by J. T. King











Hordak had tasked Entrapta with getting a spy into The Rebellion's base. The
sexy scientist went above and beyond expectations by creating a spy system she
could install into a Rebel. The Horde would be able to gather information from
this Rebel without the individual knowing. Entrapta's system was installed into
a captured and unconscious Flutterina, her eyespots acting as cameras to
capture video and audio intelligence. Some of the male members of The Horde
took advantage of the unconscious beauty's situation. Flutterina was released
and started to head back towards The Rebellion's base, unbeknownst to her under
the watchful eye of The Horde.




Flutterina soared over the treetops. Having wings meant wondrous things could
happen. She could feel the breeze anytime she wanted, have amazing views and
didn't have to use any of the entrances to The Whispering Woods as she could
enter from the top anywhere she wanted.

It had been a strange time being in The Horde's clutches. She had been caught,
transported and held overnight. They must have hit her hard when they caught
her as she was unconscious for a while. They had released her the next morning
because she wasn't worth the man power.

"Whos doo theyth think theyth are?" She said aloud, the piercing in her tongue
still slurring her speech. Yeah there was that as well! Did they have to really
give me a piercing? She thought. I sound like an idiot with it. Is it real
going to hurt to remove? The tongue's so sensitive, I don't think I could take
the pain.

Her thoughts ended as she landed near the Rebellion's base. Her immediate
priority was to get herself cleaned up. Time was of the essence so she swooped
down to a flow of water and hurriedly splashed some of the lovely clean liquid
over her exposed skin and wiped it off. That dreaded pungent smell returned. It
must have got embedded into her clothes. She'd need to change quickly when she
got back and give them a good wash. Flutterina wetted her hands and ran them
through her hair, her hand becoming stuck as it caught on a clot of hair.

"Whatsch in myt hair?" She asked aloud. "Horde dungeonsh are dishgust-ting."
She worked the clotted substance out of her hair.

Flutterina was content with her clean-up and took to the sky again. She made
her way to her own little hut she had near The Rebellion base. She quickly
grabbed some new clothes and started to remove the smelly garments she
currently had on. As she started to pull her red top towards her head she felt
it pulling on her skin as if it was stuck. She put her hand under the material
and felt it peel away from her skin, the dreadful aroma even stronger than
before. She winced as she quickly pulled it over her head and discarded it to
be washed. The smell was pretty strong and it was coming from her skin, she'd
have to wash again. Flutterina walked over to the bucket of clean water on the
floor, grabbing the soap she washed her breasts and belly as quick as she
could. Once she had dried herself she put a new top on.

Flutterina rushingly pulled her skirt to the floor, stepped out of it and put
a fresh one on. She grabbed a clean pair of panties, these ones yellow and
proceeded to shimmy out of her pink ones. As she stepped out of them Flutterina
noticed a couple of spots on them, they were a slightly darker pink. She picked
them up and brought them closer to her face for a better look. A strange smell
wafted across her nose, similar to what she smelt earlier but it didn't smell
quite as strong. Flutterina quickly dashed over to the discarded laundry and
picked up her other dirty garments. Turning the top inside out she noticed a
small amount of white flakes rain off of it. When she looked at the inside of
the skirt she saw a thin line of white going across the material. She rubbed
her finger over it and a few similar white flakes fell away and down to the
floor. A confused look on her face, Flutterina threw all three dirty items of
clothing in her basket. She quickly dropped to her knees and ran a finger over
the white flakes that sat there, collecting them on her finger tip.

"What the's hellt?" She said as she brought her finger up to her face. She
took a small sniff with her nose, it was a faint smell but definitely was the
same she had been smelling on the flight home. What was in that dungeon? She
thought, I was barely there to be covered in whatever this yucky stuff is. She
stood up, wiped her finger off and grabbed her yellow panties. She made for the
door, stopping to put the panties on before she opened up. Flutterina ran out
of the door and set out to find Adora.


"Adora." Flutterina gasped. Thankful to find her leader.

"Flutterina! You're safe." The beautiful Rebel leader replied, glad to see her
friend safe. "You were reported captured!"

"I wasssh."

"Are you OK? What did they do to you?"

"Just thish!" Flutterina stuck her tongue out.

"One of them piercings I've been hearing about! But they were on poor
villagers. Can you take it out?" Adora quizzed worryingly.

"No. Itsh permentsants." Flutterina responded. "Thatsh all they didsh. I
wasn't captshtured for any reasonsh. They didsh the piercshing ash a joke and
releashed me."

"They pierced your tongue for a joke and then just released you. It doesn't
make sense."

"Theysh said they dithn't have enough troopsh to guard me. Also thatsh I
shuddent havesh been caught. Oh and to removes thish." Flutterina gestured at
her piercing. "Would hurtsh a lot."

"Yes. That has been reported that it is hard and painful to remove. Infact
each person to try and have it removed has given up as it hurts. The positive
is that they're speech has adjusted to the piercing and they could speak nearly
back to normal after four to five days." Adora said trying to see the
bright side of the situation.

"It seems the reports coming from The Frightzone are accurate that The Horde's
resources are depleted. They're not even interested in capturing some members
of The Rebellion. We may be looking at the days when The Horde is gone, if we
can keep up our efforts. For now Flutterina go and rest for a couple of days. I
will summon for you if we need anything before then."

"I'sh will capthain. Thank you."


Meanwhile in The Frightzone. Entrapta is with Grizzlor in her lab.

"As punishment for your stupid act with that dozy Rebel you can man the
computer system with me." Entrapta said sternly.

"I regret nothing. I'd do it again. Besides it was funny." Grizzlor laughed

Entrapta was tasked with teaching different members of The Horde to use the
monitoring system so that they could have eyes and ears on Flutterina all the
time. They had both watched the monitor as the oasis like view of the
Whispering Woods came into view.

'I canth still smelt that dishgushting pwrison shmel on me.' They heard
Flutterina say aloud. Entrapta kinda smirked listening to the butterfly girl
slur her words because of the transmitter piercing. Grizzlor laughed aloud. He
knew why she smelt and found it funny that the elegant Rebel was clueless as to
what or why she smelled.

They continued to watch. A small static tear would scroll down the monitor
infrequently at first but getting more regular the further Flutterina got from
The Frightzone.

'Whos doo theyth think theyth are?' They heard after watching nothing but
treetops for a while. A distinct anger in her voice. Was it because of the
piercings? Or that Entrapta had insulted her as a low-level threat not worthy
of keeping prisoner.

The live-feed video started to get worse as Flutterina dropped below the tree
line. They could see the trees but it was grainy. They could just make out some
flowing water on the monitor, the audio was holding up just a bit better. They
could hear Flutterina splashing about.

'Whatsch in myt hair?' They heard her ask aloud. 'Horde dungeonsh are
dishgust-ting.' Grizzlor grinned ear-to-ear knowing that she was on about his
cum that he had cleaned off in her hair. He chuckled that she was so innocent
as to not have much awareness about sexual happenings.

Both Horde members continued to monitor the cameras for a bit longer. Both
eagerly waiting for what Flutterina was going to do. The video footage was
nearly none existent now, occasionally showing a frozen image of what they
assumed was Flutterina's dwelling. They could hear her cluttering around the
small building.

The monitor threw up a frozen image of the floor. It flickered and something
pink appeared, it then zoomed in on them.

"I think she's changing." Grizzlor watched intently. "Yep they're definitely
her pink panties." He snorted. "Ooop looks like she's spotted something. Bloody
Rattlor." He laughed.

He watched the monitor blur to black for a minute before another still image
came up. This time he could just make out her discarded skirt. It then vanished
as an image of the floor reappeared with what seemed like white dust on it.

'What the's hellt?' Flutterina's voice came through the speakers. That's all
they saw and heard. Grizzlor looked at Entrapta.

"She didn't just sniff cum flakes? She did! Haha that's hilarious!" He
bellowed, standing up and slapping his thigh.

"Shut up you idiot. She's on the move. Listen! Footsteps." Entrapta barked.
The monitor kept flickering up still images of blurred greens and browns.
"She's outside."

'Adora.' They could only just make it out but they were sure Flutterina had
just called the Rebel leaders name.

'Flut.....safe.' A new voice, it must be Adora's Entrapta thought.

So the little Horde butterfly spy has ran straight into The Rebel's nest. The
audio isn't great but I can hear bits. Entrapta spoke to herself in her head.
She listened intently to the conversation between the two Rebels. She could
only make out some of the conversation before it went quiet and the screen
started to flicker up green and brown smudged images again.

"She's on the move again. You watch the monitor and listen for any activity."
The ling haired scientist commanded the dumb but powerful beast. She grabbed a
nearby tablet device and started to hit keys on it. "I'm going to just listen
to that last part again. I just need to quickly highlight the conversation,
clean up the distortion and background to enhance the audio and bingo."
Entrapta pulled on a pair of headphones.

The voices of Flutterina and Adora were more clear, louder and legible.
Granted she couldn't hear every word said but she could hear enough. Flutterina
still slurred her words but she got what she needed from the edited audio.
Entrapta loved that she recorded everything that happened around her, this time
it really paid off as she captured more information than she had heard with her

She pulled the headphones off. "Flutterina reported the piercing. Adora just
shrugged it off as it is what we've been doing to the prisoners. The decoy
worked!" She smiled then continued. "I don't think Flutterina is going to try
and remove the device and she told Adora we just let her go. Adora believes The
Horde is on it's knees which is true. She hopes The Horde might be confined to
being a minor menace that eventually disappears, she's going to be in for a
mighty shock!" Entrapta finished, a big smirk on her face and an evil glint in
her eye.

She'd done it! Really done it! The Horde had eyes and ears in The Rebel camp.
They wouldn't know everything, only what Flutterina showed up or picked up on
audio, but surely it would be enough to help turn the tide of war in their
favour. For now The Horde scientist would teach other members how to monitor the
cameras and report to her. Once Flutterina was rested they would be able to get
more intelligence in their enemy.

*** End of Chapter 2 ***