The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

Episode 10

The Jade Dragon’s Defeat




Chapter 10  Rope Burns


Melissa’s body throbbed with pain.  Her ordeal at the hands of the Master Assassin had left her completely disoriented.  She had lost track of the number of times someone had pounded into her and her voice was hoarse from screaming.  To her complete mortification she realized that most of the time she had been screaming for her assailants to fuck her harder.  Although the aphrodisiac she had been force fed had worn off, she was completely exhausted and to compound her pain she was still swinging from the ceiling, her body still brutally bound.  The rough hemp rope cut into her flesh, scraping away the skin and cutting off the circulation. 


However long she had been subjected to the attentions of the Master Assassin and his men they seemed to have left off for the moment.  From her position in the middle of the room she had a clear view of Solange and Suzi.  They too were still in the bondage in which they had been placed and both looked a good deal the worse for wear. 


Suzi especially seemed to have suffered.  Her heavy breasts were marked with bruises and bite-marks and she seemed barely able to hold herself erect.  But she didn’t have much choice.  After her captors had finished enjoying her, a rope had been tied around her neck and secured to the ceiling above her.  Any attempt to relax would result in her immediate strangulation. 


Solange was not much better.  Her legs splayed for balance she remained in the pillory, her body quivering with fatigue.  The girl’s eyes were wide in an expression of utter hopelessness and shock.  It was clear to Melissa that she had never expected to be subjected to so brutal an ordeal in her career as a heroine. 


The Master Assassin stood in the middle of his three prizes.  Most of his henchmen seemed to have disappeared, perhaps to recover from their exertions, leaving the three heroines temporarily free of sexual molestation.  “So,” he said.  “Have I proved who is master?  Be assured that I am far from finished with any of you.  I have sampled you all and have decided to keep you alive for further entertainment, however I desire one of you to voluntarily fulfill my sexual desires.  The other two will be well treated as long as the volunteer performs well.  A refusal to cooperate will result in the continued use of all of you for the satisfaction of my men and your continued existence in your painful bondage.”


He finished speaking, letting his words sink in.  The choice he offered was not a pleasant one.  To be forced to completely submit to the villain would be a heroine’s worst nightmare, but to ignore his demands meant continued suffering for all of them.  Melissa doubted that Solange could take much more.  The words were out of her mouth almost before the master Assassin stopped speaking.  “Take me.”


She beat out Suzi and Solange by only a second.  “Me!” they both volunteered. 


The Master Assassin laughed.  “It is as I thought.  Three volunteers.  Three heroines each willing to sacrifice herself to save the others.”  He turned to Melissa.  “And especially the loving mother willing to give herself to prevent her daughter from suffering.  You would do anything to save your daughter wouldn’t you?”


“I asked you a question,” the Master Assassin said when Melissa remained silent.  She was terrified of what might happen if she answered honestly, but had little choice.


“Yes,” she answered, giving no elaboration.


“Then I will choose the daughter,” Wang grinned.  “I will kill two birds with one stone.  You will suffer ever so much more knowing that your daughter shares my bed and willingly does everything I ask of her and I will enjoy the body of an exquisitely beautiful young woman.  First, however, you must all be given a few days to heal.  I want your daughter healthy when she shares my bed.”


Melissa hung her head.  Any attempt to protest the Master Assassin’s decision would simply give him more pleasure.  Suzi also remained silent, probably for the same reason.  “Take them to the cells,” the Master Assassin ordered.  “One in each, and make sure that they are well cared for.  I will call for the daughter in three days.”  As an afterthought he turned to Solange.  “What is your name, girl?  I wish to know who will serve as my personal whore.”


“Solange.”  The answer was so low that Melissa could barely hear it.  It was clear that her daughter was close to collapse and was dreading her upcoming ordeal.  She wanted to say something comforting, but could think of nothing, especially in front of the Master Assassin and his men.  None of the exhausted heroines said a thing as they were released from their bondage and dragged away to the cells.



True to his word, the heroines received decent treatment for the next three days.  They were given a plain beige shirt and matching trousers to cover their nakedness and were served regular meals.  They were also allowed to wash the grime of their ordeal from their bodies and given combs to tend to their tangled hair.  Solange was given even more than this.  On the afternoon of her third day of recovery a small oriental women entered her cell.  The woman motioned for her to sit in at the only table in the room.  As Solange sat down the women set up a mirror on the table and moved behind her.


“My name is Shan,” the middle-aged woman said.  “I am here to get you ready for the master.”


The announcement added to the butterflies that had fluttered inside Solange’s stomach all day long.  She had hoped that somehow the Master Assassin might have forgotten about her or perhaps been distracted by some other event, giving her an extra day to delay her promise, but it was clear now that it was not to be. 


“Mmm,” Shan said, studying Solange both in the mirror and from behind.  “You are quite attractive for a non-Chinese.  Very nice bone structure.  I think I can do something with that.  First, however, you must be properly bathed.  Remove your clothing.”


“I washed this morning,” Solange answered. 


“I’m sure you did,” Shan answered, “but the master is very particular about those he takes to his bed.”


“I see,” Solange returned acidly.  “He is quite willing to rape any helpless woman he captures, but those who go to him voluntarily he screens carefully.”


“Your bitterness is wasted on me,” Shan replied.  “I merely do as the master requests.   Now are you going to keep your agreement or shall I leave and report to the master you have changed your mind?”


“No,” Solange said angrily, “I’ll cooperate.  Do what you want with me.”  As she spoke she began to strip off her clothing. 


Shan went to the door and spoke quietly through the bars.  A minute later the door opened and two Chinese girls rolling a large copper tub of steaming water entered the room.  Behind them a third girl entered carrying a load of towels and other supplies.


“Dammit,” Solange thought.  “Just how dirty do they think I am?”


There was nothing for it, however.  Shan insisted that she get into the tub, and gingerly Solange stepped into the hot water.  Immediately she was surrounded by the three girls who proceeded to scrub her until her skin was red.  It was not altogether a painless experience.  In spite of her three day rest Solange still sported a number of bruises, painful reminders of the gang rape she had suffered.  And her nipples were still pieced by the iron rings and hung with the small weights.


“These will have to go,” Shan said.  She produced a pair of pliers and proceeded to snip through the metal rings.  Solange winced slightly as the rings were removed, but it was a relief to have the painful weights removed.  However, she was not to escape without some sort of ornamentation.  Shan replaced them with gold rings from which depended small diamond pendants.  It was an improvement, but not by much. 


By this time the scrubbing was complete, however, there was just one more matter of personal hygiene to attend to before Solange was allowed out of the tub.  “That will have to go,” Shan commented, fingering the soft down covering Solange’s pubic mound.  “Sit up here.”  She indicated a board that one of the girls had placed across the top of the tub.  It left Solange trailing her feet in water but the rest of her body where Shan could get at it with the razor she was brandishing. 


“No,” Solange protested.  “You might cut me.”  She was really much more concerned about the indignity of being shaved, but she dared not refuse outright.


“Don’t be ridiculous,” Shan scolded.  “I’ve shaved hundreds of women.  Just don’t move.”


Angry, but unable to refuse, Solange did as she was told.  It was just one more demeaning action in a long line since her captivity.  It was hardly as bad as being raped and tortured, but it still rankled.


Shan was very efficient, removing Solange’s unwanted hair with just a few strokes of the razor.  Then she was dried, helped into a loose-fitting robe, and moved back to the table.  “Now to do something with your hair,” Shan said.  Two of the girls were already working on Solange’s fingernails, while the other was giving her a pedicure. 


All of this activity did nothing to restore Solange’s peace of mind; rather it increased her tension as she was remade into something out of an erotic fairy tale.  It was bad enough having to subject herself to the sexual whims of the Master Assassin without the added element of sexual fantasy.  She did not, however, have much say in the matter.  Forced to endure the avid attention of the four women she was transformed into an erotic vision. 


Looking at herself in the mirror, Solange could hardly believe the change.  From her rouged nipples to the elaborate painting of her lips, eyes, and cheekbones and the complex coiffure held in place by long steel pins, she had been transformed into an oriental beauty.  Only her Caucasian nose and deep blue eyes hinted at her actual origin.


“I think you will do.” Shan commented.  “Now for the final touches.”  With the aid of the three girls Shan exchanged Solange’s robe for a sheer silk gown.  Although it covered her from her shoulders to her feet it was so transparent that Solange felt no more dressed with it on than she had when stripped naked.  Outfitted with silk slippers Shan led her from the cell.  “The master requested that you be allowed to see your mother and companion before being brought to him,” she explained. 


Solange hardly found the announcement reassuring.  The last thing she wanted was for her mother to see her dressed and made up like an oriental concubine, but she could not refuse.  She had to make sure that Wang had kept his part of the bargain and that her mother and Suzi were being well treated. 


The two cells holding her mother and Suzi were not far.  To Solange’s acute embarrassment they were open-faced with a wall of bars facing the corridor so that the prisoners could be easily viewed.  It also made it possible for the prisoners to see her, which no doubt was exactly what the Master Assassin intended. 


Her mother and Suzi looked out at her from their individual cells.  Her mother gave no indication of what she thought when she saw Solange, but Suzi could not hide a flicker of quickly suppressed shock at Solange’s transformation.  All of the women understood the purpose of the controlled meeting and none of them said anything, but Solange squirmed at the thought of what her mother and Suzi must think. 


Solange wanted to run to the bars and try to hug her mother through them, but her sense of propriety and the certainty that she would be dragged back by the guards that flanked her kept her where she was.  Communicating through their eyes alone the three women looked at one another and then the moment was gone as Shan intervened.  “Say goodbye.  Your master awaits.”


Obviously intended to create further humiliation, Solange ignored Shan’s comments as she was pulled away from the cells.  The last she saw of her mother was her face peering through the bars just before the door of the cell block closed. 



“Bastards,” Melissa murmured as the door closed blocking her view of Solange.  She was beside herself with worry about what was to become of her daughter.  Wang had done a masterful job of causing her maximum mental anguish.  Now she could do nothing but wait while her daughter was taken off to perform as a whore for the Master Assassin.  For at least the hundredth time she paced her cell looking for some weakness, but it was too well designed.  The lock mechanism was located more than an arm’s reach from the door.  Even if she had possessed some sort of tool it would have been impossible for her to reach it. 


She paced back and forth like a caged animal, which was not far short of the mark, considering her state of mind.  “God, Solange, what have I gotten us into?”  There was, of course, no answer to her unspoken question and she had no time to ask any more before the door the cell block suddenly opened and several of Wang’s henchmen strode into view.  The hungry look in their eyes told her all she needed to know, but she was not surprised.  What would have surprised her would have been if the Master Assassin had actually kept his word. 


“Do not resist,” she was warned.  “Remember that the master has your daughter.”


Several men entered the cell.  Quickly they secured Melissa’s arms behind her.  In the cell next to her she could hear the same thing being done to Suzi and then they were both dragged out into the corridor. 


“Rather pathetic are you not?” said one of the men.  Although his face was shrouded like most of the assassins, Melissa knew his voice.  She had heard him called Li Chao and knew him as the second in command to the Master Assassin.  “It is hard to believe that two women who were so easily captured could possibly be feared by any of the criminals of this city.”


Melissa raised her head.  She was not yet defeated and in spite of her dire circumstances she was not about to give up.  “Give me ten seconds alone with you and you will find out,” she answered.  She knew that her answer was foolish.  Responding to the taunts of a bully who has you at his mercy always is, but her frustration bubbled out of her.


“That sounds like a challenge,” Li Chao growled.  “A challenge from the disgraced assassin.  The one who not only abandoned her guild, but savagely murdered her master.”  He pushed his face close to Melissa’s.  It took all of her self control not to kick him between the legs, but she remembered that Solange was completely at the mercy of these thugs.  A few seconds later she wished that she had not bothered to restrain herself.


The blow came from out of nowhere.  She had no chance to avoid it and was doubled up as the air was blasted from her lungs.  She fought desperately to pull air into her lungs and was rocked by two hard slaps that staggered her even though she was held by two of the other assassins. 


“Gutless scum.”  The words were Suzi’s; Melissa could barely suck air into her lungs. 


“Ah yes,” Li Chao sneered.  “The Scarlet Falcon, the heroine who cannot fight, but must rely upon gadgets and her companions to do her fighting for her.”  There was a loud slap and although Melissa was still doubled up she did not have to see to know what had happened. 


“Take them to the main room,” Li Chao commanded.  “We will give them both a heroic fucking.”


The two heroines were pushed and dragged from the cell block and found themselves back in the room where they had been brutally bound and tormented.  Melissa was pushed face down on the floor and pressed into it by the weight of one of the assassins sitting in the middle of her back.  Her wrists were untied and pulled straight out to the sides.  While she lay helpless, still gasping for air, her shirt and pants were pulled off and ropes were retied around each of her wrists and ankles.  Then she was lifted straight off the floor.  Her arms were almost wrenched out of their sockets as she was raised to a height of about three feet.  She was left hanging face down from the ceiling by her legs and arms.  Each was separately strung from a hook in the ceiling leaving her spread in the shape of an X.  A groan from Suzi let her know that her companion was suffering a similar fate. 


“Now,” Li Chao crowed, “we will see just how strong you really are.”


Melissa expected to be raped, and in that she was not disappointed, but Li Chao had one more torment in mind before he started on her.  Melissa winced as a rope was cinched around each of her dangling breasts.  Hanging from the end of each rope was a heavy weight that stretched her breasts painfully as she swung back and forth from the ropes that suspended her.  Then Li Chao moved between her legs.


Melissa groaned as he entered her. The thrust sent the weights hanging from her breasts swinging wildly, stretching the firm flesh even more brutally.  And then there was another man in front of her.  She tried to turn her head, but he slapped her hard and grabbed her hair with both hands, forcing her head up and then forced his member between her lips. 


The double rape was excruciatingly painful.  Suspended as she was her arms were slowly pulled from their sockets, and the pain in her weighted breasts was agonizing.  But she was not to be let off easily.  Man after man took his turn with her until her entire world evolved into a painful haze in which her tormented body begged for relief.  But it was a relief that was long in coming and one that was made even worse by the muffled grunts that told her Suzi was being similarly tortured. 



Suzi swallowed blood from her bleeding cheek.  The cowardly blow that had followed her protest had jammed her cheek into her teeth cutting it badly inside her mouth.  It had been foolish to give her captors an excuse to beat her.  The sort of thugs that surrounded her didn’t really need a reason to brutalize a woman as she well knew, but she could not remain silent when Li Chao had delivered the cowardly blow to Melissa’s stomach.  However, she made no further protest as she was dragged into the large room where she and her companions had been gang raped. 


Upon entering the room she was held by two men while her hands were untied.  Since there were several others close by and any attempt to struggle would simply be an excuse for a painful beating she did nothing while they first forced her to strip and then spread her legs and tied her ankles to iron rings set into the floor.  This was followed by each of her arms being tied to a ring set into the ceiling.  Then her body was pushed forward so the she was leaning forward at an angle of about seventy degrees with her arms forced back at an angle.  It was a painful way to stand, but she had no choice as a rope was tied about her neck forcing her to remain at that angle whether she liked it or not.  


From her position she had a full view of what was being done to Melissa, but she had little time to focus on the brutality of her companion’s bondage.  As the weights were tied to Melissa’s breasts one of the men attending to her stepped forward and knotted a length of rope about Suzi’s right breast.  He pulled it painfully tight before proceeding to bind the other in the same way, and Suzi had to fight to keep from whimpering.  She was unable to suppress a cry of pain, however, when he threaded each of the ropes through two hooks in the ceiling beam and attached a heavy weight to each of them.  It was not particularly imaginative, seeing as something similar had been done to Melissa, but it was profoundly painful.  And it soon became worse as she felt one of the assassins step between her legs. 


“Nngghh!” she cried as he slammed into her.  Each movement of the rapist’s body caused the weights to jerk painfully on each of her breasts, the weights swinging like pendulums as her body jerked to the rhythm of the rape.  A few feet away Suzi could hear Melissa’s gasps and suppressed moans as she too was violated and then her surroundings blurred into a miasma of pain and humiliation.  As her swollen breasts were stretched she wondered if they would ever return to their normal globular shape and then, mercifully, she fainted.



Solange raised her chin as she entered Wang’s chambers, but her defiant attitude did not in any way anger her captor.  The Master Assassin was lounging on a luxurious bed clad only in a pair of quilted trousers.  His muscular upper body was fully revealed along with his face.  To her surprise Solange saw that he was much younger than she had imagined, probably no older than his mid thirties.  “A typical heroine,” he commented.  “Too haughty to know when she is beaten, but I will soon turn you into my willing slave.  In the meantime just remember that the welfare of your mother and her companion depends upon your complete cooperation.  If I am displeased with your performance I will emphasize that point by cutting off a portion of your mother’s anatomy and presenting it to you on a plate.” 


The fact that Wang had not mentioned what part of her mother’s body he would cut off sent all sorts of hideous visions through Solange’s mind.  It also made her realize what she was truly up against.  She must not only cooperate with her sadistic captor, but must endeavour to please him as well.  The sudden realization of what she must do sent a shudder through her.  Her confidence gone, she approached him with the terrified step of a twelve year old virgin on her wedding night.


“That’s better,” Wang observed.  “You are beginning to know your place.  Now stand before me and let me look at you.”


Solange moved closer feeling like a prize cow at a livestock exhibition, but she did not lower her head, but instead fixed her eyes on a spot over the Master Assassin’s head.  “Excellent,” Wang muttered.  “Shan did her work well.  I can almost imagine you as an oriental concubine.  Turn and let me see you move.”


Solange turned, fully conscious of the eyes of the Master Assassin as they lingered on her breasts and buttocks.  Her diaphanous costume hid very little of her body and her charms were abundantly displayed.  Wang gave a grunt of approval.  “Perfection.  Now kneel before me, child.”


Solange went to her knees.  With her heads now lower than Wang’s she could no longer stare into space without meeting his eyes and so she bowed her head.  Wang mistook her action for submission.  “Well, done.  You are learning child.  Now remove the pins and let down your hair.”


Solange had wondered about the foot long needles that held her elaborately styled coiffure, thinking it strange that she would be allowed near the Master Assassin with anything that might be used as a weapon, but she realized that he had no fear of her as long as he held her mother and Suzi prisoner.  He had gauged correctly that she would do anything he told her to protect them.  Slowly she raised her hands to her hair and removed the pins, allowing her perfumed locks to tumble to her shoulders. 


“Leave your hands above your head, I wish to look at you.”


Stoically, Solange held her position while the eyes of the Master Assassin traveled over her.  Once again she felt the strange wave of fear pass over her.  She knew that it was completely irrational.  How could she feel like a virgin bride on her wedding night after what she had been through, but somehow she could not shake the feeling.  “Exquisite,” Wang commented.  “It will be a pure delight to take you to my bed.  Now it is time for you to show me your skills.  Come closer.”


Wang beckoned as he spoke indicating that Solange should rise and advance to the edge of the bed.  She did so, trying not to show her trepidation, but her heart was thumping like a rabbit’s and she was sure he could hear every beat. 


Wang leaned back, supporting his weight on his elbows.  The position revealed a prominent bulge in the crotch of his trousers.  Solange swallowed, trying hard not to show her nervousness, but Wang’s next words make things much worse.  “Undress me,” he ordered.


For a second Solange hesitated.  She thought about asking him what he meant, but knew that questioning such an obvious order would merely make her look stupid, and then there was the matter of her mother.  She knew from experience that Wang and his men enjoyed torture.  She wanted to give him no excuse to turn on her mother or Suzi.  Taking one step closer she tugged on his trousers revealing his full blown erection.


“Ahh,” Wang sighed.  “Now to see just how skilled a heroine of Metro City is.  Stroke it child.  Stroke it gently.”


Solange closed her fingers over the Master Assassin’s member as if she was touching red-hot iron, but she willed her fingers to do what he asked.  Slowly, exerting firm but gentle pressure she began to massage his phallus.  Wang lay back with another sigh, arching his pelvis slightly as Solange stroked him.  To her surprise, she found that he was not quite as erect as she had thought.  His member pulsed beneath her fingers and increased noticeably in size.


“Now your mouth child.  Take my wand in your mouth.”


Wang’s swollen member was hardly a wand, but there was no mistaking what he wanted.  It was something she had done before, but never to someone she despised.  Swallowing, she bent her head and closed her lips over the head of Wang’s erection.


“Not like that, child.  Don’t you have any idea how to please a man?  Lick it first.  I want to feel your tongue wrap itself around the head of my wand.” 


None of her boyfriends had complained about Solange’s skills, but they had not exactly been too interested in doing more than giving her a quick fuck before rolling over and going to sleep.  She lifted her head and began to tease the head of Wang’s cock with her tongue.  “That’s better.  I’ll make a decent courtesan out of you yet.”


The “courtesan” bowed her head and followed Wang’s instructions.  In spite of his criticism of her technique she soon had him breathing hard and he pulled her toward him.


“Kiss me,” he ordered.  One hand was in the small of her back and the other around her shoulders.  For an instant, Solange resisted, but then, remembering her promise, let him pull her closer.  But she would rather have drunk acid than put her lips to Wang’s.  In her mind a kiss was something one gave to someone one loved, not to a man who had forced her to his bed by threats to torture her mother.  Slowly she lowered her lips to his, her legs now straddling his waist. 


The kiss disgusted her more than being forced to take his phallus into her mouth, but she fought down her urge to pull back and let his tongue intertwine with hers.  Wang sensed her reluctance and reacted with anger.  “Must I teach you how to do everything?  You kiss like a temple virgin.”  Violently he pushed her away from him.  “Shall I summon the guards and have your mother and companion brought in here?  I assure you their stay will be most unpleasant.”  He picked up a small curved knife from a table and brandished it before her.  “I will cut off every finger of her right hand before your eyes.  I hope you enjoy her screams.”


“No,” Solange cried.  “Please do not do it.  I apologize.  It is just that I am unskilled in the ways of love.  I will try to do better.”  As she spoke she knelt on the bed and bowed her head. 


“We will try again,” Wang said tossing the knife carelessly aside.  She noticed that in his anger his erection had somewhat diminished, but she doubted it would stay that way for long.  Returning to the bed, he pushed her down and moved so that he was above her; then he lowered his head and took her lips in his once more.  This time Solange did her best to kiss him back. 


Her performance seemed to satisfy him, but her body tensed as she felt his hands begin to move over her even as kissed her.  She had been fondled before when she had been raped.  Her body still had the bruises to prove it, but this was somehow different.  It disgusted her that she was forced to submit voluntarily, but she had no choice but to let Wang do what he wanted with her.  She had little doubt that her mother’s welfare depended upon it.  And so she forced herself to relax as Wang’s fingers sought out her most private places. 


“Relax my child,” Wang murmured into her ear.  “You fool no one with your pretended compliance.  I know you hate this; that is partly what makes it so delightful.  You might as well surrender and try to enjoy it.”


Solange quivered as Wang stroked her mound of Venus.  As much as she loathed what was happening to her she had to admit that it would be so much easier if she just gave in and let the Master Assassin have his way with her both body and soul.  After all, he already had her body.  Why shouldn’t she enjoy it?  She had gone to bed with men she had known for only a few hours.  If she was to be fucked she might as well find pleasure in it.  As his hands stroked her belly she let him take her, she felt her body begin to respond. 


“That’s it my beauty,” Wang murmured.  “Let it happen.” 


Her breathing quickened.  “No,” she thought.  “It is wrong to give in.”  But why was it wrong?  She had done nothing to deserve rape.  She had suffered enough at the hands of her captors.  Surely it wasn’t wrong to give in to a little pleasure, especially when doing so would save her mother’s life. 


Wang was very skilled.  His every touch set her skin on fire.  She had never known such a lover.  It was all she could do not to moan in pleasure as he played her body like a skilled musician plays his instrument. 


“Surrender,” Wang breathed into her ear.  “Give yourself to me.  Remember I own your mother.”


His hands cupped her breasts, hands that just the day before had brutally mauled Suzi’s breasts, but she tried to shut that out of her mind.  “I’ve got to do this,” she thought.  It’s only pretend.  I don’t really love him.  Pretend.  What harm can there be in it?”  She arched her body into him and let him flow into her.    


As if in a dream she felt Wang loosen the laces that held her robe in place and then he was pressed tight against her, flesh against flesh.  “Oh my god,” she thought.  “It’s happening.”  Her body was straining against his, slick with sweat; her harsh breathing signaling her readiness.  With a low sigh he entered her.  She buried her head in his shoulder and pulled him close so that he would not see her tears, and then she moaned in desire as he used his teeth to tug lightly on the jeweled pendant that swung from her left breast. 


“Yes, my lovely.  Yes.  Yes,” Wang groaned as he thrust into her. 


Solange moaned in reply, a sound part passion part remorse for betraying herself.  And then she gave herself over to the moment and let her conqueror take her.  “For you, mummy,” she thought.  “I do this for you.”  She wrapped her long powerful legs around Wang’s waist and pulled him into her.  Her cry of carnal desire was not pretended.  Nor were her tears of shame. 



Melissa gazed through a haze of pain to see Wang standing in front of her.  She was still cruelly bound and she was in excruciating pain, especially where the ropes binding her breasts cut into her flesh.   A few feet away Suzi was sobbing in agony her body hanging limply from the ropes that bound her. 


“Cut them down,” Wang ordered.  “I want them both to hear what I have to say.”


Melissa gasped in pain as the blood pounded back into her breasts.  She was forced to sit on the floor as her legs would not support her and she stared up at the Master Assassin as he stood before her.  Wang was only partly dressed, wearing only a pair of trousers tied with a red sash and soft slippers.  His face, as usual was shrouded in a black scarf, but his powerfully muscled torso was bare, revealing the mark of the scorpion in the centre of his chest.  She looked at him, too exhausted to even wonder why he had decided to end her torment until he spoke.


“Your daughter is a delight.  I thought you might like to know that I found her more than adequate.  She is not particularly skilled, but she learns quickly and I have never known so fine and athletic a body.  She more than made up for her lack of experience with her strength and beauty; and she was most enthusiastic toward the end.  I think I will keep her and that means, of course that I will keep you alive for a few more days.  The way your daughter responded tonight gives me cause to believe that she will soon perform for me quite willingly without my having to use you as a hostage.


“You’re lying,” Melissa gasped.  “Solange might have submitted to save me, but she would never give herself to you willingly.”


“Wouldn’t she?” Wang asked sneeringly.  “I think you are in for a surprise.  I am going to have you returned to your cells.  You have entertained my men enough for tonight.  Tomorrow or perhaps the next day when you are feeling better, you can ask her yourself.  By then she should have even more to tell.”


Wang motioned to his men and they picked up both Melissa and Suzi.  Within a short time they were back in their cells, both too exhausted in too much pain to do more than lie on their cots.  However, sleep did not come right away for Melissa.  She ran Wang’s words through her mind over and over again.  He had to be lying.  Solange would never willingly give herself to such a brute.  Especially one who had raped her along with her mother and companion.  With that thought playing in her head she finally succumbed to an exhausted sleep.