The Misadventures of the Black Leopard

The Misadventures of the

 Black Leopard


Episode 1

The Black Leopard’s Revenge




Chapter 6  Adriana


“That’s just not right,” murmured Adriana Williams.  She was watching the frightening degradation of the two superheroines from the third floor of a department store just across from the bank.  Prior to that she had been helping herself to various items of expensive jewellery from the display cases while the members of the staff were glued to the windows.


Curiosity had finally gotten the better of her.  She had about as much as she could carry anyway.  Closing her bulging shopping bag she had walked over to windows and taken in most of the horrific rape and torture of the two heroines.  For the first few minutes she had watched in fascination mixed with horror.  She was no fan of superheroines, they had come too close to catching her in the past.  Only her discovery of her mysterious power had enabled her to escape.  Now she no longer feared capture by anyone.  It would take an unusual set of circumstances to catch someone who could not be contained by any natural means. 


The sales clerk beside her turned her head at the sound of Adriana’s voice.  For a second she forgot the scene in the street outside the store.  “What are you doing in here, girl?”


Adriana looked up.  She had forgotten to maintain a low profile.  The presence of a black girl in the jewellery section of one of Metro City’s highest priced department stores was bound to attract attention.  It was time to leave.


“Sorry, I can’t stay to chat,” Adriana smiled.  She closed her eyes and visualized a previously memorized site.  Suddenly, to the astonishment of the sales clerk, she disappeared.


Adriana jumped down from the alcove in the lower stairwell of the department store.  She had chosen this spot carefully.  It was remote, making observation when she appeared unlikely, and it also lowered the chances that she might materialize in a spot where someone else was.  What would happen if that ever occurred she wasn’t sure, but she was quite certain that it would not be pleasant. 


She should go home now.  All she had to do was walk out of the store.  But the picture of the suffering the two heroines were undergoing stuck in her mind.  Something like that shouldn’t happen to any woman, not even a meddling heroine.  She had also been impressed by the bravery of the two women.  What was being done to them was undoubtedly very painful; their terrible screams were evidence of that, but they had endured the torture, without pleading for mercy.  She couldn’t blame them for screaming.  She would certainly have done the same. 


“Damn,” she thought.  “Am I developing a conscience?  That was a severe weakness in a thief, but she couldn’t get the screams of the heroines out of her mind.  With a frustrated sigh she tossed her bag of loot into the alcove.  She could come back for it later. 


Outside she had to climb on top of the roof of a car in order to see what was going on.  The scene of the heroine degradation was so crowded with onlookers that she couldn’t force her way through the crowd.  She didn’t want to in any case.  She was tired of getting her ass pinched any time she stood too close to some stranger who thought he had a perfect right to fondle any woman who wasn’t white.


She noticed that the crowd was well back from the huge robot that was now flogging the more slender of the two heroines.  The blonde heroine hung limply, suspended by her wrists, apparently too weak from the ordeal to stand.  The raven-haired heroine screamed as the lash cut into her back, her knees finally buckling. 


The huge robot stopped the flogging.  Apparently it though half-killing the heroine was sufficient punishment.  It now moved between the two heroines and announced in a voice that echoed for several blocks down the street that it was now going to unmask the two helpless women.  It was the ultimate degradation for any superheroine.  Adriana noted in disgust that there were over a dozen newspaper and magazine photographers taking pictures of the entire incidence.  There was even a motion picture camera in action.  But not a single man moved to help the heroines or even attempted to distract the gleaming robot. 


Adriana took a deep breath.  If the heroines were to be saved from the final disgrace of having their identities revealed she would have to do it.  It was obvious that no one else was going to make even the slightest effort.  She gauged the distance from where she was to the blonde heroine.  She was pretty sure she could make it that far.  The trick would be to get to someplace safe afterwards.  Also, she had never attempted to lift anything as large as either of the two women.  She wasn’t sure she could do it, but there was only one way to find out. 


She could clearly see her target area; she closed her eyes and concentrated.  “Hey, you damn Nigger, get the hell off my car!”


The shout broke her focus.  She turned in the direction of the speaker and saw an irate rather pudgy-faced man.  He was flanked by two much larger men, both of whom looked distinctly menacing.  “Tubby Durrell,” she thought.  She had seen pictures of the thug from his sensational murder trial last year.  He had been accused of cold-bloodedly murdering half a dozen gang rivals, but despite what seemed like overwhelming evidence he had been found not guilty.  There had been a murmur about jury tampering.  Just a murmur; and then one of the city’s star reporters had disappeared and the murmuring stopped. 


All of this flashed through her mind in a split second and then it registered that he had used the “N” word.  Normally it was something she would have ignored.  It certainly wasn’t the first time the racial epithet had been hurled in her direction.  1930s America wasn’t exactly known for its political correctness.  This time, however, something grated on her nerves.  “You fat bastard,” she said, from between clenched teeth, “if I wasn’t so busy I’d kick your flabby ass.”


Durrell’s mouth opened in surprise.  For a second he just stared at her.  “You stupid black bitch,” he said.  “Grab her skinny backside.”


The two henchmen started toward her and then to Durrell’s complete astonishment, she disappeared. 


Adriana materialized just a foot from the defeated blonde heroine.  The huge robot was holding the cowls of the two beaten women triumphantly above its head.  “Behold the Scarlet Falcon and Blue Avenger revealed for all to see,” the amplified voice thundered.  Flashbulbs popped and the news camera whirred, but Adriana could see that the effect of the unmasking was somewhat lost.  Both heroines hung limply, their heads down; their shoulder length hair masking their faces.  There was still time to save them. 


She took the Scarlet Falcon first.  At first Adriana hesitated to touch her.  The heroine’s back was covered with bloody stripes and Adriana had never encountered such brutal injuries before.  She knew that embracing the blonde heroine would result in her clothing being soaked with blood.  But there was not time to lose.  Lost in its gloating triumph the robot was paying no attention to her, but she knew that would probably only last a few more seconds.  Fighting back her natural revulsion she wrapped her arms about the heroine and dematerialized.


It took all of her ability to move so large an object and so she did not travel far.  She and the heroine materialized in the deserted foyer of the bank.  It was the closest place of refuge that Adriana could see clearly.  Only when she was supporting the entire weight of the blonde heroine did Adriana realize how big the woman was.  That she was beautiful was undeniable, but she was also almost six feet tall and probably weighed a solid 140 pounds.  Carefully the brown-skinned girl lowered her to the floor.  It wasn’t an ideal location, but there was still the Blue avenger to rescue.



Retinoff shook his robot arms, rejoicing in his victory.  He had captured, ravished, flogged, and unmasked two of his most dangerous adversaries.  His years of defeats and humiliations were avenged.  Now he only had the Black Leopard to deal with.  Soon she too would be at his mercy and he had something especially unpleasant planned for her.  He would leave them to the authorities.  The two heroines were guilty of numerous misdemeanors.  Even if they were not convicted of any of their crimes the added humiliation of being arrested and placed on trial would ruin them forever.  He looked down at his victims once more before departing and got an unexpected shock.  The lamppost where the Scarlet Falcon should have been was standing alone, only the heroine’s blood showing that she had been there.    


“Incredible,” Retinoff muttered.  Where could she have gone to?


He swiveled his head and torso seeking her out.  Surely she must be close by.  She could not have gone far in her condition.  A movement near the other heroine caught his eyes.  What was this?  A slender black girl was standing next to the limp form of the Blue Avenger.  Where had she come from?  And how had she managed to rescue the Scarlet Falcon?  His sensors had detected nothing.  Well, he would make short work of her.  He reached toward her with his huge metal hand and then something incredible happened.  The girl seemed to shimmer and then disappear. 


Another invisible girl?  Retinoff scanned his instruments.  No, she was gone and with her was gone the Blue Avenger.  Retinoff spoke some very bad words in Russian.  He had been robbed of his greatest victory.  With a scream of rage he triggered his jets and roared into the sky.



Adriana watched the departure of the huge robot in relief.  She had succeeded in her rescue.  She looked distastefully at her bloodstained clothing and wondered if it had been worth it.  “Of course it had,” she told herself.  She could not have left the two heroines to the mercy of that monster not after what had been done to…  Well, she wouldn’t think of that now.  She still had to get the heroines someplace completely safe.  The foyer of a bank that had just been invaded by a giant robot wasn’t the best place to hide.  But she thought she could find someplace safe, but she would check it out first.  She closed her eyes and dematerialized. 


A minute later she was back.  It would take five “hops” but she had found a reasonable hideout.  She cradled the Scarlet Falcon in her arms again and disappeared.



Suzi groaned.  She was in so much pain she almost wept, but she fought back against such weakness and opened her eyes.  She was lying in a huge bed in what appeared to be a very expensive hotel suite.  Just a foot away and apparently sleeping was Kyla, her back swathed in bandages. 


Suzi tried to raise herself, but gave up after a wave of pain swept over her.  She could hardly move.  It felt as if someone had rammed a fencepost into her vagina, and in actual fact, considering the size of the robot penis that had defiled her, that was not far from the truth.  Additionally, her back burned from the flogging she had received and her breasts ached from the mauling and electric shocks Retinoff had given them.  “Gee, I’m pretty badly beaten up,” she thought.  “Where’s Nova when I need her?” 


Her reference was to her heroine companion Natassia Green, also known as Nova, whose superheroine powers included the ability to heal any injury almost instantly.  But Nova was gone, along with the Jade Dragon and Scorpion.  When they would return was anyone’s guess.  She and Kyla were on their own. 


“How did I get here?” she wondered.  It wasn’t the cold cell she was used to being thrown into, and she wasn’t chained to the bed as was the usual case.  And the room appeared to be a perfectly ordinary hotel room, in spite of its luxurious appearance. 


Kyla stirred, or rather she groaned.  No doubt she was in as much pain as Suzi was.  At that moment the door to the room opened.  A young cinnamon-skinned woman entered.  She was dressed simply in a flowered print dress. Noting that Suzi was awake, she crossed quickly to the bed.


“Who are you?” Suzi started to ask, but her words caught in her throat. The girl seemed to understand and filled a glass from a pitcher of water at the side of the bed.  Lifting Suzi’s head she helped her drink. 


Embarrassed by her weakness, Suzi swallowed.  Her throat was incredibly dry and hoarse from screaming.  The water helped and she was able to gasp out her question. 


“Don’t worry,” the girl replied.  Her accent was interesting.  It was not at all like the patois spoken by most African Americans Suzi had encountered. 


“You are safe here,” the girl continued. 


Suzi noted that the girl had not answered her question, but did not press the issue.  Instead she changed her question.  “Where am I?”


“In the Hotel Excelsior.  The Presidential Suite to be exact.  It’s the safest place I know.  I’ve been living here for the last year free of charge.”  The dark-skinned girl grinned mischievously.  Suzi couldn’t help noticing how beautiful she was.  Her face was almost perfect, with high cheekbones, full lips and a strong chin.  Although quite young, her body seemed well developed, her hips and breasts those of a mature women.  Suzi guessed she was in her late teens. 


The girl noted Suzi’s stare.  “You’ll be OK,” the girl said.  “I’ve sent for a friend.  She will tend to your wounds.”  The girl looked at her watch.  Suzi noted that it was of very expensive Swiss make. 


There was a knock at the door and the girl crossed the room and opened it.  An older rather full-bodied black woman entered.  Her eyes swept the room, widening when they lighted Suzi and Kyla.  “Honey,” she said to the girl.  “What you been up to?”


“No questions please, Gemma,” the girl replied.  “I have someone I would like you to help.”


The woman snorted.  “You always gettin’ up to somethin’.  What you be doin’ with these two white girls?”


“I want you to help them, Gemma.  Please don’t ask any questions.  I will pay you for your services.” 


“You save a couple of hookers?” Gemma asked looking at the injuries on Suzi’s body.  “Some client play rough with them?” 


“Something like that,” the girl replied.  “Look, I’ll pay you a thousand bills if you just help them and don’t ask any questions.”


“A thousand.  OK, you just do as I say then.”


The black woman came over to the bed and set down a large bag on the table.  She began to take numerous bottles and containers out of it.  Suzi looked at her apprehensively.  She did not appear to be a medical professional.


“You just lay still, honey and let Gemma  look after you.  First drink this.  It will help you relax.”  The black woman poured a white powder into the glass of water and held it to Suzi’s lips.


Suzi shook her head.  She had no idea who the girl was or who Gemma was.  She did not want to be rendered unconscious and completely at the mercy of two strangers. 


“Have it your way, honey.” Gemma said setting the glass down.  “But get ready to scream.  This is going to hurt.”  She began to peel off the blood soaked bandages. 


Suzi whimpered and then bit back her urge to cry out.  She wasn’t acting very much like a superheroine. 


“Here,” Gemma said.  ”Bite on this.”  She placed a wooden dowel between Suzi’s teeth.  “Now try to hold still.”


Suzi winced as Gemma began to clean her wounds.  The women might not look like a doctor, but she seemed very professional, ordering the brown-skinned girl around whenever she needed something and efficiently tending to Suzi’s injuries. 


“You a tough girl,” Gemma said admiringly when she was through.  She was working on Kyla now, wiping the congealed blood and gore from the slender heroine’s back.  When she had finished she turned to the mysterious brown-skinned girl.


“Alright.  I’s finished.  They should heal with only a few scars.  I’s leavin’ some stuff for them to drink if you can get them to do it.  I be back tomorrow to change the dressings.”  She went to the door and left.


The girl came over to Suzi.  “You heard Gemma.  She said drink this.  If you won’t do it willingly I will force you.”


“I’ll drink it,” Suzi replied, “but only if you tell me about yourself.”


“I’m in charge here,” said the girl.  There was a veiled threat in her voice.  “I saved your life and you will do as I say.  Or do I have to force you?”


Suzi looked at the girl’s determined face.  She seemed completely unafraid even though she was standing up to a superheroine, albeit a superheroine who was flat on her stomach and was so sore that she could hardly move.


But then, there was the question of how the girl had saved them.  Suzi remembered very little of it.  She could recall the humiliation of the unmasking and then had a vague memory of someone holding her.  After that she could only remember waking up in the hotel room.  And that was another puzzling question.  How could a young black woman afford the cost of a luxury suite?  And why had she seen no sign of the hotel staff?  It was all very puzzling. 


There seemed to be something much more to this black teenager than met the eye.  “Alright,” She said finally.  “Give it to me.”


Willing her body to move, and disguising the fact that the action was excruciating, Suzi reached out and took the glass.  She swallowed.  The liquid or whatever, Gemma had put into it tasted bitter.  She made a face and finished it off, handing the glass back to the girl.


“Gemma was right,” the girl said, “you are tough.”


Suzi nodded stupidly.  There was a strange buzzing in her ears and then everything faded away.



Kyla opened her eyes.  For a confused moment she thought that she was at home in her large comfortable bed.  Then her vision cleared and she saw that she seemed to be in what appeared to be a luxury hotel suite.  She was lying face down under satin sheets.  She tied to move to get a better angle and found that moving anything other than just her head was agonizingly painful. 


“Ahh, she awake,” said a husky female voice.  A rather full-figured black woman moved into range of her vision.  “How you feelin’, honey?”


Kyla opened her mouth to reply, but couldn’t speak, her throat felt as if she had been gargling with sand. 


“Here, honey.”  The black woman held a glass to the lips.  Kyla managed to swallow. 


“That better, honey?”  Kyla nodded, not trusting her voice.  Where the hell was she?  The last she could remember was being raped and then flogged by Retinoff.  Now she was lying in what appeared to be a luxury hotel room and being waited on by Aunt Jemima.  That last thought reminded her that she was incredibly hungry.


Next to her in the bed Suzi stirred.  Kyla saw that like herself, her companion was not bound.  Apparently the black woman was either a rescuer or if she was their captor did not fear that either heroine was capable of escaping.  Noting that Suzi was awake the black woman went over to her.  “How you feelin’?” she asked.  “That sleep help?”


Suzi nodded.  Like Kyla she seemed to be having difficulty speaking.  Small wonder with the amount of screaming each of them had done. 


Another woman or rather girl came into view.  She viewed Kyla with an expression that was neither friendly nor hostile.  It was almost as if she was being studied.  Kyla suddenly felt an overwhelmingly natural urge.  She tried to sit up, but fell back.  The girl stepped forward.  “Let me help you.” 


“Thanks,” Kyla gasped.  Gritting her teeth she slid off the bed and let the girl help her to the bathroom.  A few minutes later the girl helped her back.  To her immense surprise when she returned Suzi was standing by herself, a hotel bathrobe wrapped abut her.    Sweat beaded her forehead, but she waved off assistance.  Slowly the tall blonde heroine limped across the room.  Kyla watched in amazement at this display of strength and willpower the Scarlet Falcon. 


A few minutes later her companion was back.  Suzi refused to get back into the bed.  “I’ll just sit,” she said.  She carefully lowered herself into one of the large overstuffed chairs that were apart of the room’s furnishings.  Kyla watched in admiration.  After what the Scarlet Falcon had been through she should barely have been able to move.  Kyla certainly did not feel like venturing from the bed. 


“Now you children should eat,” said the older black woman.  “What would you like?’


“Ummm, pancakes?” Kyla blurted out without thinking. 


The black woman smiled.  “We see what we can do.”  She left the room and fifteen minutes later returned pushing a cart laden with breakfast goodies.  The aroma of the food was enough to make both women momentarily forget their injuries.  Half an hour later, stuffed, both women returned to their beds.  This time neither woman had to be drugged to make her sleep.