Larra's Indonesian Adventure




The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 10

Larra’s Indonesian Adventure


Chapter 7  Rupali’s Initiation


Rupali carefully threaded last of the hundreds of glass beads into Larra’s hair.  It had been more than a month since Larra had been returned to the harem with Rupali as her servant.  The Englishwoman was now more than five months into her pregnancy and her distended belly and heavy breasts were clear evidence of her humiliation.  She bore it well, however, and never commented on her condition or the circumstances leading up to it.  For more than thirty days the prince had ignored them, but a week ago they had entered the destination of the slave caravan. 


To Rupali the city of the Prahgan was something out of a dream.  She had known only her plantation existence and had never dreamed of seeing anything like this.  She and the large convoy of slaves, guards, and courtiers had finally reached a narrow canyon.  Upon threading her way through the steep-sided entrance she found herself unexpectedly on a paved road about twelve feet wide.  After the muddy and then rocky track that she had been forced to walk through the forest and mountains, the sudden transition came as a complete surprise.  And it was to become more surprising still.


The paved road made walking much easier and the caravan made good progress, moving deep into the canyon.  About an hour after reaching the paved road they came across a wall that completely blocked the canyon.  Set in its centre was a heavy wooden gate studded with iron.  The gate was wide open and as Rupali moved through it she saw that there was a second gate fifty paces from the first.  Like the first it was also open, but she saw that the sides of the canyon were lined with narrow slits carved into the rocks.  Although she could not see anyone in the dark openings she was sure that they hid soldiers armed with spears or bows and arrows. 


It was then that Rupali began to notice the sides of the canyon had been sculpted into numerous windows and doorways.  The farther they progressed the more ornate were the friezes and carvings decorating the openings.  It became obvious that the canyon was actually a gateway to an immense hidden city. 


People began to appear.  At first they were few, but within an hour the slave procession was being marched through a teaming city.  Hundreds of people thronged the street, which had now widened until it was actually an area over a hundred feet wide.  On either side it was lined with booths and shops with thousands of people selling a variety of foods and products that was truly astounding. 


The huge procession of slaves, soldiers and servants pushed their way through the crowd until they reached an open area free of people.  It was here that the slaves were streamed off, most of them being herded through a large stone portal to the right.  Rupali and Larra, however, along with a number of the more attractive female captives were taken straight ahead.  About a half mile father on they came to the end of the canyon, and the ending was spectacular.


Before them stretched a quadruple flight of stairs, carved from the rock of the canyon and extending hundreds of steps upward.  Along both sides of the immense stairway gigantic pillars were set at intervals of about twenty feet.  Ascending the staircase was like moving into a huge temple, and it became more and more impressive as they climbed. 


At the top of the staircase a gigantic portal opened before them.  Even larger pillars flanked the huge doorway which was elaborately carved with painted bas-reliefs of men, women, animals, and beings that appeared to be creatures from the imagination.  Rupali caught her breath as she gazed upon it and then she and the others were led into the interior.


Inside she found herself in a magnificent palace.  High domed ceilings stretched above them and the ornate wall decorations continued into the interior.  From overhead sunlight penetrated to the floor from apertures that must have been cut through the rock into the open air above.  It was magnificent almost beyond imagination and Rupali could only stare in wonder as she was led through room after magnificent room, until finally she and the others reached their final destination.


The rooms that were to be their home were as marvelous as the rest of the palace.  Here the palace opened on the outside into gardens filled with statues, fountains, pools, and artificial streams.  The elaborately furnished rooms were flooded with light and the calming sound of water.  For a few moments Rupali felt like she was living in paradise and then she remembered why she and Larra were their.  She wondered what it would be like to be a royal concubine and wondered how long it would be until the prince sent for her.



Larra was just as impressed as Rupali by the magnificence of Prahgan civilization, but she saw it through the trained eyes of an archeologist and anthropologist.  The art and architecture was clearly very similar to the archeological site she had been mapping and the people resembled very much the villagers she had encountered near the ancient ruins.  She had apparently been captured by the descendents of some long lost civilization that had somehow managed to hide itself from the outside world. 


The palace alone was the work of centuries and attested to people who were highly skilled and artistic.  In spite of her desperate situation one of the first things she acquired was paper, ink, and a quill pen. 


It was not all that easy to make the girls serving her understand what she wanted.  Apparently women in Prahgan society were illiterate, but eventually she made them understand, and since she was carrying the prince’s child she was given what she wanted.  She immediately began writing a detailed account of everything about the Prahgan that she had seen and experienced, omitting only the details of her sexual violation.  In this she was helped by Rupali who was able to write in Hindi and helped Larra remember certain details of the people who had enslaved them


Life as a royal concubine gave both women considerable free time and Larra was able not only to record details of everything about her, but also to resume her disciplined training.  During her long captivity she had been unable to practice her martial arts techniques and she felt woefully out of shape.  Although into her fifth month, she still moved with the grace of a ballerina, taking time to reacquaint her muscles to exercises she had not completed for months. 


At first Rupali merely looked at her in amazement, but after a few days she asked if she could join.  She confessed that she had never before exercised in her life except for the grueling trek that had brought her to the Prahgan capital.  She did, however, recognize similarities between the exercises Larra taught her and the tantric routines practiced by Hindu holy men. 


At first she felt incredibly awkward, but after a few days she became more confident as she learned the simple routines.  She also became aware of something that she had not suspected.


She and Larra had just finished a strenuous two hours of exercising when she turned to her beautiful mentor.  “Why am I here?” she asked.  “You and the other members of the harem are most beautiful.  I am nothing but a fat cow.  Why did the prince choose me?”


Larra looked at her curiously.  “Apparently you have not looked into a mirror for some time.”


“No,” Rupali confessed.  “I have not.”  She didn’t add that she had avoided mirrors since the age of fifteen, finding the sight of her flabby body most depressing. 


“Come,” Larra said taking her by the hand.  She led Rupali into garden and toward one of the large reflecting pools.  Moving to the water’s edge she knelt and motioned to Rupali to do the same. 


Rupali didn’t recognize the beautiful girl who looked back at her.  Long dark hair framed a perfect oval face.  Gone was the embarrassing double chin and chubby cheeks, replaced by high cheekbones, bewitchingly dark eyes, a full mouth and a petite nose. 


Rupali could not hold back a gasp of surprise.  As she leaned over farther she saw that her body, concealed only by ephemeral wisps of silk, had also changed.  Weeks of eating only a single bowl of rice a day, coupled with day after day of walking and carrying out the meanest of tasks, had melted the fat from her body and firmed up her flabby flesh. 


Disbelieving, she swept her hands over her body.  They encountered the slender curves of a beautiful woman.  “How could I have not seen this?” she asked aloud.


“Sometimes old habits blind us to the obvious,” Larra answered.


Rupali looked into the reflecting pool again.  A fair-skinned statuesque beauty stared back at her; a young woman with full breasts crowned with dark nipples and a narrow waist that emphasized her flaring hips and long legs.  “I’m beautiful,” she breathed.


“There is more than one form of beauty,” Larra replied.  “I would not have survived the trek without your help.”


“The prince would have ordered someone else to do it,” Rupali answered, surprised.


“Perhaps,” answered Larra, “but I doubt that anyone would have served me as well as you did.” 


“How could I not serve you?” Rupali said.  “You were being treated with incredible brutality, but never once complained.  I have never seen such bravery.”


“I doubt that complaining would have done me any good.” Larra replied.


Both women turned as one of the serving girls entered the garden.  Her words cut Rupali’s and Larra’s mutual admiration society short.  “Mistresses, you are to ready yourselves.  The prince desires you in his chambers.”


Larra’s face did not change, but Rupali paled and she almost fell as her knees buckled.  The prince only used women for one purpose and she had already seen the results of his actions in Larra’s swelling body. 


Larra placed her hand on the girl’s shoulder.  “Come,” she said quietly.  “It will do not good to delay.  The prince will merely be angered.  We will face this together.”


Rupali forced herself to her feet although her legs still felt like water.  She set her jaw.  She had known sooner or later that it would come to this.  If Larra could face it so could she.  Setting her jaw she followed Larra from the garden.


Even with the help of their female attendants it took considerable little time to prepare them for their meeting with the prince.  They were clad only in the most ephemeral of garments, but the body painting and other ritual decoration took hours.  About their hips they wore only a gossamer garment supported by a gold chain that circled their waists.  In front and back a length of silk that reached to their ankles concealed their loins.  Their breasts were covered by a thin film of the same material.  It provided some support but concealed little of what lay beneath.  They were heavily adorned with gold chains that were looped about heir necks as well as bracelets and anklets of the same metal.  Gems and gold and glass beads were woven into their hair.  Thus prepared an escort was summoned and they were taken to the prince.



Not surprisingly, the prince’s quarters were located close to the harem.  Escorted by a dozen guards Larra and Rupali entered his opulent rooms.  Like the harem the prince’s suite opened on gardens that allowed sunlight to flood into the room, and as before he was heavily guarded, the addition of the escort bringing the number of guards in the room to over twenty. 


As before Larra refused to go to her knees and Rupali emulated her.  The prince, from his position on a large divan flashed her a dark look.  It was clear that her open defiance had angered him.  He rose from the divan and pointed directly toward her.  “Were it not for the fact that you carry my son I would have you flayed, but your virginal companion has no such protection.  If you do not wish to see her skin peeled from her body you will show proper respect.”


Reluctantly Larra went to her knees taking Rupali with her.  She bowed her head realizing that her arrogance might have placed the life of her young companion in danger.


“I see I gauged you correctly,” the prince continued.  “You are willing to risk your own body, but not that of your companion.  I expected that you would forge a strong bond with anyone I assigned as your servant.  I am sure my palace guard would be pleased to entertain her if you prove uncooperative.”


Larra remained on her knees, her head bowed and her eyes on the floor.  Her time in the harem had given her the opportunity to learn more details of the prince’s sadistic nature. The women of the harem lived in abject terror of being summoned into his presence, never knowing if his whim would turn to pleasure or pain.  The prince had guessed the perfect way to control her.  He didn’t need to threaten her children when the threat to almost anyone would do, but he had made sure of her cooperation by putting her and Rupali together so that they could forge a strong bond. 


It was a mortifying position.  Only by cooperating sexually with the prince could Larra save her new companion from torture, and she would almost certainly be forced to watch the girl as she was raped.  But there was no escaping the frightening situation.  Rupali did not have the training to attempt an escape and Larra herself was in no shape to fight her way to freedom.  And even if escape from the palace was possible, how could a young girl and a heavily pregnant woman make their way through an entire city?  The best they could do was to temporarily accept their fate and wait for a more opportune moment.


“I see that you now realize that I am your master,” the prince gloated.  “Bring yourself to me.”


With leaden limbs Larra forced herself to her feet.  With each step she took toward the divan she felt as if she was walking to her doom and she could well imagine what it was like for Rupali.  The girl had never known a man and to discover that she was beautiful and then to be forced to surrender herself to a brute like the prince must have been a truly horrendous experience.  Momentarily her thoughts flashed back to the time when her own virginity had been wrenched from her in a brutal rape. 


Rupali trembled as she neared the prince.  For the moment his eyes were on Larra, but there was no doubt that he knew she was there.  Only with difficulty could she control her terror and her heart was beating so rapidly she feared it would burst from her chest.  Her life had changed completely.  Only short minutes ago she had been aglow with pride and jubilation over the discovery of her newfound beauty.  But she now knew that such a gift came with a price.  Her beauty meant that she was desirable, and in the presence of a man like Prince Selwin it meant that she would be forced to give up that which was most precious to her.


Larra knelt before the feet of the prince.  He stood over her, an arrogant smile playing about his lips.  How could a mere woman, even one as mysterious and deadly as the one that knelt before him think that she could defy him?  He had bent her to his will; forced her to accept his seed and impregnated her; now he would complete his conquest.  In spite of her swollen belly he would take her to his bed and force her to perform as his willing slave.


“Show me that you know how to please me,” he ordered.  Around him the slave girls continued to wave their palm fans, creating a pleasantly cool draft of air while he received his pleasure. 


The prince was sprawled before her, his hips at the same level as her bowed head.  There was little doubt what his demand meant.  Slowly Larra raised her head and shifting her body forward touched the clasp that fastened his kilt.  A twist of her fingers opened allowing the garment to slip free of his body.  As before his semi-aroused phallus was only inches from her. 


It took every bit of willpower that she had not to crush his testicles.  She could have done it in an instant, but such an action would have meant certain and incredibly painful death for both her and Rupali.  She had no doubt that the prince was capable of carrying out his threat and the thought of Rupali’s ripe body being stripped of its skin while she was forced to watch overcame her revulsion at what she was being forced to do.


He fingers closed over the prince’s manhood.  Larra knew well how to delight a man and she used her skills to bring the prince to a full state of arousal before taking him into her mouth.  By this time the prince was moaning in pleasure, his body quivering with delight.  It took only a few minutes before her clever mouth had him panting uncontrollably and just a few minutes longer to force him to climax. 


It was nothing she had not done before and frequently quite willingly.  But there was a vast difference between stimulating a lover and being forced to act like a whore.  Larra felt intense revulsion as Selwin spurted his seed down her throat, his hand on the back of her head forcing her to accept all of it.  But she also felt something else.  Perhaps this sacrifice would satisfy the sadistic noble and spare Rupali at least temporarily.  It might gain them the time needed to somehow escape, but her hopes were dashed as the prince ordered her to rise.


“Sit next to me,” he gasped.  He was still breathing heavily, but his eyes were those of a man who was far from finished, and Larra remembered that the first time he had violated her the session had lasted for hours.  As he ordered she moved onto the divan beside him, settling herself onto the cushions. 


With surprising gentleness the prince pushed her down so that she was lying on her back beside him, then he placed his hand on Larra’s nude and rounded belly.  Slowly he stroked his fingers over the tight skin, pausing to rest his palm on her belly every now and then. 


“Ahh,” he said.  “My son welcomes his father.”


Larra felt only disgust at this forced exploration of her body.  Her child had kicked within her and Selwin had felt the movement.  It was a defilement of something that was so private that only with difficult did she hide her disgust.  Selwin had forced the child upon her, but she was far from accepting him as its father simply because he was the originator of the sperm that had found her foolish egg.  However, the prince was far from finished exploring his handiwork and her body. 


His hands soon moved to her heavy breasts.  Swollen by her pregnancy they were especially sensitive and as Selwin fondled and squeezed them she had to fight hard to resist the urge to strike out against this outrage.  For his part the prince seemed to sense her pent up emotions and barely controlled rage. 


“How pitiful it must be,” he sneered, “to be a mere woman and subject to such changes.”  As if to emphasize his contempt and his power over her he squeezed hard, compressing the soft flesh beneath his fingers. 


Larra grunted in pain, but endured his painful and humiliating exploration of her body.  She now knew that this was merely the beginning.  The prince intended to have his full measure of her and inflict as much pain and humiliation on her as he could.  Any attempt to fight back would only result in punishment more brutal than she could imagine, and not only upon her but upon Rupali as well.


The prince explored every part of her burgeoning body taking delight in touching her in the most intimate of places.  With each touch Larra vowed that she would one day be avenged for the indignities she was forced to suffer.  Exerting her iron self-control she held herself back, but the prince was not fooled.


He looked into her smoldering eyes and smiled.  “You will be tamed.  I have already forced you to accept my seed and will do so again.  Eventually you will do willingly what you now do under duress.” 


Larra glared back, but could do nothing when the prince decided to demonstrate his power by forcing her to have sex once again.  He moved from the divan and forced her to turn on her side.  Then he seized her right leg and raising it almost at right angles to her body he took her from the side, using his strength to force his way into her. 


Larra grimaced once as he thrust into her and then simply lay quiet while he had his way.  She was overcome with a feeling of complete helplessness as he enjoyed her.  She had been in many an adventure where she faced danger and adversity, but never one where she had been so completely dominated.  She had to escape, but her own body was working against her.  She was growing heavier every day and less able to defend herself, but imprisoned in the most inaccessible part of the palace, and surrounded by hundreds of guards, she could only wait and accept her fate. 


The prince finished with her, climaxing for a second time.  His sexual energy was enormous and she wondered how long he would continue to torment her.  He fell back onto the divan and closed his eyes.  For a few seconds Larra thought that he might be finished with her, but that hope was dashed almost immediately when he turned to Rupali.


“Stimulate her,” he ordered the girl.  “I wish to see if you can do what I cannot.”


Rupali simply stared, horrified.  The prince’s handsome countenance twisted in anger.  “Do you also dare to defy me?”


Larra moved from the divan and took Rupali’s hand.  “Do it,” she said.  “I will help you.”


“But I don’t know how,” Rupali cried.


Larra moved back to the divan.  Repugnant as this public display was, she dared not let the prince take out his anger on the young girl.  She suspected that Rupali was to suffer enough in any case.  “Touch me here,” she said, guiding Rupali’s hand to her left breast.  “And here,” she continued, taking the girl’s other hand and placing it just above her mound of Venus. 


Gently Larra guided Rupali in the art of lovemaking.  Only once before had she made love to another woman, and that act was motivated by quite another emotion; her love for the young girl, Melissa Gallant, who had joined her in a perilous adventure.  In this instance it was not love but fear that was her main reason; fear that the young and inexperienced Indian girl would be cruelly punished if she did not comply with the wishes of their sadistic master. 


Nevertheless, her reaction to Rupali’s caresses was real enough.  She was soon breathing heavily as Rupali’s fingers and lips slowly set her on fire.  Without prompting she returned the favour, running her hands over Rupali’s silken skin and losing herself in an act that became one of unbridled passion.  Although both lovers were well aware of the fact that they were surrounded by an audience of women and men, they submerged that aspect of their existence until the outside world faded from their consciousness and they became fully immersed in the wonder of one another’s bodies.


They were rudely snapped out of their mutual passion by an angry roar.  Larra and Rupali were roughly ripped apart by the prince’s guards.  The prince, still unclothed, stood before them, almost shaking with rage.  “So I see that you prefer one another to a man.”  He pointed to Larra.  “Seize her.  “I will see her flogged for her impudence.”


“As for this one,” he continued glaring at Rupali.  “I will show her how women should be used.  Hold her.”


Guards closed about both Larra and Rupali, seizing each of them by the arms.  Larra was forced to her knees and watched helplessly as Rupali was dragged to the divan and thrown on her back.  The girl struggled frantically, but was powerless in the grip of her captors. 


“First you,” the prince smirked, as he approached the girl, “and then you can enjoy the sight of your companion being disciplined.”  He stepped forward and seized Rupali’s kicking legs. 


Rupali screamed as she was held down.  She had known that what she was about to experience was bound to happen sooner or later.  After all, why had the prince summoned her?  But that did not make her terror any the less extreme.  She cried out in fear as the prince spread her legs and forced himself between her thighs.  His phallus, gigantic in her eyes, was only inches from her gates of heaven she was almost hysterical as she thought of the pain and humiliation she faced.


“What is the matter?” the prince snickered.  “Do you actually prefer a woman to a man?”


In truth Rupali did not prefer women, but she infinitely preferred making love with Larra to being raped and the disgrace associated with the violent loss of her virginity.  She fought to preserve her honour, and terror gave her strength beyond normal, but she was held by two strong men and pinned by a third.  The prince moved his hands to her flexing backside and with tantalizing slowness moved his rigid member toward her quivering vulva. 


Rupali screamed as she was penetrated and her hymen sundered.  The pain of the prince’s invading phallus coupled with the humiliating loss of her virginity had her crying incoherently.  The prince laughed as he probed deeper, eliciting further cries of anguish.  Rupali writhed in agony as the prince abraded the lining of her vagina, but her agonized protests merely spurred him on.  For over an hour he drove into her enjoying to the full the pain and humiliation of his victim.


The prince finished her with a groan of satisfaction and then unceremoniously pushed the weeping girl away.  He feel back on the divan, finally sexually satiated.  His eyes sought Larra who had been forced the watch the brutal rape of the young Indian girl.  “Prepare her for her punishment,” he gasped.  “I will see to her when I am ready.”


Barely able to move, Rupali lay on the floor on the royal bedchamber.  She was bleeding from her vagina, and the bite marks on her breasts and shoulders pained her badly, but more than her own pain she feared for Larra.  Heavy with child, she did not see how the woman who had befriended her could survive any sort of severe punishment.  She attempted to struggle to her feet, but was too weak to stand, and then the female servants gathered about her, and gently lifting her from the floor carried her from the room.  She could only watch in despair as the tall Englishwoman was led in chains from the room.