

Red Dragon

Episode II Return of the Dragon


Chapter 10  Rohvan


Zirhan Khan rolled off the inert body of his queen.  “Sandoran whore,” he muttered.  “I’ll get a child on you.  Then we’ll see if you’ll move that tight backside.”


Vanora lay quietly on the bed, her chest heaving.  She ignored Khan’s jeering voice, keeping her eyes fixed on the ceiling.  The Sea Warrior might be able to force her to his bed, but he could not make her act like a woman.  She no longer fought his advances; not after realizing that he actually enjoyed rape.  Instead of resisting she simply lay on the bed like a log and let him do whatever he wanted to her.  She could not stop him from violating her, but she could deny him all but minimal pleasure. It took all of her self control especially as Khan attempted to elicit a response by violating her in as brutal a manner as possible.  A session with him left her bruised and bleeding.  However, the tactic seemed to work.  Lately he had left her alone, but she got little pleasure from her minor victory.  Khan taunted her with the fact that he much preferred her mother, bedding the ex-queen almost every night. 


Tonight for some reason he had been especially brutal.  His “lovemaking” had left her loins and aching and her breasts bleeding where his teeth had broken the skin. 


“Your resistance is wasted,” Khan continued, “as is that of your people.  I will crush them as I have crushed you.”


“Resistance, my lord?” Vanora finally responded, rising on one elbow.  She put all of the contempt she could into the last two words.  Khan might have forced her to his bed, but he had not broken her; at least not yet.  “I had not realized there was any resistance.  Surely a man who defeats women so easily must have subdued Sandor by now.”


“One day,” Khan threatened, “it will be my pleasure to hear you scream while I extract your tongue with red hot pincers.” 


“At least that act would impress me more than your skills as a lover,” Vanora sneered.  “You stink like a pig and sound like one too.”


“Bitch!” Zirhan Khan raged.  He slammed his fist into the floor length mirror in Vanora’s dressing room spraying pieces of glass everywhere. 


Vanora curled her lip.  “I hope that was worthwhile, my lord.”  Taunting the Sea Warrior leader was a dangerous game.  He was just as likely to strike her as break her furniture.  But he still needed her or thought he did.  As a result he had to exercise a certain self-restraint when dealing with her. 


Vanora had wondered why the brutal barbarian didn’t simply get rid of her and force her mother to be his consort.  She got her answer when Khan had forced her to appear with him while he welcomed the ambassadors from the neighbouring kingdoms of Korak and Trantor.


Sitting beside Khan on the throne once occupied by her mother she had watched while Khan received the two lords.  Raging inside, she could do nothing while Khan presented her as his queen.  Khan had forced her compliance by threatening to have her mother gang raped by the criminals imprisoned in the castle dungeon.  It had been a humiliating experience, but she had learned something, and that was that Khan needed her.  His hold on the kingdom was not yet secure.  Rebellion reared its ugly head and he sought needed peace with his neighbours in order to give him a free hand to crush all resistance.  Until all opposition was destroyed Khan needed her as a submissive pawn.  It meant that he couldn’t beat her up too badly, hence his violence toward the mirror instead of her.


Khan rubbed his bleeding fist.  “I go to your mother now,” he jeered.  “She has a mouth as soft and yielding as that of a dove’s breast.  She more than makes up for your deficiencies.”


Vanora controlled her anger.  Rolling off the bed she draped a silk robe about her.   “Spoken like a true warrior,” she responded.  “At least you have success in bending women to your will.” 


“Whore,” Khan retorted as he strode toward the door.  “I have you and your mother, and soon I will have the Red Dragon.”  He slammed to door before Vanora could respond.


“Red Dragon?” Vanora wondered.  “Who is the Red Dragon?”



Melissa crouched above the trail.  Behind her were arrayed the twenty young women who had joined her.  They were armed with a variety of weapons from crossbows to swords, but the most effective instrument of war they possessed was a heavy dart.  Melissa had designed the dart with her troop of females in mind.  It was easy to make, consisting of a short length of hardwood tipped by a long iron spike and trimmed with goose feathers to guide it in flight.  More importantly, it took little skill to use.  A few days of training had made every member of her band proficient enough to hit a man-sized target at twenty paces, provided that target stood still.  The trick was to get the enemy to cooperate.


Melissa raised her hand as the first Sea Warrior drew parallel to her.  She was perched just above him and could have dropped on top of him had she wished, but that was not her plan.  She dropped her hand and ten paces away Saphora cut the rope she had been guarding, allowing the tall pine she was standing beside to topple across the trail.  It brought the column of fifteen riders to a complete halt.  A few seconds later a second tree crashed onto the trail behind the Sea Warriors, hemming them in.  Cries of alarm sounded from the trapped men as they milled about looking for a way out. 


“Now!” Melissa shouted.  There was no time to lose.  It would take the sea barbarians only a few seconds to dismantle the crude barrier.  Her half-trained warriors rose from their hiding places.  A veritable rain of missiles showered upon the confused men, piercing their armour and striking their horses.  Several of the animals went mad, bucking their riders into the dust and adding to the confusion.  Others bolted, crashing straight into the fallen trees and catapulting the men riding them into the branches.  However, not all of the darts found their mark.  Several men were unscathed, and realizing that they could not ride up the steep-sided ravine, they leaped from the saddles of their mounts.  Armed with swords and spears they charged up the slope, deflecting missiles with their shields. 


Now it was Melissa’s turn.  She met the first man at the top of the ravine.  Armed with sword and knife, she blocked the downward sweep of the man’s sword with her short blade and avoiding the warrior’s attempt to hammer her with his shield, drove the point of her sword into his mouth.  With a gurgling scream the man toppled backward, taking another warrior with him.  A “thunk” sounded as Saphora took out the next closest man, her crossbow bolt penetrating his chain mail armour below his armpit and dropping him in his tracks. 


Two more warriors scrambled toward the top.  With a sweep of her sword she cut the first man’s throat and then kicked aside the second man’s shield and drove her knife into his vitals.  Below her a third man took aim with his crossbow, but several darts suddenly blossomed from various parts of his body. 


Only three men were still on their feet.  These tossed down their weapons and raised their hands.  The action was not enough to save one of them.  Several darts impaled him even as he attempted to surrender.  The others fared no better.  Melissa lacked the resources to care for prisoners.  Ignoring their pleas for mercy she dispatched both of them with her sword.  “Make sure the rest are dead,” she instructed her followers.  She needn’t have given the command.  One of the girls was already moving from body to body cutting the throat of each man.  It was bloody business, but these men deserved little mercy.  They and their comrades had been engaged in a campaign of rape and pillage of the local area for the last month.  There were still hundreds more to deal with, but the destruction of this patrol would send a message to the others that they now faced an opposition.


Saphora came up to her.  “Three wounded, my lady” she said.  “One seriously.  We will need to get her to a healer.”


Melissa followed Saphora along the top of the ridge.  A half dozen of her followers were huddled around three figures.  The sound of moaning came from one of them.  She ignored the moaning girl.  A glance told her that she had a painful but not life-threatening wound.  It was the young woman who lay quietly that was her concern.  Melissa recognized her as a sixteen-year-old called Enara.  She was very pale, blood oozing from an ugly wound just above her left breast.  A crossbow quarrel had hit her and gone right through, leaving a small entry wound and gaping hole where it had ripped out of her back. 


“You are right,” Melissa said.  Without proper treatment the wound would almost certainly become infected and an injury that large almost certainly would mean nerve and tissue damage.  However, the Sea Warriors had garrisoned all the large towns.  Getting into one and locating a healer without being detected would be very difficult. 


“There is Rohvan,” Saphora suggested.  “I have heard he has a healer amongst his followers. 


“Rohvan,” Melissa repeated.  She knew of the leader of the Sandoran resistance movement, but he would not be easy to find.  The Sea Warriors had been searching for him every since the crushing of the Sandoran army.  There was one possibility, however, and that was to see if she could find him herself.  A woman riding alone into his territory might be able to make contact if she seemed interesting enough. 


“Take them back to camp,” Melissa ordered looking at the three injured women.  “I will be back as soon as I am able.”



Melissa pushed her horse as fast as she dared.  There was no point in exhausting the animal and then being forced to wait several hours while it recovered, but she not afford to dawdle either.  The young girl could not survive long with a wound like that.  She needed help fast.  She rode deeper into the woodlands relying upon information she had gleaned while searching for her lost companions.  She had found no trace of them, but she had picked up stories about the exploits of Rohvan, the only man who dared challenge the Sea Warriors’ claim to his homeland.  It was said he lived deep in the forest, in areas where the sea barbarians feared to travel.  It was the invaders’ most serious weakness.  At sea they were unsurpassed and their daring raids along any coastal area were almost impossible to stop, but they were on unfamiliar ground in heavily wooded territory and it was there that Rohvan had chosen to hide.  Melissa was hoping that somehow she might be lucky enough to encounter one of his scouts and make contact with him.  It was her only chance. 


She thought back to the day she had adopted the score of young women following her.  For three days after leaving the village where she had encountered the Sea Warrior “tax collectors,” she had ridden from coastal village to coastal village searching for her lost companions, but without success.  Frustrated she had turned inland.  It seemed impossible that they could be lost, but her hopes were beginning to dim.  Surely there should have been some sign of them now.


As she rode farther from the sea she had realized she was being followed.  With a sigh she had turned her horse and waited.   A minute later a score of young women halted before her; all except one.  Sophora had stepped forward and going down on her hands and knees touched her head to the ground.  “My lady” she said as the rest of the young women emulated her.


“Get up please,” Melissa said tiredly.  “Why are you here?”


“Oh mistress,” Saphora answered, ignoring Melissa’s order to rise, “please do not send us away.  We have left our villages to be with you.”


“And why is that?” Melissa asked, suspecting the answer. 


“We have been cast out.  Those of us who had husbands were not accepted by our families and those who were not yet married were considered fouled through our contact with the sea barbarians.”


Melissa sighed again, this time to herself.  It was a sadly familiar tale.  Those young women who had been used for pleasure by the Sea Warriors had been cast out of their communities for the heinous sin of allowing themselves to be victims of rape.  She looked despairingly at the twenty young women who were huddled in the dirt and then finally spoke.  “Get up,” she repeated.  “If you are to be with me you must act like women, not like whipped dogs.”


The young women clambered to their feet and stood uncertainly before her.  “Wonderful,” she thought.  “I’m the leader of a defenceless rabble of housewives and young girls.” 


As if reading her thoughts Saphora raised the crossbow she had been carrying.  “Remember, mistress I slew the sea barbarian that was threatening you.”


Melissa nodded.  So one of them could shoot a crossbow.  That was the least of her problems.  How was she going to feed and shelter all of them?  Her three lost companions, especially the two Silvani girls, had some aptitude in looking after themselves.  She doubted, however, that any of the young women before her had much in the way of survival skills.  “Come along,” she said finally.  “We need to find someplace to stay while I decide what I am going to do with you.  And please stop bowing,” she added as all of the young women went to their knees again.  “You’re making me dizzy.”


That had been three weeks ago.  She had managed with some effort to organize the vengeful females into some sort of fighting unit; not a very good one, but deadly when the enemy was stupid as were the Sea Warriors she had ambushed today.  They were, however, poorly prepared to deal with casualties.  Even finding food and shelter for the women had been taxing, using up the last of Melissa’s gold.  Even without the injury to Enara she would have had to try to find some larger group to join.  Twenty women could not defy thousands of enemy soldiers forever.  Flicking the reins she urged her horse on.  Somehow she had to find help.  She had lost enough of her female companions.



She was magnificent; the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, Rohvan thought.    Dressed entirely in black with the exception of a bright red sash girdling her waist, she was dressed as a warrior, a long sword sheathed over her shoulder and the hilt of a knife protruding from the top of each boot.  Her flaming hair was arranged into a thick braid that hung halfway down her back.  Taller than most men she sat easily in the saddle, her full breasts rising and falling to the rhythm of the horse.  Emerald eyes beneath finely arched eyebrows moved constantly as if she suspected that she was being observed. 


Ducking down, he waved to his men as the woman passed.  Quickly they moved from their positions, surrounding the woman and closing off the road.  The redhead reined in her horse as Rohvan stepped from his hiding place.  If he had expected fear he was disappointed.  She looked at the men surrounding her with something approaching disdain.  “I wondered when you’d make your move.  You are the noisiest bunch of brigands I have ever encountered.”


One of the men stepped forward and grabbed the bridle of the horse.  Several others stepped closer, hemming her in.


“I’d remove that hand,” the redhead said calmly, “unless you want to spend the rest of your life with just one.”


Rohvan moved forward.  He was a bit put out at the casual reaction of the redhead to his ambush, but he knew she wasn’t going anywhere and he was most curious about the mysterious beauty who had ridden deep into his territory.  “Release the reins,” he ordered. 


The redhead turned her emerald gaze in his direction.  “Are you the leader of this mob?  It is a good thing I was alone otherwise you and all of your men would have been dead.”


Rohvan flushed.  He was not used to anyone speaking to him like this, but somehow he felt like a small boy in the presence of a school master.  The redhead exuded a sexual magnetism that was almost overpowering.  Mixed with it was an aura of danger he found both intimidating and intriguing. 


“My pardon, my lady,” he finally replied, attempting a recovery.  “But we do not often get visitors.  I will take your word for it that you knew we were here, but if so why did you not turn back? 


The jade eyes burned into him.  “You are Rohvan?” she asked.  “I am Sha zhu, the Red Dragon and I need your help.”


Rohvan’s blue eyes widened.  Rumours of a formidable female warrior calling herself the Red Dragon had been circulating for the last few weeks.  His men had picked up stories from travelers and peasants fleeing to join his men.  According to them she had wiped out an entire Sea Warrior army single-handed without breaking a sweat.  Now that he had met her he could well imagine that the stories might be true.


“I am Vincus Rohvan,” he replied.  “Commander of the King’s Guard, or rather what was once the King’s Guard.”  He gestured to the men around him.   


“I am honoured,” Melissa replied.  Her green eyes bored into the tall, dark-haired man who stood before her.  Like the other men around her he was dressed in shades of brown and green.  A glint of chain-mail peaked out from beneath his jerkin and a long sword was belted about his waist.  A brace of knives was thrust into his belt. 


“The honour is mine,” Rohvan replied.  “Please come with me.  I am most interested to learn how you managed to destroy hundreds of the sea barbarians.”


“Actually,” Melissa replied.  “I am a bit pressed for time.  I need your help.  Several of my companions were wounded in battle and it is said that you have a healer in your band.”


“He shall be placed at your disposal, lady,” Rohvan replied.  Much as he would like to have met with the captivating redhead, her manner indicated that she would not accept his invitation unless her friends were cared for first.  He turned and leading the way went to search for the healer.



Rohvan watched from a distance as the Red Dragon put her troops through their paces.  She and her companions had only been in the camp for a month and already they had changed it more than he had imagined.  It had taken her only a couple of days before she was leading the training of the women warriors.  Rohvan did not have a problem with that.  Sandor had a tradition of female soldiers, as Princess Vanora had shown.  But it was the way that the women in the camp had flocked to the redhead that he found interesting.  Many of the men in his band had fled with their wives and daughters.  As well there were a number of others who were the widowed wives of soldiers killed by the Sea Warriors.  Within days almost all of them had chosen to join the twenty young women the redhead had brought with her.  She now had over five score females ranging in age from thirteen to forty under her tutelage.  There were others who would have liked to join, but the redhead refused to accept anyone under the age of thirteen. 


It was most interesting to watch them train.  Rohvan had never seen such techniques employed before.  Right now the entire troop was down on its knuckles performing some sort of bizarre exercise.  How that was going to make them into any sort of fighting force was beyond him.  He had not even seen them handle a sword as yet, although a few had practiced with crossbows and darts. 


Melissa turned as Rohvan approached.  “Take over,” she said to Saphora. 


“The training is going well?” Rohvan asked conversationally. 


“As well as might be expected,” Melissa responded.  “With the exception of Saphora and one or two others none of them have any weapons experience.  They need to be toughened up and taught some weapons skills.  Right now I am concentrating on things they can handle.  Most of them seem to be able to throw darts.  It might be useful though if you were to provide me with some weapons from your stores in order that they might be better equipped.” 


“Ah,” Rohvan replied, “perhaps that might be forthcoming if I were sure that such equipment might be properly used.”


“And you think I might not use it well, my lord?” Melissa answered.  It was a sore point with her that although Rohvan entrusted her with the training of the camp’s women, he did not see fit to supply her recruits with arms or armour.   


Rohvan shook his head.  In actual fact he would have been most amazed to see any of the women turn into something approaching warriors with the training techniques the redhead was applying.  However, he was quite interested in finding out what skills this supposed woman warrior had.  So far he had seen nothing to indicate she could fight other than an arrogant self confidence and the fact that she carried a sword.  He was beginning to think that the stories about her were stories and nothing more.


“I mean no offense, my lady,” he replied, but I have seen nothing to indicate that either you are any of these warriors are capable of fighting.  For all I know that sword you carry may be intended purely for show.”


“Would you like to see me show you how well I use the sword, my lord?” she asked.  She smiled when she said it, but it was clear she was issuing a challenge.


Rohvan grinned.  He had never met anyone who could match him with a blade, but if the redhead wanted a lesson in swordplay he would be glad to give it to her.  He bowed and replied with a smile.  “It would be my pleasure, my lady.”


A number of Rohvan’s men had assembled near them.  Clearly they expected some sort of entertainment.  Melissa allowed a slight smile to play about her lips.  “I see we have an audience.  Perhaps our demonstration might be more interesting if we were to propose some sort of wager.”


Rohvan smiled broadly.  For a brief unprincipled moment he had a lurid vision of what sort of prize he would like to win, but could not ask for it.  “Agreed,” he answered.  “What do you propose my lady?”


“The first one to score two hits wins.  If I win you agree to provide proper arms and armour for my warriors,” Melissa replied, gesturing toward the one hundred sweating females. 


“And if I should win?”


“Then,” Melissa replied with a knowing smile, “you may request anything of me that you wish.”


One of the watching men laughed loudly.  “Sir Vincus is the best swordsman in Sandor.  I think I know whose tent the redhead will be in tonight.”


Rohvan spun around and glared in the direction of the man who had spoken.  “Another word, Vorhan and I will carve your tongue from your head.”  Chastened, the man shrank back into the crowd.  Still angry Rohvan turned to Melissa.  “My pardon, my lady.  I would not presume to invoke so severe a penalty.”


“You are assuming you will be able to collect,” Melissa replied.  “Ask what you will, but first you must win.”  She unsheathed her blade and held it at the ready.


Rohvan grinned confidently.  It was apparent that he thought the contest would be a short one.  Melissa waited.  She had no way of gauging the skill of her opponent until he attacked, but she had no intention of taking him lightly.


Rohvan attacked almost lazily, but his speed was deceptive.  His power, however, was more than evident.  As his blade crossed hers it almost knocked her sword from her hand.  She could not hope to stand up to him and match him blow for blow.  She would have to match his strength with speed and finesse. 


Moving back under his attack she caught his blade at an angle deflecting each blow rather than blocking it.  Then her own steel flicked out in a deadly riposte almost catching Rohvan as he moved forward.  He answered with a counterblow of his own, ducking beneath her attack and almost taking her legs out from under her.  Leaping high, Melissa avoided the cut and slashed back, the tip of her sword nearly slicing his throat.


Both combatants dropped back.  The first flurry of steel had almost scored on both opponents.  It was a deadly game each of them played as the design of each of them was to score on the other without inflicting a fatal or disfiguring wound.  It would have been far easier if each had merely sought to kill the other. 


Melissa darted forward, using her superior speed to advantage.  Rohvan was forced back for several steps and then as she overreached herself he beat down her guard and almost scored.  The battle went back and forth each, the combatants circling constantly as each sought an opening.  It was a warm day and within minutes both Melissa and Rohvan were soaked in sweat.  Evenly matched, it appeared that the contest might be decided by endurance or luck.


The latter almost decided the first hit as Melissa stepped back and caught her boot heel in the root of an oak and almost fell.  She recovered just in time, the tip of Rohvan’s blade so close she could almost feel it.  Her swift riposte forced him back and she pressed forward, hoping to keep him off balance, but Rohvan’s strength saved him.  Trapping her blade he used the strength of his arms to push her back.  The opponents separated and stood two body lengths apart, breathing heavily while they regained their strength.


“You fight well, my lady,” Rohvan gasped. 


“Melissa nodded.  “And you too my lord.  I did not think you would last so long.”


“We shall see who lasts,” Rohvan grinned.  As he finished speaking he struck, crossing the space that separated them in two strides.  Melissa parried and attempted to duck under his blade, but he turned his sword slightly and brought it down in a quick slash between her breasts. 


Melissa leapt back.  The ties of her blouse had been neatly cut, opening her shirt to just below her breastbone.  Resisting the urge to swear, she took one more step back.  Rohvan had proven a better opponent than she had imagined.  He was big and strong, with a reach that exceeded hers by half the length of her forearm, and reflexes that almost matched hers.    Her shirt had been opened as if the ties had been cut with scissors, revealing the rounded contours of her breasts.  Had she not bound them with a thin piece of silk they would have been fully exposed.  As it was they attracted the eyes of every man present, including Rohvan’s.


“A hit for me I think,” Rohvan smirked. 


“Smug bastard,” thought Melissa.  She retreated one more step, luring her opponent one step farther.  This time it was Melissa who scored, the tip of her sword slashing down.  She made it hurt, ripping a gash down Rohvan’s belly and cutting through his belt.  Had it not been for the chain mail shirt he wore she might have spilled his guts.  She permitted herself a grin as the knight stumbled back, clutching at his falling pants.  She could have finished the fight right there, but she gave him time to recover.


“My pardon, my lord,” Melissa said, lowering her blade.  “My control was not what it should have been.” 


Rohvan was no longer smiling.  He used the pause to knot his belt and then raising his blade he approached her cautiously and then attacked.  There was a flurry of steel as each warrior thrust and counterthrust.  A dozen times each blade came within a hair’s breadth of its target and each time one or the other of the duelists parried or blocked the other’s attack, but it was Melissa who finally finished the fight. 


She resorted to her acrobatic ability to pull it off.  Rohvan attacked and Melissa went back.  She appeared to stumble, dropping to her backside, but as Rohvan charged forward intent on catching her on the ground she rolled forward, picking off his blade.  For a brief instant she was right below him.  Had it been a real fight she would have driven her sword into his groin.  She contented herself, however, with pinking his thigh and rolling from beneath him just as his blade stuck the space where she had been.


Melissa got to her feet.  Raising her blade she saluted her opponent.  It was only then that she realized her latest maneuver had shaken loose the silk covering her breasts.  Hurriedly, she closed her shirt, but it was too late.  The look on Rohvan’s face told her that he had seen the dragon tattoo between her breasts. 


Blushing slightly, Melissa ignored the stares.  “You fought well, my lord,” she said.  “But I expect payment at dawn tomorrow.  Now my troop can begin training in earnest.”


“It shall be as you say, my lady,” Rohvan replied.  “I will see to it personally.” 


Melissa turned away, but she could feel Rohvan’s eyes boring into her as she sheathed her sword and returned to the women she had been training.  She had gotten what she wanted, but at a price.  The dragon tattoo was bound to set tongues wagging, among her troop as well as the men in the camp.  It was something she would have much preferred to keep secret.  However, there was not much she could do about it.  Clapping her hands she reassembled her female company and continued the training again.



Rohvan wandered toward the section of the camp where the redhead had established herself.  It was set apart from the area where the men camped, an arrangement that did not please most of the males in the camp, but one the redhead had insisted upon.  If she was going to train the women to be proper warriors then she needed them separated from the distractions men created.  She did not forbid her charges to associate with the men, but her rule was strict in regard to keeping her section of the camp as a place for women only.  Rohvan smiled slightly as he moved between the orderly rows of tents.  It wasn’t hard to detect the female influence.  Unlike the disorderly area inhabited by his soldiers, this area exuded a sense of discipline and cleanliness. 


The tents were set in neat rows and organized into groups each with its own campfire and cooking pot.  Although children played among the tents, they were not unsupervised.  Their mothers were close at hand and they bowed to Rohvan as he passed.  The action made him feel a little strange.  Women usually curtsied, but they had picked up the custom of bowing from the redhead.  Where had she learned that convention and what were the strange markings he had seen on her body when he had dueled her three months ago?  The question had burned in his mind ever since the day she had pricked his inner thigh with the tip of her blade.  He permitted himself a grin.  It had not been funny at the time, but now he realized from watching her train the women that she could have pricked a far more sensitive region of his anatomy. 


Today the camp was half empty.  It was swimming day.  It was a strange custom the redhead insisted upon.  Every woman was expected to bathe at least three times a week.  Rohvan had nothing against cleanliness, but bathing one day out of every three seemed a bit extreme.  Interestingly, the redhead did not bathe with the other women.  Rohvan thought he knew why.  It was time to discover what the exotic markings on her skin symbolized.  He knew where to find her and headed in that direction.  If the women in the camp thought his intrusion strange they did not show it.  No one tried to bar his way to the waterfall.



Melissa stretched beneath the falling waters, allowing it to flow over her face and breasts.  Even though it was high summer the water was undiminished, rising as it did from a spring deep within the earth.  That accounted for its chilling temperature, but Melissa welcomed it.  After six hours of demonstrating and driving her troop under the hot sun it was a refreshing relief to wash off the dust and sweat.  She turned slowly, letting the spray wet her hair and back.  The chill water raised goosebumps on her flesh and hardened her nipples.  Then another chill swept over her.  She knew without turning that she was being watched. 


“How long have you been watching?” she asked, making no attempt to cover herself as she turned to face Rohvan.


“Not long enough, my lady,” he answered, making no effort to look away. 


Melissa stretched her arms over her head, lifting her breasts and arching her back slightly.  Without the slightest hint of embarrassment she swept her hair back over her shoulders.  “Have you seen enough?” she asked, deliberately omitting Rohvan’s title. 


Rohvan stepped forward and began to strip. 


“What are you doing, my lord?”  Melissa asked, stepping from beneath the waterfall and into the deeper water of the plunge pool. 


“Joining you,” Rohvan replied, baring his powerful shoulders and deep chest.  “It seems improper for me to conduct a conversation while you are bathing and I am not.”


“I would suggest that it is equally improper for you to spy on a lady in the privacy of her bath,” Melissa replied, but her voice did not imply any indignation, but rather a sense of playfulness that was almost an open invitation. 


Rohvan grinned even more broadly as he removed his boots and sword belt.  He kept his trousers on and moved toward the waterfall.  “Somehow, my lady, I think you would have protested more vigorously if you really didn’t want me here.”


Melissa sculled out into deeper water.  Rohvan was strikingly handsome and had a roguish charm she found rather captivating.  He reminded her very much of her first love, the corsair captain who had taken her in when she was but a girl and who had introduced her to the ways of love.  But she had lost him when she had been captured by the Shang.  Thinking her dead, he had married another.  It was a part of her life she still remembered with regret, but she could hardly have expected her lover to wait four years for her. 


Rohvan stepped beneath the waterfall.  He was possessed of an impressive physique.  “Very impressive,” Melissa thought her eyes fixed on an area of his anatomy that although hidden was more than obvious.    


“By the gods,” Rohvan exclaimed.  “How do you tolerate such cold?”  He stepped from beneath the waterfall and executed a fluid dive into the pool.  In a few strokes he was only a body’s length from her.


Melissa mad no effort to escape him.  Despite his forwardness, the knight was a man of honour.  She knew that he would not force himself on her.  By rights she should have been outraged, but she was not.  As a matter of fact she welcomed his attentions.  It had after all been five years since she had engaged in consensual sex.  As he gazed upon her she felt an unmistakable stirring in her loins.  Lazily she turned over and breast stroked toward the other side of the pool.  A sun drenched rock rose out of the water.  It was a place where she had spent some time sunning herself on the few occasions she had not been busy drilling her troop.


Acting as if Rohvan was not there, she stroked to the rock and pulled herself out of the water.  Lying flat on the rock she closed her eyes and relaxed.


Rohvan stared in amazement.  The water glistening on her lithe athletic body reflected the sunlight like a thousand jewels.  But it was the serpentine figure of the red dragon engraved on her skin that drew his attention.  He could have sworn that the creature was actually alive.  Its body seemed to shimmer with a strange glow and the muscles beneath the woman’s skin gave it movement.


Rohvan took a deep breath and pulled himself out of the water beside her.  He made no effort to touch her, despite the fact that her actions amounted to an unmistakable invitation. 


Melissa opened one eye.  “You are wondering about the markings on my body, my lord?”


“Your pardon, my lady,” Rohvan said, “but they are something that is difficult to ignore.”  At that moment, he was thinking less about the tattoo and more about how kissable her lips were – along with other less refined thoughts.


“I have revealed their secret to no one other than my closest companions.  And I hardly think you are in that category as yet.”


“And,” said Rohvan, “how might I gain such confidence?”


Melissa hesitated.  She had allowed Rohvan to get this close to her, clearly inviting his attentions.  Her actions could hardly have been more obvious.  Had she reacted in shocked indignation when she had first detected his presence her lack of interest would have been all too clear, but she had led him on, her every action and word inviting seduction.  Now, however, at the last heartbeat, she found herself unable to proceed, like some love struck damsel who had never been kissed.


“My lord,” she began.  Rohvan silenced her mouth with a kiss. 


It was not a passionate kiss, nor did he force his lips hard against hers, but rather he gently caressed her lips with his own.  It sent an electric shock through her that went from her lips to the tips of her toes.  “Ah, my lord,” she repeated.  Lifting her body she lost herself in his embrace. 



“Mmmmmmmm,” Melissa cried.  Rohvan thrust deep into her.  She was gagged with a piece of his shirt.  They had decided it was for the best after her cries of passion had threatened to bring everyone in the camp to the scene of their lovemaking.  Covered in sweat, their bodies contorted in a sexual frenzy as they coupled.  Neither was conscious of the time that had passed.  If anyone had come looking for either of them they did not know it.  Rohvan seemed inexhaustible and Melissa insatiable.  Wrapping her legs around him she arched her back as she sought to bury him within her.  Fortunately for her unbridled ardor, Rohvan was more than equal to the task.  His hands on her breasts, he squeezed hard and then bent his mouth to the erect nipples.  Melissa screamed as an orgasm ripped through her body.  Gripping Rohvan’s backside she tried to pull him even deeper. 


Rohvan grunted from the exertion.  Bedding the flame-haired beauty was like trying to ride a wildcat.  Gripping her hips he thrust hard into her and then pulled back, withdrawing his throbbing manhood.  The gasping woman moaned in protest, but Rohvan ignored her.  Grabbing her legs he flipped onto her belly and then gripping her just above the elbows he pulled her back and took her from behind. 


Melissa cried out as her back was arched back like a bow.  Then she screamed into the gag as Rohvan penetrated her from behind.  The knight was tireless, meeting her every demand.  Five years of pent up sexual deprivation exploded out of her as he probed the inner recesses of her garden of love. 


Rohvan gazed in wonder at the sweat drenched body of the Red dragon.  Powerful muscles rolled beneath the velvet skin making the image of the dragon carved into her skin move as if it were alive.  He released one of her arms and let his fingers play down the curve of her spine.  It was like caressing steel sheathed in satin.  He bent forward and licked the sweat from her back, and then when the woman responded with a moan he continued his plumbing of her inner recesses.  She climaxed again, her love canal clamping like a velvet vise about his manhood.  This time her passionate response was followed by his.  He exploded within her, filling her with his thick white cream, while she slump forward in sexual exhaustion.


Melissa untied the gag.  Moving beneath Rohvan, she shifted he body so that she was lying on her back.  “Hold me,” she whispered.  “Hold me.”


Rohvan took her in his arms.  Gently he kissed her soft mouth.  She molded her body against his, and then with a smile on her lips drifted off into a tranquil sleep. 


Rohvan held the sleeping woman.  He caressed her hair.  A short while ago she had beaten him in a duel, now she surrendered to him completely.  And he still knew almost nothing about her.  He let his fingers run over the head of the dragon tattoo between her breasts.  One day he would learn its origins.