The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

Episode 5. The Jade Dragon and the Vampire’s Kiss


Chapter 1  Vampire

Metro City, 1924

The Jade Dragon perched precariously on the head of a gargoyle high above the streets of Metro City.  The ugly stone waterspout was part of the Great Cathedral of the Metro City Archdiocese.  It afforded her an excellent view of the streets below, and since it was shrouded in darkness it afforded her complete anonymity. 

She shivered, but it was not from the winter’s cold.  Her costume was insulated against the freezing December temperatures.  Her mind flashed back over the two years and six months of her crimefighting career.  Two and a half years and she was only twenty years old.  Not yet of voting age, provided Orientals were ever given the vote.  She had encountered a number of brutal criminals during that short time and had defeated them all.  But she had paid a high price for her victories.  The images of the supervillains she had beaten paraded through her consciousness.  First there was Boss Crunch – under his hands she had been raped and tortured.  Then there had been Brick Henson.  Again she had been raped and tortured.  Finally she had beaten Ivan Retinoff, and she had been raped and tortured again. 

She shifted her position, peering more intently into the darkness below the church tower.  Her friends and companions had also suffered.  The gutsy Suzi, also known as the Scarlet Falcon, had been captured and suffered sexual torture along with her.  Then there was  Kyla Smith, the tall, beautiful gymnast with the power of invisibility who went under the name of the Blue Avenger.  Kyla had saved both her and Suzi from certain death.  But later she had paid a heavy price, losing her virginity in a brutal rape.  And finally, there was Natassia Green, the super strong heroine called Nova.  Natassia had probably been more brutally raped than any of them. 

“It is a sad legacy,” thought the Oriental heroine.  “Every time we go up against one of the city’s more notorious criminals we pay with our bodies.” 

She got to her feet.  It was time to change position.  The dizzying drop below her caused her no concern whatsoever.  She was quite at home at any elevation.  Fifty feet away was another gargoyle.  It would enable her to view the other side of the building.  Using the power of her mind to augment her muscles, she flexed her muscular legs and sailed across the gap with seeming ease.  It seemed an impossible jump, but she had barely strained herself.  She landed catlike on top of the narrow perch and caught her balance.  Then she settled down to watch the streets below.  There had been a series of muggings in this area of town in the last few days.  She suspected that it was the same criminals involved and was determined to put a stop to it.

The street was quiet.  She resumed her previous line of thought.  Was the pursuit of justice worth the sexual humiliation and degradation that she and her friends were subjected to every time they had the misfortune to blunder into one of the numerous traps set by supervillains?  It was a hard choice.  Sun Lin believed that she had been given great gifts for a reason, and that reason was to help out the oppressed citizens of
Metro City, but it seemed to be a never-ending task and one that constantly threatened her virtue.  She had never had a proper lover.  Her only sexual experience had been at the hands of sadistic rapists. 

“One day,” she mused, “I will have a real lover.  A man who will give me children and a proper home.”  Strangely enough, physically she was still a virgin.  It was one of the side effects of the incredible healing power of the
Dragon’s Eye, the mystical gem that gave Nova her powers.  It restored everything, returning the bodies of the heroines it healed to immaculate condition.  Immaculate.  That was certainly the word for it.  Her maidenhead had been restored and was likely to remain that way.  She sighed; perhaps someday…  One the other hand, she was not totally dissatisfied with her life.  Master Zhou had given her a place to live and had trained her in the development of her skills.  But it was not a place to meet eligible young men.  Suzi, Kyla, and Natassia had other lives.  They were able to socially interact with members of the opposite sex.  Sun Lin, however, was alone.  She did not mix with the Chinese community of Metro City.  She was too different from any of them.  Her secret identity would have been discovered and that might place Master Zhou in danger.  She could not allow that.

Bored, she shifted her weight again.  So much of her job consisted of waiting and watching, often without result.  It was already past
midnight and there was no sign of criminal activity.  It was time to swing through a different section of town.  She reached down to her utility belt and took out her grapple.  Two hundred feet away loomed a skyscraper.  She would use it to snag the roof and swing to a new location.

 “Like myself a creature of the night.  And a most exquisite creature at that.”  The apparition who spoke moved deeper into the shadows.  He had been watching the Jade Dragon for more than half an hour, fascinated to find someone as strange as he was in the darkness of
Metro City.  He pursed his lips with amazement as she tossed a line across the wide gap separating the cathedral from the tall building opposite, and then leaped into space.

“Amazing,” he thought, “I did not think any mortal could do that.”  Emerging from the shadows the black clad figure changed shape, diminishing rapidly in size.  Wings sprouted from his dark furry back and he took flight in the direction the Oriental heroine had traveled.  He found her on the roof.  She was moving rapidly toward the other side of the building.  Flapping his leathery wings he sped toward her.

The Jade Dragon turned, tensing, and then relaxed.  “A bat,” she thought.  “Another night traveler like me.”  She turned back in the direction she had been moving and then she froze.  Sun Lin experienced a strange sensation.  A voice seemed to be sounding inside her head. 

“That’s it my beauty.  Wait for me.  I have come for you at last.”  Her muscles seemed paralyzed, but she was unafraid.  The voice was strangely alluring.  There was something moving behind her, but she did not fear it.  Instead she wanted it to come closer.  It exuded a powerful sexual presence such as she had never felt before.  For a few seconds she stood still, frozen and then instinctively reacting against the invasion of her mind, fought back.

It took all of her will to fight against the strange power that had intruded into her mind.  She swayed like a drunkard, her costume soaked in sweat, as with every fibre of her being she struggled against an influence so vile and sinister that it made her sick to her stomach. 

The bat swept toward her and then dissolved, changing shape and increasing enormously in size.  In a second the figure of a man dressed all in black materialized beside the immobile heroine.

Count Rodna projected his mind into that of the Jade Dragon, maintaining his control over her only with some difficulty.  He was amazed at her strength.  He had never encountered such resistance in a mortal.  “Do not fight me my beautiful green dragon.  You are meant for me.  We are both attuned to the darkness.”  The Count now knew who the Jade Dragon was.  His mind had fathomed her identity and had determined that she was one of the most beautiful women he had ever encountered.  He was overcome with the powerful animal desire that was part of his nature. 

The Jade Dragon’s lips parted slightly and her breathing increased.  Try as she might, she could not rid her mind of the overwhelming presence, and even worse, she was being slowly subdued by an enormous sexual craving as the Count’s carnal appetite swamped her mind.  She had never experienced anything like this, not even when she had been injected with the powerful sexual stimulant invented by the Mad Doctor
(See Episode 4, The Jade Dragon Meets the Black Leopard).

The Count smiled.  It was a cruel smile, devoid of joy, but brimming with triumph.  He always felt like this when he had taken control of the mind of a woman.  But this time the sensation was especially strong.  He was controlling the mind of a superheroine and soon he would have more than her mind.  He would have her body and her soul!