Larra Cranmere held tightly to her father’s hand




The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 5

The Quest of the Ludendorff


Chapter 13  The Ape King


Katie stared in horror and disgust at the spectacle before her.  A young woman, probably no more than seventeen or eighteen years old was kneeling in front of a gigantic ape, her backside raised toward him for ease of sexual entry.  It was obvious from the way the young woman was cooperating that what was being done to her was not a new experience.  It was also obvious that she was as distressed as Katie over what was going to happen to her.

The ape king turned his attention away from Katie and back to his young victim.  The young woman kneeling in front of him was holding on to a post with both hands, a look of fear and resignation clouding her face. 

Katie looked around her.  She could not allow this bestial act to continue!  The apemen who had brought her to the platform were no longer holding on to her.  They evidently thought that she was not capable of escaping now that they had brought her to the middle of the ape city. 

There had to be something she could do!  Her eyes fixed on a vertical stave that was used as a light support for a thatched canopy that covered part of the platform.  Two steps and she had the stave in her hands.  It was not much of a weapon, but in skilled hands it might be of service. 

She wrenched the stave loose, holding it with both hands in front of her.  Fortunately, she had spent many hours with Larra training in the proper use of the cross-staff in combat.  While not up to Larra’s level, Katie was very proficient in its use. 

The apes on the platform stared at her in evident surprise.  It was obvious that they had no comprehension of what she was up to, probably regarding the staff simply as a piece of wood or building material.  It a few seconds they found out how wrong they were.

Katie struck hard and fast.  Her staff caught the ape nearest her in the midriff, taking away his wind and dropping him to the platform.  Almost immediately she drove the butt if the staff into the face of the next closest ape, catching him between the eyes.  Stunned, the ape staggered backward and toppled off the edge of the platform.  A few seconds later his body hit the ground with a thud. 

By now the other apes of the platform were reacting, and there were dozens of them.  But her distraction had worked; the ape king was no longer interested in his female victim.  He was now watching Katie battle with his minions.  Taking advantage of the situation, the young woman crawled away, hoping to avoid further brutality at the hands of the ape king.

The apes came at her in droves.  If even a single ape caught her she would be overwhelmed by sheer force of numbers.  Quickly she backed toward the corner of the platform.  It was a drop of well over a hundred feet to the ground.  No ape would be able to get behind her.  There was a real danger, however, that she would be knocked off the platform by the animals rushing toward her. 

She jabbed the staff into the platform and braced it with her foot.  As the first ape charged her, she jammed the other end of the staff into the gut of the rushing animal, and using leverage and the ape’s own momentum, pitchforked the ape over the edge. 

Recovering quickly, she swung the staff like a baseball bat, striking the next ape across the side of its head.  The force of the blow caused him to stumble, tripping up many of the other apes that were following close behind.  She then darted forward, away from the dizzying edge of the platform, and swept into the massed apes, striking left and right.  With the drop-off behind her, she was safe from attack from the rear and the large numbers of her attackers actually worked against them, with the apes behind pressing against those in front and the whole confused mass getting in one another’s way. 

Unable to think of a better attack plan the apes continued to try to tackle Katie head on, and one after the other, or even two at a time, she was able to dispatch them.  Some she flipped over the edge after their dead companions, and others she knocked senseless and watched as their attacking comrades trampled them underfoot.

Suddenly there came an earsplitting roar.  The frightening sound seemed to paralyze every ape on the platform, and temporarily froze Katie as well.  The mob of attacking apes fell back and then parted as the ape king himself pushed through.  He clearly intended to take on Katie himself.

Katie readied herself for the attack.  She was up against a very formidable opponent.  The other apes that had attacked her had stood about five feet tall, but the ape king was truly enormous, standing about eight feet in height.  Katie had a hard time believing that such a giant simian could exist.  He was absolutely intimidating.  Each of his immensely strong arms was about five feet in length and powerful muscles rippled beneath his fur.  Katie would need all of her skill, and perhaps some luck in order to handle this monster.

Unlike the other apes, the ape king showed some caution.  Instead of rushing in, he approached warily, keeping a close watch on Katie’s staff.  Katie waited.  It was not up to her to make the first move.  The giant ape moved closer and closer.  Now Katie was almost within reach of one of his giant arms.  Suddenly the huge ape king lunged at her.  Expecting the move, Katie stuck hard with her staff, bringing it down hard on the ape king’s wrist.  With a howl of rage the huge ape yanked his arm back and circled to the side trying to change his angle of attack, but he was soon brought up short by the edge of the platform.  Katie’s position was secure.

Once more he lunged toward her, this time with both arms spread wide, intending to enfold her in his deadly embrace.  This time Katie drove her staff directly into his midriff.  She put all her weight behind it, and against a smaller ape she would have been successful.  The result with the ape king, however, proved disastrous.  The tremendous weight of her adversary, coupled with the force of the blow caused the staff to bend sharply and then snap with a loud crack.  The ape king staggered, winded by the force of the blow, but Katie was now weaponless. 

The ape king regained his balance.  He now saw before him a tiny defenseless human, clutching a three-foot length of wood, the rest of the staff having broken into several pieces.  He had only to close with her and enfold her in his powerful arms and the fight would be over.

Katie, however, was not quite finished.  As the ape king move in, confident of victory, she struck him with all her might across the top of his head.  The stroke staggered him again, but as he fell back he struck out with one arm.  The blow knocked Katie off her feet, and almost off the edge of the platform.  She just managed to stop herself from going over the edge.  In an instant the ape king was upon her.  Katie expected to be torn limb from limb, but instead the brutish creature merely tore off the few scraps of underclothing that still covered her body.  Then, forcing her down on the deck of the platform, he wrenched her legs apart.  Katie saw to her horror that the ape king was fully erect, sporting an enormous phallus that must have measured at least fourteen inches.  He was going to rape her!