Castaways:Tania and Wanda

Part 1. Our Enemies, Ourselves

by Skytower

            Wanda Maximoff was used to bad storms.  She had grown up a wild gypsy, traveling the country sides of Europe.  Gypsies were not often welcome in towns or cities and hotels and inns scorned them.  More than once Wanda and her family had found themselves camping out in a storm.

            But this storm was different.  This storm had rain that was blistering hot one moment and icy cold the next.  This storm had a wind that seemed to want to drag the air from her lungs.  A wind that seemed to turn her long chestnut brown hair into whips that lashed at her face.  

            Beaten and tired as she was Wanda managed to keep her hex sphere in place.  It was the only thing keeping her and Tania from the worst of the storm.  Somehow she had conjured her and Tania’s costumes on them as well.  Around them the skies were red and black lighting tore across them.  Tania held onto Wanda’s waist for dear life but her grip was still not painful.  This was an achievement since Wanda knew that Tania could have broken her in half if she wanted too.  Behind them were the Body Doubles, Wonder Woman, Wanda and Tania’s evil twins (or evil daughters though Wanda was still having a hard time accepting that) and the Wraith Lord.  Wanda had no idea if they were surviving or if the screams of the multiverse in agony had killed them.  She doubted it.

            If we can survive they can, Wanda thought.

God help the world we all land in.  If we ever land at all, she added.

            There was no time in the storm.  No day or night; just endless chaos.  Wanda didn’t know how she managed to stay awake, how she and Tania even still had air to breathe.  How can a person survive without reality?  The answer lay within her.  Wanda was tied to chaotic magic and with the multiverse in flux that magic reigned supreme.  It was a heady wine and Wanda had to force herself not to drink from it.  If she did then she knew that Wanda Maximoff would fade for ever and a dark mad goddess would be born.

Without warning the storm went from red skies and black lightning to black skies and white lightning.  Bellow them was not infinity but a storm tossed ocean with white-capped waves.  Waves that they were falling toward.  

            Wanda had only enough time to realize that gravity existed again before she and Tania were plunged into icy cold waters.  She fought her way to the surface only to be swamped by another wave.  Tania was still holding onto her but flight was impossible in the storm.  They each had time to take a breath before the next wave pushed them down into the water once more.

            Wanda’s limbs were going numb and her strength was fading.  Sea water was forcing itself into her mouth and down her throat.  When they next broke the surface she spat it out only to have another wave force more water into her.

            Tania held onto her but Wanda was beginning to feel her grip less and less.  Darkness was slowly enveloping her and try as she might Wanda could not find the energy to stay awake.

            Too tired to even form thoughts Wanda drifted into the blackness.

            The dawn sun was driving away the last of the storm clouds as the two figures moved along the beach.  The first was a tall well built woman with black hair.  She was wearing a pair of jeans and a thick Irish sweater against the cold wind.  The second figure was a smaller, slimmer woman with red hair and glasses.  She was dressed in a similar fashion but sported a wool cap to partially cover her hair.  The sand was stiff and wet from the rain and the taller woman had no trouble pushing the wheelchair bound redhead.  

            “It’s too cold for this Barbara.” The tall woman said.  

            “Too cold for me you mean.” Barbara replied.  “And no it isn’t.  I can’t walk Helena, everything else works fine.”

            Helena didn’t reply and kept pushing.  The wheel chair had been equipped with extra wide tires and had a motor, but she preferred to push.  It suited the roll that she had to play; nurse to an invalid.

            Helena smiled.  Anyone who thought Barbara Gordon was ineffective because she couldn’t walk didn’t know her.  But for the benefit of what ever hidden mikes might be operating Helena played her part.

            She didn’t think that they were still watching.  It had been four years after all and they were a lot more powerful now.  Powerful enough to ease off of the harassment.  Helena couldn’t escape the feelings that the realization of that fact brought to her mind.  Bitter feelings of hate mixed with guilt.  And rage at the uncaring fates who had taken people so great and pulled them down into the mud.

            “Helena.” Barbara said.

            Helena stopped and realized that she had been daydreaming.  But now she looked where Barbara was pointing.  At the edge of the surf two bodies lay limp on the sand.

            “Wait.” She said going toward the bodies.  It could be anything or anyone.  But the closer she got to the bodies the more recognizable they became.  Helena stopped and stared in disbelieve.

            “Impossible.” She whispered bending down beside them.  But the two figures in the sand were instantly known to her.  But it was impossible that they were here.  She and Barbara had seen them live on the news only that morning.  

            “Fate.” Barbara said coming up beside her.  “How are they?”

            “Alive.” Helena said feeling for a pulse in Wanda’s neck.  It was thready but there.  The same pulse was revealed as she felt Tania’s neck.  “But it’s impossible, we know they’re in Washington.”

            “They aren’t.” Barbara said.  “The ones we know are.  She levered herself off of the chair and onto the sand feeling for the pulse herself.  “Get back to the house, get some help.  I’ll keep an eye on them.”

            Helena responded to the commanding tone in Barbara’s voice and ran.  As she ran the possibilities of what could be done with the new arrivals ran through her mind.  For the first time in years Helena felt hope.

            Tania remembered the red sky storms and the sudden drop into the sea.  She remembered hanging onto Wanda’s limp form until the cold water had robbed her body of all feeling.  Then she remembered nothing.  She woke up remembering all of this and at the most expected some sandy beach.  Instead she was lying in a bed in a warm room.  Tania’s blue eyes opened and looked around.  It was a cold sterile hospital room.  No windows, florescent lights set into a white drop ceiling above and the smell of antiseptic in the air.  Tania was nude under the sheets, but beside the bed on a chair was her costume, tiara and lasso.  How they got there Tania had no idea.  She was sure that they were lost in the other world.

            Tania turned her head and saw that Wanda was in the next bed.  An I.V. ran into her arm but she looked well.

            “She’s alright.” Said a woman who wheeled into the room.  She was slim and wheelchair bound, with red hair and wide horn rimmed glasses.  The woman was wearing a cream colored Victorian style dress and her red hair was held under a blue headband.  On a tray on her lap was a glass of water.  She wheeled over beside Tania’s bed and handed it too her.  “A bit dehydrated, both of you were.  But your skin was too tough for an I.V.”

            “Thank you.” Tania said sitting up and taking the glass.  Her body was fine, but she was worried about Wanda.  Wanda was powerful in magic but her body was still that of a normal human.  Was this truly a friendly place or was this a trick of some sort.  Tania drew the sheets above her breasts as she sat up.  The woman watched her as Tania drank and there was a deep intelligence behind her blue eyes.

            “You have no idea who I am do you?” The woman asked.

            “No.” Tania said.  “I’m sorry I don’t.  My name is…”

            “Tania.” The woman said.  “Ultra Woman.  You were a scout on the Island of the Amazons, your mother’s name is Letitia, your actually the fourth person to hold the title of Ultra Woman.”

            “Who are you?” Tania demanded holding the sheets closer to her nude body.  Despite her powers she felt very vulnerable.  “A telepath?”

            “My name is Barbara Gordon.” Barbara said.  “You don’t know me.  Your friend’s name is Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch.”

            “And do you know as much about me as you do about Tania?” Wanda demanded sitting up.  Unlike Tania she didn’t bother to hold the sheet against her body and her large breasts were exposed as it fell away from her.

            “I do.” Barbara said.  “And I don’t.  Tell me what is the last thing either of you remember after the red skies vanished?”

            “Just falling into the ocean.” Tania said.  Suddenly she realized what was going on.  “We are on a different world.”

            “But not home yet.” Wanda said.

            “Are you satisfied Dick?” Barbara called out.  “Helena?”

            “Yes.” A voice came over an intercom set into the wall.  A display screen came to life showing a tall broadly built man with black hair and beside him a woman with black hair.  He was wearing a business suit, she was wearing a pair of jeans and a sweater.  Wanda drew the sheet up to her neck.  “Helena’s working on a neural bomb now.”

            “What about the operatives?” Barbara asked.

            “Nothing yet.” Dick said.  “I’ll let you know.”

            The screen blanked out and Barbara turned back to them.  

            “Tell me was there a Batman in your world?  A Batgirl?”

            “Batman yes.” Wanda said.  “But no Batgirl.”

            Barbara nodded to herself.

            “You were both captured by an organization called SPAY once weren’t you?” Barbara asked.

            Tania felt her mouth harden into a thin line.  The Society to Protect America’s Youth had been an extreme right wing criminal outfit that had captured Tania, Wanda and other heroines.  They had used the mind control technology purchased from Doc Droid to crush the heroines wills and turn them into meek sex crazed sluts.  Tania still felt the shame when she remembered how she had begged for mercy.

            “Yes.” Wanda said in a strained voice.

            “How did you break their mental conditioning?” Barbara asked.

            “They ordered us to attack Doc Droid.” Tania said.  “He freed us knowing that we would attack SPAY.”

            “We did and we destroyed it.” Wanda said with grim satisfaction.

            Barbara sighed and seemed to sink a bit into her chair.

            “Just that simple.” She said.  “Damn.  One little mistake, but they didn’t make it here.”

            “They exist here.” Tania said.

            “Worse.” Barbara said.  “They’re in charge.  And the Scarlet Witch and Ultra Woman are their spokeswomen and chief enforcers.  They’ve taken down the Global Protectors, the Avengers…  the Island of the Amazon’s…”

            “No!” Tania burst out.  “Aphrodite would never allow that!”

            Barbara was about to answer when there was a flash of light and a woman wearing a white shirt, black tailcoat and fishnets appeared in the room.  She was hurt, her costume cut in many places, her right arm hanging limply by her side and her face bruised with one eye swollen shut.  But the woman she supported was in even worse shape.  She was wearing a green and black costume skintight costume but had three green arrows sticking out of her body.  One at the shoulder, another at the side and one in the leg.

            “Zatanna!” Barbara shouted.  “She-Go!”

            “We got it.” She-Go said as they both fell to their knees.  She held up a memory tab.  “But they got her…”

            Dick rushed into the room with a medical pack and Helena was right behind him with a stretcher.  

            “Get her to the operating room.” Barbara ordered.  “We have to get those arrows out of her.”

            “They got Kim.” Zatanna said struggling to her feet.

            “We’re safe.” Dick said.  “Don’t worry, we’ll get her back.”

            “I’ll scrub up.” Barbara said.  “Helena stay here and take care of Zatanna.  Fill these two in on what’s going on.”

            “Them?” Zatanna snarled with hate and astonishment.  “How did they get here?”

            “They aren’t them.” Helena said helping her onto one of the beds.  “It’s the red sky thing again.”

            Tania watched as they professionally and carefully tended to She-Go.  But the look Zatana had given her was chilling.  What had her counterpart done to earn that look?  That was her greatest nightmare about mind control; that she would do something unforgivable.

            “Easy.” Helena said as she slipped Zatana’s short coat off of her.  “What happened?”

            “Arrow and Canary turned.” Zatanna said gasping in pain.  “So did Possible’s sidekick.”

            “Damn.” Helena swore.  “Dinah turned?  Damn it!  Damn it! Damn it!!”

            “Black Canary?” Tania asked.  “On our world she was barely a teenager.”

            “We’ll she’s older here.” Helena said.  She eased Zatana’s tight white shirt off of her revealing more bruises and welts.  There was what looked to be a burn mark on Zatana’s shoulder.

            “Canary’s sonic scream kept me from using my spells.” Zatanna said.  “Every time I spoke she flooded the room with her screams.  We would have been lost if Kim hadn’t tackled her.  But Captain America and Ultra-Man showed up, there was no way to save her.”

            There was pain in her voice, the type of pain that Tania knew very well.  But in battle some had to be sacrificed.  The truth of that never helped you later though.

            “You did the right thing.” Helena said taking off Zatana’s white bra.  Her breasts were covered with scratches and splintered with small thorns.  A number of them were stuck into her brown aureoles.    

            “They were waiting for us.” Zatanna said wincing as Helena started to apply an antiseptic spray onto her wounds.  “Dinah must have tipped them off.  Hellnation Helena you should have seen her kneeling beside Green Arrow!  She had a puppy dog look on her face and his face…  And he was just so damn smug!”

            “Arrow must have done it too her.” Helena said bitterly.  “Shut off her filters when she was asleep.”

            “SPAY and the Cartel are everywhere.” Zatanna said wincing as Helena pulled out another thorn.  “It’s like fighting a hydra.”

            “How are they doing it?” Wanda asked.  “When Tania and I were captured SPAY had to strap us into machines to break us and it took a day.  How are they able to take control here?”

            “They’ve gotten better.” Zatanna hissed as Helena pulled the last thorn out of her breast.  “Damn them!”  

            “Splinter arrows.” Helena said looking at it.  “To think Barbara helped design this weapon.”

            “It works.” Zatanna said taking a deep breath.  She rubbed her breast.  “It works great.”

            Helena put the thorn onto a slide and then put the slide into a medical unit.  After a few moments a display came to life and the words: ‘Bio-weapon’ in blinking red letters appeared.

            “Plague.” Helena said taking a hypospray out of the unit.  “They’re getting nasty.”

            “They’re not even trying to catch me anymore.” Zatanna said laying back on the bed as Helena injected her.  “They aren’t even bothering to try and catch any of us anymore.”

            “How has this world come to this?” Tania asked.

            “I’ll show you.” Helena said drawing a sheet over Zatanna’s nude body.  She walked over to the display screen and touched a control on the side.  The picture changed to a CNN newscast.  

            “This just in.” Wolf Blitzer announced.  He was standing in his usual stage set but Tania thought that he looked much younger than the person she knew.  “Once again agents of the Global Guardian’s have encountered agents of the terrorist group known as the Hellions.  We go now to CNN’s Tommy Turner.”

            The picture changed and a tall bald man with a mustache was standing in front of a burning building.  

            “Thanks Wolf.” He said.  “We don’t know exactly what the Hellions were after in this lab, but we do know that one of them was captured thanks to the hard work of Green Arrow.”

            The camera pulled out to show Green Arrow with his arms around a young man with blonde hair.  

            “Well I can’t take all of the credit.” Green Arrow said.  “It was Ron Stopable who really helped by tipping me off to this little caper.  At great cost to himself since his girl friend was one of the Hellions.”

            “It’s hard.” Ron said.  Tania could see the puzzlement and sadness in his face.  “I mean KP’s always been a little on the wild side, but… come on, she’s a cheerleader, she bakes cookies and stuff…  But when I heard her talking to this Oracle person…  I just… I just knew…  But man…”

            “It was hard on him.” Green Arrow said.  “It’s hard for all of us.”

            Good for him, Tania thought.  He is strong enough to put his personal feelings aside for the greater good.  Such a good young man, Green Arrow will help him and maybe this Kim Possible can be saved.

            Tania blinked and tried to tear her eyes away from the display.  But she couldn’t.  Something compelled her to keep watching.  She could feel new thoughts appearing in her mind, twisting and drowning old thoughts.  

            “But I think that Kim Possible is only misguided.” Green Arrow said.  “With the intensive therapy that SPAY has developed she can be helped.  My own wife was helped.”

            “But Oracle got away again?” Turner asked.

            “Yes.” Arrow said.  “But she won’t elude justice forever.”

            “Stop.” Tania whispered trying to turn her head away from the display.  She couldn’t and even raising her arms to block her own sight was hard.  “Please…”

            “Tania what’s wrong?” Wanda asked.

            “You don’t feel it Wanda?” Tania asked.  She was still unable to tear her eyes from the set.  Green Arrow was looking better and better, his words hitting her harder and harder.  “It’s like something is drawing me in, taking away my will to resist…  I can’t…  It seems so… So right!”

            “Try it now.” Helena said adjusting the display.

            Tania blinked and suddenly the mental pressure was gone.  It had been so subtle at first she hadn’t noticed it and by the time she had it was nearly too late.

            “Subliminal.” Helena said drawing a sheet up to Zatanna’s neck.  Tania realized that Zatanna had fallen asleep.  “When tv went digital it became a lot easier for them to slip them in.  Eighty percent of people are vulnerable, most without even realizing it.  A half a minute and your under, a half of an hour and you follow orders or think the way they want you to think.  Most people don’t even know its happening.  A couple of days and you don’t remember that you ever thought any other way.”

            “Oh god.” Wanda said.  

            “Barbara developed filters but it was too late.” Helena said.  “And we haven’t been able to get them into the mainstream broadcast yet.  SPAY put them on the most popular shows and in six months about 90 percent of the population was thinking the way SPAY wanted them too.  Including a lot of superheroes.”

            “What about the web?” Wanda asked.

            “Shut down due to porn.” Helena replied.  “Or at least that was the stated reason.  The real reason is that it was easy to put filters on the net.  But not anymore.  Not only tv’s.  Cell phones, radios… if you listen to anything electronic you’re getting hit.  All the information is from the government, by the government and for the government.  Most of the world is the same way.”

            “What about the Amazons?” Tania demanded.

            “Slaves.” Helena said.  “Amazon Island is now Supreme Headquarters.  The amazons are pleasure girls.”

            “No!” Tania growled the word or she would have screamed it.  “The goddesses…”

            “Are in Tartarus.” Barbara said wheeling into the room.  “Along with most of the Olympian gods.  Hercules rules Olympus now.”

            “How is She-Go?” Helena asked.

            “She’ll be ok, puncture wounds, no poison.  She’s already healing.” Barbara said.  She turned to Tania.  “There’s a lot to tell, a lot that’ll hurt.  We don’t have a lot of chances or time left to try and fix this world.  I don’t know how close your world is to ours, looks like it was close.  But we really need your help right now.”

            “We’ll help.” Wanda said.

            “Of course we will.” Tania added.

            “If we fail you’ll never even get close to getting back to your world.” Barbara said.  “Even if we succeed I’m not sure you’ll ever get back.”

            “We’ll take the chance.” Tania said and Wanda nodded.

            Barbara relaxed a bit in her chair.

            “Ok.  But first take some time to get cleaned up.”  She pointed toward a door at the far end of the room.  “Down that hallway is a bathroom.  In an hour I’ll give you a full briefing at dinner.”

            Some clichés are true.  Wanda considered that oxymoronic; after all if they weren’t true at least some of the time they wouldn’t be clichés.  Some were irritating, some weren’t.  The idea that a hot bath could calm and refresh a woman was one of the clichés that were true.  At least for her and Tania.  The hot soapy water had welcomed her body like an old friend, easing the aches and pains and the scented bath crystals had made Wanda feel like she was floating in the air.  

            They had both been silent while they bathed, even though the bathtubs were in the same room.  There were four bathtubs and the white and blue tile and blank blue walls made it feel like a hospital room.

But Wanda didn’t care.  It was a much needed quiet time for both of them. Behind them lay an adventure that had stretched them in both body and mind.  Hurt them, broken them, humiliated them and had made them face the worst of themselves.  Ahead of them was an adventure that might be worse.  Wanda knew that the only quiet time they would have was in this bath.  

            Heroes and fools, Wanda thought as she looked at her wrists.  There were no rope burns this time but in the past she had been tied up for so long and so tightly that it would take weeks for them to fade.  We rush in where angels, demons and gods fear to tread.  No home, hearth or help for us, only battle after battle until we’re worn down to the nub.  But then what?

            Wanda sighed and ran a washcloth across her chest, down her stomach and between her legs.  She still had her bush at least.  Some villains gloried shaving her pubic hair.  Or shaving her bald.    

            “It has been an hour.” Tania said.  

            “I suppose.” Wanda stood up and reached for a towel.  Tania stood up as well and neither woman could stop gazing at the other as water fell and dripped from the bodies.  Wanda felt her body stir as drops of water fell from Tania’s nipples.

            “I’m sorry.” Wanda said at last forcing herself to look away.

            “Don’t be ashamed.” Tania said.  “We are beautiful, our bodies are beautiful.  But we don’t truly desire each other.”

            “I guess it’ll take a while for the conditioning to really fade.” Wanda said taking a towel and starting to dry herself.  

            “I hope in that reality Wonder Woman will bring those two to some sort of justice.” Tania said.

            The towel lingered between Wanda’s legs and a mix of feelings swamped her.  She barely heard Tania’s words.

            I love her like a sister but I know her body like a lover, Wanda thought.  And she knows mine the same way.  The taste of her, the smell of her…  God what is it with supervillains and forced lesbian lust!  Why do they think we’re…

            Wanda put a stop to her thoughts and went back to drying herself.  It was a pointless line of thought.  Un-answerable.

Wanda had been a teenager when she realized how much pleasure could come from being a woman.  She’d been a superheroine when she realized the double-edged sword that the pleasure could become.  Evil men and women twisted the pleasure her sex could give her into pain.  Wanda had been with the Avengers for two years before a mind-controlling supervillain named Mesmero had forced her and Janet Van Dyne to make love.  It was the first time she’d ever even kissed another woman on the lips.  Wanda had never wanted to repeat the experience.  She’d been awkward around Jan for months.  The forced pleasure felt hollow afterwards.  True sex left her fulfilled and content, false sex with either a man or a woman (or plant, or mutated insect or whatever Lovecraftian horror was in vogue that month) left Wanda feeling as if she’d eaten a bowl of ice-cream blindfolded.  When the blindfold came off the ice-cream was revealed to be sand.  Not that her reluctance ever stopped a supervillain.  The women were often worse than the men, either making her make love to them or to another heroine.  Or hero.  Harley and Ivy had done that more thoroughly then most.  But SPAY would do it again and maybe even make it worse.  The prospect terrified her.

            As she and Tania dressed she wondered if Tania was thinking the same thoughts.  Tania was an Amazon, a scout on Amazon island who was used to living and surviving on her own.  She was incredibly strong and tough.  Yet to her sex was more of a weapon than it was to Wanda.  After an orgasm Tania lost her powers for at least seven hours.  When Wanda had first learned that she was amazed that Tania wanted to have sex at all.  A lot could happen to a defenseless woman in seven hours.  Yet Wanda had seen the other woman look at Ultra-man the same way that Wanda looked at Captain America.  They had made love, something that Wanda and Cap had never done.  She had even let him tie her up.  Tania had told her it was a sign of trust, a way of saying how much she trusted Ultra-Man.  It was no betrayal of her amazon heritage; it was an acknowledgement that some men were worthy of trust.  It was also a test of herself; a way to see if she were truly brave enough to handle seven hours without powers.  To face whatever unpredictable event that came her way with no more strength than any other woman.

            Wanda also thought that it was a time to dream.  Lying against the man, hearing him breath, hearing his strong steady heartbeat.  You didn’t need to be strong, you could let him be strong for a change.  You could let yourself dream.

            You could dream of a better time.  A time of quiet where you could watch your child play and play with them without worrying about supervillains.  Wanda used to dream of that sort of life, now she was beginning to wonder if it was just going to be a dream.  Tania had a daughter.  Wanda had just birthed an evil twin of herself.  Was that all that she was ever going to have?  That thought depressed her.    

            Her mood shifted as they walked down the corridor to the dining room.  Wanda realized that settling down would be impossible for either of them.  She could tell by the way Tania was walking that the other woman felt the same sort of excitement that she did.  There was a tension in the set of her shoulders that told of determination and the thrill of the hunt.  A hunt for a wild beast that was eating more than its share of the world and hurting those it had no right to hurt.  Tania wanted that hunt as much as Wanda did.  While they both wanted love both of them knew that a normal life would kill them as surely as any supervillain; just not as quickly.  It would be like using a finely crafted sword to cut bread.

            At least if we’re fools we’re useful fools, Wanda thought as they walked into the room.  But god why do we have to chose!  Why can’t we have both?  

            The dining room was spacious with a good view of the ocean.  A large round table was set and the sight of the food; turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and more made Wanda’s mouth water.  It’d been far too long since she’d had a meal like this.  Against the far wall was a large screen tv.  Seated at the table were Barbara, Helena, Dick and She-Go.  They had already started to eat.

            “Sorry for not waiting.” Barbara said.  “But we weren’t sure how long you’d be.”

            “Neither were we.” Tania said sitting down.  Wanda sat next to her and started to pile food on her plate.

            “You really aren’t them are you?” She-Go demanded.

            “No.” Tania said.  

            She-Go sniffed in frustration and drank her wine.

            “You hate them?” Wanda asked.

            “Oh yea.” She-Go said.  “They’ve got Kim, they helped take her down.  I’ve watched them take down a lot of gals.”

            “We didn’t.” Tania said pointedly stressing the first word.  

            “And they don’t have a choice She-Go.” Dick said.  “You know that.”

            “I know that me and Kim were the distractions so that someone else could go in and get what you really wanted.” She-Go said.  “And I ain’t happy about that.”

            “You weren’t only a distraction.” Barbara said.  “What you brought out is as important to Oracle as what Dick stole.  We didn’t know that Black Canary had been taken.”

            “Her.” She-Go growled.

            “Who is Oracle?” Wanda asked.

            “That’s a good question.” She-Go said.

            “When SPAY started to take over Oracle was one of the few people who realized that something was wrong.” Dick said.  “Batman was the other.”

            “How did it come to all this?” Tania asked.  “What is the state of this world?”

            “Crappy.” She-Go said.

            “Right now SPAY and the Cartel hold near absolute power.” Helena said.  “They have most of the population under control, all of the governments and most of the capes.”

            “They started with the two of you.” Barbara said.  “Or your counterparts in this world.  They caught you, broke you with Doc Droid’s machine and then…  In your world they sent you out against Doc Droid.  In our world they sent the two of you back into your lives, but with hidden agendas.  One by one, two by two you both brought heroines to them.”

            “Oh Athena!” Tania whispered and Wanda reached over and took her hand.  She could imagine it.  Heroine after heroine led into doom by friends.  The shock and disbelieve on their faces…  How many called for help?  How many cursed them?  How often had Wanda and Tania stood by and watched as their friends were raped and their minds enslaved?  It nearly stopped her heart until Wanda drove the images from her mind.  

            “What about the heroes?” Wanda demanded.  “Droids machine only worked on heroines in our world.”

            “Same here.  But once they had you two and others they had secret identities.” Barbara said.  “Once they had those they fed subliminal programming into each heroes life.  The more tv they watched or radio that they listened to the more they thought the way SPAY wanted them to think.  It was pretty gradual at first.  Took three years before the overt takeover began.”

            “What about Ultra-Man?” Tania demanded.  “He could not have been overcome this way.”

            “He and a few others vanished early on.” Barbara said.  “After going on special missions with the Scarlet Witch and Ultra-Woman.  They went out, men wearing their costumes came back.  Close enough to fool people for a while.”

            “Ultra-Man?” Tania asked nearly chocking out the name.  “I betrayed him?”

            “Captain America?” Wanda echoed.

            “You didn’t.” Dick said and this time it was his choice to stress the first word.  “Remember you didn’t and they didn’t, the people controlling them are to blame.”

            “You can tell yourself that all that you want.” Wanda said.  “It never helps.”

            “They’re still alive, we just don’t know where.” She-Go said with a trace of compassion in her voice.

            “One percent of the population is immune to the effects of the mind control.” Barbara said.  “Oracle figured out that it had something to do with the way their brains are set up.  Four heroes were immune: Ultra-Man, Captain American, The Thing and Spider-man.”

            “How did this Oracle figure it out?” Wanda asked again pulling her mind away from the pain.

            “Supervillainesses started to go before the heroines.” She-Go said.  “You two would hunt them down, catch them and turn them over to SPAY or the Cartel instead of the cops.  It took me a while to figure it out.  At first I thought I was just loosing partners.  But one night I was late for a meeting with Ms. Arachnia.  I saw you take her down.  I expected the cops to show up, but you just bundled her into a big black van and then gave the guys in the van a blow job.  Right in the street!  I knew something was wrong and got the hell out of there.”

            Tania gulped down her wine and Wanda joined her.

            “But I couldn’t get anyone to believe me.” She-Go said.  She shrugged.  “I couldn’t blame them, I’m a crook.”

            “But you at least got Batman interested.” Barbara said.  

            “Nearly got myself killed doing it.” She-Go said.  “But yea, he did help out until he died.”

            “Once they realized that Batman was on to them SPAY lured him and the Joker into a building and blew it up.” Barbara said.  “Not only him but Batgirl and Robin as well.  No one questioned the fact that the Joker acted alone.”

            “What a joke that was on him.” Dick said with a short bitter laugh.  “He was the pawn and everyone believed that he was mastermind.”

            “About a month after that I got a tip to get out of my hideout.” She-Go said.  “Oracle showed up on my computer screen while I was playing City of Heroes.  I got out just before SPAY showed up.”

            “What does she look like?” Tania asked.

            “Computer generated green alien head.” She-Go said.  “Not sure if she’s a human or not.  If she is I think she’s a girl, but can’t be sure.”

            “No one is.” Barbara said.  “She was Batman’s back up, a failsafe in case something happened to him.  Oracle managed to cobble together resistance cells and since then…”

            “They’ve been picking us off one by one.” She-Go growled.  “I hooked up with Kim Possible, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn and Catwoman.  Called ourselves the Hellions.  One by one they got them.  Kim was all I had left until yesterday.”

            “What about the Amazons?” Tania asked.

            “While SPAY was taking out superheroes and the Cartel was taking out government heads Hercules was helping both.” Dick said.  “And while he was helping them he was pumping Ultra-Woman for information on Amazon Island.  The portals on the island that opened up into Tartarus.”

            “What could be down in hell?” Wanda asked.

            “The Titans.” Barbara said.  “Hercules used Ultra-Woman, Scarlet Witch and the rest of the Global Defenders to free them and lead them in an attack on Olympus.”

            “Zeus…” Tania started.

            “Was at a party.” Barbara interrupted her.  “Hercules invited him to a party before the attack and then drugged his food.  He’s been there ever since.  Hercules keeps him drugged and keeps him supplied with fresh girls every night.  Zeus doesn’t even realize that any time has gone by.”

            “With the Titans and the Protectors behind him Hercules tore through Olympus and beat every god.  When it came to Athena, Hera and Aphrodite he beat them up with Ultra-Woman and Mega-Girl’s help.  He beat them so severely that they were vulnerable to Doc Droid’s machine.  It didn’t work as well on a goddess as it did on mortal women but it worked well enough.  They were pretty much on their last legs.  Once they were he dragged them down to Amazon Island and while the amazons watched he beat them and raped them until they begged for mercy.”

            Tania’s empty wine glass shattered into powder as her hand clenched into a fist of impotent rage.  She bowed her head but Wanda had glimpsed the absolute fury in her eyes.  They were all silent for a moment and then Tania wiped her hand with a napkin.

            “It shattered the amazons faith.” Barbara said.  “And when Ultra-Woman led cartel shock troops against them they never had a chance.” Barbara said.  “She made a grand speech about how they had been misled, about how they were truly meant to be subservient to men.  That they would have to relearn how to be women.  They were all raped, beaten, enslaved.  Since then Amazon Island is Supreme Earth Command.  If you serve SPAY or the Cartel well then you get time on the island with perfect obedient sex slaves.”

            “NO!” Tania shouted.  “I will kill Hercules for this!”

            “You’ll have to get in line.” Dick said.  “He’s killed a few of our friends.”

            “I’m sorry.” Tania said sitting down.

            “It’s alright.” Barbara said.  

            Wanda had been silent but she had felt the same shame and anger as Tania had.  It was wrong of course, she knew that her other self was no more responsible for her actions than Wanda had been when she was being controlled.  But while her mind told that to her heart her heart refused to listen.  All her heart knew was pain.

            “What about you?” Wanda asked.  

            “I was a danger.” Barbara said.  “At first.  After Batman died I was…  I was outspoken.  So was Dick.  Then one night I got a visit from… well from your counterparts.”

            “Oh no!” Tania said looking at the chair.  “Please tell me I didn’t…”

            “No, this was the Joker.” Barbara said.  “The night he, Batman, Batgirl and Robin died.  I was the bait in the trap.”

            “Oh thank Athena.” Tania said.

            “What did our counterparts do?” Wanda asked.  She really didn’t want to know but she knew that it was better that she and Tania knew it all.

            “They broke in, beat me up and knocked me out.” Dick said.  “Then they stripped her and spread her legs.  They raped her for most of the night.  Then Ultra-Woman held her down and the Scarlet Witch strapped a tube to her clitoris.  It stretched it.  They told her that if she kept speaking out against SPAY they’d come back and snip it off.”

            “Oh god!” Wanda said and her stomach threatened to expel the meal she had just eaten.

            “After that we stayed quiet.” Barbara said.  “A little after that we were contacted by Oracle.”

            “What do you need us to do?” Wanda asked.

            “SPAY has a secret prison somewhere in the world.” Barbara said.  “We know that, we know that the real Captain America, Ultra-Man and the others are being held there.  We just don’t know where it is.  SPAY Supreme commander does, and his favorite sex slaves are Scarlet Witch and Ultra-Woman.  If we switch you two for them you should be able to find out where the prison is.  Then we free the prisoners and move onto the next stage of the plan.”

            “What is that?” Tania asked.

            “You won’t know that until you succeed.” Barbara said.  “With the technology they have SPAY can break any woman, if you get caught you’ll tell them everything.  We’re at risk just because you know us.”

            “How do we make the switch?” She-Go asked.  

            “We use you as bait.” Barbara said.  “Now that they have Kim they’ll find out where the two of you were hiding.  SPAY Supreme usually sends Scarlet and Ultra-Woman out to capture high level targets.”

            “Why us?” Tania asked.

            “Because they know that deep down the Scarlet Witch and Ultra-Woman know what they are doing is wrong.” Barbara said.  “They know it hurts and they want to keep twisting the knife.”

            “So they come after me?” She-Go asked.

            “They go after you, we take them, Wanda and Tania take you in.  Three days later a Hellion attack gets you and Kim” Barbara said the name before She-Go could protest “out.  We know that Kim is still in the SPAY command compound.  Scarlet and Ultra come after you, we make the switch again.”

            “What about the rest of the Hellions?” Tania asked.

            “Broken and enslaved.” Dick said.  “They’ve been in too long.”

            “Ok.” She-Go said.  “I can take three days of anything.”  She looked at Wanda and Tania.  “Can you two?”

            “It’s risky.” Wanda said.  “We don’t know the place, the people…”

            “We’ll set off a neural bomb before we make the switch.” Barbara said.  “It’ll be fake but The Hellion’s have been using them to try and break SPAY’s programming.  They have a unique energy signature.  The effect leaves your head muddled for a few days, that’ll explain any mistakes you make.  We’ll give you a drug that will simulate the effects but it will wear off in a few hours.  We’ve got some information on file about the headquarters that’ll help.”

            “I’m…  I’m not sure I can take being a sex slave for three days.” Tania said.  “As an Amazon each time I reach a sexual climax I loose my powers for seven hours.  Even if they do not use their mind control machine on me I will be helpless.”

            “It’s the same here.” Barbara said.  “But with luck you won’t have a problem.  Once a month the Supreme commander meets with the head of the Cartel and Hercules on Amazon Island.  You’ll be in and out before he gets back, once your out we leave a dazed Ultra-Woman and Scarlet Witch in your place.”

            “You’ll send them back?” Wanda demanded.  “Can’t you free them?”

            “They’ve been in too long.” Barbara said.  “The conditioning has hidden triggers.  Star Spangled Girl thought she had freed them from the conditioning and she woke up in chains.  We can’t take that risk.”

            “They must be in agony.” Wanda said getting angry.  “We know what that machine is like, what it does to you, you can’t leave them like that.”

            “I’ve got no choice.” Barbara said coldly.  “Oracle’s figured out the odds.  If we move too soon then we’ll loose.  We’re up against a criminal cartel that owns half the mortal world, a religious cult that owns the other half and a demi-god who’s running heaven.  We’ve made too many mistakes as it is.  This maybe our last chance.  You two are the first bit of luck we’ve had in six years.”

            Barbara was angry and Wanda could see years and frustration and anger behind her words.  She was right; the soldier in Wanda knew that.  Still to leave her counterpart to that hell was hard.

            “Either we move in the shadows or we loose.” Barbara said.  

            “She’s right.” Tania said.  “But if we succeed and release the captives what then?”

            “And won’t they break She-Go?” Wanda asked.  She’ll talk and betray us.

            “They don’t use the machine right away.” She-Go said.  “The SPAY elite guard prides itself on dealing with uppity bitches like me forcefully, soften me up before the machine breaks me.”

            ‘I can take anything for three days.’ Wanda realized that it had not been an idle boast.

            “What about Doc Droid?” Tania asked.  

            “Vanished.” Dick said.  “No idea what happened to him.”

            “Do you know who is in charge of the Cartel and SPAY?” Wanda asked.

            “The Cartel is lead by this man.” Barbara said.  She picked up a remote and turned on the tv.  On it was a cold looking man with short black hair, a strong chin and nose.  One of his eyes was red and glowing.  “The Collector.”

            “I know him.” Tania said.  “On our world he enslaved me for a time.  The mystical mind gem in his eye was too great for me to resist.”

            “It’s just as bad here.” Helena said.  “He had me for almost a year.  But Zatana’s working on something that’ll help.”

            “The Red Skull runs SPAY.” Barbara said and the screen changed to show a man wearing a red skull mask.”

            “Him!” Wanda growled.  She remembered how the Red Skull had captured and tortured her on her own world.  “That monster!”

            “He’s just as bad here.” Barbara said.  

            “Will you still help us?” Helena asked.

            “Yes.” Wanda said and she didn’t even need to look at Tania to know that the other woman had nodded in ascent.

            Tania and Wanda just watched.  But Tania felt her fists clench and unclench again and again.  They were in the shadows on a rooftop watching the scene in the alley bellow.  A black van was parked in the alley with the back door open.  Enough light came from the streetlights to see what was going on.  Hawkeye and the Human Torch stood by the van.  On their knees in front of each man were Ultra-Woman and the Scarlet Witch.  Both Hawkeye and the Torch had their pants down and both women were making obscene sounds of lust and desire.  

            Tania and Wanda had seen the van pull up that afternoon.  Staying hidden they had watched as the sun had set and the two men had emerged from the van.  They had then opened the back of the van and used leashes and collars to pull the two women out.

            “Ok sluts we got a bet.” Hawkeye had said as he and the Torch had pulled their pants down.  “I got fifty bucks says that Ultra-Woman can blow me off faster than Scarlet can do the Torch.  Get moving we got some time before we go after She-Go.

            With nothing more than soft ‘Yes master’s Ultra-Woman and Scarlet had kneeled in the alley and taken the men’s cocks into their mouths.

            Tania felt Wanda’s hand on her shoulder and forced herself to stay calm.  But to see herself…  Now she could understand She-Go’s hatred.  The Ultra-Woman in the alley was completely broken and submissive.

            Hawkeye groaned and came, holding Ultra-Woman’s head against his crotch and pumping for all he was worth.  Tania wanted to look away but could not.

            “Bitch!” the Human Torch snapped and pulled his cock out of the Scarlet Witch’s mouth.  He came all over her face and followed that with a few open handed slaps.  “You cost me fifty bucks!”

            “I’m sorry master!” Scarlet pleaded bowing her head against the ground.  “Please!  I’m…”

            The Torch took hold of her hair and pulled her up even as he bent down.  

            “Maybe you need a bit more of a lesson.” He said as his hand erupted in flame.  The Scarlet Witch did not move as he moved his hand toward her face.  She merely whimpered.

            Do something, Tania screamed silently at her counterpart.  She is your sister and she’s about to be maimed!  By Aphrodite do something you worthless bitch!

But Ultra-Woman just knelt and wiped her mouth with her hand.  

            “Johnny!” Hawkeye snapped.  “You know the rules.”

            “Bitch!” Johnny said extinguishing his flame.  He settled for kicking Scarlet in the stomach and she scurried to find shelter in Ultra-Woman’s arms.

            “Ok bitches.” Hawkeye said as he and Johnny pulled up their pants.  As he talked the Scarlet Witch used her cape to clean her face.  “You know where She-Go’s hiding, we’re going to give you a chance to get her.  You’ll probably screw it up, you’re women after all and this ain’t a kitchen.  But if you do we’ll be here.”  He waved his hand.  “Now get going.”

            “Yes master.” Ultra-Woman and the Scarlet Witch said.  

            “My god is there anything left of us?” Scarlet wondered in a whisper.

            “I don’t know.” Tania said as she took Scarlet’s hand and lifted them off into the night.  They floated silently down behind the two men.  

            “Master.” Tania said softly and with her voice full of menace.

            Hawkeye whirled around only to be met with her fist in his face.  The Human Torch groaned in pain and Scarlet brought her knee up between his legs but his pain was cut off by her second blow to the back of his head.

            “It is not only them we must help.” Tania said putting her hand on Wanda’s shoulder as the other woman drew her foot back to kick the Human Torch.  “When this is over…”

            “I know.” Wanda said.  “It’s not their fault.  I’m sorry.”

            “Come.” Tania said taking her hand and again taking flight.  They floated over the building and settled on the rooftop.  From there they watched the two women.  The two moved smoothly, silently, and purposefully down the street.

            Just as Wanda and I would, Tania thought.

            A part of Tania could not help but feel anger toward her counterpart.  It was a foolish feeling but she was un-able to banish it.  Tania remembered her own thoughts when SPAY had taken her.  There was no escape, no choice.  She’d hated herself for a while for being trapped and taken.  Hated her own weakness.  But she had realized how hollow that hate could be.  Wanda and Mega-Girl had realized that as well.  But a few of the captives had never really recovered.  They had only been enslaved a few months.  Tania didn’t want to think of the nightmare that her counterpart would face when she was released from the conditioning after years and years.

            She and Wanda watched as the two women moved down the street past empty apartments and stores.  She-Go and Kim had headquartered in an abandoned Victoria’s Secret store.  Most of the stores were deserted.  Capitalism had died with SPAY and the Cartel assuming control.  Now everything was necessity only.  The population was being converted to an industrial machine with weapons manufacture the only real goal.  Space ships were being built too.  The Red Skull was planning a galactic empire.  He boasted that the nazi cross would illuminate the skies.  

            They entered the store and Tania took Wanda’s hand and floated them down to the street.  They were both wearing black jumpsuits and hoods and were almost invisible in the shadows.        After a few minutes the storefront exploded outward and Tania saw her counterpart fly across the street and into a car.  A few seconds later She-Go tumbled out of the store and dodged as a hex sphere made the street in front of her erupt in debris.

            “Give it up She-Go!” Tania saw Wanda’s counter part run out of the store.  Tania decided to think of her as Wanda-B.  “You can be like us, happy!  You don’t have to live like this.”

            “Yea right, I can live like a bimbo!” She-Go shouted and launched a green plasma burst at her.  Wanda-B dodged and She-Go moved onto the attack.

            At the same time Tania and Wanda moved quickly down the street, staying in the shadows.  They made it to the prone form of Tania’s counter part just as she was stirring.

            “I’m sorry sister.” Tania whispered as she wrapped her lasso around the other woman. At the same time Wanda pressed a chloroform soaked cloth against her face.  “Do not struggle.”

            The lasso held her and the chemical was putting her out when Tania saw a blue sphere of energy heading their way.  She grabbed Wanda and leapt upward just before it hit and exploded behind them.

            “Leave her alone!” Wanda-B cried out.  Behind her a dazed She-Go was struggling to get to her feet.  

            Tania felt a tug and realized that her counterpart had recovered enough to grab the lasso.  She yanked it and Tania lost her balance and she and Wanda fell onto Tania-B.  Tania-B met her with a fist to the stomach while Wanda fell heavily onto the car and rolled off of it.

            “Slut you dare to think you can use a copy of my lasso against me?” Tania-B snarled as she grabbed Tania by the arm, swung her into the air and then slammed her into the sidewalk.  Tania felt the pavement crack along with a few the bones in her side.  She wasn’t able to move as Tania-B jumped and landed with both feet into her breasts.  Tania gasped as the air was forced out of her lungs and pain swamped her nervous system.  But before Tania-B could press the attack a blast of green energy hit her and pushed her off of Tania.

            Wanda knew herself, knew her strengths and weaknesses.  So when Wanda-B prepared another hex sphere Wanda reacted by grabbing the cars sideview mirror and throwing it at her counterpart.  Her counterpart ducked and that gave Wanda a chance to rush her.  Wanda’s magical abilities were mostly based on probabilities.  In short she could change the patterns of things around her, drawing on the chaotic energy of the universe.  Two such abilities running into each other would be unpredictable.  There was no way to know what would happen and Wanda didn’t want to find out.  Not with reality as fragile as it still was.  So instead of matching her counterpart hex for hex she resorted to the primitive: she charged Wanda-B and shoulder tackled her to the ground.  Out of the corner of her eye Wanda saw She-Go launch an attack on Ultra-Woman.

            Wanda-B grabbed Wanda’s head and rammed her forehead into Wanda’s nose.  The blow stunned Wanda and left her open to another head butt.  This one bloodied her nose and stunned Wanda even more.

            “Whore!” Wanda-B snarled hatefully as her hands wrapped around Wanda’s throat.  Her thumbs pressed hard into Wanda’s larynx and Wanda felt her throat close.  Her fists hit again and again at Wanda-B’s face but the other woman held onto her grip and Wanda felt her strength begin to fail.  But Wanda-B was distracted as She-Go’s boot hit the side of her head.  Wanda pulled back gasping for air but staying on top of her counterpart as She-Go wrestled with Wanda-B’s arms trying to get a grip.

            “Let me go!” Wanda-B screamed as Wanda grabbed hold of one of her arms.  “I will not be taken!”

            “Down!” She-Go shouted and shoved Wanda away as what was left of a car sailed over the place they had been a moment before.

            “I’ll kill you for hurting her!” Tania-B screamed before Tania tackled her from behind.

            The dim light of the city at night had kept Tania from truly seeing her counterpart until now.  As they wrestled under a streetlight Tania could see the other woman plainly in the pale white light.  They looked exactly alike.  Almost.  Tania-B’s face was drawn against her skull.  Her eyes were filled with pain and anger.  Tania had managed to get on top of her and alternated rights and lefts across her jaw trying to daze the other woman.  But even as she saw blood on the other woman’s lips Tania saw no give in her eyes.  In battle Tania fought fiercely but always with her emotions as a part of her.  Tania-B fought with her emotions ruling her.  She proved that as she grabbed Tania’s right arm on the next blow and buried her teeth into Tania’s forearm.  By luck or design she missed Tania’s bracelets.  Tania screamed in pain and drew back allowing the other woman a clean shot at her throat.  But she didn’t take the opening and instead bit down harder and clawed at Tania’s chest.  Tania’s skin was tough but not that tough and her counterparts fingernails tore through her shirt, bra and skin, drawing blood.  Grabbing a piece of pavement Tania rammed it against the side of her counterparts head.  Tania-B let go and Tania pulled back holding her arm.  It was a mistake as it allowed Tania-B to throw her off.  Tania staggered back off balance and Tania-B kicked from her prone position.  The heel of her boot hit hard between Tania’s legs. Tania grunted and fell back but had enough presence of mind to dodge as Tania’s foot swiped at where her throat had been.  They both staggered to their feet and Tania-B charged at her.  Tania side stepped and brought her knee up into the other woman’s stomach.  But Tania-B had been ready and she side stepped herself and grabbed Tania’s leg at the ankle.  Taking hold she leapt up dragging Tania aloft and then before Tania could brace herself Tania-B used her grip on Tania’s ankle to swing her in an arc and slam her into a streetlight.  Tania crashed into the side of the streetlight and her ribs took most of the damage.  She gasped in pain but when Tania-B brought her back for another strike she grabbed the streetlight and kicked her counterpart in the face with the bottom of her boot.  Tania-B lost concentration and they both fell hard onto the pavement.

            Wanda staggered back blood flowing from her neck.  She felt it and was relieved that it wasn’t from an artery.  The last thing she had expected from herself was to bite the neck of her attacker.  But that was what Wanda-B had done.  Now she was punching a fallen She-Go hard between the legs, driving her fist again and again into She-Go’s vagina.  The woman was fighting like a fury, rage replacing reason and strategy.  She wasn’t even trying to use her powers.

            Wanda grabbed Wanda-B’s cape and yanked her backwards.  Luckily Wanda-B had never thought of using Velcro to hold it in place, it was attached to her costume.  The woman spun around but Wanda was waiting for that and drove her fist into Wanda-B’s jaw.  The blow stunned her but the woman kept coming and tackled Wanda to the ground.  Her hands reached for Wanda’s throat again but Wanda grabbed her counterparts wrist and held them.  For a few moments they stood at a stalemate.  Then She-Go clamped a chloroform cloth over Wanda-B’s face.  The woman screamed and tried to get free but Wanda grimly held on.  She glanced over at Tania and saw that the two amazons were trading blow for blow.

            Tania blocked a blow and gave one, but Tania-B blocked her blow and gave one.  They stood facing each other and blow after blow was blocked.  It was a stalemate.  They stood back for a bit, breathing heavily.  Tania’s shirt was torn and bloody with deep gouges in her chest from where her counterpart had scratched her.  Tania-B’s costume was torn and her breasts were hanging free, one eye was black and swollen shut.  But they were both still in the fight and would be for hours.  Tania realized that she needed an opening.  

            “Wait!” She called stepping back and making a sign with her hands, crossing them together as if they were bound.  It was the traditional amazon way of calling a truce.  

            “You’re an amazon!” Tania-B said stepping back as well.  “Misguided!  Come with me!  Surrender!  You can’t beat me!”

            “The question is: ‘Can you beat yourself?’” Tania asked and pulled off her mask.

            Tania-B froze in shock and Tania moved.  It was the move she hadn’t wanted to use, but it was the only way.  Wanda and She-Go had nearly defeated Wanda-B, the fight had to end now.  If it went on too long SPAY troops might show up.  Moving with lightning speed Tania pulled a thrummer out of her pocket and tackled Tania-B to the ground.  Pressing her full weight down on the other woman Tania slammed the thrummer between Tania-B’s legs, squeezing it under her costume and turning it on before the other woman had time to react.  Then she grabbed both of Tania-B’s legs and pulled them up to her, pinning Tania-B to the ground.

            Tania-B screamed as the thrummer assaulted her sex.  She tried to throw Tania off but the amazon curse was already working.  The thrummer was a hand-sized device shaped like a computer mouse.  It bonded to a woman’s vaginal lips and inserted tendrils into her body releasing a drug that inflamed lust.  Then it vibrated at a specific frequency and could arouse a woman in moments.  And an amazon aroused was an amazon on her way to defeat.  Tania hated doing it, she had been beaten this way far too often.  But there was no other choice.  In less than a minute Tania-B had screamed out her climax and was helpless as She-Go pressed the chloroform pad over her face.  Less than a minute later she lay still.

            “Poor woman.” Tania gasped rolling off of her.  Our greatest pleasure is our greatest weakness, she thought.

            “If I didn’t have a couple of smashed ribs I’d agree with you.” She-Go said falling to her knees.  She took a communicator out of her pocket and spoke into it.  “Funny SPAY designed that thing to take her down and I stole it for the same reason.  Never had a chance to use it.”

            “It’s a bad way to win.”

            She-Go shrugged and spoke into the communicator.

            “Targets down, switch commencing.”

            “Come on.” She-Go said rolling Tania-B onto her back and unzipping the heroines costume.

            Tania nodded and pulled off her shirt, wincing as she did so.  SPAY didn’t completely trust Wanda-B or Tania-B and had laced their costumes with tracking devices.  Absent those devices neither Wanda nor Tania would make it past Supreme Commands security perimeter.  The cool night air nipped at her but Tania ignored it as she stripped.  It was harder to ignore the grit and sweat that had soaked Tania-B’s costume but she did it anyway.  Even the wetness at the crotch.

            A black van pulled up and Dick and Helena got out.  They quickly loaded the nude captives into it and drove off without a word.

            “Ok.” She-Go said as Wanda limped over to them.  She too had switched costumes with her counterpart.  “I toss this in the air and SPAY will come running when their sensors read the energy signature.”  She held a small black ball in her hand.  “We’ll be out for a few hours.  When we wake up it’ll feel like you’ve been drunk.  Ready?”

            “Yes.” Tania said and Wanda nodded.  Each of them took the small pill in her other hand.  “Good luck.”

            “You too.” She-Go said and tossed the ball into the air.

            Tania swallowed the pill in one gulp.  For a moment there was no reaction.  For a moment there was nothing and then a wave of distorted air exploded around them.  Tania felt her mind simply stop before darkness claimed her.

            When Tania woke up she was looking at a blue sky.  A pretty cloudless blue sky.  She was on a stretcher and being lifted out of an ambulance.

            “Ultra-Woman’s awake.” A man said.  Tania looked up and saw a large overweight man with red hair, a red beard and a monocle in one eye.  He walked over past the attendant and looked down at her.

            “Do you remember me Ultra-Woman?”

            “Dr… Dr. Faustus.” Tania said as she struggled to get her mind to work again.

            “Do you remember this place?” Dr. Faustus asked.

            Tania looked around.  Supreme Command had been a girls college once.  Her college since funds from her adventures had provided the funds for it.  It had been called…  What?  What had it been called?

But the old name didn’t matter.  Now it was Supreme Command and taught differently.  She looked at the statue of a bound nude woman kneeling submissively before the Red Skull.  Then her eyes traveled over the campus.  It was a bright spring day.  Over near the athletic field five young women were in stocks and being whipped by two men.  Two women in harness and special shoes pulled a chariot around an athletic track.  The women were nude except for the harness.  Tania’s mind reeled as she realized that nearly every part of the campus had a woman being degraded or punished.

“Scarlet Witch is awake.” The attendant said.  

“Do you remember me Scarlet Witch?” Faustus asked her.

“Dr. Faustus.” Wanda replied.  

“They used a neural bomb Dr. Faustus.” A new voice announced.  Tania knew the voice and looked over to see Reed Richards walk over to them.  Following two steps behind him was Sue Richards.  He was wearing the costume of the Fantastic Four, blue shirt and pants with the number 4 in the center of the shirt.  Sue was wearing a dog collar with a blue disk hanging from it and a blue sash around her waist.  On the disk was the number four.  Reed was leading her with a leash.

“They’ll have to be re-conditioned then.” Faustus said in a matter of fact tone of voice.

“NO!” Tania screamed as her fuzzy mind realized that something was going wrong.  She snapped the restraints that held her to the stretcher and sat up.  

“Stay down.” Dr. Faustus commanded in a severe tone of voice.

            “No!” Wanda repeated as she broke her own restraints.  She cast a hex sphere at Dr. Faustus even as Tania picked up the two attendants and tossed them over the van.

            “That’ll be enough of that Ultra-Woman.” Reed announced as his arms wrapped around her body.  Tania struggled but his pliable limbs were like a net around her chest.  “Sue do something useful for once and subdue the Scarlet Witch.”

            “Yes master.” Sue said.  Tania didn’t see what she was doing because she was too busy with Reed.  She struggled with all her might and loosened his grip enough to get a hand free.  Grabbing his skin Tania squeezed until he grunted in pain and let her go.

            “Guards!” Dr. Faustus called out.  From nearly every corner of the base men in SPAY uniforms began to emerge.  

            Tania looked over and saw that Sue had knocked Wanda out.  But before she could do anything Reed attacked again.  One of his arms wrapped around her waist and pinned her arms.  His other hand dove into the cleavage of her costume and stretched down the front until it reached her vagina.  Thin fingers pushed into her womb and then expanded and Tania suddenly found herself aroused.  She struggled but he was able to expand and contract, rubbing her clitoris, finding her most sensitive spot.  Tania struggled but fell as Sue tackled her legs.  On the ground with her arms pinned, Reed inside of her and Sue holding her legs Tania was helpless as the Amazon curse took away her strength.  

            Don’t give up, she silently begged her body as Dr. Faustus pressed the chloroform soaked pad against her face.  Don’t… Don’t give up!  Move!  Move!

            Tania continued her pleading as the drug took away the last of her strength and mind.  Helpless and defeated she knew one last instant of fear as she looked into the cold blue eyes of Dr. Faustus.

…To be continued.