Title: Red Dragon: Episode 2

Email: Lespion@msn.com


Red Dragon

Episode II Return of the Dragon


Chapter 7  Dragon Strike


Melissa crouched behind a low screen of dwarf willow.  Immediately behind her were Dragoth and the two serving girls.  She was better dressed now, her shredded clothing having been supplemented by a simple homespun linen dress she had purchased at a fisherman’s hut.  Fortunately, her habit of sewing a few gold coins into her baldric had allowed her to pay for the dress along with a few necessary supplies and a hearty meal.  The single gold coin she had given the astonished fisherman’s wife had more than paid for the purchases, representing as it did several years’ income, but Melissa had felt the deal well worth it. 


When she and her companions had stumbled upon the hut they had been close to exhaustion.  Tired and hungry, they had asked for assistance and been given it without making any promise of reward.  The fisherman’s wife had fed and clothed them, and given them a place to sleep in the loft of her hut; bedding down Dragoth in an adjoining shed in order that Melissa and the two serving girls could have a little privacy.  She had bundled her own children out of their places in order to make way for their guests and had even addressed Melissa as “My Lady.”  Somehow she had determined almost the instant she had laid her eyes on Melissa that the red-haired stranger who had stumbled onto her doorstep was someone special. 


“Not,” Melissa had supposed, “that it was altogether that difficult to note her special qualities.  Women who wore swords were not all that common, and it was obvious from the onset that Dragoth and the two serving wenches deferred to her.  Still, Melissa had been pleased to reward the fisherman’s wife.  She would have a real surprise for her husband when he returned from the sea.


They had departed from the fisherman’s wife on foot.  The goodwife had informed Melissa that horses could be obtained in the nearest village, which was just a few leagues distant.  Still worried about her missing companions, Melissa and her companions had set out in the morning, hoping to make the village before nightfall.  The goodwife had sent them on their way with a good breakfast and had packed a lunch for them as well.  Thus equipped they set out.


While on her way, Melissa pondered the fate of her missing friends.  Che Sha and the two Silvani girls had proven themselves quite resourceful.  Surely they must have survived the storm, but there was always a nagging doubt.  What if they had not?  It was something she did not care to think about.  And then there were the two missing maidservants.  Although she had only known them for a short time, Melissa felt responsible for them.  If there was any chance they had survived the sea she would track them down.  The question was where to start?  She couldn’t very well walk every league of beach, and then there were the numerous offshore islands.  Her companions could be almost anywhere.  The best plan seemed to get to a larger coastal town where she could buy or hire a ship and begin her search.  In the meantime, she could always ask anyone she met along the way if they had heard of any shipwrecked sailors or women being washed up along the shores of Sandor.


The walk to the town had given Dragoth a chance to converse with her.  She had grown to like the bluff captain.  He was somewhat crude, but gave a straight answer, and although she felt she could not really trust him, she found him an entertaining companion.  As they walked he regaled her with stories of the sea and a little about the history and geography of Sandor.  He also made use of the opportunity to question her about herself and her companions. 


“Begging yer pardon, yer ladyship,” the captain said, “but I couldn’t help noticing when we was back at the beach that ye seem to have a bit of a tattoo.  And a mighty impressive one it was.”


Melissa stared at the captain, amazed at his effrontery.  It was most indecorous of him to comment on her previous semi-nude condition.


Catching her look, the captain quickly backtracked.  “Begging yer pardon, my lady.  I meant no offense.  I’m just a rough sailor don’t ye see.  It’s just that it be unusual for ladies to have body decoration.”


“There are some things about me that are best not revealed, captain,” Melissa replied evenly.  Her dragon tattoo, extending from its tail at the small of her back to its head between the hollow of her breasts, was both a source of pride and consternation.  It was the symbol of the Shang Dragon Warriors, the most deadly and feared fighters and assassins of the great Shang Empire, but it was also a symbol of her subjugation and defeat.  The tattoo had been carved into her skin when she had finished her Dragon Warrior training and it signified both a great accomplishment and the humiliation of complete subservience to her Shang masters.  It was also possessed of arcane powers; powers that Melissa had experienced but had no idea how to control.  For her it was a subject best not discussed; especially with a man like Dragoth, whom she liked but did not trust. 


“I apologize again, my lady, but you and yer companions are a bit of a curiosity.”


Melissa did not reply.  She was still fretting over her missing companions.  There was no need for Dragoth to know any more about them than he already did.  Dragoth changed the subject, instead speaking of matters nautical.  He had seen the coin Melissa had given the fisherman’s wife.  Carelessly, she had not thought to conceal it.  Now he attempted to turn the subject to matters of compensation for his lost ship. 


“That ship was me pride and joy,” Dragoth mourned.  “More like a daughter to me than a ship.  She and I had been together a long time.  Twas a sad ending being driven onto the rocks like that.”


“I have been meaning to ask,” Melissa said, changing the subject, “why did you not go with your crew, but helped us survive instead?”


Dragoth shrugged.  “Well, your ladyship, it were a puzzlement to me when you and yer lady friends brought those barrels on deck.  Then I sees that the barrels are a better bet that the boats, so I pitched in and helped and also saved me own skin.”


“An honest answer, captain. I shall try and help you get another ship.”


Dragoth opened his mouth to reply but before he could speak, Melissa held up her hand.  “Wait,” she whispered, “there is something going on up ahead.”  Crouching down, Melissa had led her little band behind the screen of willows where they now peered out at the scene before them.


They had reached the seaside village the fisherman’s wife had spoken of, but it was hardly a picture of marine tranquility.  It appeared that most of the citizens had been forced from their homes and businesses into the market square.  Surrounding them were more than a hundred mounted men, and despite the fact that they were on horseback, it was obvious from their armour and dress that they were Sea Warriors. 


Melissa crept as close as she could and listened.  One of the Sea Warriors was speaking.  From his fine armour and flowing cloak, and bird’s wing helmet, Melissa judged that he was probably the leader of the expedition. 


“You are behind in your taxes,” the man said.  Like most Sea Warriors he was heavily bearded, his facial growth tucked under his chain mail shirt.  “Two weeks ago you were ordered by King Zirhan to present him with twenty gold pieces.  You have presented the royal tax collector with only five.”


“But that is all the village has,” an older man said.  Melissa took him to be the village elder.  “We are but a poor fishing village.  Fish cannot be sold for so large an amount.”


“Have you no other wealth?  Your furniture, jewellery, farm animals?”


“But we would have nothing left!” the elder protested.


“You need a lesson,” the Sea Warrior sneered.  “If you will not pay in gold you will pay another way.”  He motioned to the other Sea Warriors and they immediately began to move among the frightened villagers.


Melissa saw what he was doing at once.  Anger coursed through her veins in a pounding flood as she watched the Sea Warriors separate the women of marriageable age from the other villagers.  There were almost fifty of them, ranging in age from their late twenties to barely pubescent maidens.  The wing-helmeted leader dismounted and began to move among them. 


“No you cannot do this,” the elder protested.  “Many of these women are promised.  That is my own daughter and she has a husband and a son.” 


The Sea Warrior laughed.  “Then she will not require any training as a whore when she serves my men.”


“No,” the elder repeated.  He moved forward as if to stop the Sea Warrior.  With a sneer the wing-helmeted warrior raised his hand.  Immediately one of the other warriors rode forward.  Raising his sword he brought if down in a vicious arc.  The elder’s head flew from his body, landing with a thump four body lengths away.  The torso remained standing for a heartbeat and then spraying blood like a fountain, it crumpled to the dust of the street.


Ignoring the villagers’ cries of horror, The Sea Warrior leader began to move among the young women, many of whom were weeping and cringing in abject terror.  Almost as if he were selecting from among cattle he partitioned the young women into two groups.  When he had finished twenty girls between the age of fifteen and twenty summers had been set aside.  Ropes were looped about their necks and they were led off to one side.  “Twenty pieces of gold or twenty women,” the wing-helmeted man said.  No one dared point out that he had already received five pieces of gold. 


Melissa had to exercise the utmost self-restraint not to rush forward.  One woman, even a Dragon Warrior, against a hundred heavily armed men would stand no chance.  This was a different situation from the time she and Che Sha had decimated the ranks of the Sea Warriors on board the tusked ship.  There, she and Che Sha had been helped by the deadly archery of the two Silvani rangers.  And there had been no way for the enemy to get behind her.  This time she faced over a hundred mounted warriors.  She would simply be surrounded and attacked from all sides.  Since many of the Sea Warriors had bows her life expectancy would be less than a few heartbeats. 


She ground her teeth and watched.  Dragoth sensed her anger.  “My lady,” he whispered.  Ye’ll be doing them young women no good if yer punched full of arrows.” 


Melissa nodded.  She had no intention of allowing the young women to be led away into slavery.  Memories of her own ordeal as a captive flooded into her mind.  She could not allow such a horror to be perpetrated on anyone else.


Seemingly satisfied that he had made his point, the wing-helmeted warrior mounted his horse.  Ignoring the lamentations of the villagers he spurred his horse forward the rest of the Sea Warriors following.  In their wake, the twenty young women stumbled forward, most of them clutching at the rope about their necks to prevent it from cutting their flesh as they were jerked forward.


Melissa rose from her hiding place as the column disappeared.  It never occurred to her not to follow.  Her missing companions would have to wait.  She had trained them well, now they would just have to depend on their own resources.  She fumbled with her baldric for a few heartbeats and then handed Dragoth a handful of gold coins.  “This should be enough to get you a new ship.  Look after my servants for me should I not return.”


“My lady,” said Dragoth said, bowing his head in respect.  By now he knew enough not to try and convince this strange red-headed woman not to go after the Sea Warriors.  A few days ago he would gladly have sold her and her companions into slavery, but now he wished her well.  He would carry out her wishes provided she did not return.


Without further conversation or any goodbyes, Melissa moved down the road merging into the dust left behind by the horsemen.  Dragoth watched until she was out of sight, and then turned to his charges.  “Come,” he said.  “We need to find me a ship.”



Melissa did not stay on the road very long.  Roads in Sandor happened more by chance than planning, and wound about every hill, pond, forest or any other obstacle.  It was much faster to cut across country.  It was not as easy walking as it might have been.  Her homespun dress constantly snagged on nettles and branches as she moved through the woods.  It would have been far easier in the man’s clothing she habitually wore, much to the astonishment and sometimes outrage of those she met.  Finally, after disentangling herself from a particularly pernicious blackberry bush, she removed her dress and taking out her knife made a few alterations. 


She slashed the lower part of the dress down the middle on both sides and using a strip of cloth cut from the hem she fashioned a pair of crude trousers by winding the strip around the outside of each leg.  It wasn’t much of a tailoring job, but now at least she could step over and around obstacles without snagging herself on them.  Her alterations finished, she set out once more.  The entire operation had taken her only a short time and the sun was barely past noon when she intercepted the column of soldiers and captives.  By this time the Sea Warriors had reached another village. 


Melissa watched, her anger barely under control, as the episode at the first village was repeated.  Apparently the hundred odd Sea Warriors’ mission was to move from village to village enslaving every young woman of marriageable age.  Twenty more helpless young women joined the column.  This time even while the maidens were being selected, two score riders moved off.  No doubt they intended to descend upon the next village before any warning could be sent. 


She continued to follow.  There was no hurry.  The forty tethered women moved at a slow walk.   She had no trouble keeping up with them and was even able to stop at a farmhouse and purchase some lunch.  She kept well out of sight, not wanting to attract the attention of sixty mounted warriors.  She had a plan, but she would have to wait until the column halted for the night.  She could only hope that the enslaved young women would not suffer too much before she was able to act.


By late afternoon the Sea Warriors had eighty captives.  Melissa expected the Sea Warriors to make camp, however, they surprised her by stopping in the last village.  Their prisoners were herded into the market square and the villagers were forced to attend to their needs while the Sea Warriors surrounded them and kept watch.  While the villagers were engaged in feeding their “guests” the other Sea Warriors busied themselves by evicting their unwilling hosts from their homes. 


Melissa waited until it was dark.  She made use of her time, locating a charcoal burner’s hut and blackening her clothes and face.  Then, she stealthily stole into the village. 


This was what she had been trained for.  Her Shang masters had prepared her well for this sort of work, schooling her until she was a ruthless and emotionless killing machine.  It had taken a momentous event, namely the threatened rape of Che Sha by her own brother, in order for her to recover her true nature.  That did not mean, however, that the skills burned into her were not still there.


One of the most difficult things for her to ignore had been the cries of the women the Sea Warriors had chosen as their bed partners.  Most of them were the older captives, those who had already been deflowered by their husbands and who were, therefore, less valuable than the younger virgins.  Now there was less noise, most of the victims being too exhausted to continue protesting after the fifth or sixth rape, and many of the Sea Warriors having turned in after satisfying their animal lust. 


Melissa took out the sentries first.  There were not many of them.  The Sea Warriors had encountered little opposition in their depredations and had grown lax.  The first man never even suspected he was not alone until Melissa severed his spinal cord, jamming her knife into the base of his neck.  She caught him as he fell, cushioning him on his way to the ground.  Then she moved on to the next man. 


It took her less than a quarter hour to finish the sentries.  Then she crept into the village, using the buildings to conceal her movements.  She headed for the house of the village elder.  It was there that the wing-helmeted Sea Warrior had made his headquarters.   It was a two story structure, with the upper floor slightly overlapping the first.  The shadows of the overhang provided convenient shadows.  The lower floor was lit by candlelight and through the expensive glass window Melissa could make out four guards tossing dice.  There was no sign of the Sea Warrior commander, but she had a very good idea where he was.  When he had entered the building he had taken the daughter of the elder he had killed with him.  Moving to the back of the house she took advantage of a rose covered trellis and climbed up the corner of the house until she reached the second story. 


She found herself in an unoccupied bedroom.  She had no difficulty finding the Sea Warrior leader.  The sounds of his victims led her straight to him.  She paused outside the door of the room and listened.  What she heard had her bursting through the door almost immediately.  Inside the Sea Warrior who had worn the winged helmet looked up in startled amazement as Melissa entered. 


Her gaze swept the room, taking in the scene in a fraction of a heartbeat.  The Sea Warrior was hunched over the elder’s daughter, his rigid member impaling her while she struggled helplessly to escape.  Tall and blonde-haired, her face and body were covered in bruises, especially her breasts which appeared to have been given a severe mauling.  Crouched in a corner was a much younger girl.  Her clothing was badly torn and she tried without much success to cover her budding breasts and the other parts of her seminude body.  She was sobbing uncontrollably. 


The Sea Warrior stared in stunned surprise.  What he saw was the figure of a woman dressed in darkened garments whose face and hands had been smeared with soot.  Her long hair was tightly braided and tied close to her neck.  But what was most astonishing was the fact that she held a soot-blackened knife in one hand and a sword in the other.  He looked into her dark brown eyes and saw death.


Melissa killed the Sea warrior with a single thrust, the blade of her sword entering his left eye and piercing his brain.  He fell without a sound.  Without a word she crossed the room and heaved his body onto the floor. 


“Get up,” Melissa said to the elder’s daughter.  “Look after the girl.  I’ll deal with the scum downstairs.”  Wordlessly the blonde girl looked at her, then she moved to do Melissa’s bidding. 


Melissa took a few seconds to sort through the Sea Warrior’s weapons.  Selecting a couple of daggers she tucked them into her belt.  “No noise,” she said.  “I’ll be back soon.”


She exited the room.  Taking the knives from her belt she tested each of them for balance, and then silently she headed down the stairs.  She was almost to the bottom before one of the Sea Warriors at the table looked up.  She flicked her wrist, burying her knife in the man’s neck.  Even as he fell, his hands clutching at his throat, her left arm was moving, hurling the second blade toward the next man.  The knife caught him in the eye.  Screaming in agony he hurled himself backward as Melissa drew her sword and knife and leaped from the stairs into the centre of the room.


The table overturned as the two remaining men leaped up.  One of them had time to draw his sword, Melissa caught his blade on her own and then duckling under his guard, drove her knife into his chest.  Punching through his chain mail armour the thin blade entered his heart.  That left just the forth man.  Melissa stopped for a second to kill the screaming Sea Warrior with the knife in his eye, cutting his throat neatly with her dagger, then went after the last man. 


For some reason the last Sea Warrior had not called out for help.  By the time he opened his mouth it was too late.  Melissa reached over his panic-stricken effort to block her thrust and took him in the throat.  She made sure of him by driving her dagger under his sternum. 


She stepped back and listened.  The entire event had lasted only seconds.  Outside there was only silence.  As she had hoped with the sentries dead, there was no one to hear any disturbance, and the few men that were awake were too busy violating their helpless captives to pay any attention to a momentary distraction. 


Wiping off her bloody blades and retrieving the knives she had used, she headed back upstairs.  The elder’s daughter looked up as she entered.  She was holding the younger woman in her arms.  Melissa nodded.  “The way is clear downstairs.  I have work to finish, but make your escape now in case I do not succeed.  Head for the woods, the Sea Warriors will not follow you there.”


The elder’s daughter nodded dumbly, and then asked, “Who are you?”


“I am the Red Dragon,” Melissa answered.  “Now go.  Pay no attention to what is happening in the camp.  I will try to rescue the others.”


Without waiting Melissa returned to the downstairs.  She picked up two more knives that she felt would be useful for throwing and a crossbow.  Pausing for a second she turned as the two girls came down the stairs.  “Take this,” she said handing the older girl the crossbow.  “Use it if you have to, but try to avoid contact.”  Then she headed out into the camp.


It was convenient that the Sea Warriors had chosen to billet themselves in the homes of the villagers.  Except for the sentries, all of whom were now dead, no one was about to see her.  She moved to the next house and peeked in through the shuttered windows.  It was completely dark, but she could hear the sound of snoring.  How many men there were was hard to tell, but from the noise, there were at least four or five.  She took out two knives and moved to the door.  Silently she eased the door open.  It creaked slightly.  Taking out an oil-soaked rag she had brought with her she applied oil to the hinges deadening the sound.  Then she moved in. 


It was pitch dark in the room, but it caused Melissa little concern.  Her mind flashed back to her Dragon Warrior training.  It seemed so far removed in time and place from her present situation, that it was almost a dream, but it had happened.  She had been placed in darkened room with six men.  Each of the men had been chained in place and given a knife.  The men had been promised their freedom if they killed her.  In stygian blackness she had to find each man and kill him before he killed her.  She had done that, along with the other two men hidden in the room who were free to move.  She had not been told about them. 


She had experienced no feeling of guilt over the deaths of eight men who were merely fighting for their lives.  That had been burned out of her in the first years of her Dragon Warrior training.  She killed without thought or mercy and felt no remorse, but that was behind her now.  She had recovered her humanity.  No longer was she a mindless murderer.  Now she killed for her own reasons, but when she killed the old training took hold.  And it was in full force now.  Moving through the darkened room like a ghost she found each sleeper by his breathing and calmly silenced each man.  It took her only minutes.  Wiping her bloody knife on the clothing of the last man, she left the house and moved on to the next. 


She was almost to the threshold, when the door opened.  A Sea Warrior stepped out, no doubt to answer a call of nature.  He stared at her stupidly for a second, probably unable to make out her darkened form in the shadows.  Melissa killed him before he even understood what she was.  Then, after hesitating for a heartbeat she entered the house and continued her grisly task.


Methodically she worked her way through the village, meeting opposition only in the few houses where Sea Warriors were still raping their female captives.  It helped that she met no enemies in the streets.  The only persons she encountered were frightened villagers who had been evicted from their homes and who were huddled for warmth in outbuildings.  None of them saw her and her passage went unremarked.


At last she reached the fish drying sheds near the waterfront.  The sounds coming from the shed told her what was happening long before she reached the entrance.  The Sea Warriors had herded the remainder of their captives into the building.  Sixty young women were huddled under the drying racks while a half dozen Sea Warriors took turns raping three of the older women.  Nearby another five men watched, supposedly on guard; laughing and joking among themselves as they commented on the charms of the terrified women who were being violated.    


Melissa knew that she should wait.  There were too many in the room for her to tackle with the certainty of winning, and there were other Sea Warriors elsewhere in the village that she had not yet dispatched.  But the spectacle of what was being done to the frightened young women brought back too many horrific memories.  She could not let any woman suffer like that.  She checked her weaponry.  By now she had an impressive collection of throwing knives.  She had chosen those with the best balance and discarded others as she moved along.  She took a deep breath and charged into the room.


There was no chance of catching the Sea Warriors off guard; two of them were watching the door.  They were the first to die.  A knife in each hand, she gutted the first even as he started to draw his sword, and stabbed the other in the throat as she darted past him.  Then she hurled her knives with deadly accuracy into the two warriors carrying crossbows.  She was more afraid of these ranged weapons than anything else and taking them out cleared the way for an all out melee. 


Warriors charged toward her.  Drawing her sword, Melissa killed the closest warrior with a quick thrust of her blade, stabbing him through the throat over top of his guard as he belatedly brought up his sword.  The next man was better prepared, but it made little difference, Melissa slid her blade along his and drove her foot into his midriff.  Knocked off balance, he was unable to stop the knife blade that found his throat a second later.  Then the fight dissolved into a confused melee with warriors coming at her from all directions.


Melissa whirled among them like some demon, her long braid flying loose and whipping about her head.  She gutted one man, blocking his axe blow with her sword and ripping her knife up through his abdomen.  Then she spun forward and ducking under the blade of the next man, she used her forward momentum and struck with all her strength.  The fine steel of the blade, forged by her father, took the man’s leg off below the knee.  Screaming he fell to the ground.  Ignoring him she tornadoed into the remaining men hacking and slashing at all within reach. 


Some instinct made her turn at the last second.  As she had feared, the sound of the fight had attracted the remaining Sea Warriors.  They charged through the door behind her, the first man hurling a spear at her unprotected back. 


Bringing up her sword, Melissa deflected the spear, sending it thudding into a post supporting the roof of the drying shed, but the momentary distraction cost her.  She felt rather than saw the vicious sword cut that would have beheaded her, but she was too late to fully block the blow.  Bringing up her knife hand, she was able to turn the edge of the blade so that the flat of the sword caught her rather than the edge, but the blow struck her just above her left ear, and sent her staggering.


Melissa’s vision swam.  She could sense the Sea Warriors closing in for the kill, but they were just vague shapes coming at her.  Fighting on instinct she blocked one blow and then another, but a third got through.  The blow was numbing, the haft of a spear striking her sword arm just above the elbow.   She tried to raise her weapon, but her sword fell from nerveless fingers.  Backing frantically, she stumbled over something behind her.  She realized as she went down that it was one of the captive girls she had tripped over.  Desperately, she raised her knife as the rest of the Sea Warriors came at her like wolves. 


Dazedly a voice sounded over the yells of her opponents.  “Take her alive.  I want her alive.”


She blocked one blow and then another.  Her head was clearing, but there were so many men coming at her that she could not get to her feet.  Coolly, she rolled away from the men closest to her, making it to her knees, but now she was completely surrounded.  Swords and spears menaced her from every side.  A spear shaft came down across her left wrist knocking the knife from her hand,.   It was then that Melissa realized that the Sea Warriors were not trying to kill her.  She tried to rise, but a dozen spear and sword points hovered less than a hand’s breadth from her body.  To move was certain death.


“Tie her,” said the voice.  Rough hands seized her.  Still not fully recovered from the blow to her head, Melissa resisted feebly as the haft of a spear was thrust against the small of her back.  Then her elbows were bent around the spear shaft and her wrists tightly bound across her belly.  Lifted to her feet she found herself surrounded by armed men.  One of them pushed his way through the crowd. 


Melissa vaguely recognized the Sea Warrior who confronted her.  He was one of the men who had ridden close to the man with the winged helm.  No doubt he was one of the higher ranking officers in the expedition.


“What do you want her for Sklar?” asked one of the men holding Melissa’s arms. 


“I want to know who she is.  She just killed half a dozen men and all the sentries are dead.”  He turned his head toward a man standing next to him.  “Dak, check out the billets.  See if you can find out why none of the others showed up.  They should all be here with the amount of noise we’ve been making.” 


“Right Sklar,” Dak replied.  He jogged out of the shed.


Sklar looked Melissa over intensely.  Like most of the Sea Warriors he was heavily bearded and above normal height.  “Get me a wet cloth,” he ordered.


A minute later he was handed a dripping rag.  Reaching out he used it to wipe the soot from Melissa’s face.  “What are you?” he asked as Melissa’s perfect features were revealed.  He grasped her long braid and released the bindings allowing her hair to spread like a veil over her body. At that moment Dak returned. 


“They’re all dead,” he announced, his voice shaking.  “Everyone.  Even Grak.  And the villagers and the women captives are gone.”


“Dead?” Sklar repeated.  Sixty men dead?”  His voice reflected his incredulity.  “That’s not possible.  Who could have done it?”  His eyes bored into Melissa.


“Talk to me, you redheaded bitch,” Sklar commanded.  “Who did this?  Who else is with you?”


“No one is with me,” Melissa replied.  “I don’t need help to deal with scum like you.”  Her voice was calm even though inside there was a dull lump of fear in her stomach. 


She rolled her head with the punch as Sklar struck her.  She had been expecting it.  Unable to avoid the blow, she took it as best she could.


“Don’t lie to me you redheaded whore.  Who came with you?  And where are they now?”


Melissa did not reply.  She had said all she was going to say.


Sklar took out his knife.  Seizing the coarse material of her dress he cut through the bodice and stared in stunned surprise at the tattoo between her beasts.  “By the sea demons,” he muttered.  “What’s this?”  He used his knife to cut away the rest of her clothing, leaving her standing naked and helpless before the assembled Sea Warriors.


Sklar ran his eyes over her body, drinking in every supple curve.  But it was the incredible dragon tattoo that drew his gaze again and again.  Beginning in the small of her back the red ink of the imaginary beast curved its way between her shoulder blades before diving under her left arm and swooping down to below her navel before rising again to finish between her breasts.  The beast was so finely inscribed that it seemed almost alive, its coils seeming to move as she breathed and shifted her supple body. 


Sklar took a long slow breath.  “What are you?” he asked, changing the question slightly.  Melissa remained silent.  “Take her outside,” he ordered.  “I’m going to loosen her tongue.”


One man took each end of the spear shaft.  Using its leverage they easily forced her from the shed.  Most of the Sea Warriors followed, only a few remaining behind to keep watch over the remaining female prisoners.  By now the early light of morning was breaking over the village.  The sun was not yet up, but most of night’s shadows had retreated.  The village was deserted, the terrified villagers having taken advantage of Melissa’s work to escape into the surrounding countryside. 


“At least I accomplished something,” Melissa thought.  She was angry with herself for being so easily captured.  She knew that she had been wrong to dash into the shed where the Sea Warriors’ victims were being held.  She had abandoned the first of her teachings; that of not letting emotions cloud her judgment.  Her Dragon Master would be very angry with her if he knew, but she had never been able to control her emotions when it came to the violation of helpless women.  Perhaps it was because of the sexual brutality that had been visited upon her or perhaps it was just the way she reacted to such violent degradation.  Whatever the reason, it had now trapped her.  As she was paraded through the village she cursed her humanitarian instincts.  She could help no one if she were captured, and now she faced rape at the very least and probably cruel torture as well.  As she was led forward she looked frantically for some way to escape.


There was none.  She was led to the center of the village.  There, in the market square was a pillory.  She was led toward it and then with her arms still bound she was bent forward and her head thrust through the centre hole.  She was keenly aware of the way that this exposed her body to whatever Sklar wanted to do with her.  She kept her face immobile, hiding her emotions, but her condition could hardly have been more humiliating or perilous.


Her full breasts swayed sensually, fully accentuated by the curve of her back as her head was locked into place.  She was bent forward, exposing her long legs and smoothly rounded backside.  Her legs were slightly spread to keep her balance, revealing the tight pink slit between her legs and the inviting bud of her anus.  Her back was arched due to the pressure on her back of the spear shaft.  To a rapist or torturer she could hardly have been a more inviting target.  Unfortunately for her, Sklar fit both of those categories.


He raped her first.  He had found this to be a most useful way of breaking most women, but that was not his main motive.  The red-headed warrior was the most sexually tempting woman he had ever seen.  The luscious curves of her body concealed a layer of muscle that gave her a panther-like grace and beauty.  He would have fucked her even had he not wanted the information she concealed. 


Placing his hands on her hips he ran his fingers up the smooth flesh of her body.  She was covered with a thin layer of sweat, partly as a result of her recent physical activity and partly out of fear.  As he touched her she felt her body tense, the powerful muscles tightening beneath his fingers.  She was afraid.  Good.  She would be much more afraid before he was through with her.


“Ready to talk?” Sklar asked rhetorically.  He doubted that she would break so soon and he didn’t really care if she did.  He was going to fuck her anyway no matter how cooperative she was, but he went through the motions of an interrogation.  The woman did not answer.  Her only response was a slight stiffening of her body as he cupped her breasts. 


They were as ripe and firm as the finest sponge; yielding under the cruel pressure of his fingers, but springing back as she released them.  He tightened his grip and thrust into her.


The only sound his victim made was a slight grunt as he forced his way in.  It was clear that in spite of her beauty she had not had a lover for quite some time.  She was as fresh and tight as a virgin.  He grinned as he shifted his hands to her hips.  He would soon loosen her up and if he didn’t then the rest of his men would. 


Melissa bit her lip as Sklar penetrated her.  The pain was intense.  It was a long time since she had been with a man and her pleasure palace was as fresh and tight as that of any maiden.  Sklar was a big man and one who wanted to hurt her.  His thick shaft parted her vulva and ripped into her like the ram of a war galley.  She bit back a scream, her teeth drawing blood from her lower lip.    


Sklar stroked slowly into her, his penetration increasing with every thrust.  Melissa’s heavy breathing grew increasingly more agitated as he ravaged the tender pink flesh of her love canal.  Burying his lance deep within her, he savaged her, driving again and again into her before finally spewing his vile spunk inside her. 


Melissa gasped, her ragged breathing revealing the pain and stress of her ordeal.  She feared rape more than torture.  Torture only brought pain.  Rape brought both pain and the threat of impregnation.  That danger was always there.  The thought of being forced to carry the brutal Sea Warrior’s child filled her with dread.  And then the ordeal was over, at least for the moment.  She had little doubt, however, that the other men surrounding her would be denied their opportunity. 


Sklar jerked himself out of his victim.  As he stepped back from her he angrily slapped her backside.  The redheaded bitch had refused to be broken.  He thought to have her screaming by now, but she hadn’t even whimpered.  But there were other ways to break a woman.  He pulled up his pants and strode over to a willow grove.  Selecting a branch the thickness of his thumb he cut off a five foot length and began to peel off the bark.  The villagers had numerous uses for the willow, from baskets and furniture to medicine, but Sklar had a more brutal use in mind.  He swished the withe through the air.  It made a most satisfying sound.


Melissa heard the sound of the willow flail.  She had been raped and now she was to be beaten.  It was almost a relief.  She was much better at withstanding pain than the humiliation and brutal intrusion of rape.  She had no illusions, however, about what was to happen to her.  She was completely helpless and open to whatever part of her naked body Sklar wanted to target.


“Alright, bitch,” Sklar said, stepping to within striking distance.  “Now will you tell me who came with you?” 


“I came alone,” she replied.  Her voice was steady.  “I needed no one else to deal with men who can only fight women and those who have no weapons.”


“Redheaded witch,” Sklar said.  “I am going to enjoy stripping the skin from your backside.”  He raised the willow switch and brought it down across Melissa’s rounded buttocks. 


Crack!  The sound of the blow echoed in the morning air.  A bright red stripe appeared across Melissa’s ripe backside and her body shook from the blow.  She clenched her teeth.  She had endured worse pain than this.  She was a Dragon Warrior; a mere beating could not make her cry out.


Half an hour later she was not so sure.  Sklar had striped her backside repeatedly drawing blood where the red withes overlapped.  She was breathing heavily as the pain mounted, but she had not uttered a sound.  “Bitch,” Sklar muttered.  The redheaded demon continued to defy him.  He waved two men forward.  “Lift her,” he ordered. 


Melissa winced as each of the Sea Warriors seized her legs.  She was lifted so that she was parallel to the ground.  Her hands were untied from the spear shaft and inserted alongside her head into the pillory.  Then her legs were spread wide and Sklar proceeded to use the willow with to peel the skin from her inner thighs.  


If the first beating had been painful, this one was agonizing almost beyond measure.  Not only were her inner thighs exposed, but also the tender flesh of her vulva.  Sklar made this area a special target. 


The first blow took her breath away.  The second brought a barely suppressed whimper to her lips.  By the fifth blow her entire body jerked in pain.  Sklar smiled.  Soon now the bitch would break.  He brought the willow with down again cutting the unbelievably sensitive flesh of her nether lips.  A muffled cry escaped the lips of his victim.  Sklar raised the withe again and then cursed.  He was as hard as iron, his throbbing member bulging against his pants.  The beating would have to wait.  She was ready to break.  Maybe this would finish her off.  Wrenching open his pants he stepped between the bloody thighs of the gasping woman.  In seconds he had buried himself in her warm depths.  She moaned and he drove hard into her.  He would break her.  No woman could resist him.


“Sklar, who gave you the right to take her again before any of us have had a chance?”    


The voice was Dak’s.  Sklar gave the redhead a couple more thrusts and turned his head.  “I’m in charge now that Grak’s dead.  I gave myself the right.”


“You have no such right,” Dak protested.  “We share all equally.  It is the Sea Warrior way.” 


Sklar plunged deeper into his moaning victim.  “Then you shall have her,” he replied.  With a final thrust he grunted as he spurted his seed into the woman’s womb.  He was angry, but Dak was right.  The Sea Warrior code gave all men an equal share.  He stepped back and let Dak have his way.


After Dak each of the other Sea Warriors took her, some of them more than once.  It was twilight by the time the last of them finished.  Melissa hung exhausted from the pillory, no longer able to support herself.  Her breasts and inner thighs were covered with bruises and blood ran from her ravaged vagina and the bloody welts on her buttocks and legs.  Sklar walked up to her and lifted her chin.  “Ready to talk now, bitch?  My men and I have only just begun to enjoy ourselves.  Talk or there will be no rest for you tonight.  Now tell me who helped you kill my men.”


Melissa did not answer.  There was no point in lying to Sklar just to avoid torture.  Even if she created a make believe army to account for all of the dead men in the village Sklar would not stop his questioning.  Next he would want to know where they were and how to find them.  Of course, she could keep on making up lies forever, just to keep Sklar amused, but that was not her way.  A Dragon Warrior did not lie.  To do so was dishonourable, and Melissa had absorbed and retained that part of the creed that had been drummed into her. 


“It’s your choice then,” Sklar said.  “You will spend the night with me.”  While Sklar had been amusing himself with Melissa, Dak and several other men had been searching the countryside.  They had brought back several villagers who had not fled far due to the fact that they were too old or had small children with them.  He turned to two of them who were standing next close by.  “Clean her up,” he ordered.  “I like my bedmates free of blood.”


Two older women came forward.  Gently they released Melissa from the pillory.  Sklar assigned only one guard.  It appeared that he feared no danger from his battered captive.  Taking her under the arms they dragged her to one of the houses and lay her on a bed.  While she lay there one of the women bathed her wounds while the other heated water in a large hanging pot in the fireplace.  An older man came and went bringing in a steady supply of wood.  While the woman daubed at the swollen weals on her body the other woman offered her water.  Parched from her long ordeal, Melissa drank greedily, finally quenching her thirst.


Melissa made no sound as the bloody welts on her body were cleaned, but she gasped in pain as the two women helped her into a copper tub full of steaming water.  Gently they bathed the filth from her body and after they were finished they helped her from the bath.  All the time the single Sea Warrior guard had remained in the room watching with increasing interest as the filth was stripped from Melissa’s curves. 


“Get out,” the warrior guard ordered the two women.  “I’m going to take this bitch first.  Can’t see why Sklar should have her to himself.”


The two women scuttled from the house.  The warrior set down his spear and approached Melissa who was still half submerged in warm water.  “You and me are going to have some fun, you redheaded witch.  Sklar can have what I leave him.”  He reached down and grabbed her right arm.  It was the last thing he ever did.


The stiffened fingers of Melissa’s left hand struck on either side of his nose, penetrating both his eyes.  He opened his mouth to scream, jerking his head back and the palm of Melissa’s right hand crushed his throat.  She stepped out of the water ignoring the man’s death throes.  Picking up his spear she steadied herself.  The all day rape and the brutal caning had taken a great deal out of her.  She was too weak to take on the Sea Warriors in an all-out melee, especially as she had counted forty of them remaining.  And she did not have her father’s sword.


It was a minor point, she was trained to use a multitude of weapons as she had just demonstrated, but her father’s sword was much more than just a blade.  In her hands the sword became part of her, an extension of her body as the creator, the finest sword maker in Dakmora had intended.  She was not about to leave without it.  First, however, there was the matter of finding where it was.  She suspected Sklar had it.  He would certainly be the one to acquire so fine a weapon.  And he was going to come for her in just a few moments.  Melissa blew out all of the candles in the room except one, and then she waited. 


Sklar came with an escort.  Two other Sea Warriors accompanied him.  Melissa let them all get into the room before she struck.  She had dragged the dead guard over to the bed and rolled him underneath it.  She lay on top of the bed, naked and seemingly vulnerable, her eyes closed as if in sleep. 


“Time to wake up bitch,” Sklar said, approaching the bed.  Melissa feigned unconsciousness, observing him through the narrowest of slits in her eyelids.  He reached down to wake her and she drove the guard’s knife into his ribs. 


She had timed the thrust perfectly.  The Sea Warrior lieutenant stiffened in surprise as the cold steel penetrated his liver, but more importantly, his body screened Melissa from the other two men.  It wasn’t until she came off the bed that they realized something was wrong.


Her movements were slow and stiff, but still fast enough to deal with the other two men before they could call out.  She had been lying on top of the dead guard’s spear.  She came up with it in her hands and stabbed one of the remaining Sea Warriors in the throat.  Dropping the spear, she leaped across the room, and using her knife once again, drove the blade to the hilt into the other Sea Warrior’s chest. 


Breathing heavily, Melissa almost collapsed.  Adrenaline and the mystical inner strength of a Dragon Warrior had carried her through this brief battle, but she had nothing left.  If anyone had heard the disturbance and investigated she would be able to offer only feeble resistance. 


It took her several minutes to recover.  To her relief no one seemed to have noticed the small amount of noise that had occurred.  No doubt if they had it was probably attributed to what the three men were supposed to be doing to her.  Regaining a little of her strength she got to her feet and rolled Sklar over.  The Sea Warrior leader’s eyes were wide open, a look of stupefied disbelief on his face.  As she had suspected he was wearing her sword.  She retrieved it and looked about for something to wear.  There was very little in the house that was suitable other than the clothing the dead men were wearing. 


“Why not?” Melissa thought.  It wasn’t her first preference, but it did have one major advantage.  If she wore the helmet and clothing of one of the warriors it would help to disguise her.  She needed time to recover from her ordeal and escape from the village was her only alternative. 


She dressed as quickly as she could.  Her injuries made any movement painful, and her body was stiffening up.  She would have to hurry and find a place where she could hole up until she healed.  Finished, she blew out the candle and slowly eased the door open.  Outside the street was deserted.  Apparently the Sea Warriors still had not learned the necessity of posting adequate sentries. 


She stepped into the street and headed for the edge of the village.  In her Sea Warrior attire she hoped that even if she was seen the observer would think that she was one of his companions going out to relieve himself.  She was twenty steps away from the door when a voice from above accosted her.


“Sklar, how was she?  I’ll bet she moaned when you stuck her this time.” 


Melissa froze, she had been mistaken for the Sea Warrior lieutenant; not a surprising event considering that she was wearing his clothing and helmet.  Slowly she turned, keeping her head down to avoid being identified.  The man who had spoken to her was perched on the roof of one of the houses.  The Sea Warriors had learned something from her attack.  Instead of posting their sentries in the streets where they could be stalked they were on the rooftops, probably within sight of one another.  Caught off guard she had blundered out into the open.  There was only one thing to do and that was to keep on going.


She turned back the way she had been heading and walked on as if no one had spoken to her.  She couldn’t reply, her voice would give her away.  If she could just gain the outskirts of the village she could blend in with the trees and make her escape.


“Sklar!” the guard called again.  “Didn’t you hear me?”  Melissa kept on moving.


“Alarm!” the guard shouted.  “There’s an intruder in the village!”


Melissa broke into a run, forcing her agonized body to move in spite of the pain, but the sound of feet close behind her told her that it was useless.  She would have to stand and fight.  Drawing her sword she turned to face her pursuers.


“By the sea demons,” cursed the man who was closest to her.  “It’s not Sklar, it’s the redheaded witch.”  There were a half dozen men closing on her.  At the words of the pursuer they slowed and came at her cautiously in a half circle.  It was obvious that they remembered how she had fought in the fish drying shed. 


Melissa backed slowly away.  She was in no condition to fight one man let alone six.  The episode in the house where she had killed Sklar and his two companions had finished her.  She had no more to give, already she could feel her tired legs shaking.  Any battle would be a short one and she would be the loser.


Her opponents seemed to sense her weakness.  Ringing her, they hemmed her in so that no matter what direction she moved she would be forced to fight.  Melissa raised her sword and waited.


The attack came from the front as she had anticipated.  She had expected her adversaries to come at her from the front as that would enable those behind her to attack her back while she was distracted.  Normally such a ploy would have failed, but Melissa was too slow.  Even as her attackers feinted and retreated she knew she had lost.  She could not avoid the blow that came at her from behind.


A spearpoint penetrated the back of her right thigh.  With a gasp of pain she went down.  Immediately the other five men pounced on her, knocking her sword and knife from her hands and pulling her hands behind her back.  Quickly they tied her and then dragged her to her feet.  “We’re not finished with you yet,” said one of the men who she recognized as Dak.  “What are you doing wearing Sklar’s clothes and helmet?”


The answer came a few seconds later.  “Sklar’s dead and so are three others,” said the Sea Warrior who had been sent to find Sklar.  “They’ve been butchered like hogs.”


Dak turned on her disbelieving.  “You witch,” he raged.  Stepping forward he drove his fist into her stomach putting all of his weight behind the blow.  To his chagrin and utter amazement, Melissa hardly flinched.  He shook his hand.  Hitting her stomach was like striking a brick wall.


“Demon bitch,” he cursed.  This time he struck her in the face.  Melissa could not avoid the blow and it rocked her head back.  Dak struck her again, this time with his other fist.  The other men needed little encouragement, raining blows on her from all directions.  Eventually she could not tense her stomach muscles and doubled over as the wind was driven out of her.  Knocked to the ground, the men surrounded her and kicked her savagely until finally Dak drove then away. 


“Enough,” he said.  “I’ve got something special planned for this whore.  This time she will tell what she knows.”


Dragged to her feet Melissa was stripped of her clothing.  Then Dak ordered her hauled to the market square once more.  “Hold her here,” he ordered.  Then he strode off.


He needn’t have bothered to ask the other men to watch her.  Melissa was barely conscious.  The savage beating had broken two of her ribs and she could barely breathe.  As well, both of her eyes were mere slits surrounded by puffy flesh.  The rest of her body was covered in bruises and still bore the bloody welts of the willow wand.  She would have fallen if the men guarding her had not held her erect. 


Dak returned a short time later.  Through the puffy flesh around her eyes, She saw that he held something in his hands.  What he had brought would normally have sent a twinge of fear through her, but so battered was her consciousness that the instruments of torture he held in front of her face barely registered.  “Demon cursed whore.  Now you shall know real pain.”


“Uuugghh!”  Even in her barely conscious state Melissa felt the intense agony as Dak shoved the point of the huge fishhook through the underside of her left breast. 


“Aaagghh!”  She screamed, her resistance to pain broken as the barbed hook, used for catching large fish, was forced through her pliant flesh until it ripped through the top of her breast, emerging just above the roseate nipple.


“Scream whore; it’s going to get worse,” Dak sneered.  Then he pierced her other breast.


Melissa screamed again, this time her wail ending in a broken sob, but Dak was only just getting started.  The end of each hook ended in a steel loop.  Dak threaded a length of heavy twine through the loop of each of the hooks and then tying the two lengths together tossed it over a horizontal support beam.  Then he pulled tightly on the line.


“Eeeeaaagghh!” Melissa shrieked in agony as she forced herself onto her toes as her breasts were cruelly stretched by the hooks.  Her body shaking, it took what was left of her remaining strength to keep the barbed hooks from ripping through her quivering and bloodied breasts. 


“Let’s see how long you last, whore.  Sooner or later you will weaken.  Then we’ll see how well you withstand that pain.”


Melissa teetered helplessly.  Already she could feel the hideous pain of the hooks tearing through her flesh.  Her legs shook as if they were made of jelly.  She screamed again as her knees buckled.


The world disappeared into a red miasma.  Around her everything vanished in a whirlwind of pain and confusion.  Bodies seemed to hurtle past her and she fell.  But somehow she didn’t fall.  Something was holding her up.  Calm words were whispered in her ear and then blackness descended.



She awoke to a universe of pain.  There was not a part of her body that did not hurt.  But she was lying in a quiet place on a feather soft bed.  A moment of panic seized her when she realized that she could not see, but then a quiet voice soothed her.  “There.  Everything is alright.  You are safe now.  Do not worry about your sight; your eyes are swollen shut.  In a few days your vision will return.”


“Who… are… you?”  Melissa’s voice creaked like a rusty hinge.  A gentle hand lifted her head and held something wet to her lips.  Eagerly she lapped it up only to discover that she had been offered only a few drops.  “More,” she groaned.


“You shall have as much as you want, but I can only give you a spoonful at a time.  Your lips are too badly swollen.  In a little while I shall try some warm broth.”


The wet object was raised to her lips again.  This time Melissa recognized it as a spoon.  She sipped the cool liquid again and again until finally her thirst was slaked.  Then she lay her head back down and slept.



When she woke for the second time the same calm female voice greeted her.  “Ahh, you are awake again.  This time we will try some broth.”


Melissa did not answer.  Her mouth felt like her tongue had swollen to the size of cow’s and her face and jaw ached.  A few minutes later her head was raised and warm liquid was spooned into her mouth.  She swallowed as much as she was able and then lapsed back into sleep.  She wanted to speak to her host, but slumber claimed her before she could remember what she wanted to say.



The third time she awoke she managed a question.  Two questions actually.  “Who are you and where am I?”


“I am Sophora.  You saved me and my sister from the Sea Warrior brute that was having his way with me.”  The girl’s voice was matter-of-fact, but Melissa detected a note of anguish and anger in it.  You and I are guests in the home of the village elder.”


“What…”  Melissa began, but a finger was gently laid upon her lips. 


“Do not talk, just listen.  I will tell all that happened.”


“When you saved me and Tathia, we did as you asked and fled to the woods, but we did not go far.  I made sure that my sister was safe and then returned.  On the way I chanced upon a few of the villagers who had hidden in an outlying farm and told them what had happened.  They were afraid to return, but when I told them that I was going back to help the one who had rescued me, several men among them, shamed that a woman had more courage than they, came also.”


“We crept to the edge of the village and watched.  At first we saw nothing, but then we heard the battle break out in the drying shed and saw the sea barbarians run toward it.  You know what happened after that, but there were too many sea barbarians for us to handle.  I had the crossbow you gave me, but most of the others had only a few knives and axes and we lacked the training of the barbarians so we could do nothing.” 


“That changed shortly, however, when the rest of the villagers escaped.  Now we had the numbers if not the training to do something.  I wish we could have helped you sooner, but we are fisher folk and lack military skills.  It took all day and much discussion to formulate a plan. however, if we were to be successful we needed a diversion.  Sadly, it was you who provided that diversion.  As you were tortured by the Sea Warrior chieftain we closed upon them.  It was I who placed a quarrel in the heart of the sea barbarian who was molesting you and then I ran to your side to prevent you from falling.  You were grievously hurt, but I have been told that your wounds although painful are not life threatening and most will heal without scarring.”


The girl finished speaking and took a deep breath.  Taking Melissa’s hand in hers she continued.  “Now you sleep again.  When you next wake we will try some heartier food.  You must eat to get well.”  Obediently, Melissa relaxed and slept again.



It took several days before she was able to move about on her own, but her wounds healed quickly, much to the amazement of her caregivers.  “That is not possible,” Sophora said.  “Those injuries should have taken months to heal.  What are you?”


“A friend,” Melissa replied, tightening her baldric.  At her request she had been provided with clothing that allowed her proper freedom of movement.  By Sophora’s standards and those of most of the villagers, it was scandalous, resembling as it did male attire.  But they went along with her request.  She wore loose fitting black breeches tucked into knee-high black leather boots.  A black blouse was tucked into her breeches and girdled with a bright red sash.  As usual she wore her sword over her shoulder and a brace of knives were tucked into her belt along with a few special weapons she had asked the village blacksmith prepare to for her. 


To the villagers she was a disturbing and bizarre presence.  Her red hair alone set her off from the local inhabitants, most of whom had blonde or sandy hair.  And then there was  her dragon tattoo.  To many it was the sign of the devil.  Not all of the villagers had seen it, but many had and those who had not were enlightened by the others.  As each story about her was told it grew in the telling until after just a few days her reputation had reached mythic proportions.  Small wonder that as she ventured into the streets of the village for the first time since her capture that most villagers looked at her askance.


Waiting for her was a horse.  In spite of the entreaties of Sophora and others she had decided to move on.  She could not help the villagers much more than she already had without their cooperation and she did not think that she was likely to get it.  The villagers had responded to an immediate threat when they had come to her aid, but expecting people whose major preoccupation was fishing to follow her into battle was naïve in the extreme.  Besides, she still had to find her companions.  Mounting up she headed down the coast, toward the region where she had been shipwrecked.  Somewhere she was sure her friends waited for her.  To think otherwise was out of the question.  Raising her hand in farewell she cantered out of town.  Sophora stood in the middle of the road and returned her wave.  Then the young woman disappeared as Melissa rounded a bend.