Chapter 6 Blue Avenger

Chapter 7  Blue Avenger


Kyla Smith, also known as the Blue Avenger, changed into her blue and purple costume.  The series of misadventures that had befallen the Jade Dragon and the Scarlet Falcon in the last week had galvanized her into daring action.  It was time that the forces of evil, led by Brick Henson, were brought to justice. 

 She had already been successful in her first real adventure, when she had been instrumental in rescuing the Jade Dragon and the Scarlet Falcon from the clutches of the vicious crimelord, Boss Crunch.  However, once the criminals of
Metro City had learned that there was an invisible crimefighter moving among them, they had taken all sorts of precautions to keep her out.  It would be no easy thing to penetrate the defenses of the most heavily guarded building in Metro city.  Kyla, however, was determined to try.

She finished changing into her costume.  It was a scintillating blue outfit, accented with purple flashings on her arms and thighs.  Black knee high boots protected her feet and her long dark hair was concealed under a cowl.  With her ability she did not really need a superheroine outfit, as she was invisible on all of her crimefighting expeditions, but she knew that real superheroines had to have some sort of special dress to set them apart from the average citizen.

When she was not invisible, Kyla was an impressive sight.  Although more slender than Sun Lin or Suzi, she was perfectly proportioned, from her firm, high breasts to her delicately curved derriere.  Like Suzi and Sun Lin she was a tall girl, standing about five-foot-nine inches.  Her hair was jet black and shiny, hanging almost to her waist.  Large brown eyes highlighted a perfect oval face.  Her full bowed shaped lips made almost every man who saw them want to kiss her. 

However, her talent was not in her beauty, but in her ability to make herself invisible to those around her.  She performed this feat by entering the minds of those who were present and making them oblivious to her presence.  Before joining Sun Lin and Suzi under the guidance of Master Zhou, she had been able to handle up to six or seven people in this way.  Any more than that and she would be seen.  She had improved under Master Zhou’s tutelage to the point where she could now handle a dozen minds with ease.  This increased ability, plus some hard martial arts training gave her the confidence to tackle Brick Henson on her own. 

She did not tell anyone of her plans.  Although she was very close in age to Suzi and Sun Lin, both of the veteran crimefighters viewed her as too inexperienced to strike out on her own.  In this case, however, Kyla believed that only her talent could get her safely past Brick’s extensive security system and into the heart of his operation. 

Quietly she slipped out of Master Zhou’s house.  Unlike the Jade Dragon or Scarlet Falcon, the Blue Avenger chose to operate in broad daylight.  Her talent made using the cloak of darkness redundant.  Her only problem was transport.  Brick’s headquarters was not close to where she and her companions lived and trained.  However, there were simple ways around that problem provided she was careful.  She waited at a bus stop with a couple of other people.  Using her power, they did not see her and neither did the bus driver when he stopped to pick up the two passengers.  Kyla simply slipped in behind the two passengers before the door of the bus closed.  Then she found an empty seat and hoped that no one else would choose to sit where she was.  This worked well when the bus was travelling almost empty as it was now.  Of course, this whole procedure would have been unnecessary if Kyla had simply chosen to travel without her costume.  However, such an action would have been unthinkable for a superheroine, and so she had to resort to subterfuge. 

After changing buses once, Kyla found herself standing right outside Brick’s headquarters.  It was an impressive building.  Previous crime bosses had located themselves in old warehouses in the city, but Brick had found these buildings difficult to secure.  Therefore, he had set up shop in a building that had once belonged to the city.  Ironically, it was an old police building.  It provided just the sort of security that Brick wanted.  First, it was difficult to get in and out of, having only two entrances.  Second, its thick walls and barred windows made it almost impregnable to attack from rival gangs or superheroines trying to find a way to break in.  Kyla, however, was sure that she could enter the building simply by walking through the front door. 

Without fear she walked up to the front entrance of the building.  Her mind reached out, seeking anyone who might be able to see her.  She located two guards by the door, another two at windows facing the street, and one more on the roof.  All of these sentries saw nothing.  Kyla nullified them in a process that was now almost automatic.  Without any attempt at stealth Kyla walked right through the front door.  It had almost been too easy.

Once inside the building Kyla moved quickly away from the door, all the better to avoid accidentally bumping into someone by chance.  She had breached the first of Brick’s defenses.  Now, it was but a matter of discovering where in the huge building Brick had his headquarters.  Kyla had no doubts or qualms about what she would do if she found Brick.  Her Aunt Julia, a woman very dear to her, had been brutally murdered.  Her killer had never been brought to justice.  It was the most important reason motivating her to become a crimefighter and hunt down those who sought to defy the law.  If she found Brick she would eliminate him.  It was that simple.  He would threaten no more of her friends nor terrorize any other innocent citizens of
Metro City.

Kyla had penetrated fairly deeply into the building by now.  She was in a large central foyer in front of a bank of four elevators.  One of these, no doubt, went to the floor that housed her quarry, but which one?  There was a simple way to find out.  There was a guard in the foyer checking each of the various criminals who sought to enter any of the elevators.  Kyla stationed herself close to him in order to overhear his conversation.  It happened very quickly.  The third henchman to enter the foyer gave her the information she needed.

“Yah, Shorty, what’s your business?” questioned the guard.

“Message for Brick, gotta give him the lottery take this week.”

“No problem, go ahead.”

Swiftly, yet silently, Kyla swung into the elevator behind Shorty.  A short elevator ride and she would be there.  Confidently, Kyla visualized herself in the presence of the evil crimelord.  It would only be a few seconds now. 

Brick Henson sat comfortably in his oversized leather chair.  He was thinking happy thoughts.  Despite the continued attacks on his operations, business had been relatively good this week.  And his punishment of that Chinese babe had been extremely satisfying.  It would be a long time before she dared to try and cross him again, if ever. 

There was a knock on the door and a thug called “Rat” Johnson entered.  Brick immediately became alert.  He had appointed Rat as his head of security.  He was only supposed to show up if he had something of great importance to report.

“What is it?” Brick growled.

“We got an intruder boss.  Picked her up on the viewer.  I think it’s the invisible broad.”

“Where is she now?”

“Headin’ toward the foyer.  No one seems to notice her so it’s my guess that they can’t see her.”

Brick became very excited.  Of all the superheroines plaguing him, the Blue Avenger was the one he feared most.  He felt confident he could deal with the Jade Dragon and Scarlet Falcon, pesky as they might be, as they had already been captured on two occasions.  But the thought of an invisible crimefighter was one that really worried him.  How could he deal with someone he couldn’t even see?

For this reason he had called in a person he would normally have ignored.  The person was Dr. Ivan Retinoff, sometimes call “Mad Ivan.”  He was a most peculiar individual, a man who did not engage in normal criminal pursuits, but who lived on the edge of crime.  Supposedly Mad Ivan was a man devoted to science, but his bizarre experiments frequently crossed the boundaries of scientific ethics and often violated the law. 

Brick needed a security system to protect him against an invisible superheroine.  Retinoff had approached the problem in a thoroughly scientific manner.  First he had obtained as much information on the Blue Avenger as he could.  He learned that her power seemed to be local.  She could make herself invisible to those close to her, but could not control those farther away.  Retinoff reasoned that if he set up a series of mirrors and lenses on the ground floor of Brick’s headquarters that these would relay an image of any intruder to a viewer on the top floor of the building.  A guard posted at the viewer would probably not be influenced by the Blue Avenger’s ability to cloud minds and if she entered the building she would be seen. 

Retinoff had also added one more defense.  At the entrances to Brick’s headquarters he had installed a pressure pad.  Anyone stepping on the pad activated a relay that rang a bell.  Anyone entering the building immediately made his or her presence known.  Kyla had triggered the alarm upon entering the building and she had been watched by the guard throughout her intrusion.  Brick was now in a position to spring his trap.

He rose from his chair and followed Rat to the security room where the viewer was located.  Sure enough, it was the Blue Avenger.  Her blue and purple costume was unmistakable.  He watched the heroine make her way into the foyer and then follow Shorty into the elevator.  “Perfect,” Brick exclaimed.  “We’ve got the stupid bitch in a box.  There’s no way she can get out without going through us.”

Inside the elevator, Kyla rode confidently with the unsuspecting Shorty.  This was perfect.  The unsuspecting henchman would lead her right to the crimelord.  He would never know what hit him.  The elevator was nearing the fifth floor.  Kyla readied herself.  She needed to move quickly to get out the door before it closed. 

The door opened.  Shorty tried to exit, but blocking the opening was the massive form of Brick Henson and three of his men.  Kyla backed away.  She had sensed that there was someone in the lobby and had already blocked their minds, but the four men were standing right in her path.  She could not get out without pushing past them and giving herself away.  Also, one of the men was the man she was seeking.  It was pointless to exit the elevator if he was going to leave. 

Brick shoved Shorty back into the confined space of the elevator.  “What’s up Boss?” the surprised man inquired.

“Shut up,” Brick ordered, “you’ve got a friend.”

Making sure that the doorway remained blocked, Brick and the other three men pushed onto the elevator.  Kyla moved back into a corner.  She now realized that something was wrong.  Somehow, Brick seemed to know that she was on the elevator.  Desperately she looked for a way out of the confined space, but there was nowhere to go.  Crouching down she tried to make herself as small as possible.  Perhaps she was mistaken and Brick did not sense her presence.  In a minute the elevator would finish its trip and the passengers would disembark, then she would be safe.

“Boss, what’s going on?” asked Shorty. 

“Get behind us,” replied Brick, grabbing Shorty by the collar and pulling him between them. 

The four men were now standing shoulder to shoulder.  Slowly, one step at a time, they advanced across the elevator.  Trapped like a rat in a box, Kyla tried to find a way between the advancing thugs, but there was no opening in the tiny space. 

There seemed only one hope.  She would have to fight, and here she had one supreme advantage.  She would be able to launch her attack without any of the thugs knowing that an attack was coming. 

Kyla targeted the shortest of the three men.  He was still a massive figure, standing over six feet tall, but there was some hope that she could knock him down and break past him to the open door.  Then, a second before she launched her attack, Shorty, finally understanding what was going on, pulled the lever that closed the elevator door.  Now there was no opening to break for.

Kyla attacked anyway.  She was not going to wait until she ran out of space.  Despite her limited martial arts training she just might be able to overcome her five adversaries.  It was a long shot, but it was the only one she had.

Driving across the small space that now separated her from the advancing villains, she drove her right foot into the solar plexus of the man she had originally targeted.  With an audible whoosh the air was knocked out of the man’s body.  Gasping for air, he collapsed into a heap on the floor of the crowded compartment, and then all hell broke loose as the remaining thugs tried to find her, swinging blindly at the air around them.  Quite miraculously, Kyla managed to dodge the blind punches and kicks, but it was a near thing as she jumped and twisted in the confined space of the elevator.

The battle raged for several minutes, with Kyla getting in quite a few punches against her blind opponents, but none of her blows matched the power of the first due to the fact that she had to constantly sidestep the blows of her adversaries.  Their continuous blind attacks kept her off balance and she was only able to annoy her foes without putting any of them away. 

Eventually, she ran out of luck, and it was the diminutive Shorty who brought her down.  He had stayed out of the fight, crouching in one corner of the elevator.  So quiet was he that Kyla in her desperate battle with the other thugs, forgot about him.  Maneuvering to avoid a series of poorly aimed kicks and punches, Kyla brushed up against him.  Feeling her invisible presence, Shorty immediately closed his arms about her legs.

“I’ve got her!  I’ve got her,” he screamed.

Kyla struck down at the gnomish little man who had encircled her thighs with his arms, but he held on like grim death.  Then a second later the remaining three gangsters smashed into her.  A crushing pair of arms enveloped her torso as Brick swallowed her up in a bear hug.  Then another of the toughs laid hold of her, using touch to locate her arms.  Within seconds her arms and legs were tightly held.  Kyla struggled desperately, heaving her body and straining to break free, but her struggles ended when Brick located her head with a quick short punch.  The blow did not travel far, but when thrown by a man the size of Brick Henson, it packed more than enough power to knock Kyla unconscious.  Her senses slipping from her as she passed out, Kyla lost the power of invisibility.  As she lapsed into complete insensibility she was totally at the mercy of her enemies.

Kyla’s first sensation upon returning to consciousness was that she felt cold and had a faint headache.  She was lying face down on a concrete floor.  Pushing her arms beneath her she tried to rise, only to find that she could not move her feet.  Straightening her arms, she half rose and peered over her left shoulder.  Her ankles were fastened to the concrete floor by two steel bands, each of which was closed with a padlock, but more shocking and frightening was the fact that she was completely naked. 

A moment of panic set in and for a few seconds she struggled violently to pull her feet from the manacles that held her, but all she accomplished was the loss of a little skin.  Frustrated, she sat back on her haunches and looked about her.  She was in a large concrete room.  A single steel door seemed to be the only way in or out.  Just above her head, steel hooks were set into the roof.  She wondered about these since they were the only interruptions, other than a single light bulb, in the smooth concrete surface.  She shivered.  It was cold in the room and her nipples hardened in the cool air.  She wondered how long she had been in the room.  Her head ached a little.  She raised her hand to her forehead and touched a bruise there.  That must have been where Brick had hit her.  She checked the rest of her body.  She sported a few bruises, but otherwise seemed unhurt.  Her real problem was going to be finding a way to escape from the shackles that held her ankles. 

A noise outside the room caused her to turn her head in the direction of the door.  There was the turning of a key in the lock, and it was flung open.  Through the doorway strode the hulking figure of Brick Henson, along with a dozen or more of his henchmen.  Two of them were carrying a heavy wooden table. 

“Ah,” said Brick.  “Awake at last and waiting patiently for your punishment.  That’s what I like to see.”  He moved over in front of her and stood with his hands on his hips, watching her intently. 

Kyla turned bright red in acute embarrassment.  Immediately she used her powers to cloak Brick’s mind.  As he watched she disappeared.

Brick moved closer to her.  “I thought so, honey,” he said.  “You have to be awake in order to become invisible.  But it’s no good pretending that you are not there, I know that you are shackled to the floor.”

Brick was now standing right over the helpless heroine.  Although he could not see her, he could hear her frightened breathing.  Reaching down he placed his hand on the small of her back.  Then swinging his leg wide, he straddled her and slowly lowered his massive frame onto her, settling on her as if he was riding a horse. 

Kyla gasped as Brick’s 260 pounds squeezed the breath out of her 120 pound body.   His weight pushed her into the cold, hard concrete floor. 

“How about we not play any games?” said Brick reaching beneath her and engulfing one of Kyla’s small, firm breasts in each hand.  To emphasize his point he closed his hands and gave her tits a crushing squeeze. 

Kyla gasped at the tremendous pressure.  It felt as if each breast was being squeezed in a vise.  There was no need to ask Brick what he meant.  He wanted to be able to see her, and if she persisted in using her power he was going to mutilate her body.  Quickly, she relented and showed herself.

“Ah, that’s better,” said Brick, shifting his weight off her body, but remaining astride her.  “I like you much better this way.”

Kyla blushed an even deeper red.  She had foolishly walked right into a trap, and now she was stripped naked and displayed before a gallery of leering hoodlums.  She found their lascivious stares mortifying.

“You know, it’s amazing,” marveled Brick.  “All of you superheroines have such fantastic bodies.  It must be a necessary qualification for the job.  Now it’s time to get a better look at you.”

Kyla hung her head in shame as Brick seized her arms and pulled her into an upright position.  Then he pulled her arms behind her and shackled each of her wrists to her ankles.  The position forced her to lean back, thrusting her breasts and belly forward and allowing her long loose hair to sweep across her ankles.  In spite of the cool air of the dungeon, Kyla’s body was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, causing her body to glisten in the light of the single bulb. 

“Now,” said Brick, “let’s see what you are made of.”  He began to explore her virgin body, running his hands over her velvet skin.  Kyla suppressed a whimper.  She was absolutely terrified.  Her heart was beating like a triphammer and her breathing quickened as the villain’s fingers swept over her supple body. 

“No,” she thought, “this can’t be happening.  Heroines aren’t supposed to be humiliated in this way.”  With a sinking feeling she thought back to the predicament that she had found the Jade Dragon and the Scarlet Falcon in, and realized how foolish her thought was.  Of course heroines got captured.  She had just never thought it could happen to her.  She still hadn’t figured out how Brick had managed to capture her.  Somehow he had determined where she was and lured her into a trap.  Or perhaps she had trapped herself.  Whatever the case, she was paying for her mistake.

She cringed slightly as Brick’s hands fondled her exquisite body.  He had started at her shoulders, placing both hands on her soft curves and then moving slowly toward her trembling breasts.  He took his time, relishing the psychological torment he was causing her. 

“Skin like silk,” Brick commented.  He moved his hands down to her breasts and covered each of them with a huge hand.  “Mmm, these are firm.  It’s going to be real great to suck on them.”  He gave her breasts another squeeze causing Kyla to wince.  Her beautiful orange-sized breasts were already bruised from Brick’s first mauling.  She gasped as he tweaked her erect nipples.  Clamping his thumb and forefinger over each pink bud Brick twisted them cruelly.  

Kyla almost screamed, but clenched her teeth, determined to act like a superheroine.  But she was close to wetting herself with fear.  Already she was so terrified that she felt sick, and Brick had barely started on her.  “Hold on,” she told herself.  “Don’t betray yourself.”  There was a code of honour she had to uphold.  She had to be brave; even in the face of the most brutal treatment.  She hoped she was strong enough.  She was after all barely eighteen years of age, and had never experienced anything like this before.  It was absolutely terrifying.  She tried to calm her heavy breathing and slow her beating heart.  Master Zhou had coached her in relaxation exercises, and she tried to use these now, closing her eyes and trying to relax her muscles.

Slap!  Brick’s blow snapped her head sharply to one side.  The brutish thug stood over her, a menacing scowl on his face.  “No going to sleep you little bitch.  I want you awake.  Maybe I’ll make sure I’ve got your attention.”

Kyla’s eyes filled with tears from the force of Brick’s slap.  She shook her head, trying to shake off the effects of the blow.  “I’ll have you more than shaking your head before I’m through, bitch,” Brick said.  He moved behind her and unchained her wrists from her ankles so that he could bend her forward.  However, he did not allow her to lie flat.  He attached a leather collar to her neck, and then hooking a length of chain onto it, he pulled it between her legs and then attached it to her ankles.  This left her with her shapely derriere raised invitingly in the air. 

“What you need is to have your ass warmed up a bit, honey,” said Brick.  As he spoke he pulled his belt from the loops in his pants.  Doubling it up, he stepped behind Kyla’s exposed backside. 

Thwap!  “Agghh!”   The first blow was every bit as painful as Kyla feared it would be.  Brick had delivered it with every once of his powerful body.  A large red welt appeared on Kyla’s shivering buttocks. 

Thwap!  The second blow was just as painful, if not more so, and Kyla screamed in pain.  In her bent over position, her backside was as tightly stretched as possible.  Every blow caused excruciating pain.  Within minutes he had her screaming for mercy.

“No!” she shrieked.  “Please stop!  Ahhh!  Ahhh!”

Brick eventually did stop.  But not before he had satisfied his sadistic tendencies and developed a huge erection.  He found Kyla’s ear-piercing screams extremely erotic, but now he had other plans for her.  Releasing the chain from her ankles he bent her backwards again and held her in that position by fastening the chain around her neck to her ankles so that her body was the reverse of he position he had flogged her in. 

Kyla was almost beside herself with fear.  Her backside was red and swollen from the beating she had received and her arched body was invitingly open to any sexual act that Brick might want to perform.  She could also not miss the enormous bulge in the front of Brick’s pants and she was terrified at what she knew was coming next. 

Slowly so as to create the greatest impact, Brick began to undress.  One after the other, each item of clothing was removed until he stood completely revealed to the frightened heroine. 

Through much of Brick’s striptease, Kyla averted her gaze, but she could not help noticing the massive appendage that swung between his legs.  “My God,” she thought, “he’s hung like a stallion.”

Brick took in Kyla’s sidelong glance.  He knew he had made an impression, he always did.  But he intended to do far more than that to the helpless heroine.  

Kneeling before her, he once again began to run his hands over her trim, muscular body.  Brick always enjoyed this part immensely.  Superheroines always had such strong firm bodies and yet they were soft in all of the right places.  Kyla cringed under Brick’s touch, but the chains kept her exactly where he wanted her.  Slowly, he caressed, pinched and squeezed every part of her body that he chose.  He finally ended up straddling her, his engorged phallus only inches from her face.   

“It’s time you learned how to pleasure a man, baby and I expect you to cooperate.  Any biting or clenching of teeth, and I use the belt.  Get it?”  Brick gave a sharp twist to Kyla’s nipples.  Kyla gasped and nodded.  She got it all right.

Slowly Brick lowered himself toward her mouth.  Holding the back of her head with one hand, he tilted her head and then forced her lips onto the glans of his penis.  Kyla almost vomited.  It was the first time she had ever smelled a male organ and its strong scent almost made her gag.  With a grunt she opened her mouth as Brick thrust his phallus into her.  Slowly he levered open her mouth.  Mindful of his threat, Kyla did not resist, but let his large rigid organ invade her perfect mouth.  He thrust it deep, penetrating to the back of her throat.  Struggling to breath, Kyla was unable to resist as he began to slide in and out of her lips.  For the next few minutes Brick thoroughly raped her mouth.  Fighting back the urge to be sick, Kyla could do nothing to stop the powerful crimelord from having his way.

Finally, his penis slick with Kyla’s saliva, Brick withdrew from her mouth.  He was on the verge of ejaculating, but he did not want to waste his erection that way.  He had one more use for it first.  Now, he explored hr body once more, first stroking her tight belly and then moving his hand down to her most intimate area.  With an almost gentle touch, he fondled her pubic region.  His fingers moved over her vulva.  Rubbing her sex organ gently, he parted her labia.  During this time, Kyla tried to maintain the utmost self control, but this last intrusion almost made her forget her circumstances.  Brick was touching her in an area that even she had never explored.  The sensations created resulted in her attempting to shift her body away from his hand. 

Brick’s laughed.  “You like that huh, Baby?”  He had felt Kyla’s body tense as his finger violated her most private place.  Slowly he began to rub his finger over the sensitive flesh trying to arouse his helpless victim. 

“Oh!” Kyla almost jumped despite herself, when Brick’s finger rubbed her clitoris.

“Oh yeah, feels good don’t it?” said Brick.  “Look boys, I’m getting a rise out of a superheroine!”

Despite Brick’s boast, Kyla was a long way from being aroused.  She had been startled when Brick had stroked her clit, but she was far too frightened, humiliated, and in too much pain to feel any sexual arousal at the hands of the brutal mobster.

By now Brick’s finger had invaded Kyla’s vagina.  Despite her supposed arousal, Brick could feel that she was still quite dry.  If he took her this way it was going to be a hard fuck, but he continued to explore the inner recesses of her love canal by thrusting his massive finger farther into her.  Suddenly, he stopped.  He had encountered her hymen.

“My God, she’s a virgin.  This is incredible, first the Chinese babe and now her.  I get to deflower two virgins in two days!”

Brick’s organ was as hard as a rock now.  His fondling had not elicited a similar state in his victim, but he was ready to proceed.  Despite the fact that Kyla was not close to being wet, he was going to take her.  He did, however, have a plan for just this eventuality.  Rising from his fearful victim, he stepped over to a small cabinet at the side of the room.  There, he had placed a bottle of perfumed oil in anticipation of its need.  Brick poured a liberal amount of the oil over his hands and then returning to Kyla, he thoroughly lubricated her genitals. 

In true heroine fashion, Kyla had remained quiet and self-possessed throughout much of Brick’s foreplay, but the application of the oil, caused her to tremble.  She knew that she was only moments away from losing her maidenhood, and the thought of such a violation of her superheroine status filled her with dread.  How would she ever face her companions again after suffering such humiliation?

Brick knelt between her legs.  Slowly he inched forward toward Kyla’s thoroughly oiled vagina, his immense penis trained on her tender entrance. 

“Please,” Kyla begged, one more time, “don’t so this.  Let me go.  I won’t tell anyone what you’ve done.”  She felt totally ashamed by lowering herself to making this promise, but she desperately sought a way out of her terrible predicament.

“I’m not worried about you telling anyone, honey.  What makes you think you’re ever going to leave here alive?”

“You’ll never get away with this,” Kyla warned.  “The Jade Dragon and Scarlet Falcon will come after you.”

“That’s just what I’m hoping, honey,” answered Brick.  “I’ve got traps set just for them.  Now try this on for size.”

As he finished speaking Brick thrust his rigid member into Kyla’s tight opening. 

“Aahh!” cried the young virgin.  Although the assault was not unexpected the intensity of Brick’s attack and the pain of entry surprised her.  The pressure of his attack was immense, as his huge well-oiled phallus pushed past her weak defenses. 

“Ughn!” Kyla protested as Brick reached her taut hymen.  “Oh God,” she thought, “won’t someone please help me!  I can’t take too much more of this.”  Her already labored breathing became even heavier as Brick increased the tension on the last barrier of her virginity.  Kyla's hymen was amazingly strong, but it could not stand up to the pressure that Brick was applying for very long.

For his part, Brick was in sexual ecstasy.  This was the third time he had fucked a superheroine and they always had the most marvelously tight cunts.  This one was no exception.  Every millimeter of penetration squeezed his huge prick like a vise. 

“Christ,” he explained, “this bitch is so tight!”  I’m gonna have to fuck her more than once before I’m happy.”

Kyla’s breasts heaved as she fought to retain control.  She did not dare give in.  But the pain she was experiencing as Brick bored into her was almost more than she could tolerate and she knew that the huge thug was only getting started.  Her hymen tore, allowing Brick to penetrate beyond the torn barrier.  Kyla screamed.

“Aaaahhh!”  It was not so much a cry of pain as despair.  She had lost her virginity and not nearly in the romantic way she had imagined, but to a hulking brute who had taken her by force.

“You will pay for that,” Kyla cried tearfully.  “I will make you pay if it is the last thing I do.”

Brick laughed, he had Kyla’s tiny backside in his hands.  Using her ass as leverage he lunged hard into her. 

“Aaaahh!” Kyla’s threats changed to screams as Brick forced her tight vagina apart.  The pain was terrible; it felt as if a hot iron had been inserted into her.   

Brick pushed ever deeper.  Every inch of penetration was sheer agony for the helpless heroine.  In a desperate attempt to escape she bucked uncontrollably.  Her pathetic resistance almost drove Brick wild with ecstasy.  He had penetrated her to a depth of six inches now, but still had another six before he was fully within her.  Slowly he worked his way deeper and deeper.  Writhing in agony, Kyla somehow held on, but the ordeal left her completely drained.  When Brick finally buried himself fully within her she was on the verge of total exhaustion.

Brick sensed her weakness and climaxed quickly, rather than drawing out the rape as long as he usually did.  He ejaculated deep within her and with a grunt of satisfaction withdrew from Kyla’s ravaged vagina. 

Kyla felt an incredible flood of relief.  Her terrible ordeal was over, or so she hoped, but her optimism was quickly dispelled by Brick’s next act.  Moving behind her, he unlocked the manacles that held her wrists and ankles, and then he turned to his eagerly waiting henchmen.  “OK boys, she’s all yours.  Just remember, her ass is off limits.  I’m saving that for later.”

Kyla tried to struggle to her feet, but Brick had taken the precaution of holding on to her hair.  She wept like a frightened child as the assembled thugs laid hold of her.  She was totally beaten, and she knew that her next few hours were going to be a complete nightmare. 

Struggling desperately, she was dragged over to a table by the side of the room and spread-eagled across its top.  One villain held her arms while two more pulled her legs apart.  She screamed in absolute terror as a fourth thug moved between her legs.  Dropping his pants he revealed a sex organ that rivaled Brick’s.  Her mouth wide with fear, and panting from exertion, Kyla screamed again.  Then she shrieked in agony as her assailant thrust vigorously into her.  As he did so the assembled audience of henchmen fondled and pinched her perfect body.  Finally too spent to struggle, Kyla lay helpless and endured the rape.  It last for hours.  Each henchman raped her in turn and when the last man had finished the first started again.  She was subjected again and again to the brutal and continuous attacks.  At the end of the session she was completely exhausted.  He bruised body was covered with sweat and sperm and the marks of a hundred pinches.  How long it would have continued is uncertain, because Brick finally returned.  He ordered his men off her and had her dragged back to the center of the room.  There he had her ankles clamped to the floor once more, and her hands cuffed behind her back. 

She knelt before the brutal crimelord, her exhausted body swaying back and forth.  She could barely hold herself erect.  She looked up at Brick.  What that the brutal thug up to now?  It would be difficult to do much more to her that he had already done.  Or so she thought.  Brick was about to prove her wrong. 

“Hose her down,” he ordered.  Immediately two of Brick’s thugs attached a hose to a wall faucet and opened the tap.  A freezing cold stream of water splashed over the helpless heroine, washing her clean of the gunk and grime that fouled her body.  The cold water chilled her to the bone, and she shivered uncontrollably as Brick approached her once more.

“That’s pretty,” said Brick, his eyes on her quivering breasts, “but I think I’ll put a bit more arch in your back.”

Standing in front of her, Brick continued to chat almost conversationally, while he  fumbled for something in his pocket.  “You know, I never got to thank you for what you did for me.  If I am not mistaken it was you that killed Boss Crunch.  His death made it possible for me to become number one in
Metro City.  Crunch had a little habit when it came to entertaining superheroines.  He liked to shove gold rings through their tits.  He lost six gold rings that way.  Well, I’m not really into givin’ women jewelry.  I figure they can buy their own.  You know what my favorite thing is?  When I’m not occupied with my job I like to go fishing.  There’s nothing more relaxing than sitting on the bank of a quiet stream and tossing the old line into the water.  You know what I mean?”

Shivering with cold, and close to fainting from exhaustion and the trauma of her ordeal, Kyla barely understood this long and rambling speech.  Brick was not known for his volubility.  Too beaten to reply in any case, she decided that Brick did not really expect an answer and remained silent.

“You’re a real quiet one ain’t you?” said Brick as he knelt so that he dropped to Kyla’s height.  “Well, to cut a long story short, I don’t like spending money on gold rings, but I’ve got lots of fishhooks.  As he spoke he held up a pair of razor edged barbs in front of Kyla’s frightened gaze. 

Kyla was suddenly wide awake.  She stifled a scream of dismay.  The two hooks that Brick held seemed huge.  Each was about two inches long from the eye of the hook to its needle sharp point.  Surely he did not intend to use those the way that he had hinted. 

Brick smiled cruelly.  He saw that the threat of the hooks had produced the desired effect.  “These are a hell of a lot cheaper than gold, and they have the added benefit that they make their own incision.”

“Oh no,” protested Kyla.  Her chilled body was suddenly much warmer.  “You can’t mean to use those on me.”

“Hey,” laughed Brick, “she can talk.  I was beginning to think I was talkin’ to a dummy.”

“Please,” continued Kyla, “you can’t intend to be so cruel.”

“Ha ha!” laughed Brick uproariously.  “Didn’t either of your superheroine friends tell you what me and Boss Crunch did to them?  You’ve got an education coming.  Now let’s get down to business.”

Brick took Kyla’s left breast in one huge hand.  With deliberate slowness, he placed the barb of the hook just below her left nipple.  Kyla squirmed.  Fear flooded her mind.  The brute was actually going to shove a fishhook into the tip of her breast!

“Now,” said Brick, applying a little bit of pressure with the point of the hook, “you could save yourself a lot of pain with a little cooperation.”

Kyla waited for what was coming next, hardly daring to breathe. 

“All you have to do,” continued Brick, “is tell me who the Jade Dragon and Scarlet Falcon really are, and where I can find them.”

Kyla didn’t hesitate for a second.  “I can’t so that.  You would kill them.”

“I might,” said Brick, “but I would bring them back here first.  You would get to see them again.”

“You’re mad,” Kyla said.  “I’m not capable of such treachery.”

“Have it your way, then,” said Brick.  “Perhaps after an hour or so you might change your mind.”

Brick increased the pressure on Kyla’s breast, causing the firm flesh to bulge through his fingers and making the nipple more prominent. 

“NO!” she protested, and then the needle sharp point of the hook was thrust cruelly into her areola. 

“Ahh!” Kyla gasped. It took all of her control to confine her reaction to an audible gasp.  Blood streamed from her punctured breast, running down her chest and dripping onto the concrete floor.  Despite the coolness of the room, her body was once more covered with perspiration.  “God,” she thought.

“Please give me the strength to endure this!”

“Now,” said Brick, “for number two.”  He switched to her right breast, compressing the flesh as he had done before. 

“No please!” she begged.  “Not again!”

“Too late, babe,” Brick sneered.  Readying the hook, he shoved it through her right areola.

“Ahha!” Kyla cried, her features contorting from the pain. 

“Don’t they make a pretty pair,” said Brick as he tugged on each hook, lifting Kyla’s perfect breasts as he did do.

Kyla arched her back, exactly as Brick had wished.  In order to keep her that way, Brick attacked a line to each of the hooks and threaded them through a large hook in the ceiling.  Tightening the lines, he forced Kyla to keep her back arched in order to stop the hooks from tearing through the tips of her breasts. 

Brick stood back to admire his handiwork.  The once defiant heroine was now his helpless plaything.  She was on her knees and held that way by the irons clamping her ankles to the floor.  At the same time, the combination of having her wrists shackled behind her and the hooks pulling on her breasts forced her to arch her back and thrust her pelvis forward most invitingly.  Whatever plans Brick had for her next, however, were interrupted.  One of his goons entered the room and whispered into the crimelord’s ear.  Brick turned to his men.  “I’ve got work for you boys,” he said.  “It appears that our guest’s friends are on their way, and I want you for the reception committee.”

Kyla experienced a slight surge of hope as she heard Brick’s message.  Perhaps there was some chance of rescue. 

One of the thugs remained with her after Brick and the others had left.  Apparently it was his job to make sure that she did not escape from her helpless position.  But as the last man left, he leered at her and began to take off his clothes. 

“Oh no,” Kyla thought.  “Not this way.  He’ll tear off my nipples.”  But she remained silent as the thug stripped down.


“Now I’ve got you all to myself, bitch,” he said.  “This is going to be fun.”

“Please,” Kyla responded, quietly.  “Don’t do this.  You’ll hurt me.”

“Worried about your perfect tits, eh?”  I think they’ll be OK if you cooperate.”  He knelt in front of her, moving into position to enter her. 

Kyla began to shake uncontrollably.  It seemed her ordeal would never end.  “Please,” she begged one more time, “have mercy on me.  You’ll tear me apart.”

“Just hold very still, princess,” replied the thug.  Gently he placed his hands on her backside and holding her steady, began to penetrate her

“Ugh!” Kyla grunted as the gangster’s rod pushed cruelly into her.  Her vaginal walls were torn and badly swollen from the pounding they had taken during the gang rape, and this final assault was almost as painful as the first.  Each thrust of the thug into her, caused the cruel hooks that pierced her breasts to pull at her soft flesh, adding to the torment.  Within a few minutes, she was sobbing softly, both in pain, rage, and humiliation. 

The thug was relatively gentle.  He stroked into her slowly and carefully, minimizing the damage to her nipples, but every movement of his body against hers sent a wave of agony through both her ravaged vagina and her pierced breasts.  And he took his time.  The rape lasted for over an hour, before he finally blew his load.  Only then was Kyla left alone.  Removing himself from her body the hoodlum dressed and left the room.  “See you later, princess.  Don’t go anywhere until I get back.”

Kyla waited until the heavy iron door closed.  And then, giving vent to her emotions she wept long and loud.  It was clear that she was in a hopeless situation.  She would not escape from Brick’s clutches without help.  And if her friends fell into the same sort of trap she had, that help would never come.