Ms Americana on a Tropical Island

By Barnabus


Written:            9/19-9/26/04

Revised:           x/xx/xx



(Ms Americana, M/F, Romance)



            Ms Americana is marooned on a tropical island with a man.



            This is an adult story, containing sensitive material of a sexual nature.   If you find such material offensive or are underage, do not read further, but please bypass this story for one more suitable for you.  


            Ms Americana belongs to Mr. X.  And she may be copyrighted, trademarked, and owned by him.  He has given me permission to “borrow” for my own pleasure.   And in doing so, I hope to give her a brief, but satisfying sex life that she may find much more satisfying than her other adventures.


            This is a work of fan-fiction.   This story is written for enjoyment and entertainment purposes only, and no commercial profit is expected to be made from it.  It may be copied for personal use or for posting on other sites, provided they are free sites . . . it may NOT be posted on any site that requires a "membership fee" of any kind.  Posting is permitted on a site requiring an ‘adult verification service’ provided it only costs a few dollars a year for access to many sites (the way "Adultcheck" used to be) and does not sell it’s mailing or membership lists, but not on an "Adultcheck Gold" site, which requires much more money.  (If you do copy this story to another web page, please give me the courtesy of an e-mail, so I can see where my work is going.  Who knows?  Maybe you’ll introduce me to a new favorite website!) 


            Like most stories of this ilk, at the end of the story (unless there is a sequel) the characters are magically returned to their original condition, undamaged, unharmed, and unchanged in any way with no memory of the events that have taken place. .  .  It is as if the story had never happened, because, after all, it never really did.


            The story is set in modern times.


            No birth control is not used (by mutual consent) because it is not available.  However, in 'real life’ every reasonable adult should know that he or she should behave responsibly when participating in sexual activities and he or she wishes to avoid unwanted conception and the spread of disease.  That is, unless he is stuck on a tropical island somewhere . . .


I appreciate your comments, both positive and negative.

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Chapter 1 – on the beach.


            Ms Americana felt grit against her cheek.  Slowly, she opened her eyes.  There was little to see:  Sand and lapping water.  A beach?  Slightly dizzy, the very thought of raising her head was more than she could handle.   But she forced herself.  


            She was on a beach, with water, the ocean maybe, lapping about 15 feet behind her.  The sand beneath her was wet, indicating that the tide must be going out.  The sun was beating down mercilessly overhead, and she felt a touch of sunburn on her back.  Her costume was wet, but apparently intact.  Both her mask and her golden power belt were in place, as was her red gauntlet gloves, her red calf boots, blue choker and her tiara. Yes, her world-renowned super heroine costume was complete and in place.  Pulling herself up to her knees, she was suddenly hit with a wave of vertigo.  The beach extended about 100 feet before her, where it met with lush vegetation.


            As the vertigo passed, Ms Americana focused on a shape coming from the woods and headed toward her.  She recognized Bret, her ‘bodyguard’.  This was the first time she had seen him without his suit coat or tie, but he still wore his shoulder holster with its .38 police special.  His shoes were gone.  There was a noticeable square bulge under his shirt.   Mentally, she still scoffed at the idea that she might need a bodyguard, but he had been assigned to her and the two of them were here. 


            Bret plopped down beside her.


            “I see you’re finally awake.  Can you understand me?  Are you all right?” he asked.


            “Of course, I’m all right,” she snapped back at what seemed like a ridiculous question.  Then, in a softer tone, she asked, “What happened?  Where are we?”


            Bret paused, examining her eyes for a moment.  Then answered,  “We were flying to South America on a private jet to participate in a goodwill conference.”  Ms Americana remembered that.  “Because of your notoriety, and the instability in the region, you were assigned a bodyguard: me!  I don’t think you cared for the idea of having a bodyguard any more than I wanted the job.  But we were stuck with each other.”  She was surprised at his perceptive analysis of the situation.


            “During the flight, we hit some turbulence.  You hit your head on the fuselage of the plane and were knocked unconscious.  It didn’t look like you were hit that hard, but you were out cold!”  Bret opened the front of his shirt to remove a rectangular white box with the familiar Red Cross on it.  “I did a quick examination of you and couldn’t find anything wrong with you . . . other than you were unconscious, of course.  So I grabbed the first-aid kit to get some smelling salts.  But before I could do anything, the plane must have flown under some rolled clouds.  The plane was thrown around like a cork in the rapids.  It was all I could do to get us both strapped into our seats.  The turbulence tore off the wings and the plane went down like a rock.  I suspect you and I were the only survivors!”


            Ms Americana was examining her head with her fingers.  She remembered being on the plane, but knew nothing of the turbulence or the crash.  There was a bump on her head and she had a slight headache, but other than that she felt fine.  She rose to her feet and was hit by more dizziness.  Immediately, Bret was at her side, supporting her, but her balance returned.


            “Where are we?  Do you know?” she asked.


            Bret shook his head.  “I believe we are off of the normal shipping lanes and flight patterns, but other than that, I have no idea.”

            “And what does that mean?” Ms Americana asked.


            Bret hesitated before answering.  Ms Americana raised her eyebrows in a gesture that demanded an answer, so he said, “The further we are from the standard shipping lanes and flight patterns, the less likely it is that we will be found.”


            “And . . . ?”


            “Let’s not start speculating at this point,” he hedged.


            “No, tell me!” Ms Americana demanded.  “What are you saying?”


            After a long hesitation, Bret answered.  “If we’re not found by someone, then you and I may be on this island for the rest of our lives!”



Chapter 2 – search of the Island.


            Ms Americana was in a daze as she followed Bret’s lead.  He took her to a stream of fresh water he had found and they both drank.  This location was easy to find because there were three palm trees that identified its location.  Before he would do anything else, took a stiletto switchblade knife from his pocket to cut some reeds.  He tore some patches from his shirt to cleaned and service his pistol. 


            After that, together they went to the beach where they made ‘SOS’ markers by stomping in the sand, then filling the marks with palm fronds and other vegetation creating letters that would be visible to an airplane flying overhead.  They explored the island, finding an abundance of wildlife, wild fruit, some vegetables, tropical trees, including coconut trees.  But there no indication of human inhabitation.  As they returned to their starting point, Bret found a cave that was big enough to provide temporary shelter if needed.  He also collected some palm leaves to weave a simple basket and collected some fruits and berries for their supper.


            During supper, the sky quickly clouded over, and as the rain began to fall, they took cover in the cave.  When the rains didn’t give up, eventually they lay down on the damp floor to sleep.  It was so damp and cold, Ms Americana soon found herself shivering, and Bret came to sit beside her, holding her and warming her.  Ms Americana was more fatigued than she realized, for she soon fell asleep.  She awoke once during the night and realized she was sleeping in the arms of this man who was essentially a stranger.  However, he was behaving with absolute propriety.  He was still awake, and she realized that he couldn’t be comfortable in the position he was in.  In the dark, she lay on the floor of the cave and he lay beside her.  She fell back asleep in his arms and they rested together, sharing their body heat.


Chapter 3 – Setting up housekeeping.


            The next day, Bret performed a number of tasks:  He braded some vines to make cords which he used to set snares for small animals.  He located several broad leaf plants.  He picked, and dried leaves, then moved them to the cave to provide a dry sleeping space, then found different dry leaves to serve as blankets.  All the time, he explained in detail what he was doing and why.  As they went to different sites on the island, he would take her arm to guide her around various hazards, and offered her a hand as they climbed the hill to the highest point of the Island.  There, he assigned her the task of finding firewood for a signal fire, if one were to be needed to signal a passing ship.  Ms Americana did what she could to help, but she was basically a city girl, and a rich one at that, so she knew very little about living in the wild.  Bret explained that wilderness camping and living off the land was a hobby of his.


            At lunchtime, one of Bret’s snares had captured a rabbit.  He used the stiletto knife to skin and gut the animal.  It took Bret about half an hour before he got a fire started by rubbing two sticks together.  After that, he cooked the rabbit and Ms Americana had one of the most delicious meals she had ever experienced!


            After lunch, they both napped for a short time.   Then they returned to familiarizing themselves with the island.  Bret had selected two or three possible ‘building sites’, where they could build a house. 


            At first, Ms Americana scoffed at the prospect of constructing an entire building, since surely they would be rescued within a day or two.  Bret quoted the first rule of survival:  “Always hope you will be rescued, but make preparations anticipating a permanent stay.”


            The hours became days.  They began to build a house.  Days became a week.  And they moved into the partially completed house abandoning the damp, uncomfortable cave.  The house wasn’t finished by any means, but it was a place that provided more comfortable shelter than the cave.  He also created a calendar so they could measure the time passing.  And he built a crude bow and arrows and some spears, which he used to hunt and fish.  But he really wasn’t very successful with them.  When asked why he never used his pistol, Bret told her that he only had 17 bullets.  And he was saving them for a true emergency.  As a rule, he kept his pistol near him, but he never wore his suit coat and generally worked without a shirt.  Around this time, Ms Americana  abandoned her boots since most of the time they were on the sandy beach and little protection for her feet was needed.


            Since physical conditioning was important to both of them, they found time in the day to work out together.  Whereas he was not a match for Ms Americana, she was impressed that he was in much better shape than she had expected.  Also, she began to notice and admire his rippling muscles as he exercised.


            Ms Americana felt her super strength was totally useless in this situation.  Although she had the strength of ten ‘Brets’, her strength contributed very little to their survival, when compared to Bret’s ingenuity and creativity.  Gradually she began to drop her usually haughty and arrogant attitude as she realized that it was Brad’s skills and strengths that would be saving their lives, not her power and strength. 


            With a smile, Bret challenged her to an arm-wrestling contest.  At first she refused.  But finally, she agreed.  Of course, she beat him soundly.


            Isolated, and being forced to work together, the two of them began to develop some chemistry between them.  To be sure, each performed certain tasks, alone which allowed separation between them.  But generally, they would at least four hours each day building their house. Several times each day, they would go to ‘lookout point’, the highest place on the island, to search the horizon to see if any ships were in sight. 


            They found a small mirror in the first-aid kit, which they hung to a tree near their house.   Thus if they saw any airplanes, they could try to use the mirror to flash at the planes and attract their attention. 


            Although Bret did most of the ‘hunting’, they shared the tasks of gathering berries and vegetables and preparing meals, generally having supper in the mid –to-late afternoon.  Their relationship had developed into a cooperative and almost affectionate relationship.  Then they would spend time talking, or walking around ‘their’ island, sometimes swimming together or watching the sunset.  Occasionally, Bret took Ms Americana’s hand, holding it for a few moments.  At the end of the day, he took her hand and kissed it as they said good night and moved to their separate sleeping quarters.  Soon, they were walking, hand in hand, throughout the paradise they had somehow inherited.  And he would kiss her ‘goodnight’ as the sun set.  Initially the kisses were on the forehead.  But as time progressed, his kisses moved down her cheek.  And the evening came when they both kissed each other’s cheek, but neither moved away from the other.  They just stared at each other, and with some unspoken agreement, their lips moved toward each other.  It was a feather-light kiss, and both backed off self-consciously.  Both of them knew that their relationship was changing, and both felt uncomfortable.


            Backing away, Ms Americana took his hand, and led him back to their “dining room”.  There, they sat and she told him things she had never told a man.  She revealed that, as a child, she had been adopted into a tremendously wealthy family.  Although she was naturally athletic, the golden power belt enhanced her strength and endurance at least five fold, and provides her with certain protection from attacks.  The power belt had allowed her to become a superheroine. With it, she was granted super strength and speed, which aided her in her career as a crime fighter.


            But, she confided to him, there was a price she had to pay for her super strength.  Her super strength was associated with accumulated sexual frustration.  Any time she orgasmed, her super strength would be gone for several hours whether she wore her power belt or not.  Since she never knew when she was likely to be called upon to use her super powers, it was necessary for her to avoid any kind of active sex life, so that her super strength would always be available when she needed it.  She couldn’t even masturbate.  That was why she was committed to a celibate life style.  Sex of any kind was forbidden to her.  The only times she had had sex since she had become Ms Americana had been when she had been raped.  And that had been more often that she wanted to think about.


            Ms Americana was totally taken aback when Bret observed, “But on this island, there is no need for a crime-fighter.  Your super powers are not used here at all, are they?  You have no need to use your super powers.”


            Dumbfounded, Ms Americana had no answer.  She had intended this conversation to explain to Bret why she could not participate in any kind of sexual liaison.  But she recognized the truth in what he had said.  She mutely allowed him to take her to her sleeping area, where he kissed her lips chastely and said good night.



Chapter 4 – A proposal.


            Neither Bret nor Ms Americana spoke much during the next couple of days as they went about their daily chores.  Ms Americana spent a great deal of time thinking about how her powers were not needed or used on this Island.  And since there was no need to maintain her powers, there really was no necessity for her to continue to live a chaste life style. 


            Evenings were spent quietly, there being little conversation over supper.  Then they would watch the sun set, and each went to his own sleeping area.


            On the third day, as they sat on the beach as the sun went down, Bret finally broke their silence.  “You know, it’s awfully difficult on me to be this close to you for so much of the time and not hit on you.”


            Ms Americana had very mixed emotions about what he had said.  She knew it was headed toward the bedroom.  But why shouldn’t it?  Bret was attractive.  And he had always behaved like an ideal gentleman.  That was until he began this conversation. 


            But the more she thought about it, the less justification she could find for her to continue a celibate life style, at least while they were on this Island.


            “Why would you suddenly want to hit on me?” she asked casually, almost innocently.


            “You’ve got to be joking!” he responded dryly.


            “Joking?” she asked.


            Ticking items off on his fingers, he stated, “Firstly, you have a unique and unspoiled beauty.  Secondly, although you admit you have been raped, you radiate an aura of purity and innocence.   Thirdly, your amazing smile is so bright and beautiful, it sets you apart from almost every woman I have ever met.  Fourthly, your eyes are probably the most enormous blue spheres I have ever seen!  Fifthly, we’ve been in each other’s company exclusively ever since we arrived on this island.  And . . . “


            Again, Ms Americana was astonished at the detail of his expression.   “And. . . ?” she inquired, becoming anxious to know what else he might add to the list.


            Bret smiled at her.  “Well, it’s rather obvious that you are probably the only woman in a thousand miles or so.  And your costume does very little to conceal . . . shall we say . . . the better points of your physique.”


            In the ‘real world’, Ms Americana would have no difficulty in resisting the temptations he was laying before her.  Back in civilization, his complements could roll off like water off the back of a duck, and she could always turn and walk away.  Back in the ‘civilized world’, she could not permit herself personal pleasure or allow herself to submit to the weakness of the flesh.


            But here, with the two of them marooned on a tropical island, she was frightened and nervous.  She wasn’t frightened of the situation, but she was frightened because of her reaction to it.  She could feel her own physical response to his statements.  There was no compelling need for her to remain pure while on this island. 


            “In the time we’ve been here,” he continued, “we have never seen a passing ship or heard an airplane fly overhead.  It appears we are going to be here for a long time.”  Again he hesitated.  “And I’m attracted to you so much that I don’t want to our relationship to remain formal and proper.  In a word, the longer things remain the way they have been, the more my intentions will become strictly dishonorable.  And eventually, you might be called upon to use your super powers to fight me off!”


            “You are too much of a gentleman to treat me or any woman disrespectfully,” Ms Americana answered.  “I cannot believe you would do anything that would dishonor me.”  She wondered why she was talking so formally, using such stilted language.   But then she realized, she always used stilted language, especially when she was lecturing criminals.  Why was she talking to Bret like this?  Somehow, she had to complete the idea she had started.  “And outside the bonds of marriage, there is no way for a man and woman to honorably be intimate with each other.”  Was she too old-fashioned in what she was saying?  Was she placing unreasonable criteria before him?     


            The two of them sat in silence.  The sun had disappeared and a full moon was rising.  Ms Americana was feeling very aroused by this impossible conversation.  There was no reason why occasional sex couldn’t be permitted within the environs of this place.  Bret was handsome, well built, physically fit, and undoubtedly would be an excellent lover.  And she really liked him.  Maybe she even loved him.  Sex with him? she wondered.  Maybe!  Yes!  Why not?


            Ms Americana was so engrossed in her own thoughts that she missed his next question to her.  And only subliminally, did it slowly work its way into her conscious mind.


            “What did you say?” she asked, eyes wide, staring at him in the moonlight.


            He rose and knelt by her side, taking her hand in his, kissing it gently.  Then looking deeply into her eyes with a sincerity that almost frightened her, he repeated his question.


            “Will you marry me?”


            Ms Americana simply stared at him, unable to formulate any thoughts, let alone an answer. 


            “I . . . I . . . I . . . can’t,” she stammered.  “We barely know each other!  And maybe we’ll be rescued soon and I’ll have to return to my crime fighting.  Being married would  . . . rob me . . . of the super powers that I need.”


            She could see disappointment on his face.  But he didn’t release her hand.  Finally, “I understand.”  He kissed her hand again.  “And, of course, you are right.  When you return to civilization, there is no way that you can have any kind of marital relationship and continue as a superheroine.  As for us, all we know about each other is what we have learned while we have been on this island.  Aside from that, we know almost nothing about each other. 


            “But that’s enough for me!” he concluded.   “I will promise to love, honor and cherish you . . . for as long as the two of us are alone on this island?”


            She looked at him, keeping quiet.  This had suddenly become a very intimate conversation.  She couldn’t remember the last time she had been able to share intimacy with a man!  In her heart, she believed she was really a highly sexed individual.  At least, that’s the way she felt right now! 


            And this conversation, combined with the possibility that they might become physically intimate was stimulating her incredibly!  They were alone on this island, freed from the responsibilities and duties of normal life.  There was no way to predict when . . . or if . . . they would be rescued from this paradise.  Irrationally, she suddenly wanted to rip off his clothes and make love to him right where they were.  But being rational, she couldn’t.


            Feeling her hesitation, he spoke.  “I have fallen in love with you,” he said.  And if I cannot have you for the rest of our lives, I will agree to accept you for only as long as we are on this island.  Who knows, maybe it will be for the rest of our lives.”


            Ms Americana’s heart skipped a beat!  He had said he was in love with her!  No man had ever said that to her in seriousness before!  Sure, when she was in school, some of the geeks threw the word around, trying to get into her pants.  But the way he said it was different!  She believed him.  Even though they’d only known each other a few weeks, she felt a bond with him.  And if they were rescued, he understood that their relationship would have to end.


            But for now, it was just the two of them!  A man and a woman!  Alone!  Separated from the world.  With only each other!  But a marriage, even a temporary marriage, involved certain . . . responsibilities . . . certain obligations.  Of course it would include sex:  that was assumed. 


            But on the other hand, as his wife, she would enjoy as much sex as she wanted.  She had always craved sex: hot sweaty sex in a proper bed!   Repeated sex.  More sex.  Passionate, satisfying, orgasmic sex!  And while they were on this island, she could have it.  She could have it ALL!


            She felt sexy!  Really sexy!  But sex involved responsibilities!  And consequences!  ‘Having it all’  would most likely include pregnancy.   She was in her 30’s, and the possibility of having a child with Brad both excited and frightened her.  She had been impregnated once as a result of being raped, but the baby had spontaneously aborted before she could come to a decision about what to do about it.  She had given up on ever having a husband, let alone being a mother.  But the prospect of married life with Brad free from the concerns of the ‘outside world’ suddenly opened the floodgates of maternal desires that she had repressed for years.  And suddenly, with every fiber in her being, she wanted a baby!  She wanted Brad’s baby! 


            (Where in the world had that thought come from?  A superheroine can’t take the time out to carry a child to term, let alone the demands of raising a child.  That would go on for years!  She would be fifty before the child had grown up and she could return to a life as a superheroine.)


            But, to be perfectly honest, the prospect of having continuous, legitimate, mutually consensual sex with Brad was turning her on more than she cared to admit!


            Her decision had been made.  She didn’t know when or why or how.  But she knew!  She raised his hand to her lips and gently kissed it.  “I promise you now,” she began, “that I will love, honor and cherish you for as long as the two of us are on this island!  But, I suspect, if we are not rescued soon, after nine months or so, the two of us will no longer be alone on this island!”


            An enormous smile spread over Brad’s handsome, craggy face.  “And I promise you that I will love, honor and cherish you , . . and protect you . . . for as long as we are on this island!”


            And with those words, the deed was done!


            They both knelt in the sand facing each other and kissed each other slowly, languorously, and passionately.  When the kiss ended, Ms Americana rose to her feet and drew him up to a standing position. 


            “And now,” she stated almost matter of factly, “If we are going to begin a life together, it is probably time for bed!”



Chapter 5 – consummation!


            No matter how cavalier she tried to make it sound, Ms Americana approached her sleeping area, and her wedding night timidly and almost fearfully.  She had never really had a boyfriend or a lover.  In school she had fooled around a little, but never gone ‘all the way’.  (Her father had died when she was a child.  And her mother had always warned her that any boy she dated might only be interested in her money.)  As an adult, she had given up her virginity on a one-night-stand with a man she didn’t even know.  She had spent the night with him and he had fucked her three times.  That was when she learned that sex negated the strength she gained from her power belt.  Since she was committed to her life as a crime fighter, she had assiduously avoided romantic involvements since then.



            Brad knew that she was wealthy.  She had told him that.  He also knew that she was Ms Americana, but still he didn’t know her other identity. At 6 feet, 1 inch tall, she was slightly taller than Brad.  Obviously, she knew that he had to be attracted to her full figured and shapely body.  (She had often used her physical attractiveness to distract villains, even taunt them!)  And her red, white and blue bikini costume had been designed to be provocative to men. 


And during the time they had been on the island together, she had caught him gazing longingly at her bikini-clad figure.  But he never seemed to dwell on her physical attributes.  Rather, he always treated her like an equal, conferring with her, speaking with her, confiding with her.  In short, there was nothing in their present situation to indicate that his intentions involved anything other than being with her . . . other than being her . . . husband! 


            If she happened to possess a drop-dead body for him to enjoy, so much the better.  And she had to admit that he was pretty well built, himself!


            Brad’s heart was beating like a trip-hammer!  He had asked her to go to bed with him, and after very few objections, she had agreed.  And, she had invited him to her bed.  He had been surprised that it had been so easy.  But then again, he always knew that every woman has her price, even if that price might be a wedding ring.   In Ms Americana’s case, it had been a symbolic wedding, and she had accepted it.  She was even talking about children already.  Brad was in no hurry to have children, but he was eager to join in the process that might produce them!  He wanted to partake of the joys of conception!  And at least for the time being, he chose not take into account the pangs and inconveniences of childbirth!


            Hand in hand, they entered the house and approached her sleeping area.  Ms Americana looked down at the mat of dry fonds that Bret had made for her bed.  The light of the full moon poured in through the window opening, making the room almost as light as day time.


She felt like a virgin!  True, she had given up her virginity, and Ms Americana had been raped on several occasions. Physically, her virginity was long gone.  But approaching her wedding night, she felt timid, shy, fearful, and even apprehensive.  She felt like a virgin!


They kissed again, slowly, sensuously, hungrily!  Both knew what they were about to do.  Both of them knew that neither would back out.  There was no hurry. 


As the kiss ended, Bret held her away from him and gazed at her, drinking in the beauty of the woman standing before him.  Slowly, he drew off one of her gloves.  Undressing the woman he was about to screw was one of the great pleasures of Bret’s life!  Every item of clothing he removed added to his anticipation of their final coupling.


“Is there anything . . . special . . . that you want?” he asked, dropping her second glove.


“Special?” she asked, confused.


“Do you want me to do anything . . .special . . . unusual?” he asked, trying to explain and not succeeding very well.


Suddenly, she realized what he was asking, and he could see her deep blush, even in the moonlight.  She shook her head, eyes downward.  “Just treat me like . . . an inexperienced partner . . . and tell me that you really are in love with me!” she whispered.  Her breathing was coming faster now.


Love!  Love and marriage, and freedom from having to maintain her super powers!  Those were her buttons!  As long as he could keep pushing them, Brad knew she was his!  And those breasts!  Those hips!  That narrow waist!  He was going to enjoy this!  But first, he had to finish peeling the tomato.


He nodded, and turned her around, found the clasp holding her bra in place, and unfastened it in the moonlight.  When it loosened, Ms Americana turned to face him, raising her hands to the shoulder straps and, almost innocently, drew them down her arms, revealing her 44DD breasts to his wide spread eyes.  He had known that she was enormous, but even so, he was overwhelmed by the magnificent mounds topped with areolas that were the size of half dollars and large, erect nipples that pointed directly at him!


His hands moved to the waistband of her bikini bottoms, and he pulled them down slowly, dropping to his knees before her.   As soon as he discovered the brief thong beneath her uniform, he took the thong down along with her briefs.  Self consciously, she stepped out of her briefs.  And he leaned forward to gently kiss her carefully trimmed bush.   Her neat bush hadn’t been tended since they arrived on the island, so it was getting a little bristly around the edges. 


She sank to her knees before him, taking his arms in her hands.  Again, he put his arms around her and drew her to him.  She was panting and shaking with fear and anticipation.   He left her mask, tiara, choker, and power belt in place.


“I’m afraid I don’t have protection,” he whispered, apologetically.


“I understand,” she replied.  “If we’re in this for the long run, I don’t think that will matter.  Besides, no one ever used protection with me before.”  She regretted the words as soon as they were out of her mouth.  What she had intended to reassure him, was a pretty nasty slap in his face.  But if he noticed her slight, he said nothing.


He sat back on his haunches, and silently pushed his pants down to his knees.  Ms Americana averted her eyes.  She was afraid that if she looked, she might start comparing him with someone else.  And she wanted this evening to be unique between Bret and her.  He sat to the side and slid his pants off. 


            Putting his arm around her again, they reclined on the mat, kissing.  His hand slid up her side to cup her breast, causing her to gasp.  The kiss ended, and he rose above her and stared at the breast he had captured in his hand. 


            Looking into her eyes, he captured her nipple between his fingers.  “They’re marvelous!  Truly amazing!” and he rolled her nipple between his fingers, causing her to whimper.  He looked down at the glorious mounds before him and asked, “May I kiss them?”


            She was breathing fast, almost panting as he rolled her nipple.  But somehow she managed to say, “Of course!  We belong to each other.  You can do anything you want!  Mmmmmm, that’s nice!” 


Bret’s lips had possessively captured her nipple and he sucked it into his mouth.   Electricity seemed to flow through Ms Americana’s body, centering on her breasts and between her legs.   He sucked harder, drawing more of her breast into his mouth, and she raised a hand to the back of his head, pulling his mouth to her, and arching her back, offering even more of her breast to his hungry mouth.  But of course, her breasts were much too big for him to get very much between his lips.  But he was able to roll her nipple between his tongue and the rough ridges on the roof of his mouth.  Ms Americana whimpered again, and her hand fell to her side as if paralyzed.


She had acknowledged his ownership of her.  But Brad knew he still had to maintain the game.  He had to keep pressing the right buttons.


            His hand moved down her side to her hip, and slid to cover her mound.  Innocently, her legs parted slightly, granting him access.  He separated her lips and found the entrance to her holy of holies.


            “I’ve wanted you since before we even met,” he confessed, himself breathing hard.  “I don’t think I can wait much longer!”  Brad was HOT!  He simply wanted to fuck her brains out!  But with infinite self-control, he presented himself as a modest suppliant, essentially asking her permission to continue.  It worked!


            She whispered, “Then don’t wait!”  And she put a hand on his hip, urging him to move on top of her.  With a sudden intake of breath, she felt him come to rest between her thighs.


            Bret gave a strangled sound as he found his way between her petals, and paused.  Looking down on her wide blue eyes staring at him through her mask, and haloed by her ebony hair, once more, he drank in her beauty.


“Do it, my love!” she begged, “and do it quickly!”  She was gasping and panting in anticipation.


            What more could he want?  She was begging him to slip her the old joystick.  And certainly no gentlemen would refuse such an impassioned plea from such a beautiful maiden.


            She gasped as he thrust into her.  She arched her body, uncertain how to respond as he probed her depths.  He started slowly, pressing in and out of her wonderfully tight palace of pleasure with a steady rhythm, her large, well formed breasts bouncing as he took her.  They described complete circles as they moved in perfect harmony with the movement of his pelvis.  But his excitement was too great.  He couldn’t sustain it.  Soon he was frantically hammering her and she grasped him, holding him against her as he pounded repeatedly into her.  


            Without warning, he seized and screamed.  She felt him pulsing inside of her.   And soon he collapsed on top of her, panting, gasping, and clutching her to him.  He began shrinking inside of her, and she felt a wetness leaking out from her.  She hadn’t been sure what to expect, so she wasn’t disappointed that she hadn’t climaxed.  But he began whispering into her ear, and the things he said were wonderful!  He held her close and spoke endearments to her.  And somehow, his words affected her more than anything she had ever experienced before.  He didn’t say anything world-shaking.  Nothing that was even memorable.  But his words seemed to talk to her soul, making her feel cherished, valued, important, and yes, they made her feel loved!  Still holding her tightly, he slipped from her, and she felt a new flux of wetness pour out of her.


But he remained lying on top of her, holding her close, whispering expressions of love to her that thrilled her. 


Soon, she felt him beginning to grow between her legs.  He stopped talking to give her a deep kiss.  She pressed her breasts against his chest and returned his kiss, their tongues beginning the ancient ritual.  And he grew even harder.  He moved lightly away from her so he could align himself with her vagina, and once again slowly pressed into her.   This time was less frantic, and he allowed himself to take longer, giving her time to catch up.   He wasn’t doing anything to force her toward orgasm, which was something new to her.  He was simply loving her, and she felt his love in every thrust.  After what seemed like a long time, Bret climaxed.  Ms Americana had enjoyed being loved by him, and thought maybe she had orgasmed with him.  But somehow she wasn’t certain.


She continued to hold him close to her!  She had been fucked before.  And she had been orgasmed before.  But never before had she felt like she was truly making love!


They lay entangled in the bed, and eventually dozed off in each other’s arms. 


During the night, Ms Americana awoke to a marvelous sensation, which she came to recognize as a combination of Bret’s lips sucking on her breast, and his fingers gently massaging her mons.  As if in a dream, she lay there, simply enjoying the attention he was giving her, and she realized that her body was growing more excited in response to his ministrations.   Although her vagina still was damp with the residue of his semen, she could actually feel herself growing wetter as his fingers caressed her, stimulating her, lifting her, exciting her!


Without thought, her legs opened as he moved over her, her welcoming thighs spreading themselves as he moved to her, entering her so gently she almost swooned.  Still half asleep, she permitted her body to respond to his without conscious thought.  And, ultimately, it was her own orgasm that finally woke her up.


Again, feeling the evidence of his love seeping from her, they fell deeply asleep in each other’s arms.


Chapter 6 – the morning after.


            Gradually, the sunlight seeped into Bret’s consciousness.  He rose to wakefulness, feeling the pleasant warmth of another body close to his.  Slowly, he opened his eyes and found Ms Americana lying next to him, her cheek propped on her hand, watching him with an idyllic expression on her face.  How long had she been watching him sleep, he wondered, as he reached out and drew her to him for a gentle, good morning kiss. 


            “Have you been awake long?” he asked.


            “A little while,” she answered.  She had drawn a cover over them to protect them from the cool night air.  But one of her lovely breasts was exposed.  He extended his lips and made a kissing sound toward her breast, and she leaned forward, guiding her nipple to his mouth.  Without moving, he gently sucked on her for about a minute, before he stopped and kissed her breast.  She returned to her side, again, propping her cheek on her hand.


            “What should I fix you for breakfast?”  She asked.  


            Bret reached out for her and drew her to him until her chest was on top of his.  “I don’t know,’ he responded.   “I’ll have to think about it.”  And he kissed her ear.  She rubbed her face against him like a cat, and kissed his cheek. He rolled the two of them over, inverting their positions so that he was on top of her and she was on her back.  They continued their kiss as his hand found and encircled her breast, gently massaging it as he sought and found her nipple.  Again, he rolled her nipple gently between his fingers.


His kisses worked their way down her neck, over her collarbone, to her breast and eventually he once again laid claim to her nipple, sucking possessively, but not overly aggressively.  With one hand, she supported her breast to steady it for his use.  And she arched her back, pressing her nipple into his mouth again.  His hand was freed and he slid it down over her stomach, massaging her pubis, until he was parting her lips, sliding a finger along her slit and gently caressing her clit.  Her intake of breath was audible and her physical response was immediate and assertive, rolling her hips against his invading finger.  And he could feel her beginning to lubricate almost immediately.


Still sucking on her nipple, he positioned himself between her legs, and his finger was replaced with something larger.  Again, she gasped as he made his way into her.  She was still wonderfully tight and he noticed she was getting beginning to learn little sexual tricks that brought pleasure to them both.  And for a moment, he noticed a new taste in his mouth, but only for a moment.  He began a slow, forceful pumping into her willing body.  Releasing her nipple, once again, he enjoyed her beauty as he made love to her. She was beginning to experiment with her own reactions to their sex, by rolling her hips upward to meet his thrusts, increasing the sensations for both of them and encouraging him to thrust deeper into her.


Ah, yes!  Morning fucks were truly the best!  He was going to enjoy taking her when they first woke, probably more than at any other time of the day.  She was going to be his appetizer before breakfast.  And he couldn’t think of a better way to start the day.  Both of them achieved pleasant orgasms, and remained wrapped in each other’s arms, enjoying the afterglow.


“Hmmmmm,” she moaned as his limp member slipped from her.  “I guess you wanted to have me for breakfast.”  They both smiled at her comment.


Later, they had a leisurely breakfast.  And once again, Bret challenged her to arm wrestle.  Knowing that having been orgasmed, her strength would be considerably reduced, Ms Americana tried to refuse, but Bret insisted.  Today, for the first time, Bret won!  But she was still very strong and it took considerable effort on his part to beat her.


Chapter 7 – the relationship grows.


During the next few days, Ms Americana moved happily about her chores, humming and singing to herself as she cooked or cleaned the house, or when she gathered material for the construction.  She was totally immersed in a honeymoon mode. 


            Although Bret insisted that they continue work, they would frequently pause in their tasks to kiss, and sometimes they stopped their activity to make love.  After supper, they didn’t bother to watch the sun set that night.  Rather they moved their bedding to the front porch where they could spend the night in the light of the almost full moon.  After they made love, they lay basking in the afterglow, both naked, except for her mask, tiara and belt.  As she ran her hand down his bare chest, she reflected that he had never asked her to remove her mask.  And if they were to remain together, she knew she had to give him her complete trust in everything. 


“I have something to show you,” she said, rousing him from his relaxed state. She removed her belt, laying it aside.  Then she removed her mask so that he could see all of her.  He was struck that her face was even more beautiful than he imagined.  She lay next to him, cradling her face in the soft place on his chest and told him about how her father had died.  She revealed her name to him and the fact that she had inherited the entire Wade fortune, including all of the electronics empire.  But he couldn’t take his eyes from her face and her big blue eyes.  Indeed, he worshipped her beauty.  And of course, this led to sex again.


When they rose the next morning, at Bret’s request, neither dressed, but they spent the day doing their work without clothes.  Around mid-morning, Bret was working on the exterior of the house while Brenda, Ms Americana, was carrying some supplies to him.  As she set the supplies down, Bret stopped his activities and was watching her intently with long, languorous, appreciative concentration.  She stood and faced him, running her tongue over her lips, hiding nothing from his view.  She was pleased with his attention.  And she felt a wicked pleasure from giving him an unabashed full-frontal display of her body!


Such a frank display of her beauty had its effect on him, and he began rising to erection.  She gave him a knowing smile, stepped up to him and softly wrapped her fingers around his growing erection, taking his breath away.  Staggered by her boldness, he allowed her to lead him into the woods, using his penis as a leash to show him the way.  She took him to a soft bower leaves under a tree, where Bret was positioned on his back and she straddled him.  She relaxed the grip of her hand only as her vagina slid over him, grasping his manhood in a very different way.  Passively, Bret watched her magnificent body as she made love to him, riding up and down, her breasts bouncing before him.  He admired the focused concentration on her face as she was learning more and more about making love with a man:  how to better stimulate him, how to better stimulate herself, things she needed to do to help herself approach orgasm, how to take charge, when to remain passive.   They both screamed as they climaxed together.


Eventually, they recovered sufficiently to reluctantly return to their work.


Of course, as the day continued, their nudity in each other’s presence led to distractions, and several times, the two of them took a break and returned to the soft bower in the woods.


            They arm-wrestled each day at Bret’s request, and as he expected, the reduction of her physical strength was cumulative:  The more they made love, the more sated she became, the weaker she was.  True, she was still a magnificent specimen of female.  But she was definitely no longer a super female.


            After a week, their honeymoon was still going strong!  According to Bret’s count, they had made love at least three times each day, and on some days, they had made love as many as six times.  They would have done it more, but after six orgasms, Bret was physical unable to perform.  So they would spend their time cuddling. 


            After the seventh day, she told him her period was beginning.  Normally, this wouldn’t affect his sexual desires, but he took this opportunity to agree to wait until her ‘monthlies’ were over before they had sex again.  But during the next few days, he insisted she wear her power belt.  They spent time cuddling.  She offered him her breasts, and he nursed, but he carefully avoided bringing her to orgasm.  He was pleasantly surprised to learn that she was lactating and found that when he drank her milk, he became considerably stronger.  In short, he refused to have sex with her, he didn’t bring her to orgasms, and he carefully avoided feeding her sexual satisfaction during this period.  Indeed, he wanted her sexual frustration levels to increase.  But, she used the time to service him both orally and manually.  Each morning, they arm-wrestled.  He wanted to know if the lack of actual sex or orgasm for several days permitted her strength to return.  When her period started, there was no residue of super strength left in her body.   But as the days passed, he noticed that it was becoming more and more difficult to defeat her in arm wrestling.  Slowly, she was regaining her strength!


            After a few days, she informed him that her cycle was almost over, and drew him back to her bed, where they slowly, lovingly, and passionately made love, both achieving exceedingly satisfying orgasms.  He told her how much he had missed having sex with her these past few days.  To reward his patience in abstaining these past few days, Ms. American drew him to her again and this led to wild passionate, sweaty sex, culminating in mind-blowing orgasms for both of them.


            Afterward, Ms Americana fell asleep.  She slept soundly and didn’t feel him get up to leave her bed.


Chapter 8 – betrayal!


            He went to the three palms, where they had first landed on the island.  Finding the correct place he began digging and within minutes he had uncovered a carefully wrapped radio.  Giving the caller identification, he made contact with someone on the other end. 


“You can come and get her,” he said into the microphone.  “She has only the strength of a normal woman now.  Keep in mind that she is probably in as good condition as an Olympic athlete.  But give me until noon tomorrow before you come.  I’d like to have a little more fun.”


His message was acknowledged, and once again, he returned the radio to its hiding place.


            The next morning, Bret and Ms Americana made love when they woke.  After breakfast, they made love again.  He asked her to wear her costume that day, and she complied.  But, as an act of love, she gave her power belt to him.  She wouldn’t need it as long as they were on the island together. 


            During the morning, they resumed their work as normal.  They only paused once during the morning to have sex.


            At noon, they heard the whir of helicopter rotors.  And to Ms. Americana’s amazement and excitement, the helicopter landed on the beach, near their house.  Immediately, the aircraft disgorged half a dozen heavily armed men who quickly surrounded her.  Ms. Americana was so excited at the prospect of being rescued that she ran toward the invaders, babbling an explanation of how they had been marooned on the island.  Her explanation was suddenly cut short as one man stepped behind her, snapping a handcuff around her wrist.  Stupefied, she was slow to react as her other wrist was also cuffed behind her back.   Of course, she had none of her super strength and didn’t even have her power belt in her possession, so it was not difficult for them to effect her capture.  Handcuffed, she was herded into the helicopter.    


It was not until she was seated between two of her captors was and the helicopter airborne that Ms Americana realized that Bret, sitting across from her, apparently was not a prisoner.  In fact, he was conversing comfortably with her captors, her power belt lying across his lap.


“Bret!” she implored.


Bret gave her an apologetic look.  “I’m sorry, Brenda.  But I’m with them.”


Unbelieving she asked, “And you just turned me over to them?”


“I’m afraid so,” he replied.


            ”But we’re . . . married,” She stated in total disbelief.  “You promised to love, honor and cherish me!.  And protect me!”


            “I promised for as long as we were on the island,” he said.  “I do love you!  And I’ve enjoyed the time we’ve been together.  But now, I’ve completed the job I was hired to do.  It’s time to pick up my pay check and go on to the next job.”


            Ms Americana couldn’t believe her ears.  “I was just a ‘job’ for you?  Everything that happened between us was just a ‘job’?”

            Bret nodded. 


            Ms Americana hadn’t been strapped into her seat.  Her eyes burned at Bret like coals in a fire.  Suddenly, she lunged at me, trying to give him a head-butt to the nose and screaming, “You son-of-a-bitch!”  Expecting some sort of reaction, Bret turned away, avoiding the brunt of her attack.


Immediately the thugs on either side of her grabbed her and pulled her back, strapping her into her seat.  Manacles were fastened around her ankles.


Struggling, Ms Americana poured invectives upon Brad.  “What you did was worse than raping me.  You raped my mind, my soul, my very spirit!” 


“It didn’t seem like rape to me.  You seemed to enjoy it.”


Affectionately, Bret tried to brush a loose lock of hair back over her ear.  She turned away from him.


            “Don’t touch me, you prick!” she shouted and kicked at him with her manacled feet.  She didn’t connect because the ankle chains were bolted to the floor.


            Responding to her repeated violence, one of the thugs sitting beside her produced a small case containing a hypodermic, which he jabbed into her leg.  “Nooooooo!” she screamed as soon as she realized what was happening and it took both thugs to restrain her while the sedative took effect.  Glaring at Bret as her muscles relaxed, she spat out, “I will never permit you to lay your hands on me again!”


            “I’m sorry you feel that way,” Bret said.  “I was planning on talking with my employer to see if I could stay on, using my skills to keep you from regaining your powers.  And then, to visit you from time to time . . . . afterwards . . . “  His words trailed off ambiguously.  Then, snapping back to the present, he continued, “You were good.  I mean, really good!” 


            Then, sighing with resignation, he continued, “But if you refuse to give me your charms, we both know you are familiar with being raped.  And I think I would enjoy that, too!”


            Ms Americana stared at the man who she had thought was her husband.  She was too hurt to be angry.  And somehow, the prospect of being raped by Bret hurt her even more than his betrayal had. 


The sedative continued relaxing her muscles.  Finally, having difficulty forming her words, she asked, “How much was I worth?”


            “I will receive a half million for you!”


            “A half million, is that all I’m worth?”


            “No, you’re definitely worth a lot more.  I realize that now,” Bret answered.  “But that was the price agreed upon.”


            Ms Americana sat in stunned silence.  She could still feel traces of his semen seeping from her, a reminder of their last love making session. 


            Bitterly, Ms. Americana reflected that her mother had been right.  Bret’s only interest in her had been money!


The helicopter rotors whirred as the aircraft sped toward it’s destination.



The end



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