Tales of Erogenia

Based on the online comic created by J.E. Draft.

Episode 2: Journey to Jinqua


Chapter 11:  Dislocations and Revelations


Zenaria awoke long before dawn.  Their tower prison was flooded with light early, but she was forced to wait.  However, it was close to mid-morning when the High Sorcerer showed up.  By that time she had wolfed down the chunks of raw meat that had been tossed through the bars and had licked herself thoroughly clean.  Using her tongue to clean her fur seemed quite natural and she couldn’t stop herself from doing it no matter how animalistic it seemed.  Her only concern was that she might cough up a hairball in front of Alzid or the emperor. 


Alzid stood outside the bars.  “You are going to be chained again.  I suspect that you would not do anything rash, but the emperor wants to see you and you may not appear before him any other way.  Please do not resist.  To do so would be most unwise.”


Zenaria had not expected anything less.  After all, she and Sir Varden had killed and maimed scores of palace guards.  She only hoped that the interview with the emperor might result in a change in their status. 


Guards entered the cell.  Warily they placed heavy chains on Zenaria’s ankles and wrists and secured a heavy metal-studded leather collar about her neck.  Sir Varden was similarly restrained, being hobbled on both his fore and hind legs.  An almost identical collar was placed about his neck with a chain linking it to Zenaria’s collar.  Then with more than a score of guards holding chains that served as metal leashes, they were led from the cell. 


Certainly it was a humiliating experience for the two proud warriors to be led through the palace like animals, but after all, now they were animals.  And they would likely remain so unless they cooperated.  That alone was motivation enough for Zenaria to be on her best behaviour and apparently Sir Varden through so too.  Meekly they followed their captors through the complex maze of passages that made up the palace.


It was even more magnificent than Junal’s palace.  Every surface was carved or decorated with elaborate mosaics made up of tiny pieces of glittering stone or glass.  It made almost every surface shine brilliantly where the sunlight touched it and the palace was constructed with numerous windows open to the light.  Zenaria found herself wondering about the security problem this created, but noted that there were guards every few yards along every corridor they traversed. 


The Emperor Pulan was seated in an area where the palace opened to a magnificent garden that was fully large enough to have enclosed two of her villages.  It even had a thirty foot waterfall that emptied into a deep pool.  Fortunately her escort moved her quickly along, preventing her from gawking, although with her leopard features, probably no one would have noticed. 


The Emperor was seated beside a stream that flowed from the artificial lake.  Zenaria noted a number of large orange fish swimming lazily in the clear waters and had to fight back an almost overwhelming urge to put her paw, err… hand, into the water and scoop one of them out.  There was a low rumble from Sir Varden’s throat and Zenaria guessed that he was experiencing similar temptations. 


Alzid went down on one knee before the Emperor and Zenaria decided that it was wise to do the same even though such a custom was foreign to her culture and as a princess she was ranked almost equal to him.  In his leonine guise Sir Varden was spared the obeisance, however, he sat back on his haunches and assumed a lordly mien.  Zenaria decided that his current guise suited him very well.


Emperor Pulan was very much like what Zenaria had thought he might be.  Clothed in long robes of silk and gold, he resembled Junal and stared at her and Sir Varden with a regal air.  “So these are the two that so decimated our guard and allowed our enemy to seize control of the Orb of Power.”


“It is so, my lord,” Alzid said.  “However, I believe that they were the unwitting instruments of your brother’s machinations.  I also believe that they may be able to redeem themselves by getting it back.”


“And why should they be trusted?” the emperor asked.  “They slaughtered the royal guard, and allowed the theft of the artefact that offered our only protection from Junal’s power.”


“That is so great lord, but I have used a spell of truth to determine their character.  I find that both were misled due to their naïve nature.  They are valiant, but somewhat stupid, their barbarian nature making them particularly gullible.”


Unconsciously Zenaria gave herself a quick lick.  Alzid’s words described her and Sir Varden with cruel accuracy.  They had been gulled into acting on Junal’s behalf, accepting at face value everything he told them.  They could not have been more stupid and the consequences had been tragic.  Scores of men had died, and an artefact of great power placed in the hands of an evil despot.  They had a great deal to atone for.


“We shall rely upon your judgement,” Pulan said.  “Can you and Dendar perform the incantation or do you require our aid?”


“With respect, my lord.  The spell is a difficult one and we will have but one chance.”


“Then you will have our help,” the emperor said.  “Let us proceed without delay.  Every moment increases the danger that Junal may summon the power of the artefact.”


He rose to his feet and waved away the servants that started to move forward with a litter.  “The centre of the garden?” he asked Alzid.


“The elements will be well balanced there.  It is a good choice, my lord.”


The Emperor led the way, Alzid following and Zenaria and Sir Varden bringing up the rear.  The two captives still wore their chains and Zenaria wondered how they were going to help if they were not released. 


They moved between well manicured lawns and hedges and banks of exotic flowers and shrubs, until they reached a large open space.  It was paved in alternating rings of red and black granite inlaid with polished bronze symbols.  Zenaria realized that it was some sort of very large construction used for keeping track of the movement of the sun and perhaps other heavenly bodies as well.  They stopped in the exact centre and the Emperor and Alzid stepped aside to allow Zenaria and Sir Varden to take up positions next to one another.  Zenaria noticed that Dendar was already there, having no doubt anticipated the Emperor’s decision. 


Zenaria noted that the centre of the immense park had not been chosen by accident.  Set in a circle were stones that appeared identical to the stone circle from which she and Sir Varden had been transported.  These, however, were not roughened by the ravages of time and weather, but were finely polished granite.  Alzid motioned that she and Sir Varden should move to the centre and they did so. 


Zenaria wondered what they were supposed to do.  She and Sir Varden were still chained, and had no idea what Alzid or the emperor intended.  Fortunately the diminutive wizard explained.  “It is our intention to attempt the same spell Junal used to transport you to the palace.  Singly none of us possesses anything like his level of power or skill.  Together, however, we may be able to duplicate his spell and send you back to the place in Junal’s palace where you came from.  Do not worry about the chains.  They cannot be transported with you.  It is our hope that your arrival will be undetected and that you will be able to retrieve the Orb of Power.”


Alzid finished speaking and handed an amulet on the end of a gold chain to Dendar.  The assistant sorcerer placed the necklace around Zenaria’s neck.  “If you find the Orb,” Alzid explained,” use the amulet on the end of the chain to return.  It is triggered by breaking it.  Your jaws should be strong enough to do that.”


There was one serious omission in Alzid’s directions.  He had said nothing about her and Sir Varden being returned to their natural state.  As much as her tribe worshipped the snow leopard, she was not looking forward to spending the rest of her life as one.  Nor did she like the idea that she and Sir Varden would be transported into Junal’s lair blind.  If they were unlucky they might land right at the sorcerer’s feet, and he had already demonstrated that he was more than a match for either of them. 


Alzid, however, did not appear to be allowing them any choice.  Already he was moving to the periphery of the stone circle along with Dendar and the emperor.  There was nothing for it.  She and Sir Varden would have to depend on luck and hope that somehow their desperate mission would succeed.


Alzid began to chant, slowly raising his arms as he did so.  Spaced at equal intervals on the edge of the stone circle Dendar and the emperor joined in.  Zenaria felt a strange sensation in the pit of her stomach as a silvery sphere began to form around them.  It must have been disturbing to Sir Varden as well, as a low growl escaped his jaws and he began to salivate profusely. 


Zenaria felt faint and her body temperature rose until she was panting.  Drool began to drip from her jaws and a steady humming surrounded her, rising in pitch until it became excruciating.  Unable to stand it any longer she attempted to break through the silver sphere that surrounded her and Sir Varden, but it was as if they were enclosed in an iron wall.  A scream rose in her throat and she heard Sir Varden roar; then there was the almost familiar gut wrenching disorientation and the stone circle and the palace garden disappeared. 


She found herself next to the lion on her knees.  Sir Varden was sprawled on the ground, but he quickly regained all fours and looked fiercely around him.  Both of them realized something was wrong.  The place where they had been sent was definitely not the tower where Junal had transported them in order to steal the Orb. 


Zenaria looked around her.  She and Sir Varden seemed to be in a thickly forested area.  Huge trees with strangely twisted roots and covered with thick vines loomed all around them, and overhead massive branches spread out so thickly that the ground was shaded in permanent gloom.  In the branches brightly coloured birds called out raucously and strange long-limbed creatures jumped from branch to branch and chattered down at them. 


It was obvious that Alzid’s spell, even with Pulan’s and Darden’s help had not transported them into Julan’s palace.  The question was where had it transported them?  She realized that if the spell had failed they might be anywhere. 


She began to get to her feet when there was a low growl from Sir Varden.  Zenaria looked in his direction and saw that the huge lion was looking straight at her.  A strange but familiar sensation swept over her.  “No!  It couldn’t be happening again.  Alzid had put a stop to it.”


The lion was moving slowly toward her as the feelings of hot and cold swept over her.  There was an incredible aching in her loins that she could barely repress and more than anything she wanted to get down on all fours and present herself to Sir Varden.  But she couldn’t.  She and the knight had more important things to do than engage in animalistic mating.  Taking time out to participate in primal copulation might mean the difference between success and failure in their mission. 


She began to slowly back away from the lion, barring her fangs and flexing her fingers to show her claws as a signal to Sir Varden that she was not interested.  But the lion was not fooled.  He continued to move determinedly toward her, his bright blue eyes fixed on hers and his nostrils twitching as he caught her scent.


At the last second Zenaria turned and leapt for the safety of the trees.  Her body was burning up with primitive passion, but the mission was more important.  She had to escape. 


Her claws caught in the vines encircling the tree and sank into its bark as she scrambled up the trunk.  If she could reach the lower branches she should be safe.


But she had made her move a split second too late.  Sir Varden reached her in one mighty leap, his claws sinking into the fur of her shoulders and his teeth biting at the back of her neck.  He pulled her down and with a roar tried to mount her.


Zenaria fought to escape, but her heart was not in it.  His breathe on her neck and the feeling of his huge and powerful body against hers sent all other thoughts from her mind.  With a leopard scream she submitted raising her buttocks for easier access and stretching her lithe and powerful body before him.  Then she howled as he penetrated her.


The next few hours would be forever etched in Zenaria’s mind.  Pure animal passion overwhelmed her and she moaned and growled, her body twisting in feline ecstasy as the lion coupled with her.  Locked with Sir Varden in an inseparable sexual embrace she arched her back, her razor edged claws shredding the bark of the tree in front of her and tearing up the ground.  Her mouth opened wide and catlike yowls of carnal excitement came forth, accompanying Sir Varden’s deep growls and louder roars as he plunged into her over and over again sowing his seed deep in her womb.  Only when he was completely satisfied did he finally relax his grip on her and sink exhausted to the forest floor.


Mere exhaustion, however, could not begin to describe how Zenaria felt.  It was as if she had been dragged into an Erogenian longhouse and forced to service every man inside.  Mouth open and her tongue lolling out, and with her heart thumping like drum inside her, she could barely move.  Not even her first round of lovemaking with Tren and the loss of her virginity had left her so sore and completely done in.  She could barely move and wanted only to lie where she was and sleep. 


Day had waned during the mating and the dark of the forest was now even more pronounced.  Even if she had been able to move there was not enough daylight left to determine where they were or to take any action even if it was revealed that Alzid’s spell had landed them close to their objective.  Whatever they had to do would have to wait until tomorrow. 


Curling herself up into a ball among the leaves on the forest floor, Zenaria closed her eyes as sleep began to overtake her.  She was hungry and thirsty, but much too tired to do anything about it.  She knew that she would be even sorer the next day, but right now all she wanted to do was sleep.  Her passion was spent and now she would rest.  A few yards away there was a low rumbling.  Sir Varden was purring again.  “Bastard,” she thought and then she was asleep.



Oh, by the Moon she was sore.  Even the slightest movement hurt and the area between her legs felt as if it was on fire.  Without thinking she curved her body and began to lick herself. 


It was a calming action, and she could reach every part of her body except her head and neck which she groomed with a saliva-dampened paw.  Methodically she cleaned every limb and focused especially on those parts of her body that were most tender.  When she was finished she lay back and considered her next move.  More than anything she did not want to have to move.  Even the thought of having to get up caused certain parts of her anatomy to ache even more than they already were.  But she was now ravenously hungry and thirstier than she could remember being since her trip across the deserts of Sandakar.  She had to move, perhaps there was water close by.


Sir Varden was no help.  He wasn’t even there.  Typically he had left her on her own after ravaging her within an inch of her being.  It did not occur to her to wonder where he was.  For some reason she was quite sure that he was alright and would eventually turn up.  Slowly, and with a groan she got to her feet.  She began to work her way through the forest, heading downhill, guessing that she would be more likely to find water in that direction. 


Her guess turned out to be right.  A short and very painful walk brought her to a small spring.  Greedily she lapped at the water and was still drinking when she heard a noise behind her.


She turned, suddenly alert, her hackles rising and then Sir Varden pushed though the vegetation dragging the carcass of a deer with him.  Zenaria’s stomach rumbled.  Without waiting for an invitation or even thanking her gods she pounced on the deer and began to rip apart the still warm flesh.  She growled when the lion moved to take his share, but that did not stop him from ripping off a haunch and retiring a few feet to eat it on his own. 


She watched Sir Varden as she devoured her share of his kill.  She was certain that no normal lion was that well endowed, not that she knew a lot about lions.  She had never seen one before she had seen him, but she expected they should be proportioned similarly to snow leopards and he definitely was not.  She wondered if that was because he was larger than normal in his human guise as well. 


She could not fault him for what he had done to her; she had been as caught up in the predatory passion as he was.  If he hadn’t ravished her before she reached the tree, she would almost certainly have given in to him and in spite of her howls of feline protest.  She had to admit it had been an enjoyable if rather painful experience. 


Engorged, she began to clean her muzzle and whiskers.  Having finished her meal she now wanted nothing more than to lie down and have a good nap, but the human side of her was nagging in the background.  Slowly it gained control, brinigng with it the uncomfortable thought that the leopard side of her personality seemed to be taking over.  She wondered how long it would be before her leopard nature completely suppressed the human side and turned her into a complete animal.  Judging from the way she had reacted to the mating with Sir Varden that time was not far off.   


With a groan she forced herself to her feet ignoring the protests from her loins.  Her movement attracted the lion’s attention.  Apparently he too was still human enough to remember that there was something else they were supposed to be doing other than copulating and tearing wildlife apart. 


They had to see if they were anywhere near Junal’s palace.  It was just possible that Alzid’s spell had dropped them somewhere close by even if it had not sent them directly to the tower in the palace.  With no idea of where to start looking Zenaria decided to put her leopard form to good use.  Padding over to the buttress roots one of the forest giants she sank her claws into the bark and began to climb. 


Wreathed with vines, the tree would have been easy to climb anyway, but her claws gave her an added advantage and she quickly worked her way through the canopy to the upper reaches of the forest giant.  It was quite unlike any tree in her native Erogenian forest.  The vines that encircled its trunk from roots to crown were one major difference that made climbing all that much easier and she was soon several hundred feet above the ground. 


Zenaria normally had little fear of heights and her feline form had even less.  Gaining the very top of the tree she perched there completely relaxed and surveyed the surrounding landscape.  A green forest stretched out to the horizon in one direction, but in the other it ended suddenly at an expanse of blue.  “The sea.”  Junal’s place had been beside the sea.  She tracked the coastline and at the farthest limit of her vision something stood out of the landscape.  She would not have seen it except for the high tower, the very one, she suspected where she and Sir Varden had been transported to obtain the Orb.  Its location fixed in her mind, she descended the tree to a waiting Sir Varden.


She had found what she wanted, but how to communicate her discovery?  Being unable to speak to her companion was incredibly frustrating and very inconvenient.  She could probably make him understand that he should follow her, but what would happen when they reached Junal’s palace?  Any attempt to infiltrate the magician’s palace would almost certainly require some sort of coordination, and if they could not communicate their chance of success would be almost nonexistent. 


A sudden notion struck her as she reached the flaring roots of the tree.  She sent out a mental query of the sort she used to communicate with Jaree.  She got an immediate response, but it was not what she had expected.  Jaree’s thoughts had been pure animal, a mixture of savage urges and thoughts completely unlike anything human.  She was always careful just to skim the surface of the big leopard’s mind so as not to get caught in that bestial web.  Sir Varden’s thoughts were definitely human, and full of surprises.


There was, of course, the astonished response to her mental probe.   That was not a particularly unforeseen reaction considering that she had never sent him or any other person a mental image.  What caught her off guard, however, was the quickly suppressed thought that apparently had been uppermost in the transformed knight’s mind.  It was so graphic that she suspected that if the knight had been in his proper form he would have turned beet red.  But more startling was something she had not even briefly suspected.  The knight was deeply in love with her, an emotion that kept on resurfacing in spite of his attempts to hide it. 


Zenaria was caught off guard.  Even despite the coupling she and the lion had engaged in, she had thought it mere animal passion, brought on by their transformation.  She had not for a moment thought that there was anything more to it than pure animal arousal.   The revelation was more than a little disconcerting.  She gave herself a couple of quick licks before she realized what she was doing and then brought herself under control.


“Sir Varden,” she sent, keeping her sudden knowledge to herself.  “I have found the sorcerer’s palace.”


The thought that came back was at first confused, but then steadied.  “Then we must complete our mission.” 


Zenaria found herself nodding and then realized that the motion probably didn’t translate in her leopard form.  “We will head toward the sea and then follow the beach.”  She motioned with her arm in the desired direction.  “This way.”  She headed through the trees, wondering how much more complicated her life could get.  She had gone off with the ultimate goal of reuniting with her lover and now found herself wandering through a distant and mysterious forest in search of the palace of an evil wizard whose powers had transformed her and her lion lover into cat-like creatures.   Things just had to get better – she hoped.