Larra's Indonesian Adventure




The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 10

Larra’s Indonesian Adventure


Chapter 4  The Trek


Rupali tried to adjust her step to keep up with the tall woman in front of her.  It had been most startling when she had first set eyes upon Larra Court.  Tall and white-skinned, with an undeniably proud bearing, she had startled Rupali out of her trek-induced stupor.  Upon entering the Prahgan slave camp the last person she had expected to see was an aristocratic Englishwoman who was almost nude and cruelly shackled.  She had been even more shocked when she had been chained to the stately woman.  It seemed a strange irony that the Prahgan had decided to make a drudge like herself the chain-mate of the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. 


It shocked her to see that the Englishwoman showed signs of having been beaten.  Rupali herself had been subject to the occasional blow from her captors when she stumbled or moved too slowly, but she had not yet been systematically beaten.  It seemed remarkable with the welts decorating her shapely backside that the woman was able to move at all, much less at the pace she set.  Had Rupali been shackled the way she was it would have been impossible for her to move, but the Englishwoman seemed to have no trouble keeping up with the rest of the captives.  Indeed, it was Rupali who had to struggle to keep up with her.


Even after two weeks of walking, her muscles had not yet strengthened to the point where she could walk for an entire day without being close to collapse.  It must have been pure torture for the Englishwoman to force herself forward with her arms shackled in so agonizing a position, but she did so without complaint, her example shaming Rupali into silence. 


Only when they stopped for a water break could Rupali see just how exhausted the Englishwoman was.  Like every other prisoner in the procession she was dripping wet with perspiration and covered with insect bites.  Unlike the other prisoners, however, she could not brush away the biting flies or rid herself of the leeches that fastened themselves to her body.  She was forced to endure until the procession stopped for one of the infrequent water breaks.  At that time it was Rupali, who fighting down her revulsion, plucked the leeches and insects from the Englishwoman’s skin. 


The Englishwoman smiled her thanks.  Even shackled and obviously exhausted as she was her face lit up when she smiled, but what struck Rupali most strongly was her brilliant violet eyes.  They seemed to glow with an inner fire that even the cruelty of her captors could not dim.


However, the Englishwoman’s strength and toughness was not infinite.  Rupali noticed that she was frequently sick to her stomach.  At first Rupali feared that her companion-in-chains might have contracted one of the ever-present tropical fevers that plagued the forest, but after a few days it finally dawned on her.  She remembered what it had been like for her mother when she had been pregnant with her youngest brother.


“You are with child,” she said as she sat beside Larra during their mid-morning break.  By this time she and the Englishwoman were on a first name basis, the older woman insisting on it despite the fact that Rupali with her Indian background felt she should address her more respectfully.  However, since Larra would give no other name and would not respond to memsahib, Rupali had no choice, although she still felt awkward when she addressed the Englishwoman by her given name. 


The violet eyes turned on Rupali with an intensity that sent a chill down her spine.  “Tell no one,” Larra said. 


“But you are chained.  A woman with child cannot be treated like this.  You will miscarry.”


“That is for me to worry about,” Larra replied.  “No one must know of this.  Tell me that you will say nothing.”


Bowing before Larra’s gaze, Rupali nodded her acceptance.  And then there was no more time for discussion.  They were on the move again, the all-too-short break over.  It was like that every day for up to eight hours. 


Even so the procession of slaves, guards, servants, and harem girls, made very slow progress.  The column moved like a giant caterpillar winding its way through the forest.  But it was a caterpillar that took over four hours to get moving each day, the camp awakening long before dawn to prepare for the march.  It was not until at least eight o’clock before the head of the column moved out of the camp.  It moved for only two hours before taking a mid-morning break and then another two before halting at midday.   It moved off again about one, crawling in the tropical heat until it came to a final halt at three.  Then there was the two or three hour process of setting up camp.  On a good day the procession made perhaps ten miles.  It made no progress at all on the days when it rained.



Rupali sighed.  She was glad of the rest, such as it was, but the monotony of sitting day after day under the rough shelter that had been set up for her was beginning to wear upon her.  And there really wasn’t as much rest for her as there might have been.  She was required to attend to Larra, who was not capable of looking after herself.  That was a matter of concern to Rupali.  The beautiful Englishwoman was beginning to sag under the continual bondage.  She was kept chained for most of the day, her arms anchored so that her gorgeous body was always painfully arched.  Only once a day was the bar and shackles removed in order to make sure that the skin beneath was not festering from the chaffing it received from the iron. 


Larra had never explained why she was being treated the way she was.  She alone of all the captives was the only one who was treated so harshly.  Somehow she had offended the prince, but she would not divulge what she had done and Rupali was unable to learn anything from the other prisoners.  And of course, it was impossible to ask anything of the guards who treated all of the captives with contempt.


Rain.  It streamed down endlessly, day and night.  The expedition had been sitting in one place for three weeks waiting for the rain to break and the ground to dry out.  Each day a few of the guards went out with spears and bows to hunt.  Food was now being rationed and the once heaping bowl of rice Rupali had been given morning and night had been cut in half. 


Larra’s food had not been cut back and because Rupali had to feed the Englishwoman it would have been easy to steal an extra ration, but she had not done so.  She could not bring herself to take food from a pregnant woman.  To her surprise Larra insisted that they share a portion of her food in any case. 


“I can’t,” Rupali had protested.  “You need it more than me.”


“I am just sitting,” Larra replied.  “You are running around all day keeping the camp going.” 


That was true enough.  When Rupali wasn’t waiting on Larra she was required to go into the forest and collect firewood as well as attend to other camp chores.  It kept her busy most of the day, but she found that she was now adjusting to the unaccustomed workload.  Tasks that had once exhausted her she now handled fairly easily although with the constant rain, the leeches, the endless heat and humidity, and the mud and filth, her life was far from pleasant.  However, she now compared herself to Larra.  At least she was allowed to move around.  Being painfully chained for twenty-three hours a day was a living hell. 


Rupali could have escaped had she chosen.  The problem was there was no place to go.  The only way back was the trail through the forest.  At night the sounds of wild animals including the roars of tigers made it clear that the forest was a most dangerous place for those who did not know it, and most of the captives in the camp were simple villagers or farmers.  The few who might have tried to escape were kept chained like Larra, although not as brutally. 



Larra sat listening to the rain.  Her back, shoulders, and arms throbbed in agony from the unnatural position of her arms, but her perfect features were impassive.  Sooner or later the continual torment would break her; not even she could resist forever.  She could only hope that her tormentor would tire of brutalizing her or somehow she would find a way out of her predicament. 


She hoped that James and Lin Yao were safe.  She had tremendous faith in her twelve-year-old son.  Even though he was still a child he was more mature in many ways than many adults she knew, and he was skilled in woodcraft.  James was a natural outdoorsman and Larra had encouraged him in his interests.  With any luck her son and her daughter were safe. 



James Court lay flat on his belly, ignoring the small procession of insects that were trekking across his back.  Beside him Lin Yao lay equally still.  He knew that his sister would not make a sound.  Big brother had told her she must be quiet and with a discipline that was amazing for one so young she would remain still until he gave her permission to move. 


Less than thirty feet away a dozen or so Japanese soldiers watched the village they had just torched burn.  It was no longer raining, which was a blessing, but the ground was still damp from the last cloudburst.  Not that it mattered.  There wasn’t much left of the clothing he and Lin Yao had been wearing when they escaped.  The forest was a tough place in which to survive and he had lost his way several times.  Between forcing his way through thick undergrowth and the continual rain of the monsoons much of their clothing had either been torn away or had rotted due to the continual heat and humidity.


Still, he and his sister were alive and had managed to work their way back to the village near the ruins his mother had been investigating.  He had expected to find his mother’s companion there; instead he found the Japanese. 


It was lucky that he and Lin Yao had not blundered right into them, but he had been alerted by the sounds of shots and the smell of burning buildings.  Even so it had been a near thing when the soldiers had emerged from the forest just a few feet away.  He had only had time to push Lin Yao to the ground and throw himself flat beside her.  Now he waited for the soldiers to leave so that he could get his sister to safety.


With some relief he heard the soldiers moving away.  He strained his ears to hear what they were saying, but the noise of the burning buildings made it impossible to hear anything distinctly.  Slowly he raised his head and peered between the fronds of the large-leafed plant he had thrown himself beneath.  His eyes widened in horror.


He was looking upon a clearing in the forest.  Centred in it were several native huts, all of them wreathed in smoke and flames.  But it was not the burning buildings that had caught his attention.  Emerging from the other side of the clearing were several other Japanese soldiers.  Two of them were dragging someone between them; someone that James knew well.


It appeared that she had put up a bit of a fight.  Her clothing was torn, exposing a little of the exquisite body beneath it, and her wrists were bound behind her.  Other ropes bound her arms, crisscrossing her body above and below her breasts.  She swayed unsteadily between the two men that held her and James could see that her high cheekbones were bruised where she had been struck and her full lower lip was cut.


The Japanese surrounded her, the first group of soldiers jabbering at the second.  James noted that there did not appear to be any officers or senior non-commissioned officers present.  That was both good and bad.  James knew that the Japanese military hierarchy was extremely rigid.  Lower-ranking soldiers were expected to do what they had been told, not to act on their own. 


Although young, James was not ignorant of what war was all about.  He had an avid interest in history, an interest that had been fostered by his mother.  He had read enough to know that in war terrible things were often done by soldiers, especially where women were concerned.  As far as he could tell the prisoner had not suffered the worst.  She had been captured, but did not appear to have been molested in the way that women sometimes were.  How long that lasted depended on her captors.  The Japanese soldiers might have orders to take any prisoners to their superiors or they might decide to deal with her themselves.  In that case…


James let that thought go.  He pulled back a little farther into his hiding place.  What he was facing was totally unexpected.  He had done as his mother had instructed him; kept Lin Yao safe and returned to the village near the archeological site his mother and her friend had been mapping.  Instead of help, however, he had found the Japanese.  What the Japanese army was doing in Borneo he had no idea, but he knew that burning villages and kidnapping his mother’s companion meant that the people whose blood he shared were now his enemies.  He knew what he had to do.  Somehow he had to find a way to free his mother’s friend, but first he had to get Lin Yao to a place of safety. 


He waited until the Japanese soldiers and their prisoner moved off and then got to his feet.  Taking Lin Yao’s hand he led her back the way he had come.  Just a mile or so back he had come across an abandoned hut probably once used by labourers working on the nearby rubber plantation.  It was run-down, but the roof was intact and he could safely leave Lin Yao there while he played hero.  It was a bit of a twist.  He had fled south looking for help for his mother.  Now before he could do that he first had to provide a bit of help himself.  It was a bit much for a boy not yet in his teens, but he had no choice.  If he was not successful there was no telling what might happen to his mother.



Larra was suddenly aware of a change in her surroundings.  She had been dozing, trying to get a little sleep.   There wasn’t much else she could do anyway and she usually slept fitfully due to the pain caused by the shackles that held her arms.  She struggled to her feet and looked outside her rude shelter.  The rain had stopped.  After so many days without a halt the sudden silence was almost overwhelming. 


Rupali came up the path.  She smiled when she saw Larra and then her expression turned serious.  “We have to go,” she said.  “The prince wants to push on before the rain returns.” 


Larra saw that the camp was indeed stirring.  After several weeks in one place the  routine of packing away the numerous awnings and other camp equipment had begun again.  Already a line of slaves and their escorts was moving up the trail.


A few minutes later one of the soldiers showed up.  Larra recognized him as one of the men responsible for guarding her and made no effort to resist as she and Rupali were once again connected by the ten foot length of chain they always wore while on the march. 


If it had been painful before, the next few hours of the trek made the previous march seem like a pleasant summer stroll.  The narrow forest trail resembled a pig wallow; especially for those who went last as was the case with Larra and Rupali.  They were forced to march through ankle deep muck that sometimes deepened to mid-calf.  Sandals were no help in these conditions and in any case they lost their shoes within a few minutes of struggling through the mud.  Conditions were no better for her escort, but at least the men guarding them were free of restraints. 


Larra hoped that as the day wore on the tropical heat would dry the trail, but she was not optimistic.  By the time she and Rupali reached the trail several thousand feet had already passed over it.  Nothing the heat of the sun could do would improve it quickly enough to make any difference.  As a result, the next few hours were agony.  Each step was a battle requiring that the foot be pulled free of the clinging mud before taking another step.  Within a few minutes both Larra and Rupali were feeling the strain of the walk.  Inside of an hour they were almost exhausted.  But the there was no choice but to go on.  The guards escorting them were quick to use the shafts of their spears if either woman faltered.  Larra, as a member of the harem, was spared somewhat, but Rupali was not.  She cried out as the haft of a spear struck her hard across the shoulders. 


Larra, attempted to quicken her pace in order that the girl not be beaten, but even free of the brutal restraints that Larra wore, the Indian girl was not in the same physical condition that Larra was.  She stumbled frequently, soiling her sari.  Within a few minutes she was covered from head to foot in mud.  It didn’t take long before Larra was identically decorated.  For both women the trek became a battle against exhaustion, but the threat of a severe beating kept them going, until finally they were allowed a brief rest.


Both women collapsed as the column came to a halt.  Larra did not know how far they had come, but she guessed it was not far.  The prince must have become impatient at the long rain delay or perhaps the expedition was running short of food.  Whatever the reason everyone in the column was subjected to a terrible ordeal, one that lasted until the column finally lurched to halt sometime in the early afternoon.


It was an earlier than normal halt, and it wasn’t hard for Larra to figure out why.  If everyone else was in the same condition as she was it was likely that they were close to collapse.  Too exhausted to do more than gulp down some water both she and Rupali simply lay where they were, not even bothering to seek shelter.  For Rupali, however, the rest was short.  An hour after they had stopped one of the guards released her from the chain and ordered her to go about her duties. 


Fear of being beaten overcame her exhaustion.  Rupali dragged herself to her feet and helped in the setting up of the camp.  Fortunately there were a lot of others in the same condition she was.  Her movements, although slow, were not much different from those of the other slaves and for once the guards seemed willing to make allowances for the fact that everything seemed to happen in slow motion. 


Eventually she was allowed to return to Larra.  She brought food and water, but found that the Englishwoman was asleep.  Rupali, so tired herself that she could barely stand, decided to leave her that way.  Sleep for the moment was probably more important than either food or water.  Placing the bowl of rice on the ground and the gourd of water next to it, Rupali lay down beside her mistress and fell into an exhausted sleep.


She and Larra both awoke just before dawn.  During the night something had stolen Larra’s small bowl of rice.  It might have been one of the guards or perhaps a creature from the forest; it really didn’t matter, Larra drank from the gourd and waited without complaint.


Rupali gazed at the Englishwoman in silent admiration.  Despite her coating of filth she was till undeniably the most beautiful woman Rupali had ever seen and was certainly the strongest physically.  Even after yesterday’s ordeal she seemed quite ready to resume the trek without complaint.  Rupali on the other hand shuddered at the thought of taking to the trail again.


As if guessing her thoughts Larra smiled at the girl.  “Don’t worry, Rupali.  You’ll make it.  You are young and strong and the path will be drier today.”


Rupali shook her head.  “I’m too fat.  I’m not strong enough for this.”


“You are stronger than you think,” Larra replied quietly.  “I will walk slowly.  I do not think the guards will beat a member of the prince’s harem.  Just keep in step with me.”


Rupali nodded and got to her feet.  She tried not to groan.  She had duties to attend to.  It was best she was at them before a blow from a bamboo staff reminded her of them. 


Larra turned out to be right.  The trek was not as hard as it had been on the precious day.  The track was almost dry and got drier as the day progressed.  In addition, the prince or whoever was in charge of the procession did not push the column very hard.  Apparently he understood that another day’s forced march would result in a considerable loss of his precious slaves.  They went slowly and steadily and stopped early as they had the day before. 


The next day the rain returned, but the march did not halt.  By this time the ground had changed.  Instead of muddy forest trails they were now walking over well worn stone and although they continued to move in an upward direction the trek was not nearly as arduous. 


Larra knew that they were heading into the mountainous region of central Borneo, an area that was largely unexplored and thought to be occupied only by relatively primitive tribes of forest dwellers.  Obviously they were not all primitive if one judged by her captors. 


In spite of her perilous situation Larra could not help wondering about the people who had taken her prisoner.  As an explorer, archeologist, and anthropologist her scientific curiosity was aroused.  Who were these people?  Where did they live?  And what sort of civilization did they have?  Eventually she knew that all of these questions would be answered, provided she survived the trek.


By now she had been a prisoner for over three months.  She guessed that it was near the end of June and the temperature should have been stifling hot except for the fact that she was now several thousand feet above sea level and still climbing.  She was also more than three months pregnant, and knew that she could not hide her condition for much longer.  Already she could detect a slight thickening of her waist.  Her breasts had also increased in size and the normally rose pink nipples and areola had darkened.  These were all signs that were easily detectable if anyone had cared to take a careful look.   She wondered what would happen when the guards reported her condition.  The prince was sure to be interested in the fact that she carried the child of his rape, although she doubted that he thought of it that way. 


The next two weeks they were continually on the march through both rain and shine.  Larra never saw the prince although she had no doubt that the guards kept him informed about her.  She felt no ill effects of the growing fetus inside her.  For her, except for morning sickness during the early stages, pregnancy had always been pleasant.  The flow of hormones into her body seemed to make her stronger and the one time she had stayed with the father of her child he had commented that she seemed to grow more beautiful as the fetus matured.  Still, she worried.  Her arms and shoulders were agonizingly painful and so stiff from the unnatural position that during the short time each day that she was released from her cruel chains she could barely move her arms and she had to fight back a cry of anguish when the guards did it for her. 


There was also never enough food and she was always hungry.  Mindful of the fact that she was now eating for two she worried about the effects on the life within her.  She had not desired this pregnancy, but she had no wish for the developing fetus to suffer because of it.  She could not, however, bring herself to tell the guards that she was carrying the child of their master.  That was one humiliation she was not prepared to face.


Matters concerning her health, however, were soon taken out of her hands.  It happened during the daily inspection of her chains.  For some reason the guards were accompanied by one of the members of the harem, a young women called Sidi, that Larra had been on good terms with prior to her attempt to escape.  Perhaps the prince wanted to be sure that his prize concubine was not suffering any permanent physical damage due to the brutal way he had ordered her restrained.  More likely, he wanted a report as to whether or not his treatment had broken her proud spirit.  The brown-skinned girl studied Larra intently, her dark eyes sweeping over her body.  She said nothing, but Larra guessed she was not fooled.


That was confirmed a short time later when the guards returned.  They closed in about her, one on each side and marched her to the tent occupied by the prince.  She had little choice but to comply.  She had been forced to do everything demanded of her ever since the prince had decided to shackle her arms so painfully.  Unless she could find a way to free herself from the painful bondage there was little hope of escape.


That all changed soon after she and Rupali were paraded before the prince.  As soon as she entered the part of his palatial tent that served as his audience chamber several female attendants descended upon her.  The painful restraints pinning her arms were released and she was given a quick examination by the women.  Larra knew what they were looking for, but there was little she could do to stop them. 


Finished their inspection they spoke to the prince.  “It is as Sidi said, my lord.  The white woman is with child.”


Prince Selwin smiled arrogantly.  “So, my seed was so potent it found fertile ground the first time I took you.  You are not so powerful after all.  My seed has tamed you and now you are mine to do with as I wish.”


“How typical of a man to measure himself by his ability to impregnate a helpless woman,” Larra returned.  “You took me by force and what is taken by force is not rightfully his.  I will never be yours.”


“Perhaps not,” the prince sneered, “but your child will be.  I will make certain of that.  In the meantime I think you have once again earned the right to entertain me.”


Larra felt a stab of fear at the prince’s reference to the child she was carrying.  It might be a child conceived by rape, but she had no intention of giving it up to the man who had violated her.  She almost missed the second part of the prince’s declaration until the guards took hold of her and began to escort her from the room. 


Her arms freed she was now able to strike at the men who held her, but she saw at once that such an effort would be futile.  She was surrounded by more than a dozen men and she now had her child to think of.  Unresisting she let them lead her away.


Rupali watched in despair as Larra was led from the room.  During her several week association with the tall Englishwoman she had forged a strong bond.  Larra was the only person who had ever made her feel as if she was worth anything.  She wanted to help, but was helpless to do anything.  And then the prince’s gaze fell upon her. 


“Where has that one been hiding?” he asked.  “Take her also.  I will have the white skinned woman and this one as well.”


It took Rupali a few seconds to realize that the prince was talking about her.  Her eyes widened in shock and then fear as she realized that she had been singled out and then the guards closed about her.  Trembling with fear she was led from the room. 


“It’s a mistake,” she thought.  “He can’t want me.”  But she knew that there had been no mistake.  The prince had looked directly at her.  Terrified, but at the same time strangely flattered, Rupali followed after Larra, wondering if her nightmare (or was it an erotic  dream?) would ever end.