The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

Episode 10

The Jade Dragon’s Defeat




Chapter 12  Resurrection


Nails Larson spat contemptuously at the foot of the X-shaped cross.  “That for the Jade Dragon,” he sneered.  “Some heroine.  Didn’t even last a day.”  He turned to look at the sobbing form of Huan Hue.  Her arms still bound behind her, the nude girl crouched in front of the cross, a picture of abject misery.  In spite of her wretched appearance, Larson found her immensely attractive.  It was her very helplessness that made him want her.  “Stand her up,” he ordered.  “It will be interesting to see how long this one lasts.”


As Huan Yue was hauled to her feet she stifled her sobs and raised her head defiantly.  Devastated by the brutal murder of her mother, she was still the daughter of the Jade Dragon and would not act the part of a sniveling coward.  She met Larson’s eyes with a defiant stare.


“Still got some vinegar in you I see,” Larson commented.  “Perhaps you’ll provide some interesting entertainment after all.” 


Larson’s words hid his surprise as the girl’s resilience.  He had taken her virginity, had his men fuck her until she couldn’t stand up, and crucified her mother.  And yet she stared at him defiantly, challenging him to do anything worse to her.  His eyes once again swept over her exquisite body.  Tall, her full, rounded breasts emphasized the slenderness of her waist.  Her midnight black hair hung to her shapely backside, her curvaceous buttocks sweeping smoothly into her long, powerful legs.  But it was her high-ckeekboned face with it’s full pouting lips and wide startlingly blue eyes that held his attention.  She stared at him, seemingly unafraid in spite of the marks of her ordeal that covered her body. 


He licked his lips.  “Take her over there,” he said, pointing to a large wooden table.  “I’m fresh out of crosses.”


He had added the last comment to terrify his victim, but her reaction disappointed him.  She showed no emotion as she was led across the room to the waiting table.  Larson made a show of displaying the hammer and nails he intended to use on her, but to his supreme annoyance, his naked victim turned to him and instead of showing fear, gave in a look of such contempt that it needed no words to communicate her message. 


“You Chinese bitch,” Larson growled.  “You’ll change your tune when I nail you to the table.”


Huan Yue was not about to go quietly, but she had bided her time, waiting for the most opportune time to attempt to escape.  With her wrists bound behind her, and with traces of the poison Liu had put in her tea still dampening her powers, she was at the mercy of her captors.  But she guessed that Larson might make the mistake of releasing her wrists when he tried to pin her to the table. 


There were only four henchmen in the room, the man known as Craig being one of them, plus Larson.  Odds of five to one were not very good, especially considering Huan Yue’s condition, but she faced the same fate as her mother.  What did she have to lose by making a last minute effort to escape? 


“Untie her,” Larson ordered, “but keep hold of her arms.”


Huan Yue tried to look a little frightened.  She had made a mistake by facing Larson down a few minutes ago.  Now he would be less inclined to relax his guard.  The trick seemed to work.  Larson sneered at her.  “Finally realize what you’re up against, bitch?  It’s going to be fun fucking you while you scream.”


Hue Yue’s memory of her mother screaming as Larson raped her after he had nailed her to the cross made her acting more credible.  She didn’t have to try very hard to look terrified.  “Oh no,” she whimpered.  “Please don’t hurt me any more.  I’m sorry I defied you.  It was a stupid thing to do.”


“You’re damn right it was stupid.  You’ll have a lot of time to consider just how stupid when the nails sink into your wrists.”


At his declaration Huan Yue let out a little cry of fear, but she felt the bonds holding her wrists loosen.  She kept her body loose, to deceive her captors, and then made her play as the ropes fell away. 


It would have been better if the numbness was gone from her wrists and hands, but she didn’t have time for that.  However, there was nothing wrong with her feet.  Lashing out she slammed the toe of her right foot into the middle of Larson’s face. 


“Agghhh!  You fucking bitch!  You broke my nose!”  Larson clutched at his face and staggered back, blood streaming between his fingers. 


Huan Yue, however, was paying him no more attention.  There were still four more men to deal with and two of them were holding her arms. 


She used the men holding her as a fulcrum.  Swinging her body upward while ignoring their grip on each of her arms, she turned a complete backwards somersault, breaking the grip of her captors.  Then she spun and using her powerful legs, slammed her foot into the midriff of first one man and then the other. 


Three of her captors temporarily out of action, she now faced only two including Craig, but the latter was a bit more canny than her other opponents.  Instead of attacking her he retreated, but drew his pistol instead.  Huan Yue was forced to dive beneath the heavy wooden table as a volley passed over her.  Craig kept shooting, however, firing directly into the tabletop as did the man with him. 


Fortunately, the thick wood kept her safe, but she was pinned down, unable to expose herself for fear of being shot.  It gave the thugs the chance to recover.  Several more men charged into the room and surrounded the table, guns drawn.  Ironically it was Larson who saved her life.


“Don’t shoot her,” he ordered, still holding his bloody nose.  “I want her alive.  I’m going to make her wish she’d never been born.”


Completely surrounded, there was not much Huan Yue could do except surrender.  She came out from under the table and was immediately seized by several of Larson’s thugs.  They held her tight, lifting her off the floor so that men could grab hold of her legs as well as her arms.  Vivid memories of the gang rape she had been subjected to flashed through Huan Yue’s mind as she was carried over to where Larson was holding a handkerchief to his nose. 


“You little whore,” he raged.  “I’m going to skin you for that.  Put her on the table.”


Willing hands spread Huan Yue onto the tabletop she had tried so hard to escape.  Her magnificent chest heaving, she lay spread-eagled, her arms and legs pinned while Larson picked up his hammer. 


“I’m going to nail you,” Larson growled.  “First each of your wrists.  Then your ankles.  But that’s just the start.  I’m going to peel the skin off that gorgeous body starting at the soles of your feet.  You’re going to beg me to kill you before I’m finished.”


“Spoken like the coward you are,” Huan Yue replied.  “Go ahead and torture me.  I’m sure that it will compensate for your lack of manhood.”


“Hold her tight,” Larson ordered, ignoring Huan Yue’s insult.  “I think she might scream a little before I’m finished with her.” 


Huan Yue struggled to break the grip of the men who held her, but two men pinned her right arm as Larson placed the nail, complete with its washer in the centre of her wrist.  Then he raised the hammer and with a grunt brought it down.



Sun Lin knew that she would return to a world of pain and she was not disappointed.  The sudden shock of returning to life almost overwhelmed her.  She hung on the cross, her body consumed by anguish.  Her body had settled, blood pooling in her lower extremities, and her lungs were constricted, making every breath a battle.  The terrible pain in her wrists was almost as nothing in comparison.  She immediately broke into a sweat, the only sign that she was actually alive. 


No one noticed, however.  Larson and his men were far too busy with Huan Yue, a situation that caught Sun Lin’s immediate attention.  She watched as her daughter fought desperately to escape, her green eyes narrowing as her daughter was lifted bodily from her feet and spread out on the table top.  It took no imagination whatsoever to understand what was going to happen next. 


Forcing herself to relax, she called on the resources of her body.  Liu’s poison no longer coursed through her veins; the journey to the Mountain of Heaven had seen to that, but she was still a prisoner of the cruel punishment that Larson had inflicted upon her. 


First she stilled the pain that paralyzed her body.  Then she put in order the damage the crucifixion had caused, forcing her heart and other organs to function normally, pushing the blood that had settled in her lower extremities throughout her body.  Then she took a deep breath and tensed her muscles. 


To anyone watching it would have seemed as if Sun Lin’s dead body suddenly came to life.  The colour returned to her skin and her body straightened.  Any observer would not have believed what he was seeing, but Larson’s men were occupied with Huan Yue.  As they surrounded her daughter Sun Lin slowly pulled her arms forward, her long slender muscles swelling with the effort and then there was a shriek of iron against wood as the seeming impossible occurred and the nails pinning Sun Lin’s bloody wrists were slowly wrenched free. 


Anyone expecting her to crash to the floor would have been astounded to see her hanging in the air for a few seconds and then slowly descend to the floor; her arms still outspread in the exact shape of her crucifixion.  Sweat streamed from her nude body, but Sun Lin focused her mind and willed the pain away.  Then slowly she bent her arms, moved her right hand to her left wrist and pulled the nail from her wrist.  There was a spurt of blood that instantly diminished as Sun Lin controlled her body; then she removed the other nail.


She stood silently for a few seconds, composing herself and gathering her strength.  Then she moved.  Larson’s raised arm had begun its swing just as Sun Lin arrived.  Her right arm shot forward, propelling the nail she had pulled from her left wrist with deadly accuracy.  It caught Larson just above the elbow, crippling his arm in mid-strike.  With a scream he dropped the hammer, but his cry of pain was lost in the shouts of his men and the blood curdling shriek that issued from Sun Lin’s lungs. 


The cry paralyzed many of Larson’s men with fear and then it seemed that a demon landed among them.  Sun Lin’s nude body seemed everywhere at once, moving so quickly that the few thugs who managed to draw their guns never got a chance to use them.  She seemed instinctively to know where the danger lay and turned her attention immediately in that direction; and then Huan Hue joined her. 


Screeching like banshees the two heroines darted among the confused and terrified hoodlums.  To men who were used to dealing only with opponents who could not fight back or to gunning them down from ambush, the assault of the two heroines was terrifying.  They broke and ran; only to find that neither of their assailants was in the mood to let any of them escape.  Attempts to crowd through one of the two exits from the room were quickly snuffed out as one or the other of the heroines blocked the way.  Inside of five minutes the floor of the room was littered with the groaning and unconscious bodies of what had been the core of Larson’s gang. 


Sun Lin stood triumphantly in the middle of a pile of bodies, her body gleaming with sweat.  Her eyes went to Huan Hue.  Her daughter was panting from the exertion, barely able to stand, but she too radiated victory.  She looked back at her mother, her chest heaving and smiled.  “I knew you would come,” she said.


“Liar,” Sun Lin replied, but she smiled as she said it.  Then her face went grim.  Picking her way through the bodies she found Larson.  The gang leader was lying still, but she was not fooled.  Reaching down she dragged him to his feet, ignoring his yelp of pain.  The nail she had thrown at him still protruded from his upper arm, but she jerked it out ignoring his anguished scream.


“What are you going to do?” Larson whimpered.  “You can’t hurt me.  You’re a heroine.  You have to turn me over to the police.”


“I’m going to show you the same compassion you showed me,” she answered.  In spite of the fact that he outweighed her by at least fifty pounds she dragged him across the room like a rag doll.  When Larson noticed where they were heading he began to plead for mercy.


“No, you can’t do that.  Please, I’ll pay you anything you want to let me go.  How much do you want?  Ten thousand?  A hundred thousand?  Name your price.  “Oh please don’t hurt me.”  He went limp, forcing Sun Lin to drag him across the room by his collar.  It was an incredible spectacle.  Sun Lin was completely nude and her incredible body was covered with blood.  Anyone watching would not have been able to take his eyes off her in spite of Larson’s screams of protest. 


Reaching the base of the cross, Sun Lin ripped Larson’s belt from his pants.  Then she forced him to his knees tore off his jacket, and ripped a piece of material from the lining.  “I’ve heard enough of you,” she said as she stuffed the cloth into Larson’s mouth and secured it in place with his own belt. 


“Mmmpph!” the hoodlum protested.  His eyes were white with fear and a strong odour of urine filled the air as Sun Lin dragged him upright. 


Wide eyed, Huan Yue watched her mother force the man who had raped and tortured over to the massive X-shaped cross.  Beneath his gag Larson was screaming in fear.  His legs would no longer hold him and he struggled feebly in the grip of the remorseless heroine.  The Jade Dragon’s emerald eyes were completely cold and emotionless as she grabbed Larson’s injured right arm by the wrist and lifted him from his feet, leaving him kicking his feet like a child.  Then she swung her right arm and drove the spike she had pulled from his arm through his wrist. 


So great was the force of her blow that the nail was buried to its head and held in place by the same washer that had pinned Sun Lin to the cross only a short time before.  Larson’s eyes bulged out of his head at the pain and his scream could be clearly heard even with the gag.  But Sun Lin was not yet finished.  Retrieving the second nail from where she had dropped it in the fight she repeated the macabre process with his left wrist.  


Huan Yue watched, her face expressionless. She made no effort to stop her mother, but neither did she show any sign of satisfaction at what had been done.  However, as her mother turned and walked away from the writhing villain she turned and walked with her a gleam of approval in her sapphire eyes. 


Sun Lin went to a shelf where she had seen her costume and that of Huan Yue and reclaimed her belongings.  Then she dressed and left the room, looking to neither left nor right, her back straight and tall.    



“Jeezus, the place looks like a slaughterhouse.  Who the hell could have done such a thing?”


Sergeant Murphy of the Metro City Police looked at the young lieutenant and shook his head.  “If I didn’t know better I would say it was one of those damned heroines.  But it is not their style to do that to their victims.”  He motioned to the body hanging from the X-shaped cross.


“You get anything out of the men you questioned?” 


“Not a lot that makes any sense.  They’re claiming it was the Jade Dragon, but it’s not her style.  And there was a lot of nonsense about killing her and then her coming back to life.”


The lieutenant walked a bit closer to the cross.  “Nails Larson,” he mused.  “Looks like he got a bit of his own medicine.”


“That’s what I figured.  Son-of-a-bitch probably got what was coming to him.”


“Ugly way to die,” the lieutenant commented.  “I think I’ll leave, sergeant.  You can handle this mess.  If you need me I’ll be out by the squad car.”


“Don’t worry, lieutenant,” Murphy answered.  “I can look after this.  You just deal with the paperwork.”


“Choirboy,” Murphy muttered as the lieutenant disappeared.  He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a flask.  Taking a long swig he wiped his mouth on the back of his hand.  “Mess like this is likely to give a man a drinking problem,” he muttered.