Adventures in the Lost World


Episode 1

Atawna and the Lost World




Chapter 1  Sylvan Princesses


Chara balanced precariously on the swaying branches of the forest giant.  She was high in the crown, a good four hundred feet above the ground.  Far below her the Cinzani moved like ants on the forest floor.  She watched their activities with great interest.  The Cinzani were always good entertainment.  They were a distraction made all the more fascinating by the fact that she had been expressly forbidden to go anywhere near them.


Well she wasn’t near them.  Not exactly.  And in any case, she had not deliberately sought them out.  She had simply been moving through the forest and had happened upon them.  She grinned.  The fact that she knew full well that the ground huggers always used the well traveled trail far below her did not make her disobedient.  How was she to know their routine? 


Lightly, she skipped across the slender branches.  Each one bent alarmingly as she committed her 100 pounds to it, but she stepped to the next branch so quickly that none of the limbs had any chance to break.  She had been doing this ever since she was a young girl.  She was after all a Trelana, a child of the forest. 


She debated following the Cinzani.  They were after all going more or less in the direction she called home.  Well, not exactly, but very close.  Surely it would do no harm just to tag along for a short distance.  After all, it was most unlikely that any of them would notice her.  Ground huggers almost never looked up.  It was a weakness that made them easy prey when her people chose to go to war against them, which was one reason why the Cinzani rarely challenged the Trelana.


Surely, it wouldn’t hurt to just follow them a little way.  It would only take her a short distance away from her normal route home.  She adjusted her breast bindings.  She was not yet quite used to them, her budding breasts only recently having acquired the size and weight to warrant binding them.  But she was proud of her developing figure nonetheless.  Only a year ago she had been a hipless flat-chested little girl.  She had grown up a lot in that year.  Now the gentle swell of her bosom; the flaring of her hips; and the rounding of her thighs showed her maturity.  And she was beginning to attract the stares of men. 


Her heart fluttered as she thought of the look she had caught in Rorix’s eyes this morning as she had returned from her morning bath, her unbound blonde hair draped about her shoulders like soft wet string.  That had been a mistake.  She should never have let him see her like that.  Still he had been interested; otherwise he would not have looked. 


Breasts fixed in place she let herself drop.  She hurtled in free fall through the branches, dropping a hundred feet in just seconds.  But it was a controlled drop, her hands and feet making contact with the twining vines that reached to the very top of the immense tree.  She stopped herself, just before contacting a heavy branch, the powerful muscles of her arms and shoulders flexing as she swung on a looping liana just above the branch.  She let herself drop to the branch.  This one easily supported her weight and she ran along it as if she were negotiating a wide forest path, rather than a slender limb at a dizzying height above the ground.  But she was a Trelana.  Traveling through the forest heights was a part of her nature; something she had been doing ever since she was able to walk. 


Reaching the end of the branch she launched her five-foot-four-inch frame into space once again.  This time she did not drop so far, only about fifty feet.  Now she could see the Cinzani much more clearly.  All around her birds, insects, and other arboreal creatures chirped, chattered, and scolded.  But she paid little attention to them.  Her senses told her that there were no dangerous predators nearby. 


She slid out on a limb and crouched so that she was less obvious.  Two hundred and fifty feet below her the Cinzani scuttled down the forest trail, unaware of her presence.  What were the strange creatures up to now?  The eight legged beings were unlike anything else in her world.  If they had been able to stand up they would have been about the height of a man.  Each insect-like creature had a triple segmented body.  Four of their eight appendages acted as legs and were attached to the largest segment.  The other four were connected to the second segment, which was upright like the torso of a man.  The final segment was the head, which contained two very human eyes on flexible stalks, and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth.  Chara always thought of the lower limbs as their “feet” although they were identical to the other four limbs which they used as “hands.”  At the end of each limb were three “fingers,” each resembling a claw.  One of the claws was opposable, like the human thumb.  Even with only three fingers, the four hands gave the Cinzani tremendous dexterity.  They were capable of constructing and manufacturing the most wondrous things. 


But they were also very dangerous.  While not able to move through the treetops like the Trelana, they were good climbers and it was not wise to get too close to them.  They were also well armed.  Many of them carried bows and slings, which they could use with deadly accuracy.  If they could not catch her, they might be tempted to bring her down with an arrow.  She crouched down on the limb, making herself small.


There were about two or three hundred of the Cinzani.  Most of them were the reddish-coloured workers, but a few were soldiers, distinguished by their ebony colouring.  They were scuttling along so quickly that Chara could not be sure of the exact number.  Every one in two was carrying something.  From her vantage point she could not quite make out what they held.  Should she go lower?  She remembered how she had been warned to stay away from the eight-limbed beings.  But she should be safe enough in the trees, as long as she did not go too low.  Moving back into the thicker foliage near the trunk, she swung lower.  Here the branches were close enough together that she could move from one to the other like a trapeze artist.  Rapidly she moved in the direction the Cinzani were going, losing elevation as she did so. 


She stopped only about a hundred feet up.  The Cinzani were oblivious to her presence.  Now she could see that they were carrying little white bundles, each about the size and shape of a large melon.  “Eggs,” thought Chara.  “They’re carrying eggs.”  But why?  She knew that the Cinzani lived in huge complex nests, and that the heart of the nest was the queen’s chamber where the eggs were laid.  But she had never heard of the strange creatures moving their eggs for any reason.  She leaned forward for a better look and never saw the stone that struck the side of her head. 


Probably if the stone had not been deflected by several small branches it would have killed her.  The Cinzani slingers seldom missed and the power with which they hurled their missiles was deadly.  Dazed, but not unconscious she fell forward, crashing through the lower branches toward the ground.  It was this that saved her life.  The branches and her clutching fingers broke her fall. 


She landed in the middle of the trail, her pert backside thumping hard into the packed earth.  For a second she just sat there, too bewildered to respond to her danger, and then when she did, it was too late.  In shocked horror she found herself the centre of a circle of Cinzani warriors.  Their stalked eyes focused on her and she had time for only a quick scream before her arms and legs were seized and she was yanked into the air, her arms and legs flailing futilely. 



Atawna frowned.  Where was that girl?  Chara should have been back a long time ago.  She had gone off to gather fruit.  At least that was what she had said.  But her little sister was sometimes inclined to be a little featherbrained.  And lately she had been drooling over some of the older boys.  That was to be expected, of course.  Atawna remembered herself at that age.  Boys were everything.  And trying out her newfound sexual powers had been most exciting.  Of course, now at the very mature age of eighteen she was much more composed.  She no longer loitered where the males of the tribe would stumble upon her.  Now she made them come to her.  Her bow shaped lips curled in a smile; she had half the eligible Trelana males in an uproar. 


Her mind returned to Chara.  Well, she knew where the girl went when she wanted to be alone.  Chara no doubt thought of it as her own special aerie, but Atawna had been there many times.  The Lord of the Forest.  The immense tree loomed over the forest like a god.  Atawna had spent hours there when she had been allowed to go out on her own.  It had been most amusing when Chara had discovered the same spot all on her own.  She shook her head, sending her raven locks swirling about her shoulders.  Well, she had wasted enough time thinking about Chara.  Probably it would be a good idea to see where she was. 


Quickly she fashioned her hair into a long braid and wrapped it about her head so that it would not tangle in any branches when she moved.  Then she sprang off the branch she had been resting on, catching hold of one of the branches of a neighbouring tree.  Within seconds she was swinging rapidly through the treetops, rivaling the speed of the fastest monkey.  Powerful muscles rolled beneath her smooth well tanned skin.  And she was showing a lot of it.  The Trelana were not a people bothered by casual nudity and they wore only enough clothing to protect their modesty. 


A halter of leopard skin kept Atawna’s well-formed breasts from getting in the way while she traveled and protected them from being scratched by branches as she swept through the treetops.  Her loins were covered with another scrap of dead leopard, a sign that she was now regarded as a woman and of marriageable age.  She was taller than her sister by about two inches and her fuller figure added fifteen pounds to her weight, but her exquisite musculature propelled her from branch to branch without seeming effort.


It took her only minutes to reach the Lord of the Forest. Chara was not there.  But Atawna could sense that she had been, and not too long ago.  She decided to see if she could find her wayward younger sister.  She had no trouble following the route Chara had taken.  Her scent hung heavy on the air and clung to every leaf and branch she had touched.  Swiftly she dropped from the crown to the canopy and then swung along the route Chara had taken.  As she followed her concern deepened.  Her sister’s path had taken her close to a trail used by the Cinzani.  Although none of the strange creatures seemed to be near, it was possible they had been when Chara had been around. 


Atawna’s smooth brow furrowed.  Narrowing her piercing ice blue eyes she swept the trail.  A large number of Cinzani had passed recently.  Had Chara strayed too close to them?  The girl was insatiably curious and had been warned countless time to avoid the eight limbed beings.  Atawna dropped the last few feet to the trail.  Moving quickly she jogged along in the direction the Cinzani had been traveling.  She had gone only a few hundred feet when she came upon a disturbance in the regularly spaced track of the quadrupeds.  Something had disturbed their progress. 


It took her only seconds to spot the knife.  It was Chara’s.  Atawna had seen it often enough.  Her sister had probably lost it in the struggle when she had been captured.  Atawna’s mouth went dry.  If her sister had been taken by the Cinzani it was very likely that she was already dead.  Although there had been no conflict between the Trelana and the Cinzani during Atawna’s lifetime, there was no love lost between the two species.  Each kept to its own region of the forest, avoiding trespassing into the other’s territory. 


There was no sign of blood, just the confused claw marks of a struggle.  Perhaps there was a chance that her sister was still alive.  There was only one way to find out.  Moving back up into the trees, Atawna swung from branch to branch paralleling the trail.  She knew that there was a good chance that she was merely sacrificing herself for a sister that was already dead, but she couldn’t just give up.  She had to try and learn what had happened to Chara.



Despite her hopeless situation, Chara could not help being curious about what the Cinzani were up to.  It looks like they were creating another of the huge complexes that they used as a nest.  If so, that would explain the eggs they had been carrying.  It was far easier to move unborn offspring than it was to transfer entire colonies of adults.  But there was one thing missing.  In order to have a viable colony, there had to be a queen, and Chara had seen no evidence that there was a queen in this colony.  The Cinzani were just beginning work on what would be the new Cinzani nest.  Workers were moving efficiently to and fro, carrying baskets of earth and moving rocks and timbers about.  Chara knew very little about Cinzani cities other than the fact that they were much more than mere holes in the ground.  Some members of her tribe had once visited a nest that had been abandoned and they had come back and spoken for days of its wonders.


The Cinzani built a nest by first excavating a large hole in the ground.  Next timber and stone from the surrounding area, as well as quantities of the excavated earth were fashioned into a solid foundation.  Then a complex nest was constructed on the foundation. 


The word “nest” was actually a poor description of what the bizarre creatures built, but Chara knew no other.  The closest thing to a city that the Trelana built was the complex network of walkways and platforms that were nestled in the treetops.  What the Cinzani built resembled a Central American pyramid.  In consisted of a massive base of earth stone and wood with successive stories built on top of it.  Each story was slightly smaller that the one below so that the pyramid rose in a series of giant steps.  The inside of the pyramid was a warren of corridors, storage chambers, and other rooms of all sorts.  As the “nest” grew, the base was extended and each story added to.  Very old colonies could measure over a thousand feet on a side and rise the same distance above the rainforest floor.  Huge populations of Cinzani could be contained in such structures. 


But they all started out small Chara supposed, just like the one she was watching the Cinzani build.  However, perhaps she should worry more about her own plight, rather than what the Cinzani were doing.  They had placed her in a bamboo cage.  Lengths of bamboo had been driven into the ground and then lashed together with coarse rope.  It was a crude but very effective prison.  Chara lacked the strength to pull the bamboo poles out of the ground and they were lashed too close together for her to squeeze through.  If she had not lost her knife she might have been able to cut her way to freedom, but that had been lost in the struggle along with her breast bindings.  Her small saucy breasts now bounced free.  It was annoying but not critical.  She hoped that none of her friends saw her like this.  Unbound breasts were the sign of physical immaturity, and she considered herself very grown up.  On the other hand, if no one from her tribe saw her how was she to be rescued?  She decided that it might be alright to be seen almost completely naked if it led to her salvation. 


Less than a hundred feet away was the edge of the forest.  If only she could find someway out of the cage and get to the trees…


Chara’s thoughts were interrupted.  Her blue eyes widened.  Something was happening.  Several of the large Cinzani soldiers were coming toward her.  They were carrying a small raised wooden platform, and carrying it very carefully.  “I wonder what this is all about?” she thought.


Reaching her cage, the platform was lowered to the ground.  Sitting in the center of the platform on a cushion of the beautifully woven silk cloth the Cinzani produced, was a Cinzani infant.  But not just any infant, Chara realized.  It was an immature Cinzani queen.  She knew it was a queen by its colouring, for instead of being red or black like the other Cinzani it was a brilliant emerald green.  What else could it be?


Two of the guards loosened the ropes and untied the door of her cage.  Reaching in they hauled Chara out into the open and forced her onto her knees in front of the Cinzani queen.  Chara’s heart began to beat like a drum.  She had no idea what was going on, but she sensed that something momentous was about to happen. 


“Unnggh!” Chara grunted in pain as the soldiers holding her suddenly pushed down on her shoulders, forcing her to arch her back.  Her gently curved abdomen was now pushed toward the Cinzani queen.  Suddenly an old story she had been told as a child came flooding back into her mind.  It was said that the Cinzani started a new nest by offering the new queen a blood sacrifice.  The queen fed on this sacrifice, enriching herself with the blood of the victim and then retired to the nest to begin laying eggs.  Chara had always supposed that the story was nothing more than a tale told to keep her from going too near the Cinzani, but now, held by the Cinzani soldiers, and with her belly arched toward the advancing Cinzani queen, Chara had a horrible feeling that everything about the story was all too true. 


If there were any lingering doubts they were dispelled a few seconds later when the tiny queen opened its jaws revealing a full set of needle-like teeth.  It reached toward her with its tiny arms, the razor sharp claws on the end of each limb extended like scalpels.  Chara gasped in fear and fought to break free from the soldiers that held her, but there was no escape.  Her strength was no match for the two powerful Cinzani warriors that clamped their claws on her arms and legs from either side. 


Closer and closer the horrible little creature moved toward her, its claw-like feet scrambling on the wooden platform.  Chara wrenched against the creatures holding her, straining the powerful muscles developed over a lifetime in the treetops.  She almost broke free, wrenching her right arm away and losing a little skin in the process.  Immediately, her hand flew to where she usually wore her knife, remembering only as she found the sheath empty that she had lost it when she had been captured.  Then she was seized again.  This time, she was forced forward, and both arms yanked behind her back.  Fighting desperately, she felt the strong cords of the fine rope used by the Cinzani being looped over her wrists.  She almost wept in frustration as her arms were pinioned behind her and then roped to her ankles, leaving her squatting helplessly before the Cinzani queen, which had backed off to its cushion when she had struggled. 


But now the little queen was advancing again, its long rasp-like tongue licking its jaws, flecks of saliva dripping onto the wooden platform.  Chara could only watch in terror as its jaws gaped wide.  A horrible thought inundated her mind.  The Cinzani queen was far too small to kill her.  Was it going to eat her alive?  Burrow into her belly with those needle sharp claws, and rip at her soft flesh with those serried teeth?  She jerked her body frantically, her waist length blonde hair, which had become loose in the struggle swirling about her straining body like a cloud.  


She screamed as the Cinzani queen made the first incision.  It cut into her smooth belly with surgical precision, its tiny claws slicing her flesh.  And then there was a “thunk,” and a high pitched squeal.  Suddenly Chara found herself lying on her side in the grass.  In front of her the soldiers who had been holding her were tending to the Cinzani queen, which was kicking out its life, pierced through and through by an arrow.  Then there was another “thunk,” and another as two more arrows found their mark, this time in the bodies of the soldiers.  Dazedly, Chara realized that she recognized the flights of the arrows.  They identified the marksman as her older sister, Atawna, and then she felt someone behind her.  A knife slashed thought the ropes around her wrists and ankles, and a strong arm jerk her to her feet.


“Run,” Atawna, said, “we only have seconds before the Cinzani recover.”


Chara did as she was told, heading for the safety of the nearest tree.  Her sister was right behind her.  The Cinzani seemed momentarily confused by the loss of their queen, but the reaction wouldn’t last.  Soon they would be in pursuit, and over ground, they were much faster than either of the two young women.


Chara ran like she had never run before, but her steps seemed incredibly slow.  Right behind her she could hear Atawna’s light footsteps and behind that a hubbub as the Cinzani suddenly reacted to the intruder that had murdered their queen.


Missiles started to fly past them.  Stones from slings and arrows from bows.  A rock struck Chara between the shoulder blades and she stumbled, the breath knocked out of her.  Atawna caught her before she fell, and then they were into the trees.  “Climb,” her sister urged, pushing her toward the trunk of the nearest tree.  And then turning, Atawna loosed several arrows in the direction of the pursuing Cinzani.


“Figs!” she muttered.  “That didn’t slow them at all.”  The Cinzani were almost upon her now, dozens of them closing on her at the speed of a gazelle.  The few that had fallen to her arrows were simply ignored and overrun.  Quickly flicking her bow over her shoulder, she grabbed the nearest vine and scampered up the tree trunk.  She had to move fast.  The Cinzani were faster climbers than she was.  Only when she reached the higher levels of the tree would she be able to outdistance them. 


She scrambled up the trunk.  Below her she could hear the scrabbling of the Cinzani’s claws on the bark of the tree.  In a few seconds they would be upon her.  She reached the canopy.  Here the branches of the tree spread wide, intersecting with that of its neighbours.  The shady gallery was festooned with lianas and interlaced with branches.  It was a perfect natural highway for any animal with aerial abilities.  And Atawna was just such an animal.  Without stopping she ran along the nearest branch and leaped to the next tree, then swinging from branch to branch propelled herself through the treetops with blinding speed. 


This was something the Cinzani could not match, and she was soon clear of their pursuit.  Ahead of her, darting from limb to limb was Chara.  Her little sister was moving faster than she had ever moved in her life. 


Atawna caught her after a few minutes.  Seeing her, Chara swept up to the crotch of a great tree and waited, her chest heaving from exertion.  “Slow down, little sister,” Atawna said.  We may have to pace ourselves.  I have a hunch that the Cinzani may not give up.  No Trelana has ever killed one of their queens as far as I know.”


Chara nodded.  The emotional trauma of her near escape now swept over her.  She began to tremble uncontrollably.  “Easy,” said Atawna, placing her hands on Chara’s shoulders.  “Sit down; I’ll get you some food and water.” 


Chara composed herself in the fork created by the junction of three branches.  Taking deep breaths she brought her frightened breathing under control.  She was a bit chagrined.  She had not set much of an example for her older sister.  And only a few hours ago, she had prided herself on her newfound maturity.  Now she felt like a pathetic little girl.  She had been stupid, letting her curiosity get the better of her and placing herself in unnecessary jeopardy.  Her foolishness had forced her sister to come to her rescue, thus endangering her as well.  Setting her jaw, she got to her feet.  Well, she would not make that mistake again.  From now on she would behave as a responsible member of Trelana society.  Provided, of course, that she and Atawna got out of their present predicament.  She wondered if her sister was right about the Cinzani not being likely to give up.  There was no sign of the eight-limbed creatures. 


A slight rustle above her announced the return of her sister.  In the small net bag all Trelana carried with them, Atawna had a collection of fruit, nuts, and herbs.  She set them in front of her sister.  “Lean back,” she ordered, pushing gently on Chara’s shoulder.  “Let’s look at that cut.” 


Chara settled back against the bole of the tree.  “You’re lucky,” said Atawna.  “These are superficial.  I was just in time.  Hold still while I make sure that they don’t fester.”


Chara picked up a ripe sugarfruit, and bit into its juicy flesh.  She seemed to be paying no attention to what Atawna was doing.  If nothing else, she would behave like a warrior while she received treatment for her wounds.  “Ooh” she thought, “that stings!”  But she did not flinch as her sister crushed one of the herbs she had gathered and spread it over the cuts on her abdomen. 


“There,” said Atawna, “that should do it.”  She picked up a purplish fruit about the size of a man’s fist and bit into it.  “We better eat and move off.  I don’t think we will be alone for long.”


Chara nodded.  She suddenly felt naked without her breast bindings.  Even if her small firm breasts did not need much in the way of support, it was one of the marks of womanhood.  Atawna seemed to guess what was running through her mind.  “Come on,” she said.  “We’ll look for something to cover you on the way.” 


Atawna stuffed the remainder of the fruit and nuts into her net bag, and leaped into the tree.  Chara got to her feet and quickly followed her.