By Scarlet based on a role-play with a special friend


WARNING: This story contains sexual situations and violence (nc, MF). It is to be read by adults only.  If this sort of material is not to your liking, then read no further.

Part I


Chapter 1.  Prologue


            The justice system in America is an imperfect institution at best.  It is based on two important concepts:  (1) every person entering the system is to be guarantied due process, and (2) all individuals will be assumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.  Due process means that a person’s rights will be protected, no matter what the circumstances, from the moment an investigation begins, through arrest, processing at police facilities, any temporary or not-so-temporary incarceration, and the trial itself.  America’s founding fathers created this system to help ensure that the innocent would not fall victim to false judgment; they knew that this might mean the guilty would sometimes go free of the punishment they deserved.  All in all, the system is a good one.  However, it can be very frustrating for those who are part of the system on a day-to-day basis–the law enforcement officers, the prosecutors, the judges and their staff, and, yes, even the community of heroes and heroines that risk their lives to fight evil wherever it arises.  Every once and a while, someone on the side of justice snaps; this is the story of one such person.


Chapter 2.  Enter The Judge


            The Scarlet Witch sighed deeply, watching nervously as the four police officers secured the Scorpion in back of the black and white prison van.  The ‘boys in blue’ had detached his long, mechanical stinger tail from the rest of his green costume, so Scarlet didn't see any reason to accompany them back to the Police Station.  Besides, she was tired; it had taken her over 40 minutes of hard fighting to subdue the deranged villain after she had responded to the jewelry store alarm.  The crimson-clad Avenger shrugged her shoulders, turned abruptly, and began slowly walking back to the Avengers' Quinjet she had left parked just a few blocks down the street in a vacant lot.  She carried her silver-colored scepter low, obviously worn out from the long battle.  The heroine’s gold-flecked blue eyes stared down at the sidewalk; her thoughts were her own as she strolled along.


A shadowy figure stalked the nearby alleyway, his eyes intently watching his prey.  The man had been tracking the now-introspective heroine for weeks, studying her habits and fighting skills.  He had surreptitiously observed her in many a battle over the course of those weeks, but he did not see her victories.  His eyes saw only her defeats at the hands of vicious villains–men who were ruthless and would do anything to win a fight.  This shadow-veiled figure, dubbed The Judge by the local papers, was new to the scene of good versus evil, but he was already wanted for questioning by the police in relation to some recent murders of underworld figures.


The man’s eyes burned brightly in the shadows as he watched the Scarlet Witch continue walking down the street, her long, auburn tresses blowing in the slight breeze, her eyes still cast downward as she contemplated the day's exciting events.  The Avenger was clad in her usual costume consisting of a rose-colored body stocking over which she wore a leotard, calf-high boots, long gloves, tiara, and full cloak, all crimson in color.  She had a circular disk riveted to the center of her headdress, and an oval broach pinned to her cloak's collar below her chin; both pieces of ‘jewelry’ were made of silver-colored adamantium and had rubies in their center.  The scepter, still held low, was a 5-foot-long adamantium fighting staff crowned with a tennis-ball sized ruby.  The three adamantium constructs were hi-tech mechanisms designed to allow the young mutant to control her power to create probability-altering fields when she cast her ‘hexes'.


The Judge moved silently in the shadows toward the entrance to the alleyway, his eyes still gleaming as he watched his cloaked target–as well as the police van that was now driving away.  He was as unstable as they come.  He had once been a prominent court official, but the revolving door of the courts had pushed him to the edge and beyond.  He had watched villains, murderers, and rapists walk free due to technicalities or lack of evidence.  He had decided to dole out his own brand of justice to the criminal element, but it was a losing battle; there were just too many of them.  Then one day it occurred to him why the evil plague always seemed to win–the so-called heroes were helping the bad guys escape the law–and now it was up to him to rectify that situation.  He purposefully stepped out of the shadows, leaped atop a wrecked pile that had once been a car, and called out in a deep foreboding voice, "Scarlet Witch, you have let down justice, and it is time you stood trial"


 The Scarlet Witch, obviously startled, quickly twisted her buxom, athletic, 130-pound frame toward the sudden voice, her eyes now wide and attentive.  She did not like the crazy sounding words that she was hearing!   “What the…???  Who and the heck are you and what do you mean, ‘let down justice’...don't you know who the Scorpion is...he has defeated Spiderman on many occasions...and I just put him away...likely for twenty years.  It is he who will be at long last standing trial...not I, Scarlet Witch of the mighty Avengers!” the heroine spat in irritation.


The mutant/witch glared angrily at the figure perched atop the pile of twisted car metal, only a few yards distant.  His legs were shoulder width apart, his shoulders broad and round.  The man’s shoes were black wing tips with a fresh shine on them.  He wore a flowing black robe surrounding his body from the neck down to his feet, almost brushing the car top, virtually covering the dress shoes.  He loomed menacingly over Scarlet with his arms crossed over his chest, his large hands wearing white gloves, his face completely covered with a black mask.  Only two cold-blue, dead eyes, surrounded by eyeholes cut out of the mask to provide vision, revealed any human quality to this face.  On top of all this, the man wore a long white wig consisting of three flaps–one flap covered the back of his head, the other two hung down over the sides of his head–they rested on his shoulders and back.  This strange wig was made of strands of nylon hair wrapping a dozen small cylinders inserted horizontally into each wig flap.


A sudden gust of wind blew against the man’s ebony robe, causing it to ripple in the breeze and swirl wavelike; the cloth flowed like liquid, and it almost looked alive.  “I am The Judge!” the man pronounced emphatically, and then continued in a stern voice, “For too long, I have sat in silence and watched the dregs and monsters of humanity walk out of the court system free and unhindered...their victims and loved ones left behind and denied justice.  I am the final word who delivers swift and final justice to the scum of society.  Tonight, you had one small win over a demented villain.  Congratulate yourself, Witch, if you wish, but I have been studying you.  You usually lose to the villains; no one can lose so many times by accident!  You, woman, are aiding the villains you fight, and you have failed ‘Lady Justice’ and the innocent masses you are sworn to serve and protect!  It is time you stood trail, Scarlet Witch.  So says The Judge!”


The Scarlet Witch stared up in utter disbelief, blue eyes gleaming with emotion, at the strange, somewhat portly, figure standing above her.  She quickly put the back of her left hand to her ruby-lipped mouth to cover a rapidly forming smile...but even that was not enough to subdue the giggle issuing softly from her throat.  She quipped softly, “You're a judge?  Never before have I beheld a judge that needed to cover his or her face...and wigs somewhat like yours are known to be used in Great Britain...but even there, they use real hair, and not such obviously artificially produced fiber.”


The young heroine paused and then continued in a tone growing in irritation moment by moment, anger gleaming in her eyes as her hand dropped from her suddenly-frowning mouth to point at her black-masked accuser.  “As for criminals going free, my supposed judger of justice, any policeman or superhero-type will tell you that for every criminal that escapes our capture, a dozen more escape because circumstantial evidence is not allowed, or because the evidence was illegally obtained.  And yet a dozen more are given such lenient sentences that they are back doing crime in months or less!”


Scarlet shook her pretty head from side to side, a smirk growing on her face in concert with the contempt in her eyes.  She chided derisively, “It is not I, and those like me, that have failed ‘Lady Justice’ stranger, but the very judges that you claim to represent.  It is you and your lot that I would put on trial.  Be gone with you or a trial you will have!  A trial by combat, with the fates that govern probability meting out the sentences!”


The Judge listened to the Scarlet Witch speak, his every sense trained on her, his mind and contempt focused solely on her and her words.  He jumped abruptly off the car and to stand before, and tower over, the comely heroine, his robe flowing behind him, his hands buried in its folds.  "Yes, laugh now, woman, while you appearance, much like your crime fighting career, a source of great comedy.  That gene-spliced ratman, Vermin, also laughed, as I recall.  The police still haven’t found his head!" the madman spat threateningly. 


He took a deep breath and continued, slightly in more control of his emotions, “The police do the best job they can with their limited resources and manpower.  You so-called hero types are the ones with all the money and fancy equipment, yet I see no better results coming from your kind.  How many people have died because you 'heroes' capture the villains only to turn them over to the police and see them on the streets again in mere hours...How many lives have been shattered, Scarlet Witch, because you have lost at the hands of The Hairdresser, Ultron, or Juggernaut?  How many deaths have there been because you take the criminals in, and they are released thanks to the failed courts?  You should all be doing as I, and acting as Judge, Jury, and Executioner!”


The Judge suddenly leaned forward and began shaking his hand in the wide-eyed mutant’s face, shrilling loudly, “And what’s more, your very own father, Magneto, is an arch villain who strives for world domination.  And it does not stop there!  Your very own teammates will not back you up because you are shacked up with the hoodlum, Magnnus.  I get results, Scarlet Witch!  All you get is used like tramp!


The crimson-clad Avenger’s eyes of anger now glowered in rage!  The frown of her lips filled her face as does the sunset fill the sky at dusk.  Scarlet abruptly pointed her Scepter of Transference at the strange man before her with her right, gloved hand, almost touching his chest with the silver-colored construct.  Her voice quivered as she spoke softly in a low, threatening tone, “Tell me not that I should break this beloved country’s laws to prevent the spread of evil...for those laws have a noble protect the innocent...even if criminals are sometimes freed.  Talk not of my boyfriend Magnnus, and the distrust that my fellow Avengers have for him.  Speak not of my father Magneto, who some name evil and others name savior of mutant kind.  These things are below my dignity to address with a stranger like yourself.”


The Scarlet Witch brought the base of her scepter down to clank on the ground with a loud metallic ring, and brought her left hand up to waggle her index finger between the man’s eyeholes as she raged on, “However, let us speak of these accusations that I let villains go free.  Let us speak of Juggernaut...who, contrary to your information, I have never faced.  Let us speak of The Hairdresser, who I have battled three times: at the end of the first battle I turned him to stone; at the end of our second battle I banished him to another dimension; and at the end of our third battle he was de-aged to a helpless teen.


The gloved hand suddenly became a tightly-clenched fist as the prideful heroine’s voice rose in pitch and volume, and the scepter was once more thrust before The Judge’s face, “Yes...and YES...let us speak of Ultron...who has thrice nearly conquered this planet...who was twice thwarted by me and me alone.  LET US SPEAK OF ULTRON!!!  LOOK CAREFULLY AT MY DISK, MY BROACH, THIS SCEPTER...THEY ARE ULTRON...ALL THAT REMAINS AT LEAST...I am the Scarlet Witch....I AM THE DESTROYER OF ULTRON.!!!!!!!”


The Judge looked wild-eyed down at the visibly upset Scarlet Witch, feeling the end of her scepter tapping against his chest.  For a moment, he felt what could only be described as admiration for the young, mutant female, but the moment passed and his eyes once again grew cold and lifeless beneath his full-face mask.  He looked unblinkingly at the auburn-tressed Avenger through those cold eyes devoid of compassion and mercy, and his voice grew icy and deep, “The laws set forth so long ago by the founding fathers were tossed out the window decades ago, Witch, when the power-mad politicians and corrupt officials decided to sell out their country, our society, and the future of this nations' children for the all mighty dollar.  The system is corrupt, and you only aid that corruption and law-of-the-jungle mentality.  There is only one law left in the land, Witch...kill or be killed.  The dark minions and human greed have decreed it so.”


The dark figure before the buxom heroine suddenly reached up and grabbed her cloak’s neckpiece and growled angrily, “Save your words for your guilty conscious, Scarlet Witch...the blood of the victims of your enemies is on your hands.  You come from evil spawn, and you couple with it as well.  That is what lies deep in your soul–darkness–and you seek out other sources of that darkness.  You are the Scarlet Witch all right, a second rate crime fighter at best!  You are a mutant who is beneath contempt, and worse still...YOU ARE A GYPSY TRAMP!!!!”


With a sudden thrust, The Judge pushed the astonished mutant backwards and, in the blink of an eye, brought his hand up to reach behind his robed back.  Suddenly, there was the sound of metal scraping metal as the now-not-so-portly-looking man reached down under the robe to pull a weapon from it's scabbard; in an instant, The Judge was brandishing a four-foot-long, steel sword, its razor-sharp tip pointed toward the heroine’s throat.  "Justice is a double-edged sword, Scarlet Witch, and both blade edges are razor sharp...more than able to separate your pretty head from its shoulders!" the masked man screamed, his voice quivering.


The Scarlet Witch smiled quaintly at the large, robed man raging madly before her.  She contemplated further words to defend her honor, then simply shrugged, thinking ‘so be it.’  Scarlet suddenly energized her scepter, still pointed ruby-first towards her assailant, with her mutant power, generating a beam of green energy which suddenly transformed into a blinding blue bolt of lightning.  The powerful bolt of electrical energy struck The Judge full in the chest, causing him to fly helplessly backwards over the top of the car wreckage.  He crashed with great force into the solid brick wall of the nearby building, and dropped to the ground like a rock, where he remained in a sitting heap, not moving.


The heroic Avenger walked calmly over to The Judge, and stood before him, hands on her hips, watching her assailant and thinking.  Then she suddenly smiled and quickly pulled her Avengers' communicator from a hidden pouch in her full cloak, speaking softly to the chubby-looking man who was starting to stir as he sat stunned on the ground, “ may really be some mad Judge...and with my own troubles created by my Wicked Wanda persona, I'm not in a position to take you down.  Now, if I were you, I would try fleeing...Thor, God of Thunder, has duty watch, and I am calling for him to come here now.


As the Scarlet Witch began speaking quickly into the small communicator, The Judge stumbled back on his feet, having shook off the blow from the bolt, his chest smoking slightly where it had impacted.  With astonishing speed and accuracy, the ebony figure’s right hand slashed upward and to the left with the large, gleaming sword.  The tip of the blade sliced effortlessly through the Avenger’s blowing cloak, missing her flesh by a hairsbreadth, to knock the communicator from her hand. 


 The Judge stepped quickly forward and crushed the communicator into the ground under the heel of his shoe, pronouncing confidently, “You're not calling anyone, Witch!  Not that your teammates would run to assist you.  I am the voice of the innocent and helpless...I am their last chance for Justice!  You will stand trial!  Come along peacefully, and I will not hurt you."  Even as he spoke, his left fist flashed up and delivered a powerful left cross to the heroine’s fine-featured face.


The Scarlet Witch could not respond to The Judge’s request for a peaceful surrender, as she found herself flying backwards from the thunderous blow to her chin.  She crashed limply to the ground, out cold, a full ten feet away from where she had been standing.  Silence filled the air.


Chapter 3.  The Courtroom


After knocking the heroine unconscious, The Judge casually took a neural inhibitor collar from the folds of his robe and carefully slipped it around the Scarlet Witch's neck to nullify her unpredictable hex power.  As he clicked the ring tightly shut around her slender neck, a small, oval light on the front of the device turned from red to green, indicating the electronic lock was now securely in place and the collar functioning.


The Judge then took the limp heroine to his courtroom, which was in the very bowels of the New York City subway system.  The madman had gotten access to the plans of the underground maze of tunnels and stations from the police, on pretense that it was evidence in a secret case over which he presided.  He had found the location of an abandoned subway terminal that had been shut down and walled up over twenty years before.  The terminal had been long since forgotten by city officials and mass-transit workers.  The Judge had found, after some major renovations, the terminal to be the perfect place for his own private courtroom; a setting where he could try the guilty and administer his own brand of twisted justice. 


The courtroom was a massive chamber, carved from the bedrock that lay beneath the city; it resembled a town meeting hall.  The ceilings were over thirty feet above the floor, and covered with large cylindrical tubes of fluorescent lights that bathed the room in a soft white glow; it had holes cut into it, through which different sized, milky-white stalactites hung down and pointed toward the floor.  The floor of the chamber was made of black marble that had been sectioned into large tiles.  In the middle of the floor was massive blue circle with the painting of an eagle on it, the bird's wingspan impressive to behold.  In one talon, the eagle clutched an olive branch, and in the other, it clutched a group of arrows.


In front of the western wall of the chamber was a large, raised desk that The Judge used to preside over his court and conduct his ‘trials.’  The desk stood some nine feet above the floor; this gave the demented judiciary a much-valued sense of superiority over those he deemed guilty.  The desk was stained dark brown, and the Judge had a perfect view to look down upon his defendants.  The desk was seven feet across and ten feet long, and it arced around The Judge’s high backed, black-leather chair to nearly form a half-circle; a gavel rested on a circular, wood sounding block on the desk in perfect position for a right-handed officiator.


The Judge placed the unconscious form of the Scarlet Witch gently on the floor in the middle of the circular eagle emblem and then moved purposefully to sit behind the impressive desk.  He peered closely down at the heroine's limp form for a brief moment before lifting his gavel and banging it down, hard, three times on the sounding block.  Bang! Bang! Bang!  Then he chanted in his most formal-sounding tone, "Here ye, here ye!  Court is now in session.  This is the case of the people versus the Scarlet Witch...The Honorable Judge presiding."


The Scarlet Witch stirred slowly on the floor, gradually awakening.  Suddenly she saw the stalactite above her pointed straight at her heart, and instinctively tried to roll to the side, out of its path should it suddenly fall, yelping loudly out, “What the...where am I?”


The room echoed, yet again, with the sound of the gavel...Bang!  Bang!  Bang!  "Order in the court!  I will not tolerate wild outburst attempts to halt the wheels of justice.  You are in my courtroom, Scarlet Witch, to stand trial for your crimes!" The Judge pronounced loudly, irritation showing in his tone.


The crimson-clad Avenger slowly got to her feet, shaking slightly from weakness, trying to focus her muddled mind.  Abruptly, she reached up to her neck, knowing what the collar was the instant she touched it, her mind screaming out, ‘ inhibitor collar!’  She struggled to gain some composure as she looked up angrily at The Judge and spat, “Crimes?  What crimes?  I am the Scarlet I told you earlier.  I am a heroine, a member of the mighty Avengers!  I fight crime, not commit it!”


The Judge looked down at the “defendant” from his lofty perch, peering at her with cold eyes through the slits in his black facemask.  “Do not get smart with me, girl!  I will find you in contempt of court!  You are in enough trouble already, Witch!" The Judge chided derisively before ceremoniously continuing with, “The charges against you are as follows:  Aiding and abetting known felons, willful destruction of public property, endangering the lives of innocent bystanders, general disregard for the law, and lastly...showing contempt for truth, justice, and the American way!”


Scarlet bristled with anger, protesting loudly, “I do NOT aid and abet any felons!  I associate with no one that is presently committing crimes, or that I know for certain has committed crimes but has not served out sentences for said crimes handed down by courts in the U.S. justice system.  I admit that damage does sometimes occur to private and public property when my teammates and I battle evil.  The national government sponsors the Avengers, and there is a fund to pay for such property damage!”


The Scarlet Witch took a deep breath before continuing somewhat more calmly, “I have saved the lives of untold humans; I have saved the planet Earth itself many times.  It is not I who endangers people, but the villains that I fight!  I am part of a government-sanctioned team that upholds the law, not disregards it.  And lastly, though I was not born in this country, I fight for and treasure the American way; I most certainly do not show contempt for it!  Your charges are unfounded!  Release me at once!”


The Judge clenched his fists tightly in rage as he heard the Witch's lying words–her attempt to sway the final decision and escape justice through yet another loophole in the judicial system.  Bang! Bang! Bang!  The gavel pounded down on the sounding block with force, the sound ringing in his ears and echoing through the chamber as he shrilled angrily, "Enough!  The Court will not be turned into a three-ringed circus by this mockery of an attempt to dissuade me!!  The only words I want to hear you speak are those which are an admission of your guilt!!"


The dark figure of so-called justice pointed his index finger at the beauty below him and jabbed it repeatedly in her direction as he howled, “You’re the criminal on trial here, Witch!  Not the good people of this city!!  You and your vigilante team have caused more damage and ruined more lives than you could ever hope to save in a hundred lifetimes!!  You and your crony heroes turn the scourges of society over to the police, where they either escape or get released on bail, to once again reap havoc upon the populace!  If you delivered final justice...perhaps some of these victims would still be breathing.  No one is above the law!  Nobody is above final justice!”


Scarlet stamped her left foot hard to the floor in anger, and suddenly pointed her right hand at The Judge above her.  She shook in rage, her voice quivering as she spoke, her gold-flecked blue eyes glaring intently at the robed man who had shown the audacity to challenge what she stood for–to challenge a long career of public service.  She roared, “JUSTICE!  Yes, justice.  You use the term loosely.  It is my job to apprehend the villainous people of the world and deliver them to justice.  If I did more than that, I would in fact be guilty of breaking the law.  I deliver the bad guys and gals to your type.  It is your type that decides their fate!  It is your type that releases a few of them back into society to protect the innocent from being wronged by the government.  It is your type that paroles them before they are cured of their maladies.  It is your system that provides mechanisms or weaknesses in security that permits their escape.  Once again I proclaim my INNOCENCE…proclaim the ABSURDITY of this trial.  I bid you again, release me at once!”


The Judge casually flipped his gavel over in his clenched fist, as with some slight of hand.  Secretly smiling, he laughed inwardly at the message he had just delivered about what her life and heroic career had stood for and meant; a message that her entire career was a sham and that she was no better than the villains she supposedly fought.  He triumphantly raised his gavel, ready to cease her interruptions of his courtroom.  The bottom, circular surface of the gavel faced upward as it hovered over the desktop, and he announced with a tone of finality, “You will not go free this day, Witch!  Do you not think I have seen the failings of the judicial system?  I have witnessed the atrocities of the courts first hand!!  They are all indeed guilty...the judges, clerks, lawyers, parole officials, prison guards, and police authorities!  They are all guilty, and the system HAS failed!!  But I will change all that...I will show them the error of their ways!!  I will make sure the dregs of society no longer walk out of the courts on technicalities!!


The oration paused momentarily as the tubby judiciary took a deep breath before continuing, “The money wasted on imprisoning these scum should be going to feed and house their victims!  You and the almighty heroes are high profile, and the people love you only because they do not know how your kind fails justice as much as the courts do!  You are guilty, Witch, for you do not serve help to corrupt it!”


The Scarlet Witch turned crimson from the anger building within her, and when she spoke there was obvious contempt in her voice, “Your insane!  What you speak of would be the breaking of the law you are sworn to protect.  I can see now that I MUST arrest you, not convince you.  I WILL HAVE MY FREEDOM!  SURRENDER!….NO!!!!….Don't bother.  I will deal with you like any other criminal in this land!  I will defeat you, arrest you, and deliver you too your peers!”


The enraged Avenger took three quick steps backwards, and then suddenly raced headlong towards The Judge.  Yards short of her target, she suddenly dove to the floor, performed a perfect gymnast’s roll, and uncoiled like a spring to fly into the air.  Mid-flight, she grabbed the edge of The Judge’s desk with her hands to add momentum to her headfirst flight towards justice-gone-mad!  She scrambled atop the wide desk, intent on having her hands upon her would-be captor.


The Judge watched wide-eyed, the mutant/witch's vault to his desk, and couldn’t help but admire her lithe form as she executed the gymnastic maneuvers to pull herself up in a vain attempt to apprehend him.  He found himself sliding back in his chair, watching her every move, his hand tightly clutching the raised gavel.  In an eerily calm voice, he pronounced, "Your words do not move me, Witch, but your actions speak volumes.  I will not tolerate disruption in the proceedings of this court.  I have no choice but to find you in contempt of this court, and hereby pronounce you guilty of all charges!!"  And with that, the man-in-black slammed his gavel down hard on the circular sounding block.  As the mallet smacked firmly down on the hard surface, a mechanism housed inside the gavel activated–there was suddenly a blinding flash of light as a burst of electrical energy discharged from the gavel head, striking the attacking heroine full in her chest.


The Scarlet Witch shrieked loudly in pain as the electrical energy struck her, and she fell backwards from the top of the nine-foot high desk onto the hard floor below.  Frazzled, struggling desperately to catch a breath, she stumbled slowly to her feet!  She gasped hoarsely, “Is that the best you can do Judge...I'm going to take you in...I will!”


The chubby adjudicator quickly rose from his chair to tower over the felled heroine.  He glared down at her with bitter contempt in his eyes and voice, his anger rising like bile in his throat.  The Judge placed his right hand on the desktop, and in a blur of speed and with amazing agility belying his apparent poor physical conditioning, vaulted over the high desk as a gymnast would a vaulting horse.  He landed effortlessly on his feet on the floor in front of the puffing heroine and exclaimed confidently, “You will do nothing girl!”


The Judge stood up, back straight, eyes locked with those of his “defendant” as he tersely pronounced his sentence, “You have been found guilty by this tribunal, and the punishment for your crimes against justice and humanity shall be death!!  As you challenge my right to judge, you will be judged in the traditional way for witches...trial by water...but first you must serve justice in the same way that you have served servicing my carnal needs!"


Scarlet, finally having caught her breath, screamed shrilly, “I will not service you, nor will I be sentenced by you!  I will take you down, you so-called judge!”  Suddenly, with a blinding fast whirl she spin-kicked her ebony-clad foe hard in the chest with her right booted footed.


Before he could register what was happening, the insane jurist was knocked hard back into the desk by her lightning-quick blow.  He groaned loudly in pain, half doubled over, and then abruptly snapped his head up, eyes blazing in anger, as he roared, "You bitch!  I will enjoy taking you!"


Then The Judge’s right hand flashed to his side, and he aimed the strange gavel at the Scarlet Witch once more.  Suddenly, the air crackled with electricity as another blue streak of lightning erupted from the gavel head to strike the buxom heroine.   Scarlet screamed loudly in pain and surprise as she was thrown helplessly backward by the powerful bolt and landed hard on the floor. She tried weakly to sit up, and then fell limply backward to lie motionless on the cold floor as her mind was enveloped in the blackness of unconsciousness!


Chapter 4.  Symbiotic Tendrils


The Judge stood leaning over the unconscious form of the lovely Scarlet Witch for several minutes, studying the graceful curves of the prone heroine’s body.  Suddenly, without warning, he threw his head back and thrust his chest outward.  The muscles in the man’s body tensed for a fraction of a second, before suddenly quaking violently as wild spasms passed through his somewhat portly frame.  Beneath the full mask, his mouth flew open as he roared out in pain, "AAaaaagggghhhhh!! UUuggghnn!!"  The mad jurist’s black judicial robe started to quiver and ripple in wave-like motions.  The pain-plagued man threw his arms violently out to his sides, as his hands twisted into claws and grasped desperately at the air around him.


The quivering, ebony-colored robe began to bubble like boiling water in a heated cauldron, small black bubbles rising to the surface of the material that formerly appeared to be cloth, the bubbles then bursting apart to spray tiny black droplets.  The now-almost-formless robe seemed to be flowing freely on and around The Judge’s body in a serpentine fashion; it looked alive, almost sentient.  Suddenly, The Judge seemed to be jerked to the tips of his toes, and took on the look of someone possessed.  Then, in the blink of an eye, four ebony appendages burst forth from the front of the swirling robe, causing The Judge to call out in even more pain.  The tendrils arced up and over the head of the agony-ridden man, to writhe like four black snakes in the air. 


The Scarlet Witch moaned softly and began to stir weakly on the floor as she started to regain consciousness.  Her gold-flecked blue eyes fluttered a few times, and then she suddenly stared wide-eyed at the deformed black figure above her.  She screamed stridently, the sound echoing through the abandoned subway tunnel.  She quickly brought her right hand up to her face and held it over her mouth until she gradually regained her composure and stuttered, “What the...?   How...?  Who or what are you?  You are most certainly not a normal, everyday judge!”


The dark figure's back stiffened as he looked down at the startled Avenger, finally once more aware of her presence.  The black, snakelike tendrils writhed and twisted wildly in the air over them, the heroine now propping herself up with her left hand as her foe moved jerkily, like a puppet on strings, above her.  A new surge of pain shot through the man’s body as his companion robe became even less a garment, and a strange sounding voice issued from a mouth seemingly unfamiliar to the process of forming words, "Gaaaahh!!!  We see you still manage to maintain your rapier wit, Scarlet Witch.  But you are correct...We are not normal in any sense of the word."


The ever-changing figure, continued to speak, the words becoming more clearly enunciated second by second, but still not quite sounding like the man Scarlet had battled earlier, “After Our host lost his family to a mass murderer who walked out of the courts on a technicality, he lost all will to live.  He sank into the gutter and drowned his sorrows in drink.  Then one night, as he lay passed out in an alley...We met.  This One, an offspring of the alien symbiont/man known as Venom, found this wretched life form in the alley on the verge of death.  This One was in need of a host, so went to him, merged with him, and We were born.  We were a new creation with a new, clearer sense of justice–a knowledge that the guilty must be punished!


The Scarlet Witch sat slowly up and stared numbly at the strangely shaped figure waving six limbs, four of them snake-like, above her, the confusion obvious on her comely young face.  She reached back and instinctively straightened first her long, auburn tresses and then her crimson cloak.  Sounding more than a little confused, she queried, “Alien...Symbiont?  You mean you are two life forms merged as one...with one common purpose?  That purpose, the sick, and perverted desire to take justice into your own hands…to take upon yourself the terrible responsibility of being judge, jury, and executioner!  Surely you must be able to see how wrong that is!  Can you not?  You were, or the human part of you was, once a judge.  Surely you understand why those responsibilities are carefully distributed.  The power of the justice system must not be abused.  The innocent must be protected against miscarriages of justice.”


The symbiont/man called The Judge cocked Their head to the side and looked at the crimson-clad Avenger curiously through the eye slits in Their mask.  For a moment, there seemed to be a small flicker of light in Their though her words had sparked some wee flame of recognition deep inside of the human host.  However, the hesitation only lasted for an instant as the symbiont influence gained control, and They were One once more.  Suddenly one of the waving tentacles lowered and darted in a straight line towards the pretty heroine; it struck her hard across the left cheek of at her face as They tersely yelled, "Enough of your vain attempts to escape your sentence. You were found guilty in Our court and your final judgment shall be doled out after you have served Us female. Your human frailties and ethics do not move Us."


Scarlet Witch let out a short, shrill, gasping scream as she was whipped solidly across the face by the flashing black tentacle.  Tears welled in her eyes with the sharp pain.  She struggled clumsily to her feet and began to stumble away from the misshapen figure looming menacingly above her, intent on putting some distance between them, and perhaps finding away out of the room so she could get the inhibitor collar off of her pretty neck.  She sputtered desperately, “Get the hell away from me you sick bastard!  I have had enough of this ruse!”


            The Judge calmly watched Scarlet as she tried to flee, knowing that she must not realize how far underground she was.  They knew she was trapped, that the tunnels around the courtroom were a catacomb maze that only They knew how to steer though.  The tentacles over the ebony figure’s head suddenly lowered, and then each one in turn snapped abruptly out straight and darted towards the hapless heroine as she tried to escape. 


"You cannot flee your fate, Witch," They droned loudly as the black tendrils reached the crimson-clad heroine in mid dash and entwined around her arms and legs, imprisoning her.  The dark-tinged prongs slithered quickly around her limbs, the tentacles coated with a thin layer of clear slime that acted as a lubricant.  Two round tentacles wiggled their way around each of Scarlet's arms, and a third, thicker than the others, coiled tightly around her legs, locking them together.  The fourth tendril somehow managed to grasp the hem of the Avenger’s cloak, wrapping around the crimson material and then abruptly ripping the clothing piece from the heroines twisting shoulders.


The Scarlet Witch screamed loudly in frustration as she was effortlessly snared, her limbs now tightly bound by the strange tentacles.  She pulled hard, fighting the black tendrils, but they didn't seem to budge at all.  “Let me go, you son-of-a-bitch…you can't do this...I'm on the side of justice,” the comely young mutant/witch shrilled. “This is wrong!”


The Judge snorted with an animalistic rage from behind Their face mask, flexing Their pectoral muscles to signal Their tentacles to tighten their grips on Scarlet's arms and legs. "You will be released criminal…released to face your decreed fate…after you have performed your community service and tended to Our needs, the symbiont/man roared.  The Judge's flailing tendrils suddenly lifted the writhing Avenger off of the floor and hoisted her high into the air with amazing ease.  Suddenly, the serpentine limbs that were wrapped around her arms tightened their grip and flexed outward, manhandling the heroine’s arms straight out away from her twisting body to hold her suspended in the air in a pseudo-crucifixion pose.


“Damn it...Let me go!” the Scarlet Witch implored, her face reddened from anger and exertion.  Anger turned to rage as the tendril that had removed her cloak then slithered nimbly upward over her body, wriggling between the globes of her breasts, until its thin, round tip slowly  slipped back downward under the collar of her body stocking.  At that point, the main tentacle split and several thinner tendrils became offshoots of the larger one; these offshoots continued back down the wriggling heroines body under her rose and crimson ensemble. 


The sounds of stretching and straining material filled the chamber as the comely heroine's crimson leotard and rose-colored body stocking suddenly, simultaneously, began to part.  Then, the front of the Avenger’s costume burst abruptly open and her bounteous breasts spilled unrestrained into view.  The tiny tendrils worked quickly around the mutant’s struggling frame until her leotard and that portion of her body stalking that was not covered by boots or gloves dropped to the floor.  "You will not be freed woman. We have convicted you and Justice shall prevail!" The Judge declared triumphantly.


The Scarlet Witch gasped loudly and blushed deep crimson, her abundant breasts swaying and giggling as the symbiont/man’s tentacles shook her violently about in the air. She shivered as she felt cold air on her suddenly exposed sex!  “Hey...what the hell are you doing, you pervert...leave me be...this is uncalled for...justice isn't prevailing here...evil is!  You must be out of your mind!” the helpless heroine shrilled hoarsely.


“WE will not leave you be!  You are a convicted felon, woman, and as such you must be punished for your crimes!  WE will use you for sexual gratification!”  The Judge declared as his “clothing’s” black extremities, with their rubbery feel, held Scarlet's limbs immobile as even more tentacles formed and move insistently over her struggling frame.  Without warning, two of the tendrils looped around the heroine’s firm breasts and squeezed the proud globes forcefully.  Then the tendrils relaxed, only to contract tightly around the mammary glands again as they began an incessant series of rhythmic contractions which caused the Avenger’s chest to turn purplish as the tendrils forced her swollen breasts into prominence. The phallic-shaped ends of the tendrils the tendrils suddenly caved inward and opened up, attaching themselves to the woman’s excited, turret-like nipples like small suction cups, sealing over and applying a steady suction pressure to her nipples.


“What the hell does your sexual gratification have to do with justice...let me go now.  I dema... HEY!!!” the Scarlet Witch yelped.  She moaned loudly and pulled and yanked desperately on her insidious bonds as the prehensile tendril tips suddenly began suckling on her tender nipples like twin newborn babes.  “No...stop!  Leave me alone! I DO NOT like this! Stop. Please STOP!” she pleaded forlornly to the ever-morphing figure below her.


“No!  We will not stop!” The Judge roared.  “This Lifeform shares the emotions and sensations of the this case those feelings are of excitement and arousal. The Host is a human male who seeks to copulate with a female of the species.  You are a specimen of the female gender, so WE shall couple with you.  So it is written!  So it shall be!”


Chapter 5. Tentacle Rape


The larger tendril wrapped around the Scarlet Witch’s legs abruptly loosened its grip and released her legs. However, before the heroine could react, the tentacle then seemed to unzip and split into two separate tendrils; these new prehensile tentacles quickly wiggled up around Scarlet's thighs, pulling her legs apart, leaving her womanhood opened and exposed for intrusion.  Suddenly, yet another tentacle shot outward from The Judge's robe and wriggled through the air toward the auburn-haired Avenger’s splayed thighs until the penis-shaped head started to rub against the helpless heroines exposed slit.


“Couple with me? Oh God...God mean rape me!  Jeese, where do all you sickos come from!  Let me go keep the hell awaaaaaa.........!” the Scarlet Witch screamed stridently as her legs were wrenched apart by the strong tendrils, and then she sucked air and gasped in silence as she watched the tentacle snake toward her with widened gold-flecked blue eyes, abject horror filling her face as she instantly understood its purpose.  She moaned loudly and bucked desperately as she felt the tendril touch her sex.  With all her might, she clenched her vaginal muscles to try to ward off penetration.


“NO!! NO!!…STOP!” Scarlet pleaded loudly as the penisoid tentacle began parting her labial lips, in spite of her desperate attempt to clench the muscles at the apex of her long athletic legs as tightly as she could.  She held her breath as she tried to hold out!  Then she sighed loudly as the smooth penile head suddenly wormed its way between her moist nether lips and slipped inside her delicate folds.


“Silence, female!  Else, We will tear your tongue from your mouth. You will mate with US and satisfy the Host's needs!” The Judge proclaimed as, with exquisite delicacy, the phallus withdrew slightly and then slid back into the woman’s tight sex a little deeper than before. Moving with steady regularity, the tentacle repeated the movement over and over, with each repetition embedding itself a little deeper into her vaginal passage.  As all this was happening, The Judge gazed into Scarlet's blue eyes, his own eyes devoid of humanity.


The Scarlet Witch moaned softly as the three-inch-thick, black tendril forced its way repeatedly into her dry sex, somehow coated with its own lubricant.  She fought the process bravely, in spite of the fact that she could tell she was losing ground with each cruel thrust.  Her face reddened with embarrassment, as she could feel her own moistness begin to form.  Scarlet took a deep breath and froze as she felt the thick tentacle pull almost all of the way out of her and pause, and then she screamed, “NNNNNNOOOOOOOoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!” as it slammed hard back into her love canal, pushing deep into her vagina, probing the entrance to her cervix.


The Judge chuckled maniacally under his hood as the sordid rape of a “mighty” Avenger proceeded without interruption.  Over and over They drilled the waving snake-phallus deep into her moist channel, forcing her to take Them into her quivering body.  For her part, Scarlet moaned softly and writhed weakly as the ebony tendrils continued to jerk her buxom body to and fro, holding her aloft while her tender sex was brutally raped by the thick tentacle and her tender nipples continued to be suckled by the coiling tendrils.  The lovely heroine found herself dizzied by all of the motion her body was being subjected to, but she found herself blushing deeply as she felt a familiar heat building in her loins. She gasped over and over as she tried to desperately to regain self-control…to avoid the on-rushing forced orgasm!


Suddenly, the black, hose-like phallus quivered and swelled in the heroine's depths.  It twitched frantically several times, and then there was a sudden spasm deep within Scarlet's passage as the monstrous penisoid discharged, spewing her vaginal walls with its thick, viscous seed!


“EEEWWWWWWW!!!!  Gross!  Can I please take a shower now?  This is sick!!!” the Scarlet Witch gasped loudly, trying to regain her breath, blushing deeply as a thick, milky substance dripped out of her womb and down her thighs.  In spite of the sickening rape, there was a slight smile on her face, a slight gleam of pride in her eyes.  She has been raped!  Yes, raped!  But she was able to resist the sordid physical responses and maintain her dignity!  As a true heroine always strove for in these unfortunate circumstances, but rarely managed to accomplish, she had fought off the dreaded forced orgasm!


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