Email: Lespion@msn




The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 6

Larra’s Arctic Adventure


Chapter 5  The North


Jean Lemaire chanced a sideways glance at the woman sitting across the other side of the cabin from him.  He eyes were closed, and she appeared to be asleep.  She certainly was a looker.  Perhaps the most beautiful woman he had ever met.  And tough too.  He could sense that in her.  She was someone he wouldn’t want as an enemy. 

In the seat next to him, Sawatis caught his eye.  Lemaire winked.  The big Mohawk just looked back at him.  He was not given to displays of emotion, but Jean had seen him watching the other woman.  There was a definite attraction there, and Lemaire certainly could not blame him.  The young girl was certainly attractive enough.  If Lemaire had not been so attracted to Larra, he would have considered going after her himself.  This job promised to be most interesting.

He looked out the window.  There was no change in the scenery, just endless forest and snow-covered lakes.  They had been flying north now for several hours and must be getting close to
Yellowknife. There would be a brief stop in the northern outpost for awhile they changed planes before continuing to Great Bear Lake.

A sudden noise disturbed his thoughts.  One of the engines had made a disturbing sound.  He looked quickly at the pilot. 

“Problems, folks,” said the pilot calmly.  “We’ve lost oil pressure in the number two engine.  I’m going to have to find a place to put her down.”

The sound of the pilot’s voice awoke the two women, both of whom had been dozing.  “Are we going to crash?”  The voice was Melissa’s and it contained just a hint of anxiety.  She was trying her best to remain calm. 

“Not if I can help it,” answered the pilot.  There is an iced up lake just ahead.  I’ll try and make it before we lose much more altitude.  But we’ll be going in on just one engine.”

The four members of the expedition checked their seat belts.  Larra glanced quickly at the back of the plane.  They were carrying quite a bit of cargo and none of it was tied down.  She was concerned that if they hit too hard, it would all fly forward.  But there was nothing she could do about it now. 

“Damn!  There goes the other engine.  Now we’re a glider.”  There was just enough concern in the pilot’s voice that everyone in the plane tensed up.  “I suggest you keep your heads down, we are going to hit hard.”

The sound of the wind whistling by the outside of the plane increased as it plunged toward the ground.  Then there was a sharp crackling sound as the aircraft tore off the top branches of the trees.  It appeared that they were not going to make the lake.  Larra ducked her head down between her knees, as did Melissa.  Then there was a huge splintering crash and the world seemed to turn upside down. 

The inside of the airplane was filled with flying boxes, bags, cartons, and all sorts of equipment.  The interior of the cabin seemed to describe a complete 360-degree circle and then with a final thundering crash the plane stopped moving.  Silence reigned.  And then there was the sound of moaning.

Larra checked herself out.  As far as she could tell, she was uninjured.  The crash had shaken her up, but did not seem to have done any permanent damage.  She attempted to release her seatbelt, cognizant of the fact that planes often burst into flames after crashing.  To her consternation, she found that it was jammed.  She struggled to reach her knife in order to cut the webbing, but it was twisted beneath her.  She needed to release her seatbelt to get at it, and that was why she needed the knife.  Suddenly, she felt the belt release.  Standing next to her was Melissa, with her own knife in her hand.  “Thanks,” said Larra, as Melissa extended a helping hand. 

Together the two women moved toward the front of the plane.  Larra noticed that Lemaire and Sawatis were out of their seats and moving in the same direction.  The groans she had heard were coming from the pilot. 

Even as she reached the pilot’s side, Larra saw that he was finished.  The branch of a tree had come through the windshield and had impaled him like a lance.  The branch had gone clear through his body and into the seat behind him.  There was little they could do for him except perhaps try to comfort him.  Even that proved unnecessary.  As she reached out to touch him, his groans stopped, and with a sighing gasp he died.  Larra waited only long enough to ensure that the pilot was indeed dead, before joining the others outside the plane.

They waited a few minutes, and when the plane showed no signs of burning, they moved toward it.  The first thing they checked was the radio, but the same tree that had speared the pilot had smashed it irreparably.  After that they unloaded the bulkier supplies from the plane.  They would be able to use the interior as a shelter until help arrived. 

All in all, they were in fairly good shape.  They had more than enough food to last a month, and plenty of ammunition for their firearms.  If food got low they would be able to supplement their diet by hunting.  But Larra was worried by the delay.  It had been impressed on her that the target of their search might be sought by rivals and that it was important to reach her objective as soon as possible. 

“How far do you think we are from
Yellowknife,” she asked Sawatis.

“I can’t really say for sure.  I think we were probably about two hours flying time.  But that would be quite a few days on foot.  And this time of year is not the best time to try an overland trek.  If we had dogs, I would go for it.  But on snowshoes…  Ever try to walk a couple of hundred miles on snowshoes?’  He shook his head. 

Larra made her decision quickly.  “I’m going to split the party.  Sawatis and Melissa will stay here and hope for rescue by air.  They just might find us.  Jean and I will try and make it across country.  Whoever gets to
Yellowknife first can send out help to look for the others.”

Once Larra made her mind up no one argued with her.  Melissa would have preferred to go with Larra, but agreed that her decision made sense.   She wondered a bit about being left alone with Sawatis.  Melissa’s closely chaperoned life had not allowed much contact with members of the opposite sex.  But as a modern woman she should feel free to associate with men as she saw fit.  And anyway, Sawatis was what she considered “cute.”

Lemaire smiled to himself.  A snowshoe hike through the wilderness with one of the most beautiful women on earth.  It was not exactly his idea of an ordeal.