Title: Red Dragon: Episode 2

Email: Lespion@msn.com


Red Dragon

Episode II Return of the Dragon


Chapter 14 Queen of Darkness


Doria shrieked in rage, her face twisted in hate.  “The master made me first acolyte; you will do as I say.”


The Black Dragon studied the younger woman, her face a cold mask of indifference.  A few paces away Noric watched the encounter with interest.  He had expected this confrontation and now he watched with to see how his newest disciple would react.


Doria bared her fangs.  “I will destroy you unless you obey me,” she threatened.  She raised her hands, the razor claws extended, but the object of her anger simply continued to regard her calmly almost as if she did not exist.


The Black Dragon’s disinterested demeanor was too much for Doria.  With a growl, she extended her arms and a jet of blue fire struck the other woman full in the chest.  Around her the leaves on the trees wilted in the heat and several branches burst into flame, but the fire washed over the Black Dragon like waves breaking around a rock


Finally responding, the Black Dragon raised one hand.  “That was foolish,” she said quietly.  Extending the fingers of her right hand she closed them as if grasping something.  Doria gasped, her throat constricting and then fell to her knees as her breath was cut off.  Struggling violently, she clutched at her throat as if to free herself from the invisible grip that was slowly choking the life out of her.  Her chalk white features darkened, turning a shade of blue and she began to kick her heels frenziedly.  Then the Black Dragon’s hand relaxed leaving Doria panting on the ground. 


The Black Dragon stood over her fallen opponent.  “Who is first?” she asked.


“Y… You are,” Doria gasped. 


The taller woman smiled and turned away.  She would have no more trouble from Noric’s former favourite.



Noric reigned in his horse.  Behind him was his army.  It appeared small, less than five hundred men, but it was the six women arrayed beside him that more than made up the difference.  “Wait here,” he ordered.  He spurred his horse forward across the open ground separating him from the opposing army. 


It was drawn up on a low hill that covered the road leading to Narum.  He guessed that about two thousand warriors barred their way.  The rest were off with Zirhan Khan fighting against Rohvan in the convenient little civil war Noric had been instrumental in creating.  “Divide and conquer,” Noric thought.  It was an old maxim, but it was surprising how accurate it was.  Without the distraction provided by Rohvan, Noric’s small force would have faced at least three thousand more men.  Not that it mattered.  He was now capable of destroying any army opposing him, but he would need men to help him control the country after he took control.  It would be a shame to kill them all; not when they could serve him just as easily as they served Khan or Rohvan.


He halted a few hundred body lengths from the opposing army.  As he had surmised several riders spurred forth to meet him.  He recognized Chan Maroth, King Zirhan’s cousin and second-in-command. 


“What is this, Noric?” Maroth demanded.  “You lead an army against your master?”


“Zirhan Khan was never my master, as well you know,” sneered Noric.  “He was a waterborne thief, a stealer of ships, and despoiler of coastal villages when I met him.  I made him king and now I intend to unmake him.”


“You are a traitor and will die for your, treachery,” one of the other riders shouted.  He drew his sword and moved his horse toward Noric. 


“You are just as stupid as I remember,” Noric said calmly.  “Sheath your sword, Vadim before I burn you where you sit.”


Maroth held out his hand, halting Vadim before he could move any closer.  “You might destroy a few men with your powers, Noric, but you cannot destroy an entire army.  Surrender and I promise you that you will not be killed.”


Noric smiled, almost infuriatingly calm.  “As a matter of fact I can destroy an entire army – or at least your army.  I make you the same offer.  Surrender to me and I will give you a high place in my kingdom.”


“We are wasting time,” Vadim growled.  “Let us just kill him now and get it over with.”


“No,” Maroth replied holding up his hand.  “We will allow him to return to his little army.  Then we will kill him.”


Vadim spat.  “This is a useless waste of time.”


“Nevertheless,” Maroth replied, “he will be allowed to return.”


“I thank you,” Noric replied as he wheeled his horse around.  “I will try to spare your life if possible.”


“Filthy traitor,” Vadim yelled after him.  


Noric smiled to himself as he rode back to the six women.  He reined in front of the Black Dragon.  “It is as I thought.  They will not listen.  We will have to give them a lesson.”


Doria began to move forward, but Noric held up his hand.  “No, my lovely,” he said.  “Let them come to us.”  He turned his horse in the direction of the enemy and watched the ordered formation begin to move across the valley.  He waited until they were almost within shouting distance and then motioned his six acolytes forward.


The six women dismounted, the Black Dragon in front.  The six women formed a triangle with the Black Dragon forming the apex.  The three acolytes at the base placed their hands on the shoulders of the two women in front of them, transferring their power forward.  The next two women did the same, channeling all of their energy into the Black Dragon. 


Melissa raised her arms.  Before her was the enemy of her master.  She could feel magical energy surging into her.  She reached down into herself and let her own join.  The air around her crackled blue and then she extended her arms.  A spear of blue fire shot across the space separating her from the advancing army.  Its effects were horrendous.  Horses, men, armour, and weapons blew skyward, utterly destroyed.  The entire centre of the advancing army simply ceased to exist.  What was left of the army turned almost as one, and fled in panic, some trampling on others in their attempts to escape.


Noric smiled.  “Well that was easy,” he thought.  Tonight he would sleep in Narum Castle.  It would be good to see Princess Vanora and Queen Tersahi again.



Vanora watched from the battlements.  A few hours before the shattered remnants of Zirhan Khan’s army had fled panic-stricken through the town.  A few had stopped to take refuge in the castle, but most had kept on going.  Those she had managed to speak with were almost incoherent.  They spoke of the wrath of the gods striking the earth with thunderbolts and demons burning the earth with blue fire.  Now she waited to see exactly what they were running from.


In the streets of the city a long line of men marched toward the castle.  There had been no soldiers to stop them at the city walls.  The castle was another matter.  Zirhan Khan had left two hundred men to make sure that his queen and his mistress were protected.  There was no way in without a battle.  But Vanora was not sure she wanted rescue by the invaders.  Part of the information she had gleaned was the army that was marching on the city was led by Vehan Noric.  She could expect little in the way of mercy from Zirhan Khan’s wizard.


Two men thundered toward the gate.  Their horses were lathered and ready to drop.  The men were not in much better shape, their clothing burned and tattered and pieces of their armour dented and scratched.  She recognized them at once as Chan Maroth and Sevrim Vadim, two of Khan’s captains and the men in charge of the army that had marched out to deal with Noric’s small army.  She suppressed a smile.  Like most of Zirhan Khan’s men the two were little more than rapacious brutes.  She felt no sympathy for them. 


Dismounting, the two men were admitted through the postern gate.  Immediately they headed for the tower where Vanora stood.  A few minutes later they came puffing up the stairs.


“Your highness,” Maroth nodded, going through the charade of recognizing Vanora as Zirhan Khan’s queen.  She did not reply.  Maroth had distinguished himself by forcing every nubile and attractive young woman in the castle, from chambermaids to the cook’s helpers to serve him sexually.  She hated the man with a passion.  Vadim was not much better, his only virtue being that he was too stupid to be really dangerous, except perhaps to himself.     


Below them a strange procession approached.  Vanora recognized Noric at once but was a bit puzzled about the others until they got a bit closer.  “Doria!” she thought.  And there was Talitha and Sephia, along with Cyran and Alia.  Her ladies-in-waiting had disappeared shortly after Zirhan Khan had seized the castle.  She had hoped that they had escaped, but now saw that they had not.  Even at a distance she could see that they were oddly dressed.  Six women wearing tight black leather outfits was certainly strange.  She stared hard at the sixth woman, but did not recognize her.  The entire group along with Noric halted just within crossbow range of the castle gates.  Along the wall several men readied their missile weapons but did not fire, perhaps fearing that they could not hurt the wizard and might endanger themselves.


Noric spoke.  His voice, magically amplified, reached her easily.  “Greetings your majesty.  Please open the gates.  Zirhan Khan is no longer ruler of Sandor.  I hold the power now and it would be best if you and I spoke quietly rather than shouting at one another across castle walls.”


Before Vanora could answer Vadim spoke.  She would probably not have responded in any case, it being rather undignified to have to shout across a distance equal to a tourney field, but she resented Vadim not giving her the chance to ignore Noric.


“Traitor,” Vadim shouted.  “The only way you will get to this wall will be with your head on a spike.”


Noric said something to the sixth woman.  Dressed in black, like the other women, she rode slowly forward until she had cut the distance between her and the gates in half and then raised her hand.  “Shoot her,” screamed Maroth.  “Shoot her now.”


Several score crossbow bolts whirred through the air.  The tall, statuesque woman moved her fingers slightly and every quarrel burst into flame.  Vanora opened her mouth in astonishment.   The woman looked directly at her and gave her a chill smile.  Then with another slight gesture sent a bolt of blue fire into the castle gates.


There was an explosion that shook the tower.  Although Vanora could not see the gate she knew it was gone.  The smell of burning wood filled the air and a plume of smoke issued from the gate tower.  Without waiting for orders the men guarding the wall deserted their posts.  Vanora found herself alone, watching the backs of Vadim and Maroth as they ran like demons were hot on their heels. 


Noric rode forward, followed by the six women.  Behind them came several hundred other horsemen.  With a sigh Vanora turned and headed for the great hall.  It was time to meet the newest conqueror of her homeland. 



“Uunnghh!” The Black Dragon grunted in the throes of passion.  The demon Noric was deep within her, but now she welcomed the pain, grinding her loins upward in order to fully receive his cruel phallus.  The brutal penetration was excruciating, but the pleasure was worth every scintilla of pain.  She cried as she slowly peaked, an orgasm sending shudders of carnal pleasure through her body.


Noric looked down at the thrashing disciple beneath him.  Her face was contorted in pleasure and pain as he thrust into her.  She was everything that he hoped she would be, strong, magically powerful, and endowed with a sexual energy beyond anyone he had ever enjoyed.  Sprawled on the bed next to him were the exhausted bodies of Doria and Talitha.  He had enjoyed them first, delighting in their screams of agony as he took each of them in turn.  He had saved the Black Dragon for last, knowing that she would easily outlast the others.


He had not been disappointed.  The woman’s body writhed beneath him as he thrust into her, her black-nipples describing perfect circles as her breasts danced in a sexual ballet.  Her breath came in gasps, her body quivering as orgasm after orgasm ripped through her. 


Her tolerance for pain was tremendous.  In spite of the fact that the sheets of the bed were slick with her blood, she responded to each thrust with an upward movement of her loins.  Her legs were locked behind his thighs in an attempt to pull him even deeper within her, in spite of the fact that his mighty shaft had penetrated deep within her womb.  She must have been in indescribable agony at yet she acted as if he was the most gentle and compassionate of lovers. 


He grunted as he felt himself rising to orgasm.  It came with an explosion of power that set off multiple orgasms in his partner.  He spurted deep into her womb.  She wondered if she was receptive to his seed.  A child by this woman would be extraordinary.  Perhaps he would order her to conceive when he no longer needed her so urgently.  However, he still had kingdoms to conquer and until he was undisputed master of his new empire he had need of her in a different capacity.


He pulled out of her, his demon phallus shriveling as he returned to his human form.  He had needed this release.  He had a meeting with Princess Vanora.  She had dropped the title of queen now that she was in longer under Zirhan Khan’s power.  It had not been difficult to get the religious authorities to annul the marriage.  After all, it had clearly been forced.  Now his plans for her could be brought to fruition.



Exhausted, the Black Dragon lazily watched her master leave.  She would feel the effects of her love-making for the rest of the day, but she would recover more quickly that either Doria or Talitha.  The changes the demon had created in her body when he had bound her too him had made her much stronger.  Before she had been enslaved she would not have survived the demon’s attention more than once, but now she welcomed such sessions.  There was no love involved.  That emotion had been stripped from her.  She knew only duty and obedience.  However, each time she coupled with the demon lord it proved her superiority to the other disciples. 


She raised herself onto her elbows and winced.  Her breasts and nipples were badly bruised.  Making love with a demon was not something to be done lightly.  She forced herself to her feet and left the room, ignoring the other sleeping disciples.  Closing the door behind her she entered the living areas of Noric’s suite of rooms and rang the bell.  She would have hot water brought for a bath, and then she would seek her master.  Perhaps he would favour her with more attention.



“No!” Vanora protested, gripping the arms of her chair.  “I will not do it.  I am not a playing piece to be used by men as they see fit.”


“You are what I want you to be,” Noric replied.  “I intend to secure my hold on Sandor, and what better way to do it than through marriage into the royal line.  As a woman it was always your fate to be treated thus.”


Vanora tried to remain calm.  She had been anything but a willing bride to Zirhan Khan, but at least he had been a warrior, albeit a most brutal and savage one, but to be forced to marry his lowborn henchman was completely unacceptable.  However, she had seen what his female servants could do, especially the tall woman Noric called the Black Dragon.  She shivered every time she was in her presence.  There was something indescribably evil about her. 


“My lord,” she said, choosing her words carefully.  “I am a symbol to my people.  It is well known that I was forced into my union with Zirhan Khan and it caused great resentment.  It is one of the reasons why he was faced with such strong opposition.”


As she finished speaking the door to the room opened and the Black Dragon entered.  Vanora shuddered as always when the woman’s dead eyes met hers.


Noric turned in his chair, plainly annoyed.  “I told the guards I was not to be disturbed.”


“Apparently,” the Black Dragon answered, “they did not think you prohibition applied to me.  I was not hindered as I made my way here.” 


“No,” Noric replied musingly, “you would not be stopped.  Sit and await my orders.”


As the woman retreated to a chair, Noric turned back to Vanora.  “I have instructed the holy brothers to make ready for our wedding in one moon.  You will have a proper ceremony before the people, not as it was before.”


Vanora shook her head.  “Please do not force me to do this.  I am not a chattel to be traded from one man to another.”


“You are a woman, and you will do as you are told.  We marry in one moon.  I suggest you devote yourself to preparing for the event.”  Finishing, Noric got to his feet and moved to the door.  “One moon.  Remember princess.  I am not used to being disobeyed.”


Vanora kept her face expressionless and then almost lost her composure as she caught the look of pure hatred directed toward her by the Black Dragon.  She knew without being told that she had made a deadly enemy although exactly what she had done to deserve such enmity she had no idea.  With beating heart she watched the black-clad woman follow her master from the room.



The Black Dragon was coldly furious.  She had thought the demon lord was hers, but now he was planning a public wedding with a mere mortal.  What did her master see in the Sandoran princess?  She was far too frail to survive the wedding night.  Did he intend to turn her as well?  Surely her master was in error.  She gnashed her teeth.  It was not her place to correct her master, but she could correct his mistakes.  There would be no marriage.  She had a simple plan for making sure that in one moon princess Vanora would not be available for the ceremony.



“Mmmmpphh!” Vanora struggled to breathe.  The gag had been stuffed halfway down her throat, blocking off most of her breathing passages.  But that was not her only problem.  Her hands were tied tightly behind her back and her ankles were lashed together. 


She had no idea of the identity of her abductor.  Everything had happened so quickly.  One heartbeat she was sleeping soundly and the next someone was pinning her face down to the mattress.  As she struggled helplessly to escape in the darkness of her bedroom, her face had been shoved down into the pillow and then a length of cloth had been forced into her mouth.  He arms had been pinned to her sides by the person on top of her and then her hands had been wrenched behind her back and securely bound. 


She now bumped along on the back of a horse, slung over the horse’s back so that her head hung down on one side and her feet on the other.  A rope had been looped under her arms and beneath the horse and tied to her ankles on the other side.  She had no idea where she was, but knew that she had been traveling for most of the night.  She could sense a lightening of the darkness as dawn approached.  Where she was being taken or who had kidnapped her she had no idea, but feared the worst. 


She had just one hope.  So far she had been kept alive.  It would have been easy to have killed her at any stage of the abduction so she supposed that her kidnapper intended to hold her for ransom.  It was the only motive that made sense. 


A sudden change in the motion of the horse caused her to tense up.  Her abductor had halted.  Looking ahead she could see a faint flickering glow as of a campfire.  Then the horses moved forward again, riding into the firelight.  The sound of men’s voices reached her ears.  The accent was strange.  It was in her language, but in a dialect she had not heard before.


“Ye brought the princess?”  There was no answer.  Instead her abductor dismounted and moved to Vanora’s horse.  She felt the rope holding her in place being removed and then her ankles were untied and she was pulled from the horse and placed on her feet.  She swayed unsteadily as the blood rushed back into her feet.  She could see now that she was in some sort of encampment.  Several wagons were parked close to a fire and a dozen or so men were standing about it, all of them looking in her direction. 


“Ah, I see that ye did.  Don’t worry; we’ll take good care of her.”  The man moved forward, his feet crunching as he moved across the ground. 


Vanora could see him clearly now.  He was dressed in tan trousers, black boots, and an open leather vest that revealed a barrel chest.  He was bareheaded and wore gold earrings in both ears.  Of her captor she could see nothing as she was held from behind in a grip so strong that she could not turn.  As the eyes of the men in the camp swept over her she remembered that she was clothed only in her filmy nightdress, he body barely concealed. 


The person holding her pushed her forward and then released her.  Vanora half turned and for the first time got a glimpse of her abductor.  It didn’t do her much good.  The tall figure wore a hood and black cloak that concealed most of the abductor’s head and body. 


Several men moved toward them and then they suddenly halted.  Expressions of fear flickered across their faces and several of them took a step back while others placed their hands on the hilts of knives and swords.  After a long pause the man wearing the vest moved slowly forward.  He took Vanora’s arm.  “We’ll deal with her as agreed,” he said. 


Her abductor did not reply, but Vanora detected a slight inclination of the head.  There was a sudden movement of its arm and a heavy leather bag thudded to the ground.  There was a distinct clink as it hit.  Then without further comment or action the dark figure mounted its horse, and leading the other one behind it, rode silently off into what remained of the night.  Her heart filled with dread, Vanora watched the rider disappear, and then her new captor took her arm and led her toward the fire.  “Come with me, princess it’s time we got better acquainted.”



The Black Dragon allowed a smile to play about her lips as she rode away from the Rover camp.  The camp’s inhabitants were little better than thieves.  She had no doubt that they would enjoy looking after the princess.  More importantly, they would keep the fact that they had her a secret.  The way was now clear.  There would be no more talk of the princess becoming Noric’s queen.  That was a place reserved for someone far more suitable.  Soon the Black Dragon would be queen of Sandor.  Her power would be unrivaled.  She and her demon lord would rule over all they desired. 



Vanora was dragged into the centre of the camp.  “Untie her,” the Rover leader ordered.  “I don’t think she will be stupid enough to try to escape.” 


Vanora gasped for air as the gag was untied.  She rubbed her sore wrists.  “Why am I here?” she demanded.  “What do you want of me?”


The Rover leader chuckled, his eyes boldly devouring her body.  “I think that should be obvious, princess.”  He licked his lips. 


“You kidnapped me just to violate me?” Vanora asked.  Her gusts twisted in fear, but she kept up a bold façade.  It was her only hope of escape.  “You could have taken any woman, why me?  I will be looked for.  Is it ransom you want?  Release me now and I will see that you are well paid.”


“You ask a great many questions, princess,” the Rover chief responded.  I see no reason to answer any of them.  As for your offer of ransom we have already been paid.”  He held up the heavy bag.  “But it is not to release you, but to keep you.”


“Keep me?” Vanora asked, realization of her fate suddenly dawning upon her. 


“To do with as we wish, princess,” the Rover leader added.  “And since you are not a virgin it will not decrease your value if we enjoy you before transporting you to the slave traders at Chandor.”


“No,” said Vanora taking a step backward.  To be threatened with rape again after her brutal treatment by Zirhan Khan terrified her.  And this time it would be a gang rape by every member of the outlaw band.


“Please,” she begged.  “I am a princess.  I can pay you double whatever you have already been offered if you let me go.”


“A tempting offer,” the bandit chief answered.  “But I would as soon spit in the eye of a dragon as go against the one who brought you here.  I will settle for what I can get without risking my skin.”


“You risk more than your skin,” Vanora threatened.  It seemed her situation was helpless.  Already her captors were moving toward her.  She was surrounded by bandits.  “If I am harmed you will be punished.”  She turned in a circle, and saw a sea of faces.  “Please no.  Do not do this.”


Her voice broke as the Rover chief reached for her.  In a desperate move she snatched at the dagger that was at his belt, thinking to plunge it into her bosom, but the bandit caught her wrist.  “We’ll have none of that,” he smirked.  “Not until we’ve had a bit of fun with you first.”


Hands caught at her arms, preventing further movement.  The bandit chief reached out and undid the tie holding her thin sleeping shift on her left shoulder.  The robe parted, baring her shapely shoulder to her breast.


“You dare to touch me!” Vanora raged, still keeping up the pretext of her royal dignity. 


The Rover chief laughed as he reached for the ties on her other shoulder.  Vanora spat in his face.  The Rover’s face darkened, but he made no effort to strike her.  “You’ve got the spirit of a princess I see,” he mused.  “I was planning on being gentle with you, but now you’ve changed my mind.”  He released the tie and Vanora’s nightdress dropped to the ground, revealing the naked glory of her body.


“Hold her,” the bandit chief ordered. 


“Filth!” Vanora shouted.  Then grunted as her arms were pulled over her head and her body stretched tight.  She was pulled out horizontally, and bent over a saddle that had been placed on a tree stump. As she bucked like a filly, the bandit chief moved between her legs.  She tried to kick him, but he had already parted her thighs and while she thrashed helplessly, he untied his pants and pulled out his manhood. 


“No, no nooo!” Vanora screamed.  She arched her back and twisted her body violently, but the Rover gripped her hips and drove into her.  She screamed in rage and pain as he penetrated her.  It was nowhere as bad as the first time she had been raped, but the crowd of men surrounding her added a dimension of horror that had not been there the first time.  She faced rape by at least a dozen men and was close to fainting in fear.


The Rover thrust viciously into her, his hands clamping hard on her firm breasts.  Vanora gasped in agony, and then shrieked as the men holding her ankles pulled on them, driving the bandit chief deep within her.  Her body convulsed, her firm but pliant breasts bouncing as her body shuddered under the bandit’s brutal impact.  She screamed again, her voice echoing through the dark, silent forest.



“What was that?” Che Sha said.  She sat up, pushing aside her blanket. 


“A scream,” answered Vayasha.  “And not too far away.”


“A woman’s scream,” Shasara added.  She was already standing, and had slung her bow and quiver over her shoulders.  The Silvani ranger had become less withdrawn in the last few days, but had not returned to her old self.  Now her face was set in the same vengeful mask she had assumed when they had killed the pirate crew.  Without a word the other two women joined her, strapping on their gear and then moving off together toward the sound of the screams.


The screams increased in frequency as they neared their source, but the three women were careful not to blunder into a trap.  As much as they would have liked to dash off at full speed they all knew that there was little point in interrupting whatever was going on if they were captured themselves. 


The woman’s protests were now mixed with sobs.  It was plain that the invisible woman was undergoing some brutal ordeal.  Just how brutal they did not know until they reached the edge of a clearing.  They had circled around the camp so that they approached from high ground.  Below them was a scene that filled each of them with rage. 


A young woman was spread-eagled in the midst of over a dozen men.  She was being brutally raped by one of them while the others around her grabbed at her body, squeezing and pinching her well-rounded thighs, arms, and breasts.  In spite of the overwhelming odds, she was fighting desperately as her principle assailant hammered ruthlessly into her.  Without a word each of the women drew their weapons.


An arrow took the rapist rights between the shoulder blades.  Another took out the man holding the victim’s wrists.  The men dropped but before they hit the ground two more arrows found their mark and then Che Sha was among them, her serpent’s teeth cleaving a bloody swathe through the remaining men.  It was all over in seconds.  Those men that Che Sha did not kill, Shasara and Vayasha pinned with their arrows.  Not a man escaped. 


Che Sha took a quick look around to make sure that there were no other men hiding close by then she went to the sobbing victim.  Shasara and Vayasha were already there, the former holding the woman in her arms and the latter pulling a blanket over her naked body. 


The woman stifled her sobs and then to the amazement of the other three women she apologized.  “I’m sorry for my weakness,” she gasped, her voice breaking as she spoke.  “It’s just that…”  She broke off, unable to finish.


“There is no need to feel shame,” said Che Sha.  “You fought bravely against brutal assailants.”


The woman began to weep again.  Shasara held her close, her own eyes filled with tears.  Vayasha built up the fire while Che Sha dragged the corpse of the slain bandits off to one side. 


A short while later both women had the camp in some semblance of order.  Che Sha brewed tea and presented it to the dark-haired woman they had rescued.  From somewhere in the camp Vayasha had found some men’s clothing that was reasonably clean for the woman to wear.  As she sipped her tea, she told her story. 



“The Black Dragon?” Che Sha said, leaning forward.  “Describe her to me.”


Vanora tried her best.  She had only seen the strange woman on three occasions, but her lifeless black eyes, pale flesh, and cold, impersonal countenance were burned into her. 


“Could it be Sha Zhu?” Che Sha mused aloud. 


Vayasha shook her head uncertainly.  “The description fits up to a point.  Could it be that she has been enchanted by the wizard?”


“My handmaidens were corrupted by Noric’s dark magic,” Vanora interjected.  “They are not the gay and carefree young women that were once my companions.  Perhaps your companion was similarly perverted.”


Shasara regarded Vanora while pretending to care for the fire.  The princess seemed to have made a remarkable recovery from her hideous ordeal.  And if her story was to be believed she had suffered similarly at the hands of the Sea Warriors.  Shasara’s own ordeal in the hold of the pirate ship suddenly seemed rather trifling.  Incredibly, she felt a strange sense of guilt over her own reaction to her double rape.  She realized that horrible as her ordeal had been at the time, she had suffered no worse than the princess, and quite possibly less.  And then there was the matter of Che Sha.  The Shang princess had said very little about what had happened to her, but it was clear that she had held something back when telling her tale. 


“I have suffered,” she thought, “but others have endured the same fate and recovered.”  She set her jaw.  She was no longer a maiden, but that was no reason not to act like a woman.  Slowly she got to her feet.  “Sleep now,” she said to her companions.  “I will stand guard.  We will rest until noon and then we will seek Sha Zhu.”


Vayasha nodded agreement, her face luminous.  Her sister was back.  Now they just had to find the Red Dragon.



The Black Dragon bowed before her master, touching her head to the floor.  “Forgive me, my lord,” she pleaded.  “I have failed you.”


Noric looked at the bloody piece of cloth the Black Dragon had presented to him.  “This was all you could find?”


“I followed her trail into the mountains, my lord until I found her horse.  It had been savagely mauled by wolves.  This was all I was able to find of her.”


Noric cursed.  “This will make my claim to the throne more difficult.  But there is still the queen.”


“The queen, my lord?” the Black Dragon asked, raising her head from the floor.


“Queen Tersahi is still a young woman.  She is still capable of conceiving.”


“My lord, such women are beneath you.  You need a queen who will compliment your power.” 


Noric studied the Black Dragon as she rose to her feet.  “Take me my lord.  I am fertile.  I will provide you with the heir you desire.  Together we will conquer the world.  No one will be able to stand before us.”  She tugged at her leather vest, baring her breasts.  “Take me my lord, tonight I will give you a child.”


Noric felt his member stir.  “Yes,” he said.  He took the woman’s proud breasts in his hands.  “Yes,” he repeated.  “Tonight I will truly make you my queen.”