The Misadventures of the Black Leopard

The Misadventures of the

 Black Leopard


Episode 1

The Black Leopard’s Revenge




Chapter 5  Retinoff


“It’s time,” Ivan Retinoff murmured.  “Now the world will truly appreciate my greatness.”  He moved forward and lumbered out of his underground lair emerging at street level.  “Where to begin?” he thought.  The Metro City National Bank would be a good place to start.  He triggered his rocket pack and rose quickly above the surrounding buildings.  His wizened face smiled.  Flying was so much better than walking. 


The machine wobbled a bit as he leveled off but the auto-stabilizer corrected the suit’s attitude and he was soon soaring rapidly above the unsuspecting city.  He experimented as he flew, practicing his aeronautical skills.  “This is fun,” he giggled.  Why had he wasted so much time on perfecting a microwave oven when he could have been working on this instead?  Who would want an oven that cooked food in seconds anyway?


The bank loomed ahead.  Assuming a vertical position he dropped to the street, landing right in front of the main doors.  He cackled with glee as pedestrians scattered in every direction.  He hadn’t had this much fun since he had violated the Jade Dragon and her cohorts.  With any luck one or the other of those interfering heroines might show up.  He would enjoy greeting them.


He strode through the bank doors, not bothering to open them.  He wouldn’t have fitted in any case.  The glass shattered and the metal frame crumpled as he entered the bank foyer.  Terrified customers and bank workers ran for their lives, or so they thought, leaving just a few frightened guards.  Retinoff didn’t even bother to deal with them.  Ignoring the bullets that bounced off his armoured hide, he moved resolutely toward the bank’s vault, plowing desks, chairs, and other minor obstacles out of the way.  Reaching the huge steel door he raised the right arm of his suit.  An intense beam of light struck the hinges, burning through the metal as if it was butter.  With a building-shaking crash the huge door slammed to the floor.  Retinoff entered the vault and using his flexible arms began to scoop  bundles of money into a compartment in his armoured suit.  He took his time, after all, nothing could hurt him and the heroines still hadn’t shown up.



Suzie slid smoothly down the fire pole, Kyla right behind her.  They had reacted instantly to the report of the strange metal monster robbing Metro City’s largest bank.  Within seconds they had leaped into Suzi’s modified Duisenberg and were thundering out of his underground garage into the streets of Metro city. 


It took them only minutes and the violation of almost every driving regulation known to civilized society short of mayhem to reach the centre of the city.  Bringing the car to a screeching halt, Suzi leaped from the vehicle.  She already had her firearms drawn.  Of Kyla there was no sign.  She had already clouded the minds of any nearby observer.  To anyone watching the scarlet clad heroine as she went into action, it would appear that she was alone.


Suzi was a magnificent figure.  Tall, large breasted, and athletic, her scarlet uniform clung to her like a second skin.  Every movement of her long smooth muscles was a study in the poetry of the human body.  Even with her face and hair hidden under her scarlet cowl, there was no denying that she was one of the most beautiful women on the planet.  Just now, however, anyone who saw her was more likely to focus on the enhanced Browning .45s that she held in each hand and the look of steely determination in her vivid blue eyes.   


She strode purposefully toward the bank, unsure of what she would find, but resolute in her purpose.  Whatever was terrorizing the good citizens of Metro City, she would deal with it in short order. 


Suzi and the invisible Kyla walked through the shattered entrance of the bank.  Inside was a scene right out of popular fiction.  A huge manlike machine constructed out of gleaming metal dominated the interior of the building.  It stood a good ten feet tall and appeared to be constructed of stainless steel.  It turned ponderously toward her as she entered.


“Ah, the Scarlet Falcon.  How good of you to come.” 


“Retinoff,” said Suzi.  “I should have guessed it would be you.”  Even artificially enhanced, the Russian accent of the mad scientist could not be disguised.


“Oh,” Retinoff’s metallic voice boomed.  “You have recognized me.  I wanted to surprise you.  And I see you have brought your invisible friend.  How nice that you are here also, Blue Avenger.”


Kyla did not reply.  Retinoff could be bluffing.  Her powers of invisibility depended on being able to cloud the minds of those around her, but she knew from painful past experience that Retinoff had other ways of detecting her. 


The huge metallic head turned directly toward her.  “Is it my imagination, Blue Avenger, or have you gained a little weight?  You should be more careful.  I do so admire that slender body.”


Kyla said nothing, but she was a little miffed.  She had gained a little weight, but it was in the form of muscle.  She had been working out strenuously for the last few weeks, determined to get herself into peak condition.  Her lithe, small-breasted body was amazingly limber and filled her form-fitting blue uniform admirably. 


“The game’s up Retinoff,” Suzi said, “so spare me your mindless banter.  Surrender and I won’t make Swiss cheese out of the tin box.”  She gestured toward Retinoff’s armoured figure with the muzzle of her pistol. 


“You are as brave and stupid as you have always been, Scarlet Falcon,” Retinoff replied.  “I like that in a heroine.  It makes you so easy to defeat.”


Suzi readied herself for action.  It had been too much to suppose that an arch-fiend like Retinoff would come quietly.  She looked toward the imposing metal monster that was now slowly moving toward her.


As she had already noted, it stood about ten feet tall and was generally man-like.  It stood on two legs that were bent at the knee in the reverse of a human limb, the better to support the weight of the huge metal torso.  Two large arms hung on each side.  At the end of each were powerful-looking five-fingered hands, each with a finger span of about three feet.  There were a number of small circular doors or hatches in the front of the machine.  What was behind each of them could not be determined, but Suzi guessed that she probably did not want to know.  She leveled her 45s at it and pulled the trigger.


There was a thunderous explosion of sound as she opened up on the monster.  She had modified the Brownings, increasing the capacity of the magazines and making then fully automatic.  She had also increased the power of each cartridge so that the hitting power of each steel-jacketed bullet was magnified five-fold.  Retinoff’s creation should have been torn apart, but when the smoke cleared and the echoes of the detonations had ceased the immense machine was still there, its surface slightly scarred, but otherwise undamaged.


“Very impressive, Scarlet Falcon.  I shall have to remember to have a look at those weapons.  They might make a useful addition to my arsenal.” 


Retinoff had barely finished speaking before there was an identical series of explosions as Kyla cut loose, targeting the head of the metallic figure.  For a second the huge machine swayed, but then it regained its balance, settling solidly onto its huge claw-like feet.


“Enough,” Retinoff said.  “It is time you learned just how pathetic your efforts are.”


Suzi had hurriedly reloaded.  She could hardly believe that her and Kyla’s efforts had been so ineffective.  Somewhere in the metal shell that surrounded the mad genius there must be a weakness.  But even has she slammed another magazine into place, four of the hatches in the torso of the machine opened.  From each snaked a metallic tentacle about two inches in diameter and seemingly without end.  The flexible arms shot toward her. 


Only her lighting reflexes allowed her to avoid Retinoff’s first attempt to seize her.  Leaping over one of the tentacles and ducking under another, she aimed her pistols and fired again. 


This time she targeted the tentacles.  She couldn’t take the chance that one of them might grab hold of her.  This time she had more success.  Her bullets tore through the flexible mechanical arms, crippling one of them and blowing another completely in two.  But Retinoff had only begun to display his array of weapons.  Even as Kyla’s bullets ripped into the remaining two tentacles two more hatches opened in the torso of Retinoff’s robot.  This time no arms emerged, but what did proved more than effective. 


With a small explosion a metallic net sailed through the air.  Suzi tried to duck under it, but it fell directly onto her, instantly entangling her in its meshes.  A second net was fired in a different direction.  It seemed to strike something and then disappeared.  Suzi knew with a feeling of alarm that Kyla had also been ensnared. 


Her guns were useless now.  Dropping them she tried to disentangle herself from the net, but before she could Retinoff’s huge machine lumbered over her.  “You bitch,” Retinoff said angrily.  “You’ve damaged my beautiful creation.  You and your friend will pay dearly for that.”


Suzi looked toward the spot where the other net had landed and saw that Kyla had dropped her shield of invisibility.  It made no difference now that she was caught.  Like Suzi she was struggling frantically to escape, but it was too late; the folds of the net closed about each of them and they were hoisted into the air. 


Both women struggled frantically, but one of the huge metal hands closed about each of them.  It did not escape either of them that it would be a simple matter for Retinoff to crush them like insects.  However, the mad doctor seemed to have a different idea.  There was a faint click and two more of the hatches opened in the torso of the machine.  Lifted by the massive hands they were moved closer to the hatches and held there.  From each hatch a smaller version of the huge arm that held each of them emerged.  One of them was holding a set of handcuffs.  It didn’t take much intelligence to determine what Retinoff had in mind, but although each of the trapped heroines twisted her body wildly, neither was able to prevent the smaller arms from reaching through the mesh of the nets and forcing their arms behind their backs. 


The click of the cuffs closing on her wrists filled Suzi with a sense of doom.  Retinoff now had her in a position where he could do anything he wanted with her and Kyla and there was no way of stopping him. 


“Arrogant superheroine whores,” Retinoff sneered.  “Now we’ll see just how superior you are.”  Releasing nets that held the heroines, he picked them up and shambled toward the outside.  He noted with satisfaction that a large crowd of police, firemen, and curious citizens of the city had gathered in the street outside the bank.  As he emerged holding his prizes they backed away from him, but he intended them no harm.  On the contrary, he was going to give them a show they would never forget.


Lifting the Blue Avenger he hung the struggling heroine from the top of a lamp standard, allowing her weight to be supported by her wrists alone.  There was a gratifying grunt of pain as the strapado position wrenched agonizingly at her shoulders.  Biting back a cry of pain, Kyla hung there, her perfect features distorted in anguish.  For the Scarlet Falcon he had other plans.  Holding the heroine with both of the large mechanical hands, he used the smaller arms to methodically remove her costume. 


He started with her knee high black boots and then removed her golden utility belt.  Then he started on her costume.  He did not shred the form-fitting material.  It would have been difficult in any case.  The costume was constructed of a synthetic material that he himself had invented and which the Scarlet Falcon had duplicated in order to create an almost indestructible costume for herself and her superheroine companions.  He located the zippers and fastenings that held the costume on and one by one undid then, luxuriating in the incredible beauty of the magnificent body he was slowly revealing. 


“You bastard,” Suzi grunted.  She was using all of her strength to break free, but the steel hands would not budge a millimeter.  Desperate to escape the shame and torment she knew awaited her, she tried everything she could think of to loosen the steel grip of the robot.  Fear and despair gripped her as zipper by zipper Retinoff slowly revealed her body to the world. 


A low murmur ran through the crowd, as the heroine was slowly stripped of her costume.  Women who were watching hurried their children away or covered their eyes with their hands as Suzi’s magnificent body was revealed for all to see.  Very few of the men looked away, but there was a growl of anger from many of them that any woman should be treated this way.  However, few dared go up against the menacing machine that dominated the bank entrance.  One or two tried, but a sweep of Retinoff’s huge robot arms sent them tumbling brokenly down the street.  The message was clear: watch but don’t interfere. 


The police and firefighters were similarly helpless.  They dared not use their guns or hoses for fear of injuring the captive heroines, and no man was brave enough to chance getting anywhere near the metal monster that Retinoff commanded.  Forming a semicircle around Retinoff and the two heroines they watched as the two women were thoroughly degraded.


Retinoff removed the last item of Suzi’s clothing.  He left only her cowl, but her flowing golden locks streamed from beneath it and whipped back and forth as she moved her head from side to side.  By now Suzi’s satin skin was wet with sweat.  Almost exhausted from her struggles, she could only watch with horror as several more compartments in the torso of the robot opened and a variety of frightening objects emerged. 


The first object was an arm that ended in an apparatus that resembled a pair of pliers.  Suzi knew at once was it was intended for, but she was helpless to prevent its use.  Retinoff’s jeering voice once again boomed out.  “Time for a little decoration, heroine.  I hope you find this as pleasing as I do.”


“Nnngh!” Suzi grunted as the first nipple ring was inserted.  It was very painful; Retinoff had made no effort to pierce her nipple first.  Instead he used the pliers to force the ring through the tip of her quivering breast.  She was better prepared for the second ring, only gasping slightly as the ring was inserted at the base of the nipple. 


“Very pretty,” Retinoff said.  “Your breasts I mean.  The rings are nice too.”  He used the smaller mechanical hands to give her breasts a bruising massage, eliciting an appropriate moan of pain from the trapped heroine.  Then he attached a pair of electrical clips to the gold rings and moved to another part of her anatomy. 


Suzi squirmed as Retinoff pierced her labia.  Even worse than the pain, however, was the public humiliation she was forced to endure.  Surrounded by most of Metro City’s police and fire department as well as a crowd of onlookers, she was shamed beyond imagination.  Even the obvious torture that awaited her was as nothing compared to the humiliation.  She fought back tears of rage as Retinoff attached a third electrical clip.


“Now heroine,” Retinoff said.  “We will se just how strong you are.”  Suzi’s body arched like a bow as the demented scientist turned on the electrical current. 


Retinoff kept the flow of electricity low - well, relatively low.  After all she was a superheroine.  A hundred or so volts should not hurt her.  He used the current masterfully, alternating the voltage and amperage to achieve maximum effect.  Within minutes he had the heroine jumping like a puppet on a string.  Then he prepared for his master stroke.


Suzi watched in disbelief as another hatch opened.  From it emerged a huge double dildo expertly designed to take her in the vagina and anus simultaneously.  She almost broke.  The pulsing of the electric current had pushed her to the edge.  It was incredibly painful but also sexually stimulating at the same time.  She was on the verge of screaming when the huge sexual apparatus emerged from the robot and moved steadily toward her. 


“No!” she thought.  “I’ve got to be strong.  I can’t break down in front of all those men.”


Her chest heaved, her melon-shaped breasts quivering and then she felt the tip of the double dildo tickling her vulva and anus.  Something wet and cold squirted from the metal phalluses, no doubt some sort of lubricant, and then she was penetrated.


Inside the robot, Retinoff groaned.  This was his greatest achievement.  The artificial phallus was directly connected to the nerve ending where his penis had once been.  There wasn’t much of his organ left now; the Black Leopard had made sure of that.  One of his days he would even that score.  In the meantime he had found the ideal way to punish the heroine.  As the robot raped her he would experience sexual pleasure beyond that of any man.  While the heroine screamed in pain the metal apparatus would transfer every nuance of pleasure directly into his nervous system.  He would enjoy sexual pleasure so intense that he would scream along with her.  Sweat soaked his clothing.  Holding the heroine tight he pushed the double phallus into her.


Suzi screamed as her vagina and anus were spread.  The electrical currents still pulsed through her, creating an artificial sexual excitement.  And now she was brutally raped as well, her tight love grotto and anus forced open as the robot dildos entered her.  Each one vibrated as it entered, adding to the erotic sensation, but failing to mask the overwhelming pain. 


Retinoff drew out the cruel rape and Suzi was glad he did, but not for reasons of sexual pleasure.  The immense dildo that pushed against the lips of her vulva was the size of a large marrow.  Had it not been for the lubricant she would have been ripped apart.  It was like being fucked by a bull and it forced apart her pelvic bones as if she was giving birth.  Had Retinoff taken her all at once it most likely would have killed her.  As it was she screamed until she was hoarse as he slowly buried his shaft within her.  And then the smaller dildo reached her anus. 


“Smaller” was a relative term.  Nothing that large was ever intended to enter her tight sphincter.  Her throat already raw from screaming, Suzi could manage only a painful croak as she was ravaged anally and vaginally.  Fortunately, it did not last long; perhaps only half an hour, although to the tortured heroine it seemed much longer. 


Kyla twisted her body as her companion was brutally violated.  A few score feet away hundreds of people watched the heroine’s humiliation, including many members of the press.  She could see the flashing of flashbulbs as photographers recorded the degradation of one of Metro City’s finest women.  Why did no one do anything to help Suzi? 


It appeared to be up to her, Suzi’s cries were heartrending, but no one made the slightest effort to help.  Steeling herself, Kyla tensed her muscles.  Incredibly athletic, she was chagrined at how easily she had been overcome.  Her powers of invisibility had been useless.  Somehow Retinoff had found a way to nullify them.  Now, dangling strapado from the top of the streetlamp, she willed herself to move, ignoring the intense pain as she forced her muscles to obey. 


Slowly she levered herself free.  It took tremendous strength and self-control, but Kyla was a trained gymnast.  That, coupled with the hard training she had received as a companion of the Jade Dragon, gave her the strength and coordination to swing her body so that she was on top of the lamppost, her weight on her hands.  Retinoff appeared not to have noticed her, but that was hardly surprising considering the frightening shrieks of pain that Suzi was emitting. 


Shifting her weight forward she dropped to the street, some twelve feet below.  She landed easily, rolling forward to absorb the shock of her landing.  She was free, sort of.  Her hands were still handcuffed behind her back.  She would have to free herself if she was to be of any use to Suzi.  There was one thing she could do though.  Clouding the minds of those around her she disappeared.  She didn’t know how Retinoff had managed to detect her, but perhaps he couldn’t see her now.   


The robot loomed above her.  A few feet away Suzi screamed in agony, her body twisting as the enormous double dildo vibrated its way within her.  The pain must have been almost unbelievable.  Somehow Kyla had to help her. 


First though there was the matter of the handcuffs.  She moved her shackled wrists beneath her buttocks, and using her amazing flexibility moved her hands the length of her legs and over her feet.  Now she had her manacled wrists in front of her.  She was still wearing her utility belt.  Opening one of the pouches she took out a small lock pick.  Expertly she manipulated the high quality steel.  With a rewarding click the first cuff was unlocked.  It took her only a couple of seconds to remove the other.  Scrambling to her feet she looked for some way to help her friend.


Retinoff’s puny body shuddered as a giant orgasm shook him from head to toe.  It was the best sex he had ever had, made all the better due to the pain and humiliation it had caused the heroine.  Gasping he retracted the huge artificial sex organ he had used to torture her.  One down, one to go.  What the hell?  Where was the other heroine?


It took him only seconds to locate her.  She was crouched near his feet, apparently getting ready to make a run for it.  She was invisible, of course, but his radio detection device picked her up easily.  “Stupid whore,” he said.  “Did you think you could escape so easily?”  Holding the moaning form of the scarlet Falcon with one hand he reached out with the other and scooped her up before she had gone more than three steps. 


Kyla kicked and hammered at the metal hand that gripped her.  Her hopes were dashed.  Instead of helping Suzi she was once again a captive and she was close to panicking. 


“Slow down,” she told herself.  “Stop struggling.  Conserve your strength.  Maybe there is still a chance.”


She watched as Retinoff dealt with Suzi.  All of the fight had gone out of her companion.  The golden-blonde heroine lay limp and unmoving as her manacled wrists were chained to her ankles and she was hung from the same lamppost where Kyla had been placed.  Suspended by her wrists and ankles, the pain must have been excruciating, but the only sound Suzi made was that of her laboured breathing.  Then Retinoff turned his attention to her.


He stripped her, just as he had done to Suzi, exposing her limber body.  Then he ornamented her, inserting the painful nipple rings into each of Kyla’s small pointed breasts and ringing her labia majora.  Kyla twisted in his grasp.  He had not handcuffed her again, and her arms were free, but although she tried to push away the pliers, the mechanical arms were much too strong for her. 


The jolt of electricity surging through her pierced breasts and nipples caused her to scream involuntarily.  Then Retinoff worked her in the same way he had worked Suzi.  Soon she was moaning as Retinoff triggered an artificial orgasm within her.  He repeated the process two more times leaving Kyla sexually exhausted and then he moved the double dildo toward her.


Kyla battled frantically.  She was narrower through the hips than Suzi and less able to endure the terrible pain the brutal instruments of rape would cause.  Placing her hands on the immense metal phallus she tried to prevent it from penetrating her, but it was like trying to hold back a truck.  Retinoff was merely playing with her. 


“Nnnnooohh!” she screamed as her nerve broke and then the immense vaginal and anal probe entered her.  She cried out at once and kept on screaming as Retinoff thoroughly ravished her. 


Bleeding from her vagina and her anus, she felt as if she was being ripped apart.  At the same time she was being ruthlessly stimulated eclectically.  Again and again Retinoff thrust into her, turning her life into a nightmare of sexual torment and humiliation that did not stop until Retinoff had thoroughly satisfied himself.


Finally he released her from her sexual hell, withdrawing his mechanical phallus.  He was, however, not quite finished with either heroine. 


Retinoff wiped the sweat from his brow.  He could hardly see, and his spindly body shook as if from fierce exertion.  Fucking these heroines took a lot out of him, but it was definitely worth it.  Now there was just one final humiliation.  One that would serve as an object lesson to all those who dared oppose him. 


He retrieved the limp form of the Scarlet Falcon from the lamppost where he had stashed her.  She moaned piteously.  Good, she was still conscious.  He hoped she would remain so for at least another half hour.  Removing the shackles from her wrists and ankles he pulled her to her feet.  She made no effort to resist, but stood awkwardly, her head hung in shame as her cuffed her hands again, this time in front of her.  Then he did the same to the Blue Avenger. 


Pulling the two heroines by their wrists, he lifted their arms over their head and chained each one to a separate lamppost.  It left the entire length of their naked bodies exposed.  He took a deep breath, shaking with anticipation.  This was the most satisfying part, almost better than the rape. 


Suzi hung limply from the lamppost.  Her arms were tethered over her head and her feet barely touched the ground. Although suffering terribly she was aware of everything around her.  She knew that a lamppost away Kyla hung in the same position.  She could hardly believe that after how Retinoff had punished them that he was still not satisfied.  What more did he have planned for them? 


She was terribly ashamed of what had happened to her and Kyla.  Retinoff had made no effort to chase away the police and other members of the public who stood only a few feet away watching their subjugation and violation.  Incredibly the crowd seemed more interested in watching what was happening to them than taking any action to help them.  Were they that afraid of Retinoff’s mechanical monstrosity?


Retinoff’s voice crackled over his speaker.  “Citizens of Metro City.  You have seen how easily I defeated the two heroine vigilantes.  Let this be a warning to you all.  To oppose me means painful punishment and to emphasize that you are about to witness the final humiliation of the Scarlet Falcon and Blue Avenger.”


“Oh god,” thought Suzi.  “He’s going to unmask us.  Please someone save us.”


A whirring sound behind her alerted her.  She turned her head slightly and had just enough time to take a deep breath before the lash struck her back.  Even so, the force of the blow caused her to cry out.  The lash bit into her flesh leaving a long bloody welt.  This was the final part of her punishment.  She was to be publicly scourged. 


Another blow cut into her back.  Suzi bit her lip to keep from screaming, drawing blood as she was lashed a third time.  After what she had already been through, the flogging was the last straw.  She wept and cried as the lash shredded her back.


“Two dozen ought to do it,” Retinoff thought.  The blonde heroine hung limply from her wrists, her back crisscrossed with welts.  After all, he didn’t want to cripple her, just make it clear to everyone that from now on he was in charge. 


He swiveled the torso of the robot toward the Blue Avenger.  Now it was her turn.  He could see the heroine swallow as he raised the whip.  He didn’t bring it down right away; he wanted her to beg first.  But she didn’t, instead she stared defiantly at him, her eyes filled with hate and anger.  She was so gorgeous he almost felt like fucking her again.  However, he didn’t want her to pass out.  She was already bleeding badly from her nether region.  He brought the whip down and was rewarded as she twisted her supple body in pain.


He flogged her again, watching her small breasts dance.  She was quite different from the Scarlet Falcon.  When the powerful blonde had been lashed, her heavy melons had quivered like jelly, rolling in complete circles with every blow.  The Blue Avenger’s tits were much more firm and rippled rather than rolled.  Whatever the pattern it was fun to watched her body writhe as he gave her the requisite twenty four.  At the end her body sagged, just like that of the Scarlet Falcon, her legs no longer able to support her weight.  It was now time for the piece de resistance. 


Retinoff moved so that the Robot stood between the two heroines.  “Now witness the ultimate defeat of two superheroines,” he cried dramatically, amplifying his voice to give it greater power.  “Their identities will be revealed to the world.”  He reached down with his robot arms and simultaneously pulled the cowls from the heads of the Scarlet Falcon and Blue Avenger.