Larra and the Island of Death




The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 12

Larra and the Island of Death


Chapter 6  The Ship


Bars.  There were bars in front of her face.  With a groan Katie pushed down on the floor and moved into a sitting position.  The floor seemed to shift beneath her and for a few seconds she felt sick, but she fought down the feeling and looked about her. 


She was in a large cage that was apparently in the hold of a ship.  That impression was reinforced by the thrum of engines and the smell of oil and coal.  Just a few feet away lay Lisha and Ayashe.  It appeared that they had simply been dumped in the cell, one of top of the other.  Lisha’s bigger body partially covered that of the smaller woman and Katie moved toward them with the intention of untangling them.  A voice interrupted her.


“Herr Schmidt they are awake.”


Schmidt?  Smith?  Katie was not surprised when the warehouse owner that had lured her into a trap appeared before her.  “Ah, the golden goddess is awake, but I see that die Schwarze and der Inder still sleep.”


“What is this?” Katie asked, struggling to her feet.  She was far from steady, the effects of the chloroform not having worn off, but did not want to appear weak.  “Who are you and why have you kidnapped us?”


“Apparently, Miss Reddel you have forgotten our little conversation.  Perhaps the net distracted you or the chloroform caused memory loss.  I told you that I was taking you to your missing companion.”


For an instant Katie wondered how the man knew her name and then remembered that all of her papers had been in the money belt she wore under her blouse.  The belt was no longer there and it was no surprise that Schmidt knew who she was.  “I don’t understand,” Katie replied.  “What do you want with any of us?”


“You will find out when we reach our destination,” Schmidt answered.  “In the meantime I will see that you get food and water.  You and your companions are going to be a valuable addition to our guest quarters.”


Katie opened her mouth to ask another question, but Schmidt turned away, leaving just the man who had called out when he noticed she was awake.  The way he was leering at her did not promise anything pleasant if he got her alone.  However, she did not flinch, but looked him straight in the eyes.  The man grinned and winked slowly, then followed Schmidt away from the cage.


Katie moved back to her friends.  She did not attempt to awaken them, but simply arranged them more comfortably and then sat down and waited.  A short time later Lisha stirred and Katie helped her sit up.  The African warrior seemed to have been given a larger dose of the chloroform than she had, either that or she was more susceptible to it.  However, Ayashe was of even greater concern.  She showed no sign of regaining consciousness, but appeared to be in a very deep sleep.  However, there seemed little point in waking her.  It was not as if any of them were going anywhere. 


A noise outside her prison caused Katie to raise her head.  “Shit,” she muttered.  Standing outside was the man who had been with Schmidt.  He was carrying food and water.  However, with him were several other men and she didn’t have to be a genius to figure out that none of them were there simply to see that she and her companions were properly looked after. 


The man set the food and water on the floor near the door.  “I’ve brought you food, just like Schmidt ordered, but I think it’s only proper I should get something from you in return.”


The sight of the water reminded Katie that she was desperately thirsty, even if she didn’t have much of an appetite, but she wasn’t about to prostitute herself for it.  “Go to hell,” she replied.  A growl from behind her told her that Lisha was on her feet. 


“That’s not the answer I wanted,” the man said.  “It’s a long enough voyage without water, but I don’t have time to wait until you give in.”  He turned to two of the men with him.  “Franz, Adolf, get the dividers.  We won’t worry about the big black.  I’m sure we’ll get a shot at her later.”


Katie wondered what the hell he was talking abut, but his two friends seemed to know.  They moved to the side of the room and took down several long metal poles.  Moving toward the cage they lowered them and pushed them toward the bars.


For a second Katie thought their intent was to poke her with them, although what good that would do she had no idea.  Too late she saw that the poles fit into brackets in the middle of the cage, cutting her off from Lisha and Ayashe.  She attempted to push them back out, but was too late.  With a quick twist the poles were locked into place, leaving her in a tiny compartment barely three feet wide. 


“Sons of bitches,” Katie growled.  She was trapped.  With almost no room to move she would have a tough time defending herself.  With a hollow feeling in her stomach she realized what she faced. 


Her fear must have shown as Franz and Adolf laughed at her.  “Blondie’s looks worried, Dieter.  Don’t worry, blondie.  We’re only going to fuck you a little.  Don’t fight us and you won’t get hurt.”


Dieter, the man who had brought the food, moved toward the cage.  “That’s right.  No need for any violence.  Just spread your legs and we’ll take what we want and then leave you alone.”


It wasn’t going to happen.  Katie backed into the back of the cage.  They could only come at her one at a time that way.  A few feet away Lisha was shouting both encouragement and threats, but could not help her in any other way.  Dieter opened the door, and stepped toward her.  Katie let him come on and then wiped the grin off his face with a quick kick to the groin.


Dieter screamed in pain.  “You bitch,” Adolf shouted.  “You’ll pay for that.”  But he made no move to come at her, instead retreating across the room.  However, Katie was still trapped.  There were still five uninjured men waiting outside the cell and there was no way she could handle all of them.  She waited to see what they would do.


Adolf returned and now Katie realized why had moved to the other side  of the room.  He had picked up another of the long steel poles that had been used to block off the cell.  He pushed it into the narrow space, attempting to spear her with it.  It was a clumsy effort and Katie blocked it easily.  But Adolf continued to attempt to spear her while two other men crowded forward.


She caught one with a straight punch to his nose and knocked the breath out of the other, but Adolf caught her with the end of the metal pole, driving it into her midriff and pushing her back against the wall, partly winded.  It was all the opening her attackers needed.  One of them grabbed her right wrist, pulling her forward where the rest of them could get at her.  She was dragged kicking and punching from the cell, but a punch to her stomach and another to the side of her head took quite a bit of the fight out of her. 


Dazed, she was pulled into the centre of the room.  One of her attackers, probably Franz, grabbed her from behind, locking her arms over her head.  Two other men held her legs, completely immobilizing her.  Helpless she watched as Dieter approached.  He was limping, but had apparently recovered from the kick to his groin. 


“You’re going to wish you hadn’t done that,” Dieter said.  He moved between her legs and drawing back his fist slammed it hard into her midriff.  She doubled up or tried to, her breath seemingly driven from her lungs.  However, Dieter was not satisfied with just one punch he hit her again, and was drawing back his fist for a third blow when Adolf interrupted.


“Enough.  Schmidt will have our skins if she is beaten up.  Didn’t you hear him say that he wanted all three of them to make it to the island in good shape?”


Dieter lowered his hand.  “Right,” he agreed.  “Wouldn’t want to damage blondie so badly we can’t have some fun with her.”  He stepped back and motioned toward a small table.  “Bring her over here.”


With her arms still pinned over her head and with one man on each leg, Katie was carried toward the table.  She was almost there when she suddenly exploded.  Contracting her body she thrust out with her legs throwing the men holding her away from her.  Even before her feet hit the deck she was stamping down on Franz’s instep.  There was the satisfying sound of crunching bones and with a howl he released her, allowing her to stand on her own. 


For a few seconds Katie simply stood where she was, surrounded by her surprised opponents.  Although she had clenched the muscles of her torso to absorb Dieter’s two punches, she was still a bit woozy from the blow to the head.  Her senses clearing, she launched herself at the remaining men.


Franz was already out of the fray, hopping about on one foot, but she still faced five others.  She moved quickly hoping to deal with them before they had a chance to regroup. 


One of the men who had held her legs was the first target.  She moved toward him and then swept her foot just behind his knee, throwing him off balance.  As he staggered she finished him, driving her fist into his midsection and slamming her knee into his head as he went down.


“Get her,” Dieter yelled, but Katie was already moving on her next opponent who just happened to be Adolf.  She charged toward him and at the last second leaped into the air, rising a good four feet off the floor.  Her right leg flashed out.  With the full weight of her forward momentum and one-hundred-and-thirty pounds behind the kick, she broke through his guard and slammed her foot into his chest knocking him off his feet.


She came down like a cat, landing on all fours and immediately whirled on the closest opponent.  It was a man whose name she did not know, but that was of little importance.  What was important was that this man was ready for her.  He backed away, his hands held ready in a boxer’s stance.  He was clearly bewildered by her acrobatic attack and was playing for time, hoping that one of the other two remaining men would get into action. 


Katie had did not have the luxury of waiting.  Other of the crew members might arrive at any moment, making her fight hopeless.  She moved toward him, looking for an opening, at the same time keeping her eyes on Dieter and the remaining opponent as they tried to circle behind her. 


One against three was not good odds, but it was better than the one in six it had been.  So far she had done well, her years of martial arts training with Larra paying off.  Although not nearly as proficient as her mentor, Katie was more than capable of holding her own against most opponents.  The problem was she was facing three men with the possibility that more might arrive at any second.  She had to end the fight quickly and that meant taking chances. 


She faked toward the man backing away from her, rushing suddenly toward him and forcing him to stop his backpedaling.  She leaped toward him at the last second and in good boxer form he stepped to one side.  But this time Katie was not attempting a flying kick.  She came down facing him, pivoted on one foot and drove her heel straight toward him.  The tactic worked.  Even his last instant step backward did not prevent her foot from slamming into the large muscles of his thigh.  He cried out in pain, his muscles knotting in painful paralysis. 


But Katie had no time to watch him stagger away from her.  Dieter and the other man had almost managed to encircle her.  She feinted toward Dieter and as he stepped back she whirled to face the other.  She wasn’t quite ready for him, but she got a break as he too retreated.  It seemed that she had earned some respect, however, the fact that both men were afraid of her didn’t help that much.  The men she had already dealt with were recovering.  Already Adolf was on his feet and the man she had kneed in the head was getting groggily to his feet.  The man she had kicked in the leg had not gone down, but was limping on the periphery of the battle. 


Surrounded by angry opponents, she was in serious trouble and in addition, but perhaps even more serious was the fact that she was tiring.  The battle and surge of adrenaline had driven the fog of the chloroform from her mind, but she could not keep up the effort of fighting five opponents at once.


Her opponents, however, had also figured this out.  “A real Valkyrie,” Dieter said.  “Keep away from her and wear her down.  She can’t last forever.”


They moved slowly around her eventually completely encircling her, but following Dieter’s advice kept their distance, moving just close enough to distract her, but keeping just out of reach and quickly retreating whenever she moved toward one of them.  “Cowards,” Katie thought.  Her situation seemed hopeless.  In this style of fighting she could not possibly win and it was only a matter of time until she lost. 


She looked around the dim confines of the hold for something, anything that might help her.  Her eyes fell on a rack of tools against one wall.  Unfortunately there were two men between her and the wall.  She had to take a chance or she was finished.  She darted toward one of the men blocking her way.  As she had hoped the man continued to play the waiting game.  He backpedaled and when she continued to move toward him darted to one side.  It was the opening she needed.  Breaking through the gap she reached the tool rack. 


Too late her opponents realized what she was up to.  “Stop her!” Dieter yelled, but Katie’s hand was already closing on a ball-peen hammer.  She whirled and in a single motion threw the hammer at the closest attacker.  Her training with Larra now came into play.  She had trained with a number of throwing weapons, and while hammers were not one of them it served the purpose.  It caught Adolf in the chest, stopping him in his tracks.  He staggered back and Katie’s fingers found a metal square.  The sharp angles of the measuring tool would be deadly in the extreme, but she didn’t get a chance to use it.  Dieter barreled into her, slamming her back against the tool rack.  She brought up her knee, smashing it into his chest, but the he clung to her tenaciously, his head between her breasts and his arms pinning her arms to her sides.


Struggling in his bear-hug, Katie tried to kick him, but she was off-balance, pinned against the wall with the other men closing in.  Desperately, she dropped the square and tried to free her arms by jamming her fingers into his midriff.  Dieter grunted in pain, but held on, and then his companions arrived.  Katie kicked sideways, trying to fend off the man attacking from her right.  With a supreme effort she managed to twist her body and break Dieter’s grip.  She struck at him with her elbow and found his jaw, staggering him away from her.  Then she turned to face the man on her left.


She was off-balance and her attempt to kick him missed.  He didn’t, executing a perfect one-two combination.  His first blow slammed into her midriff, stopping her where she was, but it was the follow-through blow to her jaw that finished her.  It caught her right on the point of her chin and snapped her head back.  Her legs buckled and she started to go down, but Adolf caught her before she dropped.  However, his action was far from altruistic.  Dazed by the blow, his punch to her stomach caught her unprepared.  It doubled her up and left her gasping and helpless.  She tried to recover, but it was too late.  Several men grabbed hold of her, lifting her off her feet and she was carried, kicking weakly across the room.


“Put the bitch there,” Dieter ordered.  She was slammed down on the surface of a small table her legs held by two men and her arms held by two more.  Katie looked up, into a circle of angry faces.  Dieter stood between her legs.  “Fucking slut.  I should beat you black and blue, but Schmidt wants to keep you in one piece.  But I’m going to give you a fucking you won’t soon forget.”


Breathing heavily and exhausted by her struggles, Katie watched as Dieter pulled off her boots and then began to unbuckle her belt.  She could do nothing to stop him.  Even if she had not been completely done in by her battle she would have offered only weak resistance.  She was held by four men and a fifth was undressing her. 


Her boots gone, he pulled down her trousers and then moved between her legs.  She was still wearing her silk panties, but Dieter was more interested in something else.  He pushed his still clothed crotch against hers and reached forward, gripping her blouse with both hands.  With a grunt he ripped it open exposing Katie’s impressive breasts.  Although still covered by her brassiere, they evoked immediate lewd comments and drew even more attention as Dieter snapped the front of her bra and freed her full heavy breasts.


“Mein Gott,” Dieter exclaimed, “she’s got udders like a Wagnerian heroine.”  The other men, only vaguely particularly familiar with excessively long operas, had more forceful comments.


“You could suck on those for days and not wear them out,” Adolf said.


“Himmel!   What a set of pillows,” Franz commented.  He had managed to limp closer, waiting for his turn at the woman who had broken his foot.


Dieter closed his hands over the fleshy globes.  “Shit, they’re as firm as a fifteen-year-old’s,” he said.


“You should know,” one of the other men laughed.  Dieter only grinned and tightened his grip.


Katie winced, but did not cry out as Dieter mauled her breasts, but he still noticed her reaction.  “Oh, you’re going to feel and bit more pain than just me giving your tits a squeeze.  I expect by the time we’re through with you you’ll be too sore to even walk.” 


Katie gasped as he pinched her nipples.  She was almost faint with fear.  Rape was one of her greatest terrors, but she would give Dieter and his compatriots as little satisfaction as possible.  She tried to lie perfectly still as she was pinched and fondled by the men around her.  Her arms pulled tightly over her head, and two men holding her legs she could not escape.  Stoic acceptance of her brutal fate was her only form of resistance.


Still, it was all she could do to hold still as Dieter ripped off her panties and thrust first one then two and finally three fingers into her vulva.  “Oh, she’s tight,” Dieter commented.  “Loosening her up is going to be a lot of fun.”  He stepped back and began to unbutton his trousers. 


Katie fixed her eyes on the metal ceiling as Dieter entered her.  He thrust hard, determined to hurt her and making not the least effort to prepare the way beforehand.  He got the result he wanted; Katie was dry and she would have been a tight fuck anyway.  Without any lubrication to help her, the initial penetration was agonizing.  She grunted in anguish, biting back the almost overwhelming urge to scream. 


“You whore,” Dieter said.  “It’s payback time.”  He withdrew a little and slammed into her again, continuing until he had buried himself to the hilt inside her.  On both sides of her the other men grabbed at her quivering breasts and pinched and fondled the rest of her body, particularly her muscular buttocks.  It was a brutal and painful ordeal and the fact that Dieter lasted only about a minute offered no respite.  No sooner had he spurted inside her and stepped back, stroking his dripping cock than Adolf had taken his place. 


The second rape was not as bad as the first.  Dieter’s ejaculation had provided some badly needed lubrication, but it was still as painful and humiliating as the rapist could make it.  He mauled her breasts and pinched the inside of her thighs while he rammed into her, seemingly determined to outdo Dieter in his brutality.  By the time he was finished Katie’s pleasure palace was already sore.  And it only got worse as each man took her in turn, thrusting savagely into her.  If punishment was their goal they certainly succeeded, leaving her so sore she was almost weeping by the time they finished the first round.  But it did not stop there.  Dieter was fully recovered by the time Franz finished with her.  And when he raped her the second time, Katie could not hold back her cries of pain.



From behind the bars of the cage Lisha watched, her features calm although inside she raged.  She had known Katie as long as she had known Larra and to see her subjected to such brutal humiliation filled her with an intense hatred.  She had cheered Katie on in her combat, but had fallen silent and now could only watch as she struggled in the grips of her captors, taken again and again by the thugs that had beaten her.


She wanted to look away, but couldn’t.  Couldn’t take her eyes off Katie’s large quivering breasts or the man thrusting into her.  Even held down by four men and savagely raped, Katie was a magnificent animal, something Lisha could well appreciate.  Even though she was a good seven inches shorter than Lisha her breasts were larger, but almost as firm.  Lisha recalled that her people routinely tortured and raped female captives, a custom that had driven her to break with them and help Larra to escape their clutches.  However, now she watched fascinated as man after man ravished her companion.  Somehow the horrible ordeal drew her attention the way honey draws flies. 


She watched as man after man pumped into Katie, pounding her voluptuous and firm body until she was nearly unconscious.  Even when she stopped moving the last two men took their turn, fucking the semiconscious woman in spite of her complete lack of response.  Finally the man called Dieter called a halt.  Two men picked Katie up and dragged her to the cage.  Carelessly they tossed her in and then removed the bars cutting off Lisha and Ayashe from their companion. 


As Lisha moved to her fallen comrade Dieter leered through the bars.  “Take care of your friend, nigger.  This is just the beginning.”  He smiled menacingly.  “And when we reach the island it is going to be your turn.”