The Misadventures of the Black Leopard

The Misadventures of the

 Black Leopard


Episode 1

The Black Leopard’s Revenge




Chapter 8  Plans


“Something’s wrong,” Kyla said as she and Suzi surveyed the Presidential suite.  “It looks as if there has been a bit of a scuffle.”


“I don’t like this,” Suzi added.  “There is blood and what smells like semen on the bed.  I fear that something may have happened to our rescuer.” 


Kyla picked up a heavy glass ashtray.  “Someone tossed this across the room and the side table has been knocked over.”


“Look at this,” Suzi continued.  She bent over and picked a torn pair of panties and a ruined brassiere.  The expression on her face told it all.


“Damp,” Kyla said, touching the brassiere.  Her face clouded. 


Suzi’s face darkened in anger.  To the trained eyes of the two heroines what had happened was all too obvious.  “Retinoff,” she murmured.  “He must have found out that the girl helped us.” 


“But it wasn’t Retinoff who did this,” Kyla said, holding up the bra.  “Someone bound and gagged the girl and then had his way with her.  Retinoff wouldn’t have done that, he requires mechanical assistance.”


“Agreed,” said Suzi, “but I suspect he sent one of his hirelings.  No doubt the girl put up a fight and the bastard decided to have some fun with her.”


Kyla nodded, the scuffed carpet and the scattered bits of furniture attested to a bit of a struggle.  And the bed…  She shuddered.  Why did men always have to resort to such brutal punishment?  “If it was Retinoff or one of his hirelings then we better find her.  There is no telling what sort of horrific ordeal he has planned for her.”


Suzi didn’t reply.  She didn’t have to.  She had been thinking the same thing.  The girl who had saved their lives was no doubt in terrible danger.  They had to find her as quickly as possible.



Zhuang Zhijian scowled.  He wasn’t used to hirelings refusing to cooperate with him.  Normally he would simply have ordered the man killed.  Unfortunately, his criminal empire had taken such a terrible beating from the Jade Dragon and her friends that he was no longer in a position to act so arbitrarily.  And in any case, Ivan Retinoff was not someone who was easy to kill.  The evil Russian genius had made his power more than evident with his daylight bank robbery and the humiliation of the two superheroines.  Zhuang picked up his copy of the Metro City Star Reporter.  The pictures were really quite good.  He licked his lips remembering what it had been like when he had captured every heroine in the city and had stripped them naked for his personal enjoyment.  He had been so close to destroying all of them.  Well, he wouldn’t make that mistake again.  Sometimes it didn’t pay to show mercy just for the sake of a little sexual pleasure.


His stomach growled.  It had been at least an hour since he had eaten.  He snapped his fingers, summoning Lin Hong, his most recent second in command.  It was unfortunate about the man who had formerly held the position.  It was another reason for dealing with the remaining superheroines in the city. 


“Yes, lord?” Lin responded bowing low. 


Zhuang smiled indulgently.  Lin was not the man Chen had been, but at least he had the proper attitude.  “See if you can find out what hole Retinoff has crept into.  I’d like to pay him a little visit.  Also find out what you can about Stilletto.  Rumour has it that she’s hooked up with the Black Leopard again.  See if you can find out how accurate that is.  We might be able to do something about it.” 


Lin nodded his understanding of the orders.  “Yes lord.  Is there anything else?’


“Get me a plate of prawns on the way out.  The larger species, the small ones do not satisfy me.”


Zhuang grunted his satisfaction as the plate of food arrived.  He munched thoughtfully on one of the deep sea crustaceans.  Rebuilding his empire would take time, and the first thing he had to do was neutralize dangerous rivals like Stiletto.  If he took out the Black Leopard at the same time so much the better.  There was something else he wanted as well.  He had impregnated the Black leopard and his one-time hireling Jahlen.  It would be most interesting to see how that had turned out.  He wasn’t overly fond of children, but if the rumours were true he was now the father of two daughters.  It would be most interesting to see them. 



Li Mei stood with hands on hips while Ape groveled before her.  “Talk monkey,” she growled, “and what you say had better make me happy.”


“Pardon, mistress,” Ape groveled, “but I did not realize that I was doing wrong.  Cheetah has explained it to me that females do not desire to have sex against their will.”


Li Mei flexed her claws, a gesture that Ape did not miss.  His explanation was hardly pleasing.  “Stupid animal,” she spat.  “Who sent you after me?”


“I was just sent to watch you.  Having sex was my own idea,” Ape confessed. 


Li Mei’s eyes narrowed into the tiniest of slits.  She was very close to losing her limited patience.  “I asked you a question, monkey.  It would be most useful if you would answer it.”


“I do not know his name.  I just call him master.”


“Let me guess,” Li Mei replied.  “He is a little man with a bald head and glasses as thick as the bottoms of pickle jars.”


“Yes, mistress,” Ape replied eagerly.  “That is he.  Is he a friend of yours?”


“Hardly,” Li Mei said pensively.  “And he created you?”


Surprisingly Ape shook his head.  “Oh no, mistress.  I was given to the master by my creator.”


“Really?” Li Mei asked, her curiosity piqued.  “And who would that be?”


“His name is Moreau.  He is the master’s friend.”


“Hmmm,” mused Li Mei.  Just when it seemed things could not get much more complicated another element was added to the ferment surrounding her.  He anger toward Ape dissipated somewhat.  It was obvious that he could not help being what he was.  In many ways he resembled one of her former hirelings, a mindless hulk called Hughie.  He had disappeared shortly after she had forced him to violate the Jade Dragon until he impregnated her.  Perhaps he might be a suitable replacement.


“Alright, monkey,” she said finally.  “How would you like to work for me?”


A huge grin split Ape’s simian features.  “I would like that very much, mistress.  You are much prettier than the master.”


Li Mei ignored the prurient interest Ape showed toward her.  “Very good,” she said.  “Here is what I want you to do for me.”



Adriana cowered on the floor in front of the diminutive man who sat before her.  If she had passed him on the street she would hardly have given him a second glance, but now she was having a difficult time controlling her fear.  As soon a he had spoken to her she had recognized his voice as that of the giant robot that had brutalized the two heroines.  Her spirit shattered after what Rolands had done to her she hung her head, unable to meet his eyes.


“This is not what I expected, Rolands,” Retinoff said angrily.  “I told you to fetch the girl to me, not reduce her to the point of madness.” 


Rolands suppressed an angry retort.  He could have broken the diminutive Russian with one hand, but Retinoff was the one person who filled him with fear.  “Sorry, boss,” he finally replied, “but she resisted and I taught her a lesson.”


“That was what I intended to do, you fool,” Retinoff spat.  “Next time just do as you are ordered.”  He turned his thick lenses toward the girl and pushed a button on the console next to where he was sitting.  A minute later two hefty thugs entered the room.  “Take our guest and get her cleaned up,” he ordered.  “And keep your hands off her.  I want something left for myself.”


“Right, boss,” one of the men replied.  He and the other man moved forward, taking Adriana under each of her arms.  She offered no resistance as they led her from the room.


“Having trouble walking, honey?” one of the thugs chuckled as soon as they were out of the room. 


“The other man laughed loudly.  “Looks like Rolands really gave her a taste of the hot poker.”


“That ain’t nothing compared to what the Doc is going to do to her.  That ought to be fun to watch.”


The other man did not reply, but chuckled in agreement.  Then they both stopped outside a heavy metal door.  “Here’s your room, bitch,” said the other man.  “It’s a little bit too good for a nigger, so make good use of it.”  He threw the door open and roughly pushed Adriana into the room.  “Don’t think of escaping,” the man continued as he closed the door.  “The room is lined with steel.”


Adriana felt rage swell up within her.  The word “nigger” had triggered her anger and restored some of her character.  “Redneck bastards,” she thought.  She’d get even with them.  She looked around the room she had been placed in.  Surprisingly, it was actually quite luxurious.  Either it was the only type of room that Retinoff had in his complex or else he believed that his victims should live in comfort. 


Still barely able to walk she headed toward what she hoped was the bathroom, and found herself in a bedroom, complete with a large comfortable looking bed.  She was exhausted from her ordeal and would have liked nothing better than to hurl herself onto the mattress, but she was also mindful of the fact that she was filthy and stank of Rolands’ sperm.  Also, Retinoff had ordered that she be “cleaned up,” and she was certain that if she did not do it herself one or more of his henchmen would be more than glad to help out.  She shuddered as she thought of what might befall her if she was left to the tender mercy of Rolands and the other thugs. 


She walked through the bedroom and into the next room and found herself in a well-appointed bathroom, complete with bidet and sunken tub.  It was almost as nice as the one in the Presidential Suite.  Stripping off her tattered dress and ignoring the fact that she was probably being watched she stepped in front of the mirror.  Looking back at her was a bruised and battered young woman, her breasts and loins clearly showing the marks of her ordeal.  She swallowed hard, wondering how much more brutality she could take.  It had never occurred to her that her one good deed in saving the heroines would backfire on her so badly. 


It was too late to worry about that, however.  She was the prisoner of a madman.  Swallowing her fear she turned on the water and stepped into the tub.  She could not help sighing as the water rose over her breasts.  She had never known a bath to feel so good.  Gently she scrubbed away the sweat, blood, and filth that covered her body, using the scented soaps and sponges that had been placed for her convenience at the side of the tub.  She wondered at this.  Had Retinoff brought her here to punish her or for some other nefarious reason that fitted his warped sense of reality?


She really didn’t know much about the strange little scientist other than what she had heard of him through stories and rumours.  He was a shadowy figure, linked to most of the crimelords in Metro City because of his bizarre genius, but rarely appearing in person.  His use of the incredible robot that had humbled the two heroines seemed a little out of character; except for one fact.  Retinoff had an inordinate desire to capture and humiliate heroines.  He had proven this on occasion after occasion.  It was a weakness that might some day result in his demise, but until now he had managed to escape punishment. 


She gave up musing about Retinoff as the hot bath relaxed her.  Instead she began to think about more practical concerns.  She softly drew the sponge over her bruised breasts.  She had to find a way out of her prison.  Exactly how she did not know.  The two men who had brought her to her luxurious prison had made it clear that there was no escape.  Without her ability to transport herself from place to place she was stuck where she was until her captors let her out. 


She remained in the bath until her skin wrinkled and then forced herself out.  The bath had cleaned her, but it had not healed her many bruises or done anything to erase the shame she felt about what had happened to her.  However, her despair had been replaced by anger.  She had done nothing to deserve such punishment and the racial slur hurled at her by one of the thugs who had brought her to the room filled her with a determination to free herself and seek vengeance for what had been done to her. 


She put on a white fluffy robe that was hanging next to the bath and returned to the bedroom.  Her torn and filthy dress was still lying where she had dropped it.  She now felt hungry, but had a greeter need than mere food.  The bed beckoned.  Dropping onto the soft mattress she was almost instantly asleep. 



She awoke groggily when the door opened.  The two thugs who had brought her to the room entered.  Adriana’s gut wrenched as they entered the room.  Was she to suffer further punishment?


The first man into the room studied her.  He was carrying a tray and whatever was on it smelled very good, however, it was his lascivious grin and then his words that got all of her attention.  “The little nigger looks a hell of a lot better than she did yesterday, don’t she Rip?” 


Rip nodded.  He too was carrying a tray, which he set down on a table near the door.  “I sure wouldn’t mind getting me some of that brown sugar,” he remarked.  “Rolands told me she was a great fuck.”


Adriana seethed with anger, but fear and common sense forced her to hold her tongue.  She was entirely at the mercy of these two thugs and had little doubt that they would most certainly enjoy taking her the way that Rolands had.


“What’s the matter, you black bitch?” asked the first man.  “Cat got your tongue?”  He moved menacingly toward her, but was called off by his friend.


“Leave her alone, Jenk.  Retinoff will have your balls if you touch her.  Rolands is already in the outhouse because of what he did.  You want to join him?”


Jenk set down his tray.  “Eat, nigger bitch,” he said.  “You’re going to need your strength.  Retinoff has some fun planned for you.”  He laughed and then slapping Rip on the back marched out of the room.  The door clanged behind them as Rip followed.


Adriana gritted her teeth as she moved.  She was still stiff and sore from what Rolands had done to her, but the smell of the food was overwhelmingly enticing.  Seating herself before the tray Rip had brought she found bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, and a variety of jams.  Jenk’s tray contained fruit- oranges, apples, bananas, strawberries and several different types of melons.  Adriana ate voraciously, restoring both her strength and a bit of her confidence.


Felling much better she returned to the bathroom where she spent a good half hour combing out her tangled hair.  She felt almost back to normal.  Now there was nothing to do but wait.  Since the only clothing supplied was the fluffy robe she continued to wear it.  Returning to the bedroom she lay down.  She intended only to rest, but must have slept because she awoke with a fuzzy taste in her mouth.  Retiring to the bathroom she found that a toothbrush and toothpaste had also been provided.  Then she returned to the bedroom and continued to wait.


It was two days before Retinoff came for her.  She was able to keep track by counting the meals.  There was no other way of keeping time as the lights of the apartment were never turned off.  After awhile she almost became used to her strange existence.  Kept prisoner in a luxury cell, she wondered whatever was going to become of her.  She got her answer on the third day.


They came late for her – about the time she was expecting supper.  There was no supper, however, instead Rip and Jenk grabbed her by the arms and marched her from the room. 


Adriana did not resist.  There would have been no point.  She had no self-defence skills and both men were twice her size.  But her heart pounded as she was led through Retinoff’s hideout to where the perverted little scientist waited.  The comments of her escort did not make matters any better.


“You’re going to enjoy this, you black bitch,” Jenk grinned.  “Retinoff is going to fuck you so hard you won’t walk for days.”


“I’m looking forward to seeing that black ass,” added Rip.  “You’ve been hiding it from us since the day you got here.”


Clad in only her fluffy robe, Adrian felt very vulnerable.  It would take only a few seconds to render her naked.  Only the fear of Retinoff had probably prevented the two thugs from having their way with her.  What he had planned for her she could only guess, but her knees felt weak at the thought of what it might be.


Retinoff was waiting for her, standing impatiently by the door.  Although the gnome-like scientist filled her with dread and disgust, Adriana found it hard to believe that he was one of the most feared crime bosses in all of metro City.  He looked like he would be much more at home decorating the middle of a piece of lawn.


That impression vanished as soon as his eyes peered at her through the thick lenses.  His face twisted in an expression that could only be described as purely evil.  She suppressed a shudder.  Her captors might think she was nothing but a nigger, but she was determined to no longer cringe before them.  If she was going to be tortured she would face it as bravely as she could. 


“So,” Retinoff squeaked, his high pitched voice raised in anger.  He sounded like a petulant child.  “This is the interfering little slut who spoiled my triumph.  I’m going to have some fun with you and before I’m finished you will be happy to tell me everything about your two heroine friends.”


“They are not my friends,” Adriana said evenly.  “And I don’t know anything about them.” Her voice did not tremble and she looked the evil scientist in the eye.  Or rather she looked at the magnified images of his eyes through the thick lenses of his spectacles. 


“No?” Retinoff answered.  “And you just go around rescuing heroines as a matter of course?”


“I…I… just couldn’t stand by and watch you do what you were doing,” Adriana replied.  “It was disgusting.  No one should be treated like that.”


“Disgusting,” Retinoff echoed, his high pitched voice rising even higher.  “It was a work of art.  I trapped those two heroine whores and was giving the arrogant bitches what they deserved.”  He stepped toward Adriana until he was only a couple of feet away.  He was hopping up and down with rage.  “And you spoiled it!” he finished.  “Now I’m going to have some fun with you.”


“Prepare her,” he ordered, spittle flying from his mouth.  Immediately Jenk and Rip grabbed her arms and led her toward two gleaming steel columns in the centre of the room. 


Adriana dug in her heels, but the two huge men simple lifter her off her feet and carried her across the room.  Her arms tightly held, Adriana could only kick her feet in a most unheroic manner as she was propelled across the room.  Reaching the pillars each man grabbed part of her robe and pulled it from her body.  Naked and no longer quite so composed, Adriana struggled while her arms were pulled to either side and secured to shackles attached to each of the posts. 


“Nice set of tits,” grunted Rip as he fastened Adriana’s right wrist.  He moved his hand toward her, his fingers spread. 


“Touch her and you’ll walk bowlegged for the rest of your life,” Retinoff hissed.  “She’s mine now.  You can have her when I am through with her.”


Rip dropped his hand, a scowl across his heavy face, but he did not look at Retinoff.  There was no doubt abut who was in the superior position. 


Adriana yanked at her shackles, but there was no give.  She looked up to see Retinoff studying her.


The rat-like scientist ran his eyes  up and down his victim’s body.  She seemed very young, a characteristic that made her even more attractive.  With her arms over her head, her breasts were lifted, emphasizing their fullness.  Her dark nipples contrasted with the light mahogany of the rest of her skin. 


High cheekbones, dark almond eyes, and full lips gave her face an exotic beauty.  Retinoff rated her right up there with the Jade Dragon, Scarlet Falcon, Black Leopard and other gorgeous women he had captured. 


His eyes dropped to her narrow waist and flaring hips.  His eyes narrowed as they dwelt on the small patch of downy fur between her legs.  That would have to go.  “Fetch me a shaving kit.” He ordered.


“Don’t touch me!” Adriana exclaimed as Retinoff approached with the razor, but the diminutive scientist only smiled. 


“Lift her,” He ordered.  Rip and Jenk placed their hands under her backside and arched her toward the waiting Russian.  Adriana tried to twist out of their grip, but that just gave the two men an excuse to fondle her.  Tightly held, she could only squirm as Retinoff applied a thick lather to her pudenda.  Then he shaved her. 


Adriana’s cinnamon skin darkened in a flush as her pubic region was shaved clean, revealing every detail of her vulva.  She flinched at every touch of the razor.  A single slip and the most sensitive area of her genitalia would be irreparably damaged.  “Exquisite, don’t you think?” Retinoff mused, admiring his work.  “A much neglected region of female beauty.”


The two drooling thugs did not reply, but they were most appreciative as Retinoff parted Adriana’s labia revealing the pink interior.  “All the same colour on the inside aren’t we?” Retinoff asked.  He rubbed his fingers over the newly shaven skin.


Adriana cringed, wishing she had never been so stupid as to interfere with the affairs of a master criminal.  Whatever had possessed her to rescue the two heroines?  She had destroyed her life and now was about to pay a very heavy price for her one good deed. 


Retinoff continued to stroke her silken skin, running his hands over her body.  Adriana tried to hold herself still.  Retinoff was salivating, licking his lips as he fondled her.  “Lovely,” he murmured.  “Too bad Rolands deflowered her.  I would have liked to do it myself.”  He dropped his hands.  “But I have played with her enough.  Now it is time to have some real fun.”


“Chain her ankles,” he ordered as he moved away from her.  Rip and Jenk were quick to comply, spreading her legs as they shackled each ankle to the bottom of one of the metal posts.  Retinoff meantime busied himself in a corner of the room.  There was a slight rumbling sound as he began to roll a strange-looking apparatus toward her. 


Adriana’s dark eyes widened.  The bizarre machine looked innocent enough, consisting of a barrel about eighteen inches in diameter.  Its top surface had two circular openings about two inches apart.  What its purpose could be Adriana had no idea, but since Retinoff was pushing it toward her she had little doubt that she was going to find out rather quickly. 


“You are going to enjoy this,” Retinoff smirked as he positioned the device between her legs.  The drum was adjustable and Retinoff moved it so that it was pressed up against her thighs, actually lifting her slightly from the floor.  It was like sitting on the back of a horse, and not particularly uncomfortable, despite the fact that it placed some tension on the shackles about her ankles, but Adriana had little doubt that Retinoff what not doing this to make her happy.  She did not protest, however, knowing that any comments she made would simply add to the mad Russian’s pleasure. 


“Now,” Retinoff said, standing back to admire his handiwork, “it is time to provide a little electrical stimulation.”  He moved to a counter along one wall and opened a drawer.  One by one he took several items from the drawer and lay them neatly in the counter in front of him.  He studied them for a few seconds and put several of the items back.   Then, seemingly happy with his selection, he picked up the remaining items and moved toward her.


Adriana could not help herself.  “What are you going to do?” she quavered.


“Decoration,” Retinoff leered.  “Something for a little pain and a little pleasure.”


He held one of the items up in front of her.  It was a shiny gold ring open at one edge.  The direction of his eyes told her what it was for.


“No,” she protested.  “No, please don’t.”


Retinoff laughed.  “Surely you don’t object to a man giving you jewellery.  You certainly had enough of it in your hotel suite.”  It was an old joke, but one that he enjoyed repeating whenever he had the opportunity.


“That wasn’t…”  Adriana was about to say that the jewellery she had stashed in the hotel wasn’t hers, as indeed it wasn’t.  She had kept some of the choicer pieces she had stolen for her personal use.  It now seemed a shameful act.  She had not really considered that she was nothing better than a sneak thief, albeit a very good one, but that was exactly what she was.  She felt like a cornered rat.  Retinoff had her and could do anything he wanted to her. 


“Please,” she said, “don’t hurt me.  I didn’t mean to interfere with you.  I just saw those two women being tortured and tried to help them.”


“You meddled in my affairs,” Retinoff hissed.  “And now you are going to take their place.”  He positioned the ring in a specially shaped pair of pliers and closing his hand on her right breast squeezed the rounded flesh, causing her nipple to protrude.  Adriana whimpered in fear.  With a grin Retinoff closed the pliers. 


“Oh Lord,” Adriana gasped as her hypersensitive nipple was pierced, but she did not cry out.  Sweat broke out all over her body.  What Rolands had done to her had been far more painful, but Retinoff was not fooled.  “You are stronger than I thought,” he said.  “But I doubt that you will hold out very long.”  He held up another ring.  “Eighteen carat gold,” he said.  “Almost too soft for this sort of thing, but an excellent conductor of electricity.”


“Electricity?” Adriana’s mouth went dry.  This sort of thing was beyond her imagination.    Retinoff had already said something about electricity, but in her muddled fear she had blocked it from her mind.  What was he going to do?


She didn’t find out right away.  Retinoff still had five rings left.  She winced as he placed one in each of her labia and a third in her clitoral hood.  The last one was the worst.  As the ring grazed her tiny clit she almost screamed.  She shuddered in fear as Retinoff stood back to admire his handiwork. 


Cold chills ran down Adriana’s spine.  Trembling in fear, she opened her mouth to beg for mercy, but closed it when she saw the triumphant look in Retinoff’s magnified eyes.  The vile little scientist was enjoying every second of her pain and humiliation.  It would do no good to plead for mercy.  Retinoff would simply derive more pleasure from her humiliation. 


Retinoff hid his disappointment.  He had expected the girl to be weeping in fear and pain by now, but she was tougher than he had estimated.  He smiled.  So much the better.  It would be even more enjoyable when she finally broke.  He picked up the wires and began to attach them to the rings.


Adriana clenched her jaw to keep from screaming.  What Retinoff was doing was not particularly painful, but it was terrifying.  There was little doubt as to what he was preparing her for.  In a few minutes jolts of electricity would be sent through the wires.  The pain would be almost beyond imagination. 


Retinoff attached the last wire.  “Now you black whore, let’s see how well you resist this.”  He went to his control panel and turned on the current.


Adriana expected an enormous surge of current, along with the accompanying agony, but she got something else.  As the current flowed into her tender nipples and labia she experienced an incredible sensation, but it was not pain; it was pure sexual stimulation.


“Aaahhh!” Adriana gasped, caught off guard.  The surge of current did hurt, but it also sent a wave of sexual energy surging through her.  She bit back the urge to scream, twisting as she was stimulated again and again.  The current flicked on and off, simulating the stroking of a hundred tiny fingers.  At first her terror helped her fight the erotic stimulation, but gradually it began to wear her down.  Retinoff was a master at manipulating the current, leaving her to wonder just how many women he had tormented in order to achieve such a high level of proficiency.  Slowly, insidiously her resistance was broken down.  Her nipples hardened and her tiny clit enlarged several fold as Retinoff’s vile device manipulated the most sensitive areas of her anatomy.


“Nnnnnn!” Adriana moaned as she fought back a cry of pleasure.  What was Retinoff doing to her?  She had expected to be tortured, but not in this manner.  She twisted her body wildly, as the little Russian and his two hulking henchman watched. 


“She’s bucking like a cat in heat,” Rip exclaimed.  “God I’d like to put my cock into her.”


“You might get that wish,” Retinoff smiled, “but first I want to make this little bitch howl.”  As he spoke he touched another switch on his console and suddenly Adriana knew part of the purpose of the barrel-like object Retinoff had placed beneath her thighs.  The barrel began to vibrate, sending yet another sensation through the areas of her sexual anatomy that were pressed close to it.  She gasped, and tried to lift her body from the device, but Retinoff had raised it high enough that the chains about her ankles prevented that.  Only with a supreme effort was she able to use her arms to gain even a centimeter of separation and her strength soon gave out, forcing her nether region into close contact with the huge vibrator.


“No! NO!” Adriana screamed.  “Stop!”  She gripped the chains above her wrists and pulled upward, trying to avoid further contact, but she could not avoid the pulsing of the electrical current that sent sexual urges surging through her nipples and genitalia.  She thrashed violently, spraying droplets of perspiration in all directions, as deep within her a sensation she had never experienced built up like a volcano. 


“Ohh! OH! Aaaaaaahh!”  Adrian’s untapped sexual energy erupted as her womb contracted in an explosive orgasm.  The smooth muscles of her abdomen rippled as she climaxed, her body arching like a bow as she gave in to unrestrained passion.


Retinoff exchanged a triumphant grin with his two henchmen.   “Like a wild horse,” Jenk exclaimed.  “What I’d give to ride her!”


“Patience,” Retinoff answered.  “First it is time to see just how strong she really is.  It is time for stage two.” 


Adriana hung limply from the chains.  Her sexual eruption had left her exhausted and mortified.  It was one thing to be tortured, but to be brought to orgasm in front of a trio of leering criminals was humiliating in the extreme.  She hung her head, refusing to meet Retinoff’s gaze.


Retinoff walked over to her.  In her stretched position she towered over the gnome-like scientist, but she was hardly the dominant member of the two.  Her chest heaving as she gasped for air, she drew deep shuddering breaths as she hung helpless before him.  “Now that I have proven how much of a slut you are it is time to see if you are as heroic you think you are,” Retinoff said.  He made a small adjustment to the barrel-like device between her thighs. 


“Aahh!” Adriana gasped.  In a sudden blinding flash of realization she knew what Retinoff had done and what the two holes in the top of the drum were for.  “Oh god, no,” she thought.  “This can’t be happening.”  But there was no mistaking the sensation as the huge metallic dildo rose from the drum and slipped between the lips of her vulva.  Then there was an even more frightening sensation as she felt the touch of cold metal against her anus.


“Stop,” she begged.  “You’ll tear me apart!”


“Oh, I doubt that,” Retinoff replied.  “I can assure you that heroines seem made for this sort of thing.”  He moved back to his control panel, and Adriana felt the touch of the dildo change.  It thrust upward and then retreated, beginning a slow in and out motion that deepened incrementally with each upward thrust. 


Adriana didn’t scream much at first.  The penetration was gradual and initially almost pleasant.  Or at least it might have been if she had not been so terrified that she was almost sick to her stomach.  As the double dildos slipped within her, however, she began to moan.  Nothing in her life could possibly have prepared her for the agony of having her anus and vagina forced wide by two instruments that were specifically designed to cause the maximum pain and discomfort. 


Slowly inexorably she was spread wide.  “Stop!  STOP!” Adriana screamed, her voice breaking as the brutal penetration continued.  So great was the pain that she feared she was being permanently damaged.  Surely such agony could not long continue without ripping her open. 


Retinoff’s only response was a cruel smile and a slight adjustment of the controls.  The penetration stopped, to be replaced a humming vibration that sent a wave of sensation through her loins.  At the same time, the two dildos began to move slowly in and out of her providing even more stimulation.


The sensation was both very painful and extremely pleasurable.  Caught between two extremes, Adriana screamed in pain and panted in pleasure.  The torture was extreme, but so was the intensity of the sexual stimulation.  As before Adriana began to respond to the machine, arching her back and moaning in pleasure.  “Please stop,” she begged, while at the same time actually moving her pelvis to allow for greater penetration.  As before. the machine was forcing her to respond against her will. 


Retinoff grinned.  “Excellent,” he said.  “The black slut has an excessive capacity for both pleasure and pain.  Let’s see how she responds to a bit more stimulation.”  He fiddled with the controls on his console to her immense relief Adriana felt the dildos retreat.  It was just in time, she could not have endured much more.  A few seconds later, however, she realized her mistake.  There was a low whirring sound and the drum rotated 90 degrees.  Then there was another whirring sound and two more dildos emerged from the drum.  There was, however, a major difference.  Each of these brutal devices was double the diameter of the first two.  Retinoff giggled.  “Let’s see how you handle these, you black whore.” 


“Nnoohhh! NO! Ahhhhh!” Adriana screamed as she was slowly penetrated.  The dildos were well lubricated, but her tight anus and vagina were not designed to handle such large instruments.  It was like being raped by a stallion and her screams of agony were almost deafening.


“Gag her,” Retinoff ordered.  “I find that noise annoying.”


Adriana’s shrieks subsided into muffled cries as a ball gag was forced into her mouth, but the torture did not stop.  Retinoff kept it up for over an hour while he fiddled with the dials, trying out variations of his sexual toy.  He finally stopped when a dark-haired man entered the room.


“Enjoying yourself?” the man asked. 


“I was until now,” Retinoff replied.  To Adriana’s unbelievable relief he turned off the machine, leaving her body quivering with pain.


“What do you want?” Retinoff asked, seemingly annoyed that his fun had been interrupted.


“I was wondering if you are finished with Ape.  I have some more tests I want to perform on him.”


Retinoff looked slightly embarrassed.  He cleared his throat.  “I seem to have lost Ape,” he confessed.  “I sent him out a few days ago and he hasn’t come back.”


“I warned you that he was not ready,” the dark-haired man said testily.  “He is quite intelligent, but has the emotional maturity of a six-year- old.” 


“Yes,” Retinoff agreed.  “You are right.  I probably should not have sent him out, but I thought it was a good test and he is very good at climbing trees.”


By now Adriana’s pain clouded vision had cleared.  The man speaking to Retinoff was about average height, but broad-shouldered and appeared quite strong.  He sported a thin mustache and seemed to be in his mid-forties. 


“That is probably the stupidest thing I have ever heard you say,” the mustached man said, angrily.  “Ape was my prize specimen.  He has the intelligence of a human.  It will take me months to replace him.”


Retinoff seemed undisturbed by the anger of his colleague.  “My dear Moreau,” he replied calmly.  “I have something much better.  Instead of creating humans out of animals how would you like to create an animal out of a human?”


Moreau closed his mouth and looked thoughtfully at Adriana.  That look sent a chill of fear through her fevered body.  “You mean this one?” he asked.


“Possibly,” Retinoff replied, “but even better would be to try it out on one of the superheroines.  Let’s say the Scarlet Falcon.”


Moreau stroked his chin.  “Interesting thought,” he said, but how do you intend to catch her?  You haven’t had much success so far.”


“To catch a heroine,” Retinoff replied, “you just need the right bait.”  He nodded toward Adriana.  I think the little nigger will do just fine don’t you?”


Moreau smiled.  “I think you have a good idea there,” he said.  “In the meantime, would you mind if I borrow her for awhile?  After all, you lost Ape.  It seems only fair that you provide a substitute.”


“Retinoff grinned.  “Certainly.  I’ve had my fun with her.  After all friends should be willing to share.  Just try not to damage her.”


“Moreau grinned.  “Damaging her was not what I had in mind.”  He licked his lips.  Adriana suppressed a shudder.  It was not hard to imagine what Moreau had planned for her, and she was not looking forward to it.  Chained and helpless, she felt her spirits plummet as Reinoff’s goons removed her from between the two pillars.  They led her back toward her room, Moreau following.  She suspected that it was going to be a long night.



Ape used his immensely powerful arms to hoist himself up the side of the building.  Halfway up he passed an interesting looking beetle.  Without pausing he popped it into his mouth and crunched it between his teeth.  He wondered if he should still be doing that sort of thing, but eating beetles was instinctive, and – he smacked his lips – quite tasty.  He went more slowly as he reached the top of the building.  He was very close to his old master now and although he now felt quite comfortable as a member of the Black Leopard’s gang, he was quite mindful of the fact that Moreau and his old master might regard his actions as somewhat treasonous. 


He felt a bit guilty about that, but Blackie had explained that Moreau and his old master, the man Blackie called Retinoff, were evil and he had to admit that he was afraid of them.  The mission she had given him was simple, find a way into Retinoff’s hideout, one that she and her pussies could use.  It was a relatively simple task, all he had to do was return to the place where he had always lived and not get caught. 


Just in case he did run into trouble though, Blackie had told him what to do.  She called it an “alibi,” something that he could use to explain his absence if her ran into Retinoff.  


“Tell Retinoff you went to the zoo,” Blackie had said.  “Tell them that there was an attractive monkey there that you just had to visit.”


It seemed like a good plan; all the more so due to the fact that Ape had never been to this “zoo” thing, but it sounded so interesting that he decided to drop in on it on the way back.  Apparently it was a place where all sorts of interesting animals lived.  Animals like him.  He liked animals.  It was one of the reasons why he was drawn to the Black Leopard.  Blackie was more of an animal than some of the animals Ape had come across.  Not only that but she was very beautiful, and as he had found out for himself, having sex with her was great fun.  And then there was Cheetah.  Not only was the brown-haired big breasted pussy very attractive, but she had been quite willing to teach him a bit more about sex.  And Cheetah seemed to know a lot about sex, much more than Ape would have imagined. 


He stopped his climb outside the window he had used in the past to exit Retinoff’s headquarters.  It didn’t seem to be any different than the last time he had been there.  He stopped to think.  Well, he had done as Blackie had asked.  He had found an easy way into his old master’s headquarters.  Easy for him at least.  It was five stories off the ground, but he had no doubt that Blackie could probably make the climb as easily as he could.


He began to climb back to the street and then stopped.  Surly it wouldn’t hurt to have a better look at his old master’s hideout.  It was possible that Retinoff had taken steps to make it more difficult to break into his HQ.  That would certainly make Blackie happy, and he was a little afraid of Blackie.  He knew that he had easily overpowered her, but that was because he had caught her off-guard.  Next time he realized he might not be so lucky. 


Quickly he slipped through the window.  He found himself in the stairwell of the large warehouse.  It was a natural highway for him.  Dropping over the edge he swung easily from landing to landing, descending floor after floor until he reached the subbasement.  It was like coming home.  He had fond memories of this place.  This is where Doctor Moreau had trained him and he knew every inch of it. 


There were a number of security devices he had to deactivate, but that provided little difficulty.  The codes had not been changed and after twisting a few dials he was inside the lower corridors.  He moved silently down the corridor.  He was very close to where Moreau had his quarters.  Ape was curious.  He had never been in the Doctor’s rooms.  Surely it wouldn’t hurt to have a look, provided Moreau was not home. 


He passed several rooms where Moreau had his laboratories.  He had never been in any of them.  They had been strictly off limits when he had been in the complex.  He wondered what was behind each door.  The urge to open all of them was almost irresistible, but even stronger was the desire to see Moreau’s rooms, so fighting off his simian curiosity he ignored them for now. 


His sensitive nose detected a familiar odour.  Someone was using tobacco, a habit that he knew Retinoff detested, but Moreau did not mind.  In any case it tipped him off to the presence of one of the men guarding the complex.  He knew that there were not too many in this section of the building, Moreau was rather secretive about his work, unlike Retinoff who enjoyed showing off. 


Silently on his padded feet he moved farther down the corridor.  As he had already surmised one of Moreau’s assistants was standing outside one of the doors to the lab.  Although Moreau saw nothing wrong with smoking he did not allow it in the lab.  The man was blocking the corridor, but that posed little problem for Ape.  Flexing his powerful legs he launched himself saliently to the network of steel girders that supported the roof and moved over the unsuspecting assistant almost as quickly as if he had been on foot.


He slowed as he neared Moreau’s suite of rooms his sensitive ears turned forward.  It was with a feeling of disappointment that he heard sounds coming from inside the complex.  Moreau was home and that meant he would not be able to safely go inside.


He stopped and listened for a few seconds just to make sure and what he heard caused his deep brown eyes to go wide.  It was the unmistakable sound of a woman sobbing.  He continued to listen, wondering who the woman was and why she was in Moreau’s rooms.  What he heard caused his normally placid face to darken.  The woman was begging someone to stop, although he couldn’t determine what the unknown person was supposed to stop doing.  The Moreau’s voice came from the room and answered his question. 


Ape trembled.  He remembered what Cheetah had told him; that taking women against their will was evil.  But clearly that is what Moreau seemed to be doing.  The woman’s words were filled with fear and pain.  Moreau was hurting her and his own words showed that he was enjoying doing it.  Ape’s brow knitted and he bared his powerful fangs.  Then he moved.



Adriana screamed again.  Moreau had been violating her for hours and but the pain was still excruciating.  He had wasted little time once he got her into his luxurious suite of rooms.  He had pushed her into the bedroom, forced her down on the bed, and raped her savagely; enjoying the pain he caused her as he entered her ravaged love canal. 


After what Retinoff had done to her Adriana did not think that Moreau could much to hurt her, but she found out differently.  It was every bit as badly as the first time when Rolands had taken her.  What she had not realized was that the tender flesh of her vagina and anus would swell from the brutal bruising Retinoff had given it, leaving it even more sensitive than before. 


Moreau, however, seemed to be fully aware of that and he did everything he could to satisfy his sadistic urges.  Her breasts, thighs, and buttocks were covered with bite marks where he had “tasted” her.  And now he had found another way to torment her.  Tiring of simply raping her, he had produced a huge studded dildo and had worked it into her, making sure that its application was a painful as possible.  She had begged him to stop, but her pleas simply seemed to encourage him to hurt her even more. 


“Come on, scream you black whore,” Moreau ordered as he twisted the dildo inside her. 


Adriana did as she was told, but the noise that came forth was a rasp.  Her throat was too hoarse from screaming to make a proper sound.


“I said scream,” Moreau shouted, pushing the dildo in so far that Adriana was sure it would rupture her womb.  She writhed in agony and was barely aware of the sudden crash in the outer room.


Moreau, however, did hear the noise.  He looked toward the door of the bedroom and then shouted in surprise and anger.  “You!  What are you doing here?  Get out!”


“You are hurting the lady a voice replied.  “That is bad.  You must stop.” 


“You filthy beast,” Moreau raged.  “You dare to give me orders.  I created you.”


Adriana looked past Moreau.  Standing in the doorway was a man – or something like a man – dressed only in a pair of coveralls.  Whatever it was, it looked angry and quite menacing.  Ignoring Moreau’s orders to leave the thing moved farther into the room.


“You are bad,” the beast said.  “Very very bad.  That is not the proper way to have sex.”


Moreau got to his feet and stepped toward the creature.  Adriana still wasn’t sure what it was.  It looked a bit like a monkey, but seemed to have human attributes.  Moreau seemed incredulous as if he could not believe that the creature was still in the room.  “I said get out,” he raged and he swung his fist at the beast.


The beast’s arm moved incredibly fast, catching Moreau’s wrist before his fist even came close to striking him.  With a flick of his arm he hurled the astonished scientist across the room.  Then he moved toward Adriana. 


“Ape save you,” the creature said, and before the battered girl could move it scooped her up, and tossing her over its shoulder, carried her out of the room. 


In spite of Adriana’s 130 pounds, the creature moved easily, almost as if she weighed nothing.  It sprinted to the door of Moreau’s suite and then to her surprise launched itself toward the ceiling and swinging up among the roof girders sped through the complex faster than a man could run.  Below her Adriana could see men running toward Moreau’s apartments, oblivious to the fact that their quarry was above them.  And then they were into the stairwell where Adriana experienced an astonishing ride as the beast climbed from level to level using the metal railings on the outside to the steps until it finally reached the roof of the building.  However, her wild ride did not stop there.  The creature dashed to the edge of the roof and without pausing leaped across an impossible space to the roof of the next building. 


Adriana would have screamed in terror if she had not already been paralyzed with fear, so she did the next best thing.  Overcome with the trauma of her ordeal and exhausted beyond reason, she fainted.