Tales of Erogenia by L'Espion

Tales of Erogenia

Based on the online comic created by J.E. Draft.

Episode 3: The Mountain of Fire


Chapter 7:  The Curse


“There will be no mating unless certain conditions are met,” Zenaria stated.  Sulia had been gone for several hundred heartbeats and she doubted that Baugh would go back on his word. 


“Conditions?” Baugh asked.  “You said nothing about conditions.”


“I want a proper bath.”  She pointed to the small pool in the centre of Baugh’s refuge.  “That is not suitable to my needs.  And I want you cleaned as well.  I will not lie with someone who smells like a baboon.”


Baugh’s face clouded in anger, and he bared his teeth.  “You break your word.  It is not too late to bring back your companion.” 


“I do no such thing.  I gave my word to stay as your mate, but nothing more.  I will go to your bed clean or not at all.”


Baugh’s snarl slowly faded.  “It shall be as you say.  There is a small pool farther back in the rocks.  We will both bathe and then will enjoy our mating feast.  It will make the mating that much more enjoyable.”


“There is one more thing,” Zenaria said.  “I wish a proper mating bed, not some flea infested pile of straw.”


Baugh shook his head.  “You make too many demands.  You seek merely to delay our mating.”


“I gave my word and I will keep it,” Zenaria returned, heatedly, “but you should not expect me to adopt the standards of some animal simply because it is your way.”


Baugh let out a very animal-like growl.  “You are much trouble,” Baugh growled.  “I should have taken the other female.”


“You should have thought of that before you forced me into this agreement.  Now show me your bathing pool.”


As Baugh had promised the pool was not far off.  He led her through the labyrinthine maze of rocks until they reached an open area in the centre of which was a small pool.  It was not nearly as large as the pool in the idyllic spot where she and Varden had met Sulia, but it was deep and clear and so far as Zenaria could tell, free from vermin. 


She splashed into the pool, the cool water washing away the sweat grime, and dried blood from her adventures.  Baugh stood and watched her.  Beside him Saugh squatted on his haunches and searched for nits.  Zenaria had a sudden urge to splash water on the gorilla, but decided it might not be the best idea.  Instead she focused on scrubbing her skin clean, using a bit of fine clean sand at the edge of the pool. 


Baugh watched her rather dubiously and then began to strip off his beads and ornaments, finishing with his rather soiled loincloth.  From her position in the pool Zenaria stared appraisingly at what was revealed.  For such an unimposing figure he was generously proportioned in the reproductive area.  However, nude he seemed more ape-like than ever.    “What have I gotten myself into?” she wondered.  The entire situation was not to her liking, but she had only herself to blame.  In seeking to save Sulia she had pledged herself to a humiliating fate, but one that her sense of honour would not allow her to escape.


Frowning, she watched as Baugh eased himself into the pool, producing an immediate circle of grime on its placid surface.  Imitating her, he splashed water over himself, even going so far as to duck his head beneath the surface.  However, she noted that he kept to the shallow part of the pool and guessed that he probably could not swim.  Even so, she was pleased to note that he made an effort to scrub himself clean even as she tried to think of a way out of her bargain.


Unconsciously Zenaria delayed her emergence from the pool until she noticed Baugh watching her from the pool’s edge.  Her skin beginning to wrinkle, she tried not to think of what awaited her as she stepped from the water and let the sun dry her.  From somewhere the ape-man had acquired a clean loincloth and he was also holding something else. 


“I have been saving this for this day,” he said, holding it so that it draped down either side of his hands.


Zenaria’s eyes widened.  There was no mistaking what he was holding.  She had never seen so fine a pelt.  But even more remarkable was the fact that it was a leopard skin.  “This is quite magnificent,” she said.  Strangely, she found herself tongue-tied and a bit embarrassed that she did not have a gift in return.


Baugh’s merely grunted.  He waited, shifting his weight from side to side while she arranged the fine garment.  It was softer than anything she had ever worn and she took her time adjusting it.  Not normally one to be worried about her attire provided it protected her in battle or prevented her from getting sunburned; this time she carefully arranged the pelt, draping it about her hips so that it left one long and very alluring leg bare to the thigh while it hung to her knee on the other side.


It left her torso bare, but Baugh also presented her with a necklace of ebony and ivory, and two gold armbands that fit just above her elbows.  The final gift was an anklet of tiny gold bells, similar to those worn by Baugh himself. 


Zenaria marvelled at the ebony and ivory necklace.  Strung on a length of fine sinew it was composed of about four dozen pieces, each carved in exquisite detail and depicting one of the many animals that frequented the landscape of this strange land. 


Baugh noticed her fascination with it and nodded.  “A trifle I worked on to pass the time.  Now it is yours provided you carry out your part of the bargain.”


Zenaria adjusted the necklace about her neck.  The largest of the ivory carvings, that of a lion, hung between her breasts.  Strangely she felt a blush stealing over her as Baugh’s gaze was drawn to her.  Her sudden uncharacteristic attack of self-consciousness, however, quickly passed.  There was no change in her attitude toward the ape-master in spite of the gifts.  And his last comment raised her hackles. 


“I am a warrior of the Snow Leopard and I gave my word,” she bristled.  “I will not break it.”  Baugh’s bad-tempered demeanour did nothing to endear her to him.  Even had he not been the ugliest creature she had ever seen she doubted that she could have liked him.   


As she finished arranging the last of Baugh’s gifts, Baugh motioned that she should follow him.  “Come, the mating feast awaits.”


As the tropical night descended Baugh led her back to his tiny cave, and she found that in her absence a feast of sorts had been prepared.  As before there was a large variety of fruit and nuts and along with a few special delicacies. 


“What are these?” Zenaria asked indicating a small pile of yellowish-white organisms piled on a large leaf.  All of them were still moving. 


“Larvae of the palm borer,” Baugh answered, taking one and popping it into his mouth.  Very tasty both raw and cooked.  I prefer them fresh.”  He picked up another and presented it to Zenaria.  “Try one.”


Zenaria couldn’t help noticing the juice running through his teeth, but bravely accepted his offering.  She had eaten many different and unusual foods in the last two years, but had never eaten anything that was still alive; at least not on purpose.  However, she followed Baugh’s example and bit down on the wriggling creature, allowing the insides to spurt over her tongue.


It was not as bad as she feared, in fact had she been starving she would have found it quite tasty.  However, she quickly picked up a large ripe fruit and bit into it allowing the sweet pulp to wash away the taste of the grub.  Baugh shrugged, his lip curling in a sneer and then he picked up a handful, popping them into his mouth with obvious relish.


As Zenaria got rid of the taste in her mouth Baugh placed a crude cup made from the husk of a coconut in front of her.   “Here,” he grinned.  “Try this.  It makes everything go down better.”  He lifted what appeared to be a waterskin and poured a dark brown liquid into it. 


Tentatively she picked it up and held it to her nose.  The smell almost put her under, inducing an immediate coughing spell.  “Wha…what is this?” she gasped, setting the cup down.


“It is called shugo.  Distilled from the root of the kaba tree.”  He picked up the cup and tossed it back, grinning as he wiped his mouth of the back of his hand.  “Try it.”  He refilled the cup and handed it back. 


Zenaria raised the cup.  This time she did not make the mistake of smelling it.  Raising it to her lips she swallowed. 


It was like swallowing fire.  Tears came to her eyes and her nose filled with mucus.  The shugo burned all the way down, hitting her stomach like a bucket of hot coals.  “Oohh!” she gasped.  “That’s good!”


She held out the cup for more and downed it in a single gulp, relishing the fiery glow that spread through her body.  “Rahlu’s water,” Baugh said, baring his teeth in what was probably supposed to be a grin. 


Zenaria found herself grinning back and helped herself to a handful of small brown nuts.  It wasn’t good to drink on an empty stomach and she found that the day’s activities had helped her work up quite an appetite.  She was also mindful of the fact that once the meal was over she would have to follow through on her promise.  It was now almost dark and the only light was from a small fire that had been kindled in front of Baugh’s cave.  However, there was a full skin of shugo and she intended to drink as much of it as she could, to delay the inevitable if nothing else.


Several thousand heartbeats later Zenaria shook the skin in disappointment.  “Nuffing left,” she slurred.  “Gotny more?” 


Baugh burped loudly  “I wouldn’t want you to pass out.  You have a pact to honour tonight.”


“Yessh,” Zenaria replied leaning across the rock that served as a table.  “A pact.”  For the strangest reason Baugh suddenly seemed much more attractive although logic told her that he hadn’t changed at all from when she had first met him.  But somehow she wasn’t very inclined to be very logical at the moment.


“Come,” Baugh said, stretching out his hand and getting to his feet.  “It is time to go to the mating bed.”


Zenaria got to her feet, swaying slightly, but not at all afraid or repulsed.  A familiar and powerful warmth spread through her loins and she followed Baugh willingly as he guided her to his small cave.  The light of the fire had now burned so low that only a few glowing coals remained and she clung to Baugh’s hand as he guided her to his simple sleeping pallet.


“Now, princess, we complete our bargain,” Baugh said as he pulled her down.  In the darkness she could only just make out the outline of his body, but she could feel his hands upon her as he pulled her toward him.


His hands touched her shoulders and then moved to the heavy ivory and ebony necklace.  Gently he lifted it over her head and set it on the floor of the cave.  Then he removed the leopard skin skirt he had given her.  His hands were gentle on her body, surprisingly so considering his uncouth appearance.  His hands cupped her heavy breasts, his thumbs circling the nipples.


Zenaria moaned as her nipples hardened.  Her loins ached, the tender centre of her body throbbing with anticipation.  She touched his powerful shoulders, running her hands down his muscular arms as he leaned toward her and licked her left nipple, teasing the ripening bud.  Her hands went lower and found the ties to his loincloth.  Her nimble fingers worked them loose.  Her head abuzz, Zenaria was seized with an ever growing feeling of desire.  Her hands found his thickening male organ and her breath quickened in excitement and expectation.  She pushed him back, shifting her body so that he could continue to pleasure her breasts while she positioned herself over him.  She was already incredibly wet and she dipped her first two fingers inside her, bringing them out to touch the tip of Baugh’s swollen cock.


The thick member throbbed with readiness as she lubricated it, dipping inside herself a  second time and then raising her body a little higher as she guided herself onto his pulsing staff.  Baugh moaned and gripped her backside, pulling her into him as he penetrated her.  But Zenaria maintained control, lowering herself onto him and then pulling back, each time easing herself a little further onto his rigid member. 


With a sudden and powerful movement of his body, Baugh thrust up, timing his action with Zenaria’s downward motion.  She cried out in surprise and pain as he tore into her.  She pushed her hands against his deep chest and arched backward, attempting to escape the sudden pain.  But he held her tight and thrust again, driving deep within her.  She cried out again and then let him take her as a wave of pleasure swept over her.  Caught between pleasure and pain, Zenaria groaned as Baugh held her and drove upward again and again.  As her cries of passion increased, he rolled her over, pinned her arms over her head and ploughed her furrow until she screamed in release.  Baugh grunted as he too reached climax and then rolled to one side breathing heavily. 


It was about as hard and crude a mating as she had ever experienced, but there was something else about it she could not quite define.  At the height of her desire she had experienced a strange tingling.  Caught up in her own passion, she had barely noticed it, but now it came back to her.  She remembered that sensation from before when she and Varden had encountered the powerful sorcerers of Jingua; it was the tingle of magic, and although she knew that Baugh was obviously a powerful shaman, she wondered what it had to do with their mating. 


Beside her Baugh was breathing hard.  She could feel the heat of his body as he lay beside her, but he made no effort to move closer to her; instead his breathing slowed as he drifted toward sleep.  The effects of the shugo still had her head spinning as she was suddenly exhausted.  Perhaps it was the combination of the drink, the mating, and the ordeal of the last few days, but she could not keep her eyes open.  Falling back she let sleep take her. 



Someone was driving a spike between her eyes.  Biting back a moan of pain she forced her eyes open and pushed herself into a sitting position.  It was still dark in the cave, but there was no doubt about where Baugh was.  She could hear his heavy snoring just a yard away.  For a heartbeat she considered strangling him but decided that would require too much effort and would certainly be a blot upon her honour.  Instead she got to her feet, and stepping carefully to avoid Baugh, exited the cave. 


Outside dawn was just beginning to edge over the top of the cliffs that sheltered Baugh’s hideaway.  She found her way to the small pool and splashed water over her face, head, and shoulders until the painful throbbing in her head diminished a little.  She shivered a little as the water dried on her skin, but she felt a little better.  She could do nothing about the soreness between her legs, but she washed away the sweat and stickiness that covered her body. 


She considered what had happened to her.  She could only account for her behaviour by assuming that she had been ensorcelled or drugged.  True, she had promised to mate with Baugh in order to save Sulia, but the mating had been a little bit more than she expected.  To describe her response as enthusiastic would have been an understatement and she was more than a little chagrined. 


“That’s the last time,” she muttered.  “I’ve kept my promise, and Sulia should be safe enough provided Baugh has kept his.”


There was a problem behind that thought.  It was entirely possible that Sulia was not safe.   She only had Baugh’s word that she was, and the ape master did not strike her as a man who could be trusted.  The question was would he let her go?  Just a few yards away Saugh was munching on the last of the mating feast.  The huge gorilla would be a formidable opponent even if she could find a way to overcome Baugh’s magic.  And then there were the hordes of baboons. 


A movement at the edge of the cave brought her little reverie to an end.  She could no longer hear Baugh’s snoring and guessed that he must have awakened.  She turned toward him and stared in disbelief.


“What…who are you?” she stammered.


The man who stood before her was definitely not Baugh, but he wore the new white loincloth she had insisted he put on as well as the shaman’s body ornaments and carried his staff.  However, the clothing and possessions were the only similarity.  This man stood almost as tall as Zenaria and had the same dark skin and patrician features that characterised Sulia.  There was no mistaking that he was Urulanan or at the very least a tribe closely related to them. 


The man grinned.  “You know me as Baugh, the ape master, but I was once known as Qirlan, Rahlu’s servant.”


Zenaria continued to stare, quite perplexed and Qirlan laughed again.  “I see you do not understand.  That is not surprising.  I will explain while we eat.”  He motioned to the rock that Baugh used as a dining table. 


Zenaria had not been at all favourably disposed toward Baugh, not after what he had forced her into, but there was something about Qirlan she found extremely irritating.  The man radiated arrogance and insincerity.  And his comment about being both Baugh and Qirlan made her skin prickle.  She was getting very fed up with her life being controlled by sorcerers, a point she made clear by her reply.


“I will dress first,” Zenaria replied.  “Then we will talk.”


She strode to the cave and found her leopard skin skirt and the ornaments Baugh had given her.  She carefully arranged them, and picking up her sword, which she found in a corner of the cave, she retuned to the outside.  She was carrying the long blade in her hand and Qirlan frowned as he saw it.


“That will do you no good against me.  Now that I am restored I am even more powerful than Baugh.”


“It was my father’s blade,” Zenaria replied, her tone matching his.  “It goes where I go.  Give me the materials to make a sheath and harness and I will wear it properly.”


Qirlan shrugged at her reply, seemingly unconcerned; not surprising for a shaman of his power.  He sat down across from her and waited for the proposed meal to arrive. 


As before the baboons brought food, scampering down the steep vine-covered walls, each carrying some small morsel.  However, there were so many of them that the stone table was soon well stocked.  Once again it was primarily fruit and nuts, along with some tubers and a number of insects.  By this time Zenaria was longing for meat and wishing the baboons were more into hunting rather than gathering.  However, she decided to make the best of it and sat across from Qirlan.


As he had promised Qirlan told his story as they ate.  “Many years ago I was a young man, studying the arts of nature and the universe.  I progressed rapidly and promised to become the most powerful shaman the Urulana had ever produced.  As you have cause to know I was able to establish a strong communion with the elements of nature.  Unfortunately, I was overcome by a weakness common to many young men.  I became enamoured of the most beautiful woman of the tribe, Latania, the Queen to be, the First Princess of the Urulana.  The problem was that I was only a lowly novice shaman and not worthy of her notice; much less taking her to my bed, but I devised a plan; one that I suspect you can guess.”


“You gave her shugo,” Zenaria said accusingly. 


“I see I was not wrong in supposing you to be an intelligent woman,” Qirlan replied as he took another handful of nuts.  He seemed completely unabashed by his confession.  In fact he seemed almost proud of it.


Zenaria decided to say nothing about what Sulia had told her, hoping that Qirlan’s story would give her more detail so she waited until he continued.


“It was still no easy task.  Somehow I had to get the princess alone and somewhere private.  Since she rarely went anywhere without her Companion Guard that was not easy.  But my desire for her was so strong that I was willing to take almost any chance.”


“Companion Guard?” Zenaria asked.


“A number of young men and women close in age to the princess and selected both for their companionship and outstanding physical and mental qualities.  They are pledged to accompany her and protect her virtue at any cost.”


“Hmm,” Zenaria grunted.  That certainly described the young men and women who had been with Sulia when they met.  It had not occurred to her to inquire as to the nature of Sulia’s relationship with her fellow warriors, but now that Qirlan had described them it all made a little more sense. 


“It was not easy to separate Latania from her companions, but I devised a plan.  As a shaman I frequently accompanied expeditions into the wild to observe animal behaviour and collect rare and interesting plants.  It was easy for me to obtain permission to accompany the princess and her companions on one of their hunting trips.  What was not so easy was to get her alone, but I finally devised a way.”









“I noted that it was her custom to patrol the camp each night and make sure that the boma was secure as well speak to those posted as guards.  It was an easy matter for me to take my turn as one of those guards and then let her come to me.”


Zenaria had to consciously control the urge to curl her lip at Qirlan’s confession.  His manner was so boastful and arrogant that she could barely contain herself, but she remembered that she was completely in his power and anything she learned about him might be used to her advantage.  If what he was telling her was any guideline he doubted that he would let her go.  Even worse, she now doubted that he had released Sulia.  Most likely his baboon minions were holding her prisoner somewhere nearby for when he tired of seducing just one woman. 


“It was quite dark in the area that I had chosen as my post, and as expected the princess came to speak to me just before retiring for the night.  I had several plans in mind for achieving my goal, the most extreme amounting to force, but it did not come to that.  Instead the princess fell completely into my trap.  As she spoke to me before retiring I offered her a drink from my waterskin.  What I did not tell her was that the water had been liberally mixed with shugo.  It took only a single swallow and she was caught.  It took little persuasion from me to convince her to move apart the section of the boma in front of us and retire with me to a refuge I had selected earlier in the day.  There Latania and I finished the rest of the shugo and I think you know what happened after that.


“You drugged and then ravished your princess,” Zenaria responded.  “How very noble.”


“Actually I did not ravish her,” Qirlan laughed.  “She was most willing.”


“Just as I was most willing,” Zenaria remarked.  Inside she was burning with rage, but she held herself in check, well aware that any attack on this smirking thug would need to catch him completely off-guard, and in spite of Qirlan’s seemingly relaxed manner she noted that he never took his eyes off her.  


“Precisely,” Qirlan agreed, ignoring her jibe.  “Unfortunately I had not thought through the consequences of my actions.  I had deflowered an Urulana princess, but I had not thought what to do after my lust was satisfied.   Latania awoke in my arms and immediately understood what had happened.  I can tell you that she was far from happy.  She immediately called for her companions and they came at a run.  As I mentioned, I was a promising young shaman, but I was far from as powerful as I am now.  I was overpowered, and bound strongly with rope and marched back to my village.”


Qirlan continued, his deep brown eyes fixed on Zenaria: his mocking smile seemingly daring her to try to escape.  “As you might imagine the Urulanan queen, Latania’s mother, was far from pleased.  The first in line to succeed her had been dishonoured and could no longer be queen.  I expected to be put to death in the most painful manner, and in fact there was much debate as to what would be the most painful way to put me to death.  But it was my old master, the Urulana shaman who devised the cruellest punishment.  It was decided to lay a curse upon me that would amount to a living death. 


No doubt my teacher’s anger at betraying the trust of my people inspired him.  After the queen had satisfied her anger by having me flogged until I was crippled he then laid a great curse upon me.  He turned me into the creature I was when you first saw me.  Part man, part ape, cursed with the name of Baugh and condemned to live forever in the shape of an ape.  But even worse he added a special twist to the spell, holding out hope that I might be relieved of the curse.  It was the cruellest thing he could have done, because the in order to lift the curse I had to convince a maiden of royal blood to voluntarily come to my bed.  For over three hundred years I waited, but I could not go in search of a princess; the curse bound me to this rocky haven the territory of the baboons, and here I was forced to wait.  But I was not idle.  I had three centuries to perfect my powers and each year I learned more until I became very powerful.  I am now the most powerful shaman who has ever lived and thanks to you I now live again, free from the hideous guise I was forced to assume.”


A chill ran down Zenaria’s spine, but it was burned away by her barely suppressed anger.  “And now that the curse has been lifted?” she asked through clenched teeth.


“Now my warrior princess you and I will return to the Urulana and repay them for  my three centuries of torment.”


“Repay them?  The queen and shaman who punished you are long dead.  You are barely remembered and considered a child’s tale.”


“They will find out that I am not,” Qirlan said, his mocking voice rising in anger.  “I will return and they will become my slaves, forced to serve me even as the baboons and other apes do.  I will take the Urulanan princess and ravish her in front of the entire tribe.  Then I will do the same with their queen and other nubile young women until I have satisfied my lust and anger.  Any who resist will be killed.”


The reference to the Urulanan princess confirmed Zenaria’s suspicions.  “What have you done with Sulia?” Zenaria asked.  “I know that you have not kept your word.”


Qirlan grunted.  “Of course I have the princess.  She will be most useful as a hostage and it will be so enjoyable when I shove my cock into her backside while the elders of her tribe watch.”


“You are filth,” Zenaria growled, tightening her grip on her sword.  “You possess great powers and use them to cause harm.  The gods will curse you.”


“They already have,” Qirlan sneered.  “And you will pay for that remark.  Now put down your sword or I promise that you will never see Princess Sulia again.”


The baboons around her crowded closer as the shaman finished speaking and the vines covering the walls rustled ominously, but it was the threat to Sulia that made Zenaria surrender her blade.  With a look of contempt she threw it into the dust. 


Qirlan gestured and grunted in the barking language of the baboons.  Several of the animals surged forward and clutched at Zenaria.  She caught one by the scruff of its neck and threw it across the compound, bouncing it off the cliff wall.  Immediately several more attacked her, but she slammed her fist into one as it leaped for her throat, caught another by its throat and used it as a weapon to bludgeon another, and kicked another out of the air.  The remaining baboons halted their attacked and circled her, growling, their fangs bared. 


“Enough,” Qirlan shouted.  “You will hold still and let my minions bind you or I will punish the princess.”


Zenaria turned toward Qirlan, holding her anger in check with difficulty, but she did as he said and stood waiting while the baboons moved toward her, several of them carrying ropes.  Five quick steps and she could reach the shaman, but she suspected she would never make it.  A coward like Qirlan would never expose himself to any real danger.  Meekly she waited while the baboons pulled her arms behind her back and bound her wrists and arms tightly.  


The baboons proved surprisingly adept at tying knots.  They tied her wrists and then bound her arms just above the elbows, pulling it tight across the elbows and crisscrossing across her breasts.  They finished by tying a short tether between her ankles.


“An excellent job,” Qirlan commented.  “Who would have thought they could be so talented?”  He stepped forward and picked up her sword.  “We have wasted enough time.  Today we march on the Urulana.  In three days they will have a new ruler and for the first time it will not be a queen.”


With baboons escorting her front and rear Zenaria followed Qirlan out through the winding maze of boulders.  She was seething with anger, but fought to remain calm.  She cursed herself for having allowed Qirlan to have his way with her for nothing.  Had she not been so noble the shaman would still be trapped in the body of an ape.  Something was very wrong with her cha that she was constantly being punished for her actions.  But she knew that she and Varden had killed a great many innocent men by mistake and still had a number of lives to account for.  Almost certainly before things got better they were going to get worse.


Sulia was waiting in a side canyon halfway out of the maze.  Like Zenaria she was trussed up and guarded by a phalanx of baboons.  “Two princesses,” Qirlan smirked.  “Both of whom offered themselves to me.  Who would have thought it possible after three hundred years of waiting?”  


He barked a command to the baboons and then turned back to the two warriors.  “Follow me, and try to keep up.  If you lag I will have you dragged.”


As it turned out keeping up with the baboons wasn’t too difficult even hobbled and with their arms and wrists bound, but Zenaria found it incredibly humiliating, the trek bringing back memories of other times she had been enslaved, particularly the first time when she had been taken to the slave markets of Sandakar and exhibited like some prize animal.  However, the baboons did not walk in a straight line.  There were hundreds of them and they foraged as they moved, stopping frequently to dine on grubs, insects, and various plants. 


Qirlan moved at their speed, a pace that Zenaria and Sulia could match in spite of their bonds.  Unlike the baboons, however, they could not forage and as neither of them had had anything to eat they were soon very hungry.  Zenaria had drunk at the tiny spring, but she guessed that Sulia had not, however, the Urulana princess did not complain, but slogged steadily on, her eyes filled with hate and fear as she stared at Qirlan. 


Fortunately, Qirlan wanted both of his captives in good health and he stopped at halfway through the morning to feed and water his captives.  He made no effort to untie them and even accompanied them when they moved off the trail to relieve themselves.  For Zenaria it was an all too familiar experience, but she still found it mortifying and expected that Sulia was similarly humiliated. 


Once again they were headed toward the Mountain of Fire and the way was mostly uphill.  The huge mountain no longer spat fire into the air and the earth no longer shook, but there was an ominous black cloud hanging over the mountain.  It was not a good omen and Zenaria wondered what was going to happen when Qirlan and his ape army arrived at Sulia’s village.  She knew that a warrior people like the Urulana would almost certainly resist and that would mean a nasty battle.  Whatever the situation Qirlan seemed incredibly confident and enjoyed telling them of what he was going to do once he had overcome any resistance.  He especially enjoyed describing what he was going to do to Sulia.


“After I have publicly humiliated the queen it will be your turn.  I think I will take you up your backside the first time and then relieve you of your virginity.  After that I will have the white warrior take me into her mouth as a further demonstration of my power.”


Zenaria was horrified and disgusted by his comments, but even worse, she was certain that Qirlan was going to be able to carry them out.  She had no idea how big Sulia’s village was or how formidable its fortifications, but she doubted that it would be able to withstand Qirlan’s ape army.  Baboons by the hundreds accompanied them and as they progressed they were joined by more and more of the huge gorillas until there were at least a score of the huge beasts.  The entire army moved slowly, but Qirlan seemed in no hurry.  He had said it would take three days to reach the Urulana village and even though progress was erratic they moved closer to their destination with every step. 


They stop at midday and again at mid-afternoon.  At the second stop Zenaria was able to get close enough to Sulia to ask how far they were from her village. 


“Just a day’s walk,” Sulia answered, “But we are moving so slowly it will probably be more like three or four days.”


Three or four days.  It was a long time to be trussed up.  Already the ropes were cutting into Zenaria’s wrists and her hands were beginning to swell.  She would be almost crippled by the time they reached their destination and not in much condition to fight.  And that was assuming Qirlan let his guard down long enough to let her get loose.  Somehow she had to find a way to get Qirlan to untie them.


The chance came in late afternoon.  Qirlan had called a halt, the final one for the day.  While he supervised the setting up of the camp Zenaria waited for him to approach her.  In spite of their seeming lack of discipline the apes were very well organized.  While a few foraged for food the others dragged sections of thornbush into position and created a boma large enough to shelter the entire expedition.  It seemed as long as the shaman supervised them they knew what to do and Zenaria wondered exactly how Qirlan communicated with his subjects.  She guessed that it was something like the way she could communicate with leopards and other large cats.  Whatever it was, it was certainly effective.


Finally, as the camp neared its completion, Qirlan strode over to them a strange smirk on his arrogant features.  “Are you going to untie us?” Zenaria asked, before he could speak.  “If you don’t Sulia and I will be too crippled to be much of a prize.”


“You have a point,” the shaman answered.  “A very good point.  I want you humiliated, but not so broken that you are of no value.  I will see that you are untied, but first there is something you and the princess are going to do for me.”


As he finished speaking, he untied his loincloth revealing a penis well on the way to a full erection.  Zenaria clenched her teeth.  “And if we do not?” she asked. 


Qirlan smiled cruelly.  “Let me show you something.”  He looked out beyond the boma and made a strange braying noise.  There was silence and then the sound of hooves and a short time later one of the strange striped horses that Sulia had called zebras galloped into view.  At Qirlan’s command an opening was made in the circle of thorns and the zebra stepped through. 


The animal was a stallion and obviously in a state of arousal.  Zenaria looked at its huge sexual organ and shuddered, guessing what the shaman had in mind.  Qirlan’s grin widened and he laughed.  “You see that I can command more than just apes.  When the Urulana are attacked they will be set upon by almost every sort of animal.  They will stand no chance.  However, that was not why I summoned the zebra.”


Zenaria’s eyes were fixed on the stallion, which was pawing the ground and rolling its eyes wildly.  She tried not to think about a certain other part of its anatomy, but Qirlan was not fooled.  “I had intended to wait until my conquest of the Urulana is complete before deflowering the princess, but it is not critical that I do so.  I will have it done now, to both of you if you do not do as I command.


Zenaria’s eyes blazed and her magnificent chest heaved.  She doubted that she had ever hated anyone as much as she hated Qirlan, but she knew she was beaten.  “I will do it,” she said, “but you must spare Sulia.”


“You will both do it.  If either of you refuses then the stallion shall have both of you.”


Zenaria swallowed and Qirlan laughed again.  He knew he had her.  Fighting back tears of rage she went to her knees.