Title: Tomb Hunter: Episode 7: Larra’s Saharan Adventure

Email: Lespion@msn.com



The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 7

Larra’s Saharan Adventure


Chapter 3  The Bedu


Sheik Abd al-Majiid Ibn Al-Mansur shifted his antique firearm to a more comfortable position.  It was an ancient single shot percussion rifle rendered obsolete before the end of the nineteenth century, but with it he could pick out the eye of a gnat at two hundred paces.  He and his men had taken longer to catch up with the escaped women as he had been camped on the other side of the oasis.  It was a mutually convenient arrangement.  Neither he nor the Italians really liked each other much.  Nor did he entirely trust the Italians.  He was fighting purely for pay.  That and the promise by the Italians that they would drive the British from his homeland.  In recent days, however, he had come to doubt that the Italians were capable of carrying out their last promise.  His estimate of the fighting skills of the Italian army had gone steadily down the longer he associated with it. 


The escape of the women Andreotti had captured the previous day had amused but not surprised him.  Italian security was so poor it almost seemed that they thought they were in the heart of Rome instead of deep in enemy territory.  Anyone could have walked into the camp at any time without being detected and escape would have been almost as easy.  He and his men had saddled their horses at the first alarm.  It had been most entertaining watching the Italian soldiers run around like ostriches with their heads cut off.  He had decided to follow Sturm and Featherstone when they had taken off in pursuit.  Those two seemed to be the only competent members of the Italian expedition.  He had managed to remain close enough to the German and the Englishman to see them catch up with two of the escaped women.  The battle that had ensued had been most educational.  He had never seen anyone fight like that, much less two women.  They had made the Italians look like an elderly lion trying the catch a gazelle.  Now he watched as the Englishman and the German prepared to rape the defeated women.


Holding his rifle in one hand he fired it into the air.  “Enough,” he said, spurring his horse forward.  As one the men clustered around the two helpless women turned toward him. 


Featherstone glared at the desert chieftain.  “You were hired to act as a guide and escort,” he said, “not to give me orders.”


 “The Bedu do not make war on women,” Al-Majiid replied.  His rifle now unloaded, he drew his sword and moved closer still, his thirty tribesmen following.  The men holding the two women moved away, releasing their victims, who immediately scrambled to their feet.  The sheik interposed his horse between the two women and their would-be violators.  “They are my prisoners now,” he said.  “You have forfeited your right to them.”


“By whose authority?” screamed Featherstone, his face purple with rage. 


“By my own authority,” replied Al-Majiid.  “Your conduct has ended our agreement.  From now on you find your own way.  The Bedu do not fight with cowards.” 


Furious, Featherstone could only watch impotently as the Bedouin horsemen scooped up the two women and rode off into the night.  Beside him, Sturm’s face showed his disappointment as the woman he had been about to rape was carried away from him. 



Everything had happened so quickly that neither Larra nor Melissa had any chance to react.  One minute they had been facing a brutal rape at the hands of Featherstone and his henchman and the next they were being spirited away into the night.  The question was were they any better off than they had been before or had they just exchanged one set of captors for another?  The Bedouin had made no effort whatsoever to untie them and they were completely surrounded by dozens of horsemen. 


Larra had, however, caught enough of the exchange between the man holding her and Featherstone.  In fluent Arabic she addressed the Bedu chief.  “Are we captives, to be carried half naked off to your tents for your pleasure or have you indeed rescued us?” 


Al Majiid was caught off guard.  The woman he held spoke almost classical Arabic.  For a few seconds he was too stunned to reply.  When he did he reined in his horse.  “You are my guests,” he said.  “I will untie you so that you may rearrange your clothing.  If you give me your word not to run away I will not replace the ropes.”


He undid the knots binding Larra’s wrists and allowed her to slide to the ground.  “So we are still prisoners,” she said as she tied her shirt closed.  Featherstone had ripped most of the buttons off and she was forced to tie the torn fabric together to cover herself. 


The rider carrying Melissa had untied her as well and she was rebuttoning her open shirt.  “What’s going on?” she asked.  “Have we been rescued or have we just exchanged captors?”


“That’s what I am trying to determine,” replied Larra.  “I think it might be a bit of both actually.”


“I am Sheik Abd al-Majiid Ibn Al-Mansur,” said the desert warrior.  He was a bit indignant that his guests did not seem to trust him.  “I do not make war on women.  You are safe with me.”


“I am Larra Court, and this is my companion Melissa Gallant.  We do not make war on those who befriend us.  May I assume that we are free to go?”


The sheik frowned.  He did not like to bandy words with a woman, especially in front of his men.  “If I released you, the desert would claim your bones in a day, provided the Italians did not find you first.  There are many dangers for those who are not familiar with the ways of the Sahara.  I will take you to my camp – as my guest.”


Larra sensed that the discussion was at an end.  It was clear that the desert chieftain was attempting to extend them the courtesy for which Bedouin tribes were renown.  At the same time she suspected that if she pushed the issue of their freedom she would find herself bound hand and foot over the back of a horse.  “We will not try to escape,” she promised.  She and the sheik had been speaking English so there was no need for her to translate for Melissa.


“Very good,” said Al-Majiid.  “You will ride with me.”  He held out his hand to help Larra mount.  The Bedouin who had picked up Melissa extended the same courtesy to her.  Thus mounted, the group of Bedouin and their two “guests” rode off toward the sunrise.



Sunrise came soon enough, and with it the blistering heat of the desert.  Larra cursed the fact that she had been persuaded to undertake a mission into so unforgiving a landscape during the hottest time of the year.  She and Melissa were completely unequipped for desert travel.  They were helped by the fact that the sheik and the warrior carrying Melissa lent them each a spare burnoose, but the sun still beat down with blinding intensity and both she and Melissa were close to heat stroke by noon.  The only thing that kept her going was the knowledge that the Bedouin could not be going far or else they would have chosen camels rather than horses.  Their camp had to be only a relatively short distance away.  Still, the privation of the last few days had taken quite a bit out of her and it was with incredible relief when the greenery of an oasis and the tents of the Bedouin encampment came into sight. 


Larra knew from her preparation for the expedition that this oasis was not marked on any map.  At the present moment, however, neither she nor Melissa could have cared less.  The strain of the last three days was beginning to tell.  In addition to the forced march through the desert when taken prisoner by Andreotti, they had been deprived of food and water and had gone without sleep for almost two days.  Only sheer willpower kept them in the saddle as they rode into the camp.  They hardly noticed the crowd of children and other tribesmen that swarmed around them.  Nor were they cognizant of the gentle hands of the women who helped them dismount and took them into the main tent. 



Melissa had never felt anything so deliciously cool.  It was as if she was floating on a cloud beside a tranquil pool of clear water.  Suddenly her eyes fluttered open.  She realized that she must have fainted.  She was in a dark room… No not a room exactly.  The walls were made of cloth and supported by poles.  It was a tent.  But a very large and luxurious tent.  Bending over her, damp cloth in hand was a dark-eyed woman.  She said something as Melissa tried to sit up and gently pushed her back down. 


“Relax Melissa.  I think we are safe for the moment.”  Melissa turned her head.  Lying only a few feet away and tended by another woman was Larra.  The adventuress was propped up on one elbow and eating from a dish of dates and figs. 


“I don’t remember being brought here,” said Melissa, embarrassed by her weakness. 


“Not surprising,” said Larra.  “I barely made it in here myself.  We are in the sheik’s tent.  In the women’s quarters.  I don’t think we’ll be disturbed here.  Only the sheik and his wives and daughters are allowed in this part of the tent.”  At that moment a small boy ran into the room.  “Oh,” Larra said, in afterthought.  “And small male children.” 


“You got pretty badly sunburned on that forced march,” Larra continued.  “Your skin is a bit fairer than mine and being Canadian you haven’t had much experience with such intense sunlight.   But I think you will be fine in a day or so.  In the meantime, we have to find a way of getting the sheik to help us find the rest of our party, assuming they were able to get away.”


Melissa nodded.  The whereabouts of Jia Li, Katie, and Amy had not occurred to her at all.  She felt a bit guilty about that.  Her friends could be anywhere in the desert, perhaps lost or even dying.  She had not known any of the three women for very long.  Larra had hired her in Canada and she had not met Larra’s other companions until she had gone to England and Larra’s estate in Kent.  But she had gotten along with them immediately, although she still felt a little bit like the junior partner in the relationship.  Larra had known the other women several years longer than she had known her and they were very much a team.  Even the fact that Jia Li and Amy had married and had children did not change the obvious bond each had with Larra.  She hoped one day that she might achieve the same sort of close relationship.  Not that she had not formed a strong connection with the famous woman explorer.  She thought back to the time she and Larra had made love deep in the caverns beneath the Canadian arctic.  She could not help wondering if Larra had done anything like that with any of her other companions. 


She noted that Larra was no longer dressed in a shirt and trousers.  Instead she wore the same clothing that the women tending her had on, a long loose fitting robe that covered her from her neck to her toes.  She then realized that she was dressed in the same way.  Someone had obviously thought to dress both of them more suitably, and in the Bedu style. 


By now Melissa was quite hungry.  “Any chance of getting something to eat?” she asked. 


Larra nodded.  “Share what I have,” she said, passing the bowl of dates and figs toward her.  “I’ll order some more.”  She said something in Arabic and immediately one of the women left the room, returning a few minutes later with another bowl.  “Go easy on this,” Larra added.  “Too much fruit and you’ll be heading for the sand dunes more often than you would like.  They’ll probably bring us something a bit more substantial later on.”


“Right,” Melissa agreed.  The last thing she wanted was to be running endlessly to the latrines.  She ate carefully, taking no more than enough to take away her hunger pangs.  The fruit revived her somewhat, and she was able to sit up.  “What do you think is going to happen to us?” she asked.


“I wish I knew,” replied Larra.  “I don’t think the sheik intends us any harm, but his idea of what constitutes proper treatment for female guests may not run parallel with ours.  Bedouin society is very much male dominated, even more so than ours. There is no telling what his plans are for us.  We will just have to wait and see, and if we find ourselves at cross purposes we will have to bide our time and make our escape.”



“Marriage?” asked Larra.  She tried to remain calm.  It would not do to belittle the offer Al Majiid had just made.  She probably regarded the offer as the greatest of honours.  The very fact that he had asked her to marry him rather than simply telling her how it was going to be was proof that he held her in high regard.  To humiliate him by an outright rejection would not be wise. 


The sheik leaned toward her.  Larra had to admit that he was an imposing man.  Probably in his early forties, he was strikingly handsome.  Piercingly dark eyes set above a prominent nose gave him a look of power and mystery.  His neatly trimmed black beard emphasized his strong jaw line.  Even white teeth gleamed when he smiled.  Tall and athletic, his presence invoked instant respect.  Larra found herself strongly attracted to him, but she was not ready for the type of relationship this man wanted.  She tried to think of a comfortable way out of the dilemma.  Fortunately, she had a perfect out.


“You honour me,” she said, “but unfortunately I am already married.  And there is also the matter of my companion.  What is to become of her?”


Al Majiid frowned.  “A husband that lets so beautiful a desert flower wander by herself in the desert does not deserve such a woman.  Your marriage is of no consequence to me.  It is the custom of the Bedu to take their women by force, married or not.”


“I thought that you said that the Bedu did not make war on women.  Surely that was not an idle assertion.”


Al Majiid got to his feet.  “It is as I said.  We do not make war on women.  However, it is not dishonourable to make war on their men and claim a woman as a prize of war.  I would gladly face your husband in combat and fight him for the right to possess you.”


That was an interesting thought.  Larra wondered who would win in a battle between her husband and Al Majiid.  Something stirred in her as she thought back to Tabin, the Mongol warrior she had loved and married.  That union had produced her second child, Lin Yao.  But it had been a relationship that did not last.  Her world and Tabin’s were too different.  They had been thrown together by fate, but she could not live forever in his world and he would have never understood hers.  They had parted company by mutual consent.  There was still a love bond between them, but each knew that it was not enough to keep them together.  And so they had parted, she to return to her world and he to carry on his fight against the invaders of his country.   That had been five years ago.  She still thought of him, in the same way she thought of her other lovers.  But she didn’t even know if he was still alive.  Since that time the Japanese had launched a full scale invasion of China and the Russians had established a dominant position in Manchuria.  There was no telling what might have happened to him by now. 


But now she was presented with another potential lover, a very different sort of man from any she had known.  Her other lovers had made no real demands on her.  This one she knew would be different.  A man like Al Majiid would demand that she conform to Bedouin custom and Islamic law.  She looked the sheik in the eyes.  “I must respectfully decline your offer.  I am not of your culture and I could not change enough to please you.”


Al Majiid looked into the incredible violet eyes of the woman in front of him.  Never had he seen eyes like that. They radianted beauty and confidence.  This was a woman who would expect him to treat her as an equal, and he could not do that.  She was right about the cultural gap between them.  It was one that was far too great to be crossed.  And yet he could not just let her go.  Slowly he extended his hand, placing it on top of hers.  “I will not harm you,” he said, “but I desire more than just a passing relationship with you.”


Larra could almost feel the sexual energy radiating from Al Majid’s body.  She was drawn toward him more powerfully than she would have believed considering the short time she had known him.  But she kept her head about her.  “And my companion?” she asked.


“I will release you both,” he said, caressing her face with his fingertips.  “And I will provide escort anywhere you desire.”


Larra took his fingers in her mouth and slowly sucked them one by one.  Her loins burned with a sexual intensity that she had not felt for months.  She knew implicitly that she could trust this man.  As his mouth met hers she curled her body into him and surrendered herself to his passion.



Melissa grinned as Larra entered.  “You’ve been gone longer than expected.”


“Yes,” said Larra.  “The sheik and I had quite a bit to discuss.”  She swept her hair over her shoulder as she spoke. 


“Looks like your ‘discussion’ was very animated Melissa said.  “Wasn’t your hair in a braid when you left?”


“Yes,” replied Larra, flushing.  “It seems to have come loose.”  Catching the look on Melissa’s face she began to laugh.  “Can’t fool you, can I?’


“Sometimes, but not this time I think.  What was he like?”


Larra hesitated; she was not in the habit of discussing her sexual adventures with her friends.  Then she remembered that she and Melissa had made love within feet of one another during their visit to arctic Canada.  It was the 1940s after all.  “Wipe that indecent grin off your face young lady and I just might tell you,” she said finally. 


“My face?” retorted Melissa.  “You look like you just swallowed a dozen canaries.  Now ‘fess up.”


“Well, it was almost worth the trip so far.  The sheik certainly lives up to the Islamic maxim of giving the woman as much pleasure as the man enjoys.  And I can tell you I gave him a lot of pleasure.  I’m surprised you couldn’t hear him all the way over here.” 


“I did hear a noise, but I thought it was a hyena screaming in the night.”


“Very funny,” laughed Larra.  “That was probably me.  He had me going for a good half hour.” 


“So,” continued Melissa.  “What was the best part?  Was he really…”


“I think I’ll let you use your imagination,” Larra said turning a deep shade of crimson.  “Some things are best kept secret.”


“Oh pooh,” chided Melissa.  “You’re such a lady.  Just when it was getting good.  How am I ever expected to learn anything?”


Larra stopped laughing.  She knew that Melissa had learned a bit more about sex than she would have liked.  From time to time the girl would settle into a thoughtful mode that Larra was certain was brought on by the horrific memories of her first sexual experience.  She still blamed herself for getting the girl into a situation that had robbed her of her virginity.  She bit her lower lip.  Her adventures had been costly for all of her companions. 


“What’s the matter, Larra?” asked Melissa, moving to the older woman’s side and touching her arm.


“Nothing really,” Larra lied.  “I was just wondering what had become of Katie, Amy, and Jia Li.  I hope they got away and managed to find their way to the next British base.”

“Don’t worry,” said Melissa consolingly, “they are big girls   I’m sure they did just fine.”  Secretly, however, she harbored the same doubts that Larra had.  How were her new friends doing?  Escaping through the desert was an incredibly daunting undertaking.  She hoped that somehow fortune had smiled on them and they had made it.  Giving Larra’s hand a squeeze she returned to her sleeping mat and lay down.  Dawn was not far away and she would need her rest if she and Larra were to make it to the next British outpost and locate her companions.  She closed her eyes.  In a few minutes she was asleep.  Beside her Larra lay awake.  It was a long time before sleep came to her.