

Red Dragon

Episode II Return of the Dragon


Chapter 5  Che Sha


Melissa untangled the rope from her body.  She was almost shaking with cold and if it had not been for her Dragon Warrior training she would have been shivering uncontrollably.  She got shakily to her feet, dragging the seaweed from her hair and wiping some of the sand off her tattered clothing.  How long had she been on the beach?  Her memories were a little confused.  She could remember fighting for her life in the cold sea, huge waves lifting her and swirling her about uncontrollably.  If she had not been roped to the barrel she would certainly have drowned.  Then she had been driven toward shore.  This time the barrel was not so helpful.  Unable to cut herself loose in time the barrel had dragged her across a barnacle encrusted reef, ripping most of her clothing away and lacerating her body severely. 


Fortunately her father’s sword had not been lost and was still strapped across her back.  She drew the blade from its sheath.  It would need to be oiled as soon as possible.  In the meantime if she could find some fresh water she could get rid of most of the salt on the blade. 


The thought of water reminded her of her thirst.  She had swallowed more than enough of the sea during her wild ride to shore, but that was of little help.  If anything it made her thirstier. 


She began to walk down the beach.  Having no idea where she was it didn’t really matter which direction she took, and so she went south toward a rugged headland that looked promising.  Perhaps if she was lucky she would find a stream bubbling down from the rocks.  If nothing else the rocks might have some basins where pools of rainwater might have collected. 


Where were her companions?  Surely she could not be the only survivor.  Then she thought about what had happened to her.  She shook her head.  The thought that all of her companions might have been taken by the sea was not something she could accept.  If she could survive the sea then so could they.  They question was where were they?


She had reached the rocks.  The walk down the beach had warmed her up a little, but she was still cold.  It was at that moment she smelled smoke.  She stopped and surveyed the area in front of her.  A small plume of smoke rose into the air from just beyond the rocky headland.  Drawing her sword again she clambered silently onto the rocks.  A few seconds later she sighed in relief.


“Captain Dragoth,” she said.  Seated before a large blaze in a sheltered hollow in the rocks, was Dragoth with two of the serving girls.  She scrambled toward him as the startled trio turned in her direction.


“My lady,” Dragoth said, leaping to his feet.  He stared at her, his mouth open as did the two serving girls.  For an instant Melissa thought their confusion was due to her unexpected appearance, but she soon realized from the direction of Dragoth’s eyes that it was something else.  He was staring at her seminude body with more than a normal fascination. 


Melissa made no effort to cover herself.  She was not ashamed of her exquisite body nor was she put off by the reaction it engendered in others, especially men.  Covering her naked breasts would have simply drawn more attention to her condition.  She sheathed her sword and jumped down beside the fire.  Immediately one of the serving girls stepped forward and draped a bit of cloth over her.  Melissa nodded her thanks and sat down by the fire.  The heat flooded into her, but she showed no reaction to the welcome warmth.  “My friends, captain,” she said.  “What of them?”



Che Sha clung to the barrel that had saved her life.  Cold, exhausted, and desperate for water, she could see no more than a few feet in any direction.  She had tried clambering onto the barrel, but the ungainly floatation device merely spun in the water, leaving her floating beside it.  If land was nearby she had no way of seeing it.  The direction of the sun helped a little.  She knew that the shore was supposed to be somewhere to the east, but whether it was near or far she had no idea.  She might be a few hundred paces from land or several leagues.  Without any idea of her location she conserved her strength and hoped that the wind and tide would push her in the right direction.


The sudden appearance of a streamlined furry face just two body lengths away startled her.  She stared back in astonishment while the creature studied her.  At that point she wished that she had some of the ability of the two Sylvani maidens to communicate with animals, but the sight of the seal was still good news.  She did not fear the creature; she had never heard of anyone being attacked by a seal and she knew that for the most part they lived close to land.  With any luck she might be able to determine where land was and escape from the sea before the cold ate any further into her bones. 


The seal disappeared with a flick of its flippers, almost as if it was mocking her feeble attempts at swimming.  Che Sha tried to keep sight of the direction it took by ducking her head under the water, but it swam deep and fast.  Just before it vanished she noted that it seemed to be swimming north.  That was not the direction she knew the shore to be, but perhaps the animal was heading for a headland or island that was close by.  Or it might be simply swimming further out to sea in search of food.  With a mental shrug she began to paddle in the direction the seal had gone, propelling her barrel in front of her.


She knew that she could not keep up the effort of paddling much longer, but it seemed she had no other choice.  Waiting for the sea to push her in the right direction seemed like it was leaving too much to chance.  A few minutes later a loud barking sound alerted her to the fact that she had probably made the right decision.  Shortly after that she heard the sound of waves breaking on rocks and tried to push herself a little higher to see what she was approaching. 


Just ahead of her was a dark line of rocks.  The waves were now pushing her gently toward them, but there appeared to be a slight break in the centre.  Taking a chance she drew her knife and cut herself free from the barrel that had saved her life and swam toward the gap.  It took all of her remaining strength, but she swept through the gap propelled by an especially large wave, and found herself dumped onto a sandy beach. 


For a minute or so she just lay exhausted, trying to collect her strength and then she slowly got to her feet.  She fought back the natural tendency to shiver.  As a Shang princess she had been raised to show self-discipline; she would control her body, not let it control her.  Still, she needed to find some way to warm up.  She was soaked through and although most of her clothing was intact it offered her very little in the way of warmth. 


She surveyed her surrounding.  She was standing on a sandy beach, the sand still wet from the storm.  Ahead of her to the south, the land rose to a rugged headland and a flat expanse of wave pounded rocks that jutted into the sea.  Behind her the beach tapered off into the sea.  There were seals everywhere, some of them absolutely enormous. 


There wasn’t much choice of which way to go.  Threading her way through the seals and avoiding the huge bulls, Che Sha worked her way toward the rocks, hoping to find shelter, fresh water, and if she was lucky – food.


Water, however was the most important right now.  Although intensely uncomfortable in her wet, salt-laden clothing, that could wait until she found something to drink.  During her stay in the sea she had swallowed enough sea water to float a small ship, but that was of little help to her. 


She trudged steadily toward the headlands for about a minute before she took off her boots and emptied out several cups of wet sand.  It was a wonder that she hadn’t been dragged to the bottom by the weight.  Wringing out her socks she put them and her boots back on and then continued.  She reached the rocks a short time later and began to move among them, glad to be out of the wind.  Here and there she spotted chunks of driftwood.  She could make a fire if she had to, provided she could reproduce the technique of fire making Vayasha had shown her.  But right now her thirst drove her on.  Surely there must be some water close by.  After all, what did the seals drink?  Then it occurred to her that seals might get all the water they needed from eating fish.


“Thank the gods,” she murmured.  About waist-high in the rocks were several bowl-shaped depressions.  They were full of water and several spans above the high tide mark.  No doubt they had been filled by the heavy rain that had fallen during the storm.


She cupped her hands and drank carefully.  Then finding the water potable drank handful after handful until her thirst was assuaged.  Now she just needed to find some food.  Perhaps she might chance upon a fisherman’s hut, but she needed to get a better view of her surroundings. 


Ignoring the chill wind as she left the shelter of the rocks, she began to climb.  She moved carefully.  The rocks were still slippery and a fall would leave her helpless.  Fortunately, the rocky headland wasn’t too high.  She gained the top within a few minutes and gazed at her surroundings. 


“An island,” she muttered.  The sea stretched in every direction.  The island itself seemed uninhabited, devoid of any sign of human life.  It appeared that she was going to have to look after herself until she could find some way to get off the island.  Her stomach rumbled, reminding her that she needed food.  This was something that she was not used to.  Her life as a Shang princess had left her poorly prepared to live off the land, but her association with the two Sylvani girls had helped a bit.  She knew that most places had some sort of food available and since she was close to the sea there should be something she could eat. 


She moved back down to the beach and circled around to the seaward side of the island.  As she had expected numerous edible sea creatures clung to the rocks.  Taking out her dagger she pried several reluctant shellfish from the rocks.  Prying the bivalves open she upended them and swallowed several of them, taking the edge off her hunger.  She was about to select a few more when a voice almost made her jump out of her skin.


“Well, what be here?”  The voice very much resembled the creaking of badly rusted hinges.  Che Sha whirled around, her exotic weapons at the ready.  To her astonishment she beheld a withered crone leaning on a hawthorn staff.  The woman was dressed in what appeared to be seal skins, laced together to form a crude dress.


The wrinkled face creased in what Che Sha interpreted as a grim, revealing a single yellowed tooth in her lower jaw.  “Is it food ye be wanting?” the ancient creature croaked.  “Ye should have asked.  Everything on this island be mine.”


“I was hungry,” Che Sha stammered.  “I was shipwrecked.”


“Ah, that be explaining why ye be here then,” the decrepit hag replied.  “Still, ye should have asked.”


Che Sha lowered her weapons.  The old woman seemed harmless enough if a little irascible.  “I saw no house,” she said.  “I did not know the island belonged to anyone save the birds and the seals.”  She felt a little foolish for defending herself.  After all, the crone’s claim that the island was hers seemed a little ridiculous, however, the sudden appearance of the old woman had her a little unnerved.  Che Sha’s hearing was excellent.  Why had she not heard the hag approach?


The ancient female seemed to notice Che Sha’s wet clothing for the first time.  “Ye be soaked.  Come, follow Granny Thorn.  Ye may shelter in my home.”


Without waiting for an answer the old woman turned and shuffled off.  Che Sha noticed that in spite of her awkward gait, the hag moved without a sound.  With a shrug she followed.


The crone led her through the rocks, close to a rocky cliff and then with a sudden turn disappeared.  Increasing her stride, Che Sha hurried to catch up and saw that there was a narrow cleft in the rocks into which the woman must have gone.  After a moment’s hesitation she followed.  Inside she found herself in a narrow tunnel formed by a natural parting of the rock.  The old woman was just ahead of her disappearing into the gloom.  She moved steadily without the help of any torch.  Che Sha followed more slowly, fearful of stumbling over some unseen obstacle.


A creaking sound revealed that the crone had come to some sort of door and was swinging it open.  Beyond, Che Sha could see the glow of a fire.  She quickened her pace at the promise of warmth and entered a small cave. 


It was a well-organized and cozy cave dwelling, floored with sawn boards.  Against one wall was a fireplace that was partly formed out of the natural rock and partly constructed of well laid stones.  Next to another wall was a simple wooden bed covered with a  feather-stuffed mattress and in the centre of the room was a small trestle table. 


Along two of the walls were shelves and cupboards laden with a variety of objects both mundane and mysterious, from dried fish and the skulls of seabirds to the claws and fangs of unknown beasts, and even a couple of skulls that resembled humans.  Che Sha stopped, uncertain as to what she was walking into.    


The hag turned her mouth gaping in her single-toothed grim.  “Be not afeared.  Ye be cold and hungry.  Warm yerself by the fire while Granny ladles out some soup.”


Che Sha noted that there was a large kettle swung close to the fire.  A tempting aroma rose from it.  She seated herself on a small stool while the crone ladled out what appeared to be fish stew into a large sea shell.  She handed the bowl to Che Sha along with a spoon that was also fashioned from a shell.


Blowing into the spoon to cool the soup Che Sha tasted it.  “Thank you,” she said, nodding her approval.  This is very good.”


“Granny makes good soup,” cackled the crone.  “Now let’s see about drying those wet clothes.”  Before Che Sha could stop her the hag began to unlace the ties on Che Sha’s blouse.


“That’s all right,” Che Sha said, holding up her hand in protest, while trying not to spill the soup.  “I’ll just let the fire dry me.”


“Don’t be foolish, child,” Granny Thorn replied.  “It be false modesty to sit about in salt water soaked clothes.  It’ll chafe yer fair skin.  Here, wear this blanket while I rinse yer clothes in fresh water and then put them by the fire to dry.”


Che Sha allowed the woman to drape the blanket over her, noting that the blanket was actually several seal skins.  As the velvet fur touched her she immediately felt warmer.   Setting down the bowl, she removed her blouse and sash, and boots.  She hesitated, however, to remove her tight fitting trousers, but the hag prompted her.  “Come now.  We can’t have any foolishness.  Give me all yer clothes.  The blanket will protect yer modesty.” 


Reluctantly, Che Sha removed the rest of her clothing and sat nude under the blanket, spooning soup into her mouth.  With her belly filling up and the warmth of the fire she began to feel the effects of her struggle with the sea.  She realized that she was very tired and she had to fight to stay awake. 


So far the ancient hag had not shown any sign of hostility toward her, but Che Sha was not sure that she could trust the old woman.  There was something strange about a crone living alone on an island, and the cave where she lived was crammed full of arcane materials.  She chanced another look around the cave and noticed that the wall farthest away from the door had another door set into it.  She wondered what was behind it.  Was it another way out?


The crone caught the direction of her eyes.  “Would ye like to know what’s behind that door, child?”  She cackled gleefully.  “Ye’ll find out soon enough.”


“What do you mean?” asked Che Sha getting to her feet.  She was taller than the old woman by at least two hands, but somehow she felt completely intimidated by the withered crone. 


 “Sleep now,” the crone replied, ignoring her question.  “Ye be tired.  All will be explained later.  Ye may have Granny’s bed.”  She gestured toward the simple cot.


Che Sha was about to reply that she would not take an old woman’s bed, but she was suddenly possessed by an overwhelming desire to sleep.  Stumbling to the bed she lay down and curling up in a fetal position, pulled the blanket over her and closed her eyes.


She awoke to the sound of voices. 


“Who be she, Mother?” a gruff male voice asked.  Che Sha opened her eyes.  Looming over her was a huge barbaric figure.


“She be your bride, son.  The gods have cast her on our shores to answer yer desires.”


Che Sha sat up, still groggy from sleep, but rapidly awakening.  In front of her was a bearded giant, dressed, like the woman, in sealskin clothing.  He peered at her with obvious interest.  “She be strange looking,” the giant said, “But very pretty.”


Che Sha clutched her sealskin robe to her.  Her glance darted to her clothing hanging by the fire and to her weapons lying neatly on the hearth.  “What is this?” she asked slowly getting to her feet.  “I am no one’s bride.”


The giant wrinkled his craggy face.  A pair of bright blue eyes studied her.  “She be not like the others, Mother.  This one seems not afraid.”


“Yes,” Granny Thorn said.  “This one be a warrior.  She be strong.  Perhaps she will live.” 


Now angry, Che Sha began to edge toward her weapons.  She was not used to being ignored, and was furious that the old woman and her son would discuss her as if she was a slave or farm animal.


“On no, child,” Granny Thorn said.  “Ye can’t be having those.  It would spoil yer wedding day.”


Che Sha tried to dart around the giant, but the huge man moved with amazing speed.  His arm shot out and wrapped around her waist.  Lifting her like a child he pulled her toward him.


Che Sha didn’t panic.  She let go the sealskin robe and twisting her supple body slammed her elbow backward catching the giant in the solar plexus.  His breath went out of him with a whoosh, and he immediately dropped her.  Cat-like, she landed on her feet.  Two strides took her to the fireplace and her wickedly curved weapons. 


The giant son staggered back, gasping and clutching his midriff.  The old woman cackled in delight.  “See, son.  I told ye she be a warrior.  Look at the fire in them eyes!”


Che Sha raised the razor edged blades.  Each was curved like a shallow sickle, but just at the outside arc of each sickle the blade straightened to a needle sharp point.  They were wicked weapons and had been designed to fit her hand.  The giant glowered at her.  Standing at least three heads taller than she was; he towered over her, his face twisted in rage.  Che Sha readied herself for the attack, but the huge man merely glowered at her.


“Nay, child,” Granny Thorn croaked.  “It wouldn’t do to have ye gut yer husband.”  She gestured with her right hand and suddenly Che Sha found herself frozen. 


Her mouth gaped as she tried to speak, but no words came.  Sudden fear coursed through her as she strained every muscle, but nothing happened.  It was as if her body had been turned to stone. 


The ancient hag cackled.  “There now.  Ye can’t be carvin’ up yer husband.”  She hobbled across the room and took the scythe-like weapons from Che Sha’s hands.  “Ye best tie this one,” she said turning to the angry giant, “or ye’ll not survive yer wedding night.”


Che Sha strained to escape the strange paralysis, but although her body quivered from the effort, she could not so much as move a finger.  Sweat streamed down her lithe body highlighting her smooth curves and exquisite musculature.


The ancient hag ran her fingers over Che Sha’s smooth shoulders, sweeping them slowly downward until she stopped just at the swell of the girl’s dark-nippled breasts.  “Ye do be a pretty one,” the hag exclaimed.  “Skin like the fur of a seal pup and breasts like ripe grapefruit.”  She touched the girl’s left nipple with the jagged nail of her index finger, wiping a single drop of sweat from the tight bud.  “Bind her, son.  Yer bride awaits.”


The giant moved behind Che Sha and pulling her arms behind her, lashed her wrists with strips of sealskin.  Helpless, Che Sha fought to escape, her chest heaving.  The stench of the giant filled her nostrils.  He stank of sweat and fish, and his sealskin clothing was stained with the blood of the animals he had slaughtered.  Quivering with fear, Che Sha shuddered as he finished tying her wrists and began to paw at her body.


She gasped as one huge hand cupped her right breast.  His touch was not gentle.  Her soft flesh squeezed out between his fingers as he clamped down on her breast like a vise. 


“Ye be gentle,” Granny Thorn admonished.  “Remember the last one.  This one be a warrior.  She might last if ye do not harm her.”


“She struck me,” the giant complained, sliding his other hand over Che Sha’s flat hard belly. 


“That just shows spirit.  The sea has sent ye a fine woman.  Use her well and she’ll last ye.  Perhaps ye might even have children.”


At this last remark, Che Sha almost broke free of the spell that held her.  The hag grinned.  “She do be strong.  I’ll release her, but be ready son.  She be like a sea eagle.  Her talons will rip yer heart out should she get loose.  She’ll need tamin’, but that be yer job.”


Che Sha felt the invisible grip on her body disappear.  She lunged against her captor, but he was ready for her.  Lifting her writhing body from the floor he wrapped one powerful arm about her thighs, pinning her kicking legs, and began to carry her across the room. 


Had her hands not been tied she might have managed to break free, but all she was able to do was twist frantically in the arms of the giant as he carried her to the door she had noticed earlier.  Using his free hand he pushed it open and carried her into a dark room.  With his foot the giant kicked the door closed leaving him and his captive in total darkness, however that seemed not to  matter.  He carried the still struggling girl across the room and deposited her on a soft surface.  Che Sha realized that she was now in the giant’s bedroom. 


Releasing her, the huge man struck flint and steel.  A candle flared to life and Che Sha saw that she was in a room similar to the first, except that this one was filled with the giant’s personal possessions.  Most of these items consisted of hooks, harpoons, nets, and various items used in fishing, but three sent a chill of horror through her.  Lined up neatly on a shelf were the decaying skulls of what appeared to have been women.  Two of them still had jeweled hair ornaments braided through their tangled and bloody tresses. 


Che Sha fought back a wave of revulsion.  The giant caught her gaze.  Setting a guttering table on a high shelf he licked his lips.  “Uzon’s brides,” he grunted.  “They not be strong.  Not last long.”


“Uzon,” thought Che Sha.  So the giant did have a name.  That, however, did not make him any less terrifying or her position any less perilous.  But he had made a mistake.  With her hands bound and her weapons gone he thought her helpless. 


The giant leered at her.  “Ye soon be joining them,” he said, pointing to the row of rotting heads, “unless ye be pleasing.”  He began to unlace his sealskin leggings.


Che Sha watched as the huge man removed his clothing.  Not only was he huge, but he was also extremely hairy, his powerfully body resembling a rug.  To a race like the Shang, Uzon’s hirsute body was almost as disgusting as the row of heads of his dead “wives.”  Except for her lustrous raven hair, and the small neat triangle at the apex of her thighs, Che Sha’s body was as smooth and sleek as that of an exquisite marble vase.  She found Uzon undeniably repulsive.


But she made no move to escape.  The giant was at least three times her weight.  If she missed her opportunity she would have no chance of defeating him.  He had already shown himself to be very quick.  And then there was the problem of Granny Thorn.  How was she to get past the witch?  That was a problem she would have to tackle when she came to it.  First she had to defeat the hulking son.


Uzon peeled back his sealskin shirt and then began to push down his trousers.  He had already removed every other item of clothing, including his thigh-high boots and protective leggings.  Protruding from a thicket of hair was a phallus a horse would have been proud of.  Che Sha shuddered, her perfect breasts quivering as she stared at the massive sexual organ.   


Uzon grinned at her discomfiture.  Che Sha realized that a flicker of fear must have shown on her normally impassive face.  “Soon ye’ll feel the power of Uzon’s staff,” the giant crowed.    Dropping his pants to the floor, he advanced upon her.   


Che Sha waited until the elephantine brute was almost upon her, then uncoiling like a spring forged of the finest steel, she braced herself on her elbows and drove her feet into Uzon’s chest.  Her aim had to be precise.  With her wrists bound behind her back she would get only one chance and it was critical that she disable the giant with a single blow and without too much noise.  Granny Thorn must hear as little as possible.  The door sealing the room was constructed of thick sawn planks.  With any luck any noise the hag heard she would interpret as Uzon’s violation of his virgin victim. 


She had reckoned without the giant’s speed.  Far from catching Uzon off guard, he appeared to have been expecting just such an attack.  As her body arched toward him he stepped back.  That small move was just enough to weaken the impact.  Her feet struck him just where she had aimed, but it was far from the knockout blow she had hoped for.


The bear-like brute glowered at her and then laughed uproariously.  “Ye think to trick me, but I be too clever for ye.  Now ye’ll be tamed, the same way I tamed the others.”


Uzon lurched forward, and caught Che Sha’s left ankle.  Fighting to retain her composure, she struck at him with her right foot while trying to free the left, but the giant evaded the blow and twisting her leg spun her onto her chest. 


“Uuugggh!” Che Sha grunted as the giant’s weight pinned her face down on the bed.  She gasped in fear as her legs were forced apart. 


“Now, warrior, I tame you.”  Gripping her arms at the elbow he arched her back to the point where Che Sha feared her spine would snap and forced her back onto his enormous spear. 


“No!  NO!” Che Sha pleaded.  But she was pulled inexorably backward, the huge phallus sliding between her parted thighs to the lips of her quivering vulva.  Her body bathed in sweat, she slid easily toward the giant’s waiting staff. 


Mercifully, he did not penetrate her immediately.  Instead he slid the tip of his engorged phallus slowly up and down over the lips of her vulva.  Seminal fluid leaking from the head of his penis coated her nether lips, providing lubrication for the intended mating.  Che Sha’s breath came in frightened gasps as she twisted her body almost hysterically in an effort to escape, but she was trapped by the giant’s position between her thighs and the hold he had on her elbows.  He had bent her to his will, and she was helpless to prevent what she knew much come.


“AahAhhh!”  She half cried half sobbed as he began to penetrate her.  His bloated organ was huge and invading her virginal love canal was made difficult by its tightness and the low level of sexual lubricant.  She clenched her vagina to deny him entry, but his conquest was unstoppable.  Inexorably Uzon pushed into her, his own breathing harsh with excitement. 


“Ye be strong,” he grunted.  “But I be stronger.”  As she finished speaking he emphasized his dominance by pulling even harder on her arms.  With a sudden lurch he broke through her defences.


“Eeeaaggh!!”  Che Sha screamed in defeat as Uzon slid into her.  There was a sharp pain as her maidenhead was taken and then an even greater pain as the giant’s harpoon drove deep within her virginal depths.  Impaled, Che Sha screamed as the organ forced its way into her.  Uzon leaned forward using all of his great weight and strength to penetrate her fully.  Brutally ravished the girl screamed in anguish as the huge member forced her pelvic bones apart. 


Fortunately, the vicious rape was mercifully short.  Uzon erupted like a volcano within her, spewing his lava-like semen deep into her vagina and all over her backside.  As his organ went limp he pulled out of her and left the sobbing girl on the bed. 


Che Sha did not look up as Uzon cleaned himself.  She was too exhausted and humiliated, and in too much pain to move, but she forced herself to stop crying.  She was a Shang princess and despite the fact that she had lost her virtue, she had too much pride to weep like a frightened girl. 


“Ye be strong, as Mammy said,” Uzon rumbled.  “Ye’ll make a fine wife once ye be used to me.”  She could hear the giant pulling on his clothes.  Relieved that the ordeal was not going to be immediately repeated she lay quiet.  A few seconds later she felt a tug on her bonds and her bound wrists were released.  Then she heard the door creak open and then close.  She did not move for several minutes, and then she slowly rolled over. 


She groaned.  Her loins felt as if molten steel had been poured into her.  She fought back the urge to weep as she looked at the dried blood and dark bruises on her thighs.  In a corner of the room was what appeared to be a pitcher of water and a washbowl.  Fighting back an urge to cry out, she slid off the bed.  Her legs shook and she had to lean on the bed for support.  Slowly she made her way across the room, every step agony.  Inside she felt a deep fear that Uzon might have permanently damaged her. 


Reaching the small table holding the washbowl she filled it from the pitcher.  Taking a rather dirty cloth from a peg on the wall she began to clean herself, trying not to wince in pain every time she touched a bruise.  Finally she threw down the cloth and draped the sealskin robe about her.  Her clothing was still in the other room.  Making her way to a stool in one corner of the room, she sat down and waited.  The bed would have been more comfortable, but she could not force herself to return to the place where she had been defiled. 


She wasn’t quite sure of how long she sat where she was.  There was no way of keeping track of time.  She spent her time studying the room.  There seemed to be a number of objects in the room that would serve as weapons, but she was in no condition to fight Uzon and when she did she would have to make sure that she was successful.  Defeat would certainly result in terrible punishment.  And then there was the problem of Granny Thorn.  She might be able to deal with the giant, but how could she fight a witch?


Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening.  The room seemed to shrink as Uzon lumbered into its centre.  In one hand he held a chunk of meat.  He stared at her thoughtfully and then stuffed it into his mouth.  He chewed slowly and noisily, smacking his lips and dropping bits of food into his beard.  He belched loudly and wiped his dripping mouth with the back of his hand. 


“I see ye be recovered,” he said finally.  “That be good.  It be time for supper.”  He held out one huge hand.  “Come with me.  Mammy has prepared a fine seal stew.  There be plenty for all.  Ye need food.  Ye be beautiful, but ye be skinny as a rail.  Tonight we be husband and wife again.”  He grinned.  “Ye be needing yer strength.”


Che Sha shivered, but her body broke out into a sweat.  Trying not to show her fear, she followed her “husband” from the room.