
Part 3. To free the Heavens and the Earth.

by Skytower

Wanda’s eye stung as Zatanna mystically pulled the splinter from it.  It wasn’t a splinter of wood, metal or glass.  It was a splinter of electronics.  A combination camera and microphone built on mystical metal.

“You lied to us.” Wanda growled as Barbara sat and watched Zatanna do the same to Tania.  Tears were flowing from her eyes and she angrily used tissues to dry them.  The sting at least was fading quickly.  The bleak grey room with the two incandescent bulbs matched her mood perfectly.

They had gone through the portal from the Red Skull’s bedroom to some hidden base.  The portal had been a rough trip and Wanda had blacked out as she had emerged.  Apparently so had Tania.  They woke up in medical beds with IV’s in their arms.  Helena had been their nurse and told them that the portal had been tricky and un-balanced due to some lingering effects of the red skies and the mystical barriers surrounding the Red Skull’s room.  Both women had been out for a day.  It was the second time Wanda had woken up nude in a medical bed.  Wanda was getting tired of waking up and not knowing where she was.  She was tired of waking up nude.  Never in Wanda’s life had she ever guessed that wearing a nightgown would be a once in a while event.    

“I had to.” Barbara said.  “If they had broken either of you and you had known about the trackers the plan would have failed.

“So you watched and listened to our torture?” Tania demanded.

Barbara nodded.

“I knew that Ultra-man, Captain America, Spiderman and the Thing were in there.  But it was too well defended to get into the base.  We needed a link to where they were for Zatanna to open up a portal.”

“Even if we had been broken we would have been taken into the Red Skull’s room sooner or later.” Tania said.  “All you needed to be was patient.”

“And callous!” Wanda swore.  Barbara nodded again stone-faced and Wanda forced herself not to throw something.  “You know what we had to do!”

“I’m sorry.” Barbara said.

“Will you be honest with us from here on?” Tania demanded.

“She will be.” Steve Rogers said stepping into the room.  He was in costume carrying his shield and Wanda felt her heart jump.  Tall, muscular, blue eyes that held enough love to…

It’s not my Steve, Wanda told herself drawing the sheets up to her neck.  It’s not.  But she wished it was, her heart ached for her Steve.

“Honesty is something desperately needed.” Ultra-man said walking in behind Steve.  Wanda heard Tania’s sharp intake of breath.  What a cruel joke it was that the men they both loved were here, yet not here.  

“If you are ready we will brief everybody.” Barbara said.  

“We’re ready.” Tania said wiping her eyes and getting off of the bed.  “The sooner we are done the better.”  She grabbed her costume and started to put it on.  Her movements were angry and sharp.  Wanda waited until the men left before reaching for hers.  She reached for it and then laid back.

“Wanda?” Tania stood by her bed and put her arm on Wanda’s shoulder.

“I’d like a few minutes out of the fire.” Wanda said.  “A few hours, a few days…  Oh god Tania!  That…  Toad!”

Wanda realized that her body was shaking and Tania held her in a tight hug until the shaking subsided.  The she stood back and handed Wanda her costume.  Sighing Wanda took it.  They’d come too far to back out now.  And after seeing a hint of what the world was like for women under SPAY Wanda could never have slept again if she had abandoned it.

But damnit…  Would she ever have a real lover again?  Wanda was beginning to feel like a rubber band that had been stretched too many times.  

The room was very sparse.  Metal walls, a metal briefing table and chairs.  It looked like a war room from a Cold War era fallout shelter.  

And it may well be, Tania thought as she and Wanda sat down.  Tania was worried about her friend.  The physical torture had been one thing, but Wanda had offered herself freely to Toad.  The man repulsed her but Wanda had made herself smile and let her body react.  It was going to wear on her sooner or later.  Sooner from the looks of things.  Neither of them had any time to recover from any of their ordeals, from the moment weeks ago when Doc Droid had captured them, through the mind and body twisting by the Body Doubles and now this.  Tania felt as if her spirit had been stretched over a fire and the flame had never been extinguished.  

“We’re all on the edge now.” Barbara said rolling out a paper.  “Our house was destroyed by a missile attack five minutes after we got you out of the Red Skull’s room.”

“Where are our counterparts?” Wanda asked.

“Arkham Asylum.” Barbara said.  “We have friends there who put them in under false names, they’ll be safe until all this is over.”

“Arkham?” Tania echoed.  On her and Wanda’s world it was a dumping ground for the most insane supervillains.  A hell on Earth.

“It was the only place open to us.” Barbara said.  “We have to move now.”

“They won’t count on us being dead.” Nightwing said.

“No, but they’ve lost someone as well.” Barbara said.

“I don’t like being stared at.” She-Go said ignoring the angry look Kim gave her.

“He wasn’t looking at you.” Kim said crossly.  He was looking at me and his back was turned.

“He was looking at you.” She-Go growled.

“You didn’t have to kill him.” Kim said.  “You don’t kill for me!”

She-Go looked away but Tania saw the look of anger and sadness on her face at the tone of Kim’s voice.

“You want to go back?” She-Go mumbled.  “He was a guy Kim, they’re the enemy.”

“Not all of us.” Nightwing said.

“Like you were a big help.” She-Go snapped.  “It took those two to get us out.”

“And you killing someone from behind.” Kim said coldly.

“Enough!” Barbara said slapping her hand on the table top.  The Collector is dead.  No matter how it happened it’ll help us.  His control will fade the longer he is dead and the gem smashed.  That’s good.”  She looked at Steve.

“The next part of the plan splits us into three teams.” Steve said.  “The first goes to the main transmission tower.”  Barbara took a picture out of a folder from her lap and put it on the table.  The transmission tower was a large gray building.  Featureless without even windows.  The sight of it was chilling.

“They’ll infiltrate the building and upload a program that will flash on every screen in the world.  That program will erase SPAY’s subliminal commands in seconds.”

“If it works the chaos…”

“Will have to be endured.” Barbara interrupted Wanda.

“Peoples minds will snap.” Wanda protested.  “I remember the shock when my programming was broken.”  She looked at Tania.  “All of us suffered for months.”

“We don’t have any other choice.” Barbara said.

Wanda didn’t reply but folded her arms and sank back into her chair.  Tania knew that Barbara was right, but at the same time there were millions who were going to go insane.  Memories would haunt them forever, both male and female.  What was worse was that for some there would always be doubt as to whether or not the programming had really changed them or simply liberated a part of their minds held back.  And even far worse than that were the ones who had welcomed the change, feeling that it liberated them from guilt.

“The second team will go to the Amazon Island.” Steve said.  He looked at Tania.  “Not all of your sisters are sex slaves.  There are groups of amazons who are forced to work in mines as punishment.  The worst, the most stubborn; diehards.  They’ve been treated the worst but Oracle reports that a few are still willing to fight.  They are lead by an amazon named Aluna.  Your team will be Ultra-Man, you and myself.  We’ll free them, tell them the truth and then lead them into Tartarus.  Once there Aluna will lead them in a circle of prayer to the goddesses of Olympus.  I’ll protect them while they pray, you and Ultra-Man will free the gods.  Once they are free and hear your prayers the gods should be able to give the Titans a good fight.”

“They’ll be too weak to win.” Tania said.  Inwardly she smiled.  Aluna would be the diehard.  The ultimate dieheard.  On her world Aluna had been the strongest candidate to be Ultra Woman after Tania herself.  She’d been driven mad by her desire.  

“They just have to keep them Titans busy while Wanda frees Zeus.” Barbara said.

“What?” Wanda asked.

“Zeus is drunk and Hercules keeps him that way.” Barbara said.  “In his palace on Olympus Zeus sleeps though the day drugged, then when he wakes up a woman is ready for him.  But the time he’s done making love to her and drinking drugged wine he’s out again.  Hercules keeps him supplied with mortal women.  One per night goes in, makes love to him, comes out in the morning and is sacrificed to Hercules.  In a hundred years or so he might reach Zeus level of power.

Tania could not keep the gasp from escaping as she realized their plans.

“So…” Wanda asked.

“Zatanna will sneak you in.” Barbara said.  “And we have a drug that can sober Zeus up.  But you have to make love to him to get it into his body.”

Wanda’s breath caught in her throat and Tania took hold of her hand.  After Toad this was too much.

“Why Wanda?” She demanded not bothering to keep the anger from her voice.  Her body isn’t superhuman!  This is Zeus!  I am a better choice.”

“Oracle has run down the chances.” Barbara said.  “Crunched the numbers.  You have to lead the Amazons.  Huntress, Kim, She-Go and Nightwing will be needed to break into the transmission headquarters.  They work perfectly as a team so they have the best chance.  Captain America and Ultraman will need to be with you, you need his power and Cap’s ability to inspire.  Wanda’s the only one who’s sympathetic to Zatanna’s magic, her illusion disguise will work best with another magic user.  But Zatanna will need to keep the spell going, constantly refreshing it to hide their identity.  Wanda is the only one left.”

“We wouldn’t ask if there were any other way.” Steve said.  “Anyone of use would go instead.”    

Wanda shut her eyes tightly and her grip on Tania’s hand tightened.  

Asking, Tania thought.  They aren’t asking; they are using her own nobility against her.  Against us!  It’s moral extortion!

But as true as that was Tania knew what Wanda would say when she opened her eyes.

“Alright.” Wanda said.  “How do I get the drug into him?”

“I’ll tell you late in private.” Zatanna said.  “It’s not going to be easy.”

“Let’s go over the maps.” Steve said.  “Tania the amazon island we’ll be going to might be a lot different from the one you left.”

Tania sighed and bent over the table as more paper maps were unfolded.

The ship was a cargo steamer.  Ancient and rusted.  It bobbed up and down in the rough Atlantic seas.  Tania stood on the prow of the ship, waiting for the dawn light and the first sight of the island.  An island that was both hers and not hers.  Lights appeared on the horizon.  Electric lights.  Tania frowned.  Then the smells hit her.  Tania had never known what pollution was until she left the island.  From the time of her first trip to the world of man Tania had always looked forward to getting home.  The first thing she always did was to take a deep breath of the pure air of her homeland.  It gave her such a feeling of joy…

Tania gasped and felt the breakfast she had eaten fought to come up again.  Her head was filled with the smells of a city.  A filthy polluted city!  She felt her legs grow week as the sun rose.  To Tania the sun was rising on a vision of hell.

The Greek buildings were still there.  Temples, libraries, homes…  The shape of the land was still the same.  She could see the hills and the valleys.  But there it ended.  Factories belched smoke into the air and the fine marble columns of the temples and the libraries were covered in soot and grime.  The sunlight obscenely reflected from the oil that coated them.  Cars and trucks moved on roads and Tania knew that trees had been cut down to make those roads.  Trees she had rested under; sang under, laughed under.  Trees that to her were friends and signposts.  Those trees that still stood were denuded of leaves and life.  Oil and grime covered them as well.  More sunlight revealed more revolting sights.  The temples to the goddesses were smoking ruins.  The harbor was filled with oil and sludge.  

Tania lost it.  She leaned over the rail and threw up.  Fury beyond anything she had ever felt filled her.  The metal railing twisted in her grip like a piece of clay.  

“I know it’s hard.” Steve said standing beside her.  “I felt the same way when I saw Washington.”

“I will kill them for this.” Tania growled straightening up.  “I swear I will kill them slowly.  Where ever they are, where ever they run I will find them and they will die slowly!  Screaming!”  

“Be careful.” Steve said putting his hand on her shoulder.  “Don’t become what you want to destroy.  You didn’t kill the Red Skull.”

“I didn’t kill him because Wanda would have enjoyed it.” Tania snapped shrugging his hand off.  “This is different.”  She pointed to the island.  “That was my home!  Every tree, every trail, every building was my home!  I’ve been raped Captain and I’ve endured it, but these men have raped my home and that I will not endure!”

“It’s not your home.” Steve said.

“It’s close enough!” Tania shouted.  “The men who did this will die Captain.  Either by my hand or at the hands of my sisters.  I will wash this island clean and I’ll use their blood as the soap!”

“Do you really want your homeland reborn in blood?” Steve asked.  “Is that really what the amazons are about?  Think about it Tania.”

He walked away and Tania glared after him.  Maybe on some level he was right.  But how many times had he refused to kill the Red Skull and this was the result.  Some evil couldn’t be contained, only destroyed.  

“Blood is always part of birth or rebirth.” Tania said coldly looking out on the hell across the waters.  “If you were a woman Captain you’d know that.”

Wanda sat nude as Zatanna painted spells onto her skin.  A complex weave of arcane sigils in red, black, blue, green and yellow.  Zatanna had drawn them across her face, neck, back, legs and stomach and now drew them across her breasts.  It had taken nearly two hours.  They were in the ships medical room and the cold metal walls and ancient office furniture didn’t strike Wanda as the best place to cast spells.  But then she had cast them in much stranger places.  Fluorescent lights flickered as the ship rolled in the waves.  The ships doctor lay on his bunk, drunk and snoring.

“Done.” Zatanna said.  She looked tired.  “When I start the spell it will mix with your own magic and no one will be able to tell who we are.”

“What about the drug?” Wanda asked.  She knew that Zatanna had been avoiding talking about it.

“It’s here.”

Zatanna walked over to a desk and opened the draw.  She took out a small wooden box and opened it.  Inside was a transparent rubber dome.

“A diaphragm?” Wanda asked.

“More than that.” Zatanna said.  She lifted it up by the edges and turned it over.  “Look at it closely.”

Wanda looked and saw hundreds of tiny numbs.


“More than that.” Zatanna said again.  “Each one of those is a thorn grown by Ivy and myself.  Each one of them is filled with a chemical… well you might just call it the most potent coffee ever made.  The more you become aroused, the stiffer they become.  Your own body chemistry will make them hard.”

“He’ll feel it.” Wanda said.

“Not until they get hard and sharp.” Zatana said.  “Their small enough not to be felt or scratch him until you clench down hard.  You’ve got to wait until he’s climaxing, he’ll be stiff and hard and so will the thorns.  That’s when the skin of his penis will be the thinnest.  Clench as hard as you can.”

“Oh god.” Wanda said looking at the tiny bumps on the diaphram.  Of all of the things she’d ever had to do as a heroine this was the strangest.

“It’s the only way we can get the drug into him.” Zatanna said defensively.  “There’s so many detection spells, no drink or potion…”

“It’s alright I understand.” Wanda said.  She smiled suddenly and if that smile held more than a taint of fear to it Wanda wasn’t going to admit that.  “It’s kind of ironic, SPAY is right; a woman’s most dangerous weapon is her body.”  She took it from the box.  “Will I have time to put it in?”

“It has to be done now.” Zatanna said.  “Before the spell.”

“Oh hell.” Wanda swore.  “So I’m going to have to walk around with this thing stuffed in me?”  Zatanna nodded.

“I’ll put it in if you wish.” Zatanna said.

“I’ll do it.” Wanda said.  “At least this time I’ll have some protection.”

“Be careful.” Tania said giving Wanda a hug.  It was the middle of the morning and the small boat would take Tania, Captain America and Ultra-Man into the mines through an underground passage.  It was low tide and they could row into it.  The smog, clouds and a light oily rain was falling, obscuring the sun.  Tania, Cap and Ultra-Man all wore thick gray raincoats.

“I’m just making love to the king of the gods.” Wanda said attempting a joke.  She was wearing a raincoat as well.  “You’re the one in danger.”

“You’ll give him your best then.” Tania smiled accepting it.

“Always.” Wanda replied.

Tania climbed into the boat and picked up a paddle.  Slowly she and Captain America rowed toward a gap in the rocks.  Ultra-Man sat on the prow and kept look out.  The air was cold and clammy.  All too soon Tania’s skin was coated with grime despite the raincoat.  The waves tossed them up and down but didn’t swamp them and they road the tide into the cave.  The rocks on either side were jagged.  Volcanic rock carved by wind and rain and sea over eons.  Was it Tania’s imagination that the rocks resembled teeth?  That had never occurred to Tania when she was sailing toward her home.  The spray from the waves was tinted with oil and the smell turned her stomach.  It didn’t matter what Captain America said, Tania wanted the people who had done this to die.

Once in the cave Ultra-Man used a small light to guide them past more jagged rocks.  When they finally beached it was in a vaulted chamber that echoed each sound like a cathedral.  Tania and Cap followed Ultra-Man as they walked through the tunnels, trusting on his superior sight to keep them safe.  Oracle had given them a map and hopefully it was up to date.  She had also given them special protein drinks and food and clothing.  At the very least the amazons would need a boost before they ventured into tartarus.

The more they walked the more sounds came to Tania’s ears.  The harsh sound of metal against dirt, metal against rock and the harshest sound of all: a whip against skin.  But there was no answering cry.  Who ever it was being whipped wasn’t showing her pain.

Aluna, Tania thought, it has to be.

Aluna leaned on her shovel and tried to ignore the whip as it lashed her bare back.  The smooth wood of the shovel and the feel of harsh, gritty dirt on her knees weren’t new.  She didn’t mind.  She wasn’t rebelling.  The guards never understood that though.  When she finally rebelled they’d know it.  Someday she would.  But she was tired and she was resting.  If the price for that rest was a back scarred with lash marks then so be it.  On her dark skin it would hardly be noticeable.  Every bit of pleasure came with a high price these days.  The price of rest was the lash; the price of food and medicine was her body.  But every day when Aluna woke up she forced her mind to call up an image of those days when things did not cost much.  When the work she did was done with a smile and rest was taken when needed.  When the air was clear and the amazons sang.  When rope collars to one another didn’t link them.  When they had made love without a jeering audience.

One member of the group winced audibly with each stroke.  Clover was the youngest of the amazons and the one that Aluna loved above all.  Her blonde hair, ivory skin and soft green eyes were all that Aluna needed to live.

The whip stopped and Aluna heard the other women in her work party gasp.  She turned in surprise and that surprise turned into shock.  Tania stood behind the guard and behind her were Captain America and Ultra-Man.  Tania had wrapped the guard’s whip around his neck and was slowly killing him.  He clawed at her hands and kicked at her feet but Tania’s face was set in stone and her blue eyes were cold.  She lifted him off of the ground and terror sprang into his eyes.  Captain America started to put his hand on her shoulder but Tania shrugged him off.  Her eyes met Aluna’s and Aluna’s shock deepened when she saw the strength there.  The old strength that had beaten her in the contest to become Ultra-Woman.

When the guard finally went limp Tania snapped his neck and threw him against the wall.

“So this is what is left.” Tania said putting her hands on her hips.  “Toiling naked in the dark and enduring the lash as if you deserve it?  Tell me sisters if I were a stranger and came upon you now would I have any hint that you had ever fought against this fate?”

“Bitch!” Aluna swore too stunned to attack her or even get to her feet.  “You brought us to this!  You betrayed the gods!  You helped bring them down!  You held Athena while Hercules raped her!”

“No I didn’t.” Tania said.  “Because I’m not her.”  She walked over to Aluna and held out her hand.  Still stunned Aluna took it and Tania helped her to stand up.  “And she had no choice in the matter.  What you, what all of you saw on that day was the end of a dark tale.  A tale that none of you ever knew the start of.  Now I can tell you the rest of it.”  She took a drink from Ultra-Man and handed it to Aluna.  “I have drink and clothing to offer, will you hear me out?”

Stunned and puzzled Aluna nodded.

The way to Mount Olympus was through a doorway of mist far out into the sea.  A silver galleon driven by magical oars carried the ship over the waves.  It was a beautiful ship done in the classic Greek style.  The steamer had gotten within a hundred yards of it and Zatanna had floated them the rest of the distance.  Wanda knew when they crossed the boundary.  The air became sweeter, the colors and the world a bit clearer.  This was the edge of Olympus and the fog of mortality that shrouded the Earth did not exist here.  It was glorious and frightening at the same time.  Wanda was mortal and on a primal level she knew that this was not meant for her.  It would drown her if she weren’t careful.

They slipped on board no more than a wisp of smoke and only took solid form once they were in the cabin.  A young woman who looked nineteen was sleeping on a bed.  A wave of Zatanna’s hand and a muttering of words was enough for her to stay asleep.  Wanda lay down next to her and Zatanna cast the spell.  A warm feeling floated over Wanda’s body and she echoed the spell.  To anyone watching Wanda’s body would have flowed like quicksilver over the young woman’s body, stayed there for a moment and then flowed off again.  When it reformed Wanda was the exact image of the young woman.  Her red hair was now blonde, her breasts larger, her hips slimmer and her skin a shade darker.  The young woman turned invisible.  She was still there, but she would sleep for days and not be seen.  

Zatanna took a breath and steadied herself against the bed.  Any normal illusion spell would be useless to get past the eyes of the guards.  They were titans, ancient gods who were old before mankind was born.  It would take every trick she knew to keep Wanda’s true form hidden.  

“Take a break.” Wanda whispered.

Zatanna nodded and slumped down next to her.  In a few seconds she was in a light sleep/trance.  Wanda lay awake and looked at the wooden beams in the ceiling.  This was the hardest time for her.  In a few hours she’d be making love to someone she’d never met.  Giving her body away and keeping a smile on her face while she did so.  Tania and everyone on the planet were counting on her do to so.  

“I can do this.” Wanda told herself forcing the uncertainty away with the words.  She wouldn’t let Tania or Steve-any Steve-down.

The straight jacket was comforting.  Wanda had been in them before.  Long, long ago when she had been a heroine and had been captured by villains.  Back then she had hated being in a straight jacket.  It was hard to remember those days.  It was hard to remember a time when she laughed and felt good about herself.  When she thought of problems as solvable.

“Death where is thy kiss.” Wanda whispered.  She longed for it.  She’d been longing for it for days now.  Wanda had failed somehow.  That woman, that other her, that woman now walked free and Wanda was a madwoman.  Insane and reviled.  Hated.  Who was that other woman?  Was she a clone?  A robot?  Why did seeing her seem to tear Wanda’s soul apart?  Why had other women hidden her and Tania?  

Am I insane or is the world insane, Wanda wondered.

They’d been brought to Arkham in the middle of the night and bundled into the straight jackets quickly and roughly and then tossed into the cell.    

“We’ll never die Wanda.” Tania said.  It was a whisper really.  Liked Wanda she was nude under the tough denim fabric and the crotch strap dug into her sex.  Wanda knew that Tania welcomed that pleasure as much as she did.  Welcomed and hated it.  She was on the other side of the room and rolled over to her friend.

“We’re damned you and I.” Tania said.  “Useless and damned.”

“Not useless.”

Wanda backed up against the wall as the figure faded into view.  Tania joined her.  The figure was death: a skeleton in a red robe.  She blinked and suddenly it wasn’t death, it was Hercules.  A war broke out in Wanda’s mind and soul.  Her soul hated this man.  But her mind had been conditioned to worship and obey him.  To hate him was unforgivable the conditioning said.  He was a man and she was only a woman and a poor one at that.  

To obey him was unforgivable, her soul screamed back.  He had forced her to betray everything that she had ever loved!

Between the two forces of spirit and mind Wanda’s sanity was slowly being reduced to a burned out ember.

The conditioning won out and as much as possible Wanda bowed.  Beside her Tania did as well.

“Just like women to cower when work is to be done.” Hercules said.

“My lord we are captive.” Wanda replied.

“No longer.” Hercules said and waved his hand.  Wanda felt her straightjacket fade away and she saw that Tania’s was gone as well.  They sat nude but free.  Another wave and they were in costume.

“Go to the island of the amazons.” Hercules said.  “Kill those who have taken your place.”

Some part of Wanda’s mind fought its way through the conditioning.

“Why can’t you kill them?” Wanda asked.  “If you know…”

“Do not question your orders.” Hercules barked and faded away.

“But how do we…” Tania asked.

“Find your own way!” Hercules snapped as he faded back into the skeleton and faded from view.  “You are capable enough!  Do it!”

“Do it…” Tania started.

“Ourselves?” Wanda finished and they stared at each other.

“We must… we must obey.” Wanda said.  

“I want to go home.” Tania agreed.  “But…  how?”

“We’ll find a way.” Wanda said.

After a moment they both gasped at her words.  The idea that each of them could decide on a course of action was nearly un-thinkable after so many years.  Within each woman’s mind a crack appeared.

“We get out of here first.” Tania said.  She looked at the wall and her hand closed into a fist.  “We… We used to…”

Tania walked over to the wall and started to punch it.  Energy lit up around Wanda’s hands as long forgotten spells started to surface in her mind.

“We used to.” She agreed.

The entrance to Tartarus was deep within the mines.  On Tania’s world it had been a large door, heavily built with metal and wood and protected by strong spells.  The cavern that held it was a place no amazon wanted to go.  It reeked of death and pain.  From time to time monsters slipped out of the cracks of the doorframe.  Tania had faced many of them.  Some she had killed, many had escaped into the world of man.  It was a forbidden door cast by Hephaestus and put into place by Zeus.

Now the door lay shattered and the forbidding cavern was a highway.  From the shadows Tania watched as demons and monsters tromped through the doorway.  The ones going in were carrying loot and people-mostly women.  The ones going out were smiling and drinking.  By the ruined door was a giant Cyclops.  He was at least 30 feet tall and wore armor made from dragon bones.  At his side was a club of stone.  The creature stood with his arms folded looking down at another giant.  She was only half of his size.  Nude she sat chained to a rock and was using another part of the door as a desk.  A gigantic quill pen flew across a scroll as monsters traveled in and out of the doorway.  The woman had a strong nose, arched eyebrows and curly brown hair.  Her skin was pale as ivory and her eyes a deep brown.  While she worked small monsters crawled over her legs constantly hammering them.  Even as far away as they were Tania could hear the bones crack.

“Metis and Drom.” Aluna said.  “They must break her legs constantly so she can not fight him or run away.”

“Who is she?” Captain America asked.

“Metis is one of the Okeanides.” Tania said.  “She was the one who gave Zeus the key to his victory over his father and was his first wife.  But when it was prophesized that a son of his by her would overthrow him Zeus ate her, keeping her within his body.  She’s rumored to have been the source of his wisdom.”

“How did she get out of him?” Ultra-Man asked.

“Hercules got him so drunk that first night that he vomited her.” Aluna replied.  “Hercules captured her and set her here to keep track of the loot that he and the Red Skull are always fighting over.  At night Drom rapes her as payment for his being a guard.”

“So many demons…” Ultra-Man said.

“Souls released from Tartarus to loot and pillage.” Aluna said.  “Hell had more than enough to spare.”   

“When Drom goes for her we’ll take him.” Captain America said.

“We amazons will take him.” Tania ordered.  “Captain you and Ultra-Man watch our back, make sure that no one sees what is going on and escapes.”

“We’ll take him?” Aluna asked.

“I’ll take him.” Tania said.  “The rest of you will defeat the demons that are breaking her legs.”

“We’re un-armed.” One of the amazons pointed out. “They aren’t.”

“Are you amazons willing to fight for freedom or aren’t you?” Tania demanded putting scorn in her voice.  A flash of angry pride lit up the eyes of her sisters.  “Metis is a Titan, older than Zues.  A goddess.  A woman being held and raped.”  Tania looked at Aluna.  “What do you say to that?”

“I say we take those hammers and smash more than their legs.” Aluna said.  Tania smiled as the rest of the women nodded.  This was what she had to get them back to being.  This was why Cap and Ultra had agreed to hang back.  

Tania just hoped that they were up for it.  The drinks had given them a bit of energy, but even clothed in shorts and sports bras they were not the amazons that she had known.  They had gone through too many beatings, too many rapes, too much pain and despair to be the feared warriors that they once were.  Not with only a few hours rest at any rate.  Some of them would die.  But at least they would die free.

“We have the ropes that bound us.” Tania said holding up her own lasso.  “That will be all the weapons we’ll need.”

The very air of Olympus was a sweet wine.  Wanda grabbed the edge of the chariot with both hands and gripped until they were white knuckled.  It was hard to grasp the reality around her.  The gleaming white and gold marble buildings stretched for as far as she could see and their height was hundreds of feet tall.  Wanda was dressed in layers of filmy silk that the wind pushed against her body.  It was probably the most erotic that she had ever looked.  It was too bad it wasn’t her real body.  The chariot moved without a driver or horses and beside her sitting and deep in concentration sat Zatanna.  

As they drove through a city built from dreams Wanda realized that not all of the Olympians were in Tartarus.  Some wandered the streets in chains or floated through the air as moaning wraiths.  The few titans she saw lounged drunk in doorways or slept in the fields.    

When they drove up to the palace Wanda saw Hercules.  He was the same as in her world.  Tall, broad shouldered with thick brown hair and deep blue eyes.  He wore a loincloth that covered very little of his magnificent body.  On his face was an arrogant sneer.  Beside him was the Red Skull.  Wanda froze and hoped that the spell was perfect.  It had to be.  These men were not fools.

“So you see mortal that they would not dare to come here.” Hercules said.

“My source was sure.” The Red Skull said.  

“Your source could not prevent you from being beaten in your own bedroom.” Hercules laughed.  “Our foes are done Skull, enjoy victory and hunt them down.”

“I will enjoy it after I have hunted them down.” The Skull said.  “They must be here somewhere.”  He turned and walked away muttering to himself.

Still a coward, Wanda thought.  Even in heaven.

Tania moved forward in a silent run.  The demon commuters had thinned out to the point where only one or two trudged along every now and then carrying sacks.  The contents of some of those sacks wiggled and squirmed but she would leave that for Captain America and Ultra-man.  Both of them were disturbed by her behavior.  She knew that they both thought that she was going to far.  Deep down Tania wondered if they might be right.  Three more guards had died because they stood in her way.  Tania usually didn’t kill this easily.

But anger had smothered her mercy.  Her home, her sisters, her goddesses… all defiled and even if it was not truly her world it was someone’s world.  It was that other Tania’s world and Tania realized deep in her heart that it could have been her.  Ever since she had first donned the uniform of Ultra Woman it had been many a villains desire to take it off of her.  Many-too many-had succeeded.  She had been raped in body mind and soul more times than any human being in history.  She had always recovered, always triumphed.  But with each victory the fear grew within her that maybe her luck was being stretched too far.  Maybe the next time might be the last.

For the Tania of this world that time had come.  It had sickened Tania to see her double reduced to a broken pet.  That could easily be her and this could easily be her home.  The forces that did that to her double and this place were going to pay and pay in blood no matter what any man thought.  This was Amazon payback.

Metis lay on her back with a look of painful rage on her face.  She was still fighting back but the demons that had been breaking her legs had thrown ropes around her arms and were holding them.  Drom laughed and his cock was stiff and hard.  It was what Tania had been hoping for.  Drom was stronger than she was and he had size.  Traditionally when fighting a cyclops you went for the eye.  But the cyclops who came from this place had long since learned to coat their eye with protective spells.  Invisible armor.  

Tania leapt over Metis prone form and ran down the woman’s stomach.  Her lasso sailed through the air and wrapped itself around the cyclops cock just under the head.  Tania pulled it with all of her might and was rewarded with a roar of pain and surprise.  She kept running even as he reached for her.  Tania ran between his legs and pulled.  Now the roar was of pure pain as Drom felt his manhood pulled down.  Tania ran to his ankle and tied the lasso off and then dodged as his fist hit the spot where she had just been.  

Drom stumbled off balance and that was the moment Tania had been waiting for.  Both fists in front of her she flew up at top speed and slammed them into his throat.  Drom’s roar turned to a choked gasp and he fell on his side.  Tania drew back and waited for her next opening.  He was chocking and weakened, one good shot to the solar plexis would force the air out of his lungs and she could finish him with a solid hit to the head.  

Tania never got the chance.  Drom’s club arced through the air and smashed his skull to jelly before he could rise.

“I told you I would do that beast.” Metis said standing up.  There was a satisfied smile on her face.  Her legs were glowing with a healing power.

Tania looked around and saw that the demons were dead.  So were two of her sisters.  Aluna moaned and hugged a dead Clover to her chest.  Tania flew down to her and put her hand on Aluna’s shoulder.

“They died free.” She said knowing that it was a pale sad thing to say.  

“I wanted them to stand in the light again.” Aluna whispered as tears ran down her face.  “I wanted them to dance in the moonlight as we praised the goddesses.”

“We’re sorry.” Cap said walking over to them.

“No one got away.” Ultra-Man added.

“Dry your tears.” Metis said.  She stood over them, leaning on Drom’s club.  A chainmail suit of armor now covered her body forming a knee length skirt that she had belted at the waist with another length of chain.  

“Goddess.” Tania said bowing.  The other amazons bowed as well.

“Enough of that.” Metis snapped.  “I was old before man was created, strength through worship is a weakness the Olympian upstarts have.  I am Okeanides and I am free at last!”

“Will you help us?” Captain America asked.

“War against the Titans to free the Olympians?” Metis demanded.  “It was that folly that doomed me to an eternity in Zeus stomach.”  She paused and then went on before they could speak.  “But this hasn’t been pleasant either.  I have scores to settle.  I’ll deal with Zeus when this is over.  I have some sympathy for the goddesses who are even now being abused as I was.  I know of a secret way into Tartarus.  Quicker, safer then the one I see in your minds that you were to follow.  Follow me and I’ll guide you there.”

“Wait.” Tania said.  “Our dead must be respected.”

“If you had any.” Metis said.  She reached over and laid a finger on the foreheads of the two fallen amazons.  At once their wounds healed and the two women opened their eyes.

“By…” Tania started to swear and realized how wrong it would be to swear by the old… no by the younger goddesses.

“Thank you.” Aluna whispered hugging the slim woman to her.  Clover looked with awe at the giantess.

Metis seemed to stand a little straighter at the voiced gratitude but then she turned.  

“Follow me.” She said.

Tartarus was misery.  The further into the wasteland of souls they traveled the more Tania felt the misery.  Felt it, tasted it, smelled it and saw it in the distance.  Wails and screams of despair were constant.  The landscape was a twisted forest of dead trees and ashen soil.  Images were burned into the tree trunks and into the branches.  

Metis stopped at one and put her finger to it.  The image was of a centaur and it came to life.

“Low have you fallen Turun.” Metis said.  

“The Olympians betrayed me.” Turun said.  

“It is a habit with them.  Swear to serve me and I will free you.”

“I swear.”

Metis drew her finger from the image and slowly a fully-grown centaur emerged from the tree.  He stood as tall Tania and had the same golden hair and blue eyes as she did.  Metis whispered something to him and he galloped off.

“What did you tell him?” Tania asked.

“A private message to someone I know.” Metis said.  “A breeze that I hope will trigger a storm.  Come.”

Tania followed but worry began to gnaw at her.  Were they releasing something worse?

Hours later they came to a broad stone wall.  The stone was black with streaks of grey at the top.  Tania knew it from stories.  This was Icehold, the prison of the gods.  No sunlight or prayer could breach the walls, not even the pale sunlight of the underworld.  Those inside were cut off from life itself.

“Form the circle.” Tania ordered Aluna.  She nodded and the amazons sat cross-legged in a large circle.  They each held hands and looked at her.  Tania nodded to Ultra-man.

“The stories say that no man born of Earth can break this stone.” Metis said.  “And it is spelled against monsters, demons…”

“But not against me.” Ultra-man said.  Drawing back his fist he smashed it against the wall.  The sound of the blow echoed around them but Metis held up her hand and it faded quickly.  Ultra-Man pulled his fist back and shook the dust off of it.  He’d made a half-foot whole in the wall.

“That should do it.” Captain America said.  

“I will guard your sisters.” Metis said.  “The three of you should have no trouble finding the gods when the prayer starts.”

“Give us an hour.” Captain America said.

Tania concentrated and flew up.  Beside her Ultra-Man carried Captain America.  She gave one last look at Aluna and saw the woman nod.  Tania nodded back.  Originally they had planned to leave her sisters with Captain America, but now Metis was there.  

Tania wasn’t sure of Metis or her motives or goals.  Dark tales were told of the Titans.  But there was no other choice but to trust her.  And she knew that Captain America would be needed.

Tania flew on and peered over the top of the wall.  Beyond it was a fortress, a prison.  In a single name: hells heart.  In the center of a vast plane was a solid black pyramid standing on black columns.  The floor of the plain was a writhing mass of black snakes with red eyes.  Across the plain were hundreds of white statues.  Across all of them spiders crawled and made webs.  

Tania felt a shudder go through her body.  She knew some of those statues.  Somehow she knew that they were more than statues.  They were amazons.

“Hercules and the demons he rules raided the Elysian fields.” Metis said.  “Stripping that holy place of amazons.  His hatred of women extends even to his wife and his mother and daughter.”

“If he lives when this is over justice will not be served.” Tania growled.

“Justice will be done.” Metis said.  “More than you can guess.”  

“According to legend the entrance is on the bottom of the pyramid.” Tania said.

“It is.” Metis confirmed.  “There are no guards outside, but many inside.”

“Good.” Tania said ignoring the look Captain America gave her.

Hercules liked to watch.  A part of Wanda was amazed that she was surprised at that.  She laid back on sheets that were smoother than any silk every woven and out of the corner of her eye watched the mirror on the wall.  It was a one-way mirror and to someone of Wanda’s talents easily seen through.  Hercules lounged in a bed with bottle of wine in one hand.  His other hand played with his own sex.  Zeus didn’t notice, but then Zeus wasn’t noticing much more than her breasts.  One he was trying to knead into submission and the other he had decided to swallow whole.  Wanda made herself moan with passion and ran her fingers through his curly brown hair.  

As a figure of a man Zeus was perfect.  Tall, broad and extremely muscled.  He literally had the largest cock she’d ever seen.  His beard was rough against her stomach.  Wanda had been led into the room by Hercules, placed on the bed and pushed against the semi-sleeping form of his father.  All it took for Zeus to come alive again was the feeling of Wanda’s nude body against his.  Now Wanda felt his erection against her body.  

Not too quick, Wanda thought as Zeus started to thrust.  He was too drunk to realize that his cock was nowhere near where it needed to be.  Easing him over Wanda rolled on top of him and edged her pussy toward his face.  He got the idea and his tongue came out and gently probed her lower lips.

Ok, Wanda thought.  We gotta give them time so…

Her body shuddered as he thrust is face into her and his tongue pressed into her womb.  His hands madly sought her breasts.

“Hell can’t even a god take his time for once!” Wanda gasped.

The prison spiraled down into a dark pit.  A trick of unreality that after entering from the bottom they were on the top level of hell.  Tania, Cap and Ultra-Man stood at the top of the pit, unconscious demons spread at their feet.  With Cap looking over her shoulder Tania had stopped herself from killing them.  But she wanted blood.  It was an alien feeling for Tania but after all that she had gone through even before making it to this world and all that she had gone through since appearing in it her frustration was nearly perfect.  Tania wanted to hit something.  A lot of somethings.

A low moan echoed from the pit.  It mixed with all of the other moans but Tania was chilled as she heard it.  Down there with the prison literally built on his living corpse was Chronos the Titan.  Perhaps the oldest god of all.  How many eons of suffering had he gone through?  Would he suffer till the end of time?

Tania moved silently and they followed her.  The spiral moved down in a continuous ramp and they passed barred doors.  Each cell held a prisoner and each prisoner dwelled not in the cell, but in the hell of their own making.  They passed Sisyphus and saw that in his cell he was pushing a bolder up a hill.  

“We’re not here to free anyone else.” Tania said as Captain America put his hand on her shoulder and gestured to a cell that held a man weeping.  “Later if we survive.”

Captain America nodded and they kept moving.

They were five levels down before they found the goddesses.  Three of them in a cell, their hells linked.  Hera stood in her cell, both arms above her head holding a giant block of rock.  A demon stood and whipped her.  Another stood between her legs and his tongue played at her pussy.  Lash marks covered her nude body.  Her feet were gray and part of the floor as if she were slowly turning to stone.  Her brown hair fell to her waist and her green eyes showed the pain of the stance.  If she let go even for a moment the stone would fall crushing them.  At her feet chained to the floor were Athena and Aphrodite.  A snake had coiled itself around Athena’s neck and its face hovered in front of hers.  Her eyes never left the snakes and fear and pain could be seen in them.  Her black hair was cut short.  Between her legs its tail moved in and out of her sex.  A spider web obscured Aphrodite’s face and the spider perched on her stomach and had buried its fangs into her body.  There was no sign that any of them heard the prayers.  But Tania wasn’t surprised about that, it was hard to listen to anything when you were being tortured.  

Rage poured through Tania’s blood but she held back.  The demons hadn’t noticed them.  Tania pointed to the cell bars and Ultra-man nodded.  Then she pointed at the demon with the whip and at her self.  Captain America nodded and pointed to the snake while Ultra-Man pointed to the spider.

Tania stood back and gathered herself.  Twin beams of light shot from Ultra-man’s eyes and the bars glowed.  It took only a few seconds for his heat vision to melt nearly all of the way through the tops of the bars and then the bottoms.  They still had not been noticed.

Tania charged forward and crashed through the weakened bars.  The demon had no time to react before she caught his whip in her free hand and smashed her fist into his face.  There was no mercy or any idea of holding back.  Tania’s fist struck with all her might and smashed the demons head to paste.  His lifeless body collapsed to the floor.  She looked behind her and saw that Captain America had grabbed the snake and strangled it and Ultra-man had flung the spider against the wall with enough force to flatten it.

These are true men, Tania thought.

“Goddesses.” Tania said going down to her knees and bowing.  “Your servant comes at last.”

“Not ours girl.” Hera said not moving.  “I would know ours.  But you are welcome.”  She looked up at the block.  “I can’t move or this will crush them.”

“Not a problem.” Ultra-Man said and with one blow reduced the block to powder.  

Hera collapsed to the floor and was hugged by Athena.  Aphrodite sat up slowly and Hera tore the web from her face.  Her feet had returned to being flesh.

“I thank you.” Athena said.  “But thanks is all that I can offer.  You are far too late.  We are too weak to even walk out of this cell.”

“She’s not alone.” Hera said.  “Listen daughter.”

Tania couldn’t hear anything and neither could Captain America.  But Ultra-man nodded.  

“They are singing.” He said.  

“Prayers?” Aphrodite said lifting up her head like a starving woman who smells freshly cooked bread.  “Prayers to us?”

“They know the truth.” Hera said.  “The lie that crushed their faith is destroyed and they know the truth!”

Slowly the three of them stood and closed their eyes.  Their bodies shimmered and grew more and more solid.  Robes of gold appeared on Aphrodite, green ones on Athena and purple ones on Hera.

“Feel their faith, their love.” Hera said.  

“Even after all that they have suffered…” Athena whispered.  

“So strong.” Aphrodite said.  “Their faith is so strong, a fine wine, a banquet!”

“Their faith is mine what ever world I’m in.” Tania said.  “You three are the base of my life.”

Tania kneeled and held her arms over her head, crossing her wrists together.

“Love, strength, wisdom.” Tania intoned solemnly.  “I beg that these three bind me for all of my life.  That they tie my anger with strands of love, chain my weakness with links of strong courage and cage my ignorance with bars of wisdom.  This I beg and nothing more.  I humbly beg this of Aphrodite, I humbly beg this of Hera and I humbly beg this of Athena.”

It was a traditional Amazon prayer.  Each of the goddesses took hold of Tania’s wrists and she felt a shiver go through both her body and soul as they seemed to flow into her.  

“Daughter of us all we honor your plea and give you our thanks.” Hera said.  “Would that our true daughter have had your luck.”

Tania stood up and was enveloped in a group hug.

“Thank both of you as well.” Hera said when the hug broke up.

“We’re not done yet.” Captain America said.

“No.” Athena replied and armor replaced her robes.  A bit of anger crept into her voice.  “I agree noble one we are not done at all.”  

The king of the gods was not a good lover.  Wanda stood on top of his chest and grabbed at his nipples with her toes.  It was the only way she had thought of to slow him down and it worked as he lovingly caressed her legs and reached half-heartedly for her pussy.  Zeus operated on the ‘if its an opening I can put my cock into it’ theory of sex and so far he’d tried her ears, her nose and her mouth.  Wanda had wrestled and squirmed all the while trying to make it look like she was on fire sexually.  It must have been working because through it all Hercules had laughed and drank himself into near drunkenness.

Wanda saw a servant rush into the room and whisper something to Hercules.  With a look of rage on his face the son of Zeus rushed out of his room.

“Finally!” Wanda said.  She jumped up and landed with all her weight onto Zeus’s stomach.  He grunted but seemed delighted to have her breasts within groping range once more.  Wanda felt him enter her and started to bounce.   

“Ok, time to send you over the top.” Wanda gasped out.  Inside of her Wanda could feel the thorns growing stiff.  She had to laugh, usually it was the guy who needed to stiffen up.  If she timed it right this would be a climax that Zeus would always remember.

The gods were not in good health.  Aside from the three goddesses the rest of them were pale shades with hardly any substance.  They had all spent too long in hell and no one was praying to them.  It had taken time for the party to go down through the prison and even with the three goddesses it hadn’t been easy.  The further down that they had gone the tougher the guards had become.  But the tougher the battles the more Tania found that she liked them.  Hercules didn’t use only demons he used the dead.  Dead supervillains who while alive had tormented Tania and other heroines time and time again.  Leaving their living corpses dismembered gave her a great amount of satisfaction.  Once they had all of the gods they had headed back toward the surface.  The closer the goddesses could get to the praying amazons the more powerful they would be.  

But getting back up was even harder.  The alarm had sounded and armed demons had packed into the prison.  They crowded the corridors and stabbed and hacked at the small party.  The advantage had been to the prisoners until they broke out onto the field.  There was a nation of demons waiting for them.  Tania was tired, her costume torn in many places.  Even her fury could not keep her going forever.  The plain of snakes had become a plain of four-foot tall demons with rough gray alligator skins, sharp fangs and hideous faces.  They wore nothing but plate armor and each carried a sword and a shield.  Tania readied the bar that she had taken from the cell of the goddesses.  So far it was working well as a weapon.

“We fight our way to the amazons.” Captain America said.  

“Optimist.” Ultra-Man said with that half smile of determination that always made Tania’s heart skip a beat.  He wasn’t invulnerable to these weapons as his numerous wounds showed.  His costume was torn away exposing his chest.  Captain America’s costume was holding strong.

“What ever happens we do not go back into that cell!” Hera shouted defiantly.

“Take point.” Captain America ordered Ultra-man.

They charged into the demons in a tight as unit as they could and were surrounded.  Tania blocked and parried sword and clubbed many a demon’s head into jelly.  The goddesses formed a triangle and around them energy crackled as any demon who touched them exploded into flame.  In the center of the triangle the rest of the gods shimmered, half in and half out of life.

The demons pressed harder and the party stalled.  Even with Ultra-Man in front there were just too many of them.

Then a horn sounded and Tania looked up to see an army of centaurs charge onto the plain.

“Titan Centaurs!” Hera said.  “Zeus banished them from all the worlds when they fought for the Titans against him.”

That was all that she had time to say before the battle grew chaotic.

“Come on, come on!” Wanda begged as she matched thrust to thrust against the king of heaven.  Now that he was actually into her Zeus had slowed down and for once that was the last thing that Wanda wanted to have happen.

“Why don’t men come with speed controls!” Wanda growled in frustration.

In a stolen jet fighter fury flew toward hell.  Behind the fighter lay the smoking ruins of what had once been a military base and the bodies of the men who had defended it.  Wanda flew the jet and in the seat behind her Tania caressed the weapons.  The conditioning had broken completely.  Both women remembered everything.  There was not a word in any language to describe what the two women were feeling.  Their goal however was known in every language ever created by sentient beings: revenge.

The demons weren’t strong.  One blow could kill them.  But Tania had only so many blows in her body.  Her costume hung from her body in shreds and scratches deep and shallow covered her body.  The bar that had served her so well had been lost in the body of a demon.  Now Tania struck out with her fists and legs.  The arrival of the centaurs had helped and they were half way to the wall when another hoard of demons appeared.  It was a stalemate with both sides pushing back and forth as cries of pain, rage and death filled the field.  War had come to hell and hell had welcomed it.    

Two demons grabbed hold of Tania’s left leg and three demons grabbed hold of her right leg.  They held on grunting and biting despite her efforts to shake them off.  Two more of them grabbed her waist, linked their arms and started to squeeze trying to force the air from her lungs.  Tania reached for them but two demons apiece grabbed her arms.  Another jumped onto her back and wrapped his short stubby legs around her neck.  At the same time one of his arms went across her eyes blinding her while his hand covered her mouth and nose.  The foul smell of his skin and sweat would have made Tania throw up if she had been able to open her mouth.  She could hear him alternately giggling with savage glee and grunting as he squeezed his legs tighter.  His rough skin dragged against hers.  Tania’s skin was tough, nearly invulnerable but it could only stand so much.

Tania felt her legs start to bend and as desperately as she tried to shake her attackers off she failed.  More weight landed on her and Tania felt her hair being pulled back.  Something landed on her chest and started to pound her breasts.  Her balance was going.  Hard blows landed on the back of her legs and Tania fell to her knees.  Her lungs were screaming for air, her head was pounding and her arms and legs were going numb.  Something struck her and Tania fell onto her back.  The impact knocked the demons off of her head and she could breath again for a moment.  But the moment was just that and a demon stuffed the heel of his foot into her mouth.  Tania bit down but he ignored her efforts.  They were all over body now, three or four at each limb, two on her stomach; Tania lay beneath a mass of small attackers and was helpless.  As much as she strained every muscle she couldn’t move.  Three of them had her head in a solid grip and two more where pulling her hair back and against the ground.  One of them sat on her stomach and pounded her breastbone while two more had locked their mouths around her breasts and were sucking at them.  Tania felt their rough tongues against her nipples.  One of them threw some sort of dust into her face and Tania’s head swirled as her thoughts dissolved into chaos.

One of them thrust something into her pussy and Tania screamed with what little air she had left.  The drug would make her mind too weak to resist the rape and if she climaxed then the curse of the amazons would take over and she would be powerless.

The scream was answered and suddenly the demons on her were scattered.  Chocking and gasping for breath Tania sat up and realized that Aluna and Clover were standing over her.  The amazons had formed a circle and were still singing to the goddesses while they fought.

“No sister goes down alone!” Aluna shouted.

Tania struggled to her feet wiping the dust from her face.  Metis stood above both gods and amazons and used her club to good effect.

But the demons were so many Tania was afraid that they could over power even Metis.  Then she heard a sound that seemed out of place in hell, but at the same time perfectly at home.  A jet fighter came in low and strafed the field with machine guns.  But there was no aim in the fire and only the shield that Metis put around them saved Tania and the amazons.

“Who is that?” Aluna demanded.

“Me.” Tania answered simply.  Somehow she knew that her counterpart was on the jet.  And so was Wanda’s counterpart.  Exhausted Tania leaned into Aluna.  She needed a few minutes for her body to gather enough energy to get back into the battle.  Aluna understood that, there was no need for words between them.  The jet would give them those minutes.

“The son comes.” Metis said and Tania realized that she didn’t have minutes.  She tried to steady herself and fell to one knee instead.  In the sky a battle took place.  Hercules was in a golden chariot pulled by white horses with fire coming out of their hooves as they galloped across the sky.  Beside him was the Red Skull.  The jet turned and headed straight toward them with all of the crafts weapons firing.  But the bullets bounced off of the chariot and the missiles sped past it.  At the last moment Hercules jumped from the chariot to the jet.  It tumbled out of control as he ripped the canopy off of the cockpit.  The seats in the plane exploded upward as the out of control jet nosed into a dive.  Hercules leapt off of the jet and the chariot curved to catch him.

The impact of the jet shook the ground and the fireball enveloped the plains.  Tania braced herself for it only to have the wall of flame flow around her and the rest of the amazons like water flowing around a stone.

“Those who freed me will not die this night.” Metis said.

“You!” Tania heard her counter part scream.  Hercules had landed and barely had time to brace himself when Tania landed her first blows.  

The drug was clearing quickly and Tania wanted desperately to help herself.  At the same time she saw Wanda tear into the Red Skull.  But she knew how the battles would end.  Wanda and Tania were fighting with pure rage.  There was no strategy behind their blows, no worry about counterattack.  They were too furious for that.  As they attacked it never occurred to either of them that Hercules or the Skull would even fight back.

But fight back they did.  Hercules dodged one of Tania’s blows and drove his fist up between her legs.  The impact sent her flying backwards to land in a pile of charred bones.  The Red Skull twisted Wanda’s wrist until she was bent nearly double and then kicked her in the stomach.  She fell into the ash choking.  

Before Tania could do anything Captain America and Ultra-Man attacked.  Ultra-Man’s blow knocked Hercules into the wall with enough force to shatter it.  Captain America drove his fist into the Red Skull’s face.

Not alone, Tania thought as she finally found some strength returning to her legs.  But a hand on her shoulder stopped her.

“No.” Metis said.  “No little one, this is a fight for the men.  Let us leave this to them.”

Tania found herself obeying the words even though she longed to join the fight.  Metis words seemed to hold her still.

She watched as Hercules was beaten back, recovered and then as Ultra-Man was beaten back.  It was the same with Captain America and the Red Skull.  A constant back and forth that Tania felt could last for days.  Out of the corner of her eye Tania saw Wanda recover and charge.  She tried to shout a warning but it was too late.  Wanda had grabbed the Red Skull from behind.  He moved forward, flipping her over onto Captain America.  As they went down in a tangled heap Tania expected the Skull to take advantage of the moment.  He did but not in the way she expected.  Pulling a so-far un-used gun from the holster at his hip he aimed and fired at Ultra-Man’s broad back.  Tania was puzzled until she saw the red stain on Ultra-Man’s back and saw him stagger back.  Somehow this Ultra-Man was vulnerable to the bullets.  Two more shots followed and Ultra-Man had no strength left to resist as Hercules lifted him off of the ground and slammed him into it.  The impact shook the plain like an Earthquake.  More bullets were fired and Tania saw Captain America fall.  He had used his shield to protect Wanda.

There was a sudden stillness to the plains of hell.  Tania still couldn’t move and now she realized that Metis was holding her back.  She could do nothing but watch as her counter part crawled over to the fallen form of Ultra-Man and tentatively touched his body.  

“Murderer!” She screamed at Hercules.  

“Killer!” Wanda echoed screaming at the Red Skull.

In response both of them started to laugh.

“And now the final actor enters the stage.” Metis said.  

Tania looked up and saw Zeus, Wanda and Zatanna descending from the sky on a cloud.  The king of the gods held a writhing lightning bolt in his hand and with a look of hatred on his face Zeus threw it at Hercules.

Wanda felt her heart break as she saw the battlefield.  Her eyes, heart and mind were focused on the dead Captain America and the Scarlet Witch who lay over his corpse.  Beside her Zatanna gasped in shock and dismay.

“My son.” Zeus growled.  “My shame.”

He threw the lightning bolt and it hit Hercules with enough force to scorch the Earth around him. The impact sent the body of Ultra-Man flying and Wanda saw that Tania was holding onto him.

Zeus followed up the lightning bolt with another and another.  Zatanna and Wanda landed next to the amazons and the goddesses.  

“Tania?” Wanda asked going to her.  Tania’s eyes were a little glazed and there was a pink powder covering some of her face.  Her costume was torn and ragged.  Wanda cast a minor spell and the costume re-wove itself.  Zatanna handed her a wet cloth and Wanda washed the rest of the dust from her friends face.

“Now we shall see justice.” The giant woman behind Tania said.  It already visits the Red Skull.

Wanda looked and saw that her counter part had cast a hex sphere and thrown it.  The skull fired bullet after bullet at her counterpart but they bounced off of her body.  

“When did she become bulletproof?” Wanda asked.

“When I chose to make her so.” The giant woman said.  

The Red Skull’s scream pierced the air and even the battle between father and son halted for a moment.  The sphere had landed at his feet and expanded and as it did so the Red Skull slowly turned to stone.  It was the type of spell that Wanda had never allowed herself to cast against a living opponent.  She could alter probabilities, change molecular structure.  Once she had changed the Gray Gargoyle from stone to human.  Now the change went the other way.  Slowly.  

Wanda felt sick inside as her counterpart laughed at the Red Skull’s agony.  He screamed and pounded at his legs and then at his stomach and chest.  Then he could scream no more as his face turned to stone and froze in a look of pain and terror.

“My turn!” Tania shouted and Wanda had to look fast to her side to make sure that it was not her Tania.  The other Tania flew across the battlefield and with one blow shattered the Skull to dust.

But then they were both thrown away by the impact of Hercules throwing Zeus to the ground.  With a gesture the giant woman picked them out of the air and brought them to rest at her feet.

“Rest daughters.” She said.  “The next part of the fight is not yours.”

“So long as he dies!” Tania’s counter part swore.

Wanda wanted to speak to her but found that she could not.  She seemed to be drifting away from the world.  Not quite falling asleep, but being drawn apart from the others.  It was as if they were walking fast and she was walking slowly.  She felt a presence at her side and realized that it was Tania.  Her Tania.  They both were frozen.

Wanda was torn between fear of what was happening to her and Tania and fascination at the battle between father and son.  They were both powerful but instead of throwing punches or trading the skilled blows of martial artist they were wrestling in the classic Greco-Roman style.  Hold after hold, counter move after counter move…  Both of them straining muscles to overcome the other.  

In the end Zeus won, breaking his sons neck.  He kneeled over his son, sweat running down his body to match the tears running down his face.  The giant woman walked over to him and before he could react opened her legs and stuffed him into her vagina.

“My god!” Wanda whispered.

“Metis revenge.” Tania said.

“Here me!” Metis called.  “For eons I was imprisoned inside Zeus, now he will stay within me.  I was the wisdom within him, now he shall be the power inside me!”

Metis walked over to the corpse of Captain America and picked up his shield.  Then she walked over to where Wanda and Tania’s counterparts were standing.

“Tania you have been the champion of your people and you failed them.  Your goal was laudable, your methods too weak.  You need to use strength with a man for that is all that he will ever understand.  Men are weak and scared Tania.  They fear themselves, they fear the world around them but most of all they fear women.”  Metis touched Captain America’s shield and the familiar star and blue and white circle faded to be replaced by a new triangular symbol.

“Take this shield, be my champion.  I shall send you out into the world once more, but you shall not lead by example.  You and your sisters will rule!  This world needs the strength of women.”

“No!” Tania said but as much as Wanda knew that she was shouting it was no more than a whisper in the wind.  She watched as the Tania of this world stood up and accepted the shield.  Then Wanda felt a chill as Metis turned to her counterpart.

“Child of chaos you have more power than you know.  I do not wish my champion to act alone.” Metis turned her hand and a silver goblet appeared.  “Drink and accept me, work with my champion as her counsel.”

Wanda didn’t even try to speak as she saw her counterpart take the goblet and drink.  There was no point.

“Now begins the age of the Woman!” Metis shouted.  “Now shall all men be chained!”

The last sight of the world that Wanda had was the goddesses kneeling on the plain as Wanda and Tania stood beside Metis.

Tania felt the world reform around her.  She fought her way through the sick feeling in her stomach.  The danger in being an amazon was that you could always take the philosophy to the extreme.  Metis was going to do that with her counterpart and her sisters.  How would Barbara and Helena react to that?  How would Dick?  Tania had only known them a short time but she cared for them.  They were good people fighting a desperate battle.  What now for them?

Someone was speaking and she tore her mind away from the question.  She and Wanda had appeared in an arena.  A wide round arena with clouds for the ground and stars in the sky.  In front of them was the Watcher.  On the far left was the Grandmaster and on the far right the Wraithlord.

“The game is mine.” The Wraithlord said in his horribly grating voice.  “The world is no better than when the pawns were sent into it.”

“Pawns?” Tania asked.

“Not so.” The Watcher said.  “Did you really think I wouldn’t know when you cheated?  You were the one who freed the Scarlet Witch and Ultra-Woman from Arkham.  Had they not been there Tania and Wanda might have changed the outcome.”

“They would have made no difference!” The Wraithlord screamed.

“You do not know that.” The Watcher said turning to the Grandmaster.  “The game is yours by default, the pawns are still yours.”

“The hell we are!” Wanda shouted.  “Send us home now!”

“That is impossible.” The Watcher said and Tania saw sadness and compassion in his blue eyes.  His next words sent her spiraling into darkness.  “You have no world left to go to.”

Wanda woke up in a bed.  It was a comfortable bed.  In fact it was her bed.  The large canopy bed that she and Jan had found at auction.  Wanda sat up and looked around.  It wasn’t her room it was a copy.  The window that had overlooked the garden was gone and in it’s place was a large screen tv that showed an image of the garden.  Some of her books were missing off of the bookcase.  The pictures were still on the wall though.  There were pictures of her with the Avengers, her brother and father, various Scarlet Witch fan portraits that she had bought because she liked them.  Wanda realized that she was wearing a red see through nightgown with black bra and panties.  Beside her sleeping was Tania.  She was wearing the same nightgown.

The Watcher’s words surfaced in Wanda’s mind and she trembled.  It was true.  She knew him, Uato the Watcher did not lie.  

“Where are we?” Tania asked opening her eyes.

“A bad copy of my room.” Wanda said.

There was a knock on the door and they both looked at each other.  Tania nodded.

“Come in.” Wanda said.

The door opened and an attractive young woman with blonde hair, blue eyes and wearing a blue shirt-dress with a white belt and blue pumps came into the room.  Her blond hair was done up in a 1950’s style bouffant.  She was carrying a tray with two bowls of cereal.

“Sue?” Wanda asked.

“A Sue.” The woman said with a gentle smile.  “Not the Sue you knew.”

“Who are you then?” Tania asked.

“Susan Storm.” Sue said.  “Last of the Fantastic Five.”

“Your world is…”

“Gone too.” Sue said.  She walked over to Wanda’s reading table and set the tray down.  Wanda could see that her hands were trembling.  

“What happened?” Wanda asked.  She could see the differences now.  This Sue was younger, about 18 or 19.  There was a different feel about her, more traditional.  The way she walked and talked was more formal than Wanda ever remembered Sue-her Sue-being.

Sue walked over to the bed and sat down.

“In one of the universes that filled up the multiverse there was a being called the Anti-Monitor.  His universe was made from antimatter and he hated all the others.  He got powerful enough to launch attacks all across the multiverse.  I don’t know how many universes he destroyed but I know that yours and mine were among them.”

Her voice broke and Sue closed her eyes tightly for a moment.

“The red skies?” Tania asked.

“That was the start.” Sue said.  “Then negative men would created machines that would allow the anti-matter universe to destroy the universe under attack.  The structure of the universe being attacked was wiped out of existence.”

“You survived.” Wanda said.  “We survived.”

“A few survived for one reason or another.” Sue said.  “You were in transit between universes when the Grandmaster grabbed you.  Reed built a ship that could travel to another universe.  We were going to investigate what was going one.  But we were attacked, I was knocked into the ship and it launched before I could stop it.”

Her hands knotted into fist and Wanda could feel the pain and guilt in her voice.

“Where are we?” Tania asked.

“Nowhere.” Sue said.  “Well that’s what I’ve called it.  The Grandmasters call it: ‘the Arena’.  Reed wasn’t the only one who had the idea to run or investigate.  Beings of cosmic level power ran and after it was over they gathered here, actually they created this world.  We’re in between everything here.  

“Who rules this place?” Tania asked.

“No one.” Sue said.  “Twelve Grandmaster’s survived along with the Watcher.  Each Grandmaster has complete ownership over who ever he rescues from the doomed worlds.  They play against each other using us.”

“Us?” Wanda demanded as the rules settled into place in her mind.

“They pit the survivors in games of chance with the Watcher as referee.” Sue said.  “The winner of the game gets the pawns.  They only rule they have is that no one cheats.”

“We are pawns?” Wanda demanded.

Sue nodded and Wanda noticed a nervous twitch had started in right her eye.

“I am no ones pawn!” Tania growled.

“If you want to survive you are.” Sue said and again the twitch was there.  “The rules are simple, you do what the Grandmaster who rescued you says and you get food and shelter.  Refuse and you don’t.”

“What about the Wraithlord?” Tania demanded.

“He came here with two pawns.” Sue said.  “I don’t know why they let him play.”

“Two pawns?” Wanda demanded though she already knew.

“Your counterparts.” Sue said.  “And they are very good.  So far every battle they’ve been in, they’ve won.  He’s gotten five more pawns, one of my counterparts, a Captain America, an Ultra-Woman who’s a man…”

“The Anti-Man?” Tania asked.

“One of them.” Sue said.  “There’s so many… there were so many out there…  We think of ourselves as unique but really… we aren’t.”

“So you win and you wind up as someone else’s slave?” Tania demanded.  “That’s it?  No freedom?”

Sue nodded.

“You accept this?” Wanda asked.

“What else can I do?” Sue said scratching at her eye.  “Of all of the universes that survived everyone of them has their own Sue Storm.  Do I go and take her place?  Would you?  Could you go to a world knowing that it could be destroyed again?  It’s not easy her but…”

“We were meant to use our powers to protect and aid people.” Tania said.

“And we failed!” Sue shouted jumping off of the bed.  Wanda realized that Tania had struck a nerve.  “We failed!” Sue shouted again.  “I failed!  You failed!  We all failed!  Everyone you ever knew is dead!  Everyone that I ever knew is dead!  Reed, Ben, Johny…  EVERYONE!  The sun doesn’t burn in my sky anymore because my sky isn’t there anymore!”

“But…” Wanda started.

“Nothings left!” Sue shouted and ran out of the room slamming the door behind her.  

For a few moments they looked at the door and then at each other.

“What now?” Tania asked.

Wanda couldn’t think of anything to say.

…To be continued.