large cantaloup.


VICTOR: *Command has been executed.*


Scarlet quickly cast a create costume

spell, followed by a series of heal

spells to make sure that everything was

okay. Then she asked without emotion,

"Computer, will the inseminoid seed

survive the germination process?"


VICTOR: *Germination will occur, but

without the living host surrounding the

inseminoid, it will cease to function.*


"Oh well, if its either me or it staying

alive, I choose me. Now to deal with

another important matter," the Scarlet

Witch said stoically and went back to




 Chapter 26. In Search Of Ruby Slippers



The Hairdresser sat on the floor after the

hard backhand by the Scarlet Witch. A tear

ran down his face. He was close to crying,

but he remembered that he was supposed to

be a man and real men don't cry.


The boy villain got slowly off the floor

and watched the procedure as Scarlet rid

herself of the plant spawn. He saw it

gradually appear on the counter and

flutter to life as the things vinelets wiggled

and flopped around, "Eewww! that's

gross. Now I see why I hate eating

vegetables so much," he chortled wryly.


The Hairdresser noticed that the Scarlet

Witch was once again dressed and sighed

in disappointment, "Damn, and that was

just getting good too. At least the house

plant won't try to eat us, yuck!"


The horny teen was still hard as rock,

and his eyes never left the heroine. He

walked sneakily up to Scarlet and slapped

her mischievously on the butt as she

continued to work at her tasks. "Hey babe

whatcha doing? Will you get naked again?

Please!" he snickered sarcastically.


The Scarlet Witch gave the troublesome

teenager another hard kick in the behind,

sending him quickly back to the floor.

"Stay there you little pervert. I need to

get us home," she spat in obvious anger

and irritation.


"Computer, where is the prototype

transport machine designed by the human

sentient known as Doctor Doom kept?"

Scarlet asked sounding patient for the

first time since she entered the room.

She was obviously relieved that the

seed was no longer gestating in her womb.


VICTOR: *That device is housed in room

four, level minus one, the chamber

across the central corridor outside the

door to this chamber.*


The Scarlet Witch looked pleased and then

quickly asked, "Computer, is that device



VICTOR: *It is functional, but without

the necessary bioelectrical energy.*


"Computer, scan the mechanical device, to

be known as broach, below this life-form's

chin," Scarlet commanded, a slight smile

beginning to form on her comely face. The

Scarlet Witch waited patiently as, once

again, several instruments moved rapidly

over her body and there were strange

lights and sounds.


VICTOR: *Scanning complete.*


"Computer, how is the device you just

scanned, which was also designed by the

life-form known as Doctor Doom, energized?"

the Avenger asked eagerly, and then held

her breath in hopeful anticipation.


VICTOR: *It is energized by the

bioelectrical energy generated by the

mutant life-form now operating this



Scarlet's face beamed triumphantly, and

she began grinning broadly, as she made

another query, "Computer, is there an

interface in the transport machine that

can utilize this mutant life-form's

bioeletrical energy?


VICTOR: *Negative.*


The Hairdresser sat cross-legged on the

floor and watched the entire proceedings

in silence. His hand moved down to the

crotch of his pants and rubbed his bulge

through the material. He did not really

understand what was happening, but he was

quite content to ogle the Scarlet Witch

as she moved around.


The Hairdresser saw Scarlet's demeanor

change to a happier tone and he got bold

once more. "I am getting the feeling that

you don't like me lady," he quipped



The teen stylist strode quietly up behind

the Avenger again and pressed his groin to

her backside; he made sure his bulge

slipped into the cleavage of her buttocks

and ground his loins against her ass. His

hands shot up to latch onto her big breasts

again as he japed, "Come one baby, I'm all

hard and hurting real bad. Help me out!."


"Damn it kid..ooops..don't mean to swear.

You are testing my patience! We have to

get home..or we will both be hosts to that

thing," the Scarlet Witch replied angrily

and pointed to the wriggling inseminoid

seed on the far counter; she continued

with, "Let me get on with my business!"

She knocked the teen again to the floor.


Scarlet looked crestfallen as she thought

about the computers last reply; a frown

filled her face as she considered the

computer's bad news.


Suddenly the heroine's  head snapped up

as she had an idea. "Computer, can the

broach be modified to be used as an

interface to allow this mutant life-

form's bioelectrical energy to make the

prototype transport device function?"

she quickly asked with fragile hope

in her soft voice.


VICTOR: *Affirmative.*


The Scarlet Witch giggled nervously and

began jumping up in down in joy, like a

young child. "Computer, supply written

instructions, English, for modification

and installation of the broach for use as

a bioelectrical energy transfer interface

to be used in the prototype transport

device," she commanded triumphantly.


Scarlet thought carefully for a moment,

and then continued with, "Computer, also

provide written instructions, English,

for returning the broach to its present

function once transport is complete."


VICTOR: *Complying. Print out now



The Hairdresser, tired of getting knocked

to the floor, scrambled quickly to his

feet. He ran out the room, into the main

chamber, and grabbed a wood paddle off the

wall. He ran purposefully back to the room

housing Doom's contraptions to find the

Scarlet Witch working hard to find a way escape from this twisted world.


The juvenile delinquent saw Scarlet

working feverishly and grinned like a

Cheshire cat as he realized she had not

noticed his entry into the room. He

slunk silently up behind the Avenger

and swatted her once hard on the butt

with the paddle.


"You said that you would paddle me! Well

how about I spank you. You're not a very

nice lady and you're mean! MY thing is

hard and it hurts!! I want to get off damn

it!" The Hairdresser yelled maliciously

as he leered at the heroine and pawed at

her chest once again; he squeezed her

right breast firmly as he groped her.


The Scarlet Witch yelped loudly as her

behind was paddled. She glared angrily

at the teenage culprit as he pawed her

again and railed vehemently, "GET OFF!!!

GET OFF...I want to get off this world

and will..but you little..little..PRICK!

You also will get'll get off

this floor!"


Scarlet promptly hung the troublesome

teen from a hook on nearby wall by the

back of his oversized pants.



Chapter 27. Homecoming



The Scarlet Witch quickly completed the

modifications and installed of the broach

technology into Doom's prototype transport



Once finished, Scarlet roughly grabbed the

young teen and casually threw him into the

machine. After a bumpy journey, which

lasted only a few seconds, they were

suddenly back home on Earth.


The Scarlet Witch quickly restored her

broach, and finally relaxed. She turned

finally to the young Hairdresser and

mumbled softly, "Hmmmm, now, what to do

with you, young man."


Scarlet thought long and hard, and then

came to her solution. The next day she

delivered the teen to the City Center



The receptionist immediately made a note

in the file that this boy was going to be

trouble. He kept groping the Scarlet Witch

in various personal and private places.


The heroine failed to notice that, when

she left, that the hormone-driven teenager

was clasping a lock of auburn hair tightly

in his hand.


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