The Adventures of Whirlwind


Warfare in the Thirtieth Century

Episode 2

The Mercenary



Chapter 1  The Interview

Planet Duchesne, Galactic Rim, Fourth Quadrant 2955


Aello leaned her gorgeous body across the desk.  Her tight-fitting tunic was open at the throat, providing a most inviting view.  It was a humiliating position, but she was desperate.  Somehow she had to find a way to support herself and her companion in a profession that befitted her training and background, not to mention her highly developed sense of honour.  She was almost out of money and had been rejected by every mercenary captain she had approached. 


Across from her, Elan Carter moved his eyes from the young woman’s breasts to her face.  He had to admit that the young woman’s cleavage was spectacular, but he had seen many a pair of splendid tits before, and he was not about to be influenced in his decision by this set. 


“So,” said Carter, “you want to fight for me?  You’re a clan warrior.  Why should you want to leave your kith and kin to become a mercenary?”


Aello hesitated.  This was the part of the interview that was the hardest.  Taking deep breath she told the truth.  “I don’t have a choice,” said Aello.  “The Clan expelled me.  I didn’t meet with its standard regarding honour.”


“Honour?” asked Carter.  “Correct me if I am wrong, but aren’t you the one known as the Whirlwind?  You have accounted for over a dozen enemy mechs in only two battles.  An amazing record for one so young.  What standard are you expected to meet?”


A flicker of emotion crossed Aello’s perfect features.  Carter had done his homework.  Not that it was very difficult.  Her record could be accessed from any databank in the Outer Rim.  He probably knew every sordid detail of her past.  Suddenly very pale she sat down on the hard wooden chair across from Carter’s desk.  “I’d rather not discuss it.” 


Carter leaned back in his chair.  A grim smile played about his lips.  “I think I understand, but I have to know, and I prefer to hear it from those I interview.  I can’t have anyone I hire having any secrets.  I suppose I could always bring your friend in here.  Now he’s someone I can use, a mech mechanic.”


“No,” said Aello.  “You would embarrass him and he would not tell you anything in any case.  He is a man of honour.”


“Tell me then, and we will not have to bring the subject up with your friend.”


Aello took a deep breath.  She swallowed hard.  “In my last battle I was careless.  I was taken prisoner.”  She did not finish, but her face told Carter everything he needed to know.  He did not let her off the hook, however.  His next words were brutally direct.


“You were captured and you were raped.”


“Yes,” said Aello, bowing her head.


“And the code of honour of your clan regards the loss of a woman’s virginity, no matter what the reason, as the greatest disgrace.”


“Yes,” replied Aello again.  Her voice was filled with emotion.


“Huummph!” said Carter.  “I’ve heard of such outmoded codes of honour.  But I didn’t realize that any clan would sacrifice its best mech pilot in order to uphold it.”  He drummed his fingers on his desk as if thinking about something.  Finally he replied.  “I’ll hire you, but there are some things you have to know.”


““Thank you,” said Aello.  She was controlling herself only with great difficulty.


“First of all,” explained Carter, “I’m hiring you as much for the services of your mechanic friend as I am for you.  Good mechanics are tough to find.  Mech pilots are a dime a dozen, although one with your reputation is a bit unusual.  However, you don’t look like much of a warrior.  As far as I’m concerned you’re just a girl with an exaggerated reputation.  I’ll decide how good you are when I’ve seen you in action.  You understand that?”


Aello nodded.  “I won’t disappoint you.”


“We’ll see,” Carter replied.  “The second thing is that you start at the bottom.  I’ve already got four pilots so you get whatever machine they don’t want.  You get first choice of salvage of anything you kill.  I get the rest.  Third, we fight for money, not patriotism or anything else.  You may have to fight against your own people.  Can you handle that?”


“Yes,” answered Aello, “I owe my clan nothing.”


“Good,” said Carter.  “You start tomorrow.  Got a place to stay?”


“I’m staying in the spaceport hostel.”


“That place is a dump, and it’s not convenient to my base.  You and your mechanic friend stay here with me.  I’ve got several adequate rooms upstairs.  I’ll take the cost of your room out of your pay.”


“Alright,” Aello agreed reluctantly.  She did not like the idea of staying with a man as domineering as Elan Carter, but felt that as long as her mechanic friend Jason Miklos was allowed to stay with her she would be safe.


“You got anything valuable in that hostel?” Carter asked.


“Just some clothes and personal items,” Aello answered. 


“Then leave them.  You will find your room has everything you need.  Now go get your friend.”


Aello rose and left the room.  Her head was in a bit of a whirl.  Elan Carter was a lot younger than she had imagined he would be.  He was reputed to be the toughest mercenary leader on the planet and Aello had expected someone much older.  He could not have been more than thirty years old, and in spite of the fact he did not appear to have shaved for several days, was surprisingly handsome.  He probably stood over six feet tall and his dark wavy hair seemed to invite her to run her fingers through it.  She found herself blushing.  Why should she be having such thoughts?  After losing her virginity to a rapist, she should be leery of all men, especially men like Carter who owed no loyalty to anyone but themselves.


She exited through the security screen surrounding Carter’s building.  Outside Jason was waiting.  “We’re in,” she said.  She felt like giving him a hug, but was afraid he might misinterpret it.  She owed him a lot.  He was the only one who had stuck by her through all of her trials following her capture and violation by an enemy soldier.  He was also closer to her own age and reasonably good looking, although in quite a different way from Carter.  Jason was tall and wiry with wavy blond hair, as opposed to Carter’s powerfully muscled body.  Despite what Jason might want, however, she regarded him as more like a brother than a potential lover.  They were second cousins after all.    


“Well,” she said, holding him at arm’s length.  “We’re mercenaries.”  She grinned and turned toward Carter’s HQ.  “Let’s go in.”