Larra and the Island of Death




The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 12

Larra and the Island of Death


Chapter 1  Kidnapped

Valparaiso, Chile, January 1947


Larra Court stared appreciatively at the breathtaking view.  Her camera clicked.  The spectacular backdrop of the Andes was certainly worth photographing and Larra was an accomplished amateur photographer, having used her skill to illustrate her many books and magazine articles.  Using her knees she nudged her horse forward.  She was out for her morning ride, a regimen she greatly enjoyed.  It gave her time to think and just take in the world before returning to her research.


She was staying on a large estate owned by a Chilean friend she had met several years ago at one of her lectures on the Lost World.  He had given her a long-standing invitation to visit his estate and she had finally consented.  The visit to Chile tied in with a planned excursion to neighbouring Peru and a very interesting archeological site she was now researching. 


Soon to be joining her would be her female companions; all six of them, but in the meantime she was alone except for her four children.  She was enjoying the time with them.  Too often her children had grown up without her, although she had frequently taken them with her when the situation permitted.  The thought of her family caused her to think about returning to the ranch house.  She clucked her tongue and urged her horse in the general direction of the estate when a slight movement off to her left caught her attention and she turned her striking violet eyes in that direction. 


More than her eyes were striking.  At five-foot-nine, she was two inches above the average height of a man and was blessed with a body and face that would have fitted easily into a Greek temple.  At thirty-nine years old she hardly appeared past her mid-twenties, a characteristic due to a rigorous daily routine and the occasional sip of water from the mystical spring she had discovered in Africa.  The water slowed the aging process and cured any ills or injuries.  As a result, Larra and her companions were blessed with almost perpetual youth.  It was a situation they went to some lengths to hide, for reasons that would be obvious to anyone able to understand the problems that would exist in a world where no human ever aged. 


The slight movement she had see manifested itself into a man on a horse.  She might have thought that it was her gracious host, Diego Villalobos, except for the fact that he was coming from the wrong direction.  Since he was some way off she took out her binoculars and pulled him into view.  She nodded and put her binoculars away.  He appeared to be one of the estate’s outriders, probably looking for a few stray head of cattle.  She was surprised, however, when he appeared to be coming directly toward her.  Wondering what the man might want she reined in her horse and waited.  It was unlikely that the stranger riding toward her represented any threat, but a lifetime of exposure to danger made her automatically cautious, and she absentmindedly tapped the .45 Browning at her hip. 


As the rider moved closer Larra saw that it was a man in his early forties.  But except for his dress he did not ride like any ranch hand she was familiar with.  He rode with a military bearing and beneath his wide brimmed hat he had a haircut to match.  Tall, he sat his horse with the familiarity of man who had spent years in the saddle.  As he rode toward her he smiled.  “Good morning, Miss Court.  How fortunate it is that I chanced upon you.”


He spoke with a clipped upper class British accent, but his use of her name put her instantly on the alert.  How was it that he knew her and why had he arranged to meet her in such a lonely location?  It was more than obvious that the meeting was far from accidental. 


“You have the better of me, sir,” Larra replied coldly, her brilliant violet eyes fixed on the stranger, but her senses alert for any signs of danger. 


“Forgive me,” the stranger replied.  “I am Major Harper of British Intelligence.  And I have been given the pleasant mission of seeking you out.”


Larra relaxed a little, but not much.  Meeting anyone like this was too unconventional to completely put her at her ease.  “I see,” Harper continued, “that your picture does not come close to doing you justice.”


Larra coloured a little at the unexpected compliment.  She was well aware of her physical appearance, her incredible beauty having proved both a blessing and a curse.  Although dressed casually in riding pants and a white blouse, and devoid of makeup, her youthful appearance gave no hint of her thirty nine years or the numerous struggles she had endured.  Her brilliant violet eyes, full, sensuous lips, high cheekbones, and shoulder length dark hair were something no one who saw them would ever forget.  Nor would they forget her tall, lush body.  When she moved it was with an athletic grace that exuded sensuality and an aura of complete confidence.  Just now, however, she was somewhat disconcerted.  If Harper actually was a member of British Intelligence why had he chosen this rather unorthodox way of contacting her and what was he doing in Chile? 


Without seeming to do so she checked her surroundings.  In front of her was Harper and the open field he had crossed when approaching her.  But behind her was a region of rocky ground through which her favourite trail wound.  It could hide any number of ambushers lying in wait.  The fact that she had detected no one when riding through there just a few minutes ago meant nothing if someone wanted to remain concealed. 


If Harper was who he said he was it would not be the first time Larra had been asked by her government to perform some duty that required her special skills, but she had never been contacted while on horseback in a wilderness area and the bizarre nature of the situation had her on full alert. 


“This is rather unorthodox, Mr. Harper, she said.  “How do I know you are who you say you are?” 


“I have a letter from General Atlee that will explain everything,” Harper said.  “I believe you are familiar with the General?  He began to reach toward the inside of his jacket and then paused.  “May I?”


“If you move slowly,” Larra replied, her fingers tapping the butt of her Browning once again. 


Harper carefully reached into his jacket and pulled out a folded manila envelope.  Then, reaching across the neck of his horse he handed it to Larra.  Even as she took it she could see that it was sealed in wax and had the British coats of arms stamped upon it.


She reached for it and almost missed the motion behind her as several men on foot moved out of the brush behind her.  But Larra had not survived many similar situations without learning to remain alert. 


 She spurred her horse forward, driving it directly into Harper’s mount and catching the supposed British major completely off-guard.  The impact knocked Harper from the saddle and allowed Larra to bolt past him.  She urged her mount into the open and then toward the ranch.  As she did so she was aware of a loud “pop” and ducked instinctively.  But she was not the target of the shot, her horse was. 


She heard the animal scream and then it was going down, catapulting her through the air.  Larra described a neat somersault and came down on her feet, but her forward momentum forced her to bounce forward onto her hands and then back onto her feet.  It was only as she completed that last acrobatic feat that Larra realized she was headed straight for a tree.  She twisted her body in a desperate attempt to somehow avoid the impact, but slammed into the tree with brutal force.  A blinding light stabbed at her eyes, followed by a wave of nausea and then her consciousness faded.



She awoke to total darkness.  She felt as if she had been thrown into a concrete mixer and allowed to mix with the ingredients.  Every part of her body hurt, but especially her head.  She remembered the blinding flash just before she passed out and realized that she had struck her head hard.  Very hard.  There was a strong buzzing sound between her ears and a continual stabbing pain that started in her frontal lobe and went straight through to the back of her head. 


Tentatively she tried to move and experienced a moment of panic when none of her limbs responded.  In her semiconscious state it took her a few seconds to realize that she was tightly bound.  Her arms were tied painfully behind her at the wrists and elbows and her legs were bound at the ankles and just above the knees. 


It was almost impossible for her to move, but as she lay where she was she became aware of various sounds and movements that helped her determine where she was and what had happened to her.


There was a rumbling sound and a swaying motion that told her she was being transported by some sort of motorized vehicle, probably a truck.  The slight movements she could make and the smell of wood allowed her to determine that she had been stuffed into some sort of box or trunk.  She wondered about how long she had been where she was.  The total darkness indicated that there were no air holes in her prison; either that or the box she was in was inside another compartment.  However, just yet the air did not seem stale so she guessed that she was probably not going to suffocate; at least she hoped not.  One thing that gave her hope was the fact that her kidnappers had tied her up.  Why do that if they were just going to let her die from lack of oxygen?   


Whatever the case, she had no intention of remaining a prisoner any longer than necessary.  First, however, there was the small matter of escaping her bondage.  Her head still ringing in pain, she carefully tested her bonds and found that she had been well tied.  There was almost no give and the ropes cut into her flesh so tightly that her hands were numb from lack of circulation.    


“I can deal with this,” she thought.  “I’ve gotten out of worse situations.”  She would have preferred to wait until her pounding headache subsided, but every second might count.  If she was to have any chance of escape then getting out of her bonds was a critical first step.  Tensing her muscles she worked on the ropes binding her wrists and arms.  There was not much slack, but fortunately her captors had not tightened the bonds enough to completely immobilize her.  No doubt they didn’t want to completely cut off her circulation for fear of causing permanent injury.  It was an oversight she was determined to take advantage of. 


She pushed the pain in her head to the back of her mind and concentrated her considerable strength into stretching her restraints.  It was slow tortuous work, but gradually she felt the ropes loosen as her determined efforts gradually stretched the fibres of the rope.  It seemed to take forever, and Larra was more than conscious of the fact that her journey might end at any time, but she had no choice but to proceed at the speed allowed her.  For almost anyone else, escape would probably have been almost impossible, but Larra had learned to focus her strength with an intensity that overcame the resistance of the ropes, stretching them ever so slightly, but gaining her enough of an advantage that she was able to work first one wrist free and then the other.  Then she went to work on the ropes binding her elbows, sliding her arms back and forth and gradually working the ropes lower, enabling her to finally slip the ropes over her hands.  With her hands free she was able to determine that she was indeed in some sort of box.  Fortunately, it was spacious enough that she was able to remove the other ropes from her ankles and legs. 


She was breathing hard by the time she had finished.  The escape from her bondage had taken a great deal of strength, and her blouse and undergarments were soaked through.  For a few seconds she rested, and then she tested the lid of her prison.  There was no give and she pushed harder, bunching her legs and pushing straight up.  There was a creaking sound and she realized that the lid of her coffin had been nailed on.  However, encouraged by the slight movement she gathered her strength and tried again. 


Suddenly the crate she was in rocked as the truck slowed down and Larra realized she was too late.  The truck stopped with a jerk and a squeal of brakes.  Then there was the sound of a tailgate being slammed down and sound of men’s voices.  Larra braced herself as the box was stood on end and then slammed to the ground.  There was the sound of a voice raised in anger.  The thickness of the box prevented her from hearing more than a muffled sound, but there was something about the words that made her uneasy. 


The ride was a little smoother after that and the box was tilted.  Larra could imagine the box being loaded onto a cart and then being moved somewhere.  There were several jolts and then the sensation of the box being picked up and carried.  There was a thump as it was finally set down. 


Larra waited, wondering if her kidnappers were going to open the box and let her out, but nothing happened and there was no noise outside.  However, she sensed a low rumbling sound as of a large engine coming to life and then a strange rolling sensation. 


It was a sensation she had felt before.  “I’m on a ship,” she thought.  The realization that she was being taken farther away from safety galvanized her in attempting to escape once more.  Bracing herself she used her powerful legs to push against the lid of the box.  Once again there was the creaking of nails as she loosened them and she kept up the pressure, finally being rewarded as one of the boards broke loose.  Feeling with her fingers she determined that there was not enough room to get out and so she went to work on the next board.  It did not escape her attention that outside the box it was just as dark as it was inside.  She had obviously been placed in a windowless room.   


With a squeal of nails the second board broke free.  With a bit of effort Larra managed to squeeze her body out of the box and into the dark room.  Without even the smallest amount of light she was still in total darkness and she had to feel her way first to the wall.  The wall was metallic, confirming her assumption that she was on a ship.  She quickly determined that the room was not large; barely five paces across and it took her only a few seconds to locate the door.  Her hand closed over the handle and turned the knob.


To her complete surprise the doorknob turned easily.  Whoever had imprisoned her must have been confident that she could not escape her bonds or the crate.  Easing the door open she stepped outside into more Stygian darkness.  “What the hell,” she muttered.  “Can’t they afford lights in this place?”


She stepped forward; her hands outstretched and encountered a wall.  She guessed that she was probably in a corridor within the ship.  With no idea of which way to go she began to feel her way along the wall, hoping to come to another door.  Instead she came to a corner.  With a mental shrug she continued feeling her way around it and along the wall.  Sooner or later she had to come to a door.  However, she had gone only a few paces when she heard voices.


“I do not approve of your methods.  You knocked her unconscious and then stuffed her into a crate without properly determining her condition?  I thought you were more competent than that.” 


Larra did not recognize the voice, but it sounded far from pleased.  The next voice she did know it was Harper’s.  “I examined her before she was crated and determined that she had only received a bad bump on the head.  A few days and she should be back to normal.”


“You are a fool,” the first voice said.  “She could have a concussion.  I want her alive, not beaten to death through your stupidity.”


“There was no beating, Herr Moeller.  I abducted her as you requested and brought her here.  Perhaps you do not realize just how very dangerous this woman is.  I took no chances with her and by sealing her in the crate made sure that no one would suspect we had her until she was on board.” 


“I am fully aware of just how dangerous this woman is,” Moeller growled.  “I have spent months studying everything about her.  It took me months to lure her to Chile and I do not want to lose her simply because you can’t be bothered to do your job properly.”


“I assure you Herr Moeller.  She has received only minor cuts and abrasions.  When she regains consciousness she should be almost back to normal.”


Two facts struck Larra.  The first was that the two men were speaking in German, a language in which she was quite fluent.  The second was that the information that had led her to Chile had been fabricated.  She had been deliberately lured into a trap.  Why she did not know and that bothered her. 


The two men were speaking only a few feet from where she was and Larra knew that at any second they would open the door to the corridor where she was hiding and discover her.  “They’re in for a rude surprise,” she thought.  She tensed waiting for the door to open.  As soon as it did she planned to attack them and then make a run for it.  The ship had only just gotten underway.  Once she was on the outside deck she would go over the side and swim for freedom.


She heard the door open.  Moeller was speaking again.  “I want her out of that box and properly cared for.  I have waited years for a chance to get back at her and I want her in proper condition to appreciate her fate.”


The opening of the door had not created any light and Larra guessed that there must be two doors, an outer one and an inner one that was not yet open.  However, one thing bothered her; Moeller’s voice sounded impossibly close, almost as if he were standing just feet away.  But if he was then she should have been able to see him when the door opened.  It puzzled her and she supposed that it was some trick of the corridor amplifying the sound as there was not the faintest glimmer of light from the direction of the two speakers.  She tensed her muscles getting ready to spring as soon as the inner door started to open. 


“What the hell!”  It was Moeller’s voice and he sounded as if he were almost standing beside her.  “The crate is open.  Harper, you fool!”


“Wait,” said Harper’s voice.  “Look!”


There was a moment of stunned silence, followed by another shout from Moeller.  “Guards!  Guards!” 


There was the sound of running feet.  Larra stood perfectly still.  Something was terribly wrong.  Every sense except her vision told her that she was now surrounded by numerous men, and Moeller confirmed it.  “Do not try to escape Miss Court, you have no chance against such odds.”


Larra turned her head in the direction of Moeller’s voice.  A chill went through her.  “Oh no,” she thought.  “Oh no; I’m completely blind”