Title: Tomb Hunter: Episode 7: Larra’s Saharan Adventure

Email: Lespion@msn.com



The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 7

Larra’s Saharan Adventure


Chapter 4  Enslaved


Jia Li licked her parched lips.  Outside the makeshift shelter the wind seemed to be dying down.  She and her companions had been trapped by the driving sand for three days.  Their escape so far had been somewhat mixed in its success.  One of the camels had been hit in the fusillade that the Italians had sent after them as they fled the camp.  That had made it necessary to double up on one of the camels and later repack the load so that it was more evenly distributed.  Then the wind had come up and the driving sand had forced them to take shelter.  Fortunately, they had been close to a large rock outcropping.  The three women had managed to rig several pieces of tent cloth up against the rock and get behind it before the wind really picked up speed. 


Unfortunately, there had been no place to shelter the camels.  They had herded the beasts into the lee of the rock and left them to fend for themselves, hoping that they would not wander off during the storm.  There was one positive aspect to the storm.  Whatever pursuit there might have been would certainly be forced to seek shelter as well, and they tracks of the camels would be completely obliterated.  With any luck they should be free of all pursuit.  But there was also the fact that if their Italians could not find them then neither could Larra or Melissa, provided they had managed to escape. 


Lifting the tent flap, Jia Li peeked outside.  The usual spurt of sand particles did not come in.  “I think we can get ready to leave,” she said to Amy and Katie.  “It looks like the worst is over.” 


Katie Reddel got to her feet.  “It’ll be nice to be able to get out into the open again.  I’m getting claustrophobic and I could really use a bath.”


“That might have to wait,” said Jia Li.  “We might still be a few days from water.”  She began to collect her few possessions preparatory to leaving the shelter.  The third member of the party, Amy Price emulated her, and Katie soon joined in. 


It did not take them long to get ready.  A half hour later they had packed up and were ready to leave.  They found the camels approximately where they had left them.  Fortunately, the animals had had the good sense to stay where Jia Li had put them.  They were as anxious as the three women to leave, not having been able to graze for three days.  It was a good thing that the beasts were so well adapted to the desert environment.  It was very unlikely that horses would have been able to travel under the same circumstances. 


Mounted up they headed toward the destination that Larra had picked out for them.  Jia Li’s experiences in the wastes of northern China helped her to navigate through the desert landscape.  They were out of the dunes now and heading across broken desert pavement.  After a few hours of travel they came across a well worn trail heading in the approximate direction they wished to travel. 


They had started out early in the morning.  Jia Li didn’t feel it was wise to wait around until night.  The camels needed food and water as soon as possible, and landmarks would be easier to spot during the day.  However, as the day advanced the desert heat once more became oppressive.  The camels, never in the best of temper to begin with, became more and more balky and cantankerous.  Jia Li had to exercise most of her riding skills to keep them in line.  It was with sudden relief, therefore, when the camels perked up and broke into a brisk trot.  “There’s water ahead,” Jia Li explained to her companions. 


“How far?’ asked Katie. 


“I’m not sure.  These beasts can sense water at a distance of miles.  The good thing is we won’t have to beep booting them in the nose to keep them from biting our legs.”


Amy and Katie laughed.  It appeared that events were improving.  Once they got water and the camels were allowed to graze for a day then they could try to head for the rendezvous point they had agreed on if they should ever get separated.  With any luck Larra and Melissa might be there.  If they were not it most likely meant that they had been captured, but at least they would have a base from which to stage a rescue attempt.


An hour later, the tops of palm trees came into sight and the camels accelerated to a run.  Jia Li rode easily, but Amy and Katie had to hang on for dear life.  The animals did not stop until they were standing knee deep in a large pool of water.  Grateful for the end of the ride, all three women slipped off their mounts.  Katie did not wait to undress but waded into the pool, shedding garments as she went.  Amy followed as did Jia Li.  Within a few minutes all three were cavorting naked in the pool, their mission and cares forgotten n a moment of girlish fun.  It was not to last long.


It was Amy who noticed them first.  In the action of drawing back her hand to splash water on Jia Li, she froze a look of surprise and fear on her face.  The other two women followed her gaze.  Instinctively they tried to cover their bodies.  Lined up on the edge of the pool were several of the roughest looking desert dwellers they had ever seen.


For a few seconds the two groups surveyed one another in silence, and then the men began to chuckle.  Their lecherous stares left little doubt as to what use they might want to make of the three young women.  One of the men, a heavily bearded individual with a hooked nose and very crooked teeth finally stepped forward.  “Eengleesh?” he asked. 


The women nodded.  South African Amy was the closest any of them were to actually being English, but they doubted that any of the men would have heard of the United States or China.  Also there was always the chance that they might fear to harm them if they knew that they were British subjects.  The effect produced was the opposite of what they had hoped.  The men began to laugh uproariously and point and gesture toward the women suggestively.  


“Out!” The man who had first spoken shouted.  He pointed to the bank and his manner was far from friendly.  To emphasize his command he pointed an ancient muzzle loader in their direction.


“Get ready, girls.” Said Katie.  “I’m not going to let this lot take me without a fight.”  She waded toward the men, no longer trying to conceal her considerable charms. 


Amy looked at her admiringly.  Katie was a magnificent figure of womanhood.  Five-foot eight and one hundred and thirty five pounds, her body was trim and well muscled after years of training under Larra’s supervision.  Shoulder length tawny blonde hair, now damp from her immersion in the pool, framed a face of exquisite beauty.  Piercing blue eyes, a straight nose, and a full sensuous mouth created a vision of female perfection.    Large firm breasts swayed erotically as she moved drawing the gaze of every man toward her.  Thirty two years old, her body had the appearance of a woman ten years younger due to the drinking of the water from the mysterious African spring Larra had discovered on her first journey to the Lost World.  With any luck the brigands at the edge of the pool would be so mesmerized by her appearance, that they would not realize how dangerous she was until it was too late.


Following Katie was Jia Li.  The Manchu girl’s beauty matched that of the blonde.  More slender than Katie, Jia Li’s willowy body swayed gracefully as she waded toward shore.  Her silken skin, the colour of a ripening peach glistened with water droplets.  Raven black hair fell almost to her waist, and her full breasts tipped by erect, light brown nipples, quivered as she moved.  Piercing dark eyes under exquisitely arch brows, peered fearlessly at the gawking outlaws. 


Amy always felt self conscious in the presence of her two gorgeous companions.  She shouldn’t have.  Her small, firm breasts hardly quivered as she moved toward the bank.  Her damp, bright red hair reflected the sunlight, forming a crimson halo around her perfect oval face.  Willowy and athletic, her supple body moved with the grace of a ballerina. 


Mudada watched the three women wade toward him.  Three English women!  He could hardly believe his luck.  His latest slaving expedition had produced only a few really marketable captives.  One or two of the Tuareg women were definitely worth a few coins, but the rest were fit for no more than use as common household servants or field hands.   But these three beauties were what he had dreamed of capturing all his life.  They would fetch a fabulous price from the right buyer.  Even more if they were virginal.  If they were not… Well, he had always desired an English woman.  He wondered what it would be like to slide between the silken thighs of the magnificent blonde who was wading toward him.


Kate stopped a few feet from the bank, allowing Jia Li and Amy to catch up with her.  The thirty seconds or so it had taken her to wade close to the shore had given her a chance to size up the band of thugs assembled on the bank.  They were one of the filthiest groups of scum she had ever seen; common desert bandits of little or no intelligence or morals.  If she and her companions could get close enough to them they would get a very nasty surprise.


Mudada gestured toward the women.  Obviously frightened, as well they should be, they had halted at the edge of the pool.  At a distance of only a few feet they were even more beautiful that he had first thought.  He saw now that the dark haired woman was somewhat different in appearance from the other two.  Possibly she was not English, but it didn’t matter.  She was certainly one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.  He began to hope that one of them wasn’t a virgin.  It would be most interesting to see how she reacted when she was shared around amongst his men.


Counting on the fact that the leader of the brigands would not know enough English to follow what she was saying, Katie issued her orders.  “Alright, I’m going for crooked teeth and the middle.  Jia Li you go left, and Amy you go right.”  She spoke softly just in case any of the men knew more English than she thought they did.  Then she sprang into action. 


Mudada’s member stirred vigorously as the beautiful blonde stepped from the pool, her body glistening wet.  Already he was anticipating forcing those long legs apart and ripping his way into the furry mound that sheltered her sex.  He took one step toward her and then screamed in agony as the woman’s instep slammed into his crotch.  He doubled over clutching at his genitals but was straightened up at by a sharp blow to the head.  His head whirled as blackness closed in on him. 


Katie did not wait for the brigand leader to hit the ground before launching herself into the man.  She was aware of a commotion behind her as Amy took on the men she had been assigned.  Just beyond her she could see Jia Li flying like a whirlwind into the four men she had been allocated.  Then she was too busy concentrating on her own attack to pay much attention to what the other women were doing.


Two men were in front of her.  They made the mistake of trying to draw their curved swords rather than simply trying to tackle her.  It was a mistake that cost them the battle.  She drove her right foot into the midriff of the first man, catching him with his sword only half drawn.  The air left his lungs with a “woof,” the impact of the blow driving him back into the man behind him.  Katie gave mental thanks to Larra for her insistence that she and Amy learn karate.  Jia Li had her own training in kung fu and was even more proficient a fighter that either Katie or Amy. 


Katie used the opening provided by her dispatch of her second opponent to move past him and take on the third before he had a chance to swing his sword.  This time she used her fists, smashing her right hand into the brigand’s nose.  It flattened with a satisfying crunch.  With a flurry of blows she finished him off and then hammered the man she had winded into the ground.  For a few seconds she was without an opponent.  It gave her time to check out the progress of her two companions.


To her right, Amy was finishing off her third opponent.  Two others lay huddled ion the ground groaning and clasping their hands over their private parts.  She turned to see Jia Li drop her fourth adversary, and then move against the fifth.  She saw to her alarm that this last man had managed to draw his sword and was bringing the gleaming blade down on her head.  But the blade never reached its intended target.  In an amazing display of confidence and skill, the Manchu adventurer caught the descending blade between her palms and then drove her feet into her stunned attacker, hurling him onto his back barely conscious.  It took only seconds to finish him off. 


Her chest heaving, Katie swept her eyes for enemies, but there were none.  The unconscious and semiconscious bodies of eleven men lay scattered on the edge of the pond.  “Let’s get this scum trussed up,” she said.


“What are we going to do with them?” asked Amy as she pulled the arms of one the bandits behind him.


“I’d like to dump them in the pool,” replied Katie, “but we have no right to pollute the water.” 


The other two women laughed.  In short order they had immobilized all of the brigands.  “I think we just leave them here,” said Jia Li.  “We’ll just make sure that they don’t have any transport.  Their camels and gear are probably on the other side of the oasis.  They must have come from somewhere.”


“I’ll take a look,” said Amy.  “There might be one or two more of these thugs hanging about. 


“You’re right,” said Jia Li.  “I’ll go with you.”


“Right,” said Katie.  “I’ll stay here and make sure that none of these clowns get any ideas.”


As they had been speaking the women had been pulling on their clothing and were now fully dressed.  Together, Amy and Jia Li set off for the other side of the oasis.



Jafari moved back into the vegetation along the trail that led around the pool.  He had been quite irked when the rest of the slavers had gone off without him to the other side of the oasis.  The report of three incredibly beautiful women cavorting in the water had aroused his curiosity.  Now he was glad he had not gone.  He could hardly believe that three women had so easily defeated eleven armed men.  But there was no denying the evidence.  He fumbled in his robe for his knife and crouched lower as the women approached.


The red headed woman was in the lead.  Holding his breath, he let her pass.  Then as the dark haired woman passed, he stepped silently onto the trail.  He struck quickly, bringing the haft of his knife down at the base of her skull.  He didn’t wait for her to fall, but stepped quickly past her and struck again.  He caught the redhead just as she turned her head, striking her in the right temple.  Her legs buckled and he caught her as she fell, lowering her to the ground.  He wasted no time.  One of the women was wearing a green sash.  Removing it, he tore it into strips and then bound first the redhead and then the brunette, lashing their arms tightly behind their backs.  Then he removed their belts and secured their legs.  He finished off by fashioning a crude gag from the scarf each woman had tied about her neck.  Then he headed off toward the last remaining woman.


He moved silently.  His many years as a sneak thief in Cairo had given him considerable skill in this capacity.  As he neared the scene of the battle he moved in a wide arc and came in from the other side.  As he had hoped, he managed to circle around to the back of the last woman.


Luck was with him.  She stood facing in the direction the other two women had gone and the sand cushioned the sound of his feet.  He raised the knife to strike again.  The weapon was well designed to serve as a bludgeon, its hilt ending in a large silver knob.  He hammered it into the back of her head.  The blonde gave a little cry and then crumpled into a heap. 



Mudada seethed with rage.  He was angry enough to ravage a camel, but he had a better way to vent his anger.  The three English daughters of whores must be taught a lesson.  He had been shamed in front of his men.  He could not let such an insult go unpunished.  He moved over to where the blonde lay tied on the ground.  She was awake now, as were the other two.  Her blue eyes glared up at him.  His lips twisted in fury.  He would wipe that look off her face.   “Strip her,” he ordered.


Several men lay hold of Katie.  They held her as they removed the strips of cloth that bound her wrists and the belt that secured her legs, but they were unprepared for the frenzied attempt to escape that she made as soon as the last of the bonds was removed.  Wrenching her body violently, she almost succeeded in breaking free.  It took all the strength of the four men that held her to keep her from escaping. 


Mudada and the remaining men watched her struggle.  It was most entertaining watching that splendid body heave as the men holding her striped off her clothes. 


Katie fought desperately.  Fear amplified her strength as she strained against the hands that held her.  She knew that she once again faced rape and possible torture, and the prospect of such an ordeal terrified her.  Her situation was hopeless, but she could not just give up without a fight.  She battled until she was too exhaused to struggle any longer, and then too weak to resist she let her captors do what they wanted with her.  


Covered with sweat, and panting like a dog, she was carried over between two palms.  There her captors stood her upright, and stretching her arms wide, bound each of her wrists to one of the palms.  She almost wept with fear and frustration, knowing that she was about to be tortured, and helpless to do anything about it.  Trembling, she awaited her fate.


“Now the next one,” Mudada said, pointing to Amy. 


Four different men lay hold of the frightened redhead.  Her green eyes widened in terror as she was unbound and her captors began to remove her clothing.  Like Katie, she exploded in a frantic effort to avoid the fate of her blonde companion, and like Katie, her fear gave her added strength.  Twisting and turning, she fought with everything she had in an effort to break free.


Mudada smiled at the spectacle, his lips parting over his crooked teeth.  These white women were most entertaining. He was used to captives that were so terrified that they gave up with hardly a struggle.  He could hardly wait for the time when he would settle himself between their legs and treat them like the whores they were.   His men now had the redhead between the next palms he had chosen.  Her wrists were lashed in place.  He had chosen the trees carefully, so that the redhead was facing across from the blonde when his men finished tying her.  He wanted each of the women to be able to witness the suffering of the other.  Now it was the raven-haired whore’s turn.   


Jia Li did not struggle as the brigands held her down and stripped her.  She knew they were expecting that.  She wanted to save herself for the final moment when her last shred of clothing would be removed and her captors would begin to bind her.  Then she would act. 


Mudada’s eyes widened as the oriental adventurer’s clothes were removed.  She truly was something special.  Her golden skin was flawless.  He now realized that there was something different about her.  Those high cheekbones and dark almond eyes were not those of an occidental.  But he had nothing to compare her to.  It was unfortunate that she was not a virgin.  She would have fetched an incredible price from his usual buyers. 


Tarik, his right hand man, and the member of his little band that was the most experienced slaver had already checked out the three women as they lay bound and helpless.  He had determined that none of them were virgins, although no man would complain about the tightness of their dens of pleasure.  That was disappointing, but in a way he was not too displeased.  It would mean that he and his men could enjoy them to the fullest. 


His men had the sloe-eyed beauty stripped and were dragging her toward the palms for binding.  Strangely, she was offering almost no resistance.  Mudada frowned; he had been looking forward to watching her incredible body writhe as she sought to break away.  Could it be that her spirit was broken already? 


Jia Li readied herself.  She hoped that her lack of resistance had lulled her captors into complacency.  She could sense that the grip of their hands on her arms had slackened.  It was time.  Concentrating her strength, she suddenly twisted her body, wrenching free of the men that held her.  It gave her just enough space.  Even as she tore away from their grasp, she struck at the man closest to her, smashing him under the chin with her palm.  The blow snapped the man’s head back with such force that it broke off two of his teeth and set him tumbling away from her. 


Whirling, she drove her knee into the groin of the next brigand, and then without stopping struck with a knife hand to the neck of the thug next to him.  She was now free, the nearest brigand being several feet away.  But she was still surrounded, and there were still nine opponents left.


She did not hesitate.  Already some of the men were reaching for their rifles and swords.  She drove straight at the man closest to her, catching him with a flying front kick that struck him in the sternum.  There was a satisfying crack as the cartilage gave way, and then she dropped to the ground, rebounded and launched herself at the next closest foe.


For a few seconds, Mudada was stunned by the quickness of the attack.  By good fortune the whirling dervish that had loosed itself on his men had not come his way.  It gave him time to react.  While he had waited for the three women to be bound, Jafari had brought him his whip.  He was more than proficient in its use.  He could pick out the eye of a desert mouse at six paces.  He flicked his wrist, sending the long lash snaking across the space that separated him from the incredible woman that was singled handedly destroying his band of slavers.


Five down and six to go.  Jia Li did not actually think these words, but she was keeping track of the men she had defeated.  Her opponents were becoming more spread out as she attacked them.  It was two long strides to the next man, who was backing away from her as fast as he could, while at the same time menacing her with his sword.  Suddenly there was a sharp cracking sound and something tightened around her neck.  The attack was so unexpected that her breath was cut off before she even knew what had happened.  Her fingers flew to her throat as she fought to suck air into her lungs.  Then she was jerked off her feet. 


As she sprawled on her back she knew what had happened.  Someone had snapped the end of a whip about her neck.  She knew she had only seconds to recover before the rest of the brigands would be upon her.  Desperately she clawed at the tight coils of the lash, but whoever had used the whip was an expert.  The tension never eased up as she struggled frantically to get her fingers under it.  And then a half dozen men piled onto her.


Mudada had to scream at his men to keep them from beating the struggling woman to death.  Even so, they got in several kicks and punches before he managed to get them to simply hold her so that she could be dragged over to the palms with the other two women.  By the time he had them under control, she was close to unconscious from lack of air.  He unwound the whip from about her slender neck and ordered her bound.  This time she offered no resistance.  But her brief attempt at freedom was something he would remember.  When her turn came he would dole out a little extra punishment.


The three helpless women faced one another.  Each was tied between two palm trees so that her arms were stretched wide.  Barely conscious Jia Li was held up by the ropes that bound her.  Her honey coloured skin was mottled with bruises, but Mudada was determined that when he was finished she would show a bit more damage than that.  He decided to start with the blonde.  It would be entertaining to watch those large and splendid breasts bounce as he beat her. 


He moved behind and to one side of the golden-haired adventurer.  This way he would have the greatest freedom to swing the whip and could best pick his target.  Additionally, he could watch the writhing of his victim as he flogged her.  He did not intend to maim her, just cause her maximum pain.  She was far too valuable to damage, but he knew exactly where to place the lash.  He almost drooled at the sight of her.  The woman’s profile was magnificent.  Her perfect breasts trembled slightly above her narrow waist as she twisted her body to keep him in sight.  He flexed the whip and then drew back his arm.


Katie readied herself for the ordeal.  It took all of her self control to keep herself from screaming before the flogging even began.  The swish of the whip arcing through the air was frightening, as was the crack as it struck her back.  Surprisingly, it did not hurt as much as she thought it would, but it still stuck her with enough force to almost drive the breath from her body.  The brigand chief had aimed right at the middle of her back and the blow jerked her forward, causing her to arch her back against the pain.  Across from her Amy winced as if she had been struck.  Her redheaded companion was in a perfect position to witness her ordeal. 


Crack!  The lash struck again, this time cutting across her perfect backside.  The whip stung more than it hurt.  Katie realized that her torturer was playing with her.  Why exactly she did not know.  She had been flogged before and the ordeal had been unbelievably painful.  She remembered Larra telling her about the time she had been flogged when captured by the Japanese.  On that occasion her torturers had been careful to cause her maximum pain with minimum damage.  The intention had been to make sure that her perfect body was not permanently scarred but at the same time leave her screaming in agony.  Larra had recounted that both goals had been achieved.  Katie realized that the same thing was being done to her. 


Crack!  Her thoughts were interrupted as the whip struck her for the third time, curling around her ribcage and leaving a nasty welt across her right breast.  The brigand chief's handling of the lash was masterful.  What he was doing hurt like the blazes, but was not lastingly marring her body.  She understood then, for the first time, that the bandit chief had something more in mind for her and probably her companions.  Her gut wrenched in fear as she thought of what that might be.  


Crack!  The forth blow crisscrossed the first, bringing added pain to the stinging weals that marked her body.  Katie stiffened as she fought against screaming.  She knew that each added blow would cause increased pain.  This form of torture was not immediately excruciating, but gradually built up into a crescendo of agony.  She would have to use all her inner strength to resist it.  Provided she could resist it.


She couldn’t.  She lasted until the twenty fourth blow.  At that point she broke.  A hoarse sob burst from her lips, and she twisted her body in anguish, in a futile attempt to avoid the pain of the lash.  At the twenty seventh blow she screamed.


“Stop!” she shrieked.  “Please stop!”  It was the reaction that Mudada had been waiting for.  He flogged her another three times, enjoying the pitiful shrieks of the woman he had broken.  Then he switched his target, changing position so that he could next flog the redhead.  First though, he called for water.  Although he had not put all of his muscle into the whipping, he was sweating profusely and needed a bit of a rest.  He drank deeply and waited until his heavy breathing had subsided.  Then he hefted the whip once more.


Amy squirmed as the bandit chief moved behind her.  She had watched horrified as Katie was broken, and had wept with her when she cried for mercy.  Now it was her turn and she readied herself for the ordeal, hoping that she would prove as strong as her friend.  She almost screamed at the first blow.  The whip curled across her back, around her rib cage and raised a vicious welt across her right nipple.  It was excruciatingly painful.  But she managed to hold back her shriek of agony, even though the pain showed plainly on her agonized features.  The next blow was not as bad, striking hard against her derriere.  It was painful but bearable.  She weathered the third blow as well, and the fourth.  But each additional touch of the lash increased the pain, until finally she could resist no longer.  Like her friend she screamed for mercy.  It was only the nineteenth lash. 


As with the blonde, Mudada ignored the redhead’s pleas, giving her another half dozen strokes before throwing down the whip.  He was completely exhausted, but he had accomplished part of his mission.  Two of the women were sobbing brokenly.  Now there remained only the almond eyed bitch that had given so much trouble.  However, he was too exhausted to carry on.  He ordered Jafari to pick up the whip.  The boy was good, almost as good as he was.  “Take care of the slant eyed whore,” he said, “but take care not to damage that perfect skin.  I want her to still be of value after she has been punished.”


The screams of her two friends had shocked Jia Li into some semblance of recovery.  This was in fact a tribute to her tremendous strength and stamina.   She gave Mudada a look of pure hatred as he sat watching her.  Then her attention was taken up with Jafari as the first stroke of the lash cut across her shoulders. 


Mudada was duly impressed by the dark-haired woman’s fortitude.  Despite have been beaten badly even before her flogging began, she endured the longest, not crying out until the thirtieth blow of the whip.  But it was a most satisfying outcome to watch her finally break and scream just as the other two captives had.  He was, however, a little less merciful with her.  He had Jafari give her another ten lashes allowing him to flog her until he actually drew blood.  Only then did he ordered his henchman to stop.  He did not want his prize too badly damaged. 


All three of his captives were hanging from the ropes that bound their wrists, barely able to stand.  He ordered them cut down, confident that this time at least, they would not launch an attack against him or his men.  At their bounds were cut the three women slumped to the ground, but Mudada was having none of that.  Using his whip, he forced them to their feet and drove them toward the pond and into the water.  “Clean the bodies,” he ordered in his very bad English, and then stood by to make sure that none of them drowned.

After the brutality of the flogging the cool water felt like balm on their injuries.  Immersing themselves up to their necks the three women helped to wash the dirt, sweat, and blood from one another’s bodies, taking care not to aggravate the numerous welts that crisscrossed their bodies.  They took their time and would have spent much longer in the pool had the brigand chief not ordered them out.  Stiffly they staggered from the water.  They were far too spent to offer any resistance.  But they were not allowed to rest.  Instead they were forced at sword point to walk along the edge of the pond until they had reached the far side.  There they found the brigands’ camp and got another shock.  Huddled on the ground in the centre of the camp were eight other captives, chained together by the neck.  It was only then that the three white women realized what they should have suspected all along.  They were prisoners of slavers.  As they were forced to their knees and chained by the neck to the rest of the captives the hearts of the three women sank even further.  They could expect no mercy from these men.  In fact it was very obvious that their ordeal was only just beginning.