WARNING: This story is fictional and is not intended to portray any real persons, living or dead, nor is it at all intended to encourage the type of activity portrayed here. It is strictly a fantasy/parody, intended for the personal enjoyment of those who appreciate female costumed characters in fear for their life or the violation of their body. The story describes and/or hints at graphic sexual situations, including bondage, violence, non-consensual sex, and other elements unacceptable in certain communities. It is NOT intended, nor is it at all suitable, for minors. If you are under the age of 18, or if this type of thing offends you, you shouldn’t be reading it. If you are a person who does find interesting the material described above, then I invite you to enjoy this story.

The story contains characters of my own creation, but also characters who are the property of various established comic book companies. Those characters are used without any permission by the owners of those characters and are included only to offer a fan's expression of those characters in a situation that would not be seen in mainstream comics. This story is strictly done for non-profit enjoyment by other fans interested in this adult genre. This story may not be moved to, or included in any website that requires payment for content.


The Bat

in the Jungle

by Alias the Rat


Part One


Barbara Gordon went to the political action meeting at the lodge hall because she really hoped Adam Stillwell had a chance against his opponent in the next election. Jason Gorrid had announced he was running for Congress in the next election, with the big political machine behind him as he ran to replace retiring Alexander Fortuna. Political independent Stillwell had little experience, but was respected for his work in the community. Gorrid had been in politics in Gotham City for years and the best you could say about him was that none of the things you heard about had been proven in a court of law. People suspected he was a crook, but the machine ran its ads and campaign and whitewashed the candidate's public image to get him elected. Barbara knew that the authorities were investigating Gorrid and Batman and Robin were also looking into his activities. She had decided to try a different tactic, and started going to the meetings and volunteering to help the less financially able compaign of Stillwell. She began getting up and making herself heard at the meetings, then she was asked to speak to various community groups to drum up votes for her candidate. Soon her work was appreciated and she was making speeches to larger gatherings, even introducing Stillwell at the rallies. People seemed to like what she had to say and how she presented herself, and she was recognized as the well educated daughter of Gotham's respected police commissioner.


Then the first of two startling events occured to disrupt the election. Adam Stillwell's wife was hospitalized with a heart condition that threatened her life. A defect she had been born with that had not affected her or even been detected before suddenly caused her severe pain and nearly killed her. She was stabilized in the hospital, but she needed specialized care that was only offered through an experimental program at a clinic in the southwest. Stillwell announced he was dropping out of the election to accompany his wife in her time of need. Which was a disaster for the reform party. They had felt Stillwell had a chance to beat Gorrid in the election, but putting a new candidate in this late would make it nearly impossible. But they had to get someone on the ballot, and they only had a few days to do so. Even if this candidate didn't have a chance, a huge win in an uncontested race would make Gorrid even harder to beat in any future election. As the opposition party met and tried to find a new person to put on the ballot, Stillwell begged their forgiveness for leaving them in the lurch. Then he suggested that they put Barbara on the ballot. She was shocked. But nearly everyone agreed. She was an excellent speaker, known in the city, and an impressive possibility. Women in the political system were far from unique anymore, and she could work...


That evening, the rest of the party workers were out on the streets gathering signatures to get the name of Barbara Gordon on the ballot. She sat in the darkened office, thinking over what had happened. Could she actually do this? Without her cowl on as Batgirl, she was just a librarian, not a politician. She mumbled to herself. "This is so stupid... Nobody will vote for me..." A voice boomed back at her. "I'll vote for you. And if enough of the voters learn what a fine, honest person you are, they will. You have a chance, once Bruce Wayne makes a large donation to your party to help with promoting your campaign." Batman stepped out of the shadows and smiled at her. Sure enough, the party was doing better and better as the election approached. With a week to go, Gorrid still had a 60-40 edge in the polls. Barbara thought there was no way she could catch up with him.


And then the second big shock of the election happened. Only a few days were left to go and the federal authorities arrested Jason Gorrid for fraud, accepting bribes, and rigging the city bidding process. They had proof that while on the city council he had arranged for the contract on the new city garage to go to his brother-in-law for only three times as much as the lowest bid. The papers reported the news and suddenly Barbara thought... she might win! Gorrid's political machine struck back with a lot of ads that screamed how his opponents were spreading vicious lies about the candidate. The day of the election, many of the voting public were still stupid enough to vote for Gorrid. But Barbara Gordon got 52% of the votes and was the newly elected Congresswoman from Gotham's 21st district.


Part Two


The new life she had meant she would have to stop her life as Batgirl. If Barbara Gordon and Batgirl were suddenly both to appear in Washington DC, her secret would be obvious to everyone. After she left for the capitol, she asked Helena Bertinelli to do her a favor and help keep her identity a secret. The Huntress dressed up in a red wig and Batgirl's costume and made a few patrols in Gotham City to let the public think the Dark Damsel was still there while Barbara was seen in DC. Then Babs concentrated in seeing what she could do as a brand new member of the nation's congress. She worked to learn about the bills that were coming up, tried to forge bonds with elected members who were interested in helping the helpless and the underprivilidged, and offered to help with other people's worthy efforts. One project she helped with was a bill proposed by Congressman Jackson Helfer of Ohio that worked to send relief help to Central Africa where civil wars and the aids epidemic were devastating the population. She was asked by Helfer to travel as the other half of a delegation that would take a planeload of relief supplies - food, equipment and medicine - to the region. The two members of congress would see that the material was properly distributed and that it would go where it did the most good. Barbara was very pleased at the idea of being part of this effort.


The two members of congress were covered by the media as they prepared to leave on their mission of mercy. They boarded the cargo jet that was to transfer the goods that had been assembled for the benefit of the needy people of central Africa. Helfer had arranged some of the material as donations from companies, and the rest had been purchased with contributions that came from the efforts of the Central African Relief Committee. Congressman Helfer's connections in the State Department were arranging for swift passage through customs en route. The different nations that the plane would have to transit might otherwise have delayed the delivery of the material. As he spoke to Barbara, he amazed her with the explanation of the work needed to facilitate the charity efforts. In Gotham City, Batgirl had broken up a couple of schemes where charity work was manipulated to line the pockets of the greedy. She had learned to hate when people donated to help only to have their money detoured to sharks.


Barbara got out of her seat as the plane flew over the jungles of Africa. They had stopped at the coastal city of Kagajel, where they refueled. Local officials met with Barbara and Congressman Helfer where they shook hands and appeared before more TV cameras and newspaper photographers while the customs officials gave an automatic approval to the goods on the plane. The plane was being given special treatment. As she moved long the rows of wooden crates, she smiled at the thought of what good this material was going to do... Suddenly she caught it. A trace of a scent that was somehow familiar. Bending close to a crate she took a sniff and felt a cold knot in the pit of her stomach. She had encountered that scent before. The smugglers in the warehouse two years ago. She loosened the straps holding the stack of crates, and pulled a load bar from the clip on the side of the plane and pryed open a crate. Inside she found stacks of AK-47s. With the crate open the smell of the grease they used to pack the weapons was overwhelming. So the mercy flight was a fraud to cover up the smuggling of arms into the volitile area of Central Africa where civil wars were being fought. She heard a man behind her and turned to find Helfer standing there with a compact Uzi sub-machine gun aimed at her. "Damn you, Ms. Gordon. You had to get nosy. The guns and the other munitions on this plane are worth millions to the rebels who captured the Kanarvek diamond mines. Half of the stuff really is relief supplies. I was planning these shipments to come in regularly. Now I will have to suspend operations after word gets back that the rebel forces attacked us and caused the death of a congresswoman..." Barbara jumped at Helfer and got her hands on him. They struggled over the gun and twisted when the gun started spraying bullets. They both pulled at it and the rain of lead went back and stitched through the cockpit. The plane shuddered and lurched to the right. Barbara knew that the men in the cockpit were dead, and the plane was dropping. She pushed at Helfer and he fell backwards. Babs grabbed one of the parachutes mounted along the inside of the fuselage of the plane and rushed towards the side door. As she pulled the door open, Helfer got up and leveled the gun at her. "You damned bitch!" He was about to fire when the plane hit an air pocket and lurged to the side. The loose stack of crates shifted and toppled onto him, pinning him to the deck. He could not move as he saw her dive out the door. Through the doorway he saw the ground approaching. The plane hit the ground and the explosives in the cargo detonated in a huge blast.


Part Three


Barbara Gordon had been struggling to get the chute on when she dove out the door of the plane. She finally cinched the straps into place and pulled the rip cord, but it was too late. The chute barely opened before she hit the upper reaches of the jungle cover. The chute tore to shreds as she fell though the trees, bouncing over tree limbs until she smacked into the ground. She lay there, apparently dead, for an hour before she finally moved. The fall through the trees had torn away at her clothes until she was stripped to bra, panties and tattered parts of her blouse. She barely moved at all, because every bit of her body ached and screamed with pain. Even when it didn't move, her head was laced with excruciating pain. She could not remember a time when she hurt this bad... She couldn't remember anything!


The red-haired woman lay there, until a thought finally did come to her mind. If she didn't move, sooner or later something would come along and think she was a free meal. So she very slowly, very painfully sat up. She had no idea where she was. Or where to go. But a figure came out of the jungle to approach her. The black woman was tall and athletic, wearing a tan leotard that went over one shoulder and left her arms and legs bare. She had a full hourglass figure and shoulder-length dark hair. "The way that plane exploded, it was loaded with munitions. You came out of it, what were you up to?" The battered, red-haired young woman looked back and muttered, "I... I don't know. I don't know what happened. I don't even know who I am..." The rescuer dropped to a knee and put her hand on the shoulder of the battered woman. "I sense somehow that you are a good person, and I am glad you survived. I will take you back to my village. My name is Lawsaga Jokai and I am the one chosen by the past spirits of my tribe to serve as the protector of my people. I am also called the Lioness." She picked up Barbara and turned to carry her back to her home. Out of the brush came a pair of massive lions, one male, one female, and the creatures flanked her as she jogged slowly. Barbara dropped in and out of conciousness during the hours they traveled, and for a time she thought the great cats she saw were part of a dream.


At the great village of Hussuengo, largest town amongst the Hoengola tribe, the Lioness carried her find to the hut of Vasishego, the Priest of the Spirits. The old man gave his patient draughts of jungle herbs that would heal her wounds and restore her strength. Vasishego spoke to Lawsaga outside of the hut while Barbara rested. "The spirits tell me that they agree with your feelings. This one has resolution in her soul and is aligned with the power of righteousness. But even the voices I hear tell me nothing about who she is or where she came from. There is a word in the old tongue that refered to a person whose memories were lost. We shall call her Amania." Lawsaga's brother-in-law, an exceptional warrior in his own right, was Kogan. He welcomed the red-haired woman to the tribe, and told her she was now a part of a large goup - people who owed their lives to the great Champion of the Hoengola. The Lioness returned to the site of the plane crash and saw the debris that confirmed that the plane had been carrying munitions. She was glad it had been destroyed. With her two feline companions she searched for other survivors, but did not find any. She went back to where she had found Amania, but found nothing that would identify the young woman. She came back to Hussuengo where she found the red haired one up and about and in much better shape. Lawsaga spent much of her time with Amania in the next couple of weeks, and they became friends. Although she tried, Amania never regained any recollections of her days prior to the air crash.


The Lioness sensed something about Amania that made her feel close to the woman. She told her how her mother had been the Warrior Champion before Lawsaga was chosen by the spirits of the dead who hovered over the land. She told Amania of the trials that she had been put through in the past couple of years. Her husband died of fever, as Vasishego's best efforts had been unable to help him. Her two daughters had been sent away for schooling. Basalena, the eldest, went to college in Cairo and her younger daughter, Chareina, went to school in Johannesburg. But Chareina became friendly with a wild crowd and experimented with sex and drugs. When she came down with illness, the hospital told her she had aids and several other related afflictions that were tearing her body apart. It only took her two months to succumb. After these two deaths, Lawsaga had to fight an urge to insist that Basalena come home. She didn't want to smother the girl who was now all the family the Lioness had left. Then the Legion of Slavers, a cult that had menaced the tribes of Africa for generations, began to send raiding parties into the land of the Hoengola. The Lioness hunted these men down and drove them off. She received threats that terrible things would happen if she continued to resist. When she worked even harder to stop the raiders, she got a package. It held the severed finger of Basalena, still wearing the ring her father had made for her, and told of the girl's torture and death. In a rage, the Lioness went into neighbouring lands and hunted down and destroyed the slavers where ever she found a trace of them. But this didn't bring back the final child she had lost. Amania listened as Lawsaga let the sad tale unwind. The red-haired woman held and comforted the nubian heroine as Lawsaga cried. Even the great heroine of the Hoengola was still a mortal woman who could mourn the death of her family.


Part Four


The two dark-skinned young women scampered down the moonlit pathway away from the ruin where they had been prisoners of the dreaded Legion of Slavers. Both were naked except for a tattered loincloth at her waist. The taller one moved well, despite the bruises that were all over her body. She had tried to escape many times, but they kept capturing her and beating her mercilessly for her efforts. Once she had suffered in silence, chained to the stone dungeon wall, with her head sagging forward, appearing to have passed out. But she had been awake and overheard the leaders of the slavers talking. One laughed as he mentioned the electronic tracking device that they had surgically implanted in her body. The little unit had been developed in Japan and was meant to allow rich people to easily keep track of their pets. By simply logging on to a web-site and entering the proper code, global positioning technology revealed the exact location of the pet who may have gotten loose. That is what she was now, their pet, their property. No matter how many times she got loose, she would never get away. The slavers had begun to call her the Teacher. The other prisoners were made to watch her beatings, and learn what resistance would bring.


The battered woman's memories were interrupted as she saw that Jaleena, her companion, had stopped to catch her breath. She was in very good shape, but not as athletic as the Teacher. Jaleena asked, "You could be five miles further down the road, but you stopped to help me and I am holding you up. Why are you helping me? Don't you want to get away?" "I have escaped a dozen times. But they always catch me. If I can help you, the hunters will have two targets to look for. But if you make it, I ask a favour of you. Pass word on to your King that I am a prisoner." Jaleena nodded. "Of course. I owe you my life. I will gladly tell him personally as soon as I reach home." They were on the road in the hills alongside Lake Ocandau, and the Teacher saw what she had been watching for. She put a hand on Jaleena's shoulder. "Help me with this." The two women pushed at a large stone on the edge of the path, until it broke free and skidded down the hillside, with a part of the hill dropping in a landslide of dirt and rock into the shore of the lake. "This far we have been leaving tracks. Now we will move over the rocks and leave no footprints. Our pursuers will have to go down to see if we fell in the slide. May they all end up in the gullets of the crocodiles in the lake!" The two women moved up into the hillside. The Teacher knew that soon she would send Jaleena south while she went east. That damned device in her would lead the slavers to where ever she hid. But if Jaleena could escape, that would be at least a small measure of success while she fought back against the scum who held her.


Back in the land of the Hoengola, The Lioness took her new friend on a tour of the lands, showing her the beauty that abounded there. They were admiring the waterfall where the Kanja River empties into Lake Jhovandge when they heard distant gunfire to the west. Lawsaga spoke. "Stay here, friend, while I look into this." Amania shook her head. "Oh no. I may not remember who I am, but I feel deep down that I was not a person to sit back and let others act. I will go with you." The pair moved through the jungle swiftly. With them moved the two lions who were Lawsaga's companions. The women burst into a clearing, and there a white man stood, holding a high-powered rifle. He was grinning as he stared down at the carcass of a large, beautiful cheetah that he had killed. Lawsaga went up to him and interrupted his admiration of his kill. She reached out and pulled the rifle from his grip. "How dare you enter this land and kill for sport. This creature was a valued part of the balance of the jungle. You had no right to take his life!" She held the rifle by the end of the barrel and spun, smashing the gun against a tree trunk, breaking it in half. "You will be taken from here and sent back to where you came from. The slaughter of the denizens of this jungle is not allowed." Lawsaga looked around, and saw that the guides and bearers who had been with the hunter had scattered. She planned to find out who would have dared to bring the man here, to an area where hunting for sport was not allowed. But as she looked away, the man pulled a revolver from his belt. He aimed it at her and fired three quick shots into her back. The Lioness twitched, gasped and dropped to the ground. Amania sprang at the man and knocked him down. She kicked the handgun from him and turned to see if she could help her friend. She held Lawsaga's head in her lap, but the heroine's lasp gasps of breath brought blood bubbling up from her lungs without any last words before she died. The red haired woman felt tears run down her face. This had been the only friend she had. She heard the man call out. "Get you hands up, bitch. Or you get the same thing." Aminia looked back and saw he had recovered the revolver and had it pointed at her. He was smiling, until he heard the low growl behind him. Before he could turn his head, the pair of lions come out of the brush to charge the killer of their friend. When they knocked him down, he never got a shot off, but the revolver would have done little good against either of the massive beasts. The male used his front paws to claw away at the chest of the killer, while the female came in and locked her jaws at the man's throat, ripping it out. Either attack would have been fatal. Together, they destroyed the vermin who had taken their loved human companion. They looked for a moment at his body on the ground, then turned to slowly walk away. They would leave the killer's carcass for the hyenas and vultures to dispose of.


Amania knelt and said a brief prayer for the soul of the Lioness and realized what she had to do. She picked up the body and slung it over her shoulder. It was a difficult burden, but the woman began moving along. Lawsaga had cried when she mentioned her dead daughter's body had never been returned to the village for a final ceremony. Amania could do that for her friend. It took a half a day, with stops every so often to rest, but she returned to Hussuengo and laid down the remains of the great heroine in front of the hut of Vasishego, the Priest of the Spirits. He came out and bent down to put his hand on the stilled heroine. There were tears in his eyes, and Amania noted everyone in the crowd was grief-stricken. They built a huge pile of brush in the center of the village and placed the body of their heroine on top. A woman walked up and thanked the Lioness for saving the lives of her children in a flood. A man thanked her for finding him when he fell in a ravine and broke his leg. A long succession of the tribesmen came up and said a final word of thanks for all she had done. Then the Priest used a torch to light the pyre and cremate the body. All night, the people stood by and chanted a litany of songs thanking and praising the woman they had lost. As the dawn arrived, Kogan the Warrior watched the fire die out, and he knew that now a new Champion of the tribe would be chosen by the Guiding Spirits. He was now the best warrior of the tribe, and he really hoped that the spirits would chose him to serve as the protector for his people. It had been many generations since a man had been chosen.  He would try to do as fine a job as Lawsaga had done.


Part Five


The young woman they called the Teacher was captured and forced back to the lair of the slavers. Her arms were tied behind her and her legs were manacled. She shuffled along and the guards often brought their whips down on her back. At the old stone complex, she was dragged to the dungeons where a half-dozen new captives were chained naked to the walls. In the center of the room a massive man grabbed her by the shoulder and swung her through the air to smack her down on a table. Moertoga was one of the leaders of the Legion of Slavers and he took off the manacles on her ankles to strap her legs to the table, spread wide apart. Then he cut the rope on her wrists so that her could pull her arms up and strap them down securely. He turned to face the other prisoners. "All of you, this one will teach you what happens if you refuse to submit to us. You will watch everything we do to her! If you look away, you shall be treated to the same punishment. You will become willing compliant slaves, to serve us and any man who ends up being your master in the future." Moertoga took a riding crop and lashed at the woman's body, raising welts on her chest, belly, crotch and legs. She tried to bear up under the torture, but soon the pain was too much and she began to moan and scream from the blows. Then he climbed up on the table and slid his trousers down. His erect cock was rammed into the captive's sore body and she felt greater pain at the violation of her pussy and from the weight of the man pressing down on her. He fucked her hard until he came in her, then bit on her breasts until his cock again grew erect. Then he repeated the savage rape while using the palms of his hands to slap her sore breasts back and forth. Her screams seemed to excite him, the louder she yelled, the harder he hit her. After he came the second time he moved up on her body and signaled to one of the guards in the room. The man came over and forced a ring gag into her mouth, securing its strap around her head. Then Moertoga's dripping cock was forced  into her mouth where she tried not to gag on the massive member. He sat with his bulk on her sore breasts and one hand grabbed an ear, He yelled, "Suck it, bitch!" and squeezed and twisted the woman's ear. The pain was horrid, and she would have screamed again, but his cock filled her mouth. She had to run her tongue over the thing in her mouth, and began to suck at it. After a short time it grew larger as he became aroused. She could barely breathe through her nose as he pulled her face tight against his crotch. He was ready to cum as he felt his cock reach its height of pleasure. At this he pulled her head back and left the sticky fluid gush over her face. He laughed as he climbed down from the table. He looked at the other women, chained against the wall, and shouted. "Everyone of you will be fucked, in the face, the ass, and the pussy, and you will meekly accept it or you will be harshly beaten. Accept that. If you resist, you will end up like her!"


Another man, a mound of muscle who was the twin of Moertoga, came into the dungeon. Moevonart spoke. "Brother, it appears that the other one took the path along the lake. There is a sign of a collapse on the trail, she probably died trying to escape." Moertoga snarled back. "Until we are sure, have our men continue to search. Until a body is found, have them be alert. This place is only safe if its location is kept a secret." The Teacher heard this exchange, but she kept her face passive. If she revealed any pleasure, they would have guessed that Jaleena was still alive and on the loose. But inwardly, she was very happy. Freedom was denied to her, but she had helped another to get out. If Jaleena could get word out of where the Legion of Slavers were hiding, the scum might be destroyed. The Teacher prayed she would live to see them get what they deserved.


In Hussuengo, the entire village and tribal members from all over the countryside assembled to hear Vasishego speak. "My friends, we have lost our champion. She was an amazing woman who served as our leader and our protector. We will miss her. Now it is time for our dead to talk to me and guide us to a new champion. I shall listen to their guidance and see who they will make into our new protector." The Priest turned and stared at the smoldering embers of the funeral pyre, and the smoke still rising began to form into many indistinct man-like forms. A low murmuring came from these shapes, and the Priest dropped to a knee and bent his head down as he listened to the voices of the spirits. After listening, he stammered, "Ye... Yes, ethereal ones, I hear your wishes and thank you for giving us a new champion to help and protect us." All of the people stared at him as he turned to speak. They could tell by the look on his face that the word he had received from the mystic forces that hovered over the land had been a total shock. What had he been told?


"People, the spirits have again given us a champion for our protection. Today, power shall be granted to our new protector..." He paused, and turned to his right. Glancing at the red-haired young woman, he continued. "... Amania has been chosen. In her new life the ghostly ones say she will be known as the Lady Bat." Amania was shocked by this announcement. They chose her? And the name... the Lady Bat. She knew somehow that designation meant something, but without the memories of her past, she did not know what made it so important. Meanwhile, Kogan broke in. "Her? What madness is this? She is not even a member of the tribe. A month ago we did not even know her! How could she..." The Priest was furious. "Kogan, hold your tongue! The spirits have spoken..." The warrior's rage kept him from holding his tongue. "Well, I think the spirits have erred. They have made the wrong choice!" The Priest stared back in shock and half the crowd gasped at what Kogan had said. Then Kogan turned and stomped away.


While the crowd buzzed over the events that had just happened, Vasishego put his hand on the shoulder of Amania. He chanted a prayer, and her mind spun. Suddenly she knew all about the creatures of the jungle, and every twist and turn of the terrain in the land of the Hoengola. She wondered what else she was now able to do, what enhancements had been made to her abilities. But foremost in her mind for sometime was the biggest question. Why had they picked her?


Part Six


A day later one of the women came to her with a brief, form-fitting blue-grey leotard for her to wear. There was also a mask for her face of the same material that had a yellow bat symbol embroidered on the forehead. Amania thanked her and donned the outfit. She walked own to the lake and leaned out over the still water. The reflection of her appearance made Amania shiver. What was it about this costume that made her wish she could remember her past?



A few days later, word came that a village to the south had been attacked by a band of men who captured and taken away several young women. The predators struck again soon after in another area. It was obvious that the slavers had heard about the death of the one who had foiled them so many times in the past. Amania and all the warriors of the tribe began to stay on alert, watching for any raiders. Women were escorted when they left the village to work in the fields or collect firewood in the brush. When Amania went out to patrol around Hussuengo late one evening, she was startled to find she could see much better in the starlight than ever in the past. In fact, even when clouds filled the sky and there was no light, she was able to sense where anything in her vincinity was located. She realised she had picked up the radar sense of a bat, like her namesake. She climbed a tree and could sense everything in a wide area around her. She wondered if she could fly like a bat, but as she stuck out her arms and flapped them speedily, she found she was only capable of looking extremely foolish in the attempt. She was happy no one else could see her in the dark!


After a couple of weeks, the vigilant Hoengolans had repulsed several small raiding parties and were hopeful they had discouraged the Legion of Slavers from their attempts to collect women in the area. The Lady Bat spoke to them of the need to remain vigilant. "We must keep our guard up. If we relax, they will capture and take away your wives, sisters and daughters." Then there came an evening when a warrior named Gavesh rushed into Hussuengo and told them excitedly that he had seen a group of slavers moving towards Hussuengo on the north trail. Amania asked him for details. "I saw at least four or five of them, moving about and beating their way through the bush. They were armed with guns and as I ran to get here to warn you, I was afraid they would see me and fire at me, but I was too fast." Amania assembled all the warriors in the village and set out with them to stop the attackers. After a quick march, they came to the area where Gavesh had seen them and the Lady Bat heard the men moving about. Kogan whispered. "These are fools. Moving about, making all that noise!" Amania told the warriors to wait, and scampered up a tall tree and hid in the branches, looking out towards the intruders. Watching them for a short time, she then dropped back to the ground. "There are only four of them... and they are crashing around here in circles, trying to attract our attention. They are a diversion! The real attack must be on the south side of the village." She took the men and hurried back to where the slavers were really attacking. Again she scouted ahead, and found a group of two dozen armed men who were moving away from the village with at least twenty women chained together as their prisoners. The Lady Bat returned to the warriors and told them of what she'd seen. "You four, circle around in front of them  Where this path crosses the Konya trail, jump up, throw your spears and yell like you are a massive attacking party. Then get behind a tree or dive to the ground. They will fire at you, and when they do the rest of us will come up behind them and take them down. Be careful of the captives."


The plan went well. With the slaver's attention on the trail in front of their party, they were caught unawares by the Hoengolan attack. There were some casualties among the natives, but only a couple were hurt very bad. Amania had rushed into the fight at the head of the attack, and while struggling with a slaver, she caught a gun butt that crashed into the back of her head and knocked her out. As the fight concluded, Kogan looked about to assess the results. Most of the slavers were down, badly wounded or dead. He cried out, "Search them. Find the keys for these chains and free our women. Then put the chains on the scum that are still alive." Kogan saw that at least a half dozen of the slavers had taken off. He told some of the warriors to spread out and watch to see if they might come back. But then a voice rang out to him. "Father!" He turned and was shocked to see one of his teen-aged daughters had been among the chained prisoners. She ran into his arms and he held her close, his body shaking at the thought that he had nearly lost her to those human scavengers. Nearby, a warrior was bandaging the arm of Gavesh, who had been wounded. Gavesh spoke. "We have been successful in foiling their evil attack. Thank the spirits that... wait... where is the Lady Bat?" All the tribemen also suddenly noticed she was missing. Kogan felt a cold lump in the pit of his stomach as he realised that she must have been taken by the slavers who fled. They would not have been able to flee with the line of chained prisoners, but they could have carried off one person. He cursed himself for having doubted her right to be the Champion. If not for her guidance, he might have lost his daughter.  


Part Seven


In the royal palace of Wakanda, the King had retired early that evening. T'Challa lay in the bed, enjoying the company of his love. He cupped his hand under one of her breasts as a couple of fingers of his other hand slipped into her cunt and massaged her sex. She smiled, and arched her back as he induced a wave of pleasure that ran through her body. She brought her lips to his and they kissed passionately. He moved to slip his cock into her pussy and she trembled with anticipation as he finally entered her. She moaned as her body felt the man inside her. His pumping action as he moved in and out of her love canal brought her waves of sublime pleasure. He began to press deep as he felt himself about to explode his seed into her. He concentrated on holding back, trying to get this wonderous moment to last as long as possible. But the ejaculation came and he pushed deep into his lover. She arched her back and pushed tight against his body, taking the cock as deep into her body as possible. She had felt the waves of pleasure as she coupled with the King of Wakanda, but as he came inside her she felt a magnificent orgasm tighten every muscle in her body. She twitched under him and shivered with excitement. Her mouth opened, and as she exhailed, a squeal of pure pleasure escaped her. She was embarassed. Did she just sound like a young virgin on her honeymoon? How could the love of this man make her feel so weak?


Then the mood suddenly felt apart as there came a knock on the door. A young woman's voice in a strange archaic language came through. "Your Majesty, I beg your pardon, but a matter has arisen that requires your attention." The irritation was evident in T'Challa's face as he moved to the edge of the bed and sat up. He replied in the same ancient dialect. "I told you, Gohaja, that when I retired I did not wish to be disturbed. What is it that cannot wait until morning?" The Wakandan King stood and walked to the table, where he poured himself a glass of cold spring water. He glanced back at the bed where Storm lay. Instead of irritation, her face showed real anger. Ororo Monroe could never stand the presence of T'Challa's bodyguards. The Dora Milajae were a pair of beautiful athletic young women who were devoted to the care and safety of their king. Experts in armed and un-armed combat, they felt it their duty to be as close to T'Challa as possible to serve as a shield between the Panther and any threat that came against him. Storm was incensed that T'Challa and the bodyguards conversed in the old dialect that only the three were fluent in, leaving all others out of any conversation. Ororo's feelings were not helped by the fact that Dora Milajae translanted loosely as the Wives in Waiting. The woman outside the door spoke once more.   "Again I beg your forgiveness, my liege. Your subject, Jaleena Isolani, who was feared to be the prisoner of the northern slavers, managed to escape her tormentors and has, after a long hard journey,  returned here to her home." T'Challa was pleased at this bit of information. The northern slavers never dared to strike into the lands of Wakanda, but while outside the country on family matters, the young woman in question had been seized. T'Challa had traveled north, but had not been able to track down the missing Wakandan native. He spoke. "This is indeed news I am pleased to hear, but I do not see why it could not have waited until the dawn..." He heard the hesitation in Gohaja's voice as she finally got to the point. "Jaleena begged to see you at once. She said she only escaped when another young woman went out of her way to help. She swore to that person that she would pass on a message directly to you. She said... Basalena Jokai wanted you to know she is a prisoner of the slavers."


The Black Panther was visibly shaken by this statement. The glass dropped from his hand and shattered on the floor. He staggered to the side, and put a hand on the table for support. His head dropped for a minute, then he reached out and grabbed a black silk robe. As he donned it, he called out. "Gohaja, I will speak with Jaleena. Tell her to await me in the throne room." But as he took a step towards the door, Storm moved to block his path. Fury was in her eyes and she put her hand against his shoulder. "T'Challa, I will not sit here after making love to you and wait while you leave in pursuit of another woman. I will not put up with such a treatment. I am not your plaything. I do not know what you and that one spoke about, but I recognized a woman's name was mentioned and that it caused a strange reaction in you. Who is this... Basalena Jokai?" He stopped, and his head sagged. He spoke, in a sad, low whisper. "A year ago, Lawsaga Jokai, famed Warrior Champion of the Hoengola tribe, sent me a message. Her daughter had been kidnapped from college because of what the Lioness had done to smash the efforts of the slavers who tried to operate in the land of the Hoengola. Lawsaga was sent a severed finger that still wore a ring of her daughter's. The fiends sent word that the girl had been raped, tortured and killed. Her body was burned, the ashes scattered and her body would never return home. The Lioness mourned her daughter's death and destroyed any bit of the slavers' operation that she could find. She passed word to me of Basalena's death." Storm was puzzled. "Why would this concern you..." The Panther looked up into Ororo's eyes, and she saw tears streaming down his. "She was... is my daughter."


"I was a young man. barely in my teens, when my father sent me to visit many of the surrounding lands. This was even before I met you. As a Prince in line for the throne it was my duty to learn about our neighbors and to nurture friendships with them. While at the land of the Hoengola, I was the guest of Isenegow Jokai, Warrior Champion who was called the Elephant. She was a massive woman, over 300 pounds, incredibly strong, yet as agile and fast as anyone I had ever seen. She had a daughter my age, and we spent time together. Lawsaga and I fell in love. At least we thought we were. But she spoke of someday following in her mother's footsteps, and I knew eventually I would take my father's place here in Wakanda. So we parted, star-crossed lovers. Both of us realized after a short time that our love had been just the infatuation of youth. I wrote her and said I was glad we had not done anything foolish. She wrote back and... her letter was oddly phrased. She was glad we had a brief fling, but said she knew we each had to go our own way. A couple of years later word came that Isenegow had been killed in a fight with poachers who invaded Hoengola territory. My father and I both attended a service in her honor. While there, it was revealed that Lawsaga would be the new Warrior Champion with the designation, the Lioness. Then I met her mate, who she had wed a year before. And her younger daugther, just a month old. And her older daughter, Basalena, just over a year old. I could tell Basalena was the child of our affair. I asked the Lioness why she had not told me that she had been pregnant. But she said she wasn't sure I would have been able to think clearly at the news. Would I have gone to her? Perhaps. But she met a man of her tribe who loved her and who was willing to raise a child who was not his own. I visited them every so often, but her mate was the man that the girl thought of as her father. He was a fine man who treated her as his own child. I was only known to her as a friend of the family."


"The past couple of years have been very hard on Lawsaga. Her mate came down with a fever and succumbed to illness. Her two daughters came of age and were sent to schooling away from the tribe. The younger daughter fell in with a bad crowd and while experimenting with drugs died from aids-related illnesses. The Lioness had to use her strength to stand up to these harsh events. The band of slavers began to attack the land of the Hoengola, trying to take young women. The Lioness stopped them and smashed their raiding parties. But the slavers found out where Lawsaga's daughter was going to school and captured her. They sent word of her death to strike back at the Lioness. She was devastated by this, and passed word of it to me. I mourned as I thought how I should have been closer to the young woman of my blood. And now word comes that she is still alive, a prisoner. I heard that the Lioness died just recently. I have to go after Basalena, Ororo, and I don't know how long it will take. But... will you you wait for me? I love you and I would very much like you to be here when I get back." Storm paused as she thought over what she'd been told. "No, T'Challa, I won't sit here and wait for you. I'm going with you."


Part Eight


The old stone ruins of Ahranate dated back to the time of the Crusades. It was said to have been built by a party of the Knights Templar who fled to central Africa after stealing part of the Templar treasures. When they tried to live like kings and subjugate the local tribes, they eventually were killed by the rebellious natives. The citadel was thought abandoned, shunned by the local tribes, but was now used as a secret base by the slavers. The old dungeons and the rooms in the stone towers were used to hold the captured women while they were tortured. Once the victims had their spirits broken they were sold to men with unsavory sexual interests and bordellos all over the world. In a tower room two women had their wrists above their heads manacled to the stone wall. Nearly naked and covered with bruises, Amania and the Teacher tried to endure the beatings they had been receiving. The slavers had left them alone after a brutal session. The black woman spoke. "You say that you, a women not even of our tribe, were chosen by the spirits to to be the Warrior Champion of the Hoengola? This is passing strange. The Lioness is the Champion..." Amania replied. "The Lioness was killed just recently. I was there and carried her body back to Hussuengo. After it was cremated, the Priest..." The Lady Bat paused as she saw the other woman's head suddenly sag. She had tears streaming down her face and she was sobbing heavily. Amania noticed that the woman's left hand was missing its ring finger. "Great Spirits! You... you are her daughter? She had been told you were dead!" Basalena Jokai looked up into Amania. "She... she thought I was dead?  All this time, I have wondered why she never came to rescue me. I thought she was coming, then I thought the slavers were so well hidden that she would never save me. Then I wondered if she didn't come because she didn't really love me. But I knew that was wrong. When I was growing up I never had a day when I didn't know my mother loved my sister and me very much. I am glad you were able to take her body home for the proper ritual. But I am still confused by the Spirits choosing you to be the champion. And why would they give you the powers of a bat? Usually one of the great jungle denizens lends its might to the champion..." She was interrupted when a massive dark-skinned man came into the room. "Yes, it seems to be a sign that the spirits of Hoengola are weakening. Your tribe will no longer hold out and will become victims." Moertoga walked to the red-haired heroine who was nude except for a skimpy loincloth and the mask on her face. He ripped the loincloth away and pressed his hand against her crotch, pushing his large thumb into her vaginal opening. His fingers massaged her clitoris, his thumb probed inside her. Amania winced and groaned at the treatment. "The Lioness is finally dead and the woman of the bat is a weak replacement. Now any young woman worth taking will be the property of our operation, for the harems of the middle east or the bordellos of the far east."  


The twin brother, Moevonart, went over to Baselena and began to molest her the same way his brother was attacking Amania. "You are a stubborn one. All of those attempts to escape, all of the tortures we have put you though and you still hold out. How many more times must we rape you to break your spirit?" She glared at him, her eyes burning with fury. "That lump of wood you call a cock will rot and wither away before you break me, you carrion!" She spat in his face, and he backhanded her hard across the face. She was knocked out, and her head slumped forward. Moevonart turned to his brother. "It is good we captured this one when we did. She would have been a real champion. As bad as the Lioness." Moertoga nodded, but his attention was fixed on the one he was molesting. He ran a finger thought the small cropped patch of scarlet pubic hair and continued to probe and punish the woman's insides with his thumb. He spoke to Amania. "We deal in black flesh for the marketplace of female misery. There are ones who are especially beautiful, but our profits are based on moving the product in bulk. But you are special, We will get a premium price for you after you have been tamed. The men glutted with wealth from oil will pay handsomely for you."


Part Nine


Storm and the Black Panther moved to approach the old stone complex which the escaped Wakandan woman had pinpointed as the secret lair of the Legion of Slavers. They crept up, slowly and silently to infiltrate the complex. Before they made any attempt to capture the leaders of the criminal ring, they wanted to find out how many prisoners were there and where they were being held. Basalena Jokai was not the only victim they wanted to rescue. Too many women over the years had been taken by these bastards. The conglomerate of ruined buildings was huge, and the pair split up to cover ground faster. Each carried a small disc that was a super-compact radio to keep in touch and to allow them to call in back-up forces once the enslaved women were safe. Ororo moved carefully down a corridor in one of the dungeons of the main building. There was a good chance that the prisoners were being held down here. She listened carefully, and finally could just make out the sounds of groaning and misery coming down one of the corridors. She moved along, pausing every few steps to try to sense any guards in the area. She found one, and silently left him unconscious in the shadows, gagged and tied up with strips of cloth from his shirt. At a massive wooden doorway she heard the moaning of several women in misery. She carefully opened a peephole in the door and saw several young women chained to the walls and mancled on the floor. She carefully opened the door and crept in. She didn't see any guards, so she moved to try to free the women. She brought the disc to her face and spoke. "Hello, are you..." She'd barely gotten a few words out when a massive figure stepped from the shadows and chopped his hand into the back of her neck. The pain was intense and she fought to clear her vision. But as she tried to recover, another blow knocked the communicator from her hand, followed by a harsh blow to the pit of her stomach. She dropped to her knees as a blow crashed into the side of her head. Just before she passed out, she saw the foot of a huge man step over and crush down on the radio unit, destroying it.


She didn't know how long she had been out, but when Ororo awoke she found she was chained to the stone wall of a round tower room. She could see the night sky outside the window, and tried to call the powers of the elements to her. But her mind was fuzzy, and she could not concentrate. She assumed she had been drugged while she was out, and now she was helpless. She managed to raise her head and glanced around the room. On the opposite wall were two other women chained up and at the mercy of their captors. The black woman was tall and athletic, but her body showed the injuries and bruising of countless beatings. Storm noted that the woman was missing the ring finger on her left hand. Then this must be Basalena, T'Challa's daughter. The other was a red-haired caucasian woman who wore a blue-black mask on her face with a yellow bat symbol stitched into the forehead. Other than that mask both of them were naked. They were chained with their arms over their heads. Amania's arms held her up, chained with legs hanging down, her feet several feet off the floor. Basalena had her legs chained so that she was spread wide. In the center of the room were the twin leaders of the slavers, massive bodies made of hardened muscle. Moertoga moved to reach his hand up to massage and probe the pussy of the white woman. "I will tame you, Champion, until you are a fine slave. You will beg for my cock to enter you and squeal with delight as you wrap these fine legs around my body to caress your master!" Amania kept her tongue, as she had learned that any smart reply to their threats only resulted in a severely painful punishment. The other slaver, Moevonart, approached Storm. "So, your rescue attempt has only resulted in your falling into our clutches, you so-called goddess." He brought a hand up and slipped the blade of a razor-sharp switch-blade into Ororo's cleavage. He pulled the blade down, angling it so that it slashed through her costume without marring her skin. Working swiftly and methodically, Storm was soon naked and totally vulnerable. He put away the knife and looked her over. One hand began to squeeze and pull at a breast while the other went to her crotch and a couple of fingers entered her pussy. "My brother and I will enjoy breaking you. Then someone will pay a small fortune to own a goddess." He backed away for a second, loosened his trousers and let them drop. He pushed his hardened cock into her, and she screamed as the huge log entered her. Moevonart called to his brother. "Oh, bro, this one is sweet. I love the way she wiggles when she's on my hook!" His brother replied. "Sounds nice. When you are done, I will gladly take my time fucking a goddess!"


Moertoga knew his brother would take his time with Ororo, so her moved to Basalena. "You will never escape from us, Teacher. Every time you will be dragged back here and punished for your rebellion." He dropped his shorts and took his erect cock and rubbed it over the lips of her pussy. As he put a slight amount of pressure on the entrance to her cunt, she winced and turned her head away from him. His huge hands reached around her and grabbed her butt, squeezing hard. She wailed in pain and then he plunged his dick home, hard and fast and he pulled her lower torso in close. His head leaned in and he bent to lick and bite at one of her breasts. As he pumped at her cunt, he mouth moved to the other breast, attacking it also. He released her butt and pressed her hard against the stonework behind her. He felt her body twitching in response to the sex and began massaging her beasts with his hands. He felt her shudder with a climax, and then he came inside her, and her body stiffened with an orgasm. She slumped in the chains and her head fell forward to rest on her chest. Moertoga grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head up. "Well, didn't you enjoy that?" She looked back at him with a deep rage in her face. "Damn you to hell, you bastard!"


While this was going on, Moevonart was assaulting Storm. He kept pumping his cock in her while one hand reached around and stuck a finger into her rectum. Storm gasped and twitched as both of her openings were attacked. The other hand went up and slapped at Ororo's face, over and over. He softly spoke to her. "I am your master, bitch! Admit it! Say the words!" But Ororo refused to do so. She did react to the assualt on her body, and she climaxed twice before he came inside her. When he took a step back, he put a hand at her crotch and pressed his massive thumb into her cunt. While his fingers pressed and massaged her pubic mound, the thumb was inside her, attacking her like the cock had done before. This went on for a few minutes until the man's dick was again erect, and he removed the thumb and rammed the dick back into her. He grabbed her breasts in his massive hands and squeezed tight while he fucked her a second time. Storm thought her chest was being crushed or torn away as the man's hands punished her. At the same time her body twitched and stiffened as a second load of cum shot into her and made her reel with a massive orgasm. Moevonart backed away, and laughed. "You don't say the words, but you are broken, bitch. You will be a sexual slave to us and to anyone we sell you to."


Moertoga had been watching his brother assault the mutant beauty, and wondered when his brother would finish so that he could get a crack at her. She did look fabulous, and the slaver was getting aroused just watching her wriggling from his brother's attentions. Moertoga moved to the side of the room where a small table sat. He took a bottle of beer from a cooler and took a long, deep swig of the beverage. This was thirsty work! Both brothers suddenly heard the old, heavy wooden door slowly creak open. Moevonart turned from his rape of the goddess and snarled. "We left orders that we were not to be distrurbed! Why do you dare..." His compalints ceased as the guard who moved through the door suddenly crumpled to the floor. Then revealed was the dark-clad figure of T'Challa, the Black Panther. The Wakandan spoke. "Get away from her while you still have the ability to move, you scum!" Moevonart laughed and turned to face T'Challa. "So, first the Kenyan bitch and now you come here. Can't a man have a little privacy to fuck his property?" This angered the Panther, and he charged at the slaver. But the massive villain blocked the attack, and T'Challa was suddenly grabbed from behind. He had not seen Moertoga as the side of the room was out of the line of sight from the doorway. As the Panther fought to pull free of the massive arms that had wrapped around his neck and chest, Moevonart closed and began smashing his fist into T'Challa's face and body. Though in pain and stunned a bit by the two-sided attack, the Panther pulled his legs up and pushed out as hard as he could to drive Moevonart back . The slaver was thrown backwards and crashed into the wall where Amania was shackled. She had been lifted and chained by her arms with her cunt five feet off the floor. At this position, she had the weight of her body pulling at her arms and shoulders and she was extremely sore. But seeing the man stumbling back at her, she ignored the pain and pulled her  legs up and spread them. Moevonart's head smacked into her belly, and she endured this further pain to wrap her legs around his neck. She locked her ankles and squeezed her legs around his neck as hard as she could. The slaver could not breathe, and he brought his hands up to try and tear her limbs apart. But she would not give in and his strength disappeared swiftly as he felt the lack of air in his lungs. Amania snarled down at her tormentor. "Do you enjoy my embrace, you vermin? Shall I squeal with delight as I wrap these fine legs around your neck to caress you?" Amania had a powerful athletic body after a lifetime of devotion to exercise. In the time she could not remember, she had spent many hours in the gym. Since she had become the Lady Bat, Champion of the Hoengola, she had spent hours jogging through the jungle on patrol. Her legs had the power of a world class marathon runner. The muscles and sinews were like steel bands as they crushed the throat of Moevonart. He was dead for several minutes before she finally released his body and let it drop to the floor.


T'Challa was still at the mercy of Moertoga while the slaver had one arm tight around the Panther's chest, the other crushing T'Challa's windpipe. All of the Wakandan's strength and agility were negated as he could not slip out of the deadly grasp of the villian who was slowly killing him. But as T'Challa was slowly being defeated, Ororo's eyes fluttered open. She saw the Panther's plight, and tried to force her body to fight the effects of the drugs in her system. She bit her lip and she drove her fingernails into the palms of her hands. Her heart beat wildly and adreniline coursed into her bloodstream. Her eyes grew pale and the pupils became dead white. She was breathing hard as she stared at T'Challa and suddenly, outside the clouds in the sky swirled and a rumble of thunder rolled over. Through his misery and pain, the Black Panther heard the noise and wondered. "By the Gods... she's not going to..." With a bright flash of light, a bolt of lightning crackled through the window and hit Moertoga in the middle of his back. The slaver took a deep breath and fell forward on top of the Panther, dead.


Part Ten


It took some time before the body of Moertoga moved. As he pushed, T'Challa pulled his weak, battered body out from under the corpse of his massive foe. He looked up into Ororo's eyes and sighed. "That really, really hurt. Did you have to hit him with a bolt of lightning while he was holding me?" Storm's face showed a trace of grimace. "Sorry, my love. It seemed the only way out. I had to hope his bulk would block and absorb most of the strike. Do you think you could find a set of keys and get us loose?" Moving slowly, feeling pain in every part of his body, T'Challa went through the pockets of the dead slaver and found the keys he wanted. He released Ororo and Amania, then went to his daughter. He reached to unlock her restraints, and stared into her eyes. He wondered what he should say to her, but she spoke first. "Before I left for school, my mother told me everything about you, T'cha... father. I had grown up knowing you were a fine, noble individual. But to learn you were my real father... it was a shock. While I was a prisoner, I kept resisting them by remembering the resolute strength of my mother... and my father." He hugged her, and whispered. "I am proud of you. If I had known of your plight earlier nothing would have stopped me from coming here to rescue you."


While father and daughter embraced, Storm used the communications disk that T'Challa had handed her when he released her shackles. She spoke to the forces waiting nearby, and within minutes the Dora Milajae arrived leading three dozen Wakandan warriors who captured the rest of the slavers in the complex. The Black Panther was soon informed that his forces had everything well in hand. T'Challa went over to Storm. "My love, I know you want to return to Wakanda, but would you mind if we first travel to Hussuengo to return my daughter to her home. And there, I would like to spend a few days. I need to get to know her better." Ororo smiled as she put her hand on his shoulder. "Oh course, darling. It is your duty to her, and I too wish to get to know the young lady. She is exceptional." Soon the group were ready to travel and started to trek back to the land of the Hoengola. As they did so, Storm spent time staring at Amania. Finally she spoke. "Lady Bat, I recognize you. At first I thought it was the red hair and the mask you wear that reminded me of someone, but the more I looked at you, the more I realized you are the woman I once met at a visit to the Justice League Headquarters. Supergirl introduced me to you, Batgirl. Do you recall that meeting?" Amania looked back in shock and explained to the others about how she had no memories from her life before the plane crash. She was astounded by Ororo's description of her past life as Batgirl. Storm used a radio to send a message to the Justice League letting them know that Batgirl had been found.


When the party entered Hussuengo, the people gathered to rejoice at the news of the end of the Legion of Slavers and to celebrate the return of the Lady Bat and Basalena Jokai. Vasishego the Priest put his hand on Amania's shoulder. "Thank you, Champion. The spirits told me that you were the one who could return Basalena to us." Basalena was stunned at this statement. "What? The Spirits knew I was alive? Did my mother know..." He turned to her. "No, they told neither me nor your mother. For their sensing of what could occur in the future told them that if the Lioness went to save you, she would die and you would have remained a prisoner. Even they could not see any way to get you back. Until the red-haired stranger arrived. The ghosts did not know how, but sensed that somehow fate had brought to us the one person who was needed to make your rescue possible. So they made her the Champion of the Hoengola. And now that you are back, she can return home and you, Basalena, will become our new Warrior Supreme. The ghosts told me that they want you, and that you will become famous as the Panther." The young woman was amazed at this news, and her father was very proud as he saw his daughter would also fight injustice under the Panther name. While the group accepted these events, a sleek black cat came out of the jungle and walked up to Basalena. The panther rubbed up against her leg and purred.


A day later, Barbara Gordon received a message that a member of the JLA was on the way to help her get home. And now Amania knew she was a crimefighter from Gotham City, with more and more of her memories coming back. Ororo asked Barbara how she was coming along, and the scarlet-haired warrior gushed with excitement. "It's pretty overwhelming, I remember more and more every minute. But it's still spotty. I recall the menu from my favorite restaurant, but I can't bring up my Dad's phone number... wait... I just remembered it!" That afternoon, an aircraft circled the area and landed in a clearing. Out of the transparent craft came a world-famous buxom heroine who was known even to the people in this remote part of the world. Wonder Woman saw Barbara and hurried to embrace her. "Babs, it's so good to see you. A lot of your friends were very worried about you." Diana turned to the others who were there and held out a hand to Ororo. "Storm, it's good to see you again. Back at the JLA, many people were very happy to get your message about Batgirl." Barbara turned and spoke. "Princess, may introduce you to King T'Challa of Wakanda and his daughter, Basalena." Wonder Woman reached out, and the Wakandan King bent forward and kissed the back of her hand. "The Royal Family of Wakanda has heard many wonderful things about the Royal Family of Themyscira. I am greatly honored to meet you, your highness." Diana nodded. "Thank you, your Majesty. It is my great pleasure to meet you and to extend the best wishes of the royal house of Themyscira." After these pleasantries, Barbara gathered up a few items she wanted to take home as remembrances of her time in Africa and left with Diana.


After the plane left their sight, Ororo walked over to Basalena and put her arm around the girl's shoulder. "I am so happy that things have turned out so well. But while I am here, I will have to tell you of several things about your father that no-one else will dare relate to you. You should be aware of his many faults. This regal mindset of his is maddening. He is so arrogant and pompous that he will drive you to distraction. And you should know the man is as horny as a gazelle. You are probably the only woman in this village he is not lusting after. Did you not observe his actions with the amazon? He nearly had her on the ground in front of everyone!" The two women were walking back to the village and Basalena looked at Storm, then giggled as she glanced back at her father. T'Challa followed them. "Ororo, how can you fill my daughter's ears with such talk? I am a king, and protocol demanded I treat a visiting member of another royal family with certain respect and civility!"




When Ororo and T'Challa returned to Wakanda, the King began to appreciate that he must marry and produce an heir to the throne. His daughter would be the Queen of Wakanda if anything happened to him, but her loyalties would be for Hoengola, where she had been born and raised. He had doubts that she would leave there to rule over Wakanda. T'Challa loved Ororo very much and wanted her to be the woman who sat alongside him on his throne. But she kept putting him off. As in the past, Storm could sense that the Panther was trying to get her to commit to a permanent bonding. But she could not get the worries out of her mind. If she and T'Challa were to wed, he would want children. Storm had learned while living at Professor Xavier's Academy that she loved and nurtured young people. But to have a child of her own terrified her. Her parents had meant the best for her and she never blamed them for dying and leaving her to live a childhood of misery. But she and T'Challa risked their lives constantly. If she had a child, and they left the poor little one alone to suffer as she had... it would be too horrible to imagine.


T'Challa knew he had to find a way to convince Ororo. With the night of the full moon coming he decided to use the rite of great bonding. It was unusual, as his ancestors had limited it to the love-making of the Panthers who were already mated. That night, he went to the repository that held the sacred herbs that he had used to gain the strength, agility and powers of the Black Panther and chewed a small portion of the herb. Then he went to the bedchamber and found Storm in bed, waiting for him. He began to run his hands over her and kissed her. He murmured in her ear, "This night you will learn what it is like to be the Queen of Wakanda." Ororo's protests were cut short as he continued to embrace and titillate her to a passionate state. She lay on the bed and he mounted her, pushing his cock into her with great energy. She gasped as he seemed to be swollen to a size much more than usual and his thrusts went deeper than she had felt before. She had her eyes closed, enjoying the moment when she felt the touch of fingers on different parts of her body. She opened her lids to see the two scantily-clad Dora Milajae had joined them in bed. She was about to get up and vigorously complain when she felt T'Challa come inside her as the bodyguards each sucked on one of her breasts. Their fingers were teasing and massaging her all over. She felt them on her belly, neck, clitoris and chest. Every bit of her form was being excited by this. She heard T'Challa speak. "The Wives in Waiting have a task. They wait on the queen of Wakanda and make the passion as extreme as possible, arousing their mistress to greater heights." Storm saw this as she felt T'Challa enter her again and resume his fucking. As he pumped in and out of her canal, she felt the women move about, licking her ears, squeezing her nipples and sucking on her toes. She was overwhelmed as the sexual excitement ran through her entire body. He came in her again, and after a minute repeated his copulation. He loved her over and over and Ororo could not remember how many times she twitched her entire body with an orgasm that nearly wiped her out. Finally, her body was exhausted, and she passed out with her lover still inside her.


The Panther got up and went to take a sip of wine. The ritual of sex using the sacred herb was designed to assure the production of an heir. Even with her birth control drugs, Storm may find herself pregnant after this night. The herb made a man extremely potent. The Panther hoped this would be enough to convince Ororo to marry him. If not... then he would have to find another. He thought of the Amazon Princess. She was a extremely beautiful woman. And she was of royal blood. Perhaps a union of the royalty of Wakanda and Themyscira would be possible. If Storm was not to be his mate, he would check into that.


The King noted that Storm was asleep, worn out by her hours of passion. But he was still aroused, his cock erect. This type of night was the reason the Dora Milajae had been created to serve the Master of Wakanda. He turned to the bed, where the two lovely young women waited for him with their garments removed. "Gohaja, are you ready?" She looked up at him as she lay back on the bed, spreading her legs. "My King, your satisfaction is my greatest duty. I am your Wife in Waiting!"



---< Author's Note >---


The basic idea for this story was inspired by the three covers of EXCITING COMICS that I manipulated for my gallery at the Wizard's Lair. They started out as a few covers for Nedor-Better's 1948 EXCITING COMICS that were drawn by Alex Schomburg, featuring the red-haired jungle heroine, Judy of the Jungle. She was in touble as a captive or about to be caught in these three covers, and with her blue-grey leotard and scarlet tresses, I thought of Barbara Gordon as soon as I looked them over. I manipulated the art and cover blurbs to call her the Lady Bat, and thought of her as Batgirl in the wilds of the jungle doing the jungle queen cliche. This story is a tribute to that old over-used comic plot -- the beautiful caucasian babe ends up in Africa and is worshipped by the natives and/or the wild creatures as their queen. Sheena was the most famous of these, but there were dozens of them. Here I figured I would think up an updated, more politically-correct reason for the Gotham City heroine to become a jungle queen. And then I wrote in a couple of famous Marvel costumed characters of the dark continent to add to the excitement of the story.


Some of you may notice that the story I have told doesn't really match the events shown in the three cover maniulations that are presented here to accompany the tale. What you see is not what you get. Well, the covers are a mere inspiration for the story, and they end up being a tribute to another established comic book custom. So many times in the past, a comic book has had a cover that didn't quite match what the heck was going on inside. There have been comic covers that came right out and said "What's depicted here doesn't even happen inside." And that's what I ended up doing here.


This tales deals with Batgirl, one of my favorite heroines, as you have probably guessed by how often I have used her in my stories here at the Wizard's Lair. But though I tend to lean towards the DC universe as I borrow characters, I pulled out Marvel's Black Panther and Storm characters to add my take on their sexual relationship in this world. Spicy stuff!


I am very interested in hearing from you readers about how you feel about my stories. Please e-mail me at therat4040@yahoo.com  and tell me your opinions. Alias the Rat 9/08