The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

Episode 7  The Black Leopard’s Triumph

Chapter 11  Jahlen’s Gambit

Sun Lin slumped in her cell.  She was trying not to vomit.  She had taken suddenly sick that morning.  She knew that her worst fears had come true.   Melissa placed her hand on her friend’s naked shoulder.  “What is it, Jade?” she asked.

Sun Lin turned a tear stained face toward Melissa.  They both shared the same cell now.  They were kept there all day, between rapes.  Being violated by either Shark or Hughie was the only exercise they were allowed.  They were allowed no clothing and were frequently visited by one or the other of the Pussies between rapes.  The Black Leopard’s disciples liked to jeer at them.  Strangely enough they had not been visited today and had not been subjected to the Black Leopard’s scorn for two days now.  It appeared that the villainess had lost interest in seeing them repeatedly violated.  But it was not the constant humiliation or the desecration of her body that was bothering Sun Lin now.  “I’ve missed my…  It’s my time of the month and…”

Melissa’s sob interrupted her.  The girl’s eyes were streaming tears.  “You too,” Melissa said.  “I had hoped I would be the only one.”  She stopped, her voice catching in her throat.  Sun Lin rose and put her arms about her companion.  Together the two women wept. 

Sun Lin pulled herself together.  “It wouldn’t do to let those Pussies see two superheroines bawling like babies,” she said. 

Her words brought back Melissa’s self control.  “What are we going to do?” she asked.  “We’re both pregnant.  How are we going to get out of this?”

Sun Lin shook her head.  The Black Leopard had certainly had her revenge.  There was nothing either of them could do about it.  Their only hope was that they might be rescued.  Surely their other companions must be searching high and low for them.  It had been two weeks now.  Couldn’t they find the Black Leopard’s lair?

A quiet step outside the cell caught the attention of both women.  A dark-haired woman stood there.  She didn’t look happy.  “Why are we wasting time with these two?” the woman asked.  “Keeping them alive is just asking for trouble.” 

Behind her the four Pussies came into view.  “Black Leopard said they were to be kept alive,” said one of them.  Sun Lin and Melissa recognized her as Wildcat. 

“Hughie and Shark were supposed to get them pregnant,” chimed in the blonde Pussy known as Tiger.  She drew out the word “pregnant,” making it sound as if it had more than two syllables. 

“Well she’s not here now is she?” said the dark haired woman.  The two heroines saw that she was most fashionably dressed in a tight fitting black dress that highlighted her full-figured body.  The dress was split up the side, revealing long slender legs that were further accentuated by a pair of black high heeled shoes.  The front of the dress was cut in a deep V revealing the delightful roundness of her luscious breasts.  Her dark hair and eyes proclaimed her Italian heritage.  In spite of the fact that half her face was obscured by a black mask Sun Lin and Scorpion knew that they were looking at Stiletto, one of Metro City’s arch criminals.  Her reputation for ruthlessness was legendary. 

“She’ll come back,” argued Wildcat.  “Blackie always comes back.”

Stiletto snorted.  “Well until she does I am running this show.  And I think these two have outlived their entertainment value.”

“Oh no,” chimed in Cheetah.  “It is great fun to watch Hughie and Shark bang them.  It makes me so horny.  And it is almost time for their daily workout.  Cheetah is bringing the camera now.”

“Don’t you have enough film?” asked Stiletto irately.  “How many reels do you need?”

“Until they are pregnant,” answered Tiger.  “Then we have to wait for the birth.  That will be the best part.  Two superheroines screaming in agony as they give birth to their little bastards.  It will be delightfully humiliating.  Or that’s what Blackie says.”

Stiletto shrugged.  “I’d still prefer to see them both floating face down in the harbour.  But have it your way for now.  However, if the Black Leopard isn’t back in a couple of days I’m taking over.” 

Jahlen was almost in.  “Not much of a security system,” she thought.  “Too much over-reliance on electronic gadgetry.  A few human sentries would have made life a lot more difficult.”

The mysterious woman was on the fifth floor of the Black Leopard’s lair.  She was dressed in a form fitting tight black outfit that showed off her magnificent figure to full advantage.  But that was not why she wore it, of course.  Penetrating the defences of the Black Leopard’s lair had been time consuming and it was important that she blend in a much as possible with the darkness.  There had been the usual array of traps and electronic detection devices.  She had expected them and disarmed every one.  Now nothing remained between her and her objective.  From the other side of the door she was standing in front of she could hear the sounds of the Jade Dragon and Scorpion being raped.  She had been standing there long enough to know what was going on.  She placed her hand on the doorknob and pushed the door open a crack.  She placed an object on the floor just inside the room and then closed the door.  That should do it.  Now she just had to wait.

Sun Lin grunted as Hughie pounded into her.  A few feet away Shark Stevens was sawing into Melissa.  She could hear her friend’s harsh breathing as the brutal thug squeezed her breasts and pinched her nipples while hammering into her as painfully as he could.  It had been like this every day for two weeks, sometimes two or three times each day.  This day for some strange reason, she and Melissa had been left alone, but eventually Shark and Hughie had come for them.  Neither she nor Melissa had told their captors that they were pregnant.  She wanted to deny them that pleasure for as long as possible.  But she knew they would figure it out soon enough.

Today’s rape was taking place on a mattress outside the cell, where the camera could better zoom in on them and film all the most intimate details of their pain and humiliation, from their sweating faces to their shuddering breasts and ravaged vaginas.  It was no different from the dozens of other rapes that they had experienced, but it seemed to be affecting Sun Lin differently.  For some reason she felt very tired.  She was having a difficult time staying awake as Hughie’s huge member violated her.  Perhaps it was because she was with child.  She closed her eyes and then struggled to open them.  But it was no use.  Slowly she relaxed and then the world faded away.  Unconscious, she did not notice Hughie’s weight as he collapsed on top of her or the slumping to the floor of the four Pussies.  A few feet away, Shark rolled insensible from Melissa’s comatose body. 

“Perfect,” thought Jahlen as she opened the door.  The four Pussies and two men were sprawled about the room.  She adjusted her breathing mask.  The gas would keep everyone asleep for several minutes, but she would have to work fast.  First she had to find the reels of film the Pussies had taken.  Then she had to get the two superheroines out of the building. 

The film was not hard to find.  There were neat piles of round metal containers loaded with film stacked neatly in a corner cupboard.  She packed them up and carried them to one of the windows of the room.  Taking out a large net she placed the containers in it and pulled the net closed.  Then she moved over to the superheroines.  She picked up the Jade Dragon first, dragging her to the window and placing her on the floor by the film.  Then she hauled Scorpion over and lay her next to her companion.  Both women were securely shackled.  She would leave them that way. 

She opened the window.  Below was the truck she had parked in the alley of the building.  Conveniently, the room where the Jade Dragon and Scorpion were being held prisoner was located on the side of the building where she had chosen to leave the truck.  That made things so much easier.  The darkness outside would shield her activities from any inquiring eyes. 

She used a length of rope to lower the net full of film first.  Then she went to the sleeping women.  She tied a length of rope to the Jade Dragon’s ankles.  There was a considerable amount of it around the room.  Just in case she had brought her own, but she wouldn’t need it.  Boosting the Jade Dragon to the window, she lowered her out carefully so as not to bang her against the side of the building.  She had no desire to injure either of the women she was “rescuing,”   She played out the rope until it went slack and then turned her attention to Scorpion.  She picked up the tall heroine effortlessly and lowered her the same way she had let down the Jade Dragon.  Then she took a final length of rope, and securing it to the cast iron radiator beside the window, she stepped out herself.  A minute later she was on the ground with the still quiescent heroines.  Sliding open the back of the truck she loaded both of them in.  She wasn’t afraid that they might escape.  Once the door was locked there was no way for two naked women to escape. 

She tossed the heavy net bag full of film canisters into the front seat.  She was just about to climb in when she was blinded by the glare of headlights from every direction.  She froze like a deer caught on a highway.  And then she relaxed.  She was trapped, but she had to remain calm.  Showing fear was what Zhuang Zhijian would want.  If she was to escape the crimelord she had to keep her wits about her. 

She had no doubt that it was Zhuang’s men who surrounded her.  Who else could have followed hr here and sprung so complete a trap?  Her suspicions were confirmed when Zhuang’s voice addressed her from beyond the glare of the headlights.  “You are wise not to attempt to escape Jalehn.  You would not get very far and would only provide my men with an additional source of amusement.”

Jahlen turned in the direction of the voice.  “I am glad you are here, lord,” she said.  “You have spoiled my surprise, but I should have known I could not fool one as clever as you.”  Outwardly, Jahlen was absolutely calm, but inside her heard was thundering in her chest.  Her only chance was to convince Zhuang that her motive for going after the Black Leopard’s lair herself was to present him with a gift of the two heroines and the films.  But he was no fool; her chances of success were a slim one. 

Several of Zhuang’s henchmen now stepped into the light.  They were all armed and the guns they were carrying were all pointed at her.  Leading them was Zhuang’s most feared gang member, a giant of a man called Chen.  “My lord,” she said quickly, licking her lips.  What is this?  Surely you do not think I have sought to betray you?  I wanted only to confirm what the Black Leopard whispered to me as she fainted.  I could not be sure of its accuracy and so I came on my own.  I was about to bring the two heroines to you.”

Zhuang’s low laugh told her that her story had failed.  “Surely you do not expect me to believe such nonsense, Jalehn.  Your quarters were empty, stripped of all your possessions.  I expect I shall find them stored in the truck.  Your thin story is disgracefully weak.  I expected better of you.  Is this how you reward someone who gave you a chance to improve yourself?  I pulled you out of the gutter.  Now I shall throw you back into it.”

“Chen,” he ordered, “bind her.  “And if she resists use whatever force you think necessary.  Bring the heroines and the film to my headquarters.”  There was the roar of an engine as Zhuang’s car motored away. 

Jahlen went quietly.  Any resistance would only get her a severe beating.  She was not a completely defenceless woman, far from it, but she knew she could not hope to overcome such odds.  Her best chance for escape was to cooperate and wait until an opportunity presented itself.  She knew that Zhuang would not kill her right away.  That was not his style.  She shuddered a little as she reflected on what his style was. 

Chen seized her arms roughly and forced them behind her back.  There was a metallic click as a pair of handcuffs snapped upon her wrists.  Then his hand went to her right breast, squeezing it through her clothing.  “I’ve been watching you for a long time,” he said.  “You’ve been untouchable, but now you’ve made a mistake you’re going to regret it.”

Jahlen remained calm.  If she was afraid her demeanor did not show it.  She looked Chen square in the face and laughed.  “You think to intimidate me with threats?” she asked, the contempt dripping from her voice.  “I’ve been raped before.  I doubt that your pathetic little member will trouble me much.” 

“Bitch,” said Chen, twisting her breast hard.  I’m going to reduce you to nothing better than a cheap whore.  In a few days you’ll be begging me to bang you.”

Jahlen showed not the slightest response to Chen’s brutality.  It was almost as if he wasn’t even touching her.  Her impassive cold-eyed gaze sent a shiver down his spine.  What kind of woman was she that she could stand there without flinching while he crushed her tit?  He let go of her.  “Put a pair of cuffs on her ankles,” he ordered.  “I don’t want her running off.”  He would break that self confident shell.  And he would enjoy himself immensely while he did so.  With a smile of satisfaction he watched the muscles move in Jahlen’s backside as she was led to the back of the truck and tossed in alongside the Jade Dragon and Scorpion.  Yes, he would indeed enjoy himself.  That half breed bitch would get what was coming to her.

Jahlen grunted as she was thrown bodily into the back of the truck.  With a grim finality the end door was slammed shut.  She rolled onto her back in total darkness.  As the truck started up and jounced down the streets of Metro City she felt a shiver of fear.  “Yes,” she thought, :”I’ve been through something like this before.  I can endure it again.”  But in the back of her mind was another fear.  That this time she would not escape her fate.  That this time she would die.  And die in pain and degradation, screaming for mercy while her captors mocked her.  She pushed herself into a sitting position.  She took a few deep breaths.  “No,” she told herself.  “I will survive.  I won’t let them make me beg.”  She set her jaw, but memories of her past filled her mind and she trembled.  As the truck moved closer to Zhuang’s headquarters she bowed her head and fought back tears.