Daughters of the Sky


Episode 1 The Slavers of El Arish




Chapter 6  Surrender


Delendria gripped the chain that locked her to the bulkhead and arched her trembling, sweating body against the bed.  She was face down, her loins pressed hard against the bed a Ben Aben thrust into her from behind.  He was deep within her, penetrating her to the point of pain, but at the same time bringing her so much pleasure that her mouth was open in a silent scream.  When he shifted his weight slightly and squeezed her swollen breasts she gave in and cried out in carnal pleasure. 


“So, my little lioness,” Ben Aben gasped, “do I have you purring yet?”


Delendria’s only reply was a whimper as she fought to deny the waves of pleasure that swept over her.  She was beaten, but refused to admit it.  Between them Taria and Ben Aben had tamed her.  It was a shameful admission, but when Taria touched her she capitulated and cried out in sexual pleasure. 


Ben Aben laughed in satisfaction.  The Elven maiden had given in quicker than he had anticipated.  He no longer had to bind her wrists and ankles, although he was not quite ready to remove the iron collar from about her slender neck.  Besides, he found the collar evoked a sensation of eroticism.  He would keep it for the time being, just as he would keep her until she bored him.  He finished her off with two more quick thrusts that had her grunting in a mixture of pleasure and pain and then released his seed into her.  It occurred to him that with the frequency of their coupling it might be possible to get her pregnant.  He had never heard of an Elf and a Man mating successfully before.  It would be interesting to see if it could be done.


Rising from the bed he wrapped his robe about himself.  “Make sure she bathes,” he ordered Taria, “but on no account release her from the chain.”  He had no illusions about the Elven maiden.  She might be responding to his sexual skills, but she was not yet broken.  He had no wish to learn that she had jumped into the river in a foolish attempt to escape.


Delendria kept her head bowed until her “master” left the cabin.  She was burning with shame.  It had taken so little for Ben Aben to defeat her, and she did not trust herself not to give away how much she both feared and craved his attention.  It was barely two weeks into her captivity and she was behaving like a harem slave.


Taria jerked lightly on her chain.  Delendria spoke only a little of her language and it was the girl’s way of gaining her attention and also asserting her authority.  The golden-skinned girl was not just Ben Aben’s servant she was his current favourite and she did not intend to let Delendria forget it. 


“Come,” the girl said.  Bath.” 


Obediently Delendria slid off the bed followed the girl to the large copper tub.  It was already full of cold water and ready for their post-coital bath.  Bathing in cold water was the norm in the desert climate and something that Delendria had come to enjoy. 


Taria bathed first while Delendria went to the open window and tossed a bucket into the river and pulled it up hand over hand.  By this time Taria had immersed herself in the copper tub, which was just deep enough that the water covered her dark-nippled breasts. 


As Delendria hauled the bucket into the cabin she looked longingly at the shore.  They had been traveling downstream for more than a week and the ship was no longer passing the same barren desert landscape.  Now it was lined with palms and hundreds of small farms and even the occasional town.  It would have been a simple matter for her to swim to the shore had she not been chained to the bulkhead.  The length of chain provided was just long enough to enable her to move about the cabin and little more. 


The humiliation of the iron collar was a constant reminder of her subjugation, even more so than her sexual submission.  It was hard to ignore the heavy weight that pressed against her neck.  Only the fact that Taria had wrapped a layer of cloth around the collar kept it from chaffing the skin from her throat. 


Taria was sudsing her waist-length hair by the time Delendria finished dragging the heavy bucket into the cabin.  She waited patiently until the girl was finished and then poured the bucket over her to wash away soap.  


The soap Ben Aben provided was something special, so unlike those that Delendria had used since childhood.  For the most part the soaps available at the Aerie were fit for little more than scrubbing floors, and she had been surprised when Taria had first picked up a perfumed bar and worked up an impressive lather.  It was her first hint that some things about the world of Men might be somewhat superior to what she was familiar with. 


However, she was not yet about to concede cultural superiority to a civilization whose people had enslaved and violated her.  Had she been able to escape she would have been gone at the first opportunity.  The iron collar she wore, however, took away all thought of that.  And there was one more reason for not fleeing.  It was one she was reminded of as soon as her turn in the bath was finished.


Taria dressed in her more formal robes; those that covered her modestly from head to foot, and waited until Delendria did the same.  Then she went to the door and summoned the guard. 


Two men entered the room, one with the key to the padlock.  Releasing the chain from the bulkhead he gripped it in one meaty hand and then escorted Delendria from the cabin, Taria leading the way.  It was a degrading experience, one which Delendria felt reduced her to the level of a dog on a leash, but she had little choice in the matter.


Once out of the cabin they descended a flight of stairs that were so steep they resembled a ladder more than stairs.  Taria, however, darted nimbly down them.  Delendria, hampered by the chain, went more slowly, but she managed well enough.  Once in the hold one of the men lit a lantern and led the way through the darkness. 


Delendria heard Sky and Fire before she saw them.  The gryphons had amazingly keen senses of hearing and smell and had detected her as soon as she had entered the hold.  As she reached the section of the ship where they were held they shrieked an almost ear-splitting greeting. 


As she did every day, Delendria ran to each gryphon and threw her arms about their massive necks.  She could not hope to encircle the necks of such huge beasts, but her touch was comforting to the two creatures.  In Delendria’s eyes the gryphons were a sorry sight, their feathers torn and dirty and their fur matted and tangled. 


Neither gryphon could move more than a foot or so from where it stood.  Massive chains and shackles attached to each limb saw to that.  Even their wings had been bound so that they could not be spread and endanger anyone coming too close.  It was a pitiful existence, the gryphons having to stand in their own filth.  Each time Delendria was taken to see them she did her best to clean up the mess, but it was a hopeless task in the confined area of the hold.  The best she could do was get the gryphons to eat and drink, which they refused to do unless she was present. 


Delendria knew that sooner or later the confined conditions and the filth in which they were forced to live would cause the gryphons to sicken and die.  She could only hope that eventually the ship would reach its destination. 


She spent an hour with the gryphons, making sure that they ate the huge chunks of beef provided them and drank from their water buckets.  She also tried to sweep up the mess on the deck around them.  All the time Taria and the two guards kept a respectful distance, affording Delendria the only time she had when no one held her chain or she was not tethered to the bulkhead. 


The hour passed soon enough and then Delendria was led back to her cabin.  She had to bathe again, but the filth clinging to her body was a small price to pay for the little bit of freedom she enjoyed each day. 


She spent the rest of the day watching the river scenery slide past and conversing with Taria.  One of the yellow-skinned girl’s jobs was to acquaint Delendria with the language of Man.  Delendria was a quick learner and having mastered the tongue-twisting Dwarven language she found the speech of Men to be relatively easy to learn, although she was only speaking it at the level of a three-year-old. 


What Ben Aben was up to when he was not with her and Taria she had no idea.  She suspected, however, that Ben Aben’s cultural bias kept him away from his sex slaves.  It was quite unlike Elven society where both sexes shared in everything equally and she wondered if all Men acted the same way toward the females of their society. 


In this, Taria was of little use.  Like Delendria she had been taken in a slave raid and knew little outside the harem.  Out of curiosity and a way of learning the language she asked the girl about her past.  Her answers proved most interesting.


“Yes,” Taria admitted, “I wore the collar when I was first taken prisoner.  But the master had it removed when he saw that I accepted my place.”


“And how did the master know that you had accepted your place?” Delendria asked, guessing what the answer might be.


Taria hesitated before answering.  “I showed myself to be his obedient servant.”


Delendria understood the answer.  It appeared that the only way she would get the collar off her neck was to submit to Ben Aben’s sexual desires.  Only then would she be free of the onerous symbol of her thralldom.  It was a brutally difficult choice to make and it went against everything she believed, but it appeared that she had no alternative.  Escape was her prime objective, but escape while chained was impossible.  Nevertheless, despite debating her options she reached no decision.  Debasing herself before Ben Aben was almost unthinkable, but if she didn’t she faced a lifetime in chains. 



Ben Aben returned in the evening.  It was the hardest thing Delendria had ever done, but as he entered the room she emulated Taria and prostrated herself on the thick carpet before him.  With her forehead pressed to the floor, she could not see Ben Aben’s face, but she could hear the surprise in his voice as he spoke.


“So the lioness is tamed so soon?”  There was a hint of disappointment in his voice and Delendria suspected as she had all along, that he actually enjoyed taking her against her will.  But she had now taken the first step in her submission and there was no turning back if she was to gain even the smallest measure of his trust.


“Rise,” Ben Aben commanded and she and Taria got to their feet.  Delendria saw that Ben Aben was eyeing her with undisguised suspicion, but she kept her eyes down in her most subservient manner.  Taria, better trained, immediately moved to her master, and began to help him remove his outer garments. 


Delendria hesitated for a few seconds and then followed the golden-skinned girl’s example.  Compared to Taria she was awkward and uncertain, but her actions seemed to please her master.  He smile at her briefly and then waved his hand indicating that she should bring him his usual cup of wine.


Taria stood back while Delendria stretched to the end of her chain.  She could just reach the metal goblet and the wine decanter, but she managed to pour the golden fluid and return it to Ben Aben.  By this time Taria had finished removing his outer clothes and was in the process of readying his bath.


The water Delendria had used had long been emptied, that being one of the tasks she and Taria had attended to while waiting for their master. 


Delendria could not have felt more awkward as she handed Ben Aben the goblet.  He was seated comfortably, but was completely nude.  As she handed him the wine she attempted to emulate the graceful bow she had seen Taria make when performing the same task. 


Ben Aben drank the wine slowly while the two girls scurried about the cabin.  The sound of the Elven girl’s chain dragging across the floor was annoying, but he had not the slightest inclination to remove it yet.  This sudden change of attitude after two weeks of resistance and sullen cooperation proved very little.  He would need at least a few days to judge whether or not she could truly be trusted.  Until he was satisfied she would wear the chain.  However, there was no time like the present for seeing just how willing she was to please him.


He finished his wine and rose from the chair.  The bath was ready and he motioned to Taria to fetch him another goblet while stepping into the cold water.  He heaved a sigh of relief as the cool water soothed his overheated body.  He had spent a good deal of the day up on deck supervising the punishment of several Dwarfs who had staged an escape attempt, flogging one of them personally.  The event had left him bad tempered and much in need of a cool bath.  He gestured to the Elven girl to serve him.


She came promptly enough, but hesitated when she realized that she was supposed to wash his sweaty body.  Ben Aben looked at her, a slight smile playing about his lips.  Uncertainly the Elf picked up the sponge, and dipping it in the water began to rub it over his shoulders. 


With a groan of pleasure Ben Aben leaned into the sponge.  He had no fear that the girl would take advantage of his exposed position.  She was still chained and escape would be impossible.  He sat back in the tub and indicated that she should sponge his chest.  As the sweat and grime of the day rolled off, he closed his eyes and let her hands play over his body. 


He remained like that until she stopped and then opened his eyes and looked at her.  To his amusement, she was bright red, and pretending not to notice his full erection while she held the sponge loosely in her fingers.  With a grin he took the sponge from her hand and then guided her fingers lower. 


Delendria swallowed.  She had known something like this would happen, but when the time came she was close to panic.  More than anything she wanted to pull away, but she knew that such an action would destroy any trust that Ben Aben might be feeling.  The fact that she had been given one of Taria’s duties told her that he was testing her.  Mentally gritting her teeth she let him place her hand where he wanted it. 


Her fingers tingled as she touched his male member.  Although she had experienced the power of his organ more than she wanted to think about, it was the first time she had ever touched it without being forced.  A gasp escaped her lips as her fingers closed over his limp phallus. 


A gasp escaped Ben Aben’s lips as well.  His body shifted slightly in the water and Delendria felt the organ stir as her touch brought it to life.  She had seen Taria perform the same task and was well aware of the fact that it did not take long to get Ben Aben aroused.  It was no surprise that within seconds she could feel the member swelling beneath her fingers.  


She knew what she was expected to do next, but it took all of her resolve to carry it out.  Slowly she tightened her grip on the swelling member, feeling it come to life beneath her slender fingers.  Ben Aben groaned as she tightened her grip, inviting her to go further.  A tingling sensation ran through her fingers, coupled with a sense of fear and wonder.  It seemed incredible that so large an organ could fit inside her and she knew now why Ben Aben could so easily cause her pain.  It could also, however, bring her incredible pleasure.  She tightened her grip, sliding her hand up and down the shaft.  As a tiny drop of dew glistened at the tip of the glans, Ben Aben’s breathing quickened.  Reaching out of the tub he pulled her toward him and cupped her right breast through her thin dress.  Suddenly, with a laugh he pulled her right into the tub on top of him and slid her dress up her thighs and over her legs. 


She straddled him in the tub, perched over his waiting sword.  She squealed a little in shock and pleasure as his lance impaled her.  An overwhelming sense of pleasure surged through her loins, and the water sloshed from the tub, as without being forced she sheathed herself on Ben Aben’s sword and rode him like a pony. 


She was screaming in carnal passion long before he yanked her dress over her head and bit down on her breasts.  She hardly noticed the pain as his teeth closed on her nipple.  Moaning in pleasure she raised and lowered her body in a rhythmic dance that had her body shuddering with sexual ecstasy.  In a whirlwind of fleshly delight Ben Aben lifted her from the tub while still transfixed by his throbbing lance and carried her to the bed, where he proceeded to make love to her until she screamed incoherently as orgasm after orgasm ripped through her.


It was only then that Ben Aben released into her, leaving her so exhausted that she almost immediately lapsed into a deep sleep, enfolded in the arms of her master. 


She awoke some time before morning to find Ben Aben on one side of her and Taria on the other.  Both were sleeping quietly and Delendria made no move to disturb them.  A deep sense of shame swept over her as she considered what she had done, but she tried to convince herself that it was necessary.  With the heavy iron collar about her neck escape was impossible.  Even if Ben Aben had let her off the chain and she made a break for the river its dead weight would probably drag her down.  She had to win his trust and her sexual submission was the only way she could do that. 


Ben Aben moved in his sleep and Delendria felt an almost familiar sensation.  Although still asleep, Ben Aben was fully erect, his pulsing organ pressing against the entrance to her love canal.  She dared not move for fear of awakening him.  Unfortunately, it was Taria who spoiled the morning tranquility.  The golden-skinned girl opened her eyes and yawned loudly.  The sound had the expected result, she felt Ben Aben’s arms tighten on her body as he awoke.


Mistaking Delendria’s lack of movement for sleep, her whispered into her ear.  “Ah, the lioness is tired this morning.  Let’s see if I can awaken her.”  She felt him shift his position and as Delendria stopped pretending and opened her eyes she saw Taria smile at some signal Ben Aben had given that she could not see.


She was not aware of the meaning of the smile for a few minutes and when she was it was too late. 


He penetrated her easily, curving her tiny body into his and thrusting into her inviting vagina.  To Delendria’s shame she was already wet, her pleasure garden welcoming his slow gentle penetration.  She arched into him as he took her, her body responding instantly to everything he did and then Ben Aben suddenly withdrew. 


She almost groaned in disappointment, but her feeling suddenly changed as Taria slid off the bed and gripped her wrists, preventing any escape, and Ben Aben shifted his position slightly.  Realization suddenly flooded through her pleasure-sated consciousness.  “No!” she screamed, panic seizing her.  She wrenched her body in a desperate attempt to escape as she felt Ben Aben’s phallus, slick with her vaginal juices, probe the bud of her tiny anus.


Taria’s smirk widened as she stretched Delendria’s arms out, holding her tightly.  The golden-skinned girl’s grip was amazingly strong and in spite of the Elven girl’s frantic struggles she was unable to break away.  Enfolded in Ben Aben’s arms she shrieked piercingly as he entered her. 


The pain was agonizing as Ben Aben’s phallus stretched her tiny anus.  “Stop,” Delendria screamed, “you’re killing me!”


“No one has died of this yet,” Ben Aben grunted as he forced his way deeper, bringing another scream of pain from the struggling Elf girl.  “And it’s time you learned I really am your master.”


Delendria shrieked once more.  Her foolish plan to deceive Ben Aben had gotten her nothing but an even more brutal rape.  Now she was paying the price for attempting to use sex to trick him into thinking that she had submitted to his will.  He must have seen through her pathetic efforts almost immediately. 


Ben Aben made sure that Delendria learned her lesson well.  The anal rape went on until she thought that she would faint from the pain, until he finally jerked into her and left her moaning body on the bed while Taria cleaned him up. 


“Look after her,” Ben Aben ordered Taria as he pulled his clothes on.  “I’ll be back in a few minutes.  Have the bath ready.”


Delendria whimpered as Taria wiped the blood and filth from her body, but the golden-skinned girl was not particularly sympathetic.  “It amused the master to play your little game for awhile, but you should never think to use your body to fool him again.  Now get up.  He will expect you to attend him when he returns.”


Get up?  Delendria’s backside was so raw that she could barely move.  The bed sheets were covered with her blood, but she forced herself to get to her feet, fearful of what might happen if she did not.  If this was what Ben Aben did to her when she gave him what she thought he wanted what would he do if she was disobedient?


Taria pointed to the bed.  “Clean up the mess.  The master dislikes blood.”


Delendria had now seen enough of her master to doubt the truth of that last statement, but she had no intention of giving him any further provocation.  Biting back a cry of pain as she moved, she stripped the sheets from the bed and placed clean linen on it. 


She finished just as Ben Aben returned.  With hardly a glance at her he strode to the copper tub and stripped off his robe.  She expected that he had probably only gone to the head, as the place at the bow of the ship where the crew relived themselves was called.  He still stank of sweat and blood, as Delendria’s nose clearly revealed, as in response to Taria’s signal, she stepped forward to help him bathe. 


Ben Aben paid little attention to either her or Taria as they washed him.  It was almost as if all that had happened in the last twenty four hours had never taken place.  It was another lesson as to her place in Ben Aben’s life.  As a slave she was of little more value than any other object he owned.  He could use her and discard her as he saw fit.  As she moved the sponge over his body she fought to keep her lower lip from quivering.  She had completely surrendered to her captor and it had gained her nothing but further humiliation.  Her brilliant blue eyes flickered slightly.  She had learned her lesson.  From now on she would serve her master, but there would come a time when she would take her revenge, and when she did it would be most terrible.