Tales of Erogenia by L'Espion

Tales of Erogenia

Based on the online comic created by J.E. Draft.

Episode 3: The Mountain of Fire


Chapter 9:  New Loves


Zenaria awoke to a cool darkness.  A small oil-filled bowl burned beside her, providing a flickering light.  She was lying across a large hammock under a light cotton sheet.  She must have made some sort of sound because immediately a form stepped out of the darkness and came to stand beside her. 


“You are awake,” Sulia said, stating the obvious.  “How do you feel?”


“I’m…” Zenaria hesitated.  It was a bit too soon after awakening to be answering questions, but she came up with a suitable answer.  “Hungry.”


“I will get you food,” Sulia smiled.  “I don’t doubt that you are very hungry and probably thirsty as well.” 


Zenaria pushed herself to a sitting position and discovered that she was completely nude.  “How long have I been sleeping?” she asked, placing her hand on her shrunken stomach.


“Three days.  The shaman said that using your magic pushed your strength to the limit.”


“My magic?” Zenaria asked. 


“Your power over the big cats.  The leopard you summoned to kill Qirlan.”


“I did not summon her,” Zenaria said.  “I asked her and she agreed.”


“That makes it even more magical,” Sulia smiled.  “I will be back with food and drink immediately.”  She stepped out the door leaving Zenaria to wonder if she should go back to the hammock or get dressed.  The leopard-skin skirt Qirlan had provided for her was lying on low wooden table just a few feet away as was the necklace and the gold jewellery.  She was in a small square room built of the same black stone as the city walls.  It contained the table, a chair, and the hammock and a large gourd that she supposed was used as a commode. 


There was nothing else except the clothing and jewellery Qirlan had given her and which she regarded with distaste.  “No,” she said.  “None of this is mine.”  She stepped over to a familiar object and picked up her sword.  “Just this.” 


She swayed as a sudden wave of dizziness swept over her.  “I need food,” she muttered.  “Where is Sulia?”


Her question was answered when the Urulanan princess appeared a few heartbeats later. She was carrying a waterskin and with her were two girls carrying a variety of gourds and bowls.  They set them down of the low table.  Sulia picked up the skirt and looked at Zenaria questioningly.  “You aren’t going to wear this?  It is very fine.”


Zenaria squatted before the table and began to eat.  There were a number of foods she had never seen before including what appeared to be a gourd of curdled milk.  She started with that and moved on to more solid food, eating slowly as to not tax her system after three days of starvation. 


“No,” she replied.  “They do not have pleasant memories.” 


“I will have something brought to you.”  She turned to one of the young girls.  “Clothing for the princess.  Something in about my size.  And tell the Shining One that the White Princess is awake.”


“The White Princess?” Zenaria asked wryly. 


“That is what my people are calling you.  It does no good to correct them after your victory over Qirlan.”


“I suppose it is better that white-skinned bitch,” Zenaria smiled, remembering what Qirlan had called her.


She continued to eat carefully and was starting on a gourd of sliced fruit when Varden entered, followed closely by Kindra.  The knight had shed his armour and was dressed as an Urulanan warrior in knee-length skirt, although he usually shunned jewellery he was wearing a simple glass bead necklace.  She noted with some interest that Kindra wore an almost identical bauble about her throat.  That fact confirmed her rising suspicions. 


Varden immediately went to Zenaria’s side.  For an instant she thought he might take her hand, but he stopped short of that, instead kneeling beside her.  “How fares my princess?” he asked.


“Well enough,” Zenaria smiled.  “And you seem in fine fettle.”  Her gaze went briefly to Kindra and Varden turned bright red.


Zenaria grinned.  She always enjoyed it when Varden was jarred out of his rigid moral framework.  Her meal had restored much of her strength and she noted with annoyance that her body was unmarked.  Varden’s healing talents had clearly been at work, although this time she couldn’t say that she was unhappy about the result.  Evidence of her degrading ordeal at the hands of Qirlan had been completely erased, and she couldn’t help but be grateful for that. 


She got slowly to her feet, testing her strength and deciding that she felt well enough picked up her sword again.  She needed to fashion a scabbard for the blade and she wanted something to cover her heavy breasts.  Attractive as were her female assets, and in spite of the Urulana’s lack of bias regarding nudity, her breasts tended to be something of a liability in combat and she wanted to keep them under control.  She said as much to Sulia, leaving Varden an even deeper shade of crimson. 


“Come,” the Urulana princess said.  “I will help you find what you need; and then there is a royal audience with the queen and Durlag.”




“The shaman.  He is most interested in seeing the warrior who defeated so powerful a shaman as Qirlan.”


Sulia laughed at Zenaria’s frown.  “Do not worry.  The Urulana do not stand on ceremony.  The queen wishes to welcome you as a daughter and the shaman as a warrior.”


“That is well,” Zenaria said.  “I look forward to meting the queen and your shaman.”


Sulia grinned.  “He is also my father.  Perhaps I should have mentioned that first.”


“That makes it an even greater honour,” Zenaria said and Sulia smiled her pleasure at the reply.


The Urulana city was simple in its layout.  There were only three main streets;  one inside each of the three concentric walls.  Almost all the buildings were built up against the inside of one of these walls and they were all of the same height so that their roofs could serve as a platform on which the Urulana warriors could stand when defending their city.  The outermost wall contained most of the dwellings of the Urulana and the second wall the various shops along with the merchants and artisans that served in them, so it was to the second circle that Sulia led Zenaria. 


As Zenaria watched she was struck by the cleanliness of the city and its ordered construction.  Animals were only brought into the city when needed so the street was relatively free of dung.  Most of the houses seemed to be about the same size, consisting of a single story building standing a little higher than Zenaria could raise her hands.  Sulia explained that they were large enough for a family of four and if the family grew larger than that then they were allowed to expand into the building next to them, provided it was not occupied.  If it was then the family could move to the other side of the city where they were still a number of unoccupied dwellings. 


Access to the inner circle of buildings was through any of three gates passing through the second wall and it was through one of these that Sulia led Zenaria.  Once inside she found herself passing one artisan after the other.  These buildings were taller as their roofs had to provide a second walkway for the defence of the second wall, which was taller than the first. 


Zenaria noted the shops and artisans as she passed.  There were providers of spices, cloth, leather goods,  metal products, pottery, and many others as well as carpenters, smiths, spearmakers, and many other crafts.  Although the products were crude and the selection of crafts limited compared to the large Sandak city she had seen, it was a much larger variety that anything in the simple wooden stockade where she had been raised. 


Sulia led her first to a shop where a woman was engaged in sewing the simple cloth skirts worn by men and women of the Urulana.  Sulia explained Zenaria ‘s need and the woman gave her a bit of a strange look but nodded.  “I suppose it does make sense,” she said.  You are a little better developed than most warriors and your fighting style requires more movement.”


Zenaria was surprised that the woman knew anything about her, but Sulia explained that the White Princess was famous all over the city and that the Shining One had fully described her fighting prowess as had the members of the Companion Guard Zenaria had helped free from the slavers. 


Zenaria was flattered and a little embarrassed, but at the same time secretly pleased that her martial qualities were recognized.  She waited while the seamstress measured and fashioned a cloth halter for her.  At the last instant she wondered about payment and was surprised to discover than none was required.  The Urulana were strongly communal and each member of society was expected to make a contribution according to his or her skill or proclivity.  As long as each did his or her part then each received what was needed in order to go about their daily business.  Thus some attended to agricultural tasks; others were hunters; some were artisans; and so on; each fulfilling a particular task of importance.  All were expected to act in defence of their city, although most of the patrolling and warfare was carried out by the younger warrior such as Sulia and her companions. 


The seamstress was highly skilled and soon completed the cotton halter Zenaria required.  Upon trying it on; she found it fit perfectly and she swung her sword, testing its performance against the strain of battle. 


Something of a crowd had gathered while she waited and her prowess with the sword drew some admiring oohs and ahs.  It was all a little embarrassing for the Snow Leopard princess.  Zenaria was not used to people clustering around her in an admiring audience.


Sulia noticed her discomfiture and grinned.  “You will have to get used to it.  You and Varden are most unusual.  Most of my people have never seen anyone with skin that is so pale and those they have seen were all slavers.  You are quite a novelty and everyone is most anxious to see you.”


“Perhaps they will get used to us in time,” Zenaria said hopefully. 


“I doubt it,” Sulia said.  “I still haven’t gotten used to you and I have known you the longest.”


“I hope that is a good thing.”


“It is a very good thing.”


Sulia’s last comment received an inquiring look from Zenaria.  It was difficult to tell exactly what the Urulanan princess meant by it.  But she let it go as Sulia led her farther along the street to the leather worker.  Zenaria showed him her sword and explained what she wanted. 


The man took a few careful measurements.  “I will have it ready by tomorrow,” he promised. 


Zenaria nodded her thanks and let Sulia lead her from the shop.  “Time to meet the queen,” Sulia said. 


Somewhat apprehensively, Zenaria followed Sulia toward the heart of the city.  She knew that there was likely nothing to be afraid of, but she also knew that rulers sometimes caused harm without intending to.  They entered a final gate and passed the last of the triple walls.  This part of the fortress was quite different from the rest.  It contained only a single building, built of the same black stone as the rest of the city.  It stood two stories tall and was crowned by wooden structure that resembled a temple. 


“The House of Rahlu,” Sulia said.  Temple of the high priest and priestess.  The queen of the Urulana and her consort.”


What struck Zenaria was the complete absence of any guards.  It reminded her very much of the main building in the tribal compound she called home.  It was thought of as a palace by her people, but was more like a central meeting hall where the queen happened to reside.  There were no guards there either and Queen Cirilia, her mother, was just as likely to be found sewing some garment or much more likely practicing her sword craft with her latest lover.  As a result, it was no real surprise when a tall woman and an equally tall man emerged from a door in the front of the building and approached them. 


There was no mistaking Sulia’s resemblance to the Queen.  They both had the same aristocratic cast to their features and the same slender but powerful build.  The queen was still very beautiful even though there were streaks of grey at her temples.  She was dressed and ornamented like Sulia, but with one addition.  A heavy necklace of ivory hung from her neck.  It was so like the one Qirlan had given to Zenaria that it was almost too much of a coincidence. 


Beside the Queen was a male warrior of about the same age.  He appeared much like the other men Zenaria had seen, bearing no special mark upon him expect for a feathered staff that he carried in his right hand.  She guessed that this was Durlag, the queen’s consort and the shaman of the Urulana.


Not quite sure of how to act, Zenaria watched Sulia.  The young warrior moved forward, went down on one knee and then rose.  “Mother,” she said, I have brought the White Princess.”


Zenaria emulated Sulia, going to one knee and then rising.  She felt a bit awkward doing it, as she was still holding her naked sword, but neither the Queen nor the shaman seemed disturbed by this.


“I see you have recovered,” the Queen said.  “Please accept my thanks and that of my people for the service you have done us.”


“I did nothing, but help a friend and attempt to save myself, your majesty,” Zenaria replied.


“You are too modest, but your answer becomes a warrior,” the Queen replied.  “I see that you have found clothing more to your liking, but where is the necklace that you were given by the Ape Master?”


“I choose not to wear it your majesty.  It is a reminder of my humiliation and failure.”


“It is a trophy of war and a thing of power,” Durlag said suddenly.  “Rahlu has chosen that you should wear it as such.”


There will be a feast tonight in your honour and that of your companion,” the Queen said.  “Wear it then and sit by Durlag.  I believe he wishes to speak with you of your power over animals.”


“I will, your majesty, but I think you honour me too much.”


“You have been well taught, White Princess.  Your mother must be a great ruler.  But there is no need for false modesty here.  Tonight we will sing your praises and recite your deeds.  This is shall go into our history.”


The interview seemed to be at an end, and Sulia went down on one knee again.  After a moment of hesitation Zenaria did the same and out of the corner of her eye saw the Queen nod approvingly.  Then the Queen and the shaman turned and entered the building.


“My mother does you a great honour,” Sulia said.  “I have never seen her have a formal meeting with anyone outside the temple of Rahlu.”


“I am pleased to be so honoured,” Zenaria replied.   


Sulia laughed.  “You need not be so formal with me.  We are friends and companions are we not.  Come.  I will show you the rest of my city.”


The tour included the fields outside the city and Zenaria was pleased to discover that her strength had completely returned.  As they tramped through the orchards and neatly planted crops Sulia pointed out each one.   Zenaria noted with interest and approval that the workers in the fields were of all ages and included many young men and women that were clearly warriors as their spears were placed at the edge of the fields as they worked with hoes to keep down the weeds.  It was an exact parallel with the people her tribe who shared in all tasks.


She estimated the population of the Urulana at no more than five thousand.  “Are there any more of your people elsewhere?” she asked Sulia.


“There are other settlements, but all live within sight of the Mountain of Fire and none are as large as Luruana.” 


“And beyond the Mountain of Fire?” 


Sulia thought for a few heartbeats before replying.  “Well, there are the slavers, but no one knows what land they come from.  Only that it lies to the east.”


“So no one has ever been to the land of the slavers?” Zenaria wondered. 


“None that have ever returned.”  Sulia’s answer reminded Zenaria that the slavers had probably taken many of her people into captivity never to be seen again. 


“Why do you ask this?” Sulia inquired. 


“I am far from my own land,” Zenaria answered.  “One day I may wish to return, and I was hoping that you might be able to help me.”


“I will be sad when you leave,” Sulia said.  “But I know that you must go.  One such as you is not destined to live among the Urulana.”


“I am grateful for your friendship and hospitality,” Zenaria replied, “but I am a princess of the Snow Leopard.  I must return to my people someday.”


Sulia did not comment further, but as they returned to the city Zenaria thought about how she and Varden were going to find their way back to their homelands.  She had no idea where they were.  She only knew that she was so far away from Erogenia that she recognized none of the constellations in the night sky. 


“Tonight,” Sulia said, as they entered the gate, “there will be a celebration in your honour.  Then you may speak with Fulan.  He knows much of the world and may be able to help you.”


Zenaria remembered that Fulan already wanted to speak to her about her ability to talk to the big cats.  Perhaps they could exchange information. 


They returned to the house where Zenaria had awakened.  On the way they stopped by the leather worker to pick up the sheath for her sword.  Zenaria wondered how she was going to pay for it until Sulia reminded her that no form of currency was used in Urulana society.  And from the way the leather worker presented the sheath to her she doubted he would have accepted payment in any case.  It felt strange to be treated as if she were almost a goddess, but there was little she could do about it.  She thanked the leather worker for his efforts and sheathed her sword, pleased to discover that the sheath and harness were just as she desired. 


For the first time since being captured by the Urtts she felt properly dressed.  With her sword slung over her shoulder she felt ready for anything and was looking forward to the evening’s celebrations.  It would give her a chance to speak with the shaman and perhaps discover if there was a way to get back to her home.


As night fell, Zenaria dressed as she had been asked, wearing the necklace Qirlan had given her.  She felt uncomfortable putting it on, but she knew that the Queen and Fulan would expect her to wear it as a symbol of her victory over the evil shaman if nothing else.  And she remembered that Fulan had said it was an object of power.  As Qirlan’s conqueror it was only fitting that she wear it. 


Sulia accompanied her as did Varden and Kindra.  It was obvious now that the young woman Varden had healed had attached herself to him and that her obvious infatuation with the knight was returned.  It was a situation that Zenaria shrugged off.  Unless pledged to one another members of Erogenian society were free to choose their sex partners and the fact that she and Varden had been brief lovers was not considered at all binding.  She could not deny that she had enjoyed her liaison with the knight, but she felt no rancour against him for selecting someone new. 


For Varden she knew; it was not the same.  He had been a virgin when she and Zenaria had first made love, and he had sworn to marry her in order to preserve her honour; an idea that Zenaria found quaint and amusing.  She had never considered holding him to his promise and now that the relationship seemed to have ended she was quite content to let him go his way.





She hoped that the celebration would give her a chance to speak with Varden.  She had no idea what an Urulana celebration might consist of, but she expected that she might be able to get him alone for a short time and let him know that she saw nothing wrong with his connection with Kindra. 


As they walked through the streets toward the inner circle of walls, they were accompanied by a throng of other Urulana.  It seemed that everyone in the city was headed for the same place and most of the people in the crowd moving through the streets were carrying baskets of food or large gourds and leather skins that Zenaria guessed contained some sort of beverage. 


As the crows surged through the street, many turned to stare at and greet the white-skinned strangers.  Zenaria could hear the constant murmur of “White Princess” and “Shining One,” as she and Varden accompanied Sulia and Kindra.  Most of the comments were part of greetings, many spoken almost in reverence.  It made Zenaria distinctly uncomfortable.  It seemed to her that if she was truly worthy of the awe and esteem of the Urulana she would not have allowed herself to be captured and degraded in the first place. 


They finally reached the centre of Luruana.  One the top of the temple-like building a large fire was burning in a great iron brazier, its flames throwing a flickering light over the city centre.  It was aided by dozens of torches placed around the encircling wall of the inner courtyard.  To one side of the temple-palace a steady thrumming created by the pounding of a dozen huge drums filled the area with sound. 


It was both larger and more spectacular than any event Zenaria had ever attended in her homeland.  It seemed that everywhere she went she was reminded of just how insignificant her people were.  But she still would not have traded life among the clan of the Snow Leopard for any other, and she was suddenly and inexplicably overcome with a wave of homesickness.  Her mind went to her infant daughter who had been left in the care of a close relative as was the custom of her tribe.  She would be over a year old now and although Zenaria had known that her mission would take her from her people for months she had a sudden longing to be home.


Something of what she was feeling must have flashed across her face because without a word Sulia suddenly moved closer to her and took her hand.  Surprised, Zenaria met the smiling eyes of the Urulana princess.  She made no effort to withdraw her hand, but let Sulia lead her toward a wooden dais that had been sent up in front of the temple-palace.  Seated there were Fulan and Walenia, the Urulana queen, and next to them were several empty seats obviously intended for their honoured guests.


Sulia led them to the Queen and bowed before her mother as did Varden and Kindra.  Walenia motioned for them to sit beside her and several young boys and girls stepped forward with food and several large gourds of drink.


Following the lead of Walenia and Fulan, Zenaria helped herself to the food, picking up a chicken wing and nibbling it while she studied the gourd of brew that was presented to her.  “Do not worry,” Sulia said as if guessing her thoughts.  “It is fermented coconut mixed with guava juice and berries.  It is very sweet and good.  We call it wam.”


Zenaria picked up the gourd estimating that it held a good quart of heady aromatic liquid and sipped it cautiously.  After her experience with the shugo any beverage was suspect, but it was as Sulia had said it would be and she took a second sip and then a third, keeping in mind that it would not be good form to get roaring drunk in the presence of the royal family.


The brew helped to settle her and she was soon chatting with Fulan and Walenia, both of whom were quite curious as to her background.  It helped that both had spoken extensively with Varden and the knight had filled them in on many details of his world, but they were most interested to discover that Zenaria’s life in Erogenia was radically different from Varden’s Kivalian background.  However, it was Zenaria’s conversation with Fulan that proved most interesting. 


“Show me the necklace you won from the sorcerer,” he started.  Zenaria lifted the heavy ivory and ebony necklace from her shoulders.  It was too heavy to comfortably wear only about her throat. 


Fulan gasped as it touched his hands, pulling them back as if they had been burned.  Then he reached out cautiously and took the necklace into his hands.  “I was right.  This is an artefact of great power.”


Power?” Zenaria asked.  “Then why would Qirlan have me wear it?”


“I suspect he stored a great deal of his magic in it,” Fulan answered.  “To me the necklace hums like a hive of bees.  Qirlan lives there still.”


Zenaria’s eyes widened.  “You mean he could be reborn?” 


Fulan shook his head.  “No.  Dead is dead, but I suspect he used the necklace to amplify his power over the animals he enslaved.  He used you to carry it because he sensed that you too had some affinity with animals.”


“He used me like a mule,” Zenaria exclaimed. 


Fulan looked at her curiously and she suddenly realized that the shaman had no idea of what a mule was.  “An animal like a zebra, used as a beast of burden.” 


“Ah yes,” Fulan said.  “The Shining One has spoken of how he and his people enslave the larger animals.  It is the same among you as well?”


Enslave was not the word Zenaria would have chosen.  “It is like your cattle goats and chickens,” she explained.  Only we usually do not eat them.”


She knew that this was not entirely true.  Among the Erogenians mules and donkeys were often eaten when they got too old, but it was not their primary purpose.  However, her explanation seemed to satisfy Fulan. 


“I suspect,” he continued, “that he did not realize the true extent of your power.  He sought to use you to aid his cause, but he underestimated your strength, much to our good fortune.”


“But I have no real power,” Zenaria protested.  “I call to the leopard and she comes to me, but she is not summoned.  She comes as a sister.”


“And so it should be,” Fulan replied.  He lifted his gourd and drank deeply, wiping his chin before continuing.  “Our wild brothers and sisters were not meant to be dominated and enslaved as Qirlan used them.  Your power is weak and untrained, but it will grow in time.”


Zenaria drank also.  The wam was a deceptively heady mixture and she could already feel its effect.  She had no wish to end up falling down drunk so she set down the gourd and using a pointed wooden stick provided for the purpose, picked up a slice of baked aubergine and a drumstick.  She considered Fulan’s comments.  He had set the necklace on the knee-high table in front of her and she made no effort to pick it up.  His inferred offer to study under him was a tempting offer, but it got in the way of her desire to find her way home.  However, there seemed a rather limited choice.  Until she came up with some sort of plan to return home she was pretty much stuck where she was.


Fulan had turned his attention to Varden and was discussing his powers of healing.  It was apparent form their conversation that it was a topic they had investigated before and the knight seemed genuinely interested, ignoring the full gourd of wam that sat in front of him.  She glanced at Sulia and caught the princess looking at her.  Sulia smiled warmly, her full lips parting to reveal her perfect teeth.


Zenaria licked her lips.  In the flickering firelight, Sulia was more beautiful than ever, her dark eyes like deep mysterious pools.  “Do you enjoy the drums?” she said, nodding her head toward the drummers. 


 There were five drums each made of leather stretched over large wooden frames.  They ranged in size from a yard in diameter to a giant twice that size.  Their powerful thrumming filled the air, vibrating Zenaria’s bones with their power.  “Magnificent,” she answered.  She noticed that a number of Urulana, especially the young, were on their feet dancing to the almost hypnotic rhythm. 


Sulia caught the direction of her gaze and got to her feet.  “Come,” she said.  “Before the wam goes to your head.”


Unresisting Zenaria allowed Sulia to lead her into the crowd of dancers.  She soon discovered that their athletic efforts were not as random and she had thought, but involved an intricate set of dance steps.  But with Sulia to help her she was soon dancing with the best of them her natural grace and balance compensating for her lack of experience. 


The thundering music seemed to go right through her and wrap itself around her body.  As the tempo increased her movements became more and more frenzied as if she was in some sort of magic spell, but one thing kept her attention throughout the frenetic activity and that was Sulia.  Her movements were as graceful as a gazelle and she seemed to float through the crowd.  Zenaria watched her every move, delighting in the graceful sway of her firm breasts and flexing of her powerful legs.  She was the most beautiful creature Zenaria had ever seen. 


“You are like a kudu,” Zenaria panted; “Strong and graceful.”


“And you are like one of the great cats,” Sulia replied, her chest heaving from exertion.  “Deadly but beautiful.” 


At that moment someone raised a voice in song.  It was a sound that soared over the pounding of the drums.  Zenaria stared in surprise as the drums suddenly went silent.  Queen Walenia had moved to the edge of the raised platform and was singing in a clear, powerful voice.  She started out high, her voice soaring like an eagle and then dropped so low it could barely be heard.  Then it rose again, sweeping the listeners along with it. 


Zenaria listened enthralled, a lump growing in her throat.  The song reminded her so much of home she suddenly yearned to be back in her land of snow and forest.  It was the custom of her people to sing the great sagas of the Snow Leopard tribe on important occasions, such as the day of the winter solstice or the decision of a couple to take the Golden Path, the most complete of the love bonds of Erogenia. 


The song that Queen Walenia sang was, of course, different in style to that sung by her people, but it had much the same emotional power.  It was a song of celebration, sung to thank the great god Rahlu whose immense power was even now demonstrated in a low rumbling and dancing of fire near the rim of the Mountain of Fire. 


When she was finished the drummers took up their rhythmic pounding again, but in a single powerful beat as still another singer made her way to the stage.  To Zenaria’s surprise it was Kindra.  She raised her voice in a soaring soprano that told the tale of a great battle between the Urulana and an invasion of the Tobor, the white marauders who raided the Urulana for slaves.  The battle raged back and forth eventually resulting in a complete route of the slavers who were chased from Urulana lands, never again to return in such numbers.


Zenaria stood with Sulia listening with awe to the performance while she drank wam for her gourd.  By the time the performance was finished she was filled with a warm glow, both from the drink and from the song.


As Kindra finished Sulia gave Zenaria’s arm a light touch and then moved forward.  She took the stage and began a low throbbing song of romance; a tale of an Urulana princess stolen from her home by an evil magician and forced to use her wit and strength to preserve her virtue until finally overcoming the shaman’s magic and returning in triumph to her people. 


It paralleled her own adventures so closely that Zenaria had no doubt Sulia had chosen it purposely to illustrate their adventure.  As Sulia finished she couldn’t help herself.  She moved toward the stage as if pulled by invisible strings and found herself the focus of thousands of eyes.  But she was well prepared.  The people of the Snow Leopard loved song and dance, and Zenaria had long prided herself in her evocative contralto. 


Her song was a favourite of the Tribe of the Snow Leopard.  It told of two young warriors, lovers for only a year, and Copper-Bonded, who were assailed by a horde of Urtts.  Fighting to the end, they died in one another’s arms surrounded by the bodies of a thousand Urtts.  It was a resounding saga complete with an emotional and most satisfying ending that left many in the audience choked with emotion. 


Stepping down from the platform, she was met by a tearful Sulia.  Without a word the Urulana princess took her hand and led her away from the crowd.  Behind her the drums picked up again as the dancing resumed, the singing having ended at least temporarily.  But Zenaria had eyes only for Sulia as the brown-skinned beauty led her from the inner circle toward the outer wall. 


They hurried through the dark streets; between the black-stone buildings; the cooler night air flowing over Zenaria’ skin.  Her body tingled and her pulse raced as they approached the small dwelling where her hammock waited. 


There was no light in the small room, but light was the last thing Zenaria and Sulia needed.  They found one another, their arms playing over one another’s bodies as they moved together.  Zenaria found Sulia’s lips, marvelling at their softness.  It was her first passionate kiss with a woman, and it was like nothing else she had ever experienced.  Sulia’s lips seemed to melt, drawing her into an ever deeper kiss, her tongue slipping between Zenaria’s lips and binding with hers in a kiss that had both women gasping for breath. 


Sulia’s knee moved between Zenaria’s legs, her thigh lifting to caress Zenaria’s most intimate area.  Zenaria’s hands found Sulia’s powerful buttocks, pulling the Urulana princess to her as they tumbled to the hammock. 


As Sulia’s fingers fumbled at the ties to her halter, Zenaria undid the clasp holding Sulia’s skirt.  She continued her kiss, sucking on Sulia’s lower lip and then moving higher to kiss her eyelids, before moving to lips to her neck, her tongue licking the sweat from her throat and then she went lower kissing Sulia’s collarbone, and then running her tongue over Sulia’s upper contour of her breasts.


Sulia moved over Zenaria offering Zenaria‘s eager tongue access to her breasts and nipples.  Zenaria could feel the tender buds harden.  Her dark-skinned lover arched her back and her finger’s sought Zenaria’s hot, wet centre, eliciting a cry as she found the tiny bud at the top of Zenaria’s vulva. 


It was a different kind of lovemaking.  There was no penetration; just the soft interplay of fingers, lips, and tongues.  Sulia took the lead; more familiar with the pattern of woman to woman lovemaking and Zenaria followed, touching, holding, stroking, licking, until they were both moaning in frenzied passion. 


Zenaria cried out as Sulia’s tongue dipped into her throbbing, soft wet centre.  She arched her back, crying out as her body shuddered in unbridled passion.  She shuddered again, her fervour even more intense as Sulia worked her magic.  The pleasure was so intense that for a few heartbeats her body trembled uncontrollably. 


But her partner was not finished.  Skilfully Sulia took her to an even higher level; until she was quivering like a horse that has been run too hard.  Spent with passion she sprawled across the hammock, her chest heaving while the sweat cooled on her body. 


Sulia lay across her, her hand cradling Zenaria’s left breast.  She kissed her gently on the lips and then moved her mouth to her eyelids and throat.  Incredibly, Zenaria felt her loins responding again.  But now it was her turn to return the favours of the Urulana princess.  While Sulia’s hot mouth continued to move over her body, she found the throbbing heart of the princess’s pleasure centre. 


She was not as skilled as Sulia in making love to a woman, but she was patient and caring and had an almost instinctive sense of what her partner wanted.  With gentle patience she caressed and stroked Sulia into the same quivering sexual release that she had experienced. 


Mutually satiated, they lay in one another’s arms, their breathing slowing, enjoying the peaceful sensation and listening to the beating of the other’s heart.  In that blissful state, sleep overcame them.