WARNING: This story is fictional and is not intended to portray any real persons, living or dead, nor is it at all intended to encourage the type of activity portrayed here. It is strictly a fantasy/parody, intended for the personal enjoyment of those who appreciate female costumed characters in fear for their life or the violation of their body. The story describes and/or hints at graphic sexual situations, including bondage, violence, non-consensual sex, and other elements unacceptable in certain communities. It is NOT intended, nor is it at all suitable, for minors. If you are under the age of 18, or if this type of thing offends you, you shouldn’t be reading it. If you are a person who does find interesting the material described above, then I invite you to enjoy this story.

The story contains characters of my own creation, but also characters who are the property of various established comic book companies. Those characters are used without any permission by the owners of those characters and are included only to offer a fan's expression of those characters in a situation that would not be seen in mainstream comics. This story is strictly done for non-profit enjoyment by other fans interested in this adult genre. This story may not be moved to, or included in any website that requires payment for content.


Glory Girl

Episode Eight: Simply Irresistable

by Alias the Rat


Part One


Rebecca Hooper hopped off the living room couch when she heard the doorbell. She cried out, "I've got it, Mom!" as she reached for the handle. Opening it up, she saw Dr. Katara Meoquanee at the door. The historian who had only weeks before shared with Becky an encounter with near-death and the Goddess Dasaina, dropped a knee to the ground. With her head bowed, she spoke. "Priestess Rebecca, I bid you welcome." Becky put her hand on Katara's shoulder and said, "Ummm, Doctor, from now on when you drop by, can't we just have a handshake? All this bowing kind of embarrasses me." Katara stood up, and said, "Very well, milady. It's just that since I saw you in the museum with the Goddess, I see you as her representative here on earth, and it's... so overwhelming!"


Donna Hopper spoke from the other side of the living room. "You're overwhelmed? What about me? Becky has been going over and over this with me and I have not even met the Goddess. I'm scared to death that I'll faint if... err... when I see her!" Dr. Meoquanee turned to face Becky's mom, and again dropped to a knee and bowed her head. "Priestess Donna! I am also very happy to see you!" Donna smiled and walked to the door. "Doctor, I think I would also be more comfortable with a handshake for a greeting, just like my daughter. What brings you here?" Katara reached in her purse and pulled out a necklace of silver beads and small semi-precious stones. "I just got back from New Mexico where Chatima Osaway, the silversmith I mentioned, finished the copy of the Dasaina necklace I asked him to make." Becky took the chain and went to a mirror on the wall. She concentrated, and the original necklace that was on her throat became visible. The copy in her hand was an excellent reproduction of the artifact that was now permanently attached to her. Katara continued. "He said he was very priviledged to work on this as he knew what an important part of the Atopah exhibit the necklace will be. He did ask for a favor. When you two do the ceremony in a few weeks, he would like to attend." Becky nodded. "Sure! We'd love to have him there!" At this, Donna's eyes shot up. "Rebecca, wait a minute! Are you encouraging people to come to this event? Why?"


"Well Mom, if we are priestesses of the Goddess and if we are to encourage people to follow her," Becky answered, "...I guess getting them to the ceremony would be the best way to impress them and get them to...  Hmm. To whatever. Guess I have to ask the Goddess exactly what we really should be doing. This didn't come with much of a job description." Donna sat down. "And you want people to see us do this... ceremony? I'm a little reluctant to go through with it. Do you even remember the first thing that we have to do?" Becky was confused by this comment. "Gee, Mom. I had the entire ceremony zapped into my brain when I first met Goddess Dasaina. She said it was something she wanted you and me to do. She saved my life, I have to do anything she asks, if I can. She said I was to be her priestess, and I have to find out what else will be involved in that job. Why are you so worried?" Donna looked her daughter in the eye. "Why am I worried? Young lady you keep going over this with me and telling me how to move, what to say, what to do. Well, I don't like the very first step in this -- we get naked!" Startled, Becky replied, "You're worried about that? Mom, it's a religious ceremony, and we..."


Donna got up and her bearing showed she was upset. "Rebecca, your father and I were raised as good Catholics, and we tried to raise you that way. Suddenly you are going to be a priestess of an indian diety and you want me to do the same! And I have been to many religious ceremonies -- my wedding, your baptism, your first communion -- and none of them involved me doing stuff in front of people in my birthday suit! All of this is really freaking me out!"


The native american woman spoke up. "Milady, I think you have to look at the entire picture of the Goddess and how she fits in the scheme of things. There are beings that in the past were known by mankind and reacted with us who were called gods and goddesses. You are confused as your Christian beliefs call for a single god and worship of no others. But in Atopah beliefs, and also in many other cultures, there is a idea that there is an all powerful being, the Great Spirit, who corresponds to the supreme being that Christianity holds dear. Much greater than mankind, but subsidiary to this being, there exist powerful mystical beings that are called gods and goddesses, which is what you are not comfortable with. Among past Christian thinkers, they spoke of powerful beings of this sort -- but they were called angels and devils, not gods and goddesses. Does this help?" Donna looked thoughtful. 'Yes, that would make it easier for me to accept the situation. I grew up being told there was only one God and it was wrong to think of others. I have read how some people have taken the supreme beings of varied religions and tried to put forth a theory that all of these are one God who is merely known by many names. I'm no theologian, but that made sense to me. And I can see how this ranking of mystical beings can allow me to believe in my Christian upbringing while respecting the... Dasaina. I still find it hard to call her a... goddess." Katara smiled. "I am happy you can find a way to accept this without being forced to ignore what you were taught as you grew up. I have read in the papers that Glory Girl is thought to be the daughter of the famous costumed heroine, The Shady Lady. So even though it has not been said directly to me, I realise you must be the noted crime-fighter. I ask you to consider, have you thought of what you may have gotten from Dasaina in the past without even knowing she was influencing your life? You have powers of mist and near-invisbility in darkness. Vision is how light is seen as it passes though air. You were given ability to use air to do great things. This was one of the elements the Goddess holds sway over. Earth, air, fire and water are where her powers manifest themselves, and she made a gift to you of what you can do. And in my recent research into very old writings about the Goddess and her priestesses, I learned that the ladies of the Goddess had other special gifts. They were never bothered by the elements, hot or cold. They were comfortable in water and were excellent swimmers from the day they were born. There have been hurricanes on the east coast, but Granite City, and the Atopah land it sits on, has never been hit by any of these great storms. And most of all, she is also the Goddess of true love. She once said her priestesses would always find and marry their one true love."  Donna sat down quickly, her face showing the surprise she felt. "You... you mean the Goddess is responsible for all that? I sometimes wondered why I never felt too hot in the summer, or too cold in the winter when other kids were complaining. My Mom said it was just the way we were -- she felt the same way. And when Becky had this knack, I thought it was just an odd thing that ran through the family. And if I got my powers from her -- and if she is any way responsible for my meeting up and marrying Pat... Wow... If you put it that way, I can see I owe her as much as Becky does. I guess I would be a fool not to acknowledge my debt. Becky, I'm really going to have to be a part of the ceremony. Even..." She shuddered... "...naked."


Part Two


Glory Girl had spent part of the morning at Santa Maria Children's Hospital, visiting the wards and participating in the Blood Drive to help promote it. The news crews were there, and the footage of the famous Granite City heroine giving blood would probably encourage other people to come in and donate. After this she went to the east side of town to check on a tip she'd gotten about a felon. Moving along the street, Golden Girl couldn't spot the man she was tracking. She'd seen him briefly, but her quarry ducked into a store, and when she followed, he went out the back door. Carl Gibbons, known in the underworld as "Monkey-Man" because of his last name and his habits, liked to climb fire escapes and break into apartments. He'd been spotted a few times, but was a resourceful character and had been nearly caught by the cops several times only to go over a fence or up the side of a building and disappear. She'd spotted him and tried to grab him today, but he was as slippery as his reputation said. Then she heard a clamor, and looked up to see him at the top of a fire escape. She began to run over and decided to try to jump. It was a four story building, but her legs had seemed to be getting stronger and stronger lately. She was pretty sure she could leap that high, and the crook would probably stop up there, thinking he was safe. She'd never jumped quite that high before, so she got in a deep crouch and pushed up, jumping with all her might. She made the roof easily. Too easily. She suddenly realized she was passing right over the building, overshooting her target! She looked down and saw Gibbons stare up at her. Damn, he was probably looking right up her skirt! She helplessly flew over that building and finally landed on the roof of the three story building next door. She rolled on her landing, wanting to turn around and jump back to the roof she'd overshot, when she stopped suddenly.


Hovering in mid-air above her was a huge metal sphere, about five feet in diameter. It bristled with antenna and flashing lights and several lenses. It looked like big space satellite! What was it doing hovering over a rooftop in Granite City? From a lens on the gizmo a blue-green beam of light flashed, and before Becky could react, the light went over her from head to toe. She wondered if she was being attacked, but it hadn't seemed to effect her. She stood there staring at the sphere, and started to wonder if she should try to get away from it. Then it spoke! A monotone mechanical voice came from the thing. "Greetings. I am a probe sent from the planet Hostarium to convey the gratitude of its inhabitants for your actions recently. If you had not deflected the large meteorite that was hurtling towards our world, there would have been extensive death and destruction. You told us, Supergirl, that you did not need any reward from us to show our gratitude, but we have decided your act was so nobel that we insist on doing something for you." Becky was puzzled by what she'd heard from the sphere. "Ah... excuse me." she said. "You've made a mistake here. I'm not Supergirl." The satellite hummed, it again sent the blue-green scanning beam over her, and spoke further. "Gift recipient indicates error in identification. Aspects noted. Prominent costume colors: red, blue. Power of flight detected. Height consistant with records. Overall body shape consistant with records. Protein strands on head are color: yellow. Secondary scan has target identified within 83.6% as Supergirl. Communication evaluation subroutine indicates communication translation operations only running at 63.2% efficency. Analysis indicates person contacted is Supergirl, but this probe may not be correctly processing her response. Analysis also indicates humanoid trait known as graciousness may be causing Supergirl to continue to try to refuse to accept what she so richly deserves. Course of action: proceed with delivery of reward. Attention Supergirl, long-range scans have studied humanoid socialogical interaction, and it would seem that in your binary sexual physiology system, one of the egg-producing sub-species like yourself values greatly the ability to be desired by those of the egg-fertilizing segment. Our scientists have developed a way to enhance you in this respect. We offer you this in our gratitude for the service you did for the people of Hostarium." At this point, another beam of light sprang from a lens. But this one, that pulsed back and forth from purple to red, she really felt. It knocked her backwards to the rooftop and her entire body felt a tingling run through it. This lasted for a minute, then Rebecca blinked, shook her head, and struggled to get back up. Her entire bady was buzzing, and her ears rang. She stood there for a minute, leaning against a chimney until the sensation passed and she was back to normal. What the hell kind of reward was that? She looked around and didn't see the sphere. Looking straight up, she spotted it heading away. Good riddance! She'd have to get in touch with Supergirl through the JLA and tell her about this. Maybe she could figure...


Then Becky noticed Gibbons. He was still on that other rooftop, staring down at her. I guess that little show was something the thief hadn't seen before. Becky's legs seemed alright now, so she jumped up to the other rooftop and landed next to the crook. "OK, buddy..." she said, "...don't try to get away!" He had a sappy smile on his face and held his arms up. "Oh, baby! Why would I ever want to get away from you?" Becky was puzzled by this weird response, and stepped towards him to grab him and march him down the stairs to deliver him to the cops. But as she did so, the crook's arms came down and wrapped around her. His face shot forward and he planted a kiss on her lips! She was startled by this - escaping perps were not supposed to do this. She shook out of his grip, spun him around, and pulled one of his arms back. She clamped that arm and put her other arm around his neck. "OK, you pervert, I'm taking you downstairs..." He interrupted, "Yeh babe, I really wanna go down on you. You are so hot!" Becky pushed him to the rooftop door and forced him to walk ahead of her down the stairs to the street. When she got there, she glanced up and down the street to see if she could spot a patrol car. She saw one, and gave a loud whistle. The car's dome-lights started flashing, and it zipped over to the curb where Glory Girl and her oddly behaving prisoner stood. Two officers that Becky knew got out, and she greeted them. "Hi, Annie. Hi, Jack. I caught the 'Monkey-Man' and you can haul him in." One of the officers, Annie Bartlett, came over and slapped her cuffs of the burglar and moved to put him in the back of the police car. The other cop, Jack Kahlman, came over to Rebecca and said, "Great job, GG. One more collar for you... You really are... gorgeous!" Then the cop leaned over and wrapped his arms around her. Now he started kissing her passionately and a hand went down to stroke her ass. When she tried to protest, his tongue shot into her mouth and moved around. He pushed her back and she went against the fender of the patrol car. When he pushed further, she fell back on the hood of the vehicle. She caught her breath, but felt his hand slip into her skirt! The spectacle stopped as Officer Bartlett grabbed her partner's arm and spun him away from Glory Girl. The red-haired female cop yelled at him, "Jack, what the hell are you doing? You're a happily married man!" "Not any more," he said, "... I have to leave my wife because I am madly in love with Glory Girl. She is so beautiful!" Finally, when Jack lunged again at Glory Girl, Annie took her night stick and clipped him on the back of his head. The love-struck patrolman crumpled to the ground. Annie turned to Becky and asked, "What the hell did you do? He is totally devoted to his wife and never would fool around!" Becky waved her hands around her head. "I don't know! Monkey-Man was doing the same weird routine. I didn't... " Rebecca suddenly noticed a crowd forming. All were slowly moving in her direction and they were all men. Several were taking their shirts off and many had there arms extended towards her. And they all had the same love-struck look on their faces. "Annie," she said, "... I really gotta get out of here."


Part Three


With men coming at her from all sides, Becky was trapped. Unless... she turned and jumped back up to the roof of the building she'd just emerged from. Looking over the rooftop, she saw Officer Bartlett staring around the bizarre crowd that passed her and streamed into the building. Glory Girl knew they would be coming up the stairs, and she again used her legs to leap from rooftop to rooftop until she was far away from what had happened. She stopped on one place and was catching her breath when a door opened and a guy stepped out. The fellow lit up a cigarette, but after one puff he noticed Becky and suddenly said, "Wow, beautiful! I really love you!" And then he started towards her, arms extended to caress her. She continued to hop rooftops to find a place where she would be alone. She found one before her legs gave out. They ached from all the jumps she'd been making with them, and she had to collapse. While her body tried to recover from her escape, she thought about what was happening. It seemed that suddenly every man who laid eyes on her went crazy with passion. Why would... oh, god... the sphere! It said it would enhance her ability to be desired. Boy, did it ever. And what was she going to do about it? She had to get ahold of... who? The JLA? Yeah, space stuff was more their line of work. And she could get ahold of Supergirl through them. This was her stinking gift, why should Glory Girl be stuck with it. She went to her belt, but her cell phone was gone. The struggles with her "lovers" or all that leaping had probably lost it somewhere.


Glory Girl changed into plain Becky Hooper and started down the stairs of the building she'd ended up on. That didn't work, as she found when she ran into an eighty-five year old guy with a walker in front of the building who tried to chase her while whistling. She ducked back into an alley and put her Glory Girl costume back on. If she had to fight her way out, she didn't want to do it as Becky Hooper. She worked alleys and back streets, trying to avoid contact with people. It worked for awhile but she went around one corner and was face to face with a dark-haired big guy who nearly walked into her. She stopped, their eyes met and he got that look as her new power infatuated him. She turned to run, but slipped on a plastic soda bottle littering the sidewalk. She went down and hit her head on the pavement. Everything went black.


She woke laying on a couch in a well-kept up apartment's living room. The guy she'd nearly bumped into was next to her, pressing a damp cloth to the back of her head. He said, "Are you alright, darling? I was afraid you'd been badly hurt. I brought you up to my place to take care of you." Becky glanced down and was relieved. "You didn't take off my clothes?" she asked. He replied. "Of course not, that would have been rude of me. You were knocked out and I would not want to have our relationship reduced to that." That logic ended as he felt her recovery meant it was time to make love to his new perfect mate. He leaned down and kissed her hard. While he did so he put one hand on her left breast and began to stroke it. Becky, still a little woozy from the crack on the head, struggled to get up. But as she tried to get up, his arms went around her and held her tight. She was still being kissed and realised the guy was pretty strong... and really good looking. And as she pressed against his body, she knew he had a hard-on already. She opened her mouth to protest and his tongue went into it, hers returning the effort. Her arms wrapped around his body, and clawed at his back. He let her go, pulled back from her a bit, and reached to pull his shirt off. Becky found herself shedding her blouse and skirt, then held her arms up. The fellow reached behind her and unclipped Becky's bra. At the sight of her breasts, he sighed and moaned, "My god, you are fantastic!" His mouth went to lick one breast while a hand stroked the other. His teeth played over one nipple while the other one was lightly pinched and squeezed by his hand. Rebecca slumped back on the couch, feeling her body grow in passion. His other hand went to her panties, pulled them down a little, and his fingers slowly, methodically went over and into her cunt. He continued until he felt her juices freely flowing and then he stood up. He stripped off his jeans and shorts while Rebecca wriggled her panties the rest of the way off. She moved over on the couch and held her legs apart. The guy went down on her and his cock eased into her pussy. He used a long slow motion to go in and out of her, and her body shuddered with joy at the way she was being pleasured. Finally he pushed in as far as he could and came inside her. This pushed her erotic sensations up and she shuddered as a deep, wonderful orgasm ran through her. They both relaxed in each other's arms, and Becky looked into his gorgeous brown eyes and said, "Errr... what's your name?" He smiled down at her and chuckled. "Oh, I should have introduced myself earlier, I guess. My name's Charlie." But suddenly, they heard a key in the lock and the door to the apartment opened. A tall, brunette young woman came in carrying a bag of groceries and called out, "Charlie, you home?" When she looked over and saw that Charlie was indeed home, and saw who he was at home with, her eyes went red. "CHARLIE, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!" She reached in the bag of groceries she held and a melon suddenly flew at her husband. It narrowly missed Charlie and hit the wall behind him, splattering. It was followed by a can of green beans that didn't miss. It cracked Charlie on the side of the head and he crumpled to the floor. Now the lady had a can of peaches out and Becky realized she was the next target. She ducked and moved across the floor to tackle the woman. When she did so, the wife's head hit the wall and she too was knocked out. Becky stood there, panting, and thought back at the sex she'd just had. It was horrible! It was nasty... it was... good? Oh boy, this damn gift was affecting her too. She was in big trouble. She ran back and got dressed, then picked up the phone on the table. For an instant cold panic hit her as she found she couldn't remember the JLA contact number. She'd memorized it, but right now it was a blank in her mind. Great... Then she remembered she'd kept a written copy of the number at home, hidden in her desk. She had to get home now. She was ready to go, but she checked to see that the two people seemed to be alright. The woman was breathing alright, and had just a slight knot on her head where she'd hit the wall. Charlie also looked okay and he.. she suddenly noticed her hand was brushing back and forth across that great chest of his. And he smelled so good... Becky shuddered and left the apartment.


She remembered about where her bike was stashed, and she worked her way back to the spot, carefully avoiding contact with anyone. She got on the bike and roared off towards home. She hoped that at this speed, any guys who saw her would not get a good enough look to be attracted to her.  It was a nerve-wracking ride, but finally she pulled into her block and parked her bike behind the garage. She threw a tarp over it and, looking around for anybody, ran into the house.


Part Four


As soon as she got inside, Rebecca slammed the door and flipped the deadbolt. She cried out, "Mom, you are not going to believe what happened to me. It is so weird..." But it wasn't Donna Hooper who came into the living room, it was Patrick. "Hi Punkin, your Mom had to run to the store for a few things. You staying for lunch? She said she'd be back..." His voice trailed off as he looked at Becky, and she saw with terror the same sappy expression she'd been seeing all morning appear on her father's face. "Wow, Becky... you really look in great shape today... you look... gorgeous..." Her dad cocked his head to one side and shook it. She could see in his eyes that he was trying to resist the urges he was feeling, but he still took a step towards her. She put her arms out towards her dad, palms facing him. "Dad, you can't do this, Please! Fight it!" But Pat took one of her hands and held it tightly, lovingly rubbing it between his palms. "I only want to love you, Rebecca. I've always loved you. And now that you are a grown-up woman who is so special, I think we should..." Becky could not stand this. It was really, really bad. She tried to pull free of her Dad's grip, and though it felt so tender, it was also impossible to pull free. Her dad was strong enougth to punch out a elephant. She had to figure a way out of this! "Dad... ahhh... It's very nice of you to say that, but can you wait a few minutes while I go upstairs... to... to slip into something more suitable?" Becky was relieved to get her hand free. He said, "All right gorgeous, but don't take too long. I'll  be waiting!"


Glory Girl ran up the stairs and into her room. She slammed the door, but there wasn't any lock on it. Not that that would have done any good against the powers of Mister Patriot. He would just smash right through it. She went to her desk and pulled the drawer out. There were dozens of scraps of paper. There were phone numbers of few of them. But none were... Wait. She had it! She went to the phone and furiously dialed. Just like the other time she'd used the number, it rang twice and then she heard the voice of J'onn J'onzz came on. "Hello, Glory Girl. Is there something you need help with?" She answered hurridly, panic sprinkled in her tone. "J'onn, yes! I need to get in touch with Supergirl. Something happened and I am..." Becky froze as she heard the tapping on her door. "Darling..." came in her Dad's voice, "... I can't wait..." She gasped, and whispered into the phone. "J'onn, I have an emergency. I am in horrible danger and something really, really, really bad is about to happen to me. I need help so bad..." She could not even finish the sentence as a silver shimmering appeared in the air around her and her body slowly became transparent and vanished from her room. A minute later, Becky was fortunate that she was not present as the door of her room opened and her dad, stark naked, entered with a bottle of chilled wine and a couple of crystal glasses in his hands. He looked around and said, "Punkin?"


Part Five


Glory Girl blinked and found herself standing on the transport pad in the JLA Watchtower Space Station. "J'onn! Oh, thank you. I nearly had a horrible ordeal." She told him about the sphere, and what she had gone through since she'd encountered it. J'onn J'onzz listened to her tale and then replied. "I see why you were so agitated, Glory Girl. Your own father... That would have been horrible. You will have to get together with Supergirl and see if she can do something about your problem. She is not on the station right this minute, but she is due here later today. I think it would be best if you went to the quarters she uses when she's staying here at the station. We don't want you mingling with the personnel in the station. Especially the men." Becky nodded, then a thought came to her. "Ahhh... J'onn... do you feel anything?" The Martian smiled at her. "Becky, I can determine that as human females go, you are an exceptionally well featured young lady. But I am a totally different species from the human race. Your sexual qualities affect me about as much as a butterfly trying to seduce a turtle." J'onn then told her how to get to Kara's quarters. "When on the station, she stays in unit 14 on level 7."


Becky moved through the corridors of the Watchtower, headed for a lift tube that would take her to the proper level. She stopped at junction of corridors when she heard a voice -- a man's voice. She peeked around the corner and spotted a fellow in the other corridor, getting a cup of coffee from a dispenser unit. When he finished, he walked off the other way. Becky thought that was a close call, she didn't want to run into any guys up here! But, she suddenly thought, she was thirsty. Did that dispenser unit have anything besides coffee? The corridor seemed clear, so she quickly moved up there and took a look. Hmmm. They looked like vending machines. Coffee, soda, snacks. Wow, this was a nice set-up. They didn't even seem to require coins to operate. She wondered if it was right for her to take anything. She wasn't a JLA member, but she was a guest up here. Finally she decided to grab a Diet Coke and a bag of nacho chips. If she owed the JLA for them, she'd pay'em later. She went back down the corridor. But in thinking back to the directions J'onn had given her, she forgot to compensate for her side trip and she went down the corridors, made the turns J'onn told her to make, but instead of the lift tube, she found a dead end. She back-tracked, and missed another turn. More lost! When she heard anyone, she would run back where she'd come from, afraid she might encounter some guy.


Then, at a junction, she heard a voice around the corner - a woman's voice! Relieved, Rebecca went around the corner, figuring she had to ask somebody for directions. But when she did, she saw a tall blonde-haired fellow in a green outfit staring at a communications screen on the wall. In the voice she'd heard before, the screen said, "Ollie, I can meet you soon. I'm almost finished down here." The man replied. "Good enough, kiddo." Then he turned and saw Rebecca.  She knew it was going to happen, and looked at the fellow as the familiar sappy expression emerged on his bearded, masked face. "Well hello there! I don't think we've ever met before, but I glad we finally did." He took a step towards her. "I'm the Green Arrow. And you are?..." In trouble again, Becky thought. She she put her arms out and spoke. "Now, hold it. I have to..." Oliver Queen just stepped up to her and brushed Becky's arms aside before he embraced her. "You have to what?" Ollie chuckled. "I am sure nothing can be so important that it can't wait until later. We have to get to know each other, young lady. I can be your dedicated guide on the pathway... to love!" Becky stared into his face, handsome and rugged, and wondered if the situation wasn't so horrible, would she really fall for such a cute line? She tried to pull away, but his arms were locked around her. He brought his lips to hers and began to kiss her. She felt so dizzy, and moaned. In the back of her mind, a little voice was screaming at her. "Oh no! Not again! Becky, you have to fight this!" But she was pinned to the wall in his big, strong arms. What could she do to stop him from... There was a thud, and Green Arrow's arms went limp. After someone's hand had chopped the hero across the back of his neck, the other hand grabbed his collar and yanked him away from Becky. The irate blonde in an outfit that Becky recognized spoke. "What the hell's going on here? I was on the com link with Ollie, then I heard him start talking all lovey-dovey with another woman. I get down here and find you two are mashing lips. Who are you? What are you doing on the Watchtower? If you move, young lady, I can have security here in seconds." The Black Canary pushed Green Arrow down the corridor, behind her. She got her arms up and poised, ready to attack the young woman if she tried anything. Rebecca held her hands up and spoke. "No, it's not my fault! I'm Glory Girl, I came up here to get help. I gotta see Supergirl because I got zapped by an alien probe do-hickey. It made me super... ahhh.. crazy to men! Any guy that sees me goes ape shit!" The Canary cocked her head and replied. "Hmmph. That is the dumbest thing I ever heard. This is not the first time my horny boy friend has shown a roaming eye, and you expect me..." Becky cut in. "Please, it's the truth! J'onn told me to go to unit 14 on level 7 to wait for Supergirl, but I got lost and stumbled into Mr. Green Guy. And he couldn't help going ga-ga over me." Dinah Drake thought about this, then, while keeping a close watch at Glory Girl, moved sideways to the communicator display and tapped a few buttons. "J'onn, I have a suspected intruder here. She said she talked to you before?" The martian's voice came back. "Yes, that is Glory Girl, who is exhibiting a rather unusual effect on her person. My scans show you two are at that location with Green Arrow. Consider him in the control of a dangerous outside source and keep him away from Glory Girl. In fact, I think it best if I..." Green Arrow was standing near Black Canary, still a little stunned by Dinah's karate chop he'd gotten on the back of his neck. He was starting to recover, and his interest in embracing lovely Glory Girl was beginning to take over him again. But as he prepared to step forward and do so, a shimmering light surrounded him and he vanished, only to appear on a transport pad clear on the other side of the Watchtower. Back at the spot he'd left, J'onn continued to talk to Dinah and Rebecca. "...move him to a distant location for now. Dinah, I would think it would be best if you escort Miss Hooper to Kara's quarters. I am going to clear your path. You two can ignore the announcement I'm going to make." After a slight pause, speakers in the walls reverberated with J'onn's voice. "All personnel. Please assemble in the top level briefing hall at once. This is not an emergency, but a special briefing to cover a situation that has developed."


Dinah reached out and shook Rebecca's hand. "Well, Glory Girl, sorry I didn't recognize you at first. Now I remember -- Ollie and I saw you at the Superhero Symposium last spring in Granite City. And since then I've heard good things about you from Batgirl and Wonder Woman. How did you get into this mess?" Becky sighed, and again went over the events of her busy day. While they spoke, Black Canary took her down corridors to the lift tubes, then up to level 7. As they moved, Dinah kept an eye ahead to be sure they didn't run into anyone else, but the corridors were deserted. Finally they stood at a doorway with a small plaque marked "Unit 14 - Kara Zor-el." Rebecca reached out to Black Canary and gave her a hug. "Thanks. I'll be happy when I get this fixed. Sorry about Green Arrow..." Dinah chuckled. "That's alright. It's not the first time I've caught him. Just the first time he had a really good excuse. Take care." Becky turned to the doorway and saw a white screen next to it. She pressed her palm on the screen, and a light scanned her hand. A low voice spoke. "Identification: Glory Girl. Authorized to enter Unit 7-14." The door opened and Becky entered Supergirl's quarters.


Part Six


Rebecca looked over the place. She had entered a room with a couch, a few easy chairs and a coffee table. On the table were a few magazines and a hardcover book. She noticed it was a new John Grisham novel. The decorating of the room was subdued, with off-white walls and a light beige carpet. The only things that stood out were a couple of large paintings on the walls. One showed a city, in front of mountains in a strange alien setting. The sky was pink and red and the city was crystalline. Becky figured out they must be scenes of Krypton, where Supergirl had been born. Glory Girl went to the doorway at the back of the living room and looked into a small bedroom. On the wall in there was another of those beautifull paintings. She went over to take a closer look at that one, but she heard the doorway to the corridor open. Becky turned and cried out, "Supergirl? Boy am I glad to see you..."


The Granite City heroine was shocked as she got to the bedroom doorway and saw not Kara, but Superman standing by the entrance. He looked over at her and spoke. "Well, I was supposed to meet Kara up here for dinner, so she could tell me the planets she visited on her most recent trip. I see she's not back yet. What are you doing here, Glory Girl? I didn't even know you knew my cousin." Becky's nervousness eased as it didn't seem that Superman was affected by her condition. He was an alien. Perhaps he was immune, like J'onn had been. That would help. Becky spoke. "Well, I have some trouble and I need to talk to Supergirl about it." Superman walked over to Becky. "Well, if it's something important, I'd be glad to render my assistance." Becky tought that that was the kind of generosity that made Superman such a really respected hero. "Oh, thanks, but I need your cousin to..." Her words were cut off as Superman wrapped his arms around her and put his lips to hers. She could barely breath, and resistance to him was... impossible! His arms around her were like steel and his presence was overwhelming!


Growing up, as long as she remembered, Becky's favorite heroine had been Wonder Woman. She had always wanted to be the Amazon Princess. But in grade school, her first love had been Superman. Like many other little girls over the years, she had dreamed of being swept off her feet by the world's handsomest, most famous hero. She had doodled the Superman insignia in her notebooks. In a flowery script, she would write "Mrs. Rebecca Superman" in the margains. For a while a poster of Superman was on her wall right next to the one of Wonder Woman. Some of her classmates swooned over rock stars, some over television or movie idols, but she dreamed of him flying in her window and carrying her aloft on a date in the stars. As time went by, she gradually got over her girlhood infatuation over Kal-el. But back when she finally met him that evening after she stopped the terrorist bombing of Granite City, she'd felt her heart race when he spoke to her.


Now she was actually with him again. And he was falling totally in love with her. The condition in her body that made Kal totally infatuated with her quickly eliminated what little resistance she had over this. She gasped, and ran her hands over his strong, massive shoulders. He picked her up and carried her to the bed. He lowered her on it and peeled his tunic off. Becky gasped at the sight of such a gorgeous chest. She pulled her uniform off, and watched Kal finish removing his costume. She lay back in the bed, spread her legs and invited him to enter her. She wanted him to... at that moment she would have begged him to do it if he showed the least bit of reluctance. But he was totally infatuated with the beautiful young blond women he was with, and lay on the bed next to her. His hands lightly ran over her face and her chest. she moaned at the sensation of his fingers tickling her shoulders, belly and nipples. He moved his head down and began to lick and suck on her nipples while one of his hands went down to wrap around her and stroke her ass. The excitement in her body grew and grew at the teasing, and she jerked suddenly as his fingers finally touched her crotch. He lightly ran a finger over her labia lips, then tickled her clitoris. She was so excited her entire body shuddered at this contact. He moved on top of her and put his cock into her, very slowly. She arched her back and pushed up, too impatient to wait. Superman pumped his cock and she moaned and gasped at the waves of pleasure she was experiencing. When Superman came, she shuddered with an orgasm that shook her all over.


Becky lay on the bed in the arms of the world's mightiest hero, and reveled in the feel of his gentle touch. He could crush diamonds with those hands, yet the embrace he gave her breast was so soft that... a voice broke in on her thoughts. "Kal, I am glad you are finding someone whose company you enjoy so much, but is there a reason why you to have to go at it in my quarters?" The two lovers glanced over and saw Kara standing the doorway to the bedroom. A tiny bit of light broke through the waves of fog dulling Becky's mind, and she tried to remember something. Supergirl? She had been looking for Supergirl because... "Kara! I came here to get your help! I've been..." With a wry expression on her face, Supergirl interrupted Becky. "My help? My cousin seems to be devoted to giving you more help than you could possibly need. Isn't that right, Kal?" The Man of Might rose from the bed and stood majestically, arms akimbo, fists on hips. "Yes, I will spend my life loving and protecting Rebecca. I would do anything for her!" Supergirl smiled. Her cousin's famous pose was not as impressive when he was naked. "Well, cousin, if you feel that way I'm surprised that you haven't gotten her any Brazilian pale blue orchids. Those are her favorite flower. She would probably love you more if you got her..." In a blur, Kal-el donned his costume. He bent down and kissed Rebecca. "Darling, you should have told me! I will go to Brazil and get them for you. I will fill this room with..." Kara interrupted. "How about you fill your quarters with the flowers and move your little love nest over there?" "Of course..." he replied, as he left the room.


Rebecca fought to clear her head. "B... Brazilian orchids?" She was still looking whistfully at Superman as he exited. The most handsome, bravest, most virile hunk there was, and he was madly in love with her, as infatuated as she was in him. But when he left the room, the befuddlement in her head lessened, and she realized with horror how much the alien gift had affected her. "Oh, Supergirl, I am losing control! You have to help me. An alien probe thought it was rewarding you by making you super-sexy, but they thought you were me... I mean it thought I was you... And it affects every man who looks at me... and if I get up close to somebody really dreamy, I guess the treatment bounces back on me and makes the guy irresistible to me. HELP ME!" Supergirl put her hand on Becky's shoulder. "Calm down. I'll see what I can do. On the way here, as I approached the station, J'onn called me on the comm link and told me what you'd described to him. I was a little startled to find you here with Kal, but I figured I had to get him out of here, so I gave him the orchid story to distract him. I knew there was no way I could force him to leave. It will take him a while to collect the flowers and make a container to transport them back up to the Watchtower. If he contacts J'onn to try to teleport them up, J'onn will tell him the transport units are off-line for maintanance. That'll give us time to hide you. I can fly to Hostarium and explain what happened, but that will take a couple of days. I hope they don't feel too bad about the gift not working out. They were such nice little purple frog-like fellows. I wouldn't want to hurt their feelings." Becky moaned. "You better get them to understand, or I'm going to be your cousin-in-law and Superman's gonna be awful busy keeping any other man on the planet away from me."


Kara smiled. "Well, before I go, I have to find a place you'll be safe. How about a deserted island in the Pacific? Can you live on fish and coconuts, or do I leave you a generator, a freezer full of frozen pizzas and a microwave?" Becky smiled at Kara's suggestion. "Sounds interesting, but I have something else in mind. I know a spot where I can go and not have to worry about guys going crazy over me. How long will you be?" Supergirl thought a minute. "It's way the hell out there, so figure a couple of days there and a  couple of days back. I'll probably spend at least a day explaining to the froggies how their gift backfired and talking them out of doing the same to me. Wow. I just happened to think. If it had been me who that probe zapped, it might have been me who ended up in the sack with Kal-el." Becky was surprised at Kara's expression. She didn't look too horrified, and... was she considering such a thing? "Kara, would...would you do that? With your own cousin?" Kara sighed. "Well Becky, you have to understand. I'm so powerful that if I got intimate with an ordinary human male I would probably crush him. The one nice guy on Earth who I could have a night of passion with safely would be Kal. Don't think I haven't had that go through my head a lot. The fact that he's my cousin, my closest relative, is a big taboo, but I get so tempted. The harshest thing is that Kal grew up in Kansas. I know he would never even think about doing such a thing, and I love him too much to do that to him. That's a hard thing to bear. It's one of the reasons I love to fly out and visit other worlds. Maybe there is somebody for me out there. Not all the planets I visit are covered with cute purple frog-like creatures. I'm trying to maintain a standard of humanoid, and cute." Rebecca got up and hugged Kara. "Gee, I really hope you find somebody. But not until after I get back to normal!"


Supergirl went to a dresser, opened a drawer and took out a small box. She opened it up and held it to Becky. Inside was a small gold button. "Hang on to this. It's a super low frequency transponder. No matter where you hide on Earth, I can detect where it is when I get back." The girls walked back to the transport pad, and Glory Girl told her a location she wanted to be sent to. Kara was puzzled. "You want to go back to Granite City? Are you sure..." Rebecca smiled. "I know a place where I'll be safe and sound." Kara triggered the transport and Glory Girl's figure shimmered in the light and was gone. Supergirl went to the nearest airlock, and streaked away, on a line towards Hostarium.


Part Seven


It was five days later when Supergirl entered the solar system on her return to Earth. The little purple guys had been so insistant. They really wanted to do something for Kara, and kept making suggestions over and over. They would not give her the mechanism to fix Glory Girl until they found a way to reward Supergirl, so she finally said she would love it if they fixed her hair. When she left Hostarium, her hair was a bright purple. Halfway back to Earth she went through a yellow sun and that burned the treatment out of her hair. Now she had to find Becky and her job was done. Flying down to Granite City, she tuned her super-hearing to the special frequency she was looking for. She heard the faint beep, and headed for it. She found an old manufacturing facility that had been converted to condo housing, and could sense the transponder was in there. But then her hearing caught a woman's voice moan and scream! She sped towards the nearest window, to smash it in and... She screeched to a halt an inch from the window. The moan and the scream had been followed by... a giggle? Kara put her hand up and rapped sharply on the window. A set of blinds went up and out the window stared the face of Rebecca Hooper, framed in very rumpled hair. She clicked the catch and pulled up the window. "Supergirl! You're back! Come on in!" Kara flew in the window and landed. It was a bedroom, and the bed was totally torn apart. Becky sat there with a sheet wrapped around her body, and pointed to a fellow who sat on the other side of the bed, holding a pillow over his crotch. "Kara, this is Arnie Belham, my boyfriend." Kara was a little puzzled, then her face showed it as the realization of the situation came to her. "Of course -- you said you knew you'd be safe here!" Becky nodded. "Yup. Not much danger when I'm with the one guy who is already madly in love with me. It has kept him on edge, and he's been all over me since I got here. Not that I'm complaining." The two girls looked each other in the eye and started to laugh.


Supergirl reached into a pocket in her cape and pulled out what looked like a ball-point pen. She pointed it at Rebecca. "You ready?" Becky stood up, and Arnie reached over and began to pull the sheet away from her. Becky turned to him. "Arnie, again? Can you wait a few minutes?" The mesmerized fellow sighed, and said, "Not really." Becky groaned and spoke again. "Could you please get me a diet Coke?" Arnie jumped up. The pillow hit the floor, but he ignored Kara's giggles. "Sure, babe!" He spun to run to the fridge. Kara asked. "Was he always this... " Becky reached to the floor to get a pair of panties, t-shirt and jeans, and pulled them on. "He's always been great, but this effect has made him a little... over-enthusiastic. Now he can't do enough for... and with... me." Kara held up the unit and pointed it at Rebecca. It hummed and an intense beam of white light hit Glory Girl. She winced and felt that same tingling all over her body again. She had closed her eyes at the bright light and as she opened them, she heard Kara laughing. Becky looked down and saw her arms were a bright red where the shirt hadn't covered her. She moved her right hand over and touched her left arm. "Ouch! It hurts! it's like a major sunburn." Kara was trying to stop her chuckling, but muffled laughter kept popping out of her mouth. Becky turned to the dresser mirror and saw her face was just as red! Bringing up her fingers, she felt the same pain when she touched her cheek. "Hey, Kara, will you quit laughing!" Supergirl bit her lip. "I'm sorry, but you look so silly. And I couldn't help thinking what it would have happened if you hadn't gotten dressed first! I can run and get some burn ointment that will help you get over this. Now, did it work?" Arnie came back with the can of soda and stopped at the doorway. "Beck, holy shit, what the hell happened!" Rebecca turned to Arnie and asked, "Do you still love me?" He looked at her, and said, "Of course!" Becky groaned. "Oh, noooo..." Kara spoke. "Now wait, that doesn't mean it didn't work."


Suddenly they heard a doorbell. Arnie bent down and grabbed his jeans, and said "That's the pizza. I'll get it." Rebecca stopped him. "No, I guess I'll get this one, Arnie." She took a deep breath and went to the front door. Supergirl followed her into the living room and noticed it was cluttered with pizza boxes and empty soda cans. Rebecca opened the door and heard the delivery man speak. "Hey, got your pizza. You owe me... Wow, what a babe!..." Becky cringed. It hadn't worked. "You going to a costume party? You really are a knock-out in the Supergirl costume. Can I have your phone number? Oh, and what happened to you, lady. Out on the beach too long?" Becky let out a long sigh, and smiled. she handed the guy a twenty and grabbed the pizza. "Keep the change..." she said, "...and you're out of luck on the phone number. She's just in town for a little while. For... the costume party." After she closed the door, Becky spun the pizza like a frisbee over to Arnie, and then looked at Kara with a huge smile. "It worked! I'm cured!"


Part Eight


It was the morning of October 17th, and in a city park on the north side of Granite City, two dozen people watched the pair of women walk to a grassy knoll in the area. In the dawn hours, they shrugged their shoulders and their robes fell to the ground, leaving them naked. Rebecca took a ceramic bowl of clear water and placed it in front of her. She drew a mystical pattern in the dirt around the dish. Donna took a cigarette lighter and used it to ignite a pile of sticks covered with wood shavings. Flames and smoke joined earth and water. Mother and daughter had brought the four elements of Dasaina together for the ceremony. In unison, the women began to chant the traditional phases of praise of the goddess. They bowed, and their foreheads rested on the ground. Their prayers continued and the area of calm, still air was surrounded suddenly with a whirlwind. The smoke from the fire rose straight up to the sky and in it a green glow began to develop. On the necks of the nude women, suddenly visible were the simple chains of silver and semi-precious stones that were bonded to their skin, usually invisible to the world. The circle of people standing outside the whirlwind braced themselves against the wind and looked up at the growing glow, straining to see. Patrick Hooper was stunned at the sight of the mystical disurbance and was realizing he was only now truly believing in the things his daughter had told him to expect. The glow intensified until it slowly morphed into a huge pulsing green figure in the sky. Dasaina, a beautiful naked female spirit form appeared there and every person watching gasped in shock. Even Dr. Katara Meoquanee, the native american historian who was the only person there besides Rebecca who had seen the goddess before, trembled in shock. Most of the spectators were native americans of some importance or some of the few remaining descendants of the ancient Atapoh tribe. They fell to their knees and began to echo the chants of the priestesses.


The translucent figure slowly came down to the ground and spoke. Only Donna and Rebecca heard her words, not in their ears but in their minds. "Hello again, Priestess Rebecca. Hello to you, Priestess Donna. I am very pleased to hear the ceremony of love occur once again after all these years. You are servants I value highly and I hope for your continued happiness in my service. What questions have you for me. I see the confusion in your minds." The Hoopers stood up and gazed at the diety. Donna was too amazed to speak, she stared with her mouth hanging open. Rebecca was not quite as confounded. She forced herself to speak. "Ahhh... Goddess. What do you want of us? Besides this ceremony, what can we do for you? Are we to gather followers or spread some kind of message...?" The Goddess smiled. "I want you to exist. And have a life that will show people the value of kindness and good in the world. Let them see that creatures of power want the people of the world to pick a path of righteousness and love. Not because they are forced to, but because they themselves see it is the right thing to do." Donna decided she had to speak after hearing this. "But... we already do that. I grew up in a religion that taught me to live that kind of life." The Goddess bent down and her hand stroked the hair of Donna Hopper. The feeling of sheer well-being and pleasure that ran through Donna's entire body that instant nearly brought the woman to her knees. For an instant every cell in her body felt perfectly happy and fully satisfied with existence. The Goddess then touched Rebecca, who shuddered through the same wonderous feeling. "I am not the only being higher than the human race who preaches this message. Many gods, goddesses and even the Great Spirit believe in this course of action. But there are those who follow a dark path. They value evil and suffering and they try to spread such terror. Any who follow a path of right and good must be prepared to oppose them. I do not ask you to be champions of good. From the moment of your birth, you have had such a wish to do so that you cannot avoid it. It is the destiny of the mothers and the first born in your line." The Goddess then raised her hand to the heavens and the whirlwind that surrounded them grew faster and faster. Outside the whirlwind, people had to lean into the wind to stay standing. Some dropped to their knees and hugged the ground. Arnie felt the wind against his body, then noted that mere feet in front of him. the wind was so strong that bushes were being pulled out of the ground and swirling away. It could not be that the winds could swirl fast where he and Patrick Hooper were standing, be swirling at hurricane force just a few feet away, and be so calm that the smoke of the fire was not even disturbed where Becky and Donna stood. It was totally impossible. But it was happening right in front of his eyes. On a hill not too far from the ceremony, three women stood and stared at the events. Diana Prince, Barbara Gordon and Kara Zor-el were very impressed at the events their friends were a part of. Diana knew the value of a Goddess in the fight between good and evil. She was very happy that Rebecca and Donna were blessed with such a favour.


The Goddess began to channel energy from the heavens into her priestesses. Becky and Donna felt their bodies tingle as overwhelming levels of energy fed into their bodies. The necklaces they wore glowed brightly from the energy and soon the women's feet left the ground, arms upstretched, and hovered in midair. The little fire Donna had started grew into a huge mound of flame. The ground beneath began to shake and quiver. People who were outside the circle were thrown from their feet to the ground, but no one was hurt. Scientific laboratories all over the planet were recording a minor earthquake, and the geological community would be mystified in days to follow when they tried to fathom how an earthquake that registered 5.3 on their instruments could have occured on the East Coast without any damage anywhere. After a few minutes, the energy began to fade. In the midst of the circle of wind, rain began to fall, first slowly, then as a torrent. The women came back to stand on firm ground. They stood, soaked by the time the rain slowed up and stopped. The wind continued, and the fire, untouched by the rain, continued to burn. Suddenly, a breeze went over them and they were totally dry. The ground they stood on had dried completely. They looked up and saw the figure of Dasaina floating upward, and fading into the air. Soon she had vanished and the winds faded away. Becky bent down and picked up her robe and put it on. Donna was still standing there, staring up at the sky. Rebecca picked up her Mom's robe and went to put it over Donna's shoulders. Donna whispered. "Becky... that was... amazing. She... she was... Oh my!" The two walked over to where Patrick and Arnie stood. Donna and Patrick embraced, and he sensed how truly happy his wife felt. Rebecca and Arnie also embraced and knew they really loved one another.


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