Virginity Lost–At Long Last

Chapter 1. A Strange Beginning

By Scarlet


WARNING: This story contains sexual situations and violence (nc, MF). It is to be read by adults only. If this sort of material is not to your liking, then read no further.  This is an illustrated text story; please be patient while the images load.

After visiting the West Coast Avengers in California, Rogue was making the long journey back to upstate New York to rejoin her fellow X-Men.  She had been leisurely flying low to the ground over the New Mexican desert when she was suddenly startled by the sound of a voice behind her. As she twisted in the air to find the source of the sound, she gasped loudly in astonishment.  It was the red and purple visage of Magneto himself, propelling himself through the air in one of his nearly transparent magnetic bubbles.


“What in heaven’s name are y’all doin’ way out here in nowhere, bucket head?” Rogue queried, referring to the full helmet that Magneto wore atop is well-muscled, caped form.  Rogue knew the Master of Magnetism well, considering she usually thought of him as an enemy.  She had battled both against and with the self-proclaimed ‘leader of mutant kind’ on a number of occasions in the past.


“Looking for you, Rogue,” Magneto replied in a deep tenor as he smiled down at the lovely young woman dressed in a yellow and green form-fitting costume over which she wore a brown-leather flight jacket.  She wore belts around her hip and legs, and a headband.  The most distinctive thing about the buxom-but-lithe green-eyed southern bell, however, was the white streaks in her long, curly brown hair.


“What would y’all want with lil’ ol’ me?” Rogue shot back sweetly with a southern accent that always seemed the perfect bedroom voice.  “Y’all ain’t lookin’ to raise a ruckus are ya?”  Rogue wasn’t particularly concerned with the situation, even though she was thousands of miles from the rest of her teammates.  While she was sure Magneto was wise enough to prevent her from using her mutant ability to absorb the powers and personality of anyone she touched, her super strength, near invulnerability, and ability to fly were nothing to sneer at.  She had stolen these powers from Ms. Marvel by accident, before she joined the X-Men and learned to control her mutant power.  Mainly she ‘controlled’ her mutant power by avoiding skin-to-skin contact at all costs.  Rogue often joked that she was the only never-been-kissed woman her age.


Magneto’s smile broadened as he answered softly, “Ruckus?  Now that is a quaint way to put it.  That shouldn’t be necessary…as long as you voluntarily accompany me back to Asteroid M.  There is something I need you to do for me!”


It was then that Rogue noticed the icy blue stare in Magneto’s eyes, peering out from behind his feature-hiding helmet.  It was then that she also noticed the mountain lion below her standing guard over its recently killed prey.  She felt a pit form in her stomach as she recognized the difference between the hunted and hunter.  She replied in a cracking voice, “Do for you?  Just what in the world could lil’ ol’ me do for the self-proclaimed ‘most powerful mutant on earth’?  Tell me that, sugar!”


Magneto chuckled before answering the girl.  “I’m getting old, Rogue.  It’s time to think of a proper heir to pass all this on to.  It’s time to know someone will be ready to take over when I’m finally done.  You can give me that heir.  That’s what you can do for me!”


“Why I….”  Rogue stopped trying to talk and simply attacked, soaring swiftly back toward the villain and smashing her fist hard into his magnetic bubble.  Her fist almost reached the man before she was repelled away.  A bewildered look came across her face as her vision began to blur. Slowly but surely, Rogue fell unconscious, not knowing why.


Magneto chuckled softly as he pulled the fallen X-Man into his bubble and shot skyward on the journey to Asteroid M.  That trick worked every time.  He had used the iron in Rogue’s bloodstream to help him slow the flow of oxygen to her brain.  When she awoke, they would already be home.



When Magneto arrived at Asteroid M, he immediately entered the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants’ compound via the docking bay.  His magnetic bubbles didn’t store a lot of excess oxygen and heat, even for the short duration that the trip demanded he spend in the vacuum of space.  As the docking bay doors swished shut, the Master of Magnetism was met by Mystique and Mastermind.


“Well, I see you’ve got her,” Mastermind, clad as always in suit pants and an overcoat, dryly stated the obvious.  His brown eyes were obviously laughing at some secret joke.


“You expected anything less, Mastermind?” Magneto replied tersely before changing the subject. “Sabretooth and Toad have been sent below as I ordered?”  Magneto didn’t like the Master of Illusion, but he took great care to hide that fact.  The mutant’s ability to project life-like illusions had been of great value to Magnus in the past.  He had even overlooked the way Mastermind had treated his daughter, Scarlet Witch, when she and her brother, Quicksilver, had been part of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.  Magneto had always wondered how much the man’s crassness had contributed to Wanda and Pietro’s departure, and subsequent joining with the do-gooder Avengers.


“I sent them down in the shuttle an hour ago,” Mystique chimed in, more to assert her position as second-in-command of the Brotherhood than to break up the evident tension between the two men.  “Is she okay?  Was she injured in the battle for her freedom?” Mystique queried softly, nodding to the limp form of Rogue.  The ebony skinned mutant wore a leotard, loincloth, long gloves, and calf-high boots, all white in color.  She also wore a golden belt that almost matched the color of her feral eyes.


“She isn’t even bruised, Mystique,” Magneto answered softly.  “I managed to get her to sleep after only one attempted punch.  Are you sure you don’t need to go below yourself…that you’re still okay with this plan?”  Magnus had been amazed when the supreme shape-shifter had agreed to the plan in the first place.  He expected that, as the scenario came closer to being realized, Mystique would have second thoughts, perhaps even serious doubts about the plan.  After all, she had been Rogue’s foster mother for a time.


“Yes, I back the plan fully,” Mystique replied quickly, hearing the slight doubt in Magneto’s questions.  “Perhaps I should be disappointed that she didn’t put up a better fight.  I’m largely responsible for her combat training.  Still, just as well I suppose.”  In truth, Mystique had used Rogue for her own purposes, even when the girl only knew her as Raven Darkholme.   This situation was no different; Mystique hoped to solidify her position in the Brotherhood by allowing an inseparable bond to be established between Magneto and her former ward.


“Is Rogue’s chamber properly prepared?” Magneto asked quietly as he nodded, accepting the shape-shifter’s words at face value.  He had long ago learned that it was much better to have Mystique as an ally than an enemy.  While Mastermind was useful, Mystique was irreplaceable.


“Yes, all as in order as you instructed, Magneto,” Mystique replied, exuding calmness.


“Good. Very good!  Still, I’ll not bother to ask you to help with the remaining preparations,” Magneto replied smiling softly to Mystique.


“I’ll help you strip the wench, and I’ll promise not to pluck her cherry when your back is turned, Magneto!” Mastermind chortled, a wicked grin on his bearded face.


“Don’t kill him yet, Mystique,” Magneto spat, even though the ebony mutant had given no reaction at all to Mastermind’s words.  “I might still need him.”


“You mean you might need me to make her think you’re the Cajun, don’t you?” Mastermind stated angrily, obviously referring to Gambit.  “Can I at least take a turn with her when you’re done?  If you’ve figured out a way to keep her mutant power from being activated at your ‘touch’, then surely you can arrange the same thing for me!

“Do kill him now, Mystique,” Magneto chortled playfully.  “No, Mastermind, you can’t have her…ever.  Be patient!  One of these days, I may manage to give you your beloved Jean Grey.”


“Right!  Patient!  Easy for you to say…a bird already in hand.  I want the Scarlet Witch, that’s the one I want as a reward for all my patience!” Mastermind sputtered in a rage.


Magneto, shook his head in bewilderment at the man’s innate stupidity, and walked away towards Rogue’s waiting chamber.  He chuckled back, “Fine, my daughter will one day be yours, but don’t blame me when she rips off your wiener and shoves it down your filthy throat!”

To be continued - Rogue's 'chamber' and the plan

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