The Adventures of Larra Court




The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 9

Larra’s Transylvanian Adventure


Chapter 1  The Mission

Cairo, Egypt, January 1941


Larra Court crossed her long, shapely legs beneath her skirt.  She was dressed simply in a white blouse and light cotton skirt.  Even in January Egypt could be uncomfortably hot and she wore as little as she could get away with in the Egypt of 1941.  Just now, however, she was seated across from a member of British Intelligence if the word “intelligence” was appropriate for the boor sitting across from her. 


She had come to British military headquarters in Cairo after receiving an urgent message from Colonel Taggart, but was beginning to wonder why she had bothered.  The man sitting on the other side of the desk had just finished explaining in detail why she was entirely unsuited to the task he had for her.  Even more annoying was the fact that the visit to Colonel Taggart’s office was interrupting her research in ancient Egyptian culture. 


“I’m sorry Miss Court,” Taggart continued, “but I simply do not approve of sending untrained personnel into situations of danger.  However, it is not my choice.  I have received orders that I ask you to help me in a very dangerous mission.”


“Exactly who gave you these orders?” Larra asked. 


“I am not at liberty to divulge that information,” Taggart replied.  “As a matter of fact I cannot even tell you any details of the mission until you have accepted.”


“So you are asking me to accept a mission without knowing a single detail of what you want me to do after having made clear that you think I am completely unqualified for the job?”


Taggart paused and stubbed out his cigarette.  “Let me put it this way.  My personal opinion does not matter.  I have already been over this with my superiors and it has been made clear that you have been selected for the job should you choose to accept it.  Apparently someone very high up in the military has extreme confidence in your ability.  That being the case I can only tell you that what you are going to be asked to do could change the course of the war.”


“It’s that important?” Larra asked, glad that she no longer had to breathe Taggart’s cigarette smoke. 


“I assure you, Miss Court, I would not have asked to come here if it was not.  I should point out that if you do accept the mission I will do everything I can to get you ready for the assignment.”


Larra thought for a moment.  She had just come through a rather nasty ordeal at the hands of the Germans and although she and her companions had completely recovered physically she hesitated to interrupt her work once more.  However, as Taggart had pointed out someone rather high up in the military had singled her out for an important job, and in spite of Taggart’s pessimistic view of her abilities she felt obligated to take it.  “Alright,” she said finally.  “I will do it.”


Taggart gave what might have been a sigh of relief or perhaps resignation and then he began.  “This is the situation, Miss Court.  I have information that the Nazis are up to something in the region of Romania recently annexed by Hungary, something that could greatly help the Nazi war effort.  The problem is we have very few details other than whatever they are interested in is located in a remote region of Transylvania.  Apparently there is something of the occult involved.  It sounds like a lot of nonsense to me, but I am under orders to have it investigated.”


Taggart poured himself a drink from a bottle of whiskey that he took from a drawer in his desk.  Larra shook her head when he held up the bottle suggestively.  “No thank you, Colonel, please continue.” 


“Since you speak Hungarian and German and, I am told, have experience in the occult, you are a natural for the job.  You are also available.  I have no agents to spare and no time to train anyone else.  I am assured that you have the necessary guts and physical qualities to carry out the mission.”


“That’s not much to go on, Colonel.  Is that all the detail you can give me?”


“There is a bit more, but it is not something I would put much faith in.”


“Tell me,” Larra said, leaning forward.


“I am told that it has something to do with enabling the Nazis to give their men superhuman qualities.  I think it is a load of rubbish, but I have my orders.”


“So what you are telling me, Colonel, is that you have been given information about a rather fantastic but potentially dangerous Nazi threat.  However, you don’t wish to use any of your own agents on such a ridiculous and perilous mission so you have decided to ask me to go.”


Taggart coloured.  “I wouldn’t put it like that,” he protested.  “As I said, my orders come from higher up.  It is just possible, however, that it is as you suggest.”


“Don’t worry about it, Colonel.  I have agreed to go.  I just have one request.”


“What is it?


“I would like to take my assistant with me.  I think two people will have a better chance than one.”


Taggart was about to reply that the mission had little chance of success no matter how many persons he sent, but he was secretly relieved.  If Miss Court had refused he would have been forced to send one of his trained agents.  Even worse, he would have had to report to his superiors that he had divulged details of the mission and then she had declined the assignment.  In his mind Miss Court, beautiful and talented though she might be, was expendable.  He nodded his agreement.  “Take whomever you wish, Miss Court.  Just keep in mind that you have only two weeks to prepare.” 


“Then two weeks will have to do.  When do we start?”


Taggart was used to dealing with brave women.  As a colonel in British Intelligence he had often sent women agents into danger, but he had been told that Larra Court was something special, a woman more courageous and more deadly than any of his regular agents.  Looking at the beautiful dark-haired woman standing across from him he found it hard to believe that she was reputed to be able to kill a man with her bare hands.  Without a doubt she was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.  She was tall, with a narrow waist, and large breasts.  Even the simple white blouse and plain tan skirt could not hide her perfect figure.  Perhaps most remarkable, however, were the deep violet eyes set in that confident and beautiful face.  She was clearly a woman used to having her own way.  There was a certain arrogance in the way she carried herself that irritated him.  It would be interesting to see whether or not she could live up to her reputation.


“Tomorrow,” Taggart answered.  “But understand this.  The normal training course for such a mission is at least six months.  Due to the desperate position England finds herself in I do not have that sort of time.  The two weeks I mentioned is all we have.  I expect even with proper training your chances of survival would be slim.  I cannot even hope to teach you all that you need to know in the time available.”


“Then you will just have to teach me what you can in the time allowed.  I will endeavor to be a good pupil.”


Larra’s sarcasm was not lost on Taggart.  He would have much preferred not to use her, however, he did not have much choice.  He had it on good authority that Larra Court was perfect for the job he had in mind.  He needed someone who was an authority on antiquities and historical oddities, and he also needed someone who had a high level of courage and athletic ability to carry out the mission.  He would do his best to prepare her, but that did not mean he had to be nice about it.  He resolved to make the next two weeks of her life a living hell. 



“You’re going to Romania?” Melissa Gallant asked.  “Not without me you’re not.”


“I know,” Larra replied sweetly.  “I’ve already volunteered you.”


“That was rather presumptuous of you,” Melissa said, archly.


“Wasn’t it though?  But I knew you’d kick up a fuss if I left you alone.  You’re like that, you know.”


“Only because you can’t be trusted not to get into trouble without me to look after you,” Melissa grinned. 


“I guess you’re right there,” Larra agreed.  She looked at her tall companion.  At almost six feet tall and 150 pounds, Melissa Gallant was hardly a shrinking violet.  Although Larra had only known the dark-haired twenty-year-old for two years it seemed much longer than that.  They had been together through many harrowing adventures and had forged a firm bond.   She wondered if she was doing the right thing by including her in the dangerous mission she had been assigned.  However, she knew that it would have been impossible to leave Melissa behind without simply abandoning her and she could not so that to the young woman who meant so much to her. 


“What are you thinking?” Melissa asked, interrupting Larra’s thoughts.


“Just wondering,” Larra answered truthfully.  “Are you sure you want to accompany me?  I’ve dragged you into too many dangerous situations.”


Melissa placed her hands on her hips and thrust her rounded breasts forward.  “You try and keep me out of this and I’ll smack your sweet little backside.”


Larra smiled.  “You shouldn’t make such a promise.  I might take you up on it.”