by Mr. K



There was a tree sprouting out of the concrete. In what appeared to be the center of this labyrinth, in what appeared to be solid, grey stone, the thick, twisted trunk of a ancient tree reached up towards the ceiling. Its limbs were thick and twisted, at first glance. A closer look, a second more spent examining it would tell you that it they weren’t twisted, but were twisting. Thick and cumbersome, moving like the overly-muscled arms of a steroid-pumped athlete, they reached and wandered about in the stone terrarium.


Dark Moon, Red Arrow, Cutlass … all of the captured women hung in the tree like newly ripened fruit. Every strand of hair, red, blond, brunette, was pulled tightly up and threaded into the very fiber and grain of the branches. Every super woman was clean, unbound, dangling limply and in a deep, deep sleep.


Cutlass had spit out her last stream of hot cum, and was now swaying gently from the tree.


Red Arrow no longer trembled, and Dark Moon no longer shuddered on the end of cock after cock.


Somehow (they would never know for sure how) the villains had all ended up in one room, and their captives now dangled from the branches of a living, moving tree. Somehow, they knew that these women would be imprisoned in this limbo state forever.


“We’re done with them,” whispered Foxglove.


The crowd of villains watched silently. There was something brooding and lost in their silence. The heroines were done.


“Might I suggest a new project for all of us to undertake?” said C-Bitch. All eyes turned to her.