Chapter 13 Firenza's Folly

The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

Episode 6.  The Jade Dragon Meets the Scorpion

Chapter 13  Folly

Elenah Firenza, also known as Stiletto looked up from the report she had just been handed.  "Mario," she frowned, "this just won't do."  Her voice was clear, almost musical, but it contained a definite hint of menace.

Her capo nodded.  Mario Polenta was the only one allowed to see her unveiled, and was her contact with the rest of her criminal organization.  He had served her since the murder of her father ten years ago.  Her father had been killed by members of a rival gang. Elenah had been only sixteen at the time, but she thrust herself into the role of mob boss, displaying a ruthlessness and intelligence that had earned her the respect of her followers.

When she had first assumed the role of leadership, she had taken to wearing a veil to disguise her youth.  But as she gained experience she had found it useful to keep her identity a secret.  It enabled her to lead a double life.  To the public she was Elenah Firenza, Italian noblewoman and accepted socialite.  To criminals she was Stiletto, one of the most feared crime bosses in Metro City.  Only Mario knew her real identity, but even he addressed her as “Stiletto.”

She was not happy with the report Mario had handed her.  Too many of her criminal activities were getting out of hand.  Two of her “clients” had missed their protection payments.  “Pay a visit to these two,” she ordered.  “I want their businesses destroyed.”  Her carefully manicured finger traveled further down the list.  Two of her agents had bungled a drug operation.  “And these two.  I want them dead.” 

Mario nodded.  Probably the two bunglers had simply screwed up.  But even criminals had their standards, and Stiletto’s were higher than most.  It would serve as a warning to the rest of the low-level criminals who did most of her work for her.  Next time they would think twice about losing any money they were entrusted with. 

A knock sounded at the door.  Mario went to it and unlocked a small mail slot in its middle.  He returned with a sealed envelope. 

Elenah tore open the envelope.  She quickly scanned the note inside, and then read it again more slowly.  She pursed her succulent lips.  The note seemed authentic, but she had learned long ago to trust no one.

The note was in Retinoff’s beautifully crafted script.  She had his first letter and the handwriting matched exactly.  But it was the content of the message she did not trust.  The mad Russian was asking for another meeting, but this time in a different location.  She did not trust this.  At the last meeting all of the assembled crimelords had agreed to meet in his headquarters.  This latest letter suggested a meeting near the docks.  That was a little too close to the lair of her chief rival for her comfort.  However, she knew the location.  It was a small Chinese restaurant just off the waterfront.  It should be safe enough, provided she sent some of her men ahead to check it out. 

She took out a pen she wrote a terse reply and handed it to the man.  “Give this to the man who brought the note,” she ordered. 

Mario left the room and returned a minute later.  “Check out the Half Moon Restaurant.  I’m going to be meeting there tomorrow with Retinoff and the other crime bosses and I want you to make sure there are no traps.”

“Will do, Stiletto.  I’ll make sure it’s safe.”

She waved him away and returned to her work, but her mind wandered to Retinoff’s note.  He was calling the meeting two weeks earlier than agreed upon.  But his note had told of good news.  She hoped he was right.  During the last six weeks the city’s superheroines had played havoc with her profits.  She was barely breaking even.  Something would have to be done about them and fast.

Excited by the news, she found it hard to concentrate on her work.  She got up and went into the bathroom.  Perhaps she would go home early today.  She picked up her hairbrush and gave her raven tresses a few strokes.  She studied herself in the mirror.  She was a very attractive woman.  Tall and shapely, with a narrow waist and full breasts, she filled out the low cut dress she was wearing most fetchingly.  He somewhat dark Italian features gave her a look of sultry beauty that turned heads wherever she went.  She was only twenty-six and in her physical prime.   One day, she promised herself, she would settle down.  Her life of crime had kept her so busy that she had not had the time to take a lover or even a boyfriend.  That was something she would have to rectify.  A virgin at twenty-six.  That was heading into old maid territory.  If Retinoff’s scheme worked she would be able to consolidate her crime empire.  Then she could turn over most of its operations to her capo and devote herself to finding a lover and a husband among the social elite of
Metro City.  Finally, she would be able to restore the family fortune.

She smiled, and her radiant beauty shone forth from the mirror.  It was a wonderful dream, but perhaps one day it would come true.  Tomorrow she would meet with Retinoff.  She wondered at his good news.  Perhaps Zhuang Zhijian had come through early.  She certainly hoped so.  Her business would not last much longer with those damned superheroines constantly on the prowl.  How gratifying it would be when she finally got her hands on one or the other of them.  Retinoff had promised that they would each get one to torture and torment as they saw fit.  It was certainly something to look forward to.  She licked her lips in delicious anticipation.  Then, putting on her hat and coat, she exited the room by a secret door and made her way unseen to the streets.  It was time to go home.  Tomorrow, with any luck, she would get the news she hoped for.

The Half Moon restaurant appeared safe.  Mario had checked it out for her.  Apparently, Retinoff was already inside waiting for her.  The other crimelords had not yet arrived.  The back entrance was secure and she would be able to see anyone coming in through the front.  She walked in through the front door. 

Retinoff was sitting at the back of the restaurant, his face toward the door.  He only had a single henchman with him.  That was reassuring.  It meant he was probably not up to any mischief.  She approached him, Mario following.  She was, of course, completely veiled, and dressed in a fetchingly low-cut black dress.  As she neared the little Russian, something began to bother her.  There was something not quite right about the setup. 

She slowed, her eyes fixed on the diminutive crimelord.  A chill went down her spine.  The man facing her was not Retinoff!  Instinctively, she turned to leave, but she was already too late.  Standing in the doorway was the hulking form of Shark Stevens.  He must have been hiding behind the door.  In his hand he held a Browning .45.  It was pointed directly at her and Mario.  “That’s right, Stiletto.  This is a trap.  And you are the prey.”  Steven’s voice was quiet, but threatening, every syllable dripping evil.

Elenah knew that she was in serious trouble, but she tried to brazen her way out of it.  In a completely calm voice she addressed the rival crime boss.  “What is the meaning of this?  I was asked to attend a meeting by Retinoff and I find this imposter in his place.”  She gestured toward the false Retinoff, who was still seated at the table.  “What is going on here?”

“Stevens gave her a leering grin.  His eyes flicked over her swelling bosom.  Ain’t you a cool one?  Of course, I always knew you had guts.  But I’m in control here and you better cooperate.  Tell your capo to give up his gun.”

Elenah realized that she did not have much choice.  It would do her no good if Mario tried to defend her and was simply gunned down.  “Do as he asks, Mario.  It’ll be alright.”

Mario opened his mouth as if to protest, but seemed to think better of it.  Slowly he took out his Beretta nine millimeter and lay it on one of the tables. 

“Good boy,” sneered Stevens.  Then without changing his expression, he shot Mario point blank.

Elenah gasped in horror, but kept her composure.  Her lifelong friend and advisor had just been killed, but she was helpless to do anything about it.  She realized now that she should have taken the precaution of bringing more of her men with her.

She thought about the two razor edged knives strapped to her thigh.  She knew how to use them with deadly efficiency, but there was no chance to get to them with Stevens’ gun pointed at her.  She was beginning to sweat a little, even though it was not a particularly warm day.  There had to be a way out of this, but she had to keep calm.  If she just waited long enough there would doubtless be an opportunity to escape.  She just has to wait until Stevens relaxed his guard.

So preoccupied was she with thoughts of escape and fear of Stevens’ motives that she did not even hear the man who had been standing beside the false Retinoff until he clamped a damp rag over her mouth.  She gasped in surprise, too late recognizing the sweet smell of chloroform.  She swayed as the anesthetizing fumes swept over her. Already she felt unconsciousness forcing itself upon her.  She took another breath.  A buzzing sounded in her ears and then she knew nothing.

Elenah slowly opened her eyes.  It took her head a little while to clear, but soon she became aware of her predicament.  She was hard up against a wall.  From the pain in her arms and shoulders she must have been standing there for quite some time, as her arms were pinned behind her and fastened to the wall by some means she could not determine.  When she had been unconscious most of her weight had been supported by her arms and they ached agonizingly.  She tried to stand and relieve the lightning bolts of pain that were shooting through her arms and shoulders. 

With a groan, she managed to stand.  She stood panting from the effort.  It was then that she noticed Stevens quietly watching her from a chair about ten feet away.  She was in a medium sized room, about twenty feet square.  It was sparsely furnished with a chair, a table, a set of cupboards and a counter, and a small cot.  Scattered about the room were various tools and restraints.  With a feeling of horror, Elenah recognized many of the tools as instruments of torture. 

Other than Stevens, Elenah was alone in the room.  The man rose when he noticed that she was awake. 

“Sorry to bring you here like this, but I couldn’t think of any other way for us to meet privately.”  Stevens smiled.  Neither his smile nor his tone of voice seemed the least bit apologetic. 

Stifling a moan, Elenah pulled herself together.  She had to find a way out of this mess.  “Why have you brought me here?  Do you want to start a gang war?  I demand my immediate release.”  She forced herself to sound outraged, in spite of the helpless fear that filled her mind.

“I don’t think you are in much of a position to make demands on me,” returned Stevens, moving a little closer to her. “As to why you were brought here, I have several motives.” 

Elenah held her tongue although she wanted to fill the air with curses.  She had to find out what Stevens was up to.  And as he said, she was not in much of a position to make demands.

“I propose a merger of our two organizations,” continued Stevens.  “But on my terms.  You order your men to turn over control of all your operations to my men.  In return I let you keep 25% of the profits. 

“What the Hell are you talking about?”  In spite of her helpless situation, Elenah was truly outraged.  “How dare you make such an offer?  Me turn over my organization to you – a two-bit waterfront hoodlum?  You must be kidding.” 

“There’s no joke,” replied Stevens, his voice deep and menacing.  “You are not in a position to refuse me anything I want.  If you don’t give it to me I will just take it.  Without your leadership, your organization will crumble.”

Elenah felt a sense of despair.  She knew that Stevens was probably right, but she could not bring herself to give into him without a fight.  She cursed herself for being so careless as to get caught.  It had cost the life of her most trusted lieutenant and it would probably result in the loss of her position as one of Metro City’s preeminent criminals. 

“No,” she said.  “I refuse.  There is no way I will surrender to you.” 

“I think you better Elenah.  So far I have asked politely.  But I am not going to beg you to surrender.  I will give you one more chance.  Cooperate or face the consequences.” 

Elenha’s eyes widened.  Stevens knew her real name.  But of course he did; she was no longer wearing her veil.  He must have recognized her from her pictures in the society columns of the newspapers.  He caught her reaction.  “Yes,” he nodded.  “I know who you are.  Your secret is out.  The crime boss known as Stiletto is none other than trumped up socialite Elenah Firenza.  Won’t it be interesting to see the reaction of your friends when I tell them that the daughter of a phony Italian noble is actually a member of the mob?”

“My father was nobility!  You have no right to insult his memory.”

Stevens laughed.  “I have news for you.  Your papa was no more than a minor member of the Italian underworld.  He fooled the idiots who make up high society in
Metro City, but he didn’t fool me.  I killed him and I can kill you.  Make up your mind.  You have one minute.”

Elenah was stunned.  Stevens seemed to know everything about her.  She felt a chill in her gut.  Stevens had killed her father.  She had thought the killer was some minor thug, not another crimelord.  She now understood the deadly peril she was in.  She was especially unnerved by the way Stevens looked at the V of her low-cut dress.

“Alright,” she agreed.  I’ll cooperate.  What do you want me to do?”

Stevens took out a sheaf of papers from his jacket pocket.  “I want you to give detailed instructions to someone in your organization that knows your handwriting.  Tell them that they are to turn over all aspects of you business to my men.  And warn them of the consequences if they do not.”

Elenah nodded agreement.  With a smile of triumph, Stevens stepped right up to her and released her arms.  She almost fell, but he caught her and guided her to the chair.  He helped her sit down and set the papers and a pen and ink in front of her.  Then he watched while she wrote what he dictated.  When she had finished, she knew that her role as a crime boss in Metro City was over.  At least until she could get free from Stevens.  Then she would reverse everything she had agreed to.  It would not be the first time she had doublecrossed one of her rivals. 

“Good,” said Stevens.  “Now get out of that chair and put your hands behind your back.”

“What do you mean?” Elenah asked, real alarm sounding in her voice.  “I did as you asked, now let me go.”  As she spoke, her hand slipped down her leg toward the hidden knives on her right thigh. 

“It isn’t quite that simple,” said Stevens.  “I can’t just let you go home.  You’d backstab me in a second.  Besides, you and I have some unfinished business.”

“What business?”  Elenah voice rose in fear.  She had just discovered that her hidden knife sheaths were empty.

“Looking for these?”  Stevens held up the two razor-edged blades that had been concealed beneath her dress.  “You don’t think I would bring you in here without checking you for weapons did you?  I didn’t get this far in my career by being stupid.  Now, out of the chair and put your hands behind your back.”

Elenah did not move.  “What are you going to do?”  She was breathing hard, but trying to calm herself.  It would do her no good to panic.

“Well, I reckon that as long as I’ve gone to all the trouble to bring you here, you and I might as well have a little fun.”  He placed his meathook like hand on her shoulder. 

Elenah reacted without warning.  She did not have her knives, but there was more than one way to take out a man.  Stevens was so close that he could not avoid the blow she aimed at his private parts. 

He did not scream, but with a grunt doubled over, holding his testicles.  Elenah was out of the chair, aiming a kick at his head.  Had she not still been suffering from the effects of having been drugged and tied up for several hours, she would have made contact.  But Stevens was able to lurch away from her.  Incredibly, despite the kick to his gonads, he was still on his feet.  The man was amazingly tough.  She pressed home her attack, aiming another kick between his legs, but Stevens had recovered enough to dodge the blow, and as he stepped aside he lashed out with one of his ham hands, catching Elenah on the side of the head. 

Elenah felt as if she had been hit by a truck.  She crashed into the table with such force that she was flipped over the top of it and landed on the other side.  She struggled to get up, but her head swam.  Stevens lumbered toward.  She half rose, and then her legs went out from under her.  It gave Stevens the time he needed.  Hurling his huge weight of top of her, he pinned her to the floor.   Wrenching her arms behind her back he lashed her wrists together. 

Elenah moaned in pain and despair.  She had tried to escape and failed.  There was no telling what fate Stevens would have in mind for her now.

“Bitch,” swore Stevens, holding his crotch.  “You’re gonna pay for that.”

Elenah did not reply.  Stevens had trussed her up.  Her hands were tightly bound behind her back and he had bent her legs up to her wrists and hog-tied her.  In the struggle the front of her dress had been torn open, revealing a good portion of her high, perfect breasts, which were covered only by her brassiere.  Strangely, Stevens had not called for help.  Instead he had plunked himself down on the chair, seemingly waiting for the effects of Elenah’s blow to his testicles to wear off.  At length, he got to his feet.  Picking her up, he dumped her on top of the table.

Waving one of her knives in front of her face, Stevens spoke.  “If you weren’t such a good looking bitch I’d carve you like a turkey.  But I’ve got better plans for you than that.”

Helpless to prevent him, Elenah could only lie helpless while Stevens bound her to the tabletop.  He was taking no chances.  He took a length of rope and placed it across her neck, forcing her head down on the table.

Then he straightened her legs and cut the ropes on her ankles.  He stood back and admired his handiwork.

Elenah Firenza was a very attractive woman.  Even in her disheveled state, she was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.  She had dark Italian good looks.  Her deep brown eyes were flecked with green speckles.  Her cheekbones were high and her nose straight.  Her lips were full and pouting and her teeth white and straight.  Her raven hair had come loose and spread out from her head like a thick, black mane.  She was breathing heavily, her large full breasts rising and falling.  Her waist was narrow, almost wasp-like and was accentuated by her flaring hips.  Her dress had become pushed up to her thighs, revealing long shapely legs, which she tried to pull up as if to hide them. 

Stevens licked his lips.  “Now, bitch, it’s payback time.”  He placed his hands on her bodice and ripped open the remainder of her dress.

“No,” Elenah protested.  “You wouldn’t dare.”

“The Hell I wouldn’t Stevens replied.  “You think signing that paper was the only reason I brought you here?”  With a violent tug he ripped what was left of her dress from her body. 

“You son of a bitch.  Let me go,” Elenah cried.  Her bosom heaved.  Stevens already had an erection just thinking about what he was going to do to her.

“I’m been looking forward to this ever since I saw you at that meeting Retinoff arranged.”  He slipped his hands under the thin elastic of her bra and snapped the flimsy material with a twist of his wrists.  Elenah gasped as her large breasts fell free, her light brown nipples hardening as they were exposed to the air.

“Please don’t,” she begged, changing her tactics.  “I’ll do anything you ask, only please let me go.” 

“Anything?” Stevens asked, his hands hovering only inches from her succulent mounds. 

“Yes, anything,” replied Elenah, her dark eyes wide with fear.

Stevens cupped her breasts, watching the revulsion on Elenah’s face as he squeezed her soft flesh.  “Anything, hey?  OK, I’ll give you a chance to prove it.  Reluctantly, he released her breasts and retied her ankles.  Then he untied the rope pinning her neck to the top of the table.  Lifting her off the table, he set her on the floor in a kneeling position and held her that way by placing one hand on her shoulder.

“W…WhWhat are you going to do?” Elenah quavered.  Stevens smiled and watched her eyes widen even farther as he unzipped his pants. 

“No, I can’t do that!”  From the sound of her voice, the supposedly tough crime boss was close to tears.

“You said anything.  Do you want me to let you go or not?  If you won’t let me fuck you then you better give me something in compensation.  Otherwise, I’m gonna put you back on the table and we’ll do things my way.”

“No,” Elenah pleaded.  “Don’t do that, I’ll do as you ask.”  She was almost weeping in humiliation.  Fighting an impulse to vomit, she pursed her lips and leaned forward.  Stevens grinned in triumph.  He had the one of
Metro City’s most feared criminals right where he wanted her.