The Misadventures of the Black Leopard

The Misadventures of the

 Black Leopard


Episode 1

The Black Leopard’s Revenge




Chapter 3  Ape


“Enough of this,” Li Mei said, detaching Qing Yuan from her nipple.  Her child was a voracious feeder and her tender nipples were swollen and sore.  “I’m going out.  This mother thing is beginning to become a bit of a strain.”


“Oooh,” Tiger said, clapping her hands.  “Can I come too?’ 


“No,” Li Mei replied, handing off her offspring to the tall blonde Pussy.  “I’m doing this one on my own.”


“Pooh!” replied Tiger, reflecting the thoughts of the other Pussies in the room.  “Why can’t we go?”


“Because I say so,” Li Mei hissed.  She was not in a good mood.  Motherhood did not agree with her.  Being forced to tend to her child for several hours a day was driving her slowly stir-crazy.  That and the fact that she was forced to listen to the idle prattle of the Pussies for hours on end.  She had to get out, and her decision to go on the prowl had a more practical motive as well.


She was tired of living as Elenah’s guest.  Their friendship was wearing thin.  She needed to find a place of her own and for that she needed money.  Tonight she intended to take the first step in acquiring enough cash to establish her independence once again. 


First she needed transport.  She could, of course, have simply taken one of Elenah’s fleet of vehicles, but it was much more fun to acquire one of her own.  Elenah’s “lair” was strictly upper class.  Part of the Italian villainess’ double life was that of the wealthy socialite.  Most of her neighbours would have been shocked to discover that the resident of the posh walled estate was one of Metro City’s most ruthless criminals. 


Elenah’s status meant, however, that she lived in Metro City’s wealthiest neighbourhood.  Although Li Mei had few scruples, she was not about to insult her host by robbing her immediate neighbours, at least not tonight.  She still needed Elenah and if the villainess learned that Li Mei was amusing herself by stealing from her socialite friends she would not be happy.  Therefore, Li Mei merely “borrowed” a car from the front of one of the nearby estates.  Probably it belonged to a visitor, but if not Li Mei was not particularly worried.  Elenah was not likely to make a fuss over the theft of so minor an item as a 1927 Bugatti. 


“Shouldn’t have left it in the street, if they didn’t want it taken,” Li Mei muttered as she put it in gear.  She eased the car out into the street, keeping the lights off.  She didn’t want to be seen by the police.  Very few Orientals drove cars as expensive as the one she had borrowed, especially Orientals dressed in tight-fitting cat suits and wearing a mask and cowl. 


She headed down the tree-lined road, managing by dint of her lightning reflexes, to avoid running down several pedestrians and crashing into a number of other motorists who didn’t see the darkened Bugatti until it was almost upon them.  Fortunately, she didn’t come across any members of the Metro City police, which was just as well.  Li Mei made a point of not killing police officers unless she had to. 


She drove for several blocks, looking for a likely target.  As she drove down one of the tree-lined streets something caught her eye.  She drove on for another block and then stopped the car.  Quickly she got out of the car and headed back the way she had come.  Cautiously she peered toward the gates of the estate she had passed.  There were two well-dressed, but rather thuggish-looking individuals standing guard. 


“This looks promising,” she thought.  “What would those two clowns be guarding?”  She checked out the perimeter of the estate.  It was surrounded by a wall over ten feet tall.  The wall was topped with spikes that rotated on an iron axle. 


“Pathetic,” Li Mei thought.  She leaped straight up and caught hold of the top of the wall.  Reaching up with one hand she caught hold of one of the spikes and by sheer strength kept it from turning.  Grasping the spike next to the first she pulled herself straight up and then swinging her body like a gymnast used the rotation of the spikes to propel her over the wall.  She landed lightly on her feet, breathing slightly. 


Li Mei frowned beneath her cowl.  Having that damned kid had really taken something out of her.  She was completely out of shape.  She would have to train harder once she was back at Elenah’s house.  The way was now clear to the house except for the dogs. 


There were four of them and they looked hungry.  Large black, white-fanged beasts that came at her from out of the darkness.  “Hmmm,” she thought.  This was getting better and better.  There must be something of considerable value in the house to warrant such security.


She caught the first dog on the side of the head as it went for her throat, her claws shredding its ear and sending it tumbling head over tail to one side.  At the same time she hissed at the remaining dogs like a cat, bringing them to a skidding halt. 


“Yes,” Li Mei purred.  “You know your mistress don’t you?  You go back to your nice warm kennels and I won’t hurt you.”  Almost as one the dogs put their tails between their legs and slunk away from her.


“Noisy beasts,” thought Li Mei.  “Who would possibly want to own one?”


Near the house a flashlight flicked on.  “Who’s there?” a man’s voice called. 


Li Mei dropped back into the shelter of some ornamental shrubbery, her skin-tight black costume blending in perfectly with the vegetation. 


The flashlight moved closer and was joined by another.  “What’s going on Barker?”


“Don’t know,” said the first flashlight.  “Something spooked the dogs.” 


“Probably a raccoon,” said the second flashlight.  “They’d have torn any trespasser to shreds.”


Li Mei moved off through the shrubbery leaving the two men to discuss what the dogs had or had not found.  Circling around she gained the side wall of the house.  There was a large terrace leading to the gardens.  A pair of closed French doors led from the house.  “No point in climbing the wall,” thought Li Mei.  “Might just as well go in here.”


She spotted the alarm on the doors almost immediately.  She found that both annoying and encouraging.  It meant that there was probably something in the house really worth stealing.  Either that or the householders had an exaggerated fear of intruders. 


It took her only a few minutes to bypass the security system and seconds more to jimmy the simple lock of the French doors and let herself into the darkened room.  It appeared to be a conservatory.  It was not likely there would be anything of value in here.  She would have to explore further. 


“Upstairs or downstairs?” she wondered.  Probably upstairs.  This part of the house was simply too accessible.  Carefully she crept through the darkened house, her cat senses attuned for the slightest noise.  As she left the conservatory she heard voices.  Somewhere just ahead of her two or more men were talking.


Silently she moved toward the sound.  Moving down the corridor she came to a central foyer.  Set up in the centre of the area were three men seated around a small table.  They were playing cards.   


“How much longer are they going to take?” one of the men asked. 


“Dunno,” replied another of the men.  He tossed a couple of bills into the centre of the table.  “Raise you two.”


“I’m out,” said the third man, tossing his cards onto the table.  “I reckon they’ll be awhile yet.  That’s a lot of cash the boss had with him.”


“Cash?” thought Li Mei excitedly.  That sounded very promising.  She crept a little closer. 


She could see the entire foyer now.  The men were sitting so that they were positioned at the bottom of the main staircase.  It seemed obvious to Li Mei that what she wanted was up those stairs.  She just had to find a quiet way around the three men. 


“Outside,” she thought.  “I’ll just go outside.”  She crept back the way she had come and went back into the garden.  The side of the house was covered with ivy.  She nodded in satisfaction and began to climb.  She made it to the second floor quite easily.  There were certain advantages to weighing less than 100 pounds.  Although she had recovered somewhat from the weight she had lost the vines still held her easily.  She kept on climbing until she reached the roof. 


The house was three stories tall and featured gables built into the roof.  It was an easy matter to pry open one of the windows and let herself into the top floor.  She found herself in what appeared to be a servants’ quarters.  “Upstairs, downstairs,” she mused.  The room appeared not to be occupied and she moved quickly to the door.


It opened into a darkened hallway.  At the far end there was a stairway.  A light shone from below and she headed toward it.  She went very slowly.  Just below her she was sure was what she sought and she expected it to be heavily guarded. 


There were three men in the corridor, all of them armed with shotguns.  “Crude,” she thought.  She hated guns and never used one herself.  It was so much more satisfying to beat her opponents into submission.  However, she would have to find a safer way into the room.  There seemed to be no choice but to return to the roof.


Perhaps, however, she could create a distraction before she made her move.  Moving quietly back the way she had come she took a box of matches and a length of fuse and a thin strip of magnesium from her utility belt.  She preferred to finesse her way into a building, but sometimes locks proved stubborn.  Burning her way through the lock was sometimes the only way.  However, right now she had another use for the highly flammable material. 


Back in the servants’ quarters she piled up whatever combustibles she could find and carefully placed the magnesium strip amongst them.  Then lighting the fuse she backed quickly away after first propping the door open.  She would leave the window to the room open as well, creating a good draft to help the fire on its way. 


She made her way back to the roof and waited.  It was only a matter of time until her little incendiary device went into action.  Five minutes passed and then she smelled smoke.  She shifted her weight, readying herself for action.  Suddenly shouts issued from the room directly below her as the men discovered the fire.  Li Mei waited a second or so and then swung down from the roof.  Hanging in front of the window she could see that the men in the room were completely distracted.  Several headed for the door, while the others all faced away from her.  She went into action.


The easiest way into the room was to put her foot through the window and that is exactly what she did.  The glass shattered and she slipped though the opening.  She wasn’t worried about the sharp shards; her costume was impervious to most sharp objects, being constructed of synthetic fibres developed by the vicious mad scientist Ivan Retinoff.  The costume was a sort of “gift.”  Retinoff had not wanted to give her the costume willingly, but Li Mei could be very convincing when she was in the mood.  He hadn’t screamed too much when she insisted on his cooperation. 


In a single smooth motion, she swung through the opening, landing on her feet.  There were only three men left in the room and they were only just beginning to turn in her direction.  The look of shocked surprise was still on the face of the first man as Li Mei drove into him.  Although weighing less than a hundred pounds every ounce of her weight was concentrated into the part of her body that struck his chest.  Li Mei’s feet slammed the man against the wall and even as he collapsed in a shattered heap she was dealing with the second and third man.  A whirlwind of kicks and punches left them lying unconscious on the floor. 


For a few seconds Li Mei was alone.  Alone with an open suitcase full of cash.  Slamming the case shut she picked it up and dashed to the shattered window.  Taking a couple of seconds to secure the suitcase over her shoulder, she went out the way she had come in.  This time she went down instead of up, dropping to the lawn below the window.  It was a fair drop, but Li Mei’s legs absorbed the shock easily.  Then she sprinted for the wall, lugging her loot with her. 


She grinned as she gained the wall, mounted it and exited the grounds.  Just a short distance way the Bugatti waited.  Easy,” she thought.  “So easy.”



In the shadows across from the mansion Li Mei had just robbed a dark figure watched her progress.  He licked his pliant lips as the supple cat woman dropped from the wall and moved toward the Bugatti she had stolen.  He shifted uneasily.  He was only supposed to follow the villainess, not capture her, but she was unbelievably alluring.  The master had not told him that the woman he was to spy on would be so attractive.  He had never laid eyes on anything so beautiful.  Even as he watched her he felt part of his lower anatomy stir as she slowly moved toward him.  Her body called to him, inviting him to use it as his senses told him it should be used.


Sweat beaded his furrowed brow as indecision racked his mind.  The master would be angry if he disobeyed orders, but he couldn’t help thinking of how wonderful it would be if he had her to himself for a few hours.  After all, he didn’t have to keep her, just play with her for awhile and then let her go.  The master wouldn’t even have to know. 


She was almost to the car.  If he was going to act he had to do it now.  He waited just one more second and then as the woman turned her back as she jumped into the car he moved.


The tiny hairs on the back of Li Mei’s neck stood up.  She whirled as the dark form hurtled toward her and then froze in astonishment.  That moment’s hesitation cost her the fight.  She was bowled off her feet by her assailant and then engulfed in arms of such great strength that she felt as if she was encased in steel bands.  She fought back with everything she had, but her arms were pinned to her sides and her legs were forced uselessly apart by the body of her attacker. 


“Nnnggh!Li Mei grunted as she fought to keep her ribs from being crushed.  It was like being trapped in some immense vise.  She couldn’t speak, couldn’t cry out.  She could only struggle feebly as the life was slowly squeezed out of her.  Black spots danced before her eyes.  “No! This can’t be happening!” Li Mei thought as her senses swam.  “I’ve got to…”



Ape looked down at the unconscious form of the woman he had just overpowered.  Her chest heaved as she struggled to breathe.  He had released his grip on her after she had gone limp and now she lay helpless at his feet.  “So pretty,” he murmured.  She was even more gorgeous close up.  Her skin tight costume revealed every luscious curve from her swelling breasts to the smooth mound of her pudenda and her beautifully rounded thighs.


What would it be like to possess such a gorgeous creature?  His member stiffened further at the thought of what he was going to do to her.  He would let her go when he was finished.  The master wouldn’t even know what he had done.


Slowly he peeled the mask and cowl from the woman’s face, allowing her glistening raven hair to tumble free.  It was softer than the finest silk and reached to her waist, enveloping her in a gossamer cloud. 


He touched her ruby lips and then ran his finger slowly up her face over her pert nose and between her exotic almond eyes, finishing by tracing the outline of her high Asian cheekbones.  She was exquisite.  A thing of perfection.  And she was his do with what he wanted – at least for a little while.


A shout from the house that had just been robbed reminded him that he had better leave with his prize.  He thought about taking the car and then discarded the idea.  He had never driven before and it might draw too much attention if he was seen.  After all, he wasn’t exactly of normal appearance.  Instead he slung her over his shoulder and picked up the suitcase with his other hand.  It was a little awkward, but she didn’t weigh much and his strength was more than capable of carrying such a slender burden. 


Behind him was a park, thick with trees.  Quickly he moved off through the park, jogging lightly as he carried his unconscious prisoner.  He would take her to his secret place.  There he would have her to himself for as long as he wished. 



Li Mei opened her eyes.  Her vision was cloudy for a few seconds and then cleared.  What she saw was not particularly reassuring.  She was in a concrete room.  From the dank cold of the place she sensed that it was probably underground.  A single naked, low- wattage light bulb cast a feeble light about the place, but it was enough for her to see that there was only a single steel door leading from the room.  She shivered and suddenly realized that her costume had been removed; she was cold, goosebumps decorating her bronze skin. 


She was extremely uncomfortable.  She was lying on her back on a tattered mattress with her arms pulled over her head.  Her wrists were bound and tied to something in the floor that she could not see.  Each of her legs was pulled into the air and slightly spread by ropes secured to hooks imbedded in the wall.  Actually the ropes were threaded through the hooks in the wall.  Attached to the end of each rope were pieces of scrap iron so that if she tried really hard she could move her legs a little.  She strained at her arms and found she could move them slightly as well.  No doubt they were secured in the same way. 


Her breasts hurt.  They were heavy with milk that should have been fed to Qing Yuan.  But of course her daughter could not do that now.  How long had she been here and who had tied her up?  Could it have been the strange “thing” that had attacked her?  In the confusion of the assault she had only a vague recollection of her assailant.  She only knew that it definitely was not human.


A slight noise to her right caused her to turn her head in that direction.  She gasped at what she saw.  It was the beast that had attacked her.  It squatted only a few feet away, its apelike face watching her.  She revised her original assessment of the creature.  Although it seemed more like a beast than a man it seemed to have certain human qualities. 


It was powerfully built, standing about the same height as a man but much more powerfully built.  Li Mei guessed that although it probably stood no more than five foot nine, it probably weighed well over 200 pounds.  Its face was ape-like, but not as much as that of a chimpanzee or gorilla, but something in between.  Strangely for an animal it was dressed in a pair overalls and a black sleeveless shirt.  However, it wore no shoes and she could see that its long toes were clearly apelike. 


“Are you feeling well?”


Li Mei was so surprised she almost wet herself.  The thing had spoken!  She stared open-mouthed.


The creature edged closer.  “I am called Ape.  What is your name?”


Li Mei shook her head.  She must be hallucinating.  Apes didn’t talk.  What sort of horror had she fallen into?


“Can’t you talk?” Ape asked.  “I hope I didn’t hurt you.  You are very beautiful.”


“Wh… What are you?” Li Mei stammered.  “Why have you tied me up?”  Deep inside her, Li Mei’s stomach churned in fear.


“I am Ape,” the creature replied.  “I am the master’s servant.  I have brought you here because I like you.  I hope that you like me.”


Anger replaced Li Mei’s fear.  “Like you?” she growled.  “Last I checked I wasn’t into bestiality.  Why would I like an ugly monster? You attacked me, stripped me naked, and tied me up.  Release me at once!”


“I am sorry if I hurt you,” Ape replied.  “I will free you soon and return your clothes and possessions.  I just want to do something first.”


“What is that?” Li Mei said, swallowing as her fear returned.  Ape had edged closer to her as he spoke and was now just within reach.


“I have never had a woman before,” Ape said.  “And I thought that it might…”


“You are not human,” Li Mei said, her voice rising in panic.  “Don’t think about touching me.  Let me go or I’ll rip your balls off.”


Ape shook his head sadly.  “I hoped you would be more friendly.  You are so beautiful I hoped you would be my friend.”  He reached out one incredibly long and hairy arm and stroked Li Mei’s thigh. 


“Stop touching me you filthy animal!” Li Mei shrieked. 


Ape withdrew his hand, but his face was creased in anger.  “You are not nice.  You are beautiful, but your soul is full of hate.  You must be punished.”


“Get away from me you beast!” Li Mei cried.  Her eyes went wide as Ape began to pull off his clothing. 


His shirt went first, revealing a powerfully muscled and hairy torso.  Then he pulled his overalls down.


“Oh no,” Li Mei moaned to herself.  Ape was immense, his flaccid penis dangling between his legs like a prehensile appendage.  As Li Mei watched in horror it began to stiffen and grow. 


Ape was surprisingly gentle as he took her.  As Li Mei cursed and protested he first caressed her body, running his hands over almost every inch of it.  “You disgusting thing!” Li Mei cried.  “You’ll pay for this!”


Ape did not reply.  His hands were fondling her milk-heavy breasts.  His huge hands closed over them.  Li Mei winced in pain at the pressure and then a long stream of milk shot from her nipples.  “You rotten bastard!” Li Mei raged.


“Ahhh,” Ape said, in surprise.  And then to Li Mei’s chagrin and disgust he began to lap the milk from her breast, finally clamping his mouth over her nipple and sucking hard. 


“Agghhh, you fiend!” Li Mei cried as Ape suckled like an infant, his flexible lips enclosing the tip of her breast and drawing the milk from her like a leech draws blood.  It hurt.  Ape sucked much harder than Qing Yuan and Li Mei’s sensitive nipples felt as if they were raw. 


Ape did not stop until he had drained her breast and then he switched to her other nipple repeating the painful and humiliating experience.  Li Mei screamed in rage as he sucked her dry, his tongue rasping her tender nipples, but much worse was to come.


Having satisfied his appetite, Ape was now ready to satisfy his other hunger.  He positioned his powerful body between Li Mei’s thighs.  “No! Noooh!  NOOOH!” Li Mei shrieked as Ape pressed the glans of his penis against the lips of her vulva.  “NO!  Stop you bastard!” Li Mei cried, as she felt her nether lips being slowly parted.  Ape was     slowly forcing his way into her. 


Desperately, Li Mei twisted her torso, attempting to prevent the slow penetration, but the advantage was all on Ape’s side.  He held her easily and steadily pushed his way into her. 


Li Mei screamed again.  “Don’t struggle so much,” Ape said.  “Let me do this.  Try to enjoy it.”


“Enjoy it?” Li Mei gasped, briefly regaining her self-control.  “How can I enjoy it?  You are raping me.  It hurts!


Ape stopped.  “You are too beautiful to hurt,” he said.  “I will stop if you tell me how to do it properly.”


“You want me to show you how to rape me?” Li Mei said incredulously. 


Ape moved from between her thighs.  Settling on his haunches beside her he stroked her belly.  Li Mei shuddered, but Ape seemed not to notice.  “I want you to show me how to make love properly.”


Li Mei tried to ignore her revulsion as Ape continued to caress her velvet skin.  There was a glimmer of hope.  If she pretended to cooperate with the beast there might be a way to escape.  “Alright,” she said, “but I need a few things.”


“What do you need?” asked Ape suspiciously. 


“KY Jelly for one thing.  It will help you to make love more enjoyably.”


“What do you use it for?” Ape asked.


Li Mei told him and Ape sat for a few seconds considering her words.  “Alright I’ll get it,” he said.  “But I’m going to make sure you don’t try to escape.  The master told me how tricky you are.”



Li Mei twisted, her entire body turning in a circle as she struggled to escape.  She had been trying to get free of the ropes for two hours without the slightest success and was close to the end of her strength.  She was still in the same room where Ape had taken  her, but now she was hanging four feet off the floor.  She was also upside down and bound so tightly she doubted even Houdini would be able to escape from the situation she was in.


Ape had hoisted her into the air and then while she hung naked and helpless, had wound a rope about her from her ankles to her neck tightly binding her legs together and pinning her arms against her body.  Just to make sure he had repeated the process several times until she was confined by so many layers of rope that she felt like an Egyptian mummy.  She swung slowly back and forth as she struggled uselessly in her rope cocoon. 


Ape had not returned.  She was glad of that.  The mission she had sent him on should keep him busy.  She couldn’t imagine anything that looked as strange as he did walking into a druggist’s and asking for KY jelly.  She had also sent him out to a number of other goods such as lace panties and bras and sundry other items that would be equally hard to come by.  Surprisingly, he had not raised a single objection when she made her demands, but had sat quietly listening until she was finished.  Then to her even greater surprise he had repeated the list faultlessly.  She once again revised her estimation of his intelligence. 


A slight sound alerted her to the opening of the door.  “Oh God,” she thought.  Ape had returned!