Larra's Indonesian Adventure




The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 10

Larra’s Indonesian Adventure


Chapter 12  Wallace


Wallace allowed his head to break the surface of the water, pushing aside the lotus blossoms that floated on the surface of the pond.  “Crikey,” he murmured, “I’m going to be as wrinkled as new born possum if I don’t get out of here.”


However, he made no immediate move to swim to the shore and kept hold of the hollow reed he had been breathing through for the last hour.  He couldn’t be sure that the Japanese were not still close by even though they had stopped firing into the pond in the hope that their bullets might find him.  As a matter of fact there had been no shooting for quite some time, perhaps half an hour or so.  Since he had no clothes and his watch was on shore he had no way to be absolutely certain, but he was good at judging time from the angle of the sun and it did not appear to have moved much from the time he and the porters had entered the pool for a swim.


“Wonder what the hell those bloody Jap drongos are doing in this part of Borneo?” he wondered.  He knew that the region was almost entirely uninhabited.  It seemed strange that the Japos would waste their men on so worthless a mission.


Near the shore he could just make out a few Japanese soldiers and a number of the porters who had survived the attack.  When the Japanese had charged from the forest they had fired at everything that moved and a number of the porters had been hit.  Their corpses still floated in the tranquil waters of the pool, moving slowly in the eddies. 


He had almost been one of them.  As the only white man he had seemed to be their main target and only a desperate dive below the surface of the pond had saved him.  Bullets had splashed all around him, but none had penetrated the surface more than a few inches.  Fortunately he had noted the reeds on the far side of the pond when he had first entered the water.  He had managed to swim into them and snap one off while still submerged and use it as a breathing tube.  He was prepared to duck under the water again if need be, but hoped that he might be able to sneak out once it got dark.


He guessed it was only a couple of hours to sundown and it got dark quickly in the rainforest.  Much more important to him was what had happened to the Sheilas.  They seemed to have put up quite a fight, something that surprised him.  He had supposed that the arsenal they had lugged with them was more for show than anything else, but the Japanese had apparently had quite a bit of difficulty with them, finally bringing up a mortar and lobbing shells into the upper falls.  That seemed to have done the trick.  There had been no more shooting for over an hour. 


It had been incredibly frustrating for him to sit in the water while the Japanese did their damnedest to kill some of the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.  “Bloody bastards,” he thought.  “If I could just get to my rifle…”


But then what?  He couldn’t take on the entire Jap army by himself.  He guessed that there were at least fifty or so Japo soldiers.  It would be suicide to go up against them.  The best he could hope for was to try and work his way back to Bertha.  That would be one hell of a lot of fun.  Trekking through the forest fully equipped had been tough enough.  How as he going to make it back without a stitch of clothing or a single bit of survival gear?  “Crikey,” he muttered.  “I’m going to have to make like an Abo.”



In the end he had to wait until nightfall.  The Japanese did not make it convenient, setting up camp right next to the pond.  Moving as far away as he could, he slid out of the water and onto the bank.  He lay there shivering.  It wasn’t really all that cold, but sitting in cool water for several hours had drained the heat from his body.  “Christ,” he thought.  “I’m not going to survive the night.”  He was going to have to take a desperate gamble and try to sneak into the camp and retrieve some of his gear, and he was going to have to do it before he died of exposure.  Shivering violently and cursing the fates, he lowered himself back into the water and paddled slowly toward the Japanese camp.



The concussion of the exploding mortar was so close that Amy was almost deafened.  She knew from the instant that the first shell had exploded that her and Ayashe’s position was untenable.  The best she could hope for was that Katie and the two other girls might provide enough of a distraction that she and the Dene girl could escape.


That hope was bolstered when the mortar crew changed its target shortly after Katie’s crew gained the upper falls and opened up on the Japanese, however, it soon became obvious that the three women firing at the Japanese could not possibly free up the bottleneck that she and Ayashe were in.  It was at that point that she decided to look for another way out.


At first she thought to follow Katie, Lisha, and Melissa up the slippery wall of rock flanking the falls, but discarded that as an option when it became clear that the Japanese soldiers they had been holding at bay were now moving closer.  She and Ayashe would be sitting ducks if they were caught halfway up the slippery climb.  The only possibility seemed to be to look for someplace to hide.  There was a real jumble of boulders in the middle falls due to the fact that a great deal of rock had broken away from the cliff side, but hiding among the rocks would only delay the inevitable.  The Japanese would certainly search the rocks until she and Ayashe were found.  They needed a better place.


The falls seemed a last desperate choice.  Amy knew that sometimes the falling water carved out a hollow behind waterfalls.  It was not a very good choice, but it seemed the only one they had.  Ayashe saw her plan and nodded.  Firing a couple more shots in the direction of the Japanese they clambered toward the falls.


Amy went first.  If there was no refuge there was no point in both of them getting wet.  The force of the falling water almost swept her off her feet, but she fought for her balance and struggled through.  Behind the falls she found herself in a waist-deep pool, but more importantly there appeared to be a deeper cave leading back into the rock.  Clambering over the slippery rock she moved into it deeply enough to see that it angled upward, and although slippery with slime, was probably something that she and Ayashe could climb.


Splashing back through the falls, she motioned to Ayashe to follow and within seconds the girl stood beside her.  She let Ayashe go first, using hand signals to make her intentions known.  The thunder of the falling water drowned out all speech and in any case she did not want her shouting to alert the Japanese as to her position.


The Dene girl crawled upward into the cave, Amy following.  For the first few feet the going wasn’t too bad in spite of the fact that there was a constant flow of water across the bottom of the cave and they had to splash upward on their hands and knees.  But within a few feet conditions worsened. 


The slimy tunnel got steeper and eventually Amy had to place her hands on Ayashe’s pert backside and push the girl ahead while at the same time trying to hold her position.  Then the tunnel narrowed, forcing Ayashe and then Amy to go down on her belly, each girl’s head only an inch or so above the water flowing down the tunnel.  Scrabbling along by pushing against the sides, and shoving their rifles in front of them, it was an exhausting ordeal, requiring all of their strength.  In places Amy once again had to resort to pushing Ayashe ahead of her and then had to grip the girl’s legs and pull herself along afterwards.


The wet and grueling climb seemed to last forever, and the farther they went the darker it got until they were moving in complete blackness, feeling their way ahead of them.  Amy realized that night had probably fallen while they were in the tunnel, making it difficult to tell if they were anywhere near the end, but there was no choice but to go on.


By now both women were shivering with the cold.  What had merely been uncomfortable to begin with was now dangerous, threatening to chill them to the point where they would be too cold to function.  Amy realized that their desperate attempt to escape might end in a horrible death from exposure.  Desperately she forced herself forward, at the same time realizing that her strength was being drained from her body.  It was at that point that Ayashe gave a sudden cry of sheer terror.



Shards of steel tore at the rock that shielded them.  Their little diversion had worked well, bring the full fury of the Japanese down upon them.  Melissa realized that their position was hopeless.  They couldn’t even peer over the edge without attracting the fire of a dozen or more Japanese soldiers.  Even worse, it was apparent that Katie’s sortie had failed.  They had heard nothing from her which seemed to indicate that she had been even less than successful.  There was no evidence that she was even alive and it was quite apparent that she and Lisha might soon be corpses as well. 


“We’ve got to get out of here,” Melissa said.  Lisha nodded.  She was a woman of few words, a factor compounded by her difficulties with English, but she understood what Melissa had said.


Melissa gathered up her rifle and prepared to climb down in a similar direction to the route Katie had taken.  It was just possible that the blonde beauty was hiding somewhere below, having realized that there were too many Japanese to take on.  There were certainly a lot more than Melissa had imagined there might be in such a remote area of the world.  As she prepared to move Lisha tapped her shoulder.  Melissa turned and saw that the ebony skilled girl was holding out her ammunition pouch. 


“You take,” Lisha said.  “You better with this thing.”  The girl touched Melissa’s rifle. 


Melissa did not argue.  She only had about ten rounds left and knew that Lisha was right.  The Ullabomba maiden did not like firearms and had proven to be only a mediocre shot.  Melissa would make much better use of the extra rounds than she would.  Still, she felt a bit of a pang when Lisha set down her rifle.  It was a splendid weapon, capable of easily hitting a target at several hundred yards.  The problem was Lisha could barely hit the broadside of an elephant at fifty yards.


The African girl hefted her spear.  “We go now,” she said, smiling slightly.


Melissa nodded.  Lisha with a rifle was of questionable value.  Lisha with a spear was astonishing.  It was an impressive weapon, consisting of a six-foot hardwood shaft tipped with a two-foot wide-bladed spear.  The tempered steel blade was as big across as her palm where it was joined to the shaft and tapered to a needle point.  Both sides of the spearpoint were sharpened, making it resemble a two foot sword on top of a pole.  The end of the spear shaft had a large wooden knob about the size of a woman’s fist.  Melissa had witnessed Lisha practicing with the weapon and had been more than impressed.  At close quarters she would not have wanted to be the one to go up against her.


The worked their way down the jungle shrouded slope, keeping an alert eye for Japanese soldiers.  It seemed very unlikely that the Japanese would not have tried to encircle them. Melissa was almost certain that Katie had blundered into a Japanese ambush and did not want to share the same fate.


In this situation Melissa let Lisha take the lead.  The ebony-skinned beauty had an uncanny ability to move through the jungle vegetation without making a sound, but at the same time seemingly aware of everything around her.  If there was anyone waiting in ambush it was unlikely that they would take her by surprise.


They were halfway down the rocky, thickly forested slope when Lisha froze.  Melissa froze also, and then moved slowly forward as Lisha motioned that she should do so.  They crouched low behind a screen of wide-leafed ferns and watched as several Japanese soldiers came into view.  They were working their way upslope, moving as quietly as they could, but no doubt making considerable noise by Lisha’s standards.


They remained hidden as the men passed and then continued to work their way toward the bottom of the forested slope.  They went even more carefully now, well aware of the fact that there were Japanese behind as well as in front of them.


A few hundred feet father on Lisha froze again.  This time there was but a single Japanese soldier, however, he was standing between two massive boulders, blocking the path of their descent.  Melissa knelt beside Lisha and assessed their chances of working their way around the guard.  It would not be that easy or convenient, requiring that they backtrack and then detour around the massive blocks of stone.  It would probably take them at least an hour, but there seemed to be no other choice. 


At least, that was what Melissa thought.  Lisha, however, had a different opinion, one that she acted upon before Melissa could stop her.  Rising from her hiding place she drew back her arm and hurled her spear.  There was an ugly double “thunk.”  The first as the blade of the spear pieced the chest of the unsuspecting Japanese soldier and the second as the point emerged from his back and sank deep into the trunk of a tree, pinning him like some insect specimen in a entomologist’s collection.  


Melissa stared in horror, but Lisha seemed quite unconcerned.  Stepping out from behind the screen of vegetation that had shielded her, she wrenched the spear from the dead soldier’s chest and let him fall.  After wiping the blood and gore from the blade on the soldiers uniform the tall African maiden turned to Melissa.  “We go now,” she said simply.


Melissa felt a little ill.  She resolved to make sure that she always stayed on Lisha’s good side.  Nevertheless, she had to admit that the ebon-skinned beauty had neatly solved their problem.  They were now moving toward the middle falls.  This was the area from which the Japanese had launched their attack and Melissa had no doubt that it would be crawling with Japanese soldiers.  However, it was also the area that Katie had sought to outflank.  If they were going to try and find what had become of her they had little choice but to explore it. 


Melissa couldn’t help feeling that she and Lisha were being completely foolhardy.  They should logically be trying to escape the Japanese, not infiltrate their lines, but with Lisha in the lead, she felt a bit more confident in their success.  If anyone could find a way through and not get caught it was the Ullabomban maiden.


It was now late afternoon and the forest was beginning to darken, making their mission less dangerous.  However, they now had to pass close to Japanese sentries that Lisha could not take out as they were within sight of one another.  They were forced to go down on their bellies and snake their way toward the camp.


“This is crazy,” Melissa thought.  “We’re bound to be seen.”  Lisha, however, was undeterred, sliding forward silently until they were within clear sight of the lower falls and the Japanese camp.


They saw that their own camp was still there.  The Japanese had merely appropriated the tents.  Most of the porters were there as well, those that had not been killed.  A number of corpses floated in the pool and several of the porters were in the process of fishing them out.  Although disturbed by the fact that several of the innocent villagers had been murdered, Melissa was relived to see that there was no sign of Wallace.  She had grown to like the big, bluff, Aussie and hoped that by some miracle he might have escaped.


And then she saw something that completely chilled her.  Katie was being marched toward the tents by a villainous looking thug that did not appear to be Japanese.  The once proud blonde appeared completely beaten.  She was naked, her hands tied behind her back and a crude bamboo gag was jammed into her mouth, forcing her jaws apart.  She stumbled as she walked and it was clear from the blood on her thighs and the bruises and bite marks on her magnificent breasts that she had been raped. 


Melissa felt a surge of anger that was so intense that she almost fired her rifle into the unsuspecting Japanese.  Melissa couldn’t see Lisha’s face, but she felt the black girl’s body stiffen and knew that she was experiencing the same emotions.  Helpless do save their companion, they watched her marched down to the water where the scar-faced escort untied her gag and cut the ropes binding her wrists. 


Katie was watched by several Japanese soldiers as well as the man who had escorted her.  There was no chance for her to escape and in any case, she appeared to be in no condition to even consider such an action.  The scar-faced man said something to her and pushed her toward the water.  It was apparent that she was to clean herself up and that was further affirmed when she was actually tossed a bar of soap while the scar-faced man waited on the edge of the pond with a towel. 


It seemed rather strange behaviour to Melissa.  First they tie Katie up and rape her and then they help her wash?  It didn’t seem to make any sense.


Katie finally finished her bath and the scar-faced man motioned her to return.  Then under heavy guard she was marched off toward the tents.  It was apparent from her movements that she was close to breaking.  She moved with her head up, but her halting stride indicated that she could walk only with difficult.


“Bastards,” thought Melissa.  “They’ll pay for that.”


There was only one consolation in the horrific scene and that was that Katie was at least alive, but Melissa knew that they had to rescue her as quickly as possible.  She had no doubt that having raped her once there would be little to stop the Japanese from raping her again. 


Lisha seemed to think so too.  Without a word being said the two tall women shifted their position, taking advantage of the darkening woods to move toward the part of the camp where Katie was being taken.  It was a dangerous gamble.  There were Japanese soldiers on all sides.  All it would take was a single mistake and they would be discovered. 


As it turned out, it was not even a mistake.  Melissa and Lisha had snaked their way to the outskirts of the camp.  They saw that in the centre of the tents was a crude jail constructed out of lengths of bamboo roped together.  They now knew where Katie had been taken.  Using hand signals Lisha and Melissa developed a simple plan.  They would wait until it was completely dark and the Japanese had settled down to sleep, and then they would make their move. 


It might have worked had not a Japanese soldier decided that the patch of vegetation in which they had taken shelter decided that it was the perfect place to relieve himself.  He paid for that simple act with his life, but not before he sounded the alarm.


He unbuttoned his trousers just two feet from where Lisha was lying.  The dark-skinned warrior did not wait for him to complete his call of nature.  She stabbed upward with her spear, driving the two foot blade completely through him.  Unfortunately, in the dark, her timing was just slightly off.  The man screamed in agony as he died, attracting the attention of every man in the camp. 


Lisha leapt to her feet, tearing the spear from the soldier’s body and setting herself to face the other soldiers rushing toward the disturbance.  A wild melee ensued.  Lisha was like a lioness, using her spear with deadly effect.  In the semi-darkness it was not immediately apparent to the attacking soldiers what they were up against and they held their fire, afraid of hitting their own comrades. 


Neither Lisha nor Melissa had such limits, but they were completely surrounded.  Lisha went first, struck down from behind by a rifle butt.  Melissa, using her own rifle and her martial arts techniques went next as she went to the aid of her companion.  One of the soldiers slammed the stock of his rifle into her midriff, knocking the breath from her body.  Then a second blow struck her head.  Just before she blacked out Melissa had a fleeting vision of what was about to happen to her and that vision was far from pretty, then her senses faded and she knew no more.



With just his eyes and the top of his head above the water, Wallace edged closer to the edge of the pool.  Several times he had approached the shore only to have to move back when Japanese soldiers had moved to edge either to refill their water bottles or just splash water on themselves to cool off.  Now he was making one more attempt.


“Bloody hell,” he thought.  One more man was ….


“Bloody Hell!” Wallace almost shouted the words aloud. 


A battered Katie Reddel was being pushed toward the pond.  She had been stripped naked and bound, a crude gag jammed between her teeth.   Her thighs were smeared with blood and it took very little imagination to guess what had caused that.  Large purple bruises stood out on her heavy breasts, and even from where he was he could make out the teeth marks on either side of her erect nipples.


Wallace gritted his teeth in rage.  He had fantasized about seeing the beautiful blonde in the altogether, but not like this.  Suddenly he was no longer cold as he seethed with rage, but he was helpless to do more than watch as her scar-faced escort cut her bonds and shoved her into the pond. 


It was all he could do not to swim toward her with some absurd idea of grabbing her and hauling her to safety, but common sense and self-preservation prevailed.  Instead he moved father away from her, shielding himself from discovery while the wretched women cleaned herself. 


She was allowed only fifteen minutes before being ordered out of the water, and then under escort she was led away.  Wallace remained where he was.  There were still several Japanese soldiers near the edge of the pool.  Desperate to get out of the water, Wallace vowed never to go swimming again.  He now had more than just himself to think about.  Somehow he had to find a way to get Katie out of the clutches of the Japanese.  Now seething with impatience he was forced to wait while the cold once again took over.


“Crikey,” he mused, “me nuts are going to be the size of raisins if I don’t get out of here.”


Suddenly there was a commotion from the camp.  Wallace had no idea what it was all about; all he knew was that the Japanese soldiers loitering near the edge suddenly grabbed their weapons and ran toward the disturbance.  Wallace wasted no more time.  He was so cold he could hardly move, but he found the energy to wade to the shore and the place where he had left his clothing.  To his acute surprise it was still there, even the boots although his Bowie knife and revolver along with his ammunition belt were gone.  Apparently his clothing was too big to fit any of the Japanese.  Whatever the reason he was glad that it was there and he snatched it up like a starving man discovering a hidden cache of food.


He didn’t bother to dress.  He just took his clothes and moved off into the forest.  It was one step at a time.  First get away from the Japanese; then dress; and finally figure out what to do about the Japanese and Katie.


All did not go quite according to plan.  He had hardly gone a dozen yards into the forest before he ran straight into a Japanese soldier.  Fortunately, the Japanese was more surprised than he was.  Wallace had almost been expecting such an encounter; the soldier was not.  Wallace was not trained in combat, but he had boxed in his early twenties.  He had given it up as a bad job when he had made enough cash to buy his first plane.  However, the skills he had developed in the ring were still there.  One huge fist crashed out, shattering the soldier’s nose, breaking off a couple of teeth, and lifting him off his feet. 


Wallace stopped just long enough to finally get dressed, and expropriate the unconscious soldier’s rifle and bayonet along with his ammunition pouches.  He also took his pack, hoping that there might be some field-rations or the Japanese equivalent, and then moving as quickly as he dared he slipped into the forest. 


He kept on moving until he was out of earshot of the Japanese camp.  He was exhausted after his long ordeal in the pool and needed a place where he could count on not being disturbed.  Stumbling about in the forest at night was not easy, but he finally came to a spot he considered safe.  It was the intertwining roots of a massive forest giant.  It provided some shelter, and he hoped, a place where he might be able to get some sleep.  He started to slip between the roots and then felt a sharp pain in his back.   He stiffened and then felt another prick and then another.  He went very still.  He had never experienced such a sensation before, but he knew instinctively what it was.  Someone – actually several someones - was gently prodding his back with the tip of a spear.  He suddenly realized that his grandiose plans of rescuing Katie from the Japanese were probably going to have to wait.  Slowly he raised his hands over his head and waited for the pleasure of his captors.