The Misadventures of the Black Leopard

The Misadventures of the

 Black Leopard


Episode 1

The Black Leopard’s Revenge




Chapter 7  Getting Even


“Where is that god damned monkey?” growled Li Mei as she surged out of her room. She was in less than her normal fine spirits having just finished feeding Qing Yuan.  It had been a more than painful experience.  Still recovering from the bruising workout Ape had given her, the touch of her child’s mouth to her super-sensitive nipples had been painful in the extreme.  She had endured the painful feeding, but it had been a continual reminder that she had some unfinished business with Ape.


“I said where is he?” she raged at Tiger who was grinning at an especially funny joke in the Sunday comics. 


“I… uh… we,” Tiger stammered.  “He’s with Cheetah.  She’s err… guarding him.” 


“Take me to him,” Li Mei demanded, tapping her foot. 


Le Mei heard Cheetah long before she saw her, and that was through the closed door of her room.  Without knocking she threw it open and strode into the room.  Cheetah and Ape were far too busy to notice her grad entrance until she booted Ape in the backside, somersaulting him right off the bed.  “Enjoying yourself, you stupid whore?” Li Mei spat.


Cheetah picked herself up from the other side of the bed where Li Mei’s kick had delivered her, poking her head over the edge of the bed.  “Oh hi, Blackie… I mean Black Leopard.  I was just making sure that …”


“You were just acting like a complete slut,” Li Mei interrupted.  She flexed her claws, her dark brown eyes narrowing as Ape clambered to his feet. 


The ape-man looked toward her, crouching on the floor beside Cheetah, his demeanor completely changed from the first time she had seen him.  Now he seemed completely subservient.  “Good morning, mistress,” he said before Li Mei could say anything more.  “I must apologize for what I did.  Cheetah and Mistress Jahlen have explained that I was wrong to force myself on you.  It is not the proper way of making love among humans.”


Ape crawled out from behind the bed and Li Mei’s eyes were drawn to his huge phallus. Even flaccid is was an impressive piece of equipment.  She licked her lips.  Properly used that imposing piece of male anatomy might be …  She shook her head, her anger returning.  “You raped me raw,” she hissed, advancing on Ape, her claws extended.  She glared at Cheetah.  “Get out!” she ordered. 


Cheetah scampered from the room, not even bothering to take her costume with her.  As she closed the door she saw Li Mei advancing on the cringing Ape, her razor edged claws flexing.  “Ohh,” she thought.  “Poor monkey.  I think Blackie is going to be mean to him.”



Adriana peeked around the corner of the doorway and then turned back to the doctor.  “How is she?”


“Not much change,” Dr. Samuel replied.  He was a small balding man, but reputed to be the best psychiatrist in all of Metro City.  More importantly he owned his own mental facility and was less interested in the skin colour of his clients than their money.  “She’s been quiet lately,” he continued.  “At least she’s not as suicidal as she once was.”


Adriana nodded.  She took a deep breath.  “I can’t stay long today.  Open the door in fifteen minutes.” 


The doctor nodded.  Adriana knew that she wasn’t entirely welcome in the high class mental facility, but Doctor Samuel was Jewish and a little less prejudiced toward blacks.  Also she paid him five times the normal fee for allowing him to care for his black patient. 


She entered the room.  Seated at a table was a middle-aged but still attractive black woman who looked up as she entered.  She looked blankly at Adriana for a second and then smiled.  “Adriana, are you in here too?”


“No mother,” she answered, “I’m just visiting.”


“Visiting?  No, that’s not true.  No one gets out of here.  You are a prisoner like me.”  Adriana’s mother lowered her voice conspiratorially.  “But I have a plan.  I’ll pretend to take you hostage and force the guards to release both of us.”


“Mother,” Adriana sighed “you know you can’t do that.”


“I can if you cooperate.  Do you want to see me stuck in here forever?  I need your help.”


“But Mother,” Adriana continued. “You know that won’t work.  The nurses will never believe that I am your hostage.” 


“You’re part of it,” her mother hissed, her voice suddenly rising in anger.  “I thought I could trust my own daughter, but I see that you are in league with my captors.” 


“I have to go now, Mother,” Adriana said, backing away. She went to the door and banged on the glass.  Almost immediately the door was swung open.  She exited the room even as her mother lurched across the room toward her.


“No luck?” asked the doctor. 


“No.  It’s the same as last time.  She thinks she is a prisoner and you are the guards.  Even worse she thinks I am in league with you.”


The doctor nodded sympathetically then cleared his throat.  “I… ah … don’t like to bring this up at a time like this, but it is the only time I see you.”    


“Oh,” said Adriana.  “Did I miss a payment?”


“You’re a week behind.  I’m afraid I will have to add a ten percent penalty.” 


“I’ll get the money,” Adriana said hurriedly.  “You’ll have it tomorrow.”


The doctor nodded.  “Until tomorrow then, Miss Williams.”



For the tenth time Ivan Retinoff reviewed the film footage he had taken.  There was no doubt about it, the black girl who had rescued the two heroines was not disappearing; she was teleporting.  It was the only logical explanation.  He thought for a few minutes.  A heroine equipped with that sort of talent would be very difficult to deal with.  He would have to find a way to neutralize her and he would have to do it quickly before she ruined any more of his plans.  First, however, he had to track her down.  If he could catch her unawares he might be able to immobilize her before she knew what he was up to. 


Jerd Rolands entered the room.  Retinoff looked up expectantly, he had been expecting his head of security to return and was hoping for good news.  “Well?” he asked.


“Got her boss.  Her name’s Adriana Williams.  No criminal record.  Registered as a student in the local black college.  Haven’t been able to trace where she lives, but I got a couple of guys working on it.” 


“Excellent Rolands.  Let me know when you locate her hideaway.  I think we can arrange a little surprise for Miss Williams.”  Retinoff turned back to the film he had been watching.  “Teleportation,” he murmured.  He had an idea.  Wending his way through the maze of electronic apparatus in his lab, he sat down before his work bench.  Picking up a drafting pen he began to trace out an idea that had just formed in his warped but very creative brain.  He smiled as he worked.  What he had in mind just might cut his latest heroine antagonist down to size.



Adriana materialized in the centre of the presidential suite.  It was pitch black as usual.  The power to the suite had been turned off for months, but she had rigged up a patch to deal with that.  Making her way to the front closet, she pulled a switch and the apartment immediately lit up.  She smiled, knowing that the light from the suite could be seen from the street.  No doubt it was giving the management of the hotel fits, which was just the way she wanted it.  She wondered how long it would be before the hotel owners brought in a priest to perform an exorcism. 


She frowned.  The suite was quite dusty.  It had been awhile since Gemma had cleaned it for her.  She would have to bring her friend back in to give the place a proper cleaning.  In the meantime, it was time to have something to eat.  She set down the food she had purchased just minutes ago at a neighbourhood delicatessen.  She would have preferred to dine in a proper restaurant, she certainly had enough money for it, but she was tired and wanted to rest.  As she ate she puzzled over the events of the day. 


She had spent the night robbing several jewellery stores and had spent several hours contacting the fence who exchanged her stolen goods for cash.  She always hit several stores in order to spread the burden of her crimes and made a point never to hit the same one twice.  Sooner or later she knew that she was going to run out of victims, but that would not be for a few years.  By then the first places she had hit could afford to make a second donation.


Morning had found her tired, but with enough cash to satisfy Doctor Samuels.  She had gone to the hospital as usual and had then gotten the shock of her life.  “Paid for?” she had stammered incredulously.  But who?  And why?”


“I am sorry,” Samuels had answered, “but the money was paid under conditions of the strictest confidentiality.”


She had been able to get no more out of the doctor and had spent most of the rest of the day with her mother.  That had been another happy surprise.  For the first time in months her mother had experienced one of her more lucid moments.  It had given her a glimmer of hope that one day her mother might recover from the horror that had been visited upon her.  She had returned to her hotel home, tired, happy, but still mystified.  Who would have paid for the entire cost of her mother’s treatment?  More to the point who knew enough about her to do such a thing?  It left her feeling torn between gratitude and fear.  She was now no longer dependent upon using her talents for criminal activities, but she feared that she was discovered.  How much about her did the person who had donated the money know?


She looked at the pile of cash she had stacked on the table.  More than a thousand dollars.  She smiled.  Now she didn’t have to spend any of it on anyone but herself, a thought she found very appealing.  It was about time she had a little fun with the money she stole, rather than giving it all to Doctor Samuels.  If she worked hard enough she would even be able to save some money for when her mother got out of the hospital, provided she did get out.  She was digesting that sobering thought when a slight sound caught her attention. 


She turned in the direction of the noise and felt a sudden stabbing pain in her thigh.  “What?” she gasped, and then she choked in fear as a huge man stepped out of the shadows.  She had never seen him before.  He was no member of hotel security that she had ever encountered.  Instinctively she called on her talent.  It would mean leaving the money behind, but she had no intentions of staying to see what the hulking stranger wanted. 


Nothing happened.  Stunned she stared into the sneering face of the hulking brute who had invaded her lair.  He laughed.  “Don’t know why I was supposed to do that, but the Doc said it was necessary.  He said it would make you more cooperative.  Damned if I know why I need to worry about some nigger girl giving me any trouble.”


“Who are you?” quavered Adriana.  “What did you do to me?”  She tried again to transport herself from the room with the same result.  Her powers were gone, and with them her ability to protect herself from thugs like the one who confronted her. 


The man smiled as he answered.  “Just shot you with a little dart.  Doc said it would penetrate your skin and dissolve.  Damned if I know why it was necessary.”  He took a step closer to her. 


Adriana recognized the man now.  He was Jerd Rolands, a low life thug that hired himself out to anyone who would pay him.  During her private crime spree she had come across him on occasion.  His reputation was one of violence and extreme brutality.  Suddenly very frightened, she looked frantically for a way to escape, measuring first the distance to the door and then the window.  The first was too far, the big man would easily run her down.  And the window?  She was eight stories up.  The only thing outside was the balcony overlooking the street.  Then she remembered.  The rooftop garden.  There was a passage to it through the kitchen.  It was her only chance.


As the man lunged toward her she picked up a heavy glass ashtray and hurled it at his head.  He ducked beneath it, but the motion slowed him enough for her to turn and run.  She sprinted for the kitchen, found the stairs and dashed up them, the man cursing behind her. 


“You nigger bitch,” he cursed.  “I’m going to have some of that black ass for this.”  He thundered up the stairs behind her.  Reaching the door she twisted the handle, trying to control her panic.  To her horror the handle turned, but the door would not open.  She should have guessed that the hotel management would seal off the suite.  Her own game had backfired on her.  Now she was trapped at the top of the stairs while the angry thug climbed toward her. 


Terrified, she turned to face her pursuer.  She fought to remain calm.  If she became hysterical there could be no escape.


“Got you, you little black-assed whore,” the man growled as he caught up to her.  Adriana went down on her knees, feigning complete terror; then as he reached for her she brought her fist up between his legs. 


“Uuuggghhh!”  The brute’s cry of pain told her that she had hit him where it hurt most.  Leaping to her feet she threw all of her weight into him.  Caught off balance the stunned thug toppled backward, crashing down the staircase. 


Adriana followed him down.  Quickly she jumped over the moaning hulk, seeking the door to the hotel hallway.  Somehow she had been deprived of her powers.  She had to get away, but as she skipped past the fallen man, an arm stretched out and a hand caught at her foot, tripping her up.  Caught in mid-stride she fell heavily, barely extending her arms to catch herself before slamming to the floor.  The impact drove the breath from her lungs.  Far just a couple of seconds she was helpless.  It was all the time her assailant needed.  He staggered to his feet and threw himself onto her. 


“Ooff!” Adriana’s breath went out in a whoosh.  The breath knocked out of her, she lay helpless as her much larger opponent straddled her. 


“Now you black bitch, I’m going to make you pay.”  Adriana winced as her arms were drawn behind her.  Still dazed from being tackled by the huge thug, she was barely aware of what was happening.  Dimly, she felt her wrists being bound with what felt like a strip of cloth.  Only when the thug pulled her to her feet and she was able to see him did she realize that he had bound her with his tie. 


“What are you going to do?” she gasped when she was able to draw a breath.  Terror made her legs weak as she realized that she was being pushed toward the bedroom.  She tried to hold back, suddenly understanding her fate, but her captor merely laughed.  Grabbing her long, flowing hair in one hand he easily controlled her. 


“Let me go!” Adriana screamed.  Terror clutched at her.  This is what it must have been like for her mother on that night several years ago when her ghetto apartment had been invaded by a rejected lover.  She relived the moment like it was yesterday.


She had only been five years old.  Frightened by her mother’s screams and protests, she had stood frozen while her mother’s assailant pushed her down on the bed and had his way with her.  She had been too young to understand what was happening.  She only knew that her mother fought desperately for a few minutes before the strength and brutality of her attacker overwhelmed her.  Then she had watched in stunned silence for the next few hours while her mother was raped and beaten. 


The violent attack had left her mother psychologically scarred, and led to a steady decline into madness.  Somehow, Adriana had survived the ordeal unscathed, but it had left her with a terrible fear that someday the same thing might happen to her.  As the powerful thug dragged her toward the bed her legs buckled and she almost wet herself.  Frantic with fear she jerked wildly in a desperate effort to escape.


“Scared, bitch?” he captor sneered, triumphantly.  “I’m going to make you wish you’d never laid eyes on me.”


Adriana already wished that.  As he forced her down on the bed she cried out in fear.  Opening her mouth she screamed for help. 


The thug slapped her head sideways.  “Enough of that, you black cunt.”  Pinning her to the bed he took hold of the front of her dress and ripped it open, exposing the rounded contours of her breasts.  His hands sought the cups of her dark brassiere.  With a powerful jerk of his muscles he tore the garment from the body and then stuffed the flimsy material into Adriana’s mouth.


Ripping off a strip of her dress he bound the crude gag in place, leaving his victim gasping desperately for air.  Adriana doubted that her screams would have brought help anyway.  She had used her powers to terrorize the hotel staff so thoroughly that none of them came near the room.  Helpless, and trembling with fear, she now realized the full extent of her folly.  She was at the mercy of a brutal thug and no one was going to come to her rescue.


Gagged and helpless, she could not even beg for mercy as the thug methodically removed her clothing.  It took him only seconds to rip away the rest of her dress, leaving her clad only in her thin silk panties.  A quick tug and these too were gone, and then the hoodlum stopped to survey his prize. 


Rolands looked down at the helpless woman he had pinned to the bed.  She was hardly more than a girl in age; probably no more than seventeen or eighteen years old, but she was fully a woman physically.  Her skin was a flawless cinnamon-brown, darkening at the nipples and labia.  Her breasts were large and well-formed, rising like twin domes from her heaving chest and peaking in small tantalizing nipples.  Slowly he ran his hands over the twin mounds, squeezing and kneading the firm flesh while his victim squirmed beneath him.  “What a piece of tit!” he exulted.  “You’re going to be one sweet fuck!”


Adriana hardly noticed the crude words.  She was close to fainting from fear.  Each touch of the man’s hands as he explored her body sent waves of revulsion through her.  She felt like a side of beef being inspected by a potential buyer in the ghetto market.  As his hands ran down her rib cage to her flat belly and then over her pelvis she shuddered.  A wave of nausea swept over her and for an instant she was afraid she was going to vomit with the gag in her mouth and then her assailant’s hands parted the lips of her vulva.


“A fucking virgin!” Rolands exclaimed.  This conquest was going to be sweet indeed.  His manhood now throbbing in expectation he wasted no more time.  Stripping off his clothes he tossed them on to the floor while still maintaining his position on top of the helpless girl.  As he undressed she began to struggle wildly, thrashing her body beneath him in a frenzied effort to escape.  Her actions, however, served simply to excite him.  Her mahogany skin now glistened with sweat.  Removing his pants and shorts, he spread her legs and using his weight pinned her to the bed while he entered her.


“Mmmpphh!” Adriana cried out as Rolands penetrated her.  He took her slowly, enjoying the frenetic efforts of his young victim and the feeling of power it gave him while he took her virginity.


“Mmmmpphh!” Adriana’s muffled scream signaled the end of her maidenhood.  Then Rolands drove deep within her. 


Adriana cried out again, her eyes filling with tears as she was violently raped.  Rolands brutalized her, using his heavy phallus like a weapon, while simultaneously viciously mauling her pliant breasts.  Deeper and deeper he plunged into her, until he was fully sheathed within her.  Then he pounded in and out of her with a savage energy that left her exhausted and weeping in pain and humiliation. 


Adriana had no idea how long the assault lasted.  It seemed to go on forever, before Rolands finally satisfied himself.  Spewing his creamy load deep into her womb, he withdrew and collapsed onto her, breathing heavily.  Pinned to the bed and exhausted, Adriana fell into a state halfway between sleep and fear.  But her ordeal was not yet over.  A while later Rolands roused himself from his torpor and took her again.


It was not as bad the second time.  By now Adriana knew what to expect, but it was even more painful, as the tissues of her swollen breasts and nether region, reacted to another violent rape.  Only when he had satisfied himself a second time did Rolands finally get to his feet and put on his clothes. 


“Now, you black whore,” he said, “you’re coming with me.  There is someone who wants to meet you.  Dragging Adriana to her feet he untied her and then waited impatiently while she tried to put her torn dress back on.  He had no fear that she would escape.  The girl could hardly walk.  There was other clothing in the apartment, but Adriana doubted Rolands would let her get it and so she struggled back into her torn dress, tying knots in the material to hold it on.  Then she was guided to the fire escape and escorted to the alley behind the hotel.  


There was a large car parked there.  In the darkness Adriana was not able to discern the make, not that it mattered.  Rolands threw open the trunk and forced her into it.  Huddled in the dark of the trunk, Adriana could only whimper in fear as the engine of the car roared.  Where she was being taken or what would happen to her she did not know, but she suspected that it was going to be even worse than what had already done to her.  Tears coursed down her perfect features as she wept in fear.