Title: Tomb Hunter: Episode 7: Larra’s Saharan Adventure

Email: Lespion@msn.com



The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 7

Larra’s Saharan Adventure


Chapter 11  Isetnofret’s Revenge


Melissa sighed as she waded from the cool waters of the bathing pool, the water streaming from her milk white limbs.  How she would have loved to lie in the sun as she had as a girl and dry off in its warmth, but Wosret had forbidden her to darken her skin.  She was allowed only the shade in order that her pale skin remain unblemished by the sun’s harsh rays.  She therefore submitted to the ministrations of her serving girls who patted her dry with soft towels.  Several of the other women of the harem also attended her.  As the pharaoh’s favourite she was the key to power and women who wanted to be near a source of influence had attached themselves to her.  Others had also allied themselves with her, not because they wished to make use of her influence with the pharaoh, but because they sought security from the former favourite, Isetnofret.  She had made a dangerous enemy there, but the influence of the old queen was dying and it would disappear completely if Melissa divulged her secret.


She had spent several nights worrying about how she should handle the information.  It was something she had not really wanted to happen, even though she knew that it was almost inevitable that it would.  She had made love with Wosret an additional half dozen times since that first wonderful night.  She had taken no precautions and would have found it difficult to take any under the circumstances.  She was almost always attended by at least three or four serving girls as well as eunuch bodyguards.  The only time she was left alone was for the most private of bodily functions and even then her servants were always close by.  Soon she would be unable to hide her secret.  It was becoming more and more clear that she could not longer remain in the strange culture she had blundered into.  Her four companions were still unaccounted for and probably in deep peril.  Attractive as she found her sexual relationship with the pharaoh she knew that she could not stay in this society.  She had to escape.  But escape would be most difficult seeing as how she was watched almost continuously. 


As the golden chains were draped about her naked body she ran her fingers lightly over her flat belly.  Soon it would not longer be quite so flat.  Then she would be unable to hide the truth.  She did not quite know how to feel about the child growing within her.  Should she be happy or afraid?  She knew that Larra had given birth to three children, each by different fathers.  She seemed quite happy with her three children, even presenting the picture of the devoted mother whenever she wasn’t traipsing about the world eliminating the enemies of democracy and civilization.  But Larra had chosen her lovers.  She had not been selected by a pharaoh and taken to his bed without regard to her wishes.  Not that she had not enjoyed the experience.  In fact, it had been wonderful.  But she did not love Wosret.  Kind and considerate as he was as a lover, he was not the man she wanted for her mate.  She was not of his world, and there was no chance that he would understand hers.  And so she would have to leave, and under the circumstances, the sooner the better.  The question was how to arrange her escape.  She doubted very much that she would be allowed to leave simply if she asked, no matter how enamored Wosret was of her. 


It was a real problem.  The pharaoh’s women were always watched, especially those who were highly favoured as she now was.  She had her own section of the harem now.  It was almost private, hidden behind screens that closed her off from the other women in the harem.  It was a sign of special distinction.  Only Isetnofret had a similar arrangement.  It was a start.  Perhaps she could convince Wosret to grant her special quarters of her own.  It should not be that difficult to convince him that in her culture wives were given complete privacy.  She had learned that he could be manipulated to a certain extent.  Especially after a session of love-making.  She smiled at that thought.  She wondered if all men were so easy to influence.  Perhaps it was true that the biggest part of a man’s brain was between his legs.  She smiled even more broadly at that thought.  She would see.  Wosret had called for her again tonight.  She would ask him while he held her close after he had…  Her mind trailed off into delicious thoughts.



“At last,” Isetnofret thought.  The pale skinned daughter of a hyena bitch had over-stretched herself.  And now she would pay for that arrogance.  The insufferable savage had used her influence to get what no other member of the harem had.  Private quarters for herself.  But she had overlooked the fact that Isetnofret also had access to privacy of sorts.  As the mother of the pharaoh’s children she was allowed access to the private section of the palace where the children were kept and raised.  In fact it was part of her duty to visit them daily.  But it also gave her what no other member of the harem had had up until now, privacy from the pharaoh’s watchful guards.  In her children’s quarters Isetnofret had been able to create her own private kingdom of tutors, retainers, and even guards.  All of these persons depended upon her for their authority and their power.  The advent of the barbarian bitch threatened them and their positions of power and influence.  It had not been difficult to convince them that something needed to be done, and the arrogance of the pale-skinned savage had made it easy.  Tomorrow night her supporters would act and she would have her revenge.  She lay back on her bed and listened to the music played by one of the court musicians.  Closing her eyes, she tried to think of just how she would deal with her rival.  A smile came to her lips as she devised one delicious form of torture after the other.



Wosret was away, engaged in his second most favourite sport, hunting.  Sex, Melissa had concluded was his favourite, and he was very good at it.  A smile played about her lips as she thought of last night’s session.  It had been incredible.  She still had not told him about her condition and she did not intend to.  Now that she had her own private room it would be so much easier to escape.  It was better that the father of her child not know.  There was no point in distressing him for no reason. 


She went to the window and peeked out.  In the moonlight she could just make out the shapes of the trees and bushes in the garden below.  She had her way out.  It was just a matter of choosing the right time and getting together enough survival gear.  Escaping would not be easy, and she dared not fail.  She doubted that the pharaoh would give her a second chance if she botched the first.


Returning to her bed she lay down.  On a table beside the bed was a cup of fruit juice.  She had stopped drinking wine, fearing that it might harm the child within her.  Picking up the cup she drained it, and lay back down.  It was time to get some sleep.  Wosret had not allowed her much the night before and she really felt tired.  Yawning, she pulled a pillow under her head and closed her eyes.  Within seconds her gentle breathing signified slumber.  She slept deeply; so deeply in fact that she was not aware of the silent figures that stole into her room and crept toward her bed. 



“Ooh!” Melissa groaned, as she awoke.  “What did I do to deserve…”  Her thoughts trailed off as she realized that she was not in her room.  Groggily she got to her feet, trying to ignore her pounding head.  She was in a tiny cell.  It was unfurnished other than by a layer of straw that had been strewn across its stone floor, and the only light came through a narrow grating far above her.  It was like being at the bottom of a well.  A sudden feeling of fear struck her in the stomach.  Lurching across the cell, she tried not to be sick as she reached the door.  As she had suspected it was locked.  Confused, she turned about the cell, checking the stone walls in a futile effort to find a way out.  What had she done that she would be put into such a place?  Had she somehow angered Wosret?  And if so how?  She tried to think of something she might have said or done when she had last seen him, but could think of nothing.  They had made love three times that night.  They could hardly have parted on better terms. 


Clunk!  She jumped at the sound of the bolt being thrown back.  The door was heaved open and two very large men entered.  A sick feeling swept through her body.  Backing away she prepared to defend herself, but she never got the chance.  From behind their backs the two men pulled a net and hurling it toward her entangled her in its mesh before she had a chance to react.  “Not again,” flashed through her mind as she was pulled off her feet and then dragged kicking helplessly from the cell.  Outside the cell each man took an end and, still struggling futilely to escape, she was carried between them.  They went only a short distance before entering a large cold room.  It was windowless, constructed entirely of stone, and illuminated by smoking torches. 


Melissa stopped struggling, realizing that she was only becoming more enmeshed in the netting.  She was unceremoniously dumped on the floor of the room, but before she could do anything about her situation the two men pounced on her.  As they removed her from the net they bound her wrists and ankles, ensuring that she would not go anywhere.  Forcing her to her knees in the middle of the room they held her there and waited.


The chill of the room soon began to soak into Melissa’s body.  She was now far from the desert heat.  She guessed that she was somewhere deep beneath the Egyptian city.  Where exactly she had no idea.  She might still be in the palace.  Whatever her location, she was dammed cold.  She had already been chilled by her stay in the cell when she was unconscious, now naked and kneeling immobile on the floor of the stone room she began to shiver.  She tried to control the shaking of her body but as the minutes passed it became more and more pronounced until eventually her teeth began to chatter.  At that point an even colder chill ran through her at the sound of a voice behind her. 


“Cold, you hyena bitch?  Well, I’ll just have to find some way to warm you up.”


Melissa knew the voice.  She had heard its scornful tone on more than one occasion.  It was that of the Egyptian queen, Isetnofret.  A few seconds later the queen moved into view.  She was dressed for the environment.  Instead of the usual nude or semi-nude dress Melissa had become accustomed to among the Egyptians, she wore a long white robe that covered all of her body from her shoulders to her ankles.  It was fitted to show off Isetnofret’s exquisite figure and embellished with gold trim.  Gold bracelets decorated her wrists and on her head she wore a gold diadem, indicative of her rank. 


She stopped in front of Melissa, her lip curling in contempt.  “So you thought to replace me in the heart of the pharaoh?” she sneered.  “It is going to be most enjoyable watching you die.  I intend to make it as long and painful as I possibly can.  And do not think the pharaoh will miss you.  When he returns he will learn that his newfound plaything escaped and vanished into the desert from whence she came.  He will not even bother to look for you.”


Melissa stared speechless at the woman who taunted her.  She could think of no reply.  Ironically Isetnofret had done for her what she intended to do herself, although she had certainly not intended to end up in some grim dungeon at the mercy of a malicious rival.  Now she could only wait and see what her vindictive enemy intended to do to her.  As she watched the queen reached into a small pouch and withdrew and long thick needle.  Isetnofret smiled cruelly.  “Now where shall we start?”



Melissa winced as Isetnofret forced the needle through the lips of her vulva.  She was already in considerable pain simply due to the way in which the queen had ordered her restrained.  The two huge guards who had brought her from the cell had lifted her to her feet, and following the queen’s instructions had tied a length of rope tightly about each of her breasts.  They had then thrown the ropes over a beam in the ceiling and pulling on them tightened the ropes so that much of her body weight was supported by her breasts.  The only way Melissa could ease the strain was to stand on tiptoe and fight to keep her balance.  The guards had made this easier for her by untying her ankles, but this exposed her to any violation of her body Isetnofret felt like carrying out.  Melissa’s vulva had been the first target. 


The penetration of the needle had hurt like hell, but it got worse when the queen produced a large gold ring.  “You like wearing gold, don’t you, hyena bitch?”  While Melissa grimaced in pain she opened the ring and forced it through the two puncture wounds in her genital lips.  Isetnofret then turned her attention to Melissa’s breasts. 


Swollen into round globes by the pressure of the ropes, her sensitive nipples were rendered even more tender.  As the queen pinched her nipple, Melissa could not hold back a little whimper of fear as the point of the needle touched her bulging flesh. 


Ashamed at her weak show of fear, Melissa clamped her jaws, determined to give the queen as little satisfaction as possible, but she groaned nevertheless when Isetnofret thrust the needle point not into her nipples, but through the base of her left breast. 


Isetnofret drew out the agony for as long as possible by working the needle slowly into the soft flesh rather than thrusting it through all at once.  As the needle was slowly plunged deeper and deeper Melissa writhed in torment.  But the acute pain did not stop there.  With the needle fully piercing the hemisphere of her breast, Isetnofret worked it back and forth widening the wound and listening to the delicious sounds of Melissa’s squeals of pain.  By the time she was finished Melissa was almost sobbing.


The removal of the needle brought no respite from the pain, however.  There was still Melissa’s right breast to deal with and Isetnofret immediately went to work on it.  This time Melissa’s stoicism broke down.  She whimpered like a wounded animal as the needle was thrust into her, and as the needle was finally removed tears poured from her eyes. 


A few seconds later her sobs turned to shrieks as the malevolent queen reopened the first wound by forcing a long golden rod through the tortured flesh.  It took quite awhile to achieve this as the rod was not pointed and about double the diameter of the needle.  When Isetnofret was finished the rod connected both her breasts.  Isetnofret then bent up each end of the rod so that it would stay in place.


“Very pretty,” the queen said, stepping back to admire her handiwork.  “Now it is time to see how much real pain you can stand.”


Melissa was no longer screaming, but the rod throbbed painfully in her breasts and the pain increased exponentially when the ropes were untied.  The sudden surge of blood into her tortured globes send a new wave of pain ripping through her.  The torture of having her breasts squeezed, however, ended.  With a gasp of relief Melissa came down off her toes.  For a few seconds she was able to stand normally, but the respite from pain did not last long.   


Isetnofret snapped out an order and one of the huge guards pushed Melissa to the floor and held her there while the queen attached a length of chain to the gold rod between her breasts. 


“No!” Melissa’s cry of protest was generated by pure fear.  She almost wet herself as the chain was tightened, lifting the rod and her bleeding breasts with it.  Within seconds she was once again on the tips of her toes, attempting to alleviate the terrible pain as her body weight once again shifted to her tormented breasts.  This time the agony was even greater as the rod tore at her flesh.  “Please,” she whimpered, “have mercy.  I never harmed you.”


“You think not?” replied Isetnofret, her mouth twisting in rage.  “You humiliated me before the entire court, supplanting me in the pharaoh’s eyes.  Now you shall pay the price, and it will be a most painful one.”  She nodded toward one of the guards and he placed a multi-thronged whip in her hands.  The other guard untied Melissa’s hands and pulling them in front of her body retied them, running the rope between her legs and tying it so that she could not lift her arms. 


More quietly now, Melissa tried again.  “Please, your majesty.  Cut me loose.  I only want to leave the court.  I am not your real rival.” 


“Oh, and you will leave the court,” Isetnofret smiled, “but not in the way you hoped.”  She moved behind and to the side of Melissa and swung the whip.


Melissa winced as the lash touched her naked flesh.  It did not hurt half as bad as the pain in her breasts or the aching in her calves.  Isetnofret was not a strong woman and the blows she delivered were not equal to those of a man, but by the fifth lash Melissa was trembling with the strain of standing on her toes and her back and buttocks were laced with red welts.  Each additional blow increased the pain an increment at a time until by the fifteenth lash she was making the noise Isetnofret wanted. 


By the twentieth lash Melissa had to use all her strength to keep her legs from buckling.  If she collapsed the rod would tear through her breasts, but she was weakening fast.  Strangely, that point Isetnofret stopped.  But it was not from compassion.  Partly it was because the queen had exhausted herself in bloodying Melissa’s back.  But more it was because she wanted her victim intact. 


Breathing heavily Isetnofret stepped in front of Melissa.  The girl was barely conscious and the queen motioned to the guards to release the tension on the chains stretching her breasts.  As Melissa slumped to the floor the queen spat on her.  “So you thought to make love to the pharaoh.  Well, I will give you as much love as you can handle.”  She turned to her guards.  “Clean her up and then take her.”


Melissa screamed as the mixture of vinegar and brine was applied to the lacerations on her back.  As her back was wiped clean of blood and gore it felt as if her flesh was being burned by hot irons.  Her torment was far from over.  As soon as the bleeding stopped her wrists were bound behind her once more and the tension on the chain was increased again, lifting her breasts, but this time she was not permitted to stand to relieve the tension.  A second chain was attached to the ring piercing her vulva and hooked to a large ring in the floor.  Any attempt to stand up would tear the sensitive flesh of her nether region.  Squatting on her haunches she arched her back to relive the pain.  Fortunately the chain was tightened only enough to leave her in the humiliating and incredibly agonizing position.  And then she was raped.


The first of the guards took her from behind.  Unable to move from her crouched position, Melissa was completely vulnerable to any attack from the rear.  Spreading her legs slightly to accommodate his body the giant guard gripped her hips and thrust into her.


After the flogging, and the painful treatment of her injuries, Melissa had thought that her situation could not get much worse.  But as the guard’s phallus parted the lips of her vulva and began to enter her sacred grotto, she almost broke down.  The brutal invasion of her unprepared love canal was as painful as the first time she was violated and every bit as traumatic.  After what Featherstone had done to her, Melissa had thought she could endure rape, but the man entering her was enormous, and she was completely unlubricated.  As her vaginal tissues were ripped apart she opened her mouth in a scream of acute pain and sheer terror.  Or at least she tried to scream.  Her cries were immediately muffled by the second guard, who seized her long dark hair and forced her head back so that he could shove his swollen member to the back of her throat.  Hardly able to breathe, Melissa’s intended screams became muffled grunts as she fought desperately to keep from suffocating.  And all the while the violent invasion of her vagina sent waves of pain through her body.


Isetnofret smiled with satisfaction.  The sight of the white skinned hyena bitch as she writhed in torment was most gratifying.  Her large breasts bounced as she was pounded from both ends.  The pain must have been terrible.  Blood flowed from the punctures formed by the gold rod that penetrated each quivering globe, as it did from her ravaged vagina.  Her face was contorted in pain and muffled sounds came from her mouth as she tried to scream in agony, her screams stifled by the massive phallus of the huge guard.  Tomorrow she would have the bitch raped again and then she had something very special planned for her.



Melissa was too beaten to even moan as she was dragged back to her cell.  She was barely conscious and only vaguely aware of the fact that her ordeal had ended.  She was much more aware of her plight a few hours later when she awoke from a troubled sleep.  At first she was so confused that she did not know where she was, but it quickly came back to her when she tried to move. 


An ocean of pain washed over her from her aching jaw and pierced breasts to her ravaged vagina and flayed back.  The intensity of it was so severe that at first she just gasped, hardly able to believe that she could hurt so much.  Then with a moan she tried to sit up.  Even this simple action was so agonizing that she had to bite her lip to keep from shrieking in pain.   Her wrists were still bound behind her back and it took her a full minute before she was able to get to her knees.  Almost weeping in agony she drew on the last of her strength and struggled with her bonds.


It took her over an hour of pain-filled effort, but she managed to finally work free of the ropes binding her wrists.  It took her several more minutes to work some feeling back into her fingers.  Her hands throbbed with the pain of the returning blood.  Breathing heavily she turned to the greatest source of her pain, the gold rod that pierced both her breasts.  Fortunately, the gold was soft enough that she could turn down the bent end, but even touching the instrument that had been brutally shoved though her breasts was agonizing.  Gritting her teeth she seized the other end of the rod and slowly pulled it from her throbbing flesh. 


As the rod was removed blood spurted from the now open wound, but Melissa made no effort to stop it, hoping that whatever infection might be in the open wound would be washed out, and that the oozing wound would stop bleeding on its own.  Then she lay down on the cold stone floor and curled up against the cold.  She thought that her pain-wracked body would prevent her from sleeping, but she had not reckoned on the absolute exhaustion that overtook her.  She collapsed into almost a coma-like condition, not awakening until her cell door was wrenched open.


What time her captors came for her she did not know, and it really did not matter.  She would have needed days of rest to recover from what had been done to her, not just a few hours.  She was too weak to offer any resistance when the two powerfully built guards came for her.  Picking her up under each arm they dragged her back to the room where she had been violated, tortured, and humiliated.  Isetnofret was waiting for her there.  She noticed at once that the gold rod was missing from Melissa’s swollen breasts.


“So you have taken off the jewelry I gave you,” she hissed sardonically.  “Well, no matter, you won’t need jewelry where you are going.  First though, I have promised my loyal guards another session with you.”  She waved her hand and Melissa, whimpering at the thought of a repeat of the sexual degradation of the previous day, was hauled over to a low bench and arched across its width.  As she fought feebly to prevent what they were about to do to her, one of the huge men straddled her torso, his tree-trunk-like legs pinning her arms to her sides. 


For a second Melissa thought that this was to be a repeat of the previous day’s oral rape, but instead the guard closed his massive hands over her inflamed breasts and squeezed them together over either side of his massive staff.  Melissa cried out in sudden pain as wounds in her breasts reopened.  Then she arched her back in agony as the guard began to slide his member back and forth between her tightly compressed flesh.  Lubricated partly by Melissa’s sweat and blood, and partly by his own semen, the guard shifted his pelvis rapidly back and forth, using her tightly held breasts as an artificial vagina. 


Melissa attempted to fight off this further act of degradation, but every movement caused excruciating pain to her lacerated back.  Desperately she battled to free her arms but the guard’s thighs gripped her like iron and she lacked the strength she had possessed on the previous day.  Try as she might there was nothing she could do to stop this further act of sexual depravity.  With a feeling of horror she then felt the second guard between her legs.  She tried mightily not to scream as he entered the tight confines of her of her already burning vagina, but she could not contain the cry that burst from her lips as the guard’s oversized organ drove into her. 


“Take her my pets,” Isetnofret jeered.  “Give her something to remember while she rots in her tomb.”


Melissa hardly heard the taunt.  The pain in her loins was agonizing and the action of the guard as he pounded back and forth between her breasts was unbelievably repellent.  Each forward thrust brought the tip of the guard’s phallus within inches of her lips.  She could smell his sweat, his semen, and the filth of his unwashed body.  She had to use every once of her remaining self control to prevent herself from vomiting.   And the violation seemed to last an eternity.  In actual fact it could not have been more than an hour or so, but at the end of it she felt as if she had been ravished a hundred times.  The final humiliation came when the man between her breasts grunted loudly, releasing a long white stream of creamy liquid over her face and breasts.  About the same time her other assailant spasmed between her thighs, spurting within her.  As both men fell away from her Melissa lay spent and gasping, her will to resist broken. 


“Well,” crooned Isetnofret, I hope you enjoyed that.  Was it as good as it was with the pharaoh?  I certainly hope so, because it will be the last pleasure you have on earth.  After today you will have to seek your happiness in the underworld.” 


Melissa, too weak to move, could only glare at the queen.  She was completely done in.  Her tormentors could have done anything to her and she would not have resisted.  What happened next, however, first surprised her and then horrified her.


Isetnofret produced a length of white gauze, and ordering the guards to raise her to a sitting position carefully began to wrap it about her.  For a minute or so Melissa thought that the queen was trying to bind her wounds.  But as the soft strips of cloth were wound about her she realized with a growing sense of unease that helping her was the farthest thing from the queen’s mind. 


“You wanted to be the pharaoh’s consort,” Isetnofret purred.  “It is only fitting that in death you receive the honours due to you.”  She continued to wind the strips of cloth, pulling them tight.  As the guards held Melissa in order to prevent her from struggling the queen shrouded her body in layer after layer of gauze, binding her arms so tightly to her sides that she could barely breath.  As Melissa gasped for air, the queen taunted her again.  “Don’t worry, hyena bitch,” you won’t die from lack of air.  That would be too quick.  I have a much more horrible plan in mind.”


By now all of Melissa’s upper body, from her neck to her waist was concealed in layers of tightly wound cotton.  “Before I deal with your legs, I have one final gift for you,” the queen sneered.  Melissa’s eyes widened as Isetnofret brandished a large ivory phallus before her eyes.  The dildo was immense, at least double the size of the impressive members possessed by the two guards.  As she watched, her eyes wide with fear, the queen spread an oily substance on it and then touched it to her vulva. 


“No,” Melissa whimpered. Her voice low, “Please no!”  With a smile Isetnofret pushed the well lubricated monster phallus into her. 


At first, Melissa thought the sudden extreme pain was due to the effects of her previous violations, but as the pain intensified to horrific levels she realized that it was due to what the queen had spread over the enormous artificial penis.  With a scream, Melissa spread her legs wide to relieve the excruciating agony, but the pain got worse and worse as the dildo was forced deep within her.  “There, that should give you something to keep your mind occupied while you die,” Isetnofret said.  “I know it doesn’t fit as well as that of the pharaoh, but it will have to do.”


“Please,” Melissa begged, between clenched teeth, “take it out!  It’s killing me!”


“Oh you will get used to it.  For as long as you live.”  The queen smiled and continued her bandaging, extending the layers of gauze over Melissa’s wrists and hands, lashing them to her tightly to her thighs.  Then she motioned to the two guards.  Melissa’s shriek as her legs were forced together was earsplitting.  Frowning, Isetnofret stuffed several rolls of gauze into her mouth and bound it there.  Then she continued her methodical binding of Melissa’s body, wrapping length after length of cotton over her thighs, then her calves.  As her ankles disappeared under the tight bindings Melissa suddenly realized what was happening to her.  She had been too distracted by what was being done to her to understand it before.  She was being enshrouded like a mummy.  All of a sudden she understood what Isetnofret had planned for her.  As her pain-filled eyes widened in comprehension, Isetnofret grinned at her. 


“So you have finally awakened to your fate.  Good, it will give you something to think about while I finish.”  She finished wrapping Melissa’s feet, and then moved to her head.  Slowly and carefully she applied layer after layer of gauze, finally removing the gag so she could cover Melissa’s mouth and jaw. 


Melissa managed only a short cry of pain and protest before her jaw was forced shut and the gauze sealed her lips.  She was now entirely covered in tight-fitting gauze with the exception of her nostrils and two slits left for her eyes.  Try as she might, she could not move a muscle and the pain between her legs was excruciating.  It was as if a white hot iron had been thrust into her.  She would have screamed herself hoarse if she could, but all she could do was moan in agony. 


“Save your breath, hyena bitch,” came Isetnofret’s voice.  “You will need it.”  She took out a small bronze knife and made a small incision over Melissa’s lips.  “Now you are ready.  I will be sorry to see you go.  The last few days of your company have been most enjoyable, but now it is time for you to go to the underworld.”


One of the giant guards lifted her up and carried her from the room.  Although still in terrible pain, and whimpering in agony, Melissa was aware enough to observe that her captors were completely silent.  Through the eye slits she could determine that she was being carried down a very long hallway that was lined with impressive columns some twenty feet high.  Her captors slowed as they reached the end of the columns and then did something very strange. 


Placing her on the floor, Isetnofret and her two guards prostrated themselves before the entrance to a very large room that was lit by flickering torches.  The queen chanted a short prayer that Melissa only partly understood and then silently rose to her feet and moved into the room.  Melissa was picked up again and carried into the room.  Placed in long rows about the room were dozens of stone platforms upon which were placed stone sarcophagi.  Melissa realized at once that she was in a burial chamber. 


“Here is your final resting place, hyena bitch,” Isetnofret hissed.  “You will never leave this place.”


“Mmmppph!” Melissa protested as she was carried up a set of steps and lowered into a stone sarcophagus.  She suddenly was fully aware of the vicious queen’s insidious plan. 


“Yes, my lovely,” whispered Isetnofret.  “This is where you will spend your remaining days.  For as long as you live.” 


Fear overcoming her agony, Melissa fought to escape from the cocoon of tightly wound bandages, but Isetnofret had bound her so tightly that she could not even move a finger, and when she tried to pull up her knees, the massive dildo inside her sent waves of pain through her nether region.  Panting in fear, she could only lie helpless while the queen added a few finishing touches. 


A reed was pushed into the small hole Isetnofret had made just over her lips.  “Be careful you don’t break this,” the queen murmured.  “It is a hollow reed and leads to a large vessel of water next to you.  If you are not greedy it should be enough for your needs for several days, perhaps even a week.  There is a tiny air hole in the lid of the sarcophagus so you will have enough air as well.” 


With the reed in her mouth Melissa could not even make a muffled protest for fear of breaking her only access to water.  She knew now what the queen’s plan for her was.  She was to be buried alive, sealed in a tomb with enough air and water to ensure that she died a horrible lingering death from starvation. 


“Enjoy your stay,” Isetnofret mocked, as the heavy stone lid was slid into place.  “I hope you are not driven mad before you die.”  The last sound Melissa heard was her mocking laugh and then she was enclosed in total darkness and silence.