The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

Episode 10

The Jade Dragon’s Defeat




Chapter 6  Wang Shang yi’s Revenge


“How many dead?”  The Master Assassin’s voice was emotionless, but Li Chao knew his master well enough to detect the faintest trace of incredulity.


“Five are dead, master and two more are missing.  It can only be supposed they too were killed.”  Li Chao did not have to elaborate.  It went without saying that no member of the assassin’s guild would allow himself to be taken alive.


“Who could do such a thing?” Wang Shang yi asked.  This time there was an undoubted hint of disbelief in his voice.  “Can a few women really be so dangerous?”


Li Chao did not answer.  This was not the time to repeat to his master Zhuang Zhijian’s warning.  The crimelord had made it very clear that the heroines of Metro City were not to be taken lightly.  That he spoke the truth was now more than obvious. 


Wang Shang yi was silent.  His face shrouded with his assassin’s dark cowl, Li Chao could not read his features, but he was familiar with this aspect of his master’s personality.  The Master Assassin would speak when he had thought things through.  He waited patiently until his master turned. 


“I do not think the missing assassins are dead,” Wang said at last.  “And that means the heroines that captured them almost certainly know where we are.”  He chuckled slightly, but the sound was completely mirthless.  “We must prepare a welcome for them.  One that they will not escape.”


Li Chao nodded.  “It shall be as you say, master.  I shall prepare the men.”


“Just one thing,” Wang cautioned.  “Make sure that they are all taken alive.  When we take them I want their deaths to serve as an example of what happens to those who dare to fight me.”



The three heroines lay flat of their bellies, peering between a gap in the safety rail of a ten-story building overlooking the southwest industrial area of Metro City.  It was an area, that had fallen on hard times, during the first few year of the Great Depression, and many of the buildings in the area were dilapidated and abandoned. 


The Scarlet Falcon motioned with her head.  “That should be it,” she whispered, nodding toward a particularly run down structure.


“It better be,” Solange growled, “or a couple of assassins are going to very sorry.”


Melissa glanced at Solange.  She had never expected her daughter to display this level of ferocity.  It was not something of which she disapproved.  Perhaps her daughter would make a decent heroine after all.  Her actions against the assassins had been most impressive, and although she had said nothing she could not have been more proud.  She turned her attention back to the building, Solange was talking again.


“According to the assassins we captured there are several ways into the building, all of which are guarded.  However, we don’t have much choice.  We have to find a way in.”


Melissa studied the nondescript industrial building.  It certainly did not look like the headquarters of the one of the most dangerous and ruthless criminal organizations in existence.  However, she knew better than to simply rush in.  She and her companions had been trapped too often by clever ambushes to simply wade in without checking things out.  There was no point in attempting a rescue only to become a prisoner herself.  Unfortunately, it was very likely that the villains who had Sun Lin and Huan Yue in their clutches would be expecting a rescue and would be hoping to add to their heroine collection.  She and her companions would have to be very careful.


“Any ideas?” she asked.  She was looking at Suzi, the most experienced of the heroines although one not blessed with any special skills other than her athletic ability and keen intelligence. 


Of all the heroines of Metro City, Suzi Kendall, who called herself the Scarlet Falcon, was the least qualified to call herself a superheroine.  She possessed no special abilities and was trained only in basic skills of self defense.  This was not due to a lack of effort on her part.  Suzi probably trained harder than any other heroine, but she had not had the opportunity to receive the sort of training that heroines like the Jade Dragon and Melissa had received.  What she did have, however, was a dedication that equaled that of any of Metro City’s more talented heroines; and a genius level IQ that enabled her to overcome her physical limitations with a number of creative inventions.  She was also superbly gifted when it came to analyzing a situation and finding a way of overcoming obstacles. 


“We need a distraction,” the crimson-clad heroine answered without hesitation.  “We can’t afford to waste any more time.  There is no telling what Larson might have done to Sun Lin and Huan Yue by now.  He has had them in his grasp for at least a day, and if the head of the Assassin’s Guild has joined up with him we can expect that their lives are probably in even greater danger.”


“What do you propose?” Solange asked. 


“Just this,” Suzi answered.  “You and Solange…”



Whhooomp!  The concussion from the explosion shook the building and blew out all of the remaining windows on its west side.  Li Chao leapt to his feet, more startled than afraid, and dashed to the window. 


“Get down, fool,” the Master Assassin commanded.  “Do you not see that it is no more than a ploy to get us to reveal our position?”  He stood calmly in the centre of the room, his dark eyes glittering dangerously. 


Chastened, Li Chao moved back from the window and stood awaiting orders. 


“Check the position of the men.  Make sure that not have been lured from their positions,” Wang ordered.  “Tell them not to act until I give the word.”


Li Chao nodded his understanding, and moved to do his mater’s bidding, but at that moment one of the junior assassins rushed into the room.  “Master,” he exclaimed, as he bowed.  “See what comes.”


Wang crossed the room and stood to one side of the window.  From his vantage point he had a clear view of the street, except, at that moment he could see nothing of the street at all.  Instead a strange green cloud rolled slowly toward the building obscuring everything it covered.  Although outwardly calm, he cursed to himself.  A hundred heroines could be hidden in that cloud.  “Li Chao,” he called.  “Ignore that order.  Get five men down to the main floor and watch the doors and windows.” 


He cursed silently again.  The heroines were more resourceful than he had thought they would be.  He had expected a distraction, but not something so spectacular that he could not afford to ignore it.  It meant having to spread his men more thinly than he would have liked.  However, he did have a backup plan.  Quickly he hurried toward the lower floors of the building.  If any heroine did gain entry he planned a rude welcome.



Suzi crept forward through the cloud of green gas.  It had taken her considerable experimentation to get the formula just right.  The cloud was thick enough that it would act as a screen without asphyxiating the person hiding in it.  It also was quite transparent to anyone wearing the special goggles she had on.  She had no problem making her way to the main door of the building. 


Reaching into her utility belt she took out a small grenade and tacked it onto the door.  Depressing the timer she ran down the length of the building, jamming a grenade into the wooden frame of each window; then she turned and ran like hell. 


A series of resounding blasts sounded as she dashed back into the green cloud, but she did not stop moving, heading instead toward the windowless side of the building.  Reaching the halfway point of the building she took a small device from her belt and opened it.  It folded out into a small crossbow, the quarrel of which was tipped with a hook.  Aiming it above her head she pulled the trigger and launched the tiny device toward the roof. 


She gave a sharp tug on the trailing line of spider silk as the quarrel reached its apex, forcing the hook down and into the roof.  She tightened the line, checking to make sure the tiny hook had caught and then using the small winch on her utility belt began to pull herself up the side of the building.


Melissa and Solange might be able to get to the top without artificial help, but she couldn’t.  Although in tremendous physical condition Suzi did not have the athletic ability to scale the sheer side of a building.  But she did have the intelligence to manufacture devices that could help her get where she wanted to be. 


Using her feet to brace herself against the building, she winched her way toward the top, walking up the side of the building.  Reaching the top, she cautiously edged her way over the edge, but she needn’t have worried.  Several bodies littered the roof and Melissa and Solange walked toward her. 


“Your distraction worked like a charm,” Solange burbled.  “All of the rooftop guards were watching that green cloud.”  The young heroine seemed quite impressed with Suzi’s handiwork. 


Suzi smiled back.  She knew a little about Solange’s extracurricular activities from a few comments Melissa had made in private conversation, but she saw no reason to hold that against her.  The girl was entitled to her private life provided it did not interfere with her crimefighting activities, but she was certainly not like her mother.  Melissa was ferocious in her hatred of the criminal element and was probably the most ruthless of all of Metro City’s heroines, a state of mind that almost certainly contributed to her impatience with her daughter. 


However, Suzi had no time to consider the mother-daughter conflict between Melissa and Solange.  Sun Lin and her daughter were at the mercy of Metro City’s most brutal criminal and there was work to do. 


She took out several other explosive devices from her belt.  They were compact and especially chosen for this mission.  She placed them at several points around the roof and pressed a timer on each one.  Solange and Melissa watched with interest.  Neither heroine used firearms and they found Suzi’s seemingly endless arsenal fascinating. 


“All right,” Suzi said as she placed the last device.  “Now we run like hell.”


The blonde heroine led the retreat to the edge of the roof where she dropped to her belly.  The charges were designed to direct their explosive power in a downward direction and it should have been safe enough to remain closer to them, but Suzi had learned from experience that it was best to take no chances when dealing with explosives.  Melissa and Solange plopped themselves down beside her and they waited.  A few seconds later there were five quick thumps in succession as the shaped charges did their work.  Leaping to their feet the three heroines raced to the closest hole. 


“Which one?” Solange asked, staring into the still smoking hole in the roof of the building. 


“This one will do,” Suzi answered.  “It looks like it opens on an upper floor.”


Melissa and Solange immediately dropped into the hole.  Suzi followed a bit more cautiously, well aware of the fact that she did not have the ability to drop the twenty feet to the floor without risking a broken leg.  She swung herself into the hole, caught hold of the edge with her hands and then dropped the remaining distance to the floor.  She landed lightly, letting her legs absorb the shock, and then moved to join her companions.


The three heroines wasted no time.  They saw that they were on an upper level room of the warehouse, but they knew that the five explosions would have the criminals they hoped to outfox running toward them.  It was the reason why Suzi had set off five explosives.  Four would act as distractions and perhaps disperse their adversaries.  If they could take on their enemies in small groups rather than all at once their chance of rescuing Sun Lin and Huan Yue would be improved immeasurably.  They were also counting on the fact that the explosions would add an element of fear to their attack.  It never hurt to face a somewhat apprehensive enemy. 


“Let’s go,” Suzi said.  As the three heroines headed in what they hoped was the right direction she added one more comment to herself.  “Let’s hope we’re in time.”



Wang kept his composure as his lair was assaulted.  He had never imagined that going up against a few women would be so confusing.  He was not afraid.  The fear that he might be defeated had never entered his mind, but he had to admit that fighting the heroines of Metro City was infinitely more interesting than he had thought it would be.  He now realized that he should have taken Zhuang's warnings more seriously.  The heroines really were to be taken seriously.  He called Li Chao to him.


“Check the disturbances on the roof, but make no effort to stop the heroines.  I suspect another ruse.  The heroines think to confuse us, but we will not fall for their distractions.”


As Li Chao ran to carry out his orders, Wang headed to the lower floor of the building.  Deep in the subbasement he gathered his men about him.  Somehow he suspected that in spite of the depth of the building’s security the heroines would not be daunted.  They had already surprised him by their daring actions, but if they managed to make it to the lower levels he had a final defense prepared that would turn the tables.  The heroines might have taken advantage of his over confidence, but in the end he would win.  “Let them have the small victories,” he muttered.  “It doesn’t matter how many battles they win, only who wins the last one.”


He surveyed his surroundings, noting that everything seemed to be in place and then motioning for his men to move to their appointed places, sank to the lotus position and waited. 



“I don’t like this,” Suzi said.  “We’ve encountered only minimal opposition.  I expected the building to be much more heavily guarded and we were not exactly quiet when we broke in.”


The three heroines were standing at the beginning of a long concrete corridor in what appeared to be the lowest level of the warehouse.  Although it seemed deserted the dimly lit corridor had reeked of danger. 


“Yes,” Melissa agreed.  So far we’ve only encountered the guards on the roof.  “I’m beginning to think the assassins Solange questioned may have given her false information.”


“I don’t think so,” Solange bristled.  “No man would take a chance on losing his …”


“I think we have to make a decision,” Suzi interrupted.  “Do we go on or get out of here while we still have a chance?”


“If Sun Lin and Huan Yue are prisoners of the assassins,” Melissa said, “it means leaving them to their fate.  Can we take the chance?”  She looked at Solange.  The girl had already experienced a brutal ordeal at the hands of an escaped demon.  She really did not want to place her in that sort of danger again.


“We go on,” Solange said.  “Isn’t this what is being a heroine is all about?”


Suzi and Melissa nodded slowly.  “Alright,” the former replied.  “But let’s not take any more chances than we have to.”  She took out a small electronic device and aimed it down the corridor.   


“This is very strange,” she commented.  “The room at the end of the corridor seems to be occupied, but the thermal reading is not strong for there to be more than one person.”


The three heroines looked at one another.  Melissa and Solange were especially affected by the situation, their finely tuned senses screaming danger as they peered down the tunnel-like corridor.  Finally Melissa moved.  “Let’s go.  We may as well find out what this is all about.”


Together the three heroines walked the length of the hallway, Suzi studying her instruments and Melissa and Solange straining very sense as they ventured into what they were sure was almost certain danger.



The Master Assassin’s eyes were mere slits as the three heroines entered the room, but he had no trouble seeing them in perfect detail.  At last three more of the heroines he had been hired to destroy presented themselves to him. 


His first impression of two of them was one of definite menace.  They were shrouded from head to foot in a shiny black fabric that revealed every exquisite curve of their shapely bodies.  The other heroine was dressed in a brilliant red outfit that clung to her body like a second skin.  They were all very tall.  If he had been standing to receive them each woman would have topped him by more than a head. 


A quick survey of the two black-clad women revealed that one of them was the heroine calling herself “Scorpion,” as was signified by the small red scorpion emblem emblazoned over her left breast.  The other wore no symbol, but was so like Scorpion in physique that the two could have been twins.  Jutting over the left shoulders of each heroine was the hilt of a sword. 


The woman in red was armed quite differently.  Around her slender waist was belted a yellow utility belt mounting what appeared to be two firearms.  Of the three she was the only one with a hint of colour in her costume, but like the other two she was very tall, and if her costume told the truth, incredibly voluptuous.  Beneath his mask the Master Assassin smiled slightly.  With any luck in a very short time he would have to chance to find out for himself.  First, however, he needed to draw them in just a few more steps.  He got slowly to his feet and stood with his hands tucked inside his robe.


The heroine he had identified as Scorpion took two steps toward him, drawing her sword as she did so.  The others lagged a step or two behind.  They were still not close enough; very well, he would lure them into his trap.  With a flick of his wrists he withdrew his hands from the sleeves of his robe revealing the two long blades he had concealed there.


“Give up.  “You have no chance.”  To Wang’s surprise the heroine spoke to him in his own language.  So it was true.  The heroine known as Scorpion had been trained as a member of the Assassins’ Guild.  He had thought the story merely a myth, but the dialect she was speaking was unique to the region of China controlled by the Assassins. 


“I doubt that any of you can challenge me,” Wang returned.  “Try me if you wish to die.”  “Come on,” he thought.  “Just five more steps and I will have you.”  He moved into a crouch as if in preparation for an attack.  Unfortunately the heroine dressed in red did not have the patience for his game.  She said something in her language that he did not understand and drew both of her sidearms.  Now that was a language he did speak.  Quickly he took two steps backward, bringing up his blades in a quick defensive motion.  At that precise moment, however, Scorpion said something that made the other heroine hesitate. 


Wang didn’t know why Scorpion had prevented the other heroine from shooting him, and he no longer cared.  The delay had accomplished its purpose; all three of the heroines were now where he wanted them to be.  Stepping back one more time he kicked a concealed lever with his heel and watched his trap spring.



“Don’t shoot,” Melissa called out as Suzi leveled her pistols.  “He knows where Jade is.  I can take him alive.”


Reluctantly Suzi lowered her deadly firearms.  They were of her own design and were like no other pistols anywhere on the face of the planet.  She had designed them to pierce the armour of Ivan Retinoff’s giant robot and they were capable of blowing a hole through several inches of steel.  However, she knew Melissa was right.  If this was the Master Assassin then he would be of more value alive that riddled with projectiles.  And if Melissa wanted him alive then she could definitely help in that as well. 


Holstering her weapons, she took a light wire out of her utility belt.  Attached to the ends of the wire were small weights.  Whirling the wire around her head she followed Melissa and Solange into battle as they converged on the Master Assassin.  And then the ground dropped out from underneath her.


Solange and Melissa might have saved themselves from the trap that opened beneath them, but as they leapt back from the pit opening at their feet they crashed into Suzi.  Together the trio dropped into the black hole, a cry of surprise and dismay coming from Suzi’s lips.


They hit the bottom with a splash.  Expecting a solid surface the heroines were unprepared to hit water.  Very cold water.  Melissa gasped as she submerged beneath the icy surface and Solange let out a cry that had her taking in a mouthful of water.  Fortunately she caught her breath before filling her lungs.  Suzi, after her surprised outburst, was the best prepared.  She had expected to have the breath knocked out of her by the fall and was holding her breath.  As a result only the shock of the cold water surprised her and she quickly fought her way to the surface.  Her head broke water just in time to see the trapdoor that had released beneath them creak back into place leaving her in total darkness. 


“Scorp, Solange, are you alright?” Suzi gasped.  Her feet were moving like windmills as the weight of her equipment tried to drag her down.  She realized that she would have to get rid of her heavy boots and utility belt before she became exhausted. 


To her considerable relief Melissa and Solange answered from the darkness, Suzi could feel the chill water sapping her strength and knew that even with their enhanced Stamina her companions would soon be in as much trouble as she was.  She dug into her utility belt and took out two items before releasing the catch and allowing it to sink.  Taking out the first item she triggered a switch and immediately flooded the watery trap with light. 


“Geez that’s bright!” Solange exclaimed, involuntarily throwing up her hand to shield her eyes. 


“Sorry,” Suzi said, “but I thought it might help to see where we are.”  She looked around her.  The situation was not particularly hopeful.  They were in a dark water-filled chamber measuring about five feet wide, fifteen feet long, and extending over their heads for another ten feet.  The walls were completely smooth and without the slightest hint of any opening.  Suzi could not help realizing how easy it would be for the Master Assassin to continue flooding the chamber until she and her companions were drowned.   However, she realized that he did not even have to do that.  All he had to do was wait until the chill water sapped their strength and they would drown right where they were.


Solange suddenly disappeared, her heels kicking as she upended herself and dove beneath the surface.  She emerged just a few seconds later, shaking water from her eyes.  “It’s only about eight feet deep,” she said. 


“Deep enough, unfortunately,” he mother commented.  She turned her head toward Suzi.  “You wouldn’t happen to have a ladder or stool in that utility belt by any chance?”


Suzi allowed herself a smile at Melissa’s attempt at humour.  “No she returned, “but I have these.  They might help to keep us alive a little longer.”  She held out her hand, displaying the other items she had taken from her utility belt.


“They’re energy tablets,” she explained.  “It’s something I haven’t quite perfected as yet.  I was looking for something to give me temporary superheroine powers and this is as far as I got.  They should give you an energy burst when you’re getting tired.”  She held out the tablets, wishing that she had more than a handful to offer. 


Melissa took four and immediately handed off two of them to Solange.  It left Suzi with four.  “You keep those,” Melissa said.  “You probably need them more than Solange and me.”


Suzi took no offense at the statement.  Melissa was not bragging, simply stating the obvious.  Suzi was the most likely of the three trapped heroines to tire first.  She nodded her acceptance and continued to move her feet to keep afloat, but already she could feel the energy draining from her body as the frigid water sucked her life from her.  Quickly she gulped down one of the pills. 


The surge of energy revived her, spreading healing warmth throughout her body, but she knew that the effect would not last long.  She had only been in the cold water for about five minutes and already she was succumbing to its deadly effects. 


The effects of the energy tablet gave her another five minutes before the numbing influence of the water once again threatened to leave her helpless.  As she swallowed her second tablet she noticed Solange taking the first of hers.  So far Melissa seemed to be enduring without the help of any artificial stimulant, but a few minutes later the powerful heroine raised her hand to her mouth. 


Suzi made a quick estimate.  In a half hour at best all of the energy tablets would be used up.  Then one by one each of the heroines would succumb to the frigid water.  What was the Master Assassin playing at?  Did he really wish all of them to drown in this cold dark tomb?  She couldn’t believe that he would simply ignore them.  Her light revealed no spyhole that she could see, but she was certain that someone was watching them.  No villain would be able to resist gloating as his trapped victims died one by one or even more likely became so weak that they could not prevent him from doing something even worse to them.  The question was what kind of villain was the Master assassin.  Would he be content to see them struggle helplessly and then watch them drown one by one, or did he have something else planned for them?  Something that would perhaps make them wish that they had drowned.  They was only one way to find out and that was to wait.


The time came when Suzi had long since popped her last energy tablet.  Her entire body was numb from the cold and her movements were becoming sluggish.  It was obvious even to her befogged brain that she could not last much longer.  Solange seemed in similar straits.  The girl’s movements were less coordinated and more frantic.  As she watched Solange’s movements slow, Suzi felt a drowsiness sweep over her.  She no longer felt quite so cold, but instead seemed to be warming up.  It was time to stop struggling, to close her eyes and go to …

Slap!  The blow rocked her head back.  “Keep fighting, Suzi,” Melissa commanded.  “Don’t give up.  Close your eyes and you’ll drown.”

Breathing hard, Suzi resumed her seemingly endless battle to survive, but her renewed efforts lasted only a brief time.  She was overwhelmingly tired and no matter how hard she tried to keep her legs pumping she just couldn’t keep up the effort.  “I’m sorry, Scorp,” she whispered and then she closed her eyes and let her body sink into the imagined warmth of hypothermia.

Melissa wrapped her arm around Suzi’s neck as the scarlet-clad heroine’s eyes closed and she began to sink.  However, she knew her efforts couldn’t last much longer.  Solange was very close to the same condition Suzi was in, and within a minute or so she would be supporting both her friend and her daughter.  Even at that, she could only keep them from drowning.  The chill water would still suck the life out of them even if she miraculously managed to keep them both from drowning.  Despairingly she tired to think of some desperate plan that might save their lives.

That plan never came.  Instead Melissa detected a change in the water.  There was now a definite current.  It took her dulled mind a few seconds to realize that it was caused by the water beginning to drain from the chamber.  She didn’t know whether she should welcome that change or fear it.  It could only mean that the Master Assassin had got tired of his sadistic little game and now had other plans for them.  Unfortunately, Melissa realized that she was now far too weak to put up any sort of fight against either the Master or any of his men. 

She looked at Solange.  Her daughter was still gamely struggling to keep her head above water, but it was obvious that she could not have lasted longer than another minute or so.  Only Melissa’s incredible conditioning and the ability to harness all of her energy had kept her from a similar state of exhaustion, but her efforts to save Suzi had left her drained.  She could hardly have lasted another minute herself. 


With a loud gurgle the last of the water drained from the chamber.  Melissa flopped like a fish on the wet surface, so cold and exhausted that she could not stand.  Beside her Solange lay like a dead woman and Suzi no longer seemed to be breathing. 


A door creaked open and several men piled into the cell.  They way they moved seemed to indicate that they were aware that it was necessary the semiconscious heroines get help as quickly as possible.  But it was hardly the sort of help that Melissa was hoping for.


“Cold?” the Master Assassin asked sneeringly.  “Well, I have a way to warm you up.  One I do not think you will forget.”


Melissa was too exhausted to reply.  Her body shivered uncontrollably as she was dragged from the chamber where she and her friends had almost drowned.  She was aware enough to note that they were in a concrete-walled room with a high ceiling that was supported by heavy wooden beams.  There was a row of cupboards along one wall and several heavy wooden tables scattered about the room.  It was toward these tables that her “rescuers” were dragging her and her companions.


Melissa could only resist feebly as her wet costume was unzipped and stripped from her body.  Four men held her limbs as she was pinned face-up to the surface of the table, but they were really not needed.  She could not keep her chilled body from shaking, nevertheless the men held her as the Master Assassin bent over her.  He touched the scarred tissue between her breasts.  “So it is true,” he said.  “You were trained as an assassin.  I wonder what perverse set of circumstances led to you becoming a heroine in Metro City.  Well, I have more than enough time to find out.  I shall question you and you will tell me all of your secrets.”


He turned to one of the men standing beside him.  Melissa noted that not all the men present were assassins.  Although the four holding her appeared to be Chinese they were huge, each one standing almost seven feet tall.  Each of them was stripped to the waist revealing a powerfully muscled torso.  Their heads were shaved except for a topknot that was braided and hung to their shoulder blades. 


The Master Assassin took a metal flask from one of the giants and held it to her lips.  Melissa tried to keep her mouth closed but he forced it between her teeth and poured a fiery liquid down her throat.  The burning substance took her breath away, but it also sent a wave of heat through her body.  As she gasped for breath the Master Assassin handed the flask back to his assistant and instructed the man to deal with the other heroines.


“Now I will finish the task of restoring you to life,” the Master Assassin said.  There was no missing his meaning as he began to loosen the ties holding up the loose-fitting trousers he wore.  “I will let my men attend to your companions, but you I will deal with personally.”


Partially restored by the fiery fluid, Melissa tried to escape from the grip of the men holding her, but they seemed to be expecting it and applying their considerable strength they easily held her in place.  As she struggled Melissa could hear Suzi and Solange cough as the burning restorative was forced down their throats. 


The Master Assassin was now between her thighs, his erect phallus pressed against the lips of her vulva.  Melissa gritted her teeth in rage and then bit back a moan as he entered her.  “You bastard,” she gasped.  “What did you make me drink?”


“A little potion given to me by your greatest enemy,” the Master Assassin grunted as he thrust hard into her.  “I am told that it has certain erotic qualities.”


“No,” Melissa gasped.  “You can’t do this.”  Her loins burned with such intensity she feared she would scream in desire each time the Master Assassin penetrated her.  Within a very short time the chills that had racked her body were forgotten and she struggled in the throes of passion, her chest heaving.


 Wang grinned at his beautiful and helpless victim as he plundered her magnificent body.  She twisted painfully as the powerful aphrodisiac coursed through her veins forcing her to respond to his violation of her body in spite of her iron will.  Sweat beaded her velvet skin, and her perfect rounded breasts quivered each time he thrust into her.  Her dark hair, no longer bound in its tight queue, flew up with the vigor of his attack.  Her head was thrown back; her mouth partially open.  Her upper chest was flushed with passion and her pink nipples were taut with desire.  It was only a matter of time before she succumbed. 


She began to moan softy.  Then through gritted teeth she cursed him.  “You filthy bastard.  I’ll see you dead for this.”  Then she cried out as an involuntary orgasm tightened her vagina. 


“It might almost be worth it,” the Master Assassin gasped in return.  Her vaginal muscles gripped his phallus like a vise, giving him more pleasure than he could have imagined.  He bowed his head and took her left nipple between his teeth, worrying it gently.  The action brought another fevered cry and she arched her body into him, whimpering with passion. 


Shame swept over Melissa as her body betrayed her.  Even though she knew her reaction was not one of choice she felt acute humiliation as she responded in violent passion especially at is was witnessed by the half dozen men around her.  Then a loud cry drove all thoughts of her own violation from her mind.  It was Solange, but it didn’t sound as if she was in any pain. 



Solange was barely aware of her surrounding as she was carried from the chamber.  She sensed that she was being carried by several men but little else until she was slammed down on the table and her mouth forced open.  She almost choked as a burning fluid was poured down her throat and then gasped in pain as a searing warmth surged through her veins.  The pain was so severe that she almost screamed, regaining control of herself just in time.  And then the pain was replaced by an altogether different sensation. 


She had never experienced so erotic a feeling.  Without thinking she tried to spread her legs and arched her body upwards as in sexual anticipation.  Then she realized that she was being held by four of the biggest men she had ever seen.  “What…” She gasped.  “What did you do to me?” 


The leering Chinese thug that had poured the concoction down her throat did not answer.  Instead he gave her a leering grin and began to remove her costume.  Solange was no longer cold.  In fact she was now so warm that she would have welcomed a cold bath.  Sweat glistened on her straining body as her costume was stripped off revealing her slender but powerful body.


Like her mother, Solange was very tall, standing almost a full six feet, but she was not as fully developed.  Late to mature, she had resembled a beanpole at age sixteen; but two years of development had resulted in a body that was more than desirable, from her pink-tipped breasts, to her narrow waist, flaring hips and long, powerful legs.  The men that held her touched her everywhere they could reach as her costume was removed.


She panicked, struggling frantically even as the powerful aphrodisiac coursed through her veins.  But she was helpless as her legs were pulled apart and the huge oriental thrust into her.  To her shame her vagina received him willingly, but she screamed anyway as the horror of her dilemma swept over her.  Then she went silent doing everything in her power to deny herself the pleasure that her body demanded. 


But she could not hold out forever.  She felt the passion building within her like water rising behind a dam.  As the man raping her squeezed her breasts she cried out in erotic ecstasy, her womb convulsing and her vaginal canal contacting with an intensity she had never experienced with any of the men she had taken as lovers.  Humiliated, she continued to moan as the man ejaculated into her and was then replaced by one of his comrades.  As few feet away she could hear the hoarse gasps of her mother.  She didn’t have to look to interpret the sounds of frenzied sexual activity.  Both she and her mother had been forced into false sexual arousal.  It was a superheroine’s worst nightmare.



“Not this one,” the Master Assassin said as he stood over the unconscious form of the Scarlet Falcon.  She was still alive, just barely, but it was this woman who had caused so much damage to his hideout, and he wanted her awakening to be painful rather than pleasurable. 


Her costume had been stripped off revealing her spectacular body.  In strong contrast to the other heroines she was a golden blonde, her hair shimmering even in the dim lights of the subbasement room.  The Master Assassin took a deep breath.  Her body was perfection itself, her large rounded breasts rising and falling with each shallow breath.  He could not help running his fingertips over one pink nipple. 


“Revive her,” he ordered.  “And do it painfully.  Save the love drug for later.”


As if it was an afterthought he added.  “Bring the other two heroines over here.  Gag them, but make sure that they watch.”



Suzi coughed as a fiery liquid was poured down her throat.  She recognized the taste as a rather low grade of brandy, but it brought her back to life.  She was so cold that she shivered like a leaf in a strong gale, and so confused that for a few seconds she was not aware of her surroundings.  She woke up in a hurry when her eyes focused on the hulking forms around her.  She tried to move, but her chilled body failed to respond.  Not even the sudden terror that gripped her could force her to move so much as a finger, and when she tried to speak her teeth chattered so badly she could not make a coherent sound.


“So, you must be the one who calls herself the Scarlet Falcon.  You have made quite a nuisance of yourself and my master’s client had you high on his list as one of those he wished removed.  He will be most pleased when he is told that we have you.”


The man who spoke was someone different from the man who had faced them down in the room with the trapdoor.  He spoke English with a strong Chinese accent, but was easily understandable.  Like the man who had taunted them, his face was hidden behind a scarf that shrouded all of his face except his eyes. 


Suzi moved her eyes a little farther and saw the man who had led them into the trap.  He was standing with his hands in his sleeves, the same position he had adopted when he had confronted her and her companions.  He said something in his own language and the wall of men parted to allow someone through.


Melissa and Solange were marched through the opening.  Both women had been stripped and looked as if they had been running hard; their skin was flushed and bathed with sweat, and their chests were heaving from exertion.  A look at their faces told her all she needed to know about what sort of “exercise” they had been forced into.  And then Suzi understood.  Like most of the heroines in Metro City she had experienced the sex drug of the mad scientist Ivan Retinoff.  It was more than obvious that both women had been drugged and then been forced to have sex with their captors.  Even more horrifying it appeared was clear from the dazed gleam in their eyes that they would willingly submit to any man who approached them. 


Each woman was almost identically bound with their arms tied behind her back.  Heavy ropes were wound around their arms, crossing their bodies above and below their naked breasts.  An especially thick length of cord had been forced into their mouths and tied so tightly that their lips were forced back resulting in an expression that looked like a grimace.  They appeared to be completely beaten; a condition that Suzi found far more depressing than anything else. 


“Your companions have been getting ‘acquainted’ with the master’s henchmen,” the man who had spoken before said.  “Now, however, it will be their pleasure to watch while you are welcomed to the lair of the Assassins.”


Suzi closed her eyes.  She was close to going into a cold-induced torpor.  She was aware of everything the man had said, but she could not stop her body from reacting to its chilled state. 


Someone said something sharply in Chinese and a second later she felt pairs of hands jerk her upright and lift her from the table.  The naked light bulbs danced above her as she was carried face up across the room.


She was slammed down on something hard, her back arched across it.  It took her a few seconds to realize that she had been bent over backward a heavy wooden beam.  Held by four men, and still in a hypothermic state she could offer little resistance as her arms were pulled behind her and bound to her ankles.  Even in her befuddled state she knew what was going to happen next, but the cold had completely sapped her ability to resist even in so small a way as opening her mouth to protest.  She made no sound other than a tiny grunt as the first of her captors thrust into her.


She was surprised at how much it hurt.  Apparently there was at least one part of her body that was not numb.  She let out a grunt of pain as she was penetrated.  She was being brutally raped by a man the size of a house and she was too numb to move. 


That condition didn’t last long, however.  She was soon breathing hard, her body warming as the giant oriental pounded into her.  By the time the man finished with her, droplets of sweat dotted her body and then it was the next man’s turn. 


A few feet away, Solange and Melissa watched through eyes filled with anguish.  Their loins throbbing from the brutal treatment they had been dealt.  Being forced to watch Suzi’s brutalization, however, was almost as bad as having it done to them.  Even worse, the aphrodisiac they had been forced to swallow actually made the spectacle of Suzi’s rape arousing.  Both women were breathing almost as hard as the helpless heroine as man after man took her.  Shame added to their consternation and sense of defeat.  How could they be stimulated by the brutal violation of one of their companions?  They wanted to look away, but the sexual lure of the spectacle in front of them made that impossible.


Compounding their anguish was the depressing fact that they had failed miserably in their mission.  They had sought to find and rescue Sun Lin and Huan Yue.  Instead they had become the playthings of the men they had sought to defeat and now faced a future that was likely filled with horror and brutality.  As they watched Suzi’s glorious body twist as still another man raped her each woman was overcome by a terrible sense of foreboding.  Who would come to their rescue?