Title: Tomb Hunter: Episode 7: Larra’s Saharan Adventure

Email: Lespion@msn.com



The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 7

Larra’s Saharan Adventure


Chapter 14  Forbidden Valley


Isetnofret sweated in fear as the chariot driven by the pale-skinned demon drove headlong toward the barren desert hills.  “No,” she protested, “we can’t go this way.”  She had calmed down a bit when she realized that the woman called Honey Cake was not really dead, but now her fear had returned in earnest.  They were headed directly toward the Forbidden Valley, a place no Egyptian had dared go near in centuries other than to make offerings to appease the evil spirits that dwelt there. 


“Why not?’ Melissa replied.  She was not really very interested in what the queen had to say, but thought she might as well listen.


“No one goes to the Forbidden Valley.  It is death.  Evil spirits dwell there.  They will devour our souls.”


“Sounds interesting,” said Melissa dryly.  “Exactly where is it?”


“We are headed directly toward it.  I implore you, Honey Cake; do not go there.”


“Honey Cake is what the pharaoh called me.  You will call me Mistress.  If you don’t I’ll drag you behind the chariot.”


Isetnofret trembled.  The steely determination in Melissa’s dark eyes left no doubt that she would carry out the threat.  “Yes, Mistress,” she replied, bowing her head.


“That feels good,” thought Melissa.  She was infused with a cold anger toward the woman who had humiliated and tortured her.  It had been difficult in the extreme not to simply cut her throat, but her civilized upbringing had won out over her rage.  She was not however, above submitting her to a little humiliation of her own.  “Where is this Forbidden Valley?” she demanded.


“Through that notch,” replied the queen inclining her head toward a break in the hills they were headed toward.


“Excellent,” said Melissa as she twitched the reins, guiding the horses directly toward the spot Isetnofret had indicated.


“No!” Isetnofret cried, her voice rising.  “That is the wrong way we will be taken and killed and our souls will be eaten.”


“Exactly what is in this valley anyway?” Melissa asked enjoying the queen’s superstitious fear. 


“The demons of Thoth.  They will capture us and steal our ka.” Isetnofret was shaking with fright. 


Melissa grinned maliciously.  “Sounds like someone I’d like to meet.”  Flicking the reins she urged the horses into a trot.


Isetnofret burst into tears.  Melissa considered gagging her as the Egyptian queen begged her to turn back.  She knew she shouldn’t really be tormenting the queen the way she was, but the loss of her baby had hardened her heart.  She wanted the queen to suffer the way she had.  But she knew that wasn’t possible.  She wasn’t capable of killing a child even if she had been able to get at one of the queen’s children.  Ignoring her cries she drove on.


The desert heat rose as she neared the line of hills.  A line of shimmering heat haze partially obscured the landscape.  In a few hours it was going to be like a furnace.  She flicked the reins urging the horses forward.  Perhaps the hills would offer shelter from the sun.  She didn’t want to be caught out in the open during the hottest part of the day. 


The notch in the hills opened before her, revealing a narrow gorge.  Two large statues of the ibis headed god Thoth flanked the opening.  Isetnofret screamed.  “Turn back.  The god warns of death.  We will be destroyed by demons.”


Melissa had to admit the two statues were rather disturbing.  They were brightly painted and their dark eyes seemed to follow her as she approached.  “Nonsense,” she thought.  “They’re not alive, just a couple of pieces of stone carved to frighten people.”  She turned to the shrieking queen.  “Shut up or I’ll stuff your mouth with sand.  We’re going in.”


Isetnofret’s protest subsided to low moans as Melissa entered the steep-sided gorge.  Overhead the rock almost came together.  It was almost like driving into a cave.  Melissa sighed as she entered the coolness of the gorge.  The temperature actually dropped several degrees and she thought she could hear the tinkle of water.  The horses quickened their pace.  They too could smell water and needed no urging.  The gorge wound on for about a mile and then suddenly opened out into a beautiful valley.  The sudden appearance of greenery and water was starling after the barren wastes of the desert.  But it was the gigantic statue of Thoth directly in front of her that was most impressive. 


It stood at least eighty feet high and unlike any statue Egyptian Melissa had seen so far, stood with its legs slightly apart across the canyon so that she was obliged to drive beneath it in order to enter the valley.  Isetnofret wailed in terror, but ignoring her, Melissa clucked her tongue and urged the horses into the valley.  She head straight for the trees.  Water and shade, a perfect combination.  Reaching the green of the oasis she stopped the chariot and dismounting unhitched the horses.  This seemed like the perfect place to spend the night.  She was exhausted even though she had not done much that day.  Her ordeal in the tomb had weakened her severely.  She needed food, water, and above all rest. 


Returning to the chariot she looked at the weeping queen.  Isetnofret looked harmless enough, but Melissa was not sure she wanted to untie her.  The Egyptian queen had shown herself to be cruel and treacherous in the extreme.  In her weakened state, Melissa did not want her running around loose.  It would take only a few seconds for the queen to slip a knife into her ribs while she slept.  Melissa decided not to completely release her.  Instead she removed most of the ropes but kept her arms tied from elbow to elbow.  She arranged the knots so that it was impossible for Isetnofret to reach them.  Then securing Isetnofret to the chariot wheel, Melissa prepared a meal. 


It wasn’t much.  Just some bread and fruit.  But she also found some ripe figs among the trees around the oasis.  It made for a small but satisfying meal.  Even Isetnofret stopping whining long enough to force some food into herself, all the time complaining about the dangers of being in the valley and then about the quality of the meal.  Melissa ignored her.  Moving as far from the queen as she thought was safe she lay down near the cool waters of the oasis, using a few palm fronds as a bed and a robe to cover herself.  Almost as soon as she was on the ground exhaustion won out over her and she slept.


She was awakened by the sound of Isetnofret’s startlingly loud shriek.  Instantly she was on her feet, but she froze when she saw what had terrified the bronze-skinned queen.  Arranged around her was a semicircle of ibis-headed warriors.  For a second Melissa blinked in confusion, and then she saw that it was actually a circle of brown-skinned men wearing elaborate headdresses.  More to the point though each of the strange warriors was armed with a needle-tipped spear, the points of which were directed toward her.


There was nowhere to run, and Melissa was still too weak to fight.  Even if she had been in tiptop condition it was unlikely that she could have defeated so many well armed men.  One of the men stepped toward her.  “Why have you entered the Forbidden Valley?  Do you not know that such a transgression is punishable by death?”


“As a matter of fact I didn’t,” thought Melissa.  “Perhaps I should have taken Isetnofret more seriously.”  The queen was wailing horribly.  Melissa felt like strangling her, but was more concerned about the bizarre ibis-headed soldiers that threatened her.  She tried to think of a quick reply, knowing that whatever she said would be critical.  Remembering the way she had bluffed the Egyptians and she decided on a bold front. 


“I am an emissary of the gods,” she said.  Pointing to Isetnofret she continued.  “Do you not see that I have taken the pharaoh’s favourite prisoner?  Harm me at your own risk.  Ra himself will intercede on my behalf.”


The man who had spoken took a half step back, clearly impressed by her audacious assertion.  But then he lowered his spear again.  “How is it that you sleep on the ground if you are so favoured?” he challenged. 


“I sleep where I choose,” Melissa answered.  She did not want to get into a long discussion.  Her command of the Egyptian language was not comprehensive enough.  “Take me to your superior.  I choose not to speak with an underling.”


“You shall have your wish,” replied the ibis-headed warrior.  “Take them and bind them,” he ordered his men.  “We take them to the high priest.”


“Oops,” Melissa thought.  “Must have said something wrong.”


Melissa felt the familiar fear well up inside her as her arms were tied behind her back.  Once again she was at the mercy of strange men.  The usual frightening ideas swept through her mind.  This sort of thing was becoming too much a part of her way of life.  It was also highly irritating to hear Isetnofret’s shrill wail.  The noise apparently irritated the ibis-headed commander of the group of warriors as well.  “Put something in her mouth before she deafens all of us,” he ordered.  Isetnofret’s cries subsided to terrified grunts as she and Melissa were loaded onto the chariot.  One of the warriors took the reins and urged the horses forward.


“At least we don’t have to walk,” thought Melissa.  What she wanted more than anything else was to rest and being taken prisoner once again didn’t promise much of that.  At least they hadn’t been raped, although how long they would be spared that horror she couldn’t say.  Surprisingly, the men who had taken them prisoner did not even seem particularly interested in them.  She hoped that situation would hold, but she had little hope that it would.  For one so young, Melissa had suffered more than her share of sexual degradation.  Bracing herself against the swaying of the chariot, she rode in silence.  Soon she would know her fate.  She hoped that it turned out better than the last time she was taken prisoner.



Larra awoke with a start.  She was bathed in perspiration and shaking like a leaf.  Nearby one of the young girls who had befriended her looked on with concern.  The girl reached out a hand and gently brushed Larra’s face.  “It is alright White Hibiscus,” she said, “you were just having a bad dream.”


Larra sat up breathing heavily.  Her white skin had earned her the beautiful name the girl had given her.  “Thank you Sithenen, she replied.  “I am alright now.”  Sliding off the bed she emerged herself in the cool waters of the bath.  She had to get away from the palace.  The pharaoh had left her alone for the last day or so and she was somewhat recovered from Ramses’ brutal ‘lovemaking.’  As a result some of her strength had returned; aided by the natural resilience she had due to her splendid physical conditioning.  As her body cooled in the water of the bath she tried to think of some way out of her predicament. 


The problem was she was continually watched, either by one of the eunuch guards or one of more of the women or servants in the harem.  As single shout would bring a dozen armed men in just a few seconds and she was still chained at the elbows and ankles.  Her first challenge was to find a way out of her chains.  Then she might have a chance.


She settled into the bath, allowing the water to come up to her chin.  She had done this before without success.  No matter how she worked at the chains they refused to slip off.  Somehow she had to get hold of some sort of tool to help her out, but the harem women were not even allowed eating utensils.  They ate everything with their fingers.  She narrowed her eyes, scanning the room.  There must be something she could do. 


The large windows enticed her, but she had already checked them out.  They opened onto a courtyard and there was a sheer seventy-five foot drop to a stone pavement.  If her ankles and elbows had not been chained she would have chanced the climb, but unless she could get rid of the shackles there was no way out.  It always came back to the same thing.  Somehow she had to get rid of the restraints. 


A servant walked up to the bath.  “The Son of Ra wants you,” the girl said.  Behind her were two of the huge eunuch guards.


Larra was filled with dread.  She had not been given long enough to recover.  Every time she moved she was reminded of the way the pharaoh had brutalized her.  With great reluctance she stood up and moved to the edge of the bath.  Immediately her body was swathed with towels by the servant girls who always hovered nearby.  Taking her arms they pulled her over to a chair and sat her down.  For the next few minutes they buzzed about her, anointing her body with sweet-smelling oils and combing out her hair.  Then she was gently prodded toward the waiting guards. 


The collar was placed about her neck and one of the guards led her out of the room on the leash, the other guard falling in behind.  “Only two guards this time,” Larra thought.  Evidently her abject submission to Ramses had convinced the pharaoh that she was his willing slave.  However, two guards were more than enough in her present condition.  She had little chance of defeating either of them.  Obediently, she trotted along on her leash until they reached the pharaoh’s rooms.  Ramses awaited her on his divan.  Meekly she went to her knees on entering the room.  She wasn’t up to the punishment for defying the God-king. 


Ramses nodded his approval.  He waved his hand, dismissing his guards.  He was, of course still attended by the four slave girls who cooled him with their fans. 


“Thy servant attends thee, oh Son of Ra,” Larra said, from her position on the floor. 


“Do thy duty, White Hibiscus,” Ramses replied, stripping off his kilt.  “Ready me for our coupling.”


Larra didn’t hesitate.  The fear of punishment drove her to do what was necessary for her survival.  Approaching Ramses on her knees, she lowered her head to his flaccid member and took him in her mouth.  It was a most degrading action, but she dared not risk another beating.  She was not yet fully recovered from her last session and if she was to escape she needed to be as strong as possible. 


Ramses organ at first refused to respond.  The heavy smell of mead told Larra why.  The pharaoh was drunk, and he must have consumed quite a bit to be so unresponsive.  Gradually, however, his organ began to stiffen, but his slow response gave Larra an idea. 


“My lord,” she asked.  “Couldst thou not remove the chains from my arms that I might better quicken thy staff?  My hands cannot reach thee when I am confined thus.” 


Ramses burped loudly.  For a minute there was no reply and Larra went back to her oral stimulation.  Then Ramses grunted and said something to one of the girls who was fanning him.  She scampered from the room and returned a few seconds later with one of the eunuch guards.  The big man saluted as he entered the room and Ramses issued him an order.  “Remove her restraints.  I wish her hands freed.” 


The eunuch did not reply, but a few seconds later Larra felt the chains connecting her elbows being snapped loose.  She was almost free.  Only her ankles remained chained.  “Go now,” the pharaoh ordered.  As the eunuch left the room Larra took Ramses’ penis in her hands.


She was strongly tempted to crush his testicles, but now was not the time.  She needed a more intimate moment and she knew she would get her chance very soon. 


Ramses leered at the subservient woman he had conquered.  The haughty female who had once refused to bow to him was now his obedient slave.  He could tell it from her demeanor.  The defiant look was gone from her brilliant violet eyes, replaced by one of absolute submission.  As she stroked his mighty spear he arched his back a little, allowing her better access.  He held out his hand so that the fan girl could place his chalice of mead in it and took another sip.  He was a little drunk.  It was a pleasant sensation and one that he had experienced often.  Fortunately it did not affect him mentally or sexually.  If anything mead seemed to make him even more virile.  He could feel his loins stirring as the exotic white goddess stroked him to full arousal. 


“My lord,” White Hibiscus murmured.  “Should we not retire to a more private place?” 


Even with the stripes of her flogging still evident the white-skinned beauty was breath-takingly.  As his organ stirred under her tender ministrations his breath quickened.  Rolling unsteadily to his feet, he waved the serving girls away.  “Come slave,” he said.  “We will seek my bedchamber.”


Larra held her breath, hoping that the pharaoh’s clouded judgment would last long enough for her to get him alone.  Meekly she bowed her head and followed him to the bedchamber.  Fortunately the serving girls were not used to questioning the pharaoh’s commands.  They left without a word.  For the first time since her captivity Larra was alone with the pharaoh with her hands unchained. 



Smugly, Ramses turned as he entered the bedchamber.  He could hardly wait to have his way with the white goddess, and then his eyes widened in surprise and confusion.  A startling change had come over the previously docile female.  She now faced him with head held high, her eyes burning with a deadly intensity that would have had him shaking had he not been so befuddled from several hours of drinking.  He was alert enough, however, to realize that he was in some danger.  He opened his mouth to call for the guards.


That was as far as he got.  To his astonishment the she-demon struck him full in the mouth, shattering his front teeth and knocking him head over heels across the bed.  He was unconscious before he hit the floor.


Larra shook her hand, ruefully noting the cuts on her knuckles inflicted by Ramses’ teeth.  She should have known better that to hit him there bare-knuckled, but it had been so gratifying.  However, she was not finished with him yet.  She needed a way out of the palace and she intended that the pharaoh be her passport.  First, however, she needed to remove the shackles from her ankles.  Shuffling over to the pharaoh’s divan she picked up an ornamental spear that hung on the wall.  It was not intended for military use, but it was strong enough to act as a pry bar.  Inserting one end into the links she twisted it.  With a slight chinking sound the soft metal snapped.  She then removed the other end of the chain allowing her freedom of movement.  She still wore the metal shackles, but now the chain no longer connected them. 


Returning to the pharaoh, she turned him over and twisted his arms behind his back.  Ramses groaned as consciousness slowly began to return.  Quickly Larra bound his wrists and ankles, using strips of cloth torn from the bed.  She finished by gagging him.  She did not want him calling out to the guards.  She had something to explain to him first. 



Ramses mouth hurt.  He felt as if he had been run over by a chariot.  As he regained consciousness the she demon approached him.  She had covered her breasts and loins with a few strips of cloth she had cut from the bedclothes.  She was amazingly strong.  Without apparent effort she dragged him to his feet and sat him on the bed. 


“Listen well, oh mighty Son of Ra,” the demoness said, her violet eyes flashing dangerously.  Her voice was tinged with sarcasm and Ramses realized that he had badly underestimated her.  He had believed her beaten, but she had merely been lulling him into a false sense of security.  Suddenly understanding his danger, he listened attentively while she spoke.  “Thou art my prisoner now.  And I will kill thee at the slightest hint of treachery.”  To emphasize her point she held the blade of his jeweled ceremonial dagger to his throat and pressed it against his skin hard enough to break the skin. 


Ramses eyes widened in fear.  He realized now that he should have had the mysterious white woman burned as a witch.  He would not make the same mistake again.  Once he regained his freedom he would have her killed in the most painful and brutal manner he could devise. 


“Mmpph!” He gave a muffled cry as the knife was drawn across his throat. 


“Thou art not listening, mighty pharaoh.  Dost thou understand thy danger?”


Ramses nodded rapidly, his throat dripping blood.  The demon bitch would cut his throat! 


“Good,” she smiled.  “Now listen carefully.  We are going to leave the palace and thou art going to order thy guards not to hinder us.” 


Ramses continued to nod.  The blade of the knife was still pressed against his flesh.  He had no choice but to cooperate.   The white demon removed the gag from his mouth and allowed him to stand.  “Call for thy servants,” she ordered. 


Ramses did as he was told.  Keeping the servants at bay by threatening his life, the white demon marched him from the room and out of the palace.  His guards and servants were kept at a distance by the threat to the pharaoh’s life and the demon was careful not to expose herself in any way so that an archer might be able to put an arrow into her.  Ramses began to fear that she might actually escape and take him with her.  Desperately he sought to wheedle himself out of the situation. 


“White Hibiscus,” he said plaintively, “I give thee thy freedom.  Thou hast my word thou wilt not be hindered when thou leavest.”


“You have given me quite enough already mighty Ramses,” Larra replied, dropping the formal language of the court.  She no longer cared to play that game.  “I will determine my own destiny and hold your life hostage to make sure I get what I want.”


“I give thee my word as pharaoh thou will be allowed thy freedom.”


“I would sooner trust a hyena.  A man who preys on helpless women is not worthy of my trust.  You will do as you are told or I cut your throat.”


Ramses continued to protest, but Larra cut him short.  “Enough.  I am tired of your craven yapping.  Annoy me any further and I’ll slit your nose.”  She emphasized her statement by inserting the point of the knife in his nostril and applying a bit of pressure.


Ramses fell silent.  He would bide his time.  Sooner or later the demon would relax her guard and then he would order her killed.  He knew that his archers were moving into position.  It was only a matter of time before one of them got a clear shot at her.


Larra marched the cringing pharaoh into the lower part of the palace.  She had a good idea of where she wanted to go.  During her stay in the harem she had managed to learn a little about the lost civilization she had stumbled into.  She knew that somewhere near the city was a mysterious valley that was considered taboo.  It was just the sort of place that might provide her with protection.  But she would need proper supplies.  Arriving at the ground floor of the palace she ordered a chariot and enough supplies to carry her some distance into the desert.  Then she and the reluctant monarch boarded the chariot and headed out into the desert. 


They were not followed, at least not while Larra was watching.  Ramses’ soldiers seemed to understand that the life of their pharaoh depended on keeping their distance.  Ramses himself created the strongest opposition, attempting to throw himself off the speeding chariot as soon as he realized where they were going.  Unfortunately for the frightened pharaoh Larra had tied him to the chariot and he succeeded only in painfully wrenching his arms.


“Please White Hibiscus,” he pleaded.  “Don’t go this way.  It is cursed by the gods.  We will both be destroyed.”


Larra ignored him.  The Forbidden Valley seemed like the perfect escape route; a place where the pharaoh’s army would not dare follow.  For the next hour she endured the pharaoh’s protests in silence, choosing to treat him as if he were not there.  As they neared the entrance to the valley, however, she ordered him to shut up.  She had found through sometimes bitter experience that when a place was considered taboo there was sometimes a good reason for it and she did not want the whining monarch to alert anyone to their presence.


Larra reined in the horses as they approached the entrance to the valley.  It was actually more like a tunnel than a canyon and she was seized with a sense of uneasiness.  She had already blundered into one trap by being too casual and she decided not to take any chances.  Stopping in the shade of the narrow canyon, she stepped off the chariot and moved to the rock face.


“What are you doing?” Ramses screamed at her in blind panic.  “We can’t stop here.  We will be destroyed!”


Larra returned to the quaking pharaoh, her face dark with anger.  She was trying to be stealthy and this idiot was giving away her position to anyone within earshot.  Drawing her dagger she held it to his throat.  “One more outburst and I will leave you here to die.  Now tell me what exactly is dangerous about this place?”


Ramses paled.   Swallowing he explained.  “The valley is the sacred resting place of the Eye of Thoth.  It is guarded by his priesthood.  No one may enter the valley except as a sacrifice to the god.”


“So if I were to leave you here and you were discovered you would be sacrificed?” 


Ramses' brown face turned even more pale.  It had suddenly occurred to him that Larra might abandon him in this place of terrible danger.  “Please White Hibiscus.  Do not leave me here.  I will give you half my kingdom if you let me go.”


“Hmmm,” replied Larra.  “I’m sure that is a promise that can be relied upon.  The thought of offering you as a sacrifice victim is very tempting; almost poetic justice.”


Ramses face showed that he did not understand Larra’s reference, but he did understand her threat to abandon him at the entrance to the Forbidden Valley.  Cringing he tried to go down on his knees.  Larra turned away from him in disgust.  So this was the mighty Son of Ra; the man who had brutally raped and tortured her.  By rights her heart should be filled with thoughts of vengeance, and she had certainly had ruthlessly punished men who had maltreated her before.  Instead, she felt only contempt.  This whining cur was not worth the effort of killing.  She considered letting him take the chariot and return to his kingdom.  She changed her mind, however, when she thought of what would happen when he did.  It would mean that he would be free to continue his brutal treatment of women.  She knew enough about human nature to realize that there was no way of reforming the vindictive and brutal king. 


Taking out her knife she cut him loose.  “I’m going to give you a chance, your majesty.  It is more than you did for me.  You can walk home or you can follow me.  It is only a three or four hour trek across the desert, provided you do not lose your way.”


“If I am forced to go on foot I will die,” protested Ramses.  “No one can cross the desert without water or transport and survive.”


“In that case, follow me.  But I warn you.  If you make any more noise I will cut your throat.”


The determination in Larra’s voice made Ramses step back.  “I will follow you White Hibiscus,” he said meekly. 


“Good.  You can carry the water.” 


Larra unhitched the horses.  She suspected that if there was water in the canyon they would find it.  In the meantime, since she did not know how long she would be away it was best to let them loose.  Then, slinging her array of weapons on her body she began to work her way up the canyon wall. 



Khaemhet sighed.  He was glad to see the last of the trio of strange women, but regretted the lost profits.  They would have fetched a king’s ransom, but the pharaoh’s word was law.  With a final look at their shapely figures he turned away and headed back toward the city. 


“Well,” said Amy, “what now?  Looks like we were too hot to hold.”


“At least he left us some food and water,” said Jia Li.  “We won’t die of thirst.  At least not right away.”


“I think there was some reason for placing us in this particular part of the desert,” commented Katie.  “The slaver could have brought us anywhere, but he dropped us here.  In any case, I think we should find someplace cool.  It has been an exhausting march.”


The other two women nodded.  A short distance away was a narrow cleft in the rocks.  It promised some relief from the scorching sun.   Early that morning Khaemhet had ordered them from the cell where they had been imprisoned.  Then they had been roped together and marched from the Egyptian city.  It had been an arduous trek.  Even though they had left in the cool of the morning the desert heat had reached oppressive levels by the time Khaemhet had released them.  It was all very confusing.  First they had been captured by the Arab slaver and ravished repeatedly.  Then they had been sold to Khaemhet; and finally they had been marched into the desert and abandoned.  Still, it was too far to get back to the Egyptian city that day and Khaemhet had made it very clear that they were not welcome there anyway.  They had little choice but to find someway out of their predicament by themselves.


“I think this canyon goes someplace,” said Jia Li, who had gone off to do some exploring.  Katie and Amy looked at her.  “I followed it for a few hundred feet and it seems to be part of some sort of trail.  Perhaps after we are rested we should see where it goes.”


They ate a little food and drank some of the water.  After their experience in the slave caravan they were careful not to use it all.  There was no guarantee they would find more quickly.   Then they headed off down the canyon. 


One benefit of traveling through the canyon was the fact that they were shaded by its steep walls.  An obvious drawback, however, was that if they were to run into anything or anyone who might be dangerous they had very little room to maneuver.  As a result they moved fairly carefully.


The canyon wound around quite a bit, but it was obvious from the path engraved into its rocky bottom that it had been traveled before.  What concerned the three women was who had traveled it before.  All of them had had quite enough of being raped and tortured and they were not looking forward to running into anyone who might have designs on their bodies. 


An hour of trekking brought them to a section of the canyon where subtle changes became noticeable.  Where before they had been walking through an area devoid of vegetation signs of life began to emerge.  It first took the form of small patches of tough grass, but as they moved deeper into the canyon, small shrubs began to appear.  “Water,” said Jia Li.  “There has to be water close by.”


They went even more slowly now.  Where there was water there were likely to be people and they did not want to repeat the mistake of being captured once more.  A few minutes of creeping noiselessly forward brought a faint sound to their ears. 


“What is that?” queried Amy.  “It’s a sort of roaring sound.”


All three women grouped.  “Let’s go,” said Katie.  Leading the way the heavy-breasted blonde moved up the canyon.


The dull roaring sound increased as they crept forward.  Another minute and it was unmistakable.  “A waterfall,” said Katie.  “But here in the desert?”


The trio rounded a rock outcrop and stopped in wonder.  Thundering across the canyon was a solid sheet of water.  “Incredible,” said Amy.  “But where does the water go?”


The three women stared at the cataract.  Astonishingly it seemed to disappear into the ground.  Cautiously they approached the roaring waterfall, not caring that their robes were soaked by the pounding spray.  After an hour of walking in the desert heat the cooling mist came as a relief.


Venturing to the edge of the falling waters the three women saw that the falls entered a giant cavern and disappeared into the depths of the earth.  It appeared to be the end of the trail.  “How are we going to get around this?” asked Amy. 


“I think we have to go down,” replied Jia Li.  She pointed to where the trail they had been following descended into the cavern. 


“Can we go down there?” Amy asked.


“Someone did,” Katie said.  “I can see a crude handrail along the path.”


“Our only other choice is to go back,” pointed out Jia Li.  “I don’t think we have a choice.”


The other two women nodded.  Neither favoured going back into the desert.  They pulled back from the plunging water and ate the rest of their food.  Since it was mostly a form of bread it would not survive getting wet.  Then, with some misgivings, but believing they had little choice, the trio of beautiful women moved into the cavern.