Larra's Indonesian Adventure




The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 10

Larra’s Indonesian Adventure


Chapter 9  Convergences


“It’s time,” Larra whispered, tapping Rupali gently on the shoulder.  The Indian girl immediately sat up.  She had not been sleeping, she was far too tense for that.  The harem was lit only by the low light of oil lamps.  Larra had not been able to determine exactly what the oil was, but suspected that it was derived from palm trees.  Each lamp gave a weak but steady light.  Members of the harem were not allowed to sleep in complete darkness, probably as a matter of security, but also because the prince might decide to call on them at any time.


One thing about the Prahgan that still mystified Larra was the whereabouts of the king.  Apparently he was so deified that ordinary mortals could not look upon him; that was reserved for the prince and a few other notables.  Larra supposed that somewhere in the vast palace was another harem.  Surely the king would have his proper compliment of female slaves, but she had never encountered any of the other women.


The harem she was in was large enough.  It consisted of almost a hundred young women of various Southeast Asian nationalities, although Larra was the only one with any European blood.  There were also several hundred female servants, many with children.  Most of these were slightly older than the young girls the prince regularly called to his bed and Larra had learned that they had once been members of the harem as well.  Motherhood usually brought a respite from their conjugal duty of sleeping with the prince, a respite most of the young women looked forward to.  The prince was renowned and feared for his cruelty.  Pain was part of his sexual technique and all members of the harem dreaded being called to his bed.  Larra vowed once again that she would deal with the prince before she ended her stay in Kalimantan if it was the last thing she did. 


Right now, however, escape was what she had in mind.  She was almost in her sixth month of pregnancy and waiting any longer would soon make escape impossible.  She and Rupali had planned carefully, exaggerating the effects of the brutal beating Larra had received.  At the same time they had observed the routines practiced by the harem guards until they knew them to within a few minutes. 


Larra had detected one weakness in the harem security.  Escape through the palace would be almost impossible.  It was far too crowded with guards and servants for anyone fleeing the harem to escape unnoticed, especially someone as conspicuous as Larra.  However, the garden side of the palace was much less well guarded.  In part this was because the palace gardens were enclosed by a high wall and Rupali had learned that on the other side of the wall was a precipitous drop into a jungle-filled valley.  It was widely held that anyone attempting to escape that way would be sentencing themselves to death.


Larra, however, was determined to try.  Heavily pregnant, and supposedly incapacitated from the beating she had received, she was no longer heavily watched.  Larra had helped the situation by confining herself to her divan and walking with pretended difficulty whenever she actually had to move.  She spent most of her time being waited on hand and foot by Rupali and the other servants, a situation that almost drove her mad with boredom, but which she endured in order to lull her captors into a false sense of security. 


The ruse seemed to have worked.  She and Rupali were now almost ignored except for those servants who brought them food and attended to any special demands they made.  At night they were ignored completely, even the prince seeming to understand that the injuries he had ordered inflicted upon her made her unfit for his bed. 


Rupali too had been left alone.  Considering that the prince could choose from a hundred bedmates and that Rupali was only one of these, that was not surprising.  Eventually his mind would no doubt turn to the young Indian girl he had violated, but they hoped by that time she and Larra would be well away from the palace.


From under the pile of cushions they slept on Rupali retrieved their rope.  It was actually nothing more than a number of the sheer harem garments that had been ripped apart and then braided into a crude rope.  Being made of silk, it was both light and strong.  They also had several spare outfits which they would no doubt need once they were beyond the sheltered confines of the palace.


Sneaking from the palace into the gardens was not difficult.  In the tropical heat many of the residents of the harem slept close to the relative coolness of the gardens with their dozens of fountains and numerous ponds and flowing streams.  It was a simple matter of gathering up their few possessions and sliding from the sleeping divan into the gardens. 


Once there they ghosted from shrub to shrub until they reached the wall.  Here the going was more difficult.  The wall was manned by armed guards; guards who were forbidden to enter the harem garden, but who nevertheless were able to see into the grounds with ease from their lofty perch.  Fortunately, however, at night that advantage was eliminated.  Even the fact that the wall was studded with torches did little to illuminate the garden, actually making it easier for Larra and Rupali to see the guards rather than the other way around. 


There was no easy access to the walls, however.  No convenient stairway or ladder led from the garden to the top of the wall.  That was not surprising.  The purpose of the wall was not to keep people out of the garden, but rather to keep members of the harem in; and it would have made no sense at all to allow the guards into a place frequented by the prince’s harem.  As a result, Larra and Rupali had to time their move exactly or risk their escape being detected. 


They crouched below the wall, their makeshift silken rope tied around a short length of wood and waited until the guards moved far enough along the wall that they would not be detected. 


Rupali could barely contain her breathing.  Her heart was hammering so hard in her chest that she was certain that every guard on the wall must be able to hear it.  She expected that Larra must feel the same, but she could detect not the slightest sign of fear or emotion on the Englishwoman’s face; not that is, until she smiled.


Rupali smiled back, trying to control the trembling of her body.  The Englishwoman must be made of ice to be so calm, but Larra’s calm confidence buoyed her spirits. 


Finally, Larra moved.  With what appeared practiced ease she tossed the rope through the crenellations on top of the wall.  The length of the piece of wood had been measured precisely so that when the rope was drawn taut it caught in the gap.  Larra tested it by tugging on the rope.  Rupali, almost fainting from tension, waited for a reaction from the guards, who might have heard the faint “clunk” as the wooden weight made contact with the outside of the wall.


The rope tightened, and without waiting, Larra began her ascent, planting her feet against the wall and seeming to walk straight up the vertical surface.  Rupali marveled at the ease with which the heavily pregnant woman climbed the rope, hoping that she would do as well. 


Now was the most dangerous part of the escape attempt.  On top of the wall, Larra was plainly visible to any guard who happened to look in her direction.  Only the poor light gave her any protection.  In broad daylight, she almost certainly would have been seen.  Moving as quickly as she dared, Rupali took a deep breath and followed, attempting the same climbing technique Larra had used.  To her acute embarrassment she found that it as not as easy as it looked and she almost lost her grip as she neared the top of the wall.  Fortunately, Larra had anticipated her difficulty and reaching down seized her hand and helped pull her up to the parapet. 


Rupali stood gasping, acutely embarrassed but at the same time, wondering at Larra’s strength.  She had just performed a task a normal woman would have had difficulty with, much less someone almost in her third trimester.  However, Larra gave her no time to think.  Hardly had Rupali gained the top of the wall than Larra was over the breastwork and moving down the other side. 


Rupali crouched between the crenellations and looked down into darkness.  How far down the wall dropped she had no idea.  All she knew was that the other harem girls had told her the wall opened on a bottomless canyon.  She hoped that was simply a figure of speech rather than the truth.  Larra was already disappearing into the darkness and now it was time for her to follow.


Her heart in her mouth, and hoping that Larra’s estimate of the strength of the makeshift rope was accurate, she swung over the edge and tried to climb down the way Larra had instructed her. 


She gripped the rope with both hands and twisted one leg about it and followed as best she could, hoping that this time her strength would not fail.  If it did there would be no Larra to save her, and in fact she would fall and probably dislodge her companion from the rope as she struck her on the way down. 


Hand over hand she lowered herself, wondering how far above the ground she was and when it would be safe to let go, and then her feet touched something.  For a fleeting second she thought she was down and then a calm voice spoke.  What it said was not particularly reassuring.  “Hold on, Rupali.  We’ve run out of rope.”


Rupali felt her blood chill.  For all she knew they were still dozens of feet above the ground.  What if the harem gossip had been right?  If it was then she and Larra were stuck at the end of their rope with no place to go.  Desperately she tightened her grip and prayed that she would not fall.



Jia Li would have sworn in frustration, but it was not her nature.  James had done his best, but somewhere they had lost their way.  Everything had gone relatively well in spite of their relatively slow progress.  As she had feared, Lin Yao had held them back.  The tiny girl tried her best, but her short legs tired easily and the weather had not helped.  It had rained one day out of every two making it difficult for the young boy to be sure that he was on the correct path.  Still, he had guided them well until he had come to the temples site where he had parted from his mother.  After that all they could do was follow the path of Larra’s abductors.


That had not been difficult until the terrain changed.  The topography became increasingly more rocky until they found themselves in a rugged canyon land.  Here the tracks of the people they were pursuing became more difficult to follow and somewhere they had made a wrong turn. 


Jia Li suspected that they had strayed from the correct path during one of the heavy downpours that frequently interrupted their trek.  Unfortunately they had not noticed their error until they had made their way deep into the twisting maze of steep-sided canyons.  Now they faced a bitter choice; to retrace their steps in the dubious hope of determining where they had gone wrong; or to attempt to work their way out from where they were.  Jia Li decided to give it another day or so.  It was just possible that by sheer luck they might find their way back to where they should be.


And they needed a bit of luck.  They were almost out of food and even the fact that James was able to find many edible plants in the jungle did not change the fact that they would soon have nothing to eat except what they could forage.  It was not a pleasant prospect.  At the very least it would probably mean that they would have to spend most of their time looking for food.  At the worst…  Jia Li preferred not to think of that.  She had come to save Larra, not to lead her children into starvation. 


Grimly she set her jaw.  “Let’s go,” she said to James and Lin Yao.  Resolutely she started forward.  She had to find Larra, but this time she was not so sure that she could.



“God, do I ever need a bath.” 


“Do y’ reckon?” smiled Wallace.  He grinned at Katie who was in turn looking longingly at the idyllic scene before her. 


They had emerged from the dense forest into a scene that seemed to be right out of creation.  Before them a stream tumbled in a series of waterfalls down the face of a forest covered cliff.  It ended in an inviting pool about a hundred yards across.  It was all Katie could do not to strip off her filthy clothing and hurl herself into the crystal water.  However, as the nominal leader of the expedition that would set a poor example, especially to the male porters that they had hired to pack most of their gear, and so she restrained herself.  She would bathe, but she would do it in an orderly fashion.


“My god, this is paradise.”  Melissa had come up beside her and was looking longingly toward the water.  She stood for a minute and then added, “I am going to check out the upper falls.  There might be another more private area where the falls drops over the edge.”


Katie saw at once what Melissa had seen.  The upper falls seemed to drop into a hidden pool before spilling into the lower pool.  “Good idea,” she agreed.  “You do that while I see to setting up camp.”


The next hour more than occupied her time, but as she finished Melissa returned.  “It’s perfect,” the girl gushed.  “If anything it is even nicer than this one.  And we can’t be seen.”


“Great, I’ll be right up there,” Wallace chimed in.


“I don’t think so,” Katie replied, her hands on her hips.  “I am relying on you to make sure that none of the porters try to sneak up there while we’re bathing.”


She grinned while she said it, but Wallace pretended to be highly offended.  “Tell you what,” he offered.  “Blindfold me and then take me with you.”


“Not bloody likely, mate,” Katie responded imitating his accent.  “I have a horrible feeling that the blindfold would accidentally slip.”


Wallace gave his best schoolboy grin.  Katie could not help noticing that he had the most amazing dimples, however, she countered by adopting her best schoolmarm expression.  “Don’t even think about it,” she warmed.  “I find you sneaking up on us and you’ll end up a gelding.”


“Right boss,” Wallace replied, the grin not leaving his face.  “I’ll make sure you’re not disturbed.”


Half an hour later Katie and her four companions stood on the edge of the upper pool.  It was a perfect location, affording complete privacy.  As Melissa had promised, it was even more beautiful than the lower pool although not as large.  A thirty foot waterfall roared over a cliff and plunged into the water creating a fairy tale setting.  Growing out of the cliff and the area around the pool was a wealth of tropical vegetation.  Katie could barely prevent herself from leaping fully clothed into the swirling water. 


In the lower pool she could hear Wallace and the porters splashing about.  In many ways the man was like a small boy.  From the sound of things he had started a water fight.  She admired him for the way that he was able to bond with almost anyone, including the porters they had hired.  Most white men would have treated them like dirt, but Wallace acted as if they were on the same social level as he was; something that had helped keep the remaining porters loyal. 


 She began to strip off her filthy clothes.  Like the other girls she had brought everything she had to wear with her.  The dip in the forest pool was going to be more than just a pleasant swim; it was going to be a chance to do all of their laundry.


As she stripped Katie went through the daily ritual of getting rid of any leeches that had somehow managed to get past the barriers she had erected against them.  Despite the fact that she wore two pairs of socks and tucked her trouser legs into them, a few of the supposedly mindless creatures always seemed to get past these safeguards.  This time there were five.  She plucked them off and tossed them into the shrubbery.  She held no grudge against them; they were after all, simply doing what nature had designed them to do.  As she finished she noticed that the other girls had completed the same ceremony. 


Finished her deleeching, she picked up her clothes and went to the edge of the pool.  She longed to just jump in, but wanted something dry to get back into when she was finished her swim, so she kept herself in check and thoroughly washed her clothing first.  For that job she and the others had brought along bars of detergent.  She worked the soap into each garment, and then using the rocks at the side of the pool, scrubbed them until she was satisfied before rinsing them in the flowing water.  Finally finished, she spread her clothing on the rocks beside the pool.  The hot tropical sun would dry them inside of an hour. 


She eased herself into the water, luxuriating in the touch of the cool liquid on her overheated body.  It was the best that she had felt in weeks.  Almost languorously she breast-stroked out into deeper water.  She was joined by the other girls.  Impishly, Melissa splashed water in her direction although it made little sense to do so as she was submerged up to her shoulders.  Laughing, Katie returned the splash and the water fight was on.


For the next ten minutes the five young women churned up the pool, ducking one another and generally engaging in spirited horseplay.  Any man chancing upon the erotic scene would have sworn that he had stumbled upon five wood nymphs.  Finally, Katie swam over to the edge of the pool and picking up a bar of toilet soap, she shampooed her hair, finishing with a rinse under the waterfall.


“Best bath I ever had,” she murmured as she moved to the side of the pool and pulled herself up on the rocks.  She stretched herself out full length under the hot sun, soaking up its delightful rays.  Tomorrow when she resumed the hunt for Larra she would be cursing its merciless heat, but for today it was sheer luxury.  She closed her eyes and dozed.



“How many are there? Matsu demanded as his advance scout reported. 


“Not many, sir,” the soldier answered.  “I counted only twenty men, and just a single European, but I suspect there may be a few more farther on as all I could see was what appeared to be porters.  The tents appear to be British army issue, but I could see no sign of any soldiers.”


“And you say they were swimming?” Matsu asked. 


“Yes sir.  I was able to get quite close.  They didn’t even bother to post a sentry.”


“Sloppy,” Matsu commented.  “But we will take no chances.”  He turned to his second-in-command.  “Sergeant, take twenty men and flank the position.  Take the guide with you.”


“But I know nothing of fighting,” Purwanto protested.


“Nevertheless,” Matsu smiled, “you will go.  I am relying upon you to help Sergeant Fujima find his way.”


The stocky sergeant grunted.  It was clear that he needed little or no help from Purwanto.  However, Matsu was no one to argue with.  Saluting he moved off to pick his men, Purwanto following.


Purwanto cursed under his breath.  He had not expected that Matsu would involve him in any action.  Reluctantly he accepted the rifle that Sergeant Fujima thrust into his hands.  He was somewhat familiar with weapons, having used them in his slave trading, but he had no military training and felt distinctly out of place among the battle-hardened men Fujima selected. 


“Bastard,” he thought.  He would find some way of getting back at the arrogant Japanese officer for this.  His mind filled with thoughts of vengeance, he followed Fujima into the jungle.



Sweat poured from her brow and her hands were slippery on the rope.  Rupali knew that she was going to fall, but she dared not cry out.  That would send a warning to the guards who patrolled the wall.  She could clearly hear them talking quietly just above her.  She hoped that they did not spot the rope that Larra had looped about one of the stones.  It was in plain sight for anyone whose eye happened to fall upon it. 


Her hands slipped, and then she felt a steadying grip on her legs.  Slowly she slid down the rope, her feet coming to rest on the narrowest of ledges.  She bit back a gasp of relief, fearful that she would be overheard.  Larra held her tight, making sure that she did not topple into the darkness. 


Larra made no sound, but carefully pulled Rupali down on the ledge beside her.  Using touch alone she guided the girl’s hands and feet into invisible hand and footholds in the rock face.  How Larra knew they were there, Rupali had no idea.  Breathing a gentle sigh of relief she clung to the surface of the rock and then she felt a gentle tug.  It took Rupali a few seconds to realize that Larra was moving.  Incredibly the pregnant woman was descending the cliff in the dark.  Almost shaking with fear, Rupali gritted her teeth and followed.