The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

Episode 10

The Jade Dragon’s Defeat




Chapter 4  Beaten


Sun Lin’s expression did not change as she watched the violent rape and degradation of her daughter.  She refused to look away as the helpless girl was violated in as many ways as the thugs surrounding her could devise.  She had given up trying to escape, finally realizing that until the drug left her system her powers were gone.  Fettered as she was, there was no chance of escape, and no chance of helping her daughter.  She would simply have to endure the torments of her enemies.  She doubted that any torture Larson devised could be any worse that watching as Huan Yue as she was ravished continually.


Huan Yue was no longer responding to what was happing to her, but it did not stop the three thugs who were currently raping her from enjoying her orally, anally, and vaginally.  There was little doubt, however, that once Larson and his thugs got tired of her they would find something else to divert them and from the look of Huan Yue’s limp form that time was very close.


That was confirmed a short time later when Larson reappeared.  He had changed his clothing into something more comfortable, a pair of loose-fitting pants and a T-shirt.   He glanced quickly at Huan Jue.  “Get off her.  Remove her shackles and put her with the girl.”


Reluctantly the thugs did as they were told; lifting Huan Yue’s limp form from the table and then dragging her like a sack of coal across the room.  “Now the mother,” Larson said, looking at Sun Lin.  “That is what she called you didn’t she; just as I sank my cock into her tight little cunt?  Did you know your daughter was one of the best fucks I have ever had?  A little inexperienced perhaps, but I’m sure she will improve with time.  Too bad you won’t be around to see it.”


Since Larson hadn’t bothered to remove her gag, Sun Lin knew that he wasn’t interested in any answers.  “However,” the thug continued, “before I deal with you I think it only right that your daughter get to see what I have in mind for you.  So you’re joining her until she’s feeling a bit better, but not right away.  We have a little unfinished business.”


“Take her downstairs,” he ordered, nodding toward Huan Yue.


Several men grabbed the unconscious girl and carried her from the room while Larson turned his attention back to Sun Lin.  He stood and looked at her for a long time, apparently enjoying the view of the naked and helpless heroine. 


“Fucking amazing,” Larson thought.  Her body was magnificent beyond anything he could have imagined a woman’s body could be.  It was hard to believe that she was the mother of the girl he and his men had just gang-raped.  She appeared to be no more than a woman in her mid-twenties.  Slowly he unbuckled his belt.  He couldn’t let her go without giving her a preview of what was going to happen to her tomorrow.


Helpless, Sun Lin made no sound as Larson spread her legs and entered her.  There was nothing that she could do to stop him from having his way with her, but she would give him not the slightest bit of satisfaction.  She lay stiff as a log, eyes closed, ignoring what he was doing to her body.  The drug she had been given might have robbed her of her powers, but it could not take away her strength of character.  Even when Larson pinched her nipples and slapped her face she did not react, driving him into a rage.  He jammed his phallus into her one more time and blew his load into her, and then angrily jerked up his pants.


“Fucking bitch,” he cursed.  “Stand her up.”


Several men elevated the heroine into a kneeling position on top of the table. With her legs still strapped they could not place her on her feet, but it was good enough for Larson.  He drove his fist into her belly, placing all of his weight behind the blow.  The force of the blow drove her halfway across the table, breaking the grip of the men holding her. 


Larson’s shook his hand.  Hitting the heroine’s taut belly had been like hitting a wall.  “You fucking whore,” he grunted.  “You’re not getting away with that.  Pick her up again.”


His men did as ordered and Larson stepped forward again, but this time he did not strike out in blind rage.  He struck her ribs just below her left breast.  Once again, the heroine showed not the slightest sign of pain, but at least he had not almost sprained his wrist.  He pulled back his hand and hit her again.


Sun Lin absorbed the vicious beating without a sound, except for her heavy breathing as Larson systematically brutalized her.  He was very thorough, targeting her body carefully before he drove his fists into her.  Shackled and held tightly by his henchmen, she could do nothing to avoid each blow except tense her abdominal muscles and attempt to absorb each blow.  But that didn’t help her when Larson slammed his fists into her breasts, or slapped openhanded with enough force to loosen the teeth on either side of her jaw. 


Methodically, he worked his way up and down her body, beating her until even her tremendous conditioning could not protect her.  Barely conscious, she was no longer able to control her muscles.  Larson’s fist broke through and drove the air from her lungs.  After that she was little more than a semiconscious punching bag as the thug pounded her until he was gasping from exertion. 


“Take the bitch below,” he gasped, leaning on the table for support.  “Toss her in with her other two.  Take off the shackles; I doubt she’ll be going anywhere.”



“Oh, what did they do to you?” a tiny voice asked. 


Huan Yue’s only answered was an agonized groan.  She was conscious now, having recovered from her exhausted faint while she was being dragged through the lower levels of Larson’s hideout.  Her thighs and loins throbbed.  Her body was covered with bruises and bite marks, especially on her breasts and thighs.  She had been taken so many times that she had lost track of the number of men who had raped her.  She doubted that she could walk or even stand. 


Strangely, she could remember nothing of their faces except for one; that of Larson.  His brutish countenance was engraved in her mind.  She even imagined that she could still smell the sweat of his body as he grunted away on top of her.  It was like some hideous nightmare. 


“Here, let me help you.”


It was the voice again.  Through the fog of her pain Huan Yue realized that the voice was that of a girl and it was speaking Cantonese.  She raised her head and found herself looking into the very concerned eyes of a young Chinese girl. 


She tried to get up, but fell back, biting back a cry of pain.  The girl rushed to her side and lifted her head and shoulders.  “Oh,” the girl said, “look what they have done.  They are very bad men.” 


Huan Yue could not have agreed more with the girl, but at the moment she was not in the mood for talking.  More than anything else she wanted to simply to close her eyes and try to fight off the waves of pain that swept over her.  But she knew she could not.  Larson still had her mother.  She shuddered to think what was happening to her.  


She let the girl raise her into a sitting position.  In addition to the pain that infected her body, she was very thirsty.  Apparently screaming for an hour or so had that effect. 


Looking around she saw that she was in a small concrete room.  It was windowless and lit by a single low wattage light bulb.  The single door didn’t even have a latch and was probably bolted from the outside. 


The girl held something to her lips, and Huan Yue realized that it was a porcelain cup.  The touch of water to her lips had her swallowing greedily, slaking her hoarse throat. 


“I’m sorry,” the girl said as Huan Yue emptied the cup.  “But it’s all they left me.”


“Thank you,” Huan Yue replied, surprised to find that her voice had returned.  “You should not have given me everything you had.  Who are you, and why are you here?”


“Liu Fang,” the girl answered.  “I was brought here after the bad men took my father.”


Huan Yue shivered.  It was cold in the room, and she was completely nude, a condition she was now acutely aware of in front of the young girl.  She did not question her further realizing that the girl would probably not be in the locked room if her father was still alive.  Liu had paid for his treachery and now it appeared his daughter would as well.


The scraping of iron on iron alerted her to the drawing back of the bolt on the outside of the door.  It was flung open and a body was heaved unceremoniously into the room.  To her horror Huan Yue realized that it was her mother, but she was hardly the way she remembered her.


She had been brutally beaten, almost every inch of her body revealing some sort of bruise or contusion.  Huan Yue did not want to think of what else had probably been done to her.  In spite of her own pain she forced herself across the few feet separating her from her mother and lifted her into a sitting position.  The heroine lay in her daughter’s arms without moving.  Only her shallow breathing showed that she was still alive. 


Huan Yue wished that she had not been so greedy with the water, although in her unconscious condition it would have been impossible to get her mother to drink.  All she could do was cradle her and hope that somehow she would revive. 


She remained in that position for what seemed like a long time.  The young girl stayed close and watched without making a sound; no doubt too horrified by what was happening to speak.  She was finally prompted to move by a noise outside the door. 


Stiffly, she got to her feet and stood between her mother and the door.  She was hardly in prime condition for any confrontation with Larson or his men, but she would defend her mother with her life. 


The door opened and revealed several of Larson’s henchmen.  All of them were armed, two of them with sawn-off shotguns.  Huan Yue did not give herself much chance of launching an attack through the doorway before she was blown apart, but she did not back down.  Naked and alone she stood and faced the leering thugs. 


“Well, ain’t she brave?” one of the men sneered.  “It looks like she’s ready to take us on.  You’d never think we all fucked her tight little pussy just an few hours ago.”


Huan Yue wanted to wilt in shame at the thug’s comments.  She was confronted by the same men who had raped her just a short time before.  But she raised her chin defiantly and waited for them to make the next move.  To her complete surprise they did something totally unexpected.


“Yer, damned lucky Larson wants us to leave you and the other heroine bitch alone for awhile,” the man who had spoken said.  He stepped forward and set a tray on the floor.  It held a large bowl, three spoons and a couple of large glass bottles. 


Huan Yue did not change her position as the man stood before her.  Although tall for a woman, he towered over her and she was glad that her memories of the brutal gang-rape were so vague.  It was hard enough standing just a few feet away from a man who claimed he had sexually brutalized her without remembering exactly what he had done. 


The thug licked his lips as he looked her up and down.  “Perhaps later,” he said.  “Provided there’s enough left of you and the other heroine cunt to fuck after Larson’s had his fun with you.”  With a mocking laugh the man turned and left the cell, slamming the heavy door after him as he left.  There was the distinct sound of several bolts being thrown and then the footsteps of the men moving away.






Huan Yue looked at what had been placed in the cell.  Then was a most appetizing aroma coming from the large crockery bowl.  She knelt and lifted the lid and saw that it was some sort of thick stew.  Apparently Larson did not intend to starve his captives, but she found only slight consolation in that.  Almost certainly he was not finished with her or her mother. 


A slight moan alerted her to the fact that Sun Lin was regaining her senses.  Perhaps the smell of the food or the sound of the voices had stirred her to life.  Huan Yue handed a spoon to the young girl and motioned to the bowl.  There was enough stew for several people, but Huan Yue was not feeling all that hungry. 


She was, however, terribly thirsty and she screwed the cap off one of the bottles and found it filled with water.  She drank deeply and then held the bottle to Sun Lin’s lips.  To her relief the heroine swallowed, perhaps unconsciously, but nevertheless drinking without choking. 


When she was satisfied that her mother had drunk all she could, Yuan Hue treated herself to what was left of the stew.  She ate as much as she could, well aware of the fact that Larson might find it amusing to starve his captives.  As she ate she tried to reassure the girl that things would turn out alright, a particularly difficult task in view of her own bruises and the fact that she was totally nude. 


Her mother was now breathing regularly, her eyes closed.  It was a reassuring sign even though she couldn’t tell if it was normal sleep or a coma brought on by the beating.  Huan Yue knew, however, that her mother had powers of recovery that went well beyond the ordinary.  A few hours sleep might make all the difference.  She could only hope.  Cuddling up beside her mother she sheltered the girl, closed her eyes and tried to sleep.  “Tomorrow,” she thought.  “Tomorrow we’ll find someway out of here.”


With that reassuring mantra running through her mind she drifted off to sleep.