Leprechaun’s Luck


By A_Bashful1


Note:  This is an adult fan fiction story written for purely entertainment purposes and not for profit.  An attempt to use Irish slang was used so if you hit a word you never heard, it's best to look it up in UrbanDictionary.com.  Enjoy


Part One:  A Wee Bit O Justice


It was a particularly quite weekend at the JLA headquarters; just two days ago, however, was another story entirely. A team up of the Injustice Society and the Secret Society of Super-Villains formed the largest villain threat in over a year, but when the League puts a group of that magnitude down that hard, it tends to make every wanted criminal in the nation lay very low for a couple weeks.  They are never quite sure who will rat then out so it pays to keep a low profile until you can at least put a decent plan together.


As Nightwing did his best to beat the boredom by prepping security systems for potential attacks, the trouble alert blared with an incoming alarm.  The young hero exclaimed "What the..." as he jumped to the terminal and quickly gleaned the facts.  Scotland Yard had sent the emergency disaster alert to all superhero teams available.  The Marvel family and the Sentinels of Magic had already arrived, alerted by the powerful mystic nature of the crisis, but they were all taken out like rank amateurs.  Realizing the raw power and vast experience that both teams represented, Nightwing immediately sent out the recall signal that would bring all available members and reserves.


Within fifteen minutes, a team of heroes twenty strong materialized outside the Tower of London.  With the help of the JLA teleporter system Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Black Canary, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Powergirl, Big Barda, Mister Miracle, Dr Light, Fire, Black Lightning, Atom, Jade, Ice, Martian Manhunter, Nightwing, Troia, and Plastic Man were all able to answer the call.  As the heroes stood in the early evening moonlit street, they quickly took stock of the situation but even the most battle hardened of them had to take a second to awe at the sheer magnitude of the crisis.  The street was lined with police and civilians turned to marble statues.  Huge holes exposed the inner rooms of the famed tower, but there were no signs of concussive force or energy assault.  It was as if the walls just ceased to be there.  Even more unnerving was the peacefully slumbering Marvels and Sentinels of Magic.  It looked as if they had all curled up together for a camping sleep over in the middle of the usually busy street.  Each of the sleeping heroes had a blissful childlike smile on their happy faces.  Whatever over took them, it must have been fast.


As the heroes began to fan out they heard a voice coming from a rather large opening in the Tower's ground floor.  "Faith and begorrah! Be there no end to these daft hooligans?"  All eyes turned toward the voice and beheld a dozen small men of about two inches in height wearing emerald green square-cut coats with thick black leather belts boasting a relatively large gold buckle.  Their rich knee high boots were from and age gone by where craftsmanship was king and were also graced by gold buckles from ankle to knee.  Finally, a green felt derby completed the look of the wee folk of Irish legend. Whether truly Leprechauns or fakers, the trail of several large pallets of gold hovering in the air after them certainly argued for their authenticity. 


The little imp that was obviously the leader menacingly held out a solid gold scepter with an dazzling emerald cap stone and snarled "I'd a thought sending the other ruffians to the land o' nod would'a gave em a moments pause, yet here we be again.  Now we'll tell ye like we did yer muckers here." The grand little man paused to point his staff at the fallen heroes. "I be Shamus O'Brian, King of the Leprechauns and despite what ye see here, thieves we're not! Nor be we greedy.  We be here only to take what be rightfully our own, plus a wee bit o' interest.  Well, that and leave a good reason for these daft apes to keep their mitts out o' our pockets!"  With that, all the other little men cheered their approval.  Shamus smiled impishly as he resumed his address to the Justice League, "Now as I see it, we can be off with our just properties returned and ye can either let us pass or join yer friends in a wee bit o' slumber."


Superman took the lead and growled "If you think we are letting you escape with that gold, let alone without returning these people back to flesh and blood you are out of your minds.  We are the protectors of this world and we will not allow its citizens to be harmed like this."


While the heroes prepared for battle, Shamus and his men simply laughed as the tiny leader spoke "So it be the 'poor victims' that has ye knickers in a bunch, is it?  Well no need for worry there, boyo.  As soon as the morning sun touches em, they'll be as right as rain, none the worse for wear.  Even yon sleeping beauties will awaken with lively spring in their step for their troubles. So, as ye can see, there be no reason to be such a hardman. Nary a problem here as I see it."


Shamus tipped his hat and began to raise his staff, but the heroes took the motion as a veiled attack.  Heat vision blasted from Superman and Supergirl. Martian Manhunter attempted to stun the intruders with telepathy.  Batarangs flew from Batman and his former ward.  Green Lantern, Big Barda, Dr. Light, Black Lightning, Jade, Fire, and Ice all blasted away from the distance at the little culprits while Wonder Woman, Powergirl, Troia, and Mister Miracle flew in to capture the imps.  Flash raced to deliver Atom into the mix to wrest the scepter from the Leprechaun King's hands while Green Arrow launched a knock out gas arrow and Plastic Man positioned himself to envelope the perpetrators in his elastic form trapping them with the gasses.  Any one of the attacks would have worked and in unison, it was inconceivable that the little creatures could escape, but that is the nature of magic. 


As soon as the first attack got half way to the Irish imps, a blinding golden light flashed in all directions.  Instantaneously all energy attacks and weapons disappeared and all attackers dropped to their knees, stunned and unable to move.  As the mighty protectors fell helplessly silent, Shamus howled in anger "Ye couldn't listen to me could ye?  Ye had to prove who be the lords and masters.  Well to be sure, ye know now.  Consider this a wee lesson in humility ye gobshites!  But now be the time to pay the teacher because we Fairie Folk do nary a thing for free, don't ye know.  Still and all, what be a fair price for such a well earned schooling?"


Soon, the other Leprechauns chimed in "Sure and now, Shamus, ye noticed the fine tarts they brought with them?  It would be a grand lesson to these amadáins and surely a favor to the juicy wenches."  Shamus smiled evilly as he turned back to his fallen foes.  "Now there be a fine point, Sean me boyo.  Sounds like a right just fee, it does."  When the little imp raised his staff again, all the gold and every heroine disappeared in a golden flash. The Leprechaun King strode in front of his defeated foes as he explained "Now so ye know, we took only what be ours... The gold that was unfairly stolen from us; some of the thieves own gold as fair interest on their ill gotten gains; and yer lasses as the just rewards for ye unwarranted and cowardly attack on me lads.  Now the lasses be *our* lasses, just like the gold, and that's the way they'll stay.  Keep to yer own matters or more yet will ye lose.  I know yer stewing on it now, but it'll make more sense once ye sleep on it."  With that Shamus waved his scepter once again and the remaining heroes dropped off into slumber.


At first, the dull din of people talking began to rouse the Man of Steel, but it was the voice of John Henry Irons, also know as the hero Steel, that brought him around.  "Superman is awaking up.  Clark, can you hear me?  What happened?  What took you all out?" 


The world was a blur of bright light & shadows as the mighty hero started to rise off the JLA infirmary cot.  He muttered weakly "Magic," as he shook his head to clear the cobwebs.  "It was... It was Leprechauns.  They couldn't have been more than two inches tall.  We defended ourselves, but they took us out like we were gnats before them. They said something before they left.  They were taking what was theirs... their gold... more gold as interest on what was taken from them... and something else..."  Suddenly his eyes snapped fully open as shock filled his face.  "Great Scott!  Where are the heroines?"


Steel put a hand on his shoulder as he said "That was our next question.  Only the male heroes were there when the authorities took control of the area.  Mary Marvel, Zatanna, Madame Xanadu, Raven, Wonder Woman, Fire, Ice, Powergirl, Black Canary, Big Barda, Jade, and even Supergirl are all missing.  None of the civilian or police women were taken; just the heroines.  As soon as the sun rose, the petrified victims returned to normal, but it took this long for any of the heroes to awaken.  Clark, you have been unconscious for two days.  God knows where the little devils took the women or what they have done to them."


Within the hour, the heroes met and decided on a course of action.  Batman was certain he had seen something similar to the scepter of the Leprechaun King recently and borrowed Faust to help track down information on the artifact.  Superman, Martian Manhunter, the Elongated Man, Blue Devil and Batgirl went back to the Tower of London to look for clues.  Dr Fate, Alan Scott, and Mr. Terrific went to the best authority on Celtic lore, the incarcerated villain, the Dolmen.


It was a full day before all the teams had a report ready for the combined League. In this emergency, the Titans, Outsiders, and Justice Society had joined forces.  When all the heroes arrived the meeting started with Dr Fate's report. "Dolmen was less than cooperative at first, but when he saw the look on Alan's face, he was much more willing to collaborate.  Unfortunately the news is not good.  He told us where we can go to bridge the gap between our realm and that of the Leprechauns, but the opportunity to cross can only be made during the a new moon, and the next one is almost 4 weeks from now."


Next Batgirl took the stage, "Our team didn't do much better.  Blue Devil was able to pick up on the residue of their magic, but there was no trace of a dimensional doorway left by the time we got there.  Still, thanks to Blue Devil and Superman's senses we were able to find some glyphs the imps left behind."  Batgirl activated the monitor and pictures of small scratched symbols carved in the side of the violated safe door scrolled by one at a time.


Batman chimed in "Thanks Batgirl.  Please send me a copy of those glyphs.  They're very similar to symbols Faust and I found in reference to the Leprechaun King's scepter.  The artifact I had seen was from a strange report a month ago from a group of kids that were telling ghost stories by some Fairie rings in southwestern Ireland.  The kids claimed several Leprechauns came and terrorized them with magic and tricks until they caused the kids to all fall asleep.  When the kids woke in the morning the only thing missing was a gold charm bracelet containing a family heirloom charm exactly like the scepter.  Further digging found a similar object unearthed sixty years ago by a university archeological dig of an Old Catholic cathedral sacked in the 12th century.  The object was logged and photographed but mysteriously disappeared before the rest of the objects reached the university. The girl's testimony places her grandmother's acquisition of the scepter charm within a year after the artifact's disappearance.  There were also similar glyphs on a gold box found on the site.  No translation has ever been successfully completed on the symbols."


Like it or not, the heroes knew that they had little choice.  They had to wait for the next new moon to rescue their friends.  Plans were made to meet at the Fairie rings on the next full moon while Dr Fate worked on defenses and Batman continued to work on translating the glyphs.


Part Two: No One Parties Like the Wee Folk


The early evening breeze over the moors carried a chill up to the assembled heroes at the Fairie ring.  The Titans were represented by Superboy, Kid Flash, Wondergirl, Speedy, Starfire, Cyborg, Hawk, Dove and Beast Boy. The Justice Society was represented by Alan Scott, Jay Garrick, Wildcat, Damage, Mr. Terrific, Hourman, Stargirl, Dr Fate, Hawkman, and Hawkgirl.  The JLA came out in force to with members Batman, Batgirl, Nightwing, Superman, Black Lightning, Vixen, Gypsy, Mister Miracle, Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr., Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Atom, and Plastic Man on the scene.  While Batman and Superman argued with the lady team members of the danger of going with them, Fate worked on preparing the portal.  All the heroes had been given a talisman to protect them from Chaos magic and to return them safely to Earth when the mission was over.  Enough heroes were left behind to keep world order and, if needed, an additional rescue team, As Fate finished his preparations he turned to the heroes in time to see Wondergirl tell Superman "*ENOUGH*!  Diana and Donna are *MY* family!  We know the risks and we are ready to face them to bring our friends and family *BACK*.  The time for this argument is *OVER* so drop it now and get ready for action!" 


Fate could not help but be proud of the young Cassie Sandsmark standing up to the most powerful man on the planet.  She will be a great heroine one day, but this evening there was much more pressing business.  Dr Fate announced to the crowd "Wondergirl is quite right.  The time for second guessing is over.  The new moon has started its climb and we have precious few hours to accomplish our mission.  Prepare yourselves!  Our journey begins... NOW!"  As Fate recited an ancient rune, a flash of light enveloped the heroes.  When the light faded they found themselves standing in a Fairie ring similar to the one they had been in before, yet there was an eerie feeling of difference.  When they looked about, they became aware of the distant sounds of celebration.  As the team moved stealthily toward the sound, they found a large village of the little people just over the next hill.  Even with the mystic help of Dr Fate, the Man of Steel was unable to see through the walls of the small structures, but it was soon evident that nearly the entire population of the imps was in the large meeting hall at the center of the village. 


Although it was great luck that the villagers were all in the same spot, it was still a problem for full sized adults to sneak up on a village built for two inch tall beings. Fate spoke the spell that would reduce their size and mask their approach as rehearsed, but suddenly the rescuers found that they had already erred.  Golden light enveloped them and instantly the heroes found themselves standing helplessly at attention in the great meeting hall before the King and his people.  Shamus chortled "Well sure enough, if our dear sweet Di weren't right and the silly goms came here for another dose o' humility.  Betting on the high and mighty Lord o' Order to save yer bacon were ye?  Well he be as weak as a kitten here in a realm of Chaos, as be ye all."


From one of the nearby tables a female Leprechaun chimed in with a deep Irish brogue "Who's daft now yer Majesty? I told ye true, they couldn't help themselves.  Hard to believe I was ere that thick and full o' pride."  The beautiful female was a little shorter than her male counter parts but had the same pointed ears sticking out of her flowing raven locks.  If she were a full sized human she would have been thick at the waist but her curvy ass more than made up for it and the sheer size of her breasts would have easily topped EEE cup size.  Her hour glass figure was incredible and easily visible as her only clothes were a push up red and gold corset with matching red stilettos.  As the tiny slut cleaned the fresh cum off her face and tits with her fingers and seductively licked the spunk off them, the captured adventures fixed stares on her cobalt blue eyes and her lusty smirk.  Soon all were aghast as they recognized their missing friend, Wonder Woman.  Di chuckled as she spoke to her former friends "It be apparent that ye just don't listen when ye get good advice. Take a good look about ye. I think ye'll find a few more familiar faces about."


Quickly all the hero's eyes scanned the grand chamber.  Several bars and kegs were present through out the vast meeting hall and in pockets about the room they could see several lady Leprechauns; each just a little shorter than their little men folk and sharing Wonder Woman's greatly enhanced figure.  It didn't take a genius to realize that the number of females exactly matched the number of missing heroines.  With that in mind, identifying their comrades was easy, but understanding their behavior was baffling.  They were certainly not prisoners and they were quite brazenly intimate with the wily imps. Each was dressed only in corsets and stilettos, baring their breasts, ass and pussy to the assembled males without shame or even an outward sign that anything was wrong.  Most seemed to be flirting and letting the Leprechauns explore their bodies freely, but several were obviously having sex with their eager hosts at tables in the open chamber.   Supergirl and Powergirl drank generous portions of ale tankards as they settled in with a large table of lust crazed sprites.  They seemed to be looking for a good spot to watch from and they had lots of company.  All were angling for a good spot save for Big Barda, Dr Light, and Raven as they were far too busy joyfully screaming in worship of the Leprechaun cocks buried deep in their eager pussies. 


The former Amazon gave the trapped heroes time to register the gravity of the situation as well as give the Leprechauns plenty of time to get a good seat.  After a few minutes in a triumphant voice, Di brought her audience's attention to the business at hand. "Well now, me former friends... Surely the light of sense be shining on ye now?  We be *Leprechauns* now, tried and true.  This be our home and we *belong* here.  The only 'rescuing' we require is from gacks like ye.  I hope this time ye listen, ye daft tools!"


Captain Marvel snarled at Shamus "You used your magic on them.  You clouded their minds! You used mind control to make them your thralls!"  Every Leprechaun in the room laughed at his accusations, making the helpless captive all the angrier.  He growled in a barely controlled tone "Turn them back you imp or I *swear* I will make you regret it!"


Shamus only laughed "Now why would I go and do a fool think like that?  I don't know what ye've heard of the Leprechaun's, but we'll not force anyone to join us.  Each and every one of yer friends chose this and have been right upstanding citizen's ere since." 


Di piped in "T'was the best decision o' me life, truth be told, but I don't know about being *upstanding*.  I think that we enjoy spending our precious time on our knees or backside with our legs in the air far too much to waste much time standing."  The whole room erupted in laughter as Di continued with a giggle "Ye see, the Fairie Folk are right passionate people.  The lads are endowed like bulls and the lasses have a thousand fold the sexual desires and sensitivities o' mortals. We lasses enjoy being the town scrubbers."  She quickly realized that none of the prisoners understood her. "Gods, ye are thick! We are the slappers... the spunkskips? Oh Heaven help me! We are the trollops; the right and proper *hoors* and it’s an honor we *love*!" 


Shamus smiled as he filled his unwanted guest in "As ye can well see, yer friends picked right up on our culture strait off. Although our beloved lasses have been with us for a fortnight, took under an hour afore they all gratefully agreed to join our happy community."


As Alan Scott watched with a tear in his eye as his daughter Jenny, formerly the heroine know as Jade, bounced up and down enthusiastically on a happy lads erection he asked "They *asked* for this?  They *willingly* chose to spend eternity as your whores?  How can that be?  What did you do to them?"


Di answered "It be funny ye should ask that, boyo.  I do believe there be a penalty for trespass and here we've a request for knowledge."  Di turned to her beloved leader "So great Majesty Shamus O'Brian, do we accommodate the question and get to the heart o' the matter?"  A wave of the king's staff brought daggers to the throats of the male prisoners as Di addressed the women.  "We'll give ye the same choice we had.  Ye can choose our game or ye can rot for eternity in our prison; it matters not to us.  O' course, if ye choose the latter, well then it'll be curtains for yer lads there."  The superheroines could see the mystic blades had even drawn a little blood from Superman's skin.  Di continued "If ye win, ye all go free, none the worse for wear. But if ye lose then ye willingly join the rest of us hoors.  What say ye?"


The men tried to speak, but found that they were unable.  Batgirl looked her former friend and mentor in her tiny impish eyes and declared "*When* we win, you 'hoors' get changed back the way you were and come back with us as well."  Di scowled angrily at the brazen woman as did all the former heroines.  After a minute Di's features returned to a wry smile as she cooed "Done darlins." 


Like all leprechauns, Di was now creatures of potent magic and with a wave of the former Amazon's hands, the heroines were transformed. As their height diminished and their clothes morphed into pantiless corsets with matching high stiletto pumps, their waists thickened, their asses grew far curvier, and their breasts grew to outlandish proportions. Still that was only the tip of the iceberg.  Within their souls, hot erotic passions beyond their wildest dreams assailed their sanity.  Even a strong disciplined mind could easily fall instantly into the thrall of their new dearest hearts desire but at the same time a lifetime of Leprechaun culture asserted itself over them.  While the newest additions to the Fairie Folk community reeled with the magnitude of the changes Di continued with the rules of the contest.  "Welcome to the Leprechauns me fine trollops!  O’ course, ye will have to chose this life if ye want to stay this way.  But here are the rules, simple and true.  If, after an hour's fun with the lads, any one of ye doesn't wish to be one o’ we happy slappers, well then the whole mess o' us get sent back to Earth, just the way we left her.  O' course, the rest o' us will be a wee bit peeved at ye, so best watch yer back if ye do chose wrong.  Now me grand harlots, be their any questions?"


Many of the ladies had wild elated looks on their faces as they massaged their huge breasts.  As much as the physical changes ramped up their carnal senses, the mental changes completely altered how their brains worked. Things that were beyond human comprehension were easily understandable now and their new passions and senses made their human experiences as bland and tasteless as plain oatmeal. It was like comparing the difference between the amount of data on a single PC compared to the vast data stores of the entire Internet; and much like the Internet, a very large and clearly the most active part of their new minds was dedicated to sex.  The newly transformed females couldn't help but revel in their new bodies. 


As the heroines came to terms with the situation, the first to talk was Courtney Whitmore, AKA Stargirl.  Now that she was a Leprechaun, even if temporarily so, she spoke with the same strong brogue Di had "I think we get the gist o' it darlin, but what if we know right now that we be brazen tarts, tried and true.  Can we skip the game and get to our right and proper calling?"  Gypsy and Starfire both added with a wicked grin "Aye, we be interested in that to."


Di smiled at the young imps and cooed "Now aren't ye the sharp ones! Ask and ye shall receive darlins."  Di raised a glowing hand and the young imps' bodies radiated a golden energy.  As all thoughts as to why anyone would want to be human passed forever from Courtney and her friends' minds Di cooed, "Ye tarts be one o' us now and forever me fine strumpets.  Best find ye some lads to entertain, but don't ye worry. They still outnumber us more than a hundred fold."  


The girls squealed with joy as they were welcomed by a table of lads. In no time the imps had their pants down and were ready for action. For the first time, the heroes saw the male Leprechauns in all their glory.  If they were of normal human height, their balls would be the size of baseballs and their dicks almost three foot in length and well over 3 inches wide.  When the freakishly large appendages began a serpentine motion as they entered the newly minted whores they moaned with delight. Each girl was in shocked ecstasy as the dicks ravaging their cunts and asses picked them up off the floor.  Soon they each had an imp dick in their eager mouths and another for each hand to play with.  All jaws dropped as Di added "Sure and they be not our biggest lads, but even though they be a wee bit on the small side, all the lad's flutes be harder then steel and have grand pleasure bumps that they can grow and move at will."  Vixen, Speedy, Hawk, and Dove all squealed in delight.  In their new state of mind, the thought of sex with males like that was all they needed to hear and they all swore faithful oaths to be good whores on the spot. The same golden light shown throughout their bodies as they were immediately overcome with the change as well. 


As eager trollops easily found willing groups of partners, Batgirl, Wondergirl, and Hawkgirl watched the orgy before them while they fought the tidal wave of lusty passions that was consuming their souls.  Batgirl turned to Di and growled "Ye be using the change to take advantage o' us.  It be mind control, true enough.  Bets off Di; ye cheated."


Di laughed, "How can ye say that?  You accepted with nary a rule expressed!  Be that wise?  And as to mind control, let me ask you this. If ye get a test ride in a fine automobile and they offer ye a grand deal, be *that* mind control if ye accept?  Ye be just now feeling the proper joys o' being a Leprechaun lass, fair and true, and ye know it, don't ye?  Aye, ye know it for sure and know that ye have to live up to yer bargain as we be honest and honorable folk."


The heroines looked a bit introspective as they mulled about Di's words. With the change came a perspective that showed them the truth of the statement.  As they looked at the heroines that just minutes ago were all to human but now were having the times of their lives, all three knew in their hearts that they were all just doing what was right and natural as Leprechauns.  This is what they were meant to do, what they all wanted to do, and what made them happiest in the world; happy in a way that no human could understand.  The women nodded in agreement as Hawkgirl answered "It be true.  There be no mind control here, only love o' life and joyful sharing o' ones blessings.  Gods love the darlins and I can't say as I blame them."  The women nodded their agreement and prepared for the game ahead, but Hawkgirl was not finished talking.  "Sure and I'm jealous o' ye lucky feckin floozies!  I'm here scrapping to free ye from lives ye'd never want to leave, while the whole time wishing I were ye!" 


Babs and Cassie turned in horror but it was too late.  Di laughed as she worked her magic on the heroine. "No complaints from ye two birds!  Ye all heard the rules.  If you wish to be one o' us, you lose!" 


As the golden aura enveloped Kendra, the former Hawkgirl, she no longer cared that she erred.  She was now what she felt she always wanted to be.  Kendra smirked as she raced to a table of waiting suitors and yelled "Yer on yer own lasses.  This hussy has some grand juicy bits o' stuff to play with now."


Di smiled and said "And now there be but two.  I have to admit, we at least had a better showing.  Only half o' us gave in afore even touching a lad's stalk and berries.  Still only one o' us lasted more than ten minutes. That Barda be a bull headed hoor, but we love her just the same. Still, I doubt either o' ye darlins will match her time." 


Three stout imps grabbed each of the ladies.  Neither Babs Gordon, nor Cassie Sandsmark put up the slightest resistance as they prepared for the sexual onslaught.  They were women of honor and had to live up to their bargain, fair's fair.  When the huge moving cocks brushed their sensitive erogenous zones, the heroines moaned loudly without the slightest shame.  The touch of the alien genitalia carried a pleasure that would easily have driven a woman instantly insane if she didn't have a stroke first. Di cooed in Cassie's ear "Did I forget to tell ye that the lad's flutes resonate with ancient power fueled by our unquenchable lusts and passions?  Sure and that be my error."  All the Leprechauns laughed heartily at the heroines.  Each touch of the Leprechaun dicks brought tidal waves of pleasure to the transformed women.  Their nipples immediately hardened and their steaming hot twats dripped in anticipation.  When the imps finally impaled them with the huge snaking cocks, they eagerly accepted them into their mouths, vaginas and asses.  Their clits resonated with the power cast by the cocks and blasted pleasure though out the women's bodies like a supernova, but the power never stopped. Each time the dick thrust, twisted, or turned the pitch of the power changed, but never the incredible magnitude of it.  Instantly the women were overwhelmed with desire and passion.  All thought accept pleasing their lads fled their minds and the two heroines did their best to make this sex fantastic for all involved.


While the heroines fucked their hearts out, Di took Cassie's lasso and circled it around her protégé.  The young heroine stiffened as she felt the undeniable power take hold. Di purred "Don't ye be worrying now darlin.  I wouldn't cheat by making you ask to join us.  No, that would not be proper at all.  Still, this lasso will make ye speak nothing but truth, now won't it?"


Cassie pulled the wondrous imp cock out of her sex starved mouth with a satisfying wet pop and answered in husky tones "Sure and ye know the truth of that.  I can not lie whilst I'm bound by the lasso." Wondergirl smiled slyly as she began kissing the length of the long shaft, teasing it with teeth and tongue.


Di continued "Just wanted to be sure our audience be keeping up, me fine horned up floozie."  Cassie had to giggle at that.  She knew it was not only true, but she loved hearing it.  Di joined in her mirth and continued "So, yer having a grand time now aren't ye?"  Cassie hummed "UMMM, HMMMM" around the snaking pleasure tool in her mouth.  "Ye like being called a floozie don't ye?  I bet there be other names you like being called.  Well don't be shy darlin.  What other names do you like being called ye brassy slut?"


The young Amazon giggled as spoke between licking the cock in her hand and moaning from the writhing dicks reaming her ass and muff "Oh, I'm a sassy tart for sure and a right shameless hussy.  I'm a spunkslut and a cockhound. I'm a tramp, a cumdump, and trollop.  Gods above, I *love* it so."  Cassie moaned loudly as she experienced another multiple orgasm.


Di gave the young imp with a look of confusion "I'm sorry darlin... What is it ye love?  Be it humiliation?"


Cassie purred back in husky tome "Humiliation?  Feck no. It be a complement to me."  Cassie giggled as she said "Gods I am such a brassy hoor and right proud o' it."


Di smiled as she asked one more question "Ah then me fine proud hoor, then do you want to be a Leprechaun lass and service the grand lads and their exquisite flutes for all eternity?"


Cassie immediately realized her mistake, but it was too late.  She stiffened for a second but the lasso could not be denied.  With the undeniable pleasure the impish lads plied her over heated body with, there was barely a second's pause before she had to declare the truth "As the Gods be me witness, with me whole heart I wish to be a happy trollop having the honor o' pleasuring me dear darlin lads for all eternity!"  She barely had time to regret her statement before any concept that she might have ever wanted anything else slipped her mind forever.  Of course she was a fuck toy for her lads and wouldn't have it any other way.


Di freed her enthusiastic slut to enjoy her new life and strolled over to the last remaining contestant. "And now there be but one," she announced as she bound the enrapt heroine.  Babs had long since forgotten everything but the magnificent tools that the fine lads plied her with.  Passions beyond mortal kin played across her greatly expanded senses as she enjoyed her predicament. She was shamed that she was grateful that Di started with Cassie, but as soon as she felt the power of the lasso take hold she did her best to steel herself for the ordeal.  "Now me grand goer, ye know we be but five minutes into the trial and you already be the last one holding out, don't ye?"  Babs nodded as she continued her adoring homage of the cocks exploiting her.  Di asked "Yer not mad as a hatter are ye?"


As her oral suitor pulled his dick out of her mouth and ran it between her large heaving tits, Babs had to verbally answer in a breathless gasp "Feck no!  Where'd ye get a daft question like that?


Di only asked "Well it'd be mad to deny yer place in the world and give up such unimagined joy wouldn't it?" 


Babs stiffened but had to answer "Aye, damn it!  Madness and worse it'd be."


Di smiled in victory as she purred "Well, since yer not daft and ye know yer right and proper place, then it seems there be but one answer.  What do ye want most right now?"


Babs was lost and she knew it.  She tried to lie, but the lasso slapped down her words and forced the truth out of her "To be a proper Leprechaun hoor like I was always meant to be."  Just like that the change over took the former heroine and sealed the fate of all the women.  Of course now they were Leprechauns and would die to defend their homes and culture.  It was an honor to be a slut for her lads and she was duly proud to serve.


While the new recruits gave themselves fully to sexual abandon, Di addressed the heroes, "Do ye get it now?  Yer not wanted here.  We have been granted a grand boon by the Gods themselves and we'll not be given it up just to suit yer misplaced morality."


The Man of Steel replied "The Diana I know would *never* say or believe that!  Not if she in her right mind."  He turned to Shamus and yelled "You have manipulated them and entranced them.  You claim not to take them against their will and to be 'an honorable people' but it is all LIES!"


Shamus and Di grew angry, as did their fellow Leprechauns.  The room grew deadly silent and all eyes were on the raging hero but before the tiny beings could respond, J'onn J'onz replied "No Kal-El, you're mistaken.  I can see their thoughts and feel their minds.  It isn't mind control; nothing quite that simple.  They are now a very different type of being with far different perceptions and thought processes.  Diana isn't being controlled; she truly made a decision based on her expanded mind and intellect.  It is the same for all the women.  No one is making them do anything.  This is simply the life they wish to live."


Superman stared in stunned silence at the Martian Manhunter.  He was shocked.  How could J'onn possibly think that this was the informed choice of an *expanded* intellect for the Amazon Princess?  While the heroes pondered J'onn's strange words, the sound of one tiny pair of hands clapping rang out through the great chamber.  Shamus smiled and said "Well done Manhunter from far away Mars.  Ye see to the heart o' the matter. In the days o' time immemorial we Fairie Folk, though still beings o' mystic power, were little more than a favored snack to the great beasties ye call gods and demons.  They lit into us like ye would popcorn. T'was a terrible time, to be sure.  Still t'was the dawn o' the race o' Leprechauns and to survive our people developed a sex drive and passions like no other before nor since.  The lasses were driven to mate and birth wee ones at a frantic rate.  But in the time of me grandpa, King Brian, we Leprechauns got the better o' the beasties."  The little leader raised his scepter and continued "This emerald capstone be the Soul O' Danu, mother o' us all.  Taking it from the heathen gods, Brian used it to empower the wee folk, one and all.  We each have enough mystic might to give any o' the old ones a second thought or two, but the best part be he made sure we be forever more off the beasties' menu.  He changed us so they be forever, for lack o' a better word for it, allergic to us.  Even the most powerful god or demon will stay their distance as it just be not worth the irritation."


"Now, with no one out to harm us and an immortal life span, we no longer needed to make children, yet our need for passion be overwhelming to be sure.  Fortunately our lasses can turn fertility off with nary thought, so our culture grew to what ye see before ye and that's the way it was until that blasted Christian mucked it up for all o' us.  Ye've heard the tales o' St. Patty chasing the serpents out o' Ireland?  Well it weren't snakes he chased; it be the Fairie Folk.  He tricked us, he did.  He took the scepter and used it to take our lasses from us.  We have been pining for our dear lost lasses ever since, at least until we met our new darlins."  When the prisoners started to protest, Shamus silenced them again.  "Sorry me boyos.  I'd like to finish up with ye, but you can see we have a grand party going on and, to be true, yer yapping be putting a fierce damper on it.  Ye just stay there, be quite, and ponder yer lessons for a bit.  Not that ye have a choice in it at all.  Still and all, we'll get back with ye after the festivities."


While the captured men remained mutely observing, still being trapped by Leprechaun magic, the party continued without pause. Soon several hours had crept by and the party still raged on.  The whole time the imp sluts gladly showed their lords every pleasure they could think of in the nonstop orgy.  If any noticed the statue like prisoners they paused long enough to either thank them for bringing them there or berate them for the audacity to think they could whisk them away.  All the heroes could do was watch in abject misery as friends, team mates and even lovers joyfully gave themselves body and soul to their captors.  After four hours of maddening observation by the heroes, Kara, the former Supergirl, approached Shamus.  "Ah me Grand Lord and Master, I think we'd been forgetting something.  Not that I mind the feckin eejits watching as long as they keep their thoughts to themselves, but I think we be letting a matter pass unresolved for far too long.  Sure and taking the women for yer own paid some o' the price for their trespass, but didn't we also answer their question as to how we wised up enough to know our proper place in life?  Seems they owe us a fee, at least in my book they do."


Shamus smiled at the happy whore and answered "Aren't you the bright penny.  Sure enough, a fee be in order.  So me brilliant juicy goer, what have ye in mind?"  Kara giggled as she leaned in and whispered her answer to the mighty imp.  "Gods lass, ye have a deliciously lustful and evil mind.  So be it!  But first, let’s give the poor dopes some rest shall we?"  With a wave of her hand Kara cast the spell to put the men to sleep.  The last thing they heard was Shamus say "Good lass, now how bout a ride afore we get started, aye?"


Part 3: Time to Pay the Wee Piper


There was no telling how long the heroes were in their dreamless slumber.  Nothing passed through their minds to mark the time.  But finally they awoke to see Shamus smiling in front of them.  "Well, lads, it's been fun and all, but all debts be paid now and it be time to send ye home.  I do thank ye for all the fine bits o' stuff ye gave us as payment.  I do apologize as we forgot about ye until a couple days ago but the next new moon be nye and it be time to send ye back. O' course, if it be any consolation to ye, the four score of trollops ye paid us t'was a grand Godsend."


The heroes could finally move and talk, even though their powers still didn't work.  They staggered forward and tried to understand what the Leprechaun King had said.  As men able to move mountains struggled to clear their heads, Batman had the presence of mind to ask "Four score?  There have only been 22 heroines brought to your realm."


Shamus chuckled "Ah now boyo, there be the rub.  Ye see, ye still owed us plenty for invading and trying to steal our hoors. And then there was the lesson of how they made their choice o' their own free wills no less.  Aye lads, you owed us big, but young Kara came up with the perfect solution.  With you here, we could bring every lass in your lives right here without so much as a howdy do.  If ye had a wee fantasy about them or if they had a burning torch for ye, we had a powerful enough link to the slappers to bring them to us." As the powerful imp talked, three little Leprechaun woman all slinked seductively up to the powerful being’s throne with food and drink. It took a minute, but the men soon realized that the serving maids were none other than the transformed Lois Lane, Roxie Leach (a friend of Superboy), and Selina Kyle. As they set the food and drink down, they took their places about their monarch.  Selina moved to his right and began to serve food as she massaged his right shoulder, Roxie was on his other side with his tankard of ale while she massaged his other shoulder, and to their shock Lois knelt between his knees and undid his pants.  Shamus cooed "I see why ye tied the knot with Lois here, Clarkie my boyo.  She be a grand juicy scrubber of the highest order.  She fucks like a mad ferret she does.  And believe me, in the last fortnight I have had plenty o' proof o' that."


Superman looked at the slutty imp that use to be his wife and said "Lois!  You're my wife!  You're the love of my life.  How could you?"


Without missing a beat, the Leprechaun whore looked up from her lord's huge erection, smirked at the distressed hero, and cooed "Feck off, wanker!  Me box is only open to me lads and their wondrous tools.  GODS I so LOVE being a feckin knob jockey.  Come Shamus.  Let me put a spit shine on yer flute!" 


Lois took her king's throbbing erection into her hungry mouth with a passionate abandon that stunned the heroes. Again Batman was first to get his bearings and said "Well, Shamus O'Brian, King of the Leprechauns, I think by right you at least owe us a chance to get even.  Don't you?"


Shamus's look of supreme joy darkened as he looked up from the enthusiastic whore and eyed the Dark Knight carefully.  "Take care, boyo.  That sounded dangerously close to a formal challenge.  Haven't ye lost enough yet?  Still and all, being a creature of honor, if ye have a challenge I'd be happy to take yet more o' ye possessions.  Speak up Batman so I can hear ye."


Batman answered readily "My challenge is simple enough.  Superman, Alan, and I each choose one of your devoted whores and ask them three questions while they wear the Lasso of Truth.  They have to reply honestly and promptly no matter what. We can *only* ask questions, no commands.  If we can get one to say they want to come back with us, then we all go back as we were before we met you.  All debts paid in full.  If not, I will convert my whole fortune to gold and give that to you.  How are those terms?"


Shamus smiled "As sweet as honey, eejit!  Nary a one o' me darlins would think o' leaving after becoming one o' us.  Ye might as well get yer gold now."


First to take the challenge was Alan Scott, the first Green Lantern.  It was no surprise that he chose his daughter Jade.  Jade has always been an attractive and more than a little flirtatious woman.  Now the little Leprechaun whore was blatantly slutty.  Alan took the Lasso of Truth that had been shrunk with Wonder Woman and bound his tiny daughter with it.  As he moved back to grab the other end, Jade used magic to materialize a cigarette and lighter.  As she lit the cigarette Alan asked "When did you start that?"


Jade took a long drag and asked "Ye mean smoking?  I'm a Leprechaun, Pa.  We drink and we smoke but a few of us hoors talked the lads into watching us smoke a ciggie instead o' a pipe.  They like it, sure and true."  Jade winked at her father as she took another drag.


Alan felt like his heart would burst but he tried to push back his feelings and get on with the questions.  Next he asked "Do you even remember how you feel about your friends and family?"


Jade giggled "Well Pa, the Leprechauns be me family now, but I know what ye meant.  O' course I will always have a soft spot for ye and me old mates.  We all remember life before the change. Last question now Boyo.  What be it?"


Alan looked confused, but before he spoke, Batman interjected "She's right Alan.  First question was about smoking, the second about feelings for family.  Be very careful.  They are quite crafty when it comes to challenges."


Alan was exasperated, but he tried one last time "Jenny, honey you know how much we love you.  Is there anything at all on Earth that you would want to go back to see one more time?"


Jade smile broadly "Well put Pa, and very well played.  I'm proud o' ye, but the answer is feck no!  I am happier here than you could ever imagine.  Best for ye to go home secure in the knowledge I will be eternally joyful in the life I've chosen."  Jade removed the lasso and shouted "Next trollop!  Set your amadáin straight and be smart about it."


Next were Superman and Lois.  Superman carefully looped the tiny lasso about his toy sized wife with care.  As he finished his knot Lois purred in a seductive voice "Tied me up good and proper, just like the big blue boy scout we always thought ye to be.  But who would'a thought the great Superman liked to take advantage of wee helpless damsels?"  The Man of Steel turned beat red as much for anger as he did out of embarrassment and while the Leprechauns laughed at his expense, Lois played to the crowd by giving them her best 'woe is me' look.


Before the laughter died, Superman said "Enough Lois, play time is over."  The tiny woman smiled at the hero as she waited for his first question.  Superman asked "Lois do you love me?"  He was clearly shaken when she laughed in his face.


Lois took a second to get the giggle out of her before she answered "Ye daft mortals.  Ye bandied the word 'love' around like it’s the be all and end all of all things.  Aye I love ye as much as ever but compared to how much I love me lads it’s not worth more than a bump on a flea’s arse."  Superman couldn't believe his ears, but there was no doubt she was telling the truth while bound by the lasso.  As he started to form another question in his mind Lois interrupted.  "Clarkie boyo, I think I can get to the heart o' the matter for ye. Feck, I'll do it free o' charge if it gets ye to stop acting the fool!  Ye know Di told me once that getting someone to tell the truth is only one power o' the lasso.  It also allows the user to see the truth.  That in mind, I have something to show ye." 


Lois held her hands up and a view screen big enough for all in the room to see appeared over them.  As Superman looked up the image of Kara and Shamus talking before the slumbering heroes came to view.  Kara walked up to her cousin and performed a strange incantation.  Suddenly a huge doorway big enough for humans opened up and dazed women began tumbling out.  First Lois fell to the floor, and she was quickly followed by Lana Lang and Lori Lemarus, but still women kept coming. Next Cat Grant arrived followed by La Encantadora, Metropolis Police Lt. Lupe Leocadio-Escudero, Maxima, and the former Earth Angel/Supergirl Linda Danvers.  When the door finally closed Shamus crowed "Now we are off to a grand start."


When Lois got to her feet, she looked down on the tiny people in front of her and growled "Who are you and where have you taken us."  Lois grimaced as she realized that half the women here had designs on her husband, but it quickly dawned on her that all the women knew Superman well.  "Why have you taken us?  Does this have something to do with Superman?"


"Sure and it does lass."  Shamus answered. "Yer hubbie Clarkie made a wee mistake and ran afoul of the Fairie Folk.  Now it be time to pay the piper."  Lois was shocked this creature knew all about Clark.  She knew she would have much to explain to most of the women here now.


As a reporter though Lois quickly recovered her composure and began looking about the grand meeting chamber for any chance of escape. For the first time she noticed the immobile heroes standing behind her in mystic slumber.  She cried "Good lord!  What have you done to them?"


Shamus replied "Oh, just a wee spell to keep them out o' trouble.  They'll be right as rain soon enough.  O' course, when you become one o' us you'll not give a shite about the lot of them."


Lois looked aghast at the tiny people in front of her; the handsomely dressed Leprechaun King and the slutty little Fairie stripper next to him.  When she saw the evil smile on Kara, she realized what they meant.  "You think you will ever get *me* to join your little slut harem?  You are out of your perverted little mind!"


Shamus smiled evilly "Oh, I think otherwise lass, but do understand... the choices are always yers.  Ye can choose to play our game or rot in our prison.  If any one of ye win, ye and yer heroes all go free.  If ye lose, you all become proper Leprechaun lasses forever.  Do ye all agree or not?"  The women exchanged knowing glances.  There was not a coward among them.  After a minute they all agreed and the mighty imp said "Well then, lets be at it." With a wave of his hand the transformation began.  Each of the ladies got shorter as their figures became outrageously curvy. 


Through the shrunken Lasso of Truth, Clark could feel the truth of the pictures.  Even word and motion was represented without censor, but he could also feel more.  He felt Lois's love of him, her raw courage, and her outrage at the Leprechauns implications.  It warmed his heart and gave him hope... until the transformation began.  Suddenly Lois's perceptions expanded explosively and her thoughts took new paths to organize the tsunami of information and sensation flooding her mind.  She was still Lois and all she was remained. But in her new mind all her old feelings, thoughts and experiences were less that a single brick in the Great Wall of China.  The fact she was now a Leprechaun indelibly imprinted her sexual identity and drive for passion.  Her ability to be objective as a reporter allowed her to assess the changes as they occurred and adapt with more grace and speed than he ever would have suspected.


In a matter of seconds the change was over.  Each of the ladies was now less than two inches tall, had a figure any porn star would die for and were dressed in just a corset & high heels.  Shamus began explaining the rules as the horny women tried to gather their wits "Ah, it be always a pleasure to welcome new strumpets, to be sure.  Now here is the game.  All that has to happen be each o' ye must play with a few o' the lads here."  The King pointed to a long line of naked Leprechauns. "If after an hour even one o' ye hasn't willingly joined us or admitted the wish to, then the lot o' ye are free to go."  The women looked over the horny males with hot lusty eyes.  Shamus asked "Now be there any questions?"


Lois looked up from her kneeling position and said "I love a challenge more than most, to be sure, but feck your game yer Majesty.  Why bother playing a game if the prize is a swift kick to the arse?  As I see it, I'm a winner right now as a proper Leprechaun trollop and delighted to stay that way."  Lois reached for the Leprechaun King's belt as she purred "Seems less than fair that the lads be having all the fun, yer Majesty.  Be there anything this devoted wench can do for ye?"  Shamus smiled broadly as Lois freed his giant erection.


The image faded, but Clark knew the truth.  Lois didn't even try to leave.  She accepted the change as a gift and made the decision that she felt was right for her without a second thought. Superman let go of the thread sized lasso and turned away from his lost love.  "What's a matter Clarkie," she yelled.  "The truth be hard to take?  Do ye finally understand?  Ye know, it need not have been so hard if ye just listened in the first place.  Well now ye know what I want from ye for sure, so FECK OFF and don't come back!  We're all fine and happy here."


Since Superman ceded his remaining questions, it was Batman's turn.  With Catwoman, Batgirl, Harley, Poison Ivy, Lt. Montoya, and Huntress among the Leprechaun tarts, it was surprising that he picked Zatanna for his questions.  The magician purred as the tiny lasso bound her "This'll be fun boyo.  I always knew ye had a thing for bondage, but did ye know I do as well?  Ah well, enjoy it while ye can darlin.  It be the last time ye'll get the chance."


Batman simply asked "So, in becoming a Leprechaun you were instantly endowed with all the knowledge, lore and customs of your people?"


Zatanna rolled her eyes "Sure and ye know that be true, yet it didn't cloud me mind or strike me daft.  I be not under anyone's thrall nor hypnotized.  The change adds, not take away.  Sure and I hope ye got better questions than that to ask or ye'll be panhandling when ye get back home Mr. Wayne."


Batman just nodded and held up his hand.  In it was a paper with some of the symbols that were found at the scene of the Tower of London.  As the Fairie tramp looked it over he asked "Then what does this say?"


Zatanna looked at it hard and said "It be the old tongue to be sure, but it is gibberish.  Everything is out o' order and it makes no sense."  She thought she was done with the question, but the lasso pushed her further.  "It... it would sound like..."  Words flowed from her mouth but they were painful to hear.  It was like listing to ancient Celtic being played backwards.  Even the Leprechauns were baffled until a mystic doorway opened.


Shamus growled "Faith and Begorrah! What have ye done ye sleeveen whelp!"


Batman answered "Undid your banishment Shamus.  I translated the box that your scepter had been kept in.  It told a different story about St Patrick.  You expected him to use the power of the scepter for personal gain and corrupt him, but he didn't fall for it.  He instead locked the scepter in a box immune to your power and hid it, but before he did, he used it to rid your 'lasses' of their sex addiction.  He didn't take them; they just stopped being your whores.  The warning you left behind in the Tower of London talked about sharing the fate of the 'Disloyal wenches of the banished lands'.  Fortunately Faust was able to put together the counter spell in reverse order."


The Leprechaun King raged "Ye think ye be cagey, do ye?  Ye sealed yer fate and that o' yer boyos.  To blazes with ye all!"  The irate imp thrust his staff at the heroes and cut loose a blinding burst of energy, but suddenly a red barrier formed around the captives. 


From behind the imps came the voice of an elderly lady "Stay ye hand, ye viper! Ye'll not harm those that freed us."  At the front of a crowd of hundreds of portly elder Leprechaun ladies stood an angry woman with a red capstone scepter to match the King's.


Shamus growled "Tend to yer own matters Bridgett! This be none or yer concern nor that of yer 'good sisters'.  I'll settle yer hash once I be done with these fools."


Bridgett growled "Ye got the drop on me last time Shamus, but ye know the Heart o' Danu be ever the match to your scepter and we lasses be equal in power and numbers to yer lads.  Ye can not beat us in a fair scrap and ye'll not get a second chance to muck with us!" 


By now, well over a thousand little women had exited the dimensional doorway and took stock of their situation.  Soon they all began commenting "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!  Look what they've done."  "They found some poor unfortunate lasses from afore the Enlightenment."  "Sure and they look like brazen trollops, God love them."  "Hard to believe we once looked just like em.  O' course we had to assume a more pious form to keep those horned up curs' mitts off us!" "Surely we can help the poor misguided souls out?"


Bridgett nodded as she listened to her sisters "Aye, we can help the lasses out, sure enough.  It be a simple thing to bring about the Enlightening for them as well.


Shamus flew into a rage and turned to face the new arrivals.  "Like blazes ye will ye feckin biddy!"  All the elder females gasped at the foul language.  "Ye'll not taint the lasses with yer foul hocus pocus!  They be *true* Leprechaun lasses as they were meant to be!  Not zealot followers o' that fool mortal Patrick like ye!"


Bridgett just smiled as she said "Sure and how will ye be stopping me while I be facing ye Shamus?  I'll not be needing yer permission, boyo!" 


The two imps started to raise their scepters menacingly when a voice boomed across the chamber, "For the love of God, NO!"  The little people turned to face a teary eyed Alan Scott.  "Please, the girls are our wives, our children, and our friends.  Please don't change them more!  All we want is to have them back safe and sound.  Please."


Bridgett and the matrons felt genuine compassion for the poor mortals.  Not only because they had freed them from Shamus's treachery, but because they could see the goodness of the men.  Bridgett smiled and said "Aye, we can help ye with that, but consider our debt paid now in full.  Soon as ye get home, best for all if it be the last we see o' ye, understand?"


The heroes readily agreed but when Bridgett raised her staff, Shamus shouted "No ye don't, witch!  I'll be stopping ye if it be the last thing I do!"  Shamus swung his staff into Bridgett's with a loud crack.  Crimson and emerald power flooded the room and the two imps struggled for control.  All the Leprechauns seemed to be catatonic as they channeled power to their leaders.  Soon, the heroes could only hear the combatants growling incantations back and forth.  The conflagration of mystic might grew for a couple minutes, but suddenly a thunderous boom shook the ground under their feet.


The heroes felt every part of their bodies tingling as they slowly recovered from the blinding light of the battle.  When they could see again, they found Bridgett standing over a defeated Shamus holding his charred and ruined scepter.  All the lads hung their heads in defeat as the matrons rounded them up.


As the men gathered their wits, Kyle Radner shouted "Look!  The women.  They're back.  They're OK!"  The heroes turned to see all the transformed women standing against the far wall.  Each woman was now full sized and exactly as they had been before the affair had started.  The men rushed to hug their friends and family but soon realized that the women were catatonic.  They simply stood and stared off into space.


When the men looked back Bridgett told them "Aye, they will be right as rain soon enough. They have been through a grievous trauma just the same.  Ye see the transition from mortal to Leprechaun is far easier than the other way around.  Ye need to get them home and let them rest for a day or two while their heads clear.  They'll remember next to nothing about their time here, but they'll be their old selves in no time."  Bridgett opened a gateway and said "Best ye be getting home.  The longer yer here, the more likely the lads will get ye in trouble.  Goodbye and fair well."


The heroes led the ladies through the gateway carefully one by one.  On reaching the other side, they found themselves standing in the same Fairie ring that they had been in just a month ago.  Once the last of them left, the door closed behind them and the ladies all dropped to the ground unconscious.  Still watching the heroes calling for medical evacuation, Shamus looked up at Bridgett and asked "So how long are ye going to hold me here?


Bridgett looked down on the defeated imp as two of her matronly sisters circled him.  In a sultry coo she answered "Well, Shamus, ye know how badly we want to hold ye."  The other women nodded in agreement.  She purred "But I think that be enough of that game."  She raised her head and shouted "Laever!"


A shimmering curtain of light passed from one end of the room to the other.  Shamus's scepter looked good as new and the three imp lasses about him changed to Zatanna, Raven, and Madam Xanadu.  Shamus got up and gave his loyal whores a hug.  As he surveyed the room he saw Lois and the other sluts celebrating their victory with the lads while hundreds of the matrons stood in mystic slumber.  Shamus gloated "Ye did well me fine trollops.  Bridgett n'ere knew o' the great mystic power ye all brought with ye from yer old lives, so she n'ere saw yer protection spells coming.  Add to that the power yer sister strumpets feed to me staff and she t'was defeated before she knew what hit her." 


Shamus held out his scepter to Zatanna who held Bridgett's matching staff against it and said "Egrem!"  The two staffs flowed together and formed one staff with the green capstone on top and the red on the bottom.  With the added power of the Heart of Danu as well as the stolen mystic energies of Bridgett and her followers, the new staff was far more potent.  Shamus felt giddy with power and that excited his mystic sluts.  As Raven and Xanadu stripped their master, Zatanna asked "So how long do ye think it'll be afore they realize we switched Bridgett & her biddies for us?"


Shamus smiled like the Cheshire Cat "Oh, me dear sister and her friends will n'ere remember themselves to be sure.  Ye can't pour an ocean into a tea cup and make it all fit.  They'll spend the rest o' their lives believing they be ye.  Slowly but surely bits and pieces o' their old personalities will pop up, but they will never suspect the switch, to be sure.  Still, their fellas better get use to tossing off as those witches be frigid as a cold winters night!"


Now fully nude with Raven and Xanadu lavishing passionate kisses to his huge cock and balls, Shamus happily began sucking on Zatanna's tits.  Between deep throaty moans Zatanna asked "What... What shall we do... with the other biddies?"


Shamus looked up from her titanic breasts and stared at the slumbering prisoners.  As he started kneading the huge udders with his hands, he answered "Would that I could switch em with more mortals.  That would end that problem once and for all, but it opens the possibility o' yer old friends causing trouble. Best we figure another way to deal with the old hags."


Zatanna laughed evilly as she said "Ye know there be other Earths we can visit just as well as that one.  I know one where folks called the Avengers be from.  Now there be many a fine thing there."  Shamus smiled as new plans for another day danced in his perverted mind.