Larra's Indonesian Adventure




The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 10

Larra’s Indonesian Adventure


Chapter 1  Rupali

Kalimantan, Dutch East Indies, March 1942


Rupali Chahal tried desperately to control her frightened breathing.  It seemed impossible that the soldiers did not know she was there.  Only twenty feet away she could hear their grunted conversation, their alien tongue making every syllable they spoke seem menacing. 


It had been a near thing.  The village headman had given her just enough warning to vacate the house before the Japanese arrived.  She had no idea where her parents or the rest of her family were; she could only hope that they too had escaped.


She crouched lower behind the bales of rubber.  Sooner or later the soldiers would move on and then she could look for her parents.  At that moment another voice spoke up, shouting loudly.  She tried to pull herself into the ground trying to make herself as small as possible.  Even the smell of smoke and the crackle of flames could not move her. 


She stayed where she was, too frightened to move.  The heat was overpowering, but she feared that any attempt to leave her hiding place would lead to her discovery.  If she was captured by the soldiers… the thought was too horrible to think about.  And then her hiding place began to burn.


The stink of the burning rubber almost suffocated her, but the thick smoke gave her the opportunity she needed.  Coughing violently she lurched from her hiding place and staggered toward the edge of the forest.  She made it more by good fortune than skill.  Once in the shelter of the trees she fought to keep from coughing.  If anyone was close by she would certainly be discovered, but as luck would have it the Japanese soldiers seemed to be elsewhere.  She remained where she was only long enough to get her breath back and then headed deeper into the forest.


The heavy vegetation surrounding the plantation provided refuge, but it was not without some trepidation that Rupali found herself among the huge trees and thick undergrowth.  In the last few weeks there had been a number of strange disappearances, especially concerning young men and women.  It was rumoured that a demon prowled the forest, snatching the unwary and taking them back to his lair for brutal torment.  Rupali’s father had laughed at the idea, claiming that it was more likely a tiger, but he had cautioned his children to keep close to the house. 


That warning was far from her mind however, as she plunged through the dense foliage.  Thick stands of bamboo mixed with large-leafed plants, and huge trees made progress difficult and she didn’t pay much attention to where she was going.  Her only concern was to get as far away as possible from the soldiers who were burning down her home.  It wasn’t until she was well into the forest that she realized she had no idea where she was. 


She turned in a slow circle.  Thick forest enclosed her on every side.  Even the sunlight did not penetrate to the forest floor.  As a matter of fact she could not even see the sun, nor could she remember where it was when she had fled.  Had it been behind her or in front – or perhaps out to the side?


She leaned against the bole of a gigantic tree and tried to get her bearings.  She could not go on much longer.  She was tired, thirsty, and she realized, hungry.  She hadn’t eaten since the morning dish her mother had prepared for her and her well-padded stomach growled in protest. 


A sharp pain in her wrist temporarily took away her thoughts of hunger.  She jerked her arm and gave a squeal of fright, shaking away the biting insect that had been attempting to dine on her.  She also moved well away from the tree and any other potential insect predators it might conceal. 


Insects chirped in an almost deafening chorus.  Although the plantation her father managed for the absentee Dutch owners had been surrounded by forest she had never liked it, choosing to stay within the safe confines of her home.  She wished now that she were a little more familiar with her surroundings.  There might be edible plants right next to her, but she had no way of recognizing them.  More important, however, was water.  Her throat was burning; so dry she could barely talk, not that talking was important.  Although she seemed entirely alone she couldn’t be sure that the Japanese soldiers might not be close by. 


For most of her life, Rupali had led a sheltered existence.  Her father’s position as manager of a rubber plantation in southern Kalimantan had meant that servants had done most of the housework, leaving Rupali free to indulge in her favourite pastime – eating.  The result had been a very badly spoiled young woman who had eaten her way into a sari that was several sizes larger than normal.  Physically, she was severely overweight and possessed of very little strength or endurance.  The only thing she had going for her was a light, clear complexion and gorgeous skin tones. 


However, faced with her current situation she had little choice but to try and make her own way.  She began to walk.  Since she had no idea where she was, she moved in the line of least resistance, following what she hoped was a path.  By pure luck she happened upon a clear flowing stream.  Eagerly she knelt and drank, not caring whether or not the water was safe.  Her thirst satisfied, she stood up and considered her next move. 


She was still hungry, and she was a girl used to having regular meals.  Already she felt a little weak and her stomach, which had previously growled in protest, was now angrily demanding that she fill it.


“I’ve got to eat,” she thought.  “I can’t stay here.”  She scooped up a little more water and swallowed.  It seemed to ease her hunger pangs a little; then she got to her feet and moved off once more. 


She jumped at every unusual sound and shied at the flutter of every leaf.  She was most unsuited to a walk in the thick growth of the forest.  Dressed in only a sari and wearing simple sandals upon her feet, she was already exhausted.  It didn’t help that her heavy body was decidedly unathletic.  She had always hated sports or exercise of any kind, and her rather indulgent parents had allowed her to avoid household chores.  Her mother’s cooking had done the rest, resulting in a hefty 220 pounds distributed over a five-foot-six- inch frame.


It wasn’t until she reached her fifteenth birthday and became interested in members of the opposite sex that she discovered that she was not exactly ideal marriage material.  On learning of her appearance potential grooms had shied away and two years later she was still unwed and likely to remain so unless her father could come up with a larger than normal dowry.    


However, none of these things mattered now.  What was important was finding something to eat and that meant finding some sort of human habitation.  Surely the forest couldn’t go on forever.


But it did.  Night found her disheveled and exhausted, still plodding wearily along the trail; and with night came special torment.  It began as a low moaning and increased until she was surrounded by a swarm of humming, biting insects. 


At first she just slapped at them.  Then she tried walking faster until finally she was charging through the darkened forest like a maddened elephant.  She didn’t run far, however, her exhausted and overweight body would not allow it.  After five minutes of crazed stampeding she collapsed in a wretched quivering heap, her sari ripped almost to shreds and her bloated body covered with insect bites.


She spent the rest of the night in utter torment, huddled in a tight ball attempting to minimize the insect feast.  Close to morning she fell into an exhausted sleep. 


It was near noon when she awoke, but it was not the brightness of the sun or the rainforest heat that awoke her.  It was not even the painful growling of her stomach.  Instead it was the sound of voices.  They were speaking in Javanese, a language in which she was only partially fluent, however she knew enough to understand what they were saying and the conversation caused her guts to twist.


“I think we should just leave her.  She’s huge.  I doubt we’d get anything for her.” 


“Her face is rather attractive in spite of her bulk and her skin tones are very good.  She might be worth bringing along to entertain the men.  It will be easier to convince them to leave the other girls and boys alone with her to amuse them.  She is also the plantation manager’s daughter.  It might be possible to ransom her.”


“How do you know that?” the other voice asked. 


“I’ve saw her when I scouted the plantation.  She was sitting on the veranda of the manager’s bungalow and I made sure I asked who she was.”


“Alright,” the second voice agreed, “but if the fat bitch slows us up we leave her.  The Japanese are everywhere.”


Rupali opened her eyes.  Two men stood over her.  She saw at once from their skin colour and general appearance that they were Javenese.  In spite of her exhaustion and fear she was outraged by their manner of speaking about her.  She was, however, far too weak from lack of food and water and the ordeal of her escape to offer even the slightest resistance. 


“Get up you fat slut,” ordered the man closest to her.  He was thin and of medium build, but his features were twisted in scorn.  He was clearly enjoying the humiliation of a young girl of a higher social standing. 


For a second she just lay there.  It was long enough for the thin man to boot her heavily just below her heavy breasts.  “Move you little bint, or I’ll rope you and drag you by your fat neck.”


Rupali dragged herself to her feet.  Her mouth was too dry to speak and she was in no shape to resist.  The thin man pushed her down a narrow trail through the forest. 


“We should tie her anyway,” the other man said.  “If we’re going to bother with her we should make sure she doesn’t try to run off.”


The man who spoke was much more heavily built than the first.  A heavy scar ran across his face beginning at the right eyebrow and running to the left corner of his mouth.  He didn’t have to scowl to look as if he would very much enjoy murdering her.


The thin man laughed.  “Tie her up?  I doubt she can run faster than a water buffalo in a padi.”  He pushed Rupali again.  “Move, bint or I’ll leave you here to feed the rats.”


Rupali moved.  She was too terrified to do anything else.  It was fortunate that she did not have to go far.  She and her escorts soon came to a small forest clearing.  In the centre of it was a stockade.  Several other men of mixed ethnic background were lounging before it.  Rupali recognized several Indians, a few Javanese, and a number that were Chinese and Malay.  There were even a few she did not recognize at all.  They were about as ugly a collection of cutthroats as she could ever have imagined. 


Approaching the stockade the thin man switched to Dutch.  “Open the gate.  We’ve got some more merchandise.”


“Merchandise?  Looks more like livestock to me,” jeered one of the men.  His remark brought a round of laughter from the others.  Apparently Dutch was a language they all used; no doubt solving the problem of their multiple ethnic backgrounds.


Inside the stockade Rupali collapsed.  Willing hands took her arms and with some difficulty pulled her into the shade. 


“Poor girl,” a female voice said.  “Looks like she’s been dragged for miles.” 


“Give her some water,” another female voice said. 


Rupali felt a cup held to her lips.  She drank greedily, but the water was taken away.  “Slowly.  You’ll make yourself sick if you drink too fast.”  The cup was returned and Rupali drank more slowly. 


Rupali opened her eyes and saw that she was surrounded by about a dozen women.  With the help of the two closest to her she managed to get to a sitting position.  “What is this?” she rasped.  “Who are these men?”


“Slavers,” the woman holding the cup answered.  “And we are their prisoners.”


Looking about the compound Rupali noticed that all of the women were young and attractive.  The oldest could not have been more than about twenty and the youngest perhaps twelve.  After accepting more water she was able to ask a few more questions.  She learned that all of the women had been captured in the last few weeks. 


Her desire to learn more was distracted by the pain in her stomach.  “Is there anything to eat?” she asked plaintively.


She almost expected a mocking response, but the young woman who had given her the water merely shook her head.  “We will be given food later.  I am afraid that our morning meal has come and gone.  Food doesn’t last long here.”


Rupali groaned.  Her stomach protested and she reached for the cup of water again.  She had never eaten less than three meals a day in her life.  Usually it was more like four or five and the thought of having to wait hours to feed her raging stomach filled her with dismay. 


However, she had little choice in the matter.  She was forced to wait until the sun began to dip in the sky.  During that agonizing time she managed to learn a bit more about her prison.   She discovered that the compound in which she was held was divided into two parts; one for women and one for men.  There were about an equal number of male and female captives, numbering about thirty in all.  She had plenty of time to meet and learn the names of all the women on her side.  The one who had brought her water was called Citra.  Only a few years older than Rupali, she was the wife of a village shopkeeper.  She had been in the compound almost a week and had learned the routines required by their captors.


Most of the captive women were of the same social level as she was.  A few ranked higher, but in the confines of the stockade no one took on superior airs.  All of the women were equally wretched and frightened, fearing what was going to happen to them.


Evening came at last.  A starving Rupali would have downed her bowl of rice in seconds had Citra not stopped her.  “It’s all you’re going to get,” the woman said.  “Take a few minutes to eat.  You’ll be sorry if you don’t.”


Rupali slowed down.  She found that although the food was plain, there was enough of it, as Citra explained: “We’re to be sold as sex slaves.  We won’t be worth anything if they starve us to death.”


Citra spoke in a matter-of-fact manner, but it was plain she was fearful of what was going to happen to her.  The best she could expect was to be sold to a brothel as she was no longer a virgin.  Rupali would normally have expected better; perhaps to become part of a wealthy man’s harem, however, her body mass was against her.  Most men preferred women who weighed less than 100 kilos and although she had lost weight in the last couple of days, she was nowhere near being the sort of women a man would consider as a mistress or second wife.  Like Citra she could expect little more than to be consigned to some cheap whorehouse.  The thought had her in a state of terror which lasted the three days she was in the stockade.


Unfortunately, her captivity was replaced by something just as bad.  On the fourth day there was an unusual amount of activity.  Food was brought to the women several hours before dawn and then the gate of the stockade was opened and the women were ordered out. 


As they were taken out one by one an iron collar was placed about the neck of each woman.  As the collar closed about her throat Rupali felt all hope leave her.  The reality of her situation was now driven home with brutal clarity.  She was a slave and completely at the mercy of her ruthless masters.  They could do anything they wanted to her and she was helpless to protest.  She had been reduced to little more than an animal to be used as her captors wished.  As the chain securing her to the other women tightened she almost fell, too weak to stand. 


“Move you fat bitch,” growled the man nearest her.  “Or we’ll fuck you right here and then cut your throat.”


The threat forced to Rupali to her feet.  Absolutely terrified, she shuffled forward, wondering what horrible fate lay in store for her. 



Purwanto rubbed the scar on his face.  He was certain that the fat Indian bitch was going to slow them down.  It would be very bad news for her if she did.  They had no time to waste.  The early arrival of the Japanese had upset his comfortable little slave trade.  However, all was not lost.  He should be able to get the latest shipment out of the way before they completely took over.  Unlike many he had known the Japanese were coming and had actually supplied them with intelligence to aid in their invasion.  He was looking forward to the day when the war was over and the Japanese had established their empire.  There would be no end of new business opportunities.  In the meantime, however, he had to move his captives before the Japanese moved into the area and decided that they had a better use for them.  There was, however, time for something he had always wanted to do.  With a grin he headed toward the road that led to town and the battered truck he had parked there. 


The rumble of explosions told him that the Japanese were not far off, and from the edge of town he could see the plumes of smoke a few miles away that indicated just how close they were.  So much the better; he might be able to use the fear of the invaders to his advantage.


He pulled up outside the local theatre.  With any luck Anom would be inside.  She was devoted to her art and he doubted that she would panic and leave town without attempting to take some of her creations with her.


He was in luck.  He found her in the back of the theatre packing the artistically crafted wayang kulit puppets she designed into a large box.  She looked up as he entered, a flicker of fear crossing her face.  It was immediately replaced by one of relief as she saw who it was.


“Purwanto,” she smiled, “I’m so glad to see you.  Have you come to help?”


“You’ve got no idea how glad I am to see you,” Purwanto thought.  “But for different reasons.”


He did not answer for a few seconds, preferring instead to take in the vision before him.  He had known Anom for a long time. Or rather he had known her husband for a long time.  Ever since he had seen her Anom was someone he had wanted to know better, but as the wife of his best friend she was beyond reach.  Now, however, things had changed.  The collapse of the Dutch before the assault of the Japanese meant that men like him were now in charge; or soon would be.  And that meant that what he had merely wanted he could now take. 


“I’ve come to get you out of here,” he finally answered.  “I have my truck outside.”


“Thank goodness,” Anom responded, brushing her long dark hair away from her face as she knelt on the floor.  She was a delightful creature, petite and slender, with perfect oval features and large luminous brown eyes.  He had been careful to cultivate a friendship with her, hoping to gain her trust.  It was about to pay off now.


Anom got to her feet, her movements as graceful as a dancer.  Guntur is going to be back any minute.  He is picking up some food and other supplies.  I have packed away most of the puppets.  We can load them into the truck.”


Purwanto nodded.  “I’ll help you,” he said.  “We have to move as fast as possible.”


Anom smiled her thanks as Purwanto picked up one end of the heavy box.  She was a highly skilled artist.  The puppets in the box were worth a fortune to any practitioner of the art, which made Anom and her husband the perfect team; she as the puppet-maker and Guntur as the puppeteer.


“Get in,” Purwanto said as he secured the heavy box in the back of the truck.


“We can’t go yet,” Anom answered.  “We have to wait for Guntur.”


“We don’t have much time,” Purwanto answered.  “The Japanese are only about a half hour away.  That’s too close for comfort.”


“I’m not going without him,” Anom replied, her mouth setting in a stubborn line that in no way detracted from her beauty. 


“Alright,” Purwanto conceded.  “Get in and we’ll take the truck to look for him.”


Anom slid into the front seat.  This close to him, Purwanto could smell the soft scent of her perfume.  “He’s down at the market,” Anom said.  “We should be able to find him without much difficulty.”


Purwanto put the truck in gear and stepped on the accelerator.  “Wait.  This isn’t the way,” Anom objected.


Purwanto’s only answer was to step down harder on the accelerator, increasing the speed of the truck to a point where it would have been dangerous to jump from the vehicle.


“Didn’t you hear me?” Anom asked, her voice rising in alarm.  “This is the wrong way.”  When Purwanto did not respond she reached across and grabbed the wheel.  “Stop the truck!” she shouted.


The truck veered wildly to the right and Purwanto cursed as he wrestled it back onto the road.  Swearing again he stepped on the brake and brought it to a halt.  Then he dealt with Anom.


She put up quite a fight after recovering from her shock as he attempted to tie her up.  She was a lot stronger than she looked and it took all of his strength to pin her to the seat while he bound her hands in front of her.


“Stop!  What are you doing?” Anom gasped as he forced her hands over her head and tied them to a bar at the top of the cab.  It was at that time it suddenly dawned on her that he was definitely not going to take her to her husband.


“Please,” she begged.  “Don’t do this.  Let me go.  I’ll tell Guntur.”


Purwanto laughed.  “I doubt you’ll ever see Guntur again,” he replied, as he put the truck in gear once more.  The delay had put him a bit behind schedule, but he still had time to catch up with the slow moving column of slaves.  He also had time to do something else.


He drove on for another fifteen minutes until he reached the rough trail that led into the forest.  This was as far as the truck could go.  Putting on the emergency brake, he turned to Anom, and untying her from the truck, used the rope to pull her from the cab.


“No,” Anom whimpered.  She was no longer defiant, perhaps suspecting what his intentions were.  Instead she begged him to let her go.  “Please, I won’t tell anyone.  Just let me go.”


The fear that now clouded her face made her even more desirable.  “I’ve always wanted you,” Purwanto said, “and now you’re mine.  You might as well cooperate.”


“Cooperate?” Anom asked, her features twisting in fear.  “You’re going to rape me!”


“Not rape,” Purwanto answered.  “I want to make love to you.”  He was breathing heavily at the thought of possessing that beautiful body.  Her tight-fitting red and green sarong revealed every line of her exquisite body and she struggled on the end of the rope like a fish caught on a line.


“I could never love you,” Anom protested.  “My love is for Guntar, not someone who betrays his trust and resorts to kidnapping.”


“Stupid bitch,” Purwanto growled.  “Don’t you realize that I can do anything I want with you?” 


Anom’s answer was to twist on the end of the rope.  Somehow she managed to angle her body so that she could bring up her knee.


“Nnggh!  You little bitch!” Purwanto cried.  He was doubled up in pain, but somehow he kept hold of the rope.  Swinging her around, he brought her within reach and drove his fist into her jaw.  The petite woman folded like one of her puppets whose strings had been cut.


Still cursing at the pain between his legs, Purwanto picked her up and carried her to the back of the truck.  Lifting her supine body he placed her on top of the box containing her puppets and began to remove her clothing.  She woke up as he stripped the sarong from her torso, revealing her high, rounded breasts.  She screamed and tried to get away, two actions that merely served to arouse him further.


Using his weight, he pinned her to the box and continued to unravel her clothing, revealing her long legs and the dark triangle at the apex of her thighs.  Her breasts quivered as she struggled, a sight he found most erotic.  Her efforts to escape excited him even more.  There was no chance for her to escape.  He was much stronger than she was and her bound wrists hampered her efforts.  Bit by bit her clothing was removed until she lay naked and panting in fear, completely at his mercy.


“Now, bitch,” he grunted.  “I’ll show you what its like to be taken by a real man.”


Anom’s scream as he entered her, merely made the rape that much more enjoyable.  He had fantasized this for more than five years, ever since laying eyes on his friend’s bride.  Now he had her, and her cries and frantic struggles added immensely to his pleasure. 


She was amazingly tight for a married woman, a discovery that pleased him greatly, as did the desperate thrashing of her body.  His hands closed on the smooth contours of her breasts, his fingers sinking into the soft flesh and pinching the small, dark nipples as she screamed in protest, and then with powerful thrusts of his pelvis he showed her his power.


Half an hour later her screams had subsided to sobs as he finished her off.  Grunting in pleasure he heaved himself off her quivering body pulled his trousers back on.  He would have preferred to have taken more time with her, but he did not want the column of slaves to get too far ahead of him.  Jerking her to her feet he removed the rope from her wrists and looped it around her neck. 


“Get dressed,” he ordered, “and be quick about it.” 


Still sobbing, Anom complied while Purwanto picked up the few items of value he had left in the truck.  Then, jerking his captive forward he moved off into the forest.  Tonight he would enjoy her again and this time he would not be rushed.  He grinned; the life of a slaver certainly had its positive aspects.