Larra's Indonesian Adventure




The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 10

Larra’s Indonesian Adventure


Chapter 3  Larra’s Ordeal


Larra knelt by the area of the ruins that had been set aside as a garderobe.  She was already experiencing morning sickness and it was only two weeks since Prince Selwin had forced her to his bed.  She had not revealed her condition to anyone; not even when she managed to pick up a bit of the language.  With her natural language ability it had not taken her long to pick up a basic vocabulary from her female attendants.  The male guards would not speak to her, but the girls seemed to have no aversion to answering her questions.


She learned that the man who had forcibly impregnated her was the son of their king, a man considered so holy that he could not be named.  Strangely enough Prince Selwin was someone the harem girls could talk about, although they were all careful about what they said.  It was clear that they all lived in fear of him and dreaded being called to his bed.  What had happened to Larra drew their sympathy.  Even the girls who had helped hold her down while he violated her seemed apologetic. 


The girls called themselves the Prahgan although Larra could see that even among the women there was quite a bit of ethnic variety.  It was obvious that the Prahgan had been trading in slaves for quite some time. 


Larra held no grudges.  It was apparent that the women in Selwin’s harem lived in fear of their master.  It was something she intended to do something about as soon as the opportunity presented itself.  The prince, however, had been absent since the fateful night when he had taken Larra to his bed.  None of the girls was certain about his whereabouts, but Larra learned that the purpose of their expedition was to acquire what the girls called “new blood.”  Larra was astute enough to realize that this phrase meant slaves. 


She spat, ridding her mouth of the last of the contents of her stomach.  At least while carrying out bodily functions she was left alone.  In spite of the fact that she had kicked the prince’s head guardsman in the chest, they did not appreciate the fact that she might actually be dangerous.  Apparently the other guards considered it a complete fluke.  The notion that any woman might actually be able to defend herself was quite laughable. 


Larra did not disabuse them.  She was usually watched, but the iron collar about her neck had been removed and she was not closely guarded.  She intended to take advantage of the situation as soon as she determined where her children were.


That was not as easy to do as she would have liked.  She and the other women were not allowed to wander about on their own except when going to the garderobe.  Her son and daughter were being held somewhere in the ruins, but she had no idea where.  Time, however, was not on her side.  By good fortune the prince was not present, and she had no intention of waiting for him.  Once he returned there was little doubt he would call for her again and then escape would be doubly difficult.  In addition, she had learned enough to understand that it had taken many weeks for the prince and his retainers to travel to the site of the ruins from their mysterious kingdom.  When the prince arrived with the “new blood” the expedition would begin its long return journey.  She had to locate her children and escape before then.  She decided that she could wait no longer.  Tonight, when most of the guards and servants slept she would make her attempt.


Waiting was the hardest part of her plan.  All day she sweated it out, fearing at any second to hear of the return of the prince, but she forced herself to remain calm and acted as she usually did, associating with the other members of the prince’s harem and continuing to learn their language. 


The evening came at last and with it the evening meal.  It was not an elaborate repast, consisting primarily of rice, but it had been explained to her that even members of the harem were expected to have to put up with a little privation while the prince was on one of his slaving expeditions.  It apparently had never occurred to the prince that he might actually have made sense to leave his harem at home while he was away. 


In any case although the food was plain, there was plenty of it and it was frequently supplemented with native tropical fruit and the ubiquitous bamboo shoots gathered from the rainforest around them.  Occasionally meat was added to the meal, but Larra studiously avoided it.  She wasn’t certain what it was, but she knew that the forest contained a number of simian species and she wasn’t inclined to dine on one of her distant relatives. 


The evening meal finished, she and several of the others shared a cooling bath and then retired to the pile of cushions that was their communal bed.  She had been informed that when the prince was in attendance there were usually a number of evening activities, using torches as a source of light.  But with the prince away it tended to be early to bed early to rise.  That suited Larra, and snuggling down beside the other girls she closed her eyes and feigned sleep.


It took a long time, or at least it seemed that way, for a number of the girls to stop giggling and chatting and settle down, but at long last their voices quieted and were replaced by the sounds of deep breathing and the occasional snore. 


Moving with the utmost care so as not to disturb the other young women, Larra crept from the bed.  She had managed to settle herself in such a manner that she was not actually touching one of the other members of the harem.  Some of the girls slept with their arms about one another, a custom Larra had not shared.  Perhaps if the nights had been a little cooler she might have acted differently.  She had no aversion to a little innocent cuddling, but with the heat and humidity she preferred to sleep alone.  It made it all the easier to sneak away.


Getting past the guards was not too much more difficult.  They were there more to keep people away from the harem than keep in its residents.  Larra slipped between them without difficulty.  Now, however, came the hard part.  Where were her son and daughter?


It took her much longer than she wanted to finally determine where her children were.  It was the only place in the acres of ruins where she found any concentration of guards.  An ancient ruin which Larra took to be the remains of a palace had been partially repaired by sealing the gaps in its walls with broken chunks of stone.  Guards were posted about its perimeter hinting at the fact that there might be something inside worth protecting. 


“Or imprisoning,” Larra thought grimly. 


She worked her way around the building and found that all sides seemed to be guarded.  “Alright,” she thought, “if that’s the way it has to be…”


She crept toward the closest guard.  She was no longer nude, only nearly so.  She had been provided with a sheer silk outfit that hid almost nothing of her considerable charms.  It wasn’t even a particularly good screen against mosquitoes, but it did have other uses.  Knotting a length of it made a very good garrote.


The guard didn’t even know she was there until the silk tightened about his throat and then it was too late.  Larra came out of the darkness like some sort of avenging angel and lifted him clear off his feet and then dragged him out of sight of the other guards before anyone noticed anything was wrong. 


She didn’t kill him, but would not have been too concerned if she had.  Her children came before anything else and if anyone got in her way while she was trying to save them then that was their sad misfortune.  She let the guard struggle until the lack of oxygen overcame him and then released the garrote before he was finished.  He would no doubt have one hell of a headache when he awoke, but at least he would still be alive. 


She bound and gagged him with strips of his own clothing and what was left of hers and then moved toward the palace.  The way was now open before her, but she was careful not to simply rush in.  There might be guards inside and if a single one sent up a shout her endeavour would be wasted. 


It was well that she was careful.  Just inside there was not one guard but two.  There was no way to take out one without alerting the other and so Larra simply walked into the interior in plain sight.


Her gamble paid off.  The two guards were so astonished to see a semi-nude white woman walking toward them that they simply stared.  By the time it occurred to one of them to ask what she was doing there it was too late.  She attacked with a flurry of kicks and punches that simply gave the unsuspecting guards no chance.  Both were down on the floor unconscious before either had a chance to sound the alarm.


Larra looked around the inside of the palace.  Only a single smoking torch provided any sort of illumination, but she could clearly see that the large space in front of her was packed with dozens if not hundreds of people.  Larra’s eyes widened.  This was kidnapping on a huge scale.  She had expected there to be a few captives in the room, but not this many.  It presented a completely unexpected problem.


At that moment two figures detached themselves from the mass of people in the room and came running toward her.  “Mummy,” one of them cried.


Larra knelt to receive her seven-year-old daughter.  Lin Yao flew into her arms, James not far behind, although being all of twelve, he was a bit too much of a man to emulate his sister exactly.  “Mummy,” Lin Yao exclaimed when she had gotten over the joy of reunion, “where are your clothes?”


Larra simply hugged her daughter again before replying.  It was a bit embarrassing to appear before her children almost completely nude or wearing something so gossamer that it hid nothing, but she had never been much for prudery.  Smiling at her green-eyed daughter she replied, “Yes, I’ll have to see about that.  Meanwhile who are all these people?”


The question was addressed to James, not Lin Yao.  Her tall, dark-hired son answered.  “They are the same as us.  Prisoners.  Are you going to help us all escape?”


Larra thought briefly about her answer.  James and Lin Yao were her priorities; not all the other people the Prahgan had taken prisoner.  But she couldn’t just leave them either.  “How many are there?” she asked.


Over a hundred,” James replied.  “I don’t speak much of their language, but I think they are waiting for one more bunch and then they are going to break camp.”


A hundred.  Larra hadn’t counted on that.  It was far too many to try and get away safely, but she couldn’t bring herself to just leave them.  “James,” she said, “I want you to listen carefully. I am going to put you in charge of Lin Yao.  You must make sure that you get her away safely.”


It was all she could think of.  She knew that by asking James to look after his little sister he would do as he was asked rather than trying to stay with her and play the hero.  She was going to have an almost impossible task helping a hundred or so men and women to escape and didn’t want to have to deal with her children as well.


She explained to James what she wanted him to do and then took him and Lin Yao to the doorway.  She had to move fast.  The missing guard was bound to be discovered very soon and she wanted her children out of the palace.  Outside all was still calm.  The guard had not been missed yet.  Quickly she ushered her children from the palace.  A few hundred feet away was the forest. 


“I’ll try to join you shortly,” she said, “but if I don’t make it try to find help.  Keep heading south and take care of your sister.”


She gave her children one last hug.  “I’ll make sure Lin Yao is safe,” whispered James as she held him, and then he was gone. 


Larra allowed herself a smile.  Only twelve and already James was acting like a man.  She had trained him well.  She turned back into the palace.  Now she had to work quickly. 


Larra surveyed the huddled prisoners.  Most of them regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and confusion.  She realized that she didn’t look like much of a rescuer in her see-through garments.  She wondered what her reaction would have been if some half-clothed harem girl had showed up to rescue her.  Unfortunately there was no time to prove her credibility.  Either she would be accepted or she would not.  She just hoped that enough of them understood her broken Javanese to get them to do what was needed.


Speaking quietly Larra explained who she was and her plan to get them out of the palace prison.  It was then that she realized she had made a severe error.  It had not occurred to her that some of the captives might be too frightened to escape or that some of them might be so fearful of being punished that they might alert the guards.  But that is exactly what happened.  She had hardly begun her explanation when one of the prisoners started shouting for help. 


Larra used a choice British phrase comparing the prisoner to an area of her anatomy.  There was now no point in continuing her rescue attempt.  It was obvious that she should have simply taken her children and made good her escape.  Now it might be too late.


It was.  She ran from the palace right into a horde of spear-armed guards.  She took out the first three, but within seconds she found herself surrounded by a circle of spearpoints.  Had she some sort of weapon she would have tried to fight her way through, but with only her body as a weapon she risked serious injury if not death.  Resignedly she backed away from the advancing guards and then allowed them to take her prisoner. 


The guards were not in a particularly pleasant mood and the expressions on their faces told her that they would have liked nothing better than to give her a severe lesson in manners, but they were stopped surprisingly by the heavyset man she had supposed was the prince’s chamberlain.  She now knew that he was actually the captain of the prince’s bodyguard.  Shouting for the guards to halt he stepped in front of her, stopping just far enough away to avoid a sudden kick.


“Stupid woman,” he shouted.  “If you were not the favourite of the prince I would let the guards have you.  But his majesty would not appreciate it if his white-skinned slave was ravished like a common whore.”


“No,” Larra thought bitterly.  “He wants me saved so that he can do all the ravishing.”  She imagined she could feel the new life within her reminding her of her complete humiliation even though it was too early in her pregnancy to feel anything other than the morning sickness that plagued her.  She realized, however, that she was in an impossible situation.  Meekly she allowed the guards to surround her and escort her to her quarters.


They made sure she did not attempt a second escape.  The iron collar was returned to her neck and her wrists and ankles were also chained.  In addition, two guards watched her constantly although it was highly unlikely that she could have done much when so heavily laden with chains.  However, her captors were taking no chances.  Apparently no woman had ever so much as attempted to escape the harem before and Larra’s short-lived escape had created quite a sensation.


Unable to move, she had to be aided in everything by the other members of the harem, including what she normally considered very personal bodily functions.  Even in these the guards remained, refusing to allow her a moment’s privacy.  Her once friendly relationship with the other harem women was gone as well.  They looked after her, but steadfastly refused to speak to her, apparently fearing reprisal. 


It was a lonely, frustrating week.  Unable to escape, heavily chained, and shunned by everyone around her, Larra spent seven days in enforced idleness awaiting the return of the prince.  When he finally appeared she was almost relieved, although she expected that he would be far from pleased to hear about her escape attempt.  What did the Prahgan do to slaves who attempted to escape?  She had spent a good deal of the seven days wondering what was going to happen to her, especially as she knew that historically slave masters often took delight in inflicting brutal punishment on slaves who escaped them. 


The prince strode into her presence.  She knew enough of the language to understand most of what he said to her.  What he said was not particularly reassuring.


“I do not usually speak with members of my harem.  Women have only two uses, to serve as bedmates and to provide me with children to carry on my name.  You have dared to rise above your station.  If it were not for your unusual beauty I would turn you over to the guards for their entertainment and then have you staked out for the ants.”


Larra did not reply, but neither did she lower her eyes as she had before.  Her children were safe.  There was no point in arguing with this bigoted fool, but she would not let him cow her.


Her seeming arrogance seemed to anger the prince.  He turned to the Captain of the Guards and spoke quickly; too quickly for Larra to catch what he said.  Then he turned and left the room.  She soon discovered what he had said.


The captain snapped out a terse command and the guards closed around her.  Her chains were not removed, instead they were rearranged so that she could walk; then she was led from the living quarters.


She was taken to an open area in the ruins and placed as she had been before between two pillars.  Some slack was left in the chains so that although her arms were pulled to the side they were not pulled straight out from her shoulders as they had been before.  Then her revealing costume was removed and she stood naked in the sun, her perfect body gleaming in the light. 


Prince Selwin appeared just as the guards finished undressing her.  He held a thin bamboo rod in his hands.  It did not take a genius to figure out what was going to happen to her.  As a matter of fact she would have had to be exceedingly stupid not to know.  “So I am to be beaten,” Larra thought.  She shrugged mentally.  She could handle pain, although exactly how much pain the prince was determined to dole out she did not know. 


The prince approached until he was so close that when he spoke only Larra could hear.  “You must be punished.  It would not do for other members of the harem to think that they could do what you have done and get away with it.  But do not worry too much.  I will be careful not to permanently damage your silken skin.”  He moved behind her and signaled to one of the guards.  The guard immediately tightened the chain about her neck, forcing her to bend forward.  Larra now knew what part of her anatomy the prince was going to punish.


The beating as it went was far from the most painful she had ever received.  As the prince had promised he did not hit her very hard.  Still, the bamboo switch raised painful welts and the whistling sound as it swished through the air would have terrified a lesser woman.


Larra endured the painful chastisement without a sound; something that aroused both the prince’s ire and admiration.  As he finished the tenth stroke he tossed aside the bamboo staff and moved to her side once again.


“You are a powerful woman,” the prince said, quietly.  “And possessing you will give me great power as well.  Be assured that I will tame you.  I will bend you to my will and then your strength will become mine.  This little lesson is but the beginning.”


The prince walked away, leaving the guards to deal with their prisoner.  Larra was removed from between the two stone pillars.  The chains were reattached to her body, making it almost impossible to move and then she was marched back to the harem.  It took all of her self-control not to show the pain she felt with every step.  The welts on her buttocks were extremely painful and she wanted nothing better than to lie on her belly and attempt to recover.


She was given that time eventually.  Upon returning to the harem she was turned over to the other women who bathed her as best they could despite her chains and then placed a tingling ointment over the mild lacerations on her buttocks.  Then she was returned to her couch and allowed to sleep. 


She was awakened far too early.  “What now?” she wondered.  She was far from refreshed.  The time in chains was wearing her down, and the mild caning she had received had not made matters better.  She was tired of being a prisoner and being ordered around.  However, things were not about to change.  She was rousted out of her bed of cushions and forced to stand.  Several guards surrounded her.  They immediately tended to her chains. 


The iron collar about her neck was not removed, but the chains on her wrists and ankles were.  She wondered at this for a few seconds until the guards secured her arms with another device.  An iron shackle was placed on her right arm just above the elbow and an identical one on her left arm.  Linking the two shackles was a heavy metal rod that ran across the small of her back.  It pulled her arms painfully back, arching her back and making it difficult to breath.  The eyes of the guards were drawn to her upright breasts, made even more prominent by the painful position of her body.  However, no one made any attempt to molest her.  Instead she was pulled forward on the end of the chain and led from the harem.


Outside Larra saw that she was part of a large gathering.  Apparently all of the captives had been herded out of the palace and placed in one spot.  There were many more than Larra thought there would be.  Apparently the prince’s slaving expedition had been successful.  They were completely surrounded by armed guards.  A number of the prisoners wore chains, primarily young men, although none were chained the way she was. 


The guards began to organize the prisoners into a long line and march them out of the ruins.  Larra was required to wait until the end of the procession and then a young light-skinned girl was led forward.  The girl wore an identical iron collar about her neck although Larra did not think the girl was a likely candidate to escape.  She was heavily overweight and although several inches shorter than Larra must have weighed a good fifty or sixty pounds more.  However, it soon became apparent why the girl had been selected.  The length of chain attached to Larra’s collar was locked to the girl’s collar.  Then both prisoners were prodded forward. 


Larra had to admit the arrangement was clever.  Unlikely as it was that she could run off with her arms secured in such an awkward and painful position, she now had no chance of escape.  Being chained to the heavyset girl was like being connected to a mobile anchor.  Even if she could somehow elude the watchful guards for even a few minutes it would be almost impossible for her to get far while attached to her chainmate.  She lurched forward, following the girl as the guards directed them from the ruins. 


“Bastards,” she thought, but she tried to remain calm.  She would need all of her energy for the walk.  Even after only a few steps she could feel the strain on her arms and shoulders. 


A movement to her left caught her attention.  Prince Selwin came into view as his guards cleared a path through the crowd.  He motioned for her and the guards escorting her to halt.  “It is unfortunate that I have no time to devote to disciplining you.  I expect that you will be difficult to break; however, there is more than one way to capture an elephant.  A month marching in chains should make you more compliant.”  He flashed her a sneering smile and then turned and left.


Larra was left standing for a few seconds.  A month in chains.  It would cripple her.  Somehow she had to find a way to escape.  Not to do so would probably be her death sentence.  The butt of a spear between her shoulders jolted her back to the present.  She staggered forward.  Ahead of her the line of slaves was moving.  She shortened her step, attempting to adjust to the awkward and painful position of her arms.  She took a deep breath.  The next few days were going to be a long and painful experience.