Title: Tomb Hunter: Episode 7: Larra’s Saharan Adventure

Email: Lespion@msn.com



The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 7

Larra’s Saharan Adventure


Chapter 9  Concubine


The exalted son of Ra, high priest, and ruler of the true Egypt, Ramses XVII listened with interest to the tale his minister presented to him.  Single handed the woman who stood in front of him had escaped from his most secure dungeon, engineered a mass prison escape and had killed and injured at least two score of his best soldiers.  It was an incredible story, but as his eyes took in the strange woman standing before him he could well believe it. 


Her body, although erotically curved was also lean and fit.  Smooth muscles moved beneath her satin smooth skin and her bearing was that of a warrior.  She stood straight and tall.  Even though heavily bound and restrained by four soldiers she reminded him of a leopard ready to pounce. 


But she was also completely exhausted.  Only pride and iron will was keeping her on her feet.  Her magnificent body was covered with cuts and bruises and the sound of her laboured breathing was clearly audible.  A few more minutes and she would collapse. 


For what she had done she deserved the most painful and degrading death imaginable.  Up until he had seen her Ramses had a number of these in mind, but all thoughts of her execution were laid aside the second he saw her.  Perhaps one day he would execute this woman, but he was going to enjoy her first.  And enjoy her in all the ways his inventive mind could imagine.


There was a bit of a problem.  The high priest thought she might be a demon from the underworld.  There was no other way to explain her ability to defeat so many soldiers.  The priests wanted her sacrificed to appease the gods and he had to admit that the thought that this mysterious white woman might be some sort of evil spirit had occurred to him.  But his lust was stronger than his superstition.  He would have her first; then perhaps he would turn her over to the priests.  First though she would need time to heal.  She was far too filthy and beaten to be worthy of a pharaoh’s bed in her present condition.  He clapped his hands ordering his personal servants forward. 


Two huge men seized her arms and escorted the adventuress from the room.  Actually, assisted would be a better word, as Larra was almost finished.  The flight and the fight in the desert heat had left her close to fainting.  She was taken deeper into the building through several heavily guarded doorways and down several flights of stairs.  It appeared that she was being returned to the dungeons, but this time she was sure it would be much more difficult to escape.  To her surprise, however, she was taken to a small room where she was forced to her knees.  It did not require much pressure; Larra was so close to  passing out that she almost fell down by herself.  But it soon became clear that her captors were taking no chances.  As she knelt helplessly on the marble floor one of the guards produced set of gold shackles which they quickly clamped about her ankles.  The shackles had no lock, but that was quickly remedied by forcing a pin through the staple and hammering it closed.  A set of manacles was then produced; constructed of gleaming gold like the ankle shackles.  These were fastened to her arms just above her elbows.  She had to be laid on her side in order for the pin closing the manacles to be hammered flat.  Both the shackles on her ankles and those on her arms were connected by a short length of gold chain, the links connecting her arms passing behind her back.  Only when she was secured with the chains were the ropes binding her cut, allowing her limited freedom of movement. 


She was hauled to her feet by the Nubian guards and dragged back the way they had come.  Freed of the constricting bondage she had been subjected to when she was captured, Larra found that she could now move her arms, but only in a very limited manner.  The gold links connected the arm shackles to one another behind her back.  It allowed her to move her hands as far as her mouth so that she would be able to feed herself, but any attempt to fight would be almost impossible.  Similarly the chains linking her ankles enabled her to walk, but made it impossible to kick or run. 


In spite of her exhaustion Larra wondered where she was being taken.  She had expected to be returned to the dungeon or even worse taken out and executed, but the area of the palace she was being taken through was luxuriously furnished and did not resemble a prison in any way.  A few minutes later she found out why it was so heavily guarded.  Entering a final doorway, past four huge Nubian guards, she found herself in a richly appointed room full of nude women.  Larra realized she was in the harem of the Nubian pharaoh.


Several dozen pairs of eyes turned her way.  An elderly woman approached and spoke to the guards.  A short conversation ensued and then the older woman snapped her fingers.  Immediately five serving girls came forward.  Taking hold of Larra’s arms they moved her into a side doorway, followed by the two guards.  The room they entered appeared to be a large bathroom and several naked young women were splashing about in a large pool.  The older women clapped her hands and motioned that they should leave.  Within seconds, only Larra and her escorts were in the room. 


The serving girls guided her toward the pool.  It was so large that it was clearly intended not just for bathing but probably for cooling off in the intense desert heat.  As she was immersed in the cool water, Larra felt an immense sense of relief.  It seemed she had never felt anything so good, but she was not allowed to relax; her female attendants followed her into the water and began to give her a thorough scrubbing.  Larra felt a little guilty as the water about her clouded with the filth from her body, but she was too tired to really care. As the dirt, sweat, and blood was washed from her body she relaxed in the arms of her handlers.  What would happen to her later she did not know or care.  She would deal with that when it happened.  For the present, she simply relaxed, conserving her strength.  Sooner or later she would get a chance to escape and she would need to be able to take advantage of it.  With a sigh she allowed her body to slip deeper into the pool and closed her eyes.   



“So it’s time,” Larra thought.  She really didn’t know how she was going to deal with the situation.  The Nubian Pharaoh had left her alone for a week.  She had used the time to heal and learn some of the Nubian language.  She found that the other members of the pharaoh’s harem kept well away from her.  Apparently her reputation as a violent savage had followed her.  But the servant girls could not avoid her and she used them to pick up a good deal of the language.  Although far from fluent, Larra had a pretty good working knowledge of the language and actually understood more than she spoke.  It was something she had always been good at.  At the age of four she had shocked her parents by speaking fluent Japanese which she had picked up from the Japanese house servants.  After that it was onward and upward.  She now spoke several dozen languages, including some very obscure African dialects.  Learning one more was almost second nature to her now. 


She had also learned quite a bit about Nubian society.  First and foremost, her hosts or captors, depending on which way she viewed them, did not regard themselves as black Africans in spite of their skin colour.  They considered themselves the rightful heirs of the great Egyptian civilizations of the past.  Cut off from the rest of the world for centuries they guarded their isolated society against all intruders. 


She had also learned something equally amazing.  It turned out that there was a second civilization contained within the maze of canyons and valleys; this one also claiming to be the rightful heir to all things Egyptian.  The two civilizations had been at war for hundreds of years with neither gaining any advantage.  It was here where Larra entered Nubian myth.  The Nubian Pharaoh had seized on her as an omen of victory.  It was his belief that by taking her to his bed he would win the support of the gods and triumph over his rivals. 


With her limited vocabulary it had taken Larra a little time to learn all of this.  But she was aided in her inquiries by a sympathetic serving girl who had been impressed by the fact that Larra, of all the harem women, did not treat her like dirt.  She found the pharaoh’s misconception disturbing.  Although flattered to be considered a sign of the goodwill of the gods, she was in no rush to mate with the pharaoh.  In spite of the honour, she had no desire to prostitute herself merely to remain on his good side. 


But as she was escorted to the pharaoh’s living quarters, it appeared that she had very little choice.  Her golden chains made it impossible to defend herself, and escape from the two giant bodyguards that marched on either side of her seemed very unlikely. 


The door to the bedchamber swung wide and Larra was escorted in.  She was still very self-conscious about her appearance.  Although proud of her physique, she was not used to so much of it being on display all the time. 


She wore only jewelry.  Apparently it was the appropriate attire for Nubian slave girls.  About her waist was clasped a heavy gold chain.  Similar ornaments adorned her wrists, throat, and ankles.  Tiny bells attached to the chains jingled as she moved.  Her hair, which she usually wore in a long braid, had been combed out and shone with copper highlights.  It reached almost to her waist and swirled abut her body as she moved.  About her brow was another circlet of gold studded with emeralds.  This she had been informed was a sign of the pharaoh’s favour.  To ensure that she gave no trouble, an additional restraint had been secured about her neck in the form of a gold collar and chain.  She was led forward like a dog by the pharaoh’s personal guard, sent to summon her to his august presence. 


The two huge guards that flanked her were armed with swords and spears.  She had learned that these men were eunuchs, trusted in the presence of the pharaoh’s women only because they could not perform sexually.  It did not mean that they could not fight, however.  Larra felt that they would be formidable opponents. 


The pharaoh awaited her sitting on a divan next to a table laden with food and drink.  She was led into the room by the two guards, who escorted her to the bed.  There they securely fastened the chain connected to the collar to a metal staple on the frame of the bed.  It was long enough to allow her to stand, but she could not move a step from the bed.  Then the two guards turned, and bowing, left the room and closed the door.  She was alone with the pharaoh.  Well, almost alone.  Four naked girls moved large palm leaves over them, creating a cooling breeze.  She stood defiant before him, refusing to bow as she had been told she must.  To be raped was bad enough.  She would not cooperate by degrading herself further.    


Ramses XVII studied the remarkable woman seated on the pile of cushions across from him from beneath half closed eyelids.  He pretended to eat and drink while his eyes swept over her.  Many things about this woman fascinated him.  When he had first seen her he had been struck by her height.  She was taller than any woman in his court, and better endowed than most.  Her breasts resembled succulent melons and her nipples sweet berries.  His mouth watered at the thought of tasting those delectable buds. 


Although quite heavily tanned, she was lighter skinned than anyone in his court.  And the some parts of her anatomy were creamy white, especially her breasts and loins.  As she shifted her position slightly her breasts swayed.  He licked his lips as he pictured cupping those soft warm cushions. 


And what incredible eyes she had!  They blazed like amethysts.  He could almost sense the fire burning within her.  This woman would not go meekly to his bed.  She would have to be forced.  Somehow that idea excited him even more.  It would be like taming a lioness. 


He noted that her womanly curves disguised powerful muscles beneath her velvet skin and she moved with the fluid grace of a gazelle.  He had the feeling that she was like a bent bow waiting to release its energy to the arrow.  This woman was not only incredibly beautiful, but was also very deadly.  She exuded a sense of danger.  She was unlike any other female he had ever met.  Rising from his divan he moved toward her.


Larra awaited him.  There was nowhere else to go.  She studied him more openly, her eyes bold and unafraid.  Taller than she was by several inches, the pharaoh was an impressive figure. Numerous gold ornaments decorated his arms and ankles and his waist was girded by a golden belt.  He wore only a short kilt that left most of his legs bare and revealed his muscular torso.  Under different circumstances she might have found him interesting, but it was difficult to view the man who wanted to take her against her will with anything but revulsion. 


Slowly the pharaoh moved toward Larra, moving around her like a jackal circling a potential kill.  Larra tensed slightly.  Even chained she was not entirely helpless, and she had a plan of sorts, but she needed one more element for it to succeed.  Somehow she had to get the pharaoh completely alone, and that would not be easy.  Ever since she had been added to the harem she had been closely watched, treated almost like a wild beast.  It was one of the reasons why none of the other women in the harem approached her.  She was regarded as some sort of savage.  If it had not been for her beauty and white skin she was sure that she would have been kept in an iron cage.  The girls operating the fans were a problem.  It would take them only seconds to alert the guards if she tried anything, and there was no way of dealing with them.  She was not about to assault four innocent slave girls just so she could escape. 


Ramses made his decision.  He would have this woman.  If she resisted she would be punished.  It was an event he was actually looking forward to.  


Larra sat calmly on the bed.  She had very little choice.  Escape was almost impossible.  “Why has the mighty pharaoh chosen to treat me thus?” she asked in the formal language of the court.  “I came to thy country in peace and was set upon like a common bandit.”


“Thou didst attack my guards and most grievously kill and injure many,” the pharaoh replied.  He was most impressed by the barbarians’ command of the court language.  A week ago she had spoke only some barbarian babble.  Now her accent was almost flawless.


“I sought only to escape the cruel imprisonment and vile treatment of thy guards.  I expected a better welcome from so great a pharaoh.”


Ramses frowned.  “Seek not to prescribe protocol for the pharaoh.  Thou art a demon and must be tamed.”


Ramses moved as he spoke, circling behind Larra.  Warily she watched him, trying to turn and follow him, but there was not enough play in the chain for her to move more than a foot or so.  If he decided to attack there would be no way of avoiding him.  He smiled at her, clearly enjoying the game of cat and mouse. 


“This hardly becomes a great pharaoh,” Larra said.  She tried to break the gold chains that held her, but they resisted just as they had resisted all the other times she had tried to snap them. 


“Tormenting a helpless woman is far beneath the dignity of any man,” she continued. 


“Tormenting?  Thou art a demon and far from helpless.  Only a great pharaoh can tame thee and I intend to do so.”  He stepped toward her, forcing her back onto the bed through sheer strength. 


It was the opening Larra had been waiting for.  She brought her knee up between his legs.  Fortunately for Ramses the ankle chains restricted her movement.  She caught him where it hurt, but the blow was not disabling. 


“Demon!” screamed the pharaoh, clutching his gonads.  He was doubled over in pain, but still able to move beyond Larra’s reach.  The door to the room opened and the two huge eunuchs thundered in.


“The demon attacked me,” screamed the pharaoh.  “She must be punished.  Tie her to the bed.”    


Larra assumed the best defensive position she could.  Chained to the bed, her movements were limited.  Feigning fear she backed her body across the bed while the two huge men closed with her.  She caught the first one lunging toward her.  Leaning back on her elbows she launched her lower body like a javelin, smashing her pointed toes into the eunuch’s diaphragm.  The impact stopped him in his tracks and hurled him across the room.  He struck the wall with a thud and slid senseless to the floor.


Unfortunately, she was not able to leave the bed to deal with the second guard.  Seeing the fate of his companion he backed away.  The pharaoh, his fade twisted with rage screamed at the now cautious eunuch.  “Get her you fool.  She is but a woman!”


Rolling his eyes in fright, the huge guard ignored his master and instead stayed where he was, his eyes fixed on Larra.  Ramses screamed almost insanely, yelling for more guards.  His enraged shrieks were soon answered.  Several more of the huge harem guards charged into the room.  “Subdue her,” he ordered, pointing a trembling finger at Larra.  “Bind her to the bed.”


Larra twisted her body in an attempt to fight off her attackers, but they came at her from all sides.  As she struck out with her feet at the closest man, two others moved in and pinned her to the bed.  Within a few seconds they had immobilized her powerful thrusting legs, and looping ropes about her, lashed her face up to the bed. 


Lara fought desperately, refusing to surrender until her arms and legs were completely pinioned.  Only then did she lay quiescent, her breath puffing from her lungs like a bellows.  Ramses moved over to the helpless woman.  “Demon, thou hast sinned against the pharaoh and will be punished, first with pain and then with the mighty spear of my loins.”


He picked up a length of leftover rope.  “Lift and spread her legs.  I wish to punish her sex.”


“Thou art a true coward,” Larra gasped as her legs were untied and pulled apart.  She was helpless to resist, each leg in the grip of a huge eunuch.  The men seemed to know exactly what to do and she guessed that the brutal pharaoh had probably amused himself this way before. 


“Thou art not a woman,” replied the pharaoh.  “No woman fights thus unless possessed by a powerful spirit.  But I am pharaoh.  I can tame that spirit.”  He raised his arm.


The rope made a swishing sound as it cut the air.  Larra was helpless to avoid it.  She was tethered to the bed by ropes crossing her breasts and belly, and each leg was pulled back almost to her shoulders, spreading her and exposing her nether region and backside.  The rope struck with agonizing force, the full power of the pharaoh’s arm behind it. 


The first blow was delivered across her buttocks and was far more painful than she expected.  Ramses had soaked the rope in water and there was absolutely no give to the heavy cord.  She made no sound however, other than a quick intake of breath as the rope left a nasty welt across her backside.  Ramses frowned.  He had expected a scream of pain, but this incredible woman seemed impervious even to his most vicious attack.  Compressing his lips he drew back his arm and struck again.


This time Larra gasped as the rope came down upon her genitalia.  Her vulva was slightly spread due to the almost impossible position of her legs, and Ramses with practiced skill brought the lash right down in the centre of her cleft.  It was as if someone had kicked her in the groin, sending a flash of intense pain through her nether regions.  It took immense courage and self-control not to scream in agony, and she knew she could not hold out against such pain forever.  Sooner or later she would break down and then she would scream for mercy.  All Ramses had to do was continue to torture her. 


Ramses did just that, patiently wielding the soaked rope with deadly precision.  At the eleventh blow to her vulva Larra screamed.  Ramses grinned in satisfaction.  Taming a demon was most rewarding.  “Now, demon, you feel the full power of a pharaoh.  Soon you will be further tamed by his mighty spear.”


Larra writhed, twisting her body as each blow landed.  Her backside blazed in pain and the region of her vulva burned like fire.  Unable to stop herself, she screamed horribly, her features distorted by the terrible pain.


“Submit,” Ramses shouted as he delivered each blow.  “Submit to the will of the pharaoh.”  Sweating and gasping with the exertion of beating his helpless victim, he nevertheless continued to flog her, waiting for her to break.  It took a good hour before she did.


Hardly able to lift the rope, Ramses was about to turn over the task of flogging the demon to one of the eunuchs when she offered him her submission. 


“I submit,” Larra gasped.  She could hardly form the words.  Her entire existence was centred on the frightening agony of the brutal flogging.  Unable to escape and beaten almost into a state of insensibility, she sought only relief from her fearful ordeal.  Goaded by Ramses continual demands, she finally spoke the words he commanded. 


Ramses threw down the whip.  He had won.  Staggering over to the bath he ordered the eunuchs to send for his serving girls.  As he immersed himself in the cool water and he was handed a cup of wine he gestured toward the sobbing demon.  “Keep her under close guard, but tend to her wounds.  Tomorrow I shall finish with her.”  Turning to the serving girl he held out his cup.  “More wine,” he demanded.



The rest of that day and all of the night Larra lay awake.  She was in far too much pain to sleep.  Even her meditation techniques could not block out the terrible throbbing in her loins and buttocks.  Finally, during the early hours of morning she fell into an exhausted stupor.  When Ramses himself came to see her she neither heard nor recognized his presence.


“So, she is but a woman after all,” said the dark-skinned pharaoh.  “I have tamed her.  Now she will do my bidding.  See that she heals and send her to me when she is ready.  I await her with impatience.”


It took Larra a week to recover from the taming she had received at the hands of the pharaoh.  Even then she was still sore in her nether region.  It would take a full month for her to properly heal, but Ramses was not prepared to wait that long.  He sent for her on the seventh day. 


Once more she was chained around the neck.  This time two chains were used to control her, each held by a eunuch that paced on either side of her as she was escorted onto Ramses’ presence.  Her arms were pinioned behind her back, held there by gold manacles clamped on each wrist.  Her legs controlled by a temporary tether that could be easily removed when Ramses sought to take her to his bed.  She was helpless, but more than that she was broken in spirit.  The savage beating she had received at the hands of the pharaoh had convinced her of the futility of any resistance.  She had not given up hope of escape, but realized that any open show of opposition would be savagely punished.  Still suffering from her previous ordeal, she had no wish to endure anything like it again.  She had promised to submit, and she was forced to keep that promise – for now.


She went to her knees as she entered the presence of the pharaoh.  During her week-long convalescence her guards had worked on that aspect of her behavior.  Too weak to fight back, she had been forced to comply with their demands.  Now she kowtowed almost without thought in the presence of her “superiors.” 


Ramses nodded his approval.  With a wave of his hand he dismissed the serving girls, but not the eunuchs who served as the demon’s guards.  He was not going to make that mistake again.  Without the girls to fan him, he would be quite hot, but he had a simple solution to that problem. 


Raising he motioned to the demon, ordering her to follow him.  He took her to the large pool of cool water reserved for bathing and relaxing.  He had found making love while partially submerged to be a most erotic experience; and the cool water kept the participants comfortable.  Removing his crown and white cotton kilt, he stepped into the pool and waited for the demon to follow him.


His eyes once again swept over her as she stepped into the shallow end of the pool.  Her movements were a bit stiff, attesting to the severity of the beating she had received, but she moved with a sure athletic grace that was still wonderful to behold.  Her magnificent breasts swayed as she leaned forward slightly, adjusting her balance as she entered the pool.  Her face and figure were exquisite.  She was probably the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, but it was her pale skin that intrigued him most.  Kept out of the desert sun for a couple of weeks, she had lost most of her tan, revealing a flawless ivory complexion that was wondrous to behold.  What children she would bear!  They would be the envy of all his subjects.  He licked his lips.  Moving to the side of the pool he motioned her to kneel before him.


Trembling slightly, Larra complied.  No words needed to be spoken.  She knew what was expected of her.  The pharaoh stood before her, immersed in water up to his knees, his partially erect phallus dangling at her eye level.  As he reached out and took her head in his hands she parted her lips. 


Ramses sighed as Larra’s lips closed about the glans of his penis.  The smooth warmth of her mouth thrilled him almost as much as the sense of power his domination of the white woman gave him.  Slowly he pushed into her, holding her head in place.  Her cooperation was reluctant, but the sheer excitement of forcing this incredibly dangerous female to take his mighty shaft was almost overwhelming.  Gasping in pleasure he thrust deep within her warm mouth as his thick member stiffened. 


Larra flushed deep red as the pharaoh invaded her mouth.  Her humiliation could not have been more profound, but the ache between her legs was a constant reminder as to what resistance would mean.  Almost overcome with shame she allowed Ramses to violate her, fighting back the urge to gag as he drove to the back of her throat. 


The dark-skinned pharaoh pumped vigorously into the reluctant woman’s mouth, forcing her to prime his shaft into sexual readiness.  He groaned as he pushed between her strong white teeth, and then pulled out of her.  It was time to complete his domination of the she-devil.


Larra grunted as Ramses pulled her erect and moved her up against the side of the pool.  His knee was between her thighs, forcing her legs apart.  At the same time he released the tether allowing her legs to spread as he pushed between them.  She was still very sore, and the pressure of the pharaoh’s thighs on the inside of her legs hurt intensely.  Steeling herself she waited for the inevitable thrust that would further dishonour her. 


When it came, she groaned.  The bruises that covered her nether region throbbed in pain as Ramses pushed into her.  Physically, she was far from ready for such an intrusion, but it was the mental anguish that hurt the most.  There was nothing worse than being forced into sexual submission.  Her chest heaved with suppressed emotion.  Biting her lip she tried to hide her overwhelming sense of degradation.


Ramses stamina was extraordinary.  He drilled Larra for over two hours, pounding into her until she was as sore on the inside as she was on the outside.  The mounting pain soon had her gasping, as did his ruthless mauling of her breasts.  Bending her backward over the edge of the pool he leaned his weight full upon her and lowering his head sucked both nipples erect before biting down hard on each of her areola.  As his teeth pierced her tender flesh she cried out at the sudden pain and then whimpered like a child as he worried each teat like a dog with a bone.  When he finally climaxed his orgasm exploded within her with such power that semen spurted from her vagina.


His chest heaving from exertion, Ramses climbed off the woman he had just raped.  He had tamed the white demon, but he was not entirely pleased.  Although he had enjoyed himself immensely, he was not altogether satisfied with the enthusiasm displayed by his victim.  She had been most passive in her response to his sexual invasion.  He was not used to that in a woman.  Such a lack of sexual cooperation amounted to defiance, and he was not used to defiance. 


Crossing to a table he picked up two leather straps; one short and heavy and the other somewhat lighter.  “You must learn to serve me willingly, she-demon.  If not you will be punished until you do.”


Larra hung her head.  The Nubian Pharaoh had just brutally raped her.  She could hardly believe that she was being blamed for displaying a lack of enthusiasm in her own degradation.  Ashamed, exhausted, and in considerable pain, she slumped against the side of the pool, her body half in the water.  As he returned to the pool she turned her eyes toward him, trying to adopt an expression of submission that would save her from further punishment and humiliation. 


Ramses grabbed her roughly by the hair, the dozens of tiny bells woven into it jingling musically as he did so.  Wrenching her body away from him he forced the thinner leather belt into her mouth and strapped it tightly behind her head, forcing her couth wide open and effectively gagging her. 


“Mmpphh!” Larra protested.  She knew she was about to be put through a further ordeal and attempted to get to her feet, but she was too late.  The pharaoh pushed her down, and taking the second strip of leather strapped her thighs together, immobilizing her. 


Ramses dragged the bound woman from the pool.  Torturing this dangerous woman was almost as satisfying as mounting her.  He was determined to break her spirit.  He suspected that he was very close.  The trembling of her body as he dragged her toward a low stone table was a clear indication of her weakened condition.  It was only a matter of time.  Soon she would be his willing slave and then he could use her any way he wanted.


Larra squirmed as Ramses lay her face down on the cold granite surface of the table.  She was certain that she was about to be tortured once more, but was helpless to do anything about it.  That was the worst part of the torment for her.  Unable to respond, she could only wait helplessly while her abuser devised one more method of brutalizing her.  She wondered what Ramses was going to do to her this time.  Was she to be beaten again?  Or did he have some other even more cruel torture devised for her?


“So beautiful and so helpless,” thought Ramses.  The demon was under his complete control.  But he wanted more than that.  He wanted her to be his obedient slave and she was not yet broken to that level of subservience.  He smiled.  It was certainly going to be most pleasant forcing her to conform. 


Taking a length of hemp rope he tied her thighs and calves tightly to the table, wrapping several lengths of rope completely about the table several times to ensure that she was firmly bound to the table top.  Then he attached another length to the manacles on her wrists.  Just above the table there was a massive stone crosspiece that was part of the roof construction.  He tossed the rope over it and pulling the rope tight, lifted Larra into an excruciatingly painful strapado position. 


“MMPPHH!  MMPPHH!” Larra screamed, the sounds of her torment muted by the leather gag.  Ramses hauled on the rope until her back was arched sharply, her manacled arms pulled parallel to the floor.  She writhed in anguish trying to alleviate the pain, but her struggles only aggravated the intense agony. 


Ramses watched, licking his lips.  The demon’s heavy breasts swung alluringly as she fought against the brutal restraint.  He caught one of the pendulous globes in each hand and squeezed down on the quivering flesh, enjoying the contorting of his victim’s features as he brutally massaged her breasts.  He kept up the torture until the demon’s eyes filled with tears, viciously twisting and pinching the nipples and crushing the bruised and tender hemispheres in his hands.  Then he released her.  He was not, however, quite finished with her. 


He tossed another length of rope over the roof beam after first tying one end of it to the heavy stone table.  Then running the rope the length of the table beneath his victim’s torso, he threaded it between her thighs and pulled it tight, making sure that it wedged itself into the fissure between her legs.  He next slacked off the rope lifting her arms so that her pain-racked body descended until her nipples brushed the top of the table.  Following this he threw the end of the rope between her legs over the roof beam and pulled it tight.  Once more he was rewarded by the demon’s muffled cry of pain as the rope cut deeply into her vulva, forcing her to ride the rope as her backside was lifted a few inches off the table top. 


“Mmmpphh!  Mmmmpphh!  MMMPPPHHHH!” Larra was now being doubly tormented, her arms still in the strapado position, and the rope between her legs cutting viciously into her most private of places.  Tears of pain and rage flowed freely from her violet eyes.  She twisted frantically trying desperately to ease the agony, but her struggles only made the pain worse.  And then Ramses began to beat her.


Caught up in the incredible agony of the dual ropes, she was not aware of his intentions until the heavy leather strap struck her breasts.  It left a red welt from nipple to nipple and resulted in an explosive scream that was not fully muffled by the gag.  The next blow descended upon her buttocks and the one after that across the middle of her back.  Methodically, Ramses worked the leather up and down her body, striking at random and leaving her twisting in torment.  As she bucked under the rain of leather, the strain on her arms was magnified many fold as was the almost unbelievable pain of the rope between her legs.  She screamed again and again, her long hair flying in all directions and her breasts bouncing wildly as she sought relief from the pain. 


But there was no relief.  Ramses seemed to know just how hard to hit her.  He kept up a steady flogging that exacted tremendous pain without being enough to cause her to faint and at the same time had her jumping in agony, thus adding to the anguish of the rope torture.  Soon Larra was screaming uncontrollably, her cries of pain continuous even when Ramses withheld the leather for a few seconds. 


Finally, sweating from the exertion, Ramses tossed down the strip of leather.  But he was not quite finished.  The she-demon needed one more lesson as to who was the master. 


“Know that you exist only to bring me pleasure,” He said as he untied Larra’s legs from the table.  I leave you with this reminder of that.”  Slacking off the crotch rope slightly he moved it to one side, exposing her vulva and anus.  Larra groaned.  Her ravaged vulva was throbbing with pain. 


Ramses slathered his once more rigid phallus with sweet smelling lubricant and climbed on to the table behind the she-demon.  As he did so the she moaned in fear, arching her head around in an attempt to see him.  “A final lesson, she-demon,” Ramses grinned as he parted the helpless female’s buttocks. 


“Mmmppphhh!” Larra’s protest was one of sheer terror.  As Ramses spread the cheeks of her backside she bucked forward, almost dislocating her shoulders.  Screaming in pain she writhed as the pharaoh thrust into her tight sphincter, splitting her wide with his thick meaty spear.  Her muffled shrieks continued for the duration of the anal rape.  Had the leather gag not been in place her cries would certainly have been almost deafening.  Finally satisfied with her suffering, Ramses withdrew.  Stepping off the table he carefully cleaned his still rigid penis and then returning to his position behind Larra he once more penetrated her vulva.  He hammered her from that position for another half hour, reaching around from time to time to squeeze her swaying breasts as he battered her mercilessly from behind.  Throughout the ordeal Larra continued to cry out in pain, her protests rendered unintelligible by the leather belt that parted her teeth.  In spite of the relatively short duration of the violation, Larra’s weakened condition aggravated the pain and humiliation of the ordeal, leaving her utterly beaten.  When Ramses finally climbed off her, she slumped in her bonds, ignoring the pain caused by the ropes wrenching her arms upward and the coarseness of the hemp cord that cut into her vulva.


Clapping his hands, Ramses called his guards into the room and ordered the she-demon taken back to the harem.  He gave explicit instructions that the demon be exhibited to all of the other concubines.  It would serve as the perfect object lesson as to what happened to those who failed in their duty to please the pharaoh.


Larra only vaguely remembered the day following her ordeal in the pharaoh’s bedroom.  She recalled that she was bathed and her injuries tended to and that she was then taken to the pharaoh’s bedchamber once more.  There, she was raped again, but only in a rather perfunctory manner.  It was as if the pharaoh was showing her that he could take her at any time.  But he did not spend much time with her.  Apparently he derived little enjoyment out of violating a victim who barely understood what was happening to her.  And so after only a short interval, she was returned to the harem.  She spent most of the rest of the day asleep, recovering from her session with the pharaoh. 


In this she was helped by the other members of the harem.  In spite of the competition that existed among many of the women for the pharaoh’s attention few of them seemed to take any pleasure in what was being done to the strange white demon who had suddenly appeared amongst them.  Instead, she received the kindest treatment at their hands.  She was washed, bandaged, fed and massaged by the other women, and as a result recovered fairly quickly from her trial.  Her own tremendous conditioning helped as well.  Had she not been so fit recovery would probably have taken weeks.  Instead, she was able to walk unaided in only two days and was healing nicely.  A few more days and she would be back to normal.  And then the pharaoh sent for her once more. 


Once more Larra went through the ritual of being chained.  She was never completely free.  The pharaoh’s guards kept her ankles and wrists chained even when she was supposedly relaxing.  No one was foolish enough to believe that a woman who had defeated a score of the pharaoh’s soldiers could be safely allowed complete freedom.  For her visits to the pharaoh, however, there was the added indignity of the collar and the leash.  Led like a dog on a chain to the pharaoh’s bedchamber Larra experienced the deepest humiliation.  Worse, she had given up her defiant attitude.  That did not mean that she had been broken.  She had far too much spirit for that, but she could no longer stand up to the brutal sexual torture of the Son of Ra.  She would have to submit, if for no other reason than to give her body a chance to heal.  Only then would she be strong enough to have any chance of escape, but she dreaded what she would have to do to please the pharaoh.


Entering the pharaoh’s bedchamber she immediately prostrated herself, going down on her knees and bowing her head to the floor.  The nipples of her naked breasts brushed the cool marble of the bedchamber as she did so.  There was a strong odour in the air.  Larra recognized it as mead, an alcoholic beverage distilled from honey.  She had learned from the other members of the harem that the pharaoh was particularly partial to it.  Unfortunately, the pharaoh was not a pleasant drunk.  The drink tended to make him impatient and bad-tempered.  She would have to be even more careful in his presence. 


From his place on his divan the pharaoh nodded his approval at his slave’s submissive attitude.  “So she-demon; thou hast learned to show proper respect.  We shall see if thou art ready to properly pleasure thy pharaoh.”  With a wave of his arm, he dismissed the guards and motioned Larra to approach the divan.


Head bowed in submission, Larra rose and crossed the floor toward Ramses, conscious all the time of the eyes of the fan-waving slave girls upon her.   The fact that she would have to debase herself was made doubly hard by the fact that her shame would be witnessed by the four young girls.  However, she reminded herself; it could hardly be much worse than having the pharaoh rape and torture her for hours on end.  Reaching the divan she went to her knees once more.  “Exalted son of Ra,” she said, “I bow before thine heavenly presence.  I am thy humble servant.”


“Thy presence pleases me, slave,” replied Ramses, “now please me further.”  Untying the clasp fastening his cotton kilt, he removed it, revealing his already quivering phallus. 


“I am thy willing servant, oh son of Ra,” Larra replied.  Bending her head she took his swelling member between her lips.


It took a tremendous effort of will to so debase herself, but Larra put her honour behind her.  Self-preservation was now uppermost in her mind.  Somehow she had to escape from the Nubian pharaoh and giving him an excuse to brutalize and torture her was not going to do it.  Hard as it was, she closed her lips about his stiffening rod and ran her tongue over it.


Ramses groaned in appreciation.  “Ah, she demon; thou hast learned well.  Mayhap this night thy body will be spared.”  He groaned again as Larra bobbed her head, taking his fleshy spear to the back of her throat.  Leaning forward he began to run his hands over her smooth skin, caressing her lightly and then slid his hands down her ribcage to her swaying breasts.  Closing his fingers over the soft pillowy globes he squeezed them gently, massaging the firm flesh and marveling at their resilient softness.  The she-demon was certainly the most beautiful of creatures.  It was only this fact that had kept her alive.  Any other woman who had so defied him would have been turned over to the palace guard to use as they saw fit.  He had found that the soldiers usually used such woman so roughly that their lives were measured only in weeks. 


He sighed again as her clever tongue caressed his manhood.  Her mouth was truly wonderful.  What a waste it would have been to have given up on such a creature.  He was glad that he had been patient enough to persevere in her training.  He pinched her nipples, while wondering at the white beauty of her satin skin. 


Larra winced slightly as Ramses’ fingers tightened on her nipples.  Even when receiving pleasure the pharaoh found it impossible to control his baser impulses.  But she fought back her desire to fight back or even protest, she knew from bitter experience just how truly brutal the pharaoh could be.  Instead, she engulfed two thirds of the pharaoh’s throbbing manhood in her mouth eliciting another groan of pleasure.  Ramses arched his back, and removing his hands from her breasts, gripped the back of her head and began to thrust vigorously into her mouth. 


Dutifully, Larra continued to bob her head, bringing the pharaoh to an increased state of excitement.  As his passion mounted, his moans became more frenzied until finally he was calling out incoherently.  At that point, he pushed her head away, and seizing her by the hair stood up and threw her down on the divan.  Fully cognizant of his intentions, Larra obediently spread her legs.  With an animal cry Ramses hurled himself upon her, his rigid shaft penetrating her like a harpoon in a single vicious thrust.  Unprepared for so sudden and brutal an assault, Larra cried out as her vagina was suddenly and violently ripped open.  It was precisely the reaction Ramses had hoped for.  Even in the act of making love he had to dominate.  Savaging his sexual partner was his way of showing his superiority and he had elevated the act of causing pain to a fine art.  As he ravaged the demon, her cries of pain and fear were music to his ears.


Larra had expected rough treatment, but the ferocity of Ramses attack was far beyond anything she had imagined.  He ravished her unlubricated pleasure passage with a brutal intensity designed to cause maximum pain.  She cried out in agony.  If the pharaoh desired to give her pain, then she would do her best to convince him she was in the utmost anguish.  Unfortunately, she did not have to pretend too hard.


Ramses curled his lip in an animal snarl as he violated his beautiful victim.  The she-demon writhed as his mighty shaft split her like an apple. Her screams sounded like music in his ears as he dominated her.  Bending his head he seized her left nipple in his teeth and after sucking it erect, he took the entire tip of her teat in his mouth and bit down savagely, sinking his teeth into the quivering flesh.  The demon shrieked and struggled wildly as his vicious sexual assault overwhelmed her.  Eyes wide with pain and terror, she fought in vain to break free of the brutal impalement, but he was far too strong for her.  Again and again he drove into her soft, unprotected nether region leaving her quivering in pain and exhaustion.  With an explosive gasp he burst inside her, and slumped on top of her, too fatigued to even move. 


Larra panted beneath the gasping pharaoh’s bulk.  For now her latest ordeal was over.   It had been much worse than she had expected.  Even submitting to Ramses was not enough to save her from a horrendous ordeal, and it might not be finished yet.  She moaned as Ramses shifted his position slightly.  His body weight was fully upon her, pinning her to the divan.  Shackled as she was she could hardly move and barely able to breath.  In addition, her loins burned from the heat of the pharaoh’s hot iron. 


Ramses stirred.  He felt completely satisfied with his humiliation of the she-demon.  She had been completely subjugated and dominated.  It was only a matter of time before she was fully compliant.  As his willing slave he would breed her like a sow, producing children with remarkably pale skins.  In the meantime he was looking forward to a few more training sessions.  He sensed that she was still not quite broken.  Pushing off the divan he got to his feet and clapped his hands, summoning the guards. 


Larra moaned again as she was hauled to her feet.  She noted the smirk on the pharaoh’s face as she walked bow-legged from the room.  It was a wonder she could walk at all.  Her insides felt as if they had been stirred with a hot poker.  Wincing at every step, she was led back to the harem.  It was not just the pain, however, that concerned her.  It was the over all hopelessness of her situation.  As long as she was chained and continually watched it would be almost impossible to escape.  And if the pharaoh continued to rape her it was only a matter of time until she was impregnated.  The thought of being forced to bear the child of a man she loathed and hated was unbelievably repugnant, but there seemed to be little she could do about it. 


And she could expect no outside help.  No one had the slightest idea where she was.  If she was to escape it would have to be on her own and she had no idea how she was going to arrange that.  She had hoped that cooperating with Ramses would result in better treatment, but if her last session with him was any indication she was in for a rough ride.  As she entered the harem she raised her head.  The eyes of every other woman were upon her.  Most of them looked at her with sympathy.  They understood what she had been put through, but a few smirked as she struggled to walk properly.  Forcing herself into a normal gait, Larra moved across to her circle of friends.  These were the other harem girls who had helped her after her brutal torture session.  As she neared them she swayed.  To her chagrin several of the girls came forward and helped her to the pile of cushions that served as her place.  It was too much for her to bear.  Her eyes filled with tears, and as her friends took her in their arms she wept, great sobs shuddering though her body.  Beaten at last, she was without hope.  It appeared that Larra Court, the great adventuress, had met her match.